After Sonic and Lilac's love together, they finally arrived at the Throndykes, only to notice that Amy was missing. Months have past and not a single word has spread from the girl.

Sonic finally returns after a few hours of searching Amy. "Any luck?" Asked Lilac. Sonic shook his head left and right. "Where can she be? It's been months now!" Sonic shook his head, "I'm not sure... Why is that...?" Milla kept her mouth quiet for such a long time since the last time she saw Amy. The little girl sadly couldn't handle the pressure and decided to talk. "AMY... she left because..."

Later, Sonic thought of an idea, "How about going to the X-Tornado? It might be easier for us to find her in full view. There's no time to waste." The blue Hedgehog rushes to the ship. As Sonic, Knuckles and Lilac jump on top of the X-Tornado, Tails Milla and Carol get inside the plane and buckle up. "Let's go find Amy!" As Tails pulls the lever, they fly off. "Make sure to take a look out."

At the underground lair...

The "Democracy" was checking on its surveillance to see if their was an intruder. "Have you gotten an invincible machine?"

"No sir.." Said the EggRobo servant.

"Very well... Find it at all cost.."

"Yes master."


It was clear that the surveillance has caught something on screen. "What's this?" It would appear it was the heroes on the X-Tornado. "Is that hedgehog again!"

"What should we do Master?"

"Eliminate them at all costs. Those fools, including that hedgehog, will ruin my plan for bringing all humans into extinction! Erase them."

"As you wish, Master.."

One of the EggRobo's activates a switch, launching multiple missiles at one towards the heroes. "Hey.. What's that?" asked Lilac. "Oh no... We got company!" Everyone panicked as the missiles were zooming towards them. "Aaah! Watch out!" Warns Tails as he turns the plane left and right to dodge the missiles. "Woah!" Sonic grabs the bottom as he holds Lilac onto him. "Hold on!" As the dragon hugs the hedgehog closer, the plane twists around to not get hit.. "Woaaaahhhh!" Just as Knuckles holds his stance, he grabs a missile and throws it to the other.

"Alright Knux!" cheered Sonic.

"Good job Knux!"

"Tails! Look out!" The plane was hit by a missile and as of that, Tails has lost control of it. "Noo!" Sonic comes to the window and knocks the door. "Guys! Use the eject!" As Tails opens the window, Milla and Carol successfully blast off with a parachute. Tails tried to do the same, but he was stuck, "Oh no! I'm stuck!" Meanwhile at the air while the heroes are flying, Knuckles glides himself. Sonic and Lilac however, were falling in high speed. "AHHHH!" Lilac suddenly had her arm grabbed by the blue blur, "Lilac! Can you do a Tornado move?"

"You mean my Cyclone? Yeah!" as soon as Lilac uses Cyclone, Sonic uses his new 'tornado' move and holds Lilac's hand as they spin to make a huge wind of Tornado to stop and fall slower. As as everyone finally landed on the ground, Tails's plane couldn't stop no matter how much he tried. "Stop!" As they get close to a huge boulder, the plane CRASHES on the boulder, seriously injuring the fox himself as he falls unconscious. "Tails!" Everyone were shocked as they run to where he is. However, Milla was the one going much faster than the others since she loves Tails deeply. The plane suddenly catches on fire and Milla tried to take Tails out. "TAILS!" A voice was heard as the powerful echidna uses his fists to punch through the plane and it breaks to pieces as it freed Tails out of the cramped seat. The little hound carries the two tailed fox to the ground softly and cries for his safety, "TAILS! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" As Sonic arrived, he checks on Tails's chest to check his safety. "Phew... He's still alive... But he's still pretty injured."

"Huh?" Knuckles felt something. "Is that... Oh no... Guys! We gotta go! Now! It's gonna rain!" Said Sonic, "Crap... But where? We can't carry Tails since he's injured"

"Good point.. Give me a sec!" Knuckles uses his fist and claws to dig a hole on a hill, and creates a shelter. "Here it is guys! A shelter!" As Carol saw the whole thing, she was gazed, "Hah… my knucklehead~" she clearly whispered so no one or Knuckles can hear. As everyone gets in, Sonic brings a lamp that survived the crash of the plane, and Knuckles brings a huge boxes of Lunches from Ella, Chris's maid. Carol packs up the wood to make a fire. She looks outside, "DAMN! That rainstorm is getting VERY bad!"

"I know what you mean. Man it's cold the wind keeps getting in." Said Sonic. "Leave it to me!" Carol packs up a few wood and in a matter of seconds, she made wall with a door on the hole. Everyone were amazed by her amazing skills. "WOW! That was quick!" Said Sonic as he was quite shocked. "That's Carol for you!" As everyone was eating, Lilac hands down prepared sushi to Milla, "Want some Milla?" There was no response as Milla was looking at Tails, supervising him. Lilac, "Sigh..." Sonic looks at the dog, "Poor girl..." Carol comes to the heroes, "Guys... Bad news..." Carol told something that shock everyone. "Wait do you mean?!"


Tails's eyes were wide by shock. The blue hedgehog was tired of raising his voice as he tries to catch his breath, "Huff...huff...huff..."

"Wha- what did you just say...?"

"Don't make me repeat myself, I told you the X-Tornado is gone. Destroyed." Everyone was silent. All but raindrops can be heard around the heroes. Tails couldn't believe his eyes , he felt like this is a lie, or a prank. "Y-YOU'RE LYING!" Before Tails said anything else, Sonic throws a piece of the plane's metal at Tails to prove his point. "That what I could get before it exploded."

"Oh no..."

Hours of Arguing have passed and it's already dark...

Everyone was silent after what just happened and Lilac tries to convince Sonic laying down on the ground, "What the heck is wrong with you?! Tails was just worked up after everything went too fast that's all! There's no way to fight your best friend even when he's hurt. Talk about this so you'll realize how silly this is"

"It's too late now.. Tails has gone way too far and we can't go back"

"Yes we can! Come on! Please just apologize, that's all"

"Like I said... There's no turning back..."

"Why not?!"

"...Tails is willing to risk his life to fight me. He more than just angry. Besides, if the argument was as cheesy, we wouldn't be here in the first place... Tails wants me to fight. So be it. That's all I have to say.. So good night.."


Knuckles and Carol were having an argument until the dragon herself gets between to stop the fight. "Both of you, be quiet!" The echidna and the wildcat flinch. Lilac's eyes were filled with tears. There's been enough fighting already... It's over..."

"Sorry..." Both apologized. "Whatever... huh?" Lilac barely said anything before little Milla comes by the door. "Milla! There you are! Is he okay..?" Milla didn't say anything at all. Not a word. "Milla?" Asked the worried dragon. "I went to heal his wounds so he should have enough to eat.. But... He didn't want any and... *sniff* he said he doesn't love me anymore... So I left..." Milla curls up and cries as Lilac tries to confront her. "Milla calm down.. I'm sure he still loves you. It's just that he wants to be alone for a while. That's all" Lilac sighs as she stares at the ceiling. "Just this morning we were all so happy... But now look what happened... We lost Tails... Amy is missing... It's like... Our friendship is falling apart..."

10:00 pm at Night.

"It's 10 o'clock.. Tails is coming..."

The hedgehog was standing on an open field with his arms folded to each other, waiting for his opponent to appear. Gust of wind blow over the ashes, tears flee as the soar over the sky, and sorrow was trampling the hearts of the Avalice heroes. Suddenly, footsteps can be heard from far distance. Without a single thought, the fox finally appears.

Lilac notices, "Is that?"

"PLEASE DON'T FIGHT!" Milla cries

Gusts of wind blows around the heroes. The two look at each other with eyes pure with rage and hatred, waiting for the other to attack. But they still see the same memory with each other. Sonic opens his arms and grips his fists, ready to fight, "So you didn't lose your nerves after all... No matter how this battle ends, you won't regret it.. This is exactly what you asked for!" Tails replies, "That's perfect... Don't go easy on me... I won't be a coward this time.. In fact, I already figured a way to destroy you!"

7 Years... Into the future...

A young teen gained a memory. "Crap... That same memory again. Is my fight with Sonic the ONLY thing I can remember...?" The world was filled with despair and sorrow. Buildings have been tormented to pieces and the city was on fire. Destruction has fallen, evil has won, humanity has fallen, and what happened to our main heroes? Suddenly out of nowhere, the yellow teen with a sword was running across the city as fast as he could, doing his best to avoid the villain they called, "The Dark One"

"Huff... Huff.. Huff... Huff... Huff..." The teen uses his energy to run as fast as he could, while the "Dark One" was pursuing him at the moment. After realizing he was being followed, the teen hides behind a boulder to hide himself in the ashes. He breaths as he could to catch air after running so much. "..." The Dark One flies up to the open sky above, and starts to aim. It shoots multiple energy blasts towards building by building to destroy and eliminate humanity, and find the one he's looking for. Explosion by explosion, the teen mobian watches from below behind a broken wall piece, gripping his fists in anger on how cold and heartless the Dark One is. As the Dark One flies away, realizing that the mobian is not present, the mobian rushes his way to another location, avoiding contact at all cost. "Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff..."

Arriving at a building, the mobian enters a door secretly hidden under the boulders and uses an elevator to reach to lower levels of ground. The mobian was catching as much air as he could after all the running. "That was close... Huff... Huff..." The yellow figure enters a secret lair underneath the caves. It was filled with computers and very advanced technology. "I'm back Carol!" Carol, finally a 19 year old, comes to the mobian as she was wearing a scientist jacket. The wildcat has grown to be a fine adult, as she grew much taller than expected. "Are you alright? That's was crazy of you!" The mobian scratches the back of his head, "Sorry Carol... I was checking to see if there's any people left to save"

"I know.. But you should be careful.. Okay Tails?"

"Yeah I will. So anyway Carol. How's the Nuclear Chaotic Energy?" The fox asked. "We'll, we managed to get half of it." Carol picks up a capsule with a liquid that hold amazing power. "Wait.. You only had time to get HALF of the whole capsule in 2 years?!" "That's right. Remember Tails... You are our last hope... Our fate depends on you.." The wildcat holds the fox's hands. "Promise me this.. Tell our young selves to change the future! It doesn't matter if it takes to long or if they attack you, just promise me you'll try to convince them!" A tear falls from her eyes as Tails looks at her eyes with determination. "Understood"

"Now, you gotta find the time machine back at Chris's house alright? Use the energy wisely and take Milla and Lilac with you to help you out! I believe in you." She come close to the fox and gives him a hug. "Promise me to bring back Sonic and *sniff* please bring back my Knucklehead.. Okay? We need them alive.."

"Right.. I'll keep my word."

A sudden explosion was caused over the ground. And as of that, the whole cave was falling boulders, destroying everything underneath. "CAROL, LOOK OUT!" Tails suddenly grabs Carol and jumps to the side. The fox suddenly felt the capsule of energy hitting on his chest.

"Tails! Take this! Don't let the energy go to waste!" Carol gives the capsule to Tails before another explosion occurs, pushing Tails to the wall on force. "Gaaaaah!" As he stands up, the Dark One was within the shadows with glowing red eyes. Carol was grabbed by her shirt and couldn't move since the Dark One was too strong.

"Carol!" As Tails tries to come close, Carol immediately stops him. "Go! Hurry!" Carol tries her best but couldn't budge. "Tails... Hurry and save the future... Ack.. You our only hope... Gh... Take care of Milla... For me... I'm counting on you..."


The Dark One aims his arm at the fox wonder to assassinate him. However Tails was lucky enough to escape the blast as he was thrown away by the impact wind to the ground from far distance. "Ghhh!" As he stands up, his eyes were wide open as he sees the explosion. Inside the explosion, Tails sees his great friend Carol... Disintegrated into ashes and dust. The fox was left with no words of what horror he experienced and instead of waiting for death to arrive, he immediately leaves the field with the Energy Capsule in his hands to escape. "Carol... I promise... Your death won't be in vain... Huff.. Huff... I will... I will save the future!"

Minutes Later, Tails suddenly arrives to a forest as he runs fast enough to reach. Arriving at his destination, the fox looks around only to find a metal door hidden beneath a tree trunk. "A passageway..." The fox enters immediately and slides down to a tunnel. As he slides all the way down, Tails gets to his feet, surprising two more characters. "Tails!" A purple female comes closer to him as another was a white canine with orange hair. Names you ask? Lilac and Milla. "Tails! You ok?" said Milla as he approached him. "Yeah. I'm fine"

"You should be careful Tails. You could have been hurt... I lost my love Sonic and our friend Knuckles... and I don't want to lose you too, okay?" Lilac hugs the fox. Before anything else, Lilac asked, "Hey.. Where's Carol? I thought she would be with you?" Tails was silent, he felt guilty for not protecting her. "Carol... She's.."

"She's what?"

"...she's been killed..." The fox hides his face as Lilac's eyes were beginning to water. As she collapse, she cries in tears. "No... Carol... *sob* That's it... Dark One is gonna pay..." Tails immediately stops her before she had a chance to run. "Stop! You'll be killed!"

"I don't care! Carol... " the female dragon falls on her knees again.

Minutes Later..

The three were discussing about the new project Carol made before she passed away while the fox demonstrates the liquid. "This is the Energy were are gonna use to go to the past. But we need to avoid the Dark One. All have to do is travel back to Chris's house while avoiding contact and use the Time Machine that Chris put his life to save us." The dragon was looking at the ground for some reason, given the fact that most of their friends are getting killed one after another. "You know... I just wondered how this all happened... " Tails grips his hands, looks at the floor with blurry eyes, wondering of what he done, "I wonder if this was all my fault... Sonic never deserved anything like this... His death I mean..." A warm hand places at his hand gently, "Tails! Stop! It's not your fault!" It was Milla, worried about the fox. "It's not your fault Tails... Sonic and Knuckles went on his own and this is how it happened.. " She gives a warm kiss on Tails's lips to calm him down. "We WILL change the future. Ok?"

"Of course", the two give a very gentle hug as Lilac explains the plan, "Okay you two, here's the plan, we must first go hide behind the corners of the destroyed buildings. And make sure to stay quiet... Then, we know the Dark One will try to find us in these areas" She points at a map, she puts her finger between two squares showing two block buildings, "He will try to track us by uses his power energy senses so we must be secure and not use any attack related to energy. Understand? One bad move will be the end for us all..."

The two shook their heads. As Lilac stands up, she prepares her gloves and her boots as she opened the door. "Let's go." The dragon ran quickly to each shadow to uncover her body from sight. Tails and Milla did the same as they try to hide within the shade. Lilac as she sees the duo, she points her fingers as a sign to onward. As commanded, the two duo ran as fast as they could without the help of special energy. Sooner or later, the Dark One arrived. As Milla went to the wrong way where the Dark One is without noticing, Tails pulled her back behind the pillar of a concrete bridge, instantly making Milla squeal.


The Dark One heard. As it went to see where the sound was, The Dark One turned around. But there was no one on sight. And as of that, the Dark One left without wait. As for the heroes, Tails was on undertop of the concrete bridge, holding Milla.

"Tails.. You are touching my-" Milla whispers as she was instantly blushing. As for Tails, he realizes his full hand was touching the super pup's new grown bust. "Sorry Milla.." He lets go. Looking from the top view, they see the Dark One finally leaving.

"That was a close one!" Tails whispered.

Suddenly, something was touching Milla's leg. "Uh..." As she looks down, her eyes widen that a tarantula was crawling to through her legs. She suddenly starts breathing heavily. "Is something wrong?" Tails asked. "Nothing... It's nothing..." She was completely sweating. Although she did live in the forest for her life, didn't mean she lost fear in bugs. She was very stunned, her breathing was very heavy and was complete shaking. "Uh... Uh..." The tarantula was crawling even more higher. Milla was about to cry even though she's a grown women. Soon after the tarantula crawling to a specific spot where Milla couldn't take it anymore, she screamed so loud, she used her shields and beams to kill the bug. "Get it off of me!" She successfully completed killing the bug. But don't they know about their plan? The Dark One clearly sensed a power level and used a boost to blast towards where the beam was unleashed. Tails sensed a powerful being incoming, "Shit! Its coming!" He grabs Milla and runs as fast as he can. "What happened?!" Asked Lilac. Tails responded, "He's coming!"

"What about the plan?!"

"It failed! Milla screamed loudly and because of that, The Dark One heard us and is coming here!" As Tails puts Milla down, the Dark One appeared, making the remaining heroes back away in fear. However, Lilac steps forward. "You guys go! I'll handle it from here!"

"Lilac! I don't want to! I wanna fight along side!" The basset hound cried. Lilac shook her head to make a sign only Tails can read, and thus, the fox grabs the white puppy with him.

"No! Let me go Tails!"

"..." Tails closes his eyes in anger for what he's doing. As for Lilac, she was buying time for the duo to run away. "Alright... you monster... I wanted to get back to you for murdering my love... And my best friend!" The dragon uses a Dragon Boost to match towards the Dark One. As for the villain, it dodges the attack. "Cyclone!" Lilac uses many cyclones to attack the enemy. However none of her attacks were vulnerable. The Dark One grabs her arm and slams her on the ground. "Gahh!" As she was pain, Lilac grabs the Dark One's head by her boots and throws it to far distance.

The building that the Dark One was slammed to was destroyed in pieces. Lilac stood her ground ready to fight. "Huff... Huff... Huff..." The villain walks towards her as if nothing happened. Lilac walks in serious injury, "You want some more? Bring it.. On!" Lilac uses yet another dragon boost to blast to the villain. The Dark One however uses another explosion eliminate her. The dragon was thrown into the air and she falls on the ground hard. The two duo notice her falling on the ground and when in came to realization, Milla runs for her best friend, "Lilac!"

The two canines check on Lilac only to notice that her injuries have gotten far worse. Lilac's eyes were filled with tears, "Finally... I'll get to be where Sonic is... Tails.. Milla... Please be safe... Do whatever it takes to save the planet... I love you both..." The words have been spreaded as her beautiful yet tearful eyes shut down slowly. Milla shakes very intensely, "You monster!" She runs towards the Dark One and attacks full on. Ignoring her love's warning, the super dog uses her beams to shoot towards the monster, not until it dodges in fast speeds and deflects it. Milla was traumatized and her body was as frozen as ice.

"Die!" The first word was spoken by the Dark One as it comes towards Milla. Her eyes were wide as it turns to tears. "Milla!" The fox wonder jumps and grabs Milla to push her away from the attack. However, Tails was severely injured. "Milla... R-run..."

Milla was guilty for such actions she caused. She couldn't stop crying for what she done. "Tails..." She gives a warm hug to him. The Dark One walks slowly towards them and aims at the two. "I let you live long enough..." Milla looks at Tails and wondered something. She had an idea. "Tails! Hold me!" Milla immediately holds Tails with all the strength she had and runs while she charges her Shield Burst at maximum power. "Hold on Tails!"

"But Milla! You'll waste all your energy!" Tails warns her. "Then we should at least try!" Milla's Shield Burst was fully charged. She aims at the ground. "Hold on!" She successfully used her Shield Burst at maximum power. As she finishes, the two was thrown to the sky far distance. The view of the ground was bigger than the two ever imagined. As for Tails, he uses his tails as propellers to help them arrive at Chris's house. "Just a little more..."

They finally arrived on Chris's house... Destroyed house. Tails uses his strength to slam the walls with his fists. The wall was destroyed and what's left inside was a Time Machine. "There it is... " Tails carries the Nucleic Energy and stores it inside the machine's power source. "That will make it running..." The fox suddenly spots the super pup on the ground. "MILLA!" As he picks her up, he realizes she already wasted her energy. "Milla... Hold me.."

Tails with Milla on his back, carries her to the time machine. "There. Rest there okay..?" Sitting and activating the machine, he pulls the lever to travel to time and used Time Warping. "GOOOOOO!" After that, the machine disappeared in a flash. Everything In sight was colorful green and purple. Tails however couldn't feel his body. "Ugh... My body.. I... Can't..." As he falls on the ground, the machine travels back in time via Auto-Pilot.

"I will... Save everyone..."

Present Time

After the events of Sonic and Tails's fight, the heroes finally arrived to Chris's house during midnight. Chris comes in and was relieved they were alright. "Guys! I'm glad you are okay. What happened?" Sonic walks past him without saying a word. Lilac, Carol and Milla were seen with tears in their eyes.

"What's going? Why are the girls crying? Where's Tails?"

Milla couldn't take it and runs into her room, crying harshly. Knuckles puts his hand on Chris's shoulder. "it's best if we don't talk about it.."

Sonic was on top of the roof, looking at the stars, wondering how it all happened so quickly. "Sigh..." Lilac, of course appears next to him. "Sonic?"

"Hey Lilac..."

"Are you okay...?"

Sonic turns his head away, "That's a question that not even I can answer..."

Lilac places her hand on Sonic's, "Please Sonic... We gotta solve this... There's still a chance.." Sonic refused to listen to her. However, Lilac slaps his face to make him listen, "What's more important?! Pride or Friendship?! You and Tails were best friends for a very long time! How could you do this?!"

Sonic couldn't take it and pushes Lilac to the ground on force. BAM! "I get it, okay?! But Tails chosen this way not me! I wanted to decline it! I never wanted this to happen! But Tails wouldn't listen! UNDERSTAND?!"

Lilac's eyes were falling tears and Sonic stopped his actions. "I-I-I'm sorry... I'm just... Stressed.." Feeling guilty for what he done, he holds Lilac and pushes get head on his chest slowly as he lays down on the roof. "I don't know what to do anymore... But find the chaos emeralds to get you home."

Lilac's eyes were wide and her heart was pumping as fast as her speed. "Wait... If I get back to Avalice, I'll never get to see you ever again.."

"It's best. You and the girls were pulled into this unnecessary drama and I don't want you to be part of it. It's my issues, not yours."

"But I'm your sweetheart Sonic.. I love you and I don't want you to do these alone. You suffered alone. I want to help.." She hugs him as tight as she could.

"It was a mistake for you to be sent to this planet. You suffered more than you can handle."

"It wasn't just a mistake.. " She places her hand on his chest. "It was fate..."

"But, do you think your planet would survive without you?"

Our water dragon couldn't counter attack that question. She was left speechless and started crying. However, she did say, "I don't care about the world! You ARE my world.."

"Lilac... listen... This isn't you. Your people need you. You are the savior of the Kingdom. I'm sorry Lilac but... We can't be together forever... I'm sorry... We can at least enjoy some of our time together.. For now..."

The dragon's eyes were filled with more tears and bawls over Sonic's chest while Sonic comforts her as much as he could. "I'm sorry Lilac..."

Next Day...

An explosion or earthquake has woken up the heroes. Sonic however looks down to see what's going on. "What the heck..?" As he jumps up, Lilac suddenly wakes up, "what's going on...?"

Everyone gets off of the house only to see a big machine, landed in the garden. They were very surprised, realizing that they never seen a machine anything like it. "Wow..." That's all that they could say. The heroes jump as the window opens automatically. They waited for seconds and no one comes on.

"I'll check out who's in there.." Sonic uses his homing attack to arrive at the top of the machine, "Guys! It's a dude and a girl. But they... Look very familiar.." Sonic picks up the fox while Lilac carries the girl, "It doesn't matter, they need treatment."


The future fox and the hound were put to bed to rest and one of them wakes up. "Hmmm..." The fox suddenly sits up and looks around. "W-where am I...?"

"Welcome to Earth" Lilac appears next to him. The fox was surprised, "I finally arrived..."

Milla and Carol stare at him, "Are you ok..?" The future fox eye's were wide open to see his friends again.. In child form. "Y-yeah..."

As Future Tails looks around, a voice made his ears perk, "I'm glad you are okay" One sight future Tails saw that someone, his visions were changed to the Dark One. "*GASP!*" His eyes turn fire in burning hatred and runs towards Sonic. Future Tails lands a hit on Sonic only for him to grab his fist. "GRRR! I'LL... I'LL KILL YOU!" Sonic couldn't understand what was going on. "Hey! Settle down!" Before the situation could go worse, the adult future female pup grabs and holds him, "TAILS! THAT'S NOT HIM!" The future fox's eyes were restored after a few short seconds. Everyone's eyes were widened, mostly was Sonic's, "Did she said... TAILS?!" Tails couldn't handle the truth and thus he revealed himself, "Yes. It's me... Tails, 7 years from the future give or take" Everyone was speechless, nobody would thought Time Travel could be possible back in that day. Carol, "That's insane! Wait... Is that... Milla...?!" Carol takes a look at future Milla. "Wow girl! You've grown!"

"That's not why we're here. Tell them Tails" Future Milla speaks. "Alright. Everyone. We are here because the future... Has been completely destroyed.."

"Wait... That's what Democracy said before. That the future of Earth will be in destruction!" Said Knuckles. "Not only that, everyone was killed... The very first person to get killed by Dark One or Democracy you say...Was Sonic." Explained the future fox.

Lilac's eyes were wide open, "W-what did you just said...?" Sonic was left speechless.

"After that, Knuckles tried to get revenge on the Dark One. But he was killed too. Soon, the whole human population was wiped out by the Dark One. Carol from my timeline spent 2 years to make a liquid of energy for the Time Machine's power source so we can go back in time. However, she risked her life to save me and she was killed as well. Lilac, Milla and I tried our best to get to the machine... But... The Dark One noticed and... Lilac sacrificed herself to save us again just recently..."

Sonic and the others were left speechless, "Then what are we supposed to do?!"

Future Milla explains, "Collect the chaos emeralds and destroy Eggman's Metal 2.0 he's currently developing. Democracy aka the Dark One is a tiny chip that can take control of machines and maximize their power higher than ever imagined. That's why we must destroy Metal at all cost! If this Democracy succeeds in taking Metal's body, then it's all over for us"

The 5 heroes shook their heads. Sonic, "We're on it." Future Tails suddenly comes forward to the hedgehog, "Listen Sonic... Look... I'm sorry for what I did... 7 years ago... Or... Right now but... I finally learned my mistake for loving just a machine... I'm sorry Sonic..."

"I would accept the apology but your 11 year old self has to apologize first. He started it all. If he apologizes for what he's done then I'll accept. Any excuse coming out of his mouth will result us leaving him." The hedgehog explained everything.


"But how are we gonna get the chaos emeralds if we don't have a plane?" Asked Knuckles.

"You can use mine!" Said Chris as he runs to the front house. Everyone listened to him and ran to where he was. As he opens his garage, the garage reveals his plane that he built.



"Come one guys! Let's go! The world is at stake!" Sonic hops on the nose of the plane while carries Lilac. Who's gonna Pilot?"

"I'll be the pilot. I missed riding on these" Future Tails steps in to volunteer. "Alright. Prepare to take off"


The heroes set off to the sky by the plan. The search for the emeralds begins NOW!

Meanwhile at Eggman's Aircraft over the clouds...

Eggman wipes his sweats, "BRILLIANT! Absolutely brilliant! With my other machines memory files on Sonic's moves, Metal 2.0 with a MUCH powerful shield will help me conquer the Earth! Now I can build Eggmanland, and it'll be powerful enough to destroy Sonic once and for all"

"Yes... Powerful enough for me to use as my own..." A voice was heard within the shadows and a sudden robot shoots a net at Eggman, capturing him, "HEEY! GAHHHH! How did you get up here?!"

"I heard you were the grandson of the great Gerald ROBOTNIK that created many brilliant inventions 50 years in the past. Now the power is mine... Now taste my terror!" The Metal 2.0 machine suddenly flashes, blinding the heroes' eyes. The process was complete and Democracy was finally in Metal's body. "Hahahahaha... Yes! I finally got the body! But.. We need the help of these 'chaos emeralds' to make me even stronger..." Democracy and The machines started to use the computer to become full control of Eggman's minions. "Now then my new minions! Search for the Chaos Emeralds!"

"Sir! We don't have to anymore"

"And why is that?"

"Because the Chaos Emeralds are approaching towards us sir." Democracy checks the video surveillance to see the heroes on their way, "What?! But they were eliminated! How could this be?!"

"It appears that they survived, sir"

"Hmmmm... Open the door for them and... Capture that fox one since he has the emeralds... Make that TWO foxes actually... And prepare a distraction for the others. I have a plan.. HAHAHA...hahaha...BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHA!"

Back at the ground on an Unknown forest.

A very small tree house was made on a tree and a fox was grabbing wood for a fire. "*sigh* Well at least I still have the food from Ella. At least. Wait... What's that sound...?" As he exits he looks around. "It's probably nothing *gasp*! AHHH!"

Hours later..

"Here he is sir." An EggRobo drops a cage with Tails inside, "AHH!" Democracy approaches towards the fox. "Now then minion. Tell me this species information"

"Affirmative. *beep* Miles Tails Prower, Age 11, Fox"

"Wait... Metal..? No... It can't be..." Tails stares at the machine. "HAHAHAHA... You wouldn't happen to remember the message I sent you. About Earth's future." Tails wondered of what he meant, "Wait... What me- Democracy... Y-you entered Metal's database and reprogrammed it?! But why...?! Wait... How come there's two metal Sonic's?!"

"I'm the model you two destroyed back at White Park and in the death egg.", answered Metalix, leaving the fox shocked.

"No way….. You can't do this!"

"Oh yes I can! With the power of these gems called the chaos emeralds, I'll be unstoppable! Now then, your friends are currently coming towards us"

"My friends...? Lilac... Milla.. Carol... Knuckles... S-sonic..." The fox tries to get out of the cage but he was pushed back by the electricity of the cage. "Aaa!"

"It's useless child. You cannot destroy the cage that easily."

"We'll see about that!" Tails growled. "Ultimate Cannon fire!" Tails activates his Arm Machine while pointing towards the hedgebot. Nothing withstood or flinched the machine. Tails just stands there.

"Insolent worm, your power is useless... Hmmm... It would appear that someone is trying to change the future... And it's the same fox that I'm talking to"

"Wait... What are you talking about..?"

"For a being with an intelligent mind, you are still nothing but a child" Demo-Metal 2.0 walks to his new controlled minions, "Hahaha… They are coming.. The chaos emeralds are coming to us! HAHAHA!"

"Oh no... This ain't good.."

Meanwhile outside over the skies...

Sonic, Lilac and the others were still on the air searching for the emeralds via Radar. However, it seems they spotted the emeralds in time. "Hey! Raff! Their are little dots getting closer to us!" Said the little Milla as she points at the radar. "We are almost close! ... Wait a sec..." Future Tails checks the radar in 3D mode and the emeralds were 40,000 above sea level. "What?! Emeralds over the sky?!"

Sonic, "That means one thing..."

"Eggman has the chaos emeralds in one of his flying airships!", Knuckles finishes Sonic's sentence. As the heroes arrive closer, it was one of Eggman's Sky Decks. A massive airship created by the doctor himself!" Knuckles immediately points at the Landing Zones, "We can land in that spot!"

"Alright. Here goes!" The teenage yellow sky moved the joystick to control the plane's movements and set it on a perfect angle for the landing, "Hang on!" The plane finally arrives at the ground of the Sky Deck. The heroes jump out so they can run their quickest towards and through impossible obstacles the Egg Deck had to offer. Sonic, "Come on guys! We better hurry!" They ran and followed the other, using their abilities to overcome and advance through difficult zones of the flying aircraft.

Back at the base...

Demo-Metal 2.0, "Splendid... They are finally arriving..."

"Oh no... Guys! Gu- mmff!" Tails screamed all he could until his mouth was covered with tape by an Egg Pawn. "You can't warn your friends..." Said Demo-Metal. "There's no point. Your friends will bring the chaos emeralds to me!"

Meanwhile back at the heroes..

"Ghhh... Uh..." Future Tails falls back at the wall, and feels his head. The others stop running and approaches to him. "Tails! You alright?!" Asked Future Milla. "I kept having visions... About 7 years ago... I was captured by Metal and..." Everyone's eyes were widened.

"Don't tell me OUR Tails is captured?!" Lilac panicked.

"There's no time to lose! We better save him!" Sonic takes Lilac's palm and immediately start running through a hallway as quickly as possible as they use their abilities to overcome the robots.



As Sonic speeds up his spin dash, he jumps towards the door and kicks the metal door, breaking it in pieces. "Alright Eggman! Tell your robot minion to let go of our Ta-" After seeing what he saw, he was silent. Eggman was seen captured along with Tails. "Wait what-" The machine takes a look at Sonic. "If it isn't Sonic the Hedgehog... That fastest thing in the world they say..."

"So... You are Democracy.. Right..?" Asked the Blue Blur. The metallic machine approaches Sonic as the hero puts his fighting position. "Well if it isn't Sonic... My you haven't changed at all since our battle.."

"What battle...? Wait... Metal?!" Sonic yelled.

"That's Metalix to you, meatbag!" The robot responded bluntly. "Now I suggest you both surrender quietly and make my work on your deaths easy."

"Or else what?!" Responded Lilac.

"Or else this fox dies..." Metalix lifts Tails while grabbing his throat. "Ack... Sonic... Don't... Do it..."

"Tails!" Sonic tries to step forward but the more further he approached, the more Metalix pressured Tails's throat. Sonic knew his speed wasn't good when it comes to hostage situations. "Give me the chaos emeralds and I'll let your friend live.." Sonic started to sweat as he looked at his best friend screaming in pain. As he was thinking, the hero finally made his decision. "You can have them.." He throws the chaos emeralds to Metalix and Lilac was very shocked of his action.

"S-sonic!", yelled Lilac.

Sonic kneels down in order to prove his surrender, "I'm sorry Lilac… I just can't…"

Metalix takes them holds the emeralds. "Finally! I have all of the chaos emeralds! With these powerful gems, I can finally conquer this world! Why don't we test this power?" Metal shoots at Tails with a laser beam, causing the fox to be thrown to the wall. Lilac and Sonic's eyes were widened of what they just saw. All they could do was scream, "Tails!" The hedgehog and the dragon immediately run to their friend to check on him. He was bleeding and shaken slowly. Sonic carries Tails in his arms while the kitsune barely opens his eyes. Tails suddenly grabs Sonic's chest, surprising him. "H-how... dare you Sonic... you never give up... ... I mean... You're... The fastest... Thing... Alive..." as Tails spoken his words, he slowly closes his eyes and fades away, unleashing his final tear from his eye. Meanwhile in another location, Future Tails falls on the ground while Knuckles carries him, "Oh no… Hang in there bro!" The fox warrior's body was disappearing, "It's too late... They got me.. If one from the past dies, there's nothing left for the future... I'm sorry guys... Milla...stay safe... GHH!" Tails immediately falls on the ground before his body disappeared from existence. Future Milla was paralyzed for what she seen, "No! Tails!" Her scream echoes throughout the whole sky deck."Unleash the power!" Everything flashes as Metalix uses the chaos emeralds to transform into his final form, Super Metalix! His appearance starts flowing yellow aura, "I'm finally invincible! Now I got the power I dreamed off! The earth is mine!" Sonic was on the ground shaking in anger, "... How could you..."

"HAHAHAHA... You were saying something...?" Sonic's fur turns a bit darker as his voice became very deep, "... I said... How could you..."

"This fox was very annoying and I wanted to test my abilities, Hahahahah! Now then, I guess the dragon should go next.." As he points at Lilac, Lilac was a bit paralyzed, realizing the power of Metalix was much for her to handle. Sonic suddenly turns dark as his pupils disappear as he grabs Metalix's arm. The machine's arm was crumbling down as he falls on his knees. "You killed Tails! You killed my best friend! ...So... You wanna fight then..? In that case... BRING IT ON!" Hides in the shadows and appears behind Metalix and kicks him with brute force. As Metalix was pushed intensely away, Dark Sonic rushes past him in full speed and dashes through the monster multiple times, damaging him each time while dark blue flashes appear. The dark raged Hero immediately gives multiple punches towards the villain and gives him extremely hard blows each time he lands a hit. Dark Sonic then creates another version of him as the 2nd version of him immediately kicks Metalix with a head blow while the main Sonic uses spin dash to burst towards the machine, pushing it towards Eggman's gigantic creations in monstrous force. As the destroyed invention flies high, Dark Sonic uses teleport and kicks the invention towards Metalix before he teleported again. Metalix gained balance as he noticed the action and shoots a burst of powerful energy beams to destroy the invention. However the raged hedgehog appears on normal ground level by teleportation and kicks one of the invention's parts towards the metallic villain. Getting damaged intensely, Dark Sonic kicks him upwards before getting kicked downwards and brutally getting blowed by one of Dark Sonic's repeatedly attacks. Soon after receiving enough damage, Metalix uses his scouter to track Dark Sonic's trail and gives a blow at him. Dark Sonic was pushed away only to run at full speed after Metalix shoots missiles at him. Dark Sonic uses his sidestep to dodge each and every one. The hedgehog spin jumps and swims a kick to switch a missile's direction to the opposite only for Sonic to teleport behind Metalix and gives a downward kick towards to push Metalix towards the ground. Dark Sonic rushes yet again only for Metalix to appear from the underground. However Sonic fully in rage, gives massive kicks towards the killing machine and gives a massive one that Metalix was blown quickly towards a wall and destroys it. Before Dark Sonic dashes, Lilac holds him from behind. "Sonic please don't do this! This isn't you! Please Sonic!" Lilac tries to hold Sonic, however the rage was still burning inside the hedgehog's heart and tries to push Lilac away while going easy on her. "Please Sonic... don't..." Lilac's eyes were covered with tears and as one touches Sonic's shoulders, he felt the pain Lilac is suffering from looking at himself. The blue Hero opens his eyes and his fur finally turns back to normal blue as his quills fall downward. "Lilac... I... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay Sonic..." The two heroes hug each other. The others finally came. "What took you so long?" Asked Lilac. "You two were way too fast for us! Next time can you give us a break?!" Carol as she sigh, she looked down as her eyes were wide and so was Knuckles and Milla. However, Milla was certainly shocked and heartbroken for what she saw. "Tails!" As the mutt tries to get to her foxy sweetheart, Sonic looks down. "Why didn't you protect him?!" Milla cries. Lilac tries to approach her, "Milla please.. Sonic didn't.." Milla rushes to Sonic and punches his chest multiple times even though none of her punches were effective. "You should have! You should have! should have... " The little basset falls slowly on the ground as she covers her face and bawls for her love. Lilac tries to comfort her as a good friend she always have, "Milla..." A huge explosion causes the aircraft to shake. The heroes suddenly lose balance and they fall on the ground. "What's going on?!" Asked Knuckles while trying to hold something. "I don't know! Let me check it out!" Carol hacks inside Eggman's computer to check one of the systems surveillance. "This isn't good. The aircraft's engine is destroyed! And there's no fuel!" The aircraft slowly turns downwards and as soon as it turned, everyone falls. "AAHHH!"Sonic spots Tails's body and catches him. "..." The aircraft suddenly started to fall even faster and faster each time it gets closer to the ground. The heroes started to float and everyone started to grab a hold on a hard object to gain balance. The wildcat quickly yelled her voice, "EVERYONE! HOLD TIGHT! THIS IS GONNA BE ROUGH!" As the aircraft fell on a grass plains, an explosion also occurred, burning everything in a 180 mile radius. The whole green land was nothing but orange red burning place filled with forgotten dreams. The heroes come out of the aircraft coughing from the smoke from the crash.

"*cough* Is everyone alright?" Asked Sonic" Lilac looks around to see everything around her burning. All of the nature creatures were running from their beloved homes getting disintegrated by the fire. The heroes take a look around the place. "At least... We beat Metalix right Sonic?" Asked Carol but she covered her mouth as she saw Sonic's emotionless face as he carries Tails in his arms. "What's the point..? Look what happened..." Milla had a scared look and was shaking intensely. "G-g-g-guys!" A beam was shot towards the little female pup. Everyone's tried to react but they were very slow. "Milla!" Lilac screamed as she tried to save Milla. "*gasps!*"

"Chaos… Spear!" Three energy blasts shot Metalix's beams in time. A hedgehog lands in front of the heroes and Lilac was very shocked of what she's seeing. "W-who are you?!" The hedgehog was dark with red stripes on his quills, arms and legs, "Names Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog. Even though you were the fastest thing alive, you still were too slow to rescue the girl. How pathetic." Says Shadow. However two more characters appear in the show. Rouge the Bat and most surprising of all, AMY.

"AMY?!" Sonic and Lilac questioned. "We been taking care of her for as long as I could count."

"Don't worry guys! We'll handle this!" Said Amy as the three rush towards Metalix. Metalix however didn't seem surprised. What surprised him the most was Shadow's power level. "Hmm.. Shadow... The Ultimate Lifeform. This is gonna be fun." Amy swings her hammer towards Super Metalix. However he dodges it using teleportation and tries to attack the girl, only to get hit by Rouge's kicks. "Don't put your eyes away from me!" The machine was pushed back but none of their attacks were effective enough. "Hmph. I had enough playing games" S. Metalix grabs both Rouge and Amy slams them together. POW! Before he throws them away by distance. "So Shadow... Show me what really makes your an ultimate Lifeform!"

"My pleasure.." Shadow uses his chaos spear to throw at Metalix only for Metalix to dodge each and every one. "GRRR... HAAHH!" Shadow continues to use Chaos Spear. Sonic gives Tails's body to Knuckles. "Knuckles! Take Tails away from here! GOO!" Sonic uses a spin dash to go towards Metalix and instantly damages by bit. Shadow tries to use his speed to run around Metalix and tries to grab him but he was caught by Metalix and was thrown away. Same goes to Sonic. "I had enough fun. This is the end!" S. Metalix rises towards the sky and uses his power to create and charge a huge sphere of energy blast. Sonic was very shocked, "WHAT?!"

"DIE!" Metalix throws the energy blast towards Sonic and Shadow. Later Lilac appears next to them. "I'm fighting with alongside guys! No way that scrap metal is gonna destroy this planet!" Sonic suddenly thought that he wouldn't let those two risk their lives, not even his loved one. So he did what he did for the best of them. He grabs Shadow's arms, swings him and throws him at Lilac, pushing them very far. "Sonic!"

"Lilac! Get away from here as much as possible!" As Sonic yelled, he looks towards at the gigantic energy beam falling towards him. Sonic uses both his bare hands to push the energy beam back. "Sonic! You fool!" ,said Knuckles behind the boulders. However, Sonic decided to ignore him, "I'm not gonna let you destroy Earth you hear me?! And I won't let you hurt my friends! YOU GOT THAT?!" Sonic uses his own strength to push it. But it was no match. "Farewell... Hedgehog" Metalix throws yet one more beam towards the blast. Sonic's eyes were in shocked as the blast was too powerful for him. Shadow holds Lilac. The blast destroyed the ground it hit. Lilac's scream stopped as she was thrown away along with Shadow by the gust of winds caused the blast. "Raahhhhhhgh!" Sonic's scream lasted for seconds before his scream faded away...

Sonic was killed by the blast and no one had the power to defeat Metalix. Only one remains...

Shadow was on the ground in blood while Metalix points his missiles at him. "Goodbye Shadow!" However he gets hit by Amy's hammer. my appears in front of Shadow. "Don't dare you touch him!" Shadow's eyes barely open wide, "You damn girl! Get.. Ack! The hell.. Out of here!"

"Then you shall both go to the afterlife!" Metalix charges his beam. Lilac barely stands, "I can't...", She falls on the ground, "Sonic... If you are alive... *huff* We need you..." Amy's eyes were covered in tears, Shadow's breath were starting to fade, and Metalix's power starts to increase. Lilac gives her final scream: "SONIC!"

Her scream echoes towards Sonic's ears underground. And suddenly... His power snaps and suddenly wakes up. The anger rushed through the hedgehog's heart. A huge power beam shoots from the destroyed ground, getting everyone even Metalix's attention. Sonic's body floats onto the air and a burst of yellow flames unleashes from his body, causing his fur to turn golden yellow, "Graahh!" His scream still continues as everyone were extremely shocked and confused. "IMPOSSIBLE!" said Metalix. Shadow was very shocked, "H-how?! How can he transform into Super Sonic without the use of the chaos emeralds?!" Lilac overheard him and was gazed by Sonic's amazing power, "So that's Super Sonic...?" The dragon looks at Sonic transforming while still screaming. The hedgehog's quills stand upwards while his muscles become much bigger. Metalix was shaking, "I KILLED THAT HEDGEHOG! HOW IS HE GETTING THIS MUCH POWER?!"

"GRAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Sonic's scream fades away as a white rainbow-ish aura swirls around him and bursts, causing everyone to cover their eyes. Our hero transforms into his most powerful form... HYPER SONIC! Everyone was very shocked of what they just seen and Hyper a sonic immediately teleport towards Metalix, the hedgehog gives a very powerful blow in Metalix's face, sending him away towards a boulder, destroying it. Sonic's eye pupils appear red and his fur was rainbow-ish white. He suddenly hears Amy crying. Hyper Sonic teleports to their location. Amy gasps, "S-Sonic?!" H. Sonic uses his power to heal both Lilac and Shadow. As they were recovered, Lilac stands up only to see Sonic, "Sonic...Oh my..." Shadow was awfully surprised, "Sonic..."

An explosion occurs at a boulder which Metalix comes out from in anger. Shadow and Lilac try to convince him. "Sonic! If we team up, we can overcome Metalix!" Said Shadow. "He's right Sonic! We can do this together!" claimed Lilac. However, Hyper Sonic responded, "No... I can't let you. I gave you two enough strength to at least stand. I'll handle this... ...alone..." Replied Hyper as he looked away. "A-are you sure about this?!" Shadow sweats. Hyper Sonic doesn't respond as his body was covered with powerful electricity. "Shadow! Get Lilac and Amy outta here! Now!" Lilac was shocked however, "But... I! ... ..don't die on me alright..?" Shadow takes both girls away from the battle.

Super Metalix blasts towards Hyper Sonic, "GRRAAAAHHH!" Hyper Sonic puts his fighting stance. The two get close to each other and the battle starts as Metalix gives a massive blow with his fists, only for Sonic to block it with his kicks. The blow was so massive, each one was sent away to the ground. "I'm impressed hedgehog. You make a very powerful opponent I ever faced. This is gonna be fun." Said Super Metalix. "FOOL! Do you actually think I'm here for entertainment?!"

"It doesn't matter what you throw, however you moves are useless. I have all your data, move sets, everything. There's no way you can possibly defeat me!" Said Metalix before Hyper Sonic teleports instantly and appears behind him. "Unless you can see me. You'd understand.." Hyper Sonic gives his first blow at Super Metalix, sending him away in fast speeds while Hyper chased him. Hyper dashes towards Metalix and runs past him, only to get back and send multiple kicks and punches at the monster. "HAhh! GHAAA! GRAAHH!" After a few more punches, Hyper uses an upwards kick to send Metalix towards the sky, before giving him one more blow to send him away faster. Not long before reaching the atmosphere, Sonic appears on top by teleportation and downward punches Metalix, sending him to the ground in brute force. As for Metalix, his fall destroys the ground, causing an earthquake. "GRRRRRRAAAAHHH!"

Metalix powers up as he gets out and blasts towards Hyper in full anger, "I'll CRUSH YOU!" Sonic on the other hand, puts his stance as he gives blow to Metalix's thrown fists, causing the air to blast away. After that, the two give another powered kicks only for the kicks to be countered by the other. Hyper then uses his elbow to slam the monster only for Metalix to block it with his hands. On that stance, the two quickly charge up their power and thus, both warriors activate hand-to-hand combat in massive speed. Hyper and Metalix give each other massive punches and kicks only for them to get blocked or countered each time the hit goes intact. Their power was so massive the sound of the impacts can be heard from the ground as the heroes were amazed by Sonic's amazing strength. Shadow, Knuckles and Lilac were gazed of what they are seeing. "Man... I can't even see it sense their power... This is crazy.." Said Knuckles as he was looking at the fight. Lilac was so amazed Sonic can have such immense strength.

Back to the Brawl..

Metalix throws large amounts of punches, only for Hyper Sonic to teleport each time. Metalix then brings out his sword and tries to cut the hedgehog warrior. But even the fastest sword was no match for the hyper hedgehog as dodges them all. As plan B has ultimately failed, Metalix switches to Combat mode, switching his gears to fighting style, as he copied down movements from the other heroes. But none of them worked. The both send each other punches each time their attacks land a hit. Right now, Sonic and Metalix are punching each other's fists yet none of them land a hit in the other.

Blows were all heard over the thundering clouds. Their attacks were so powerful each time it makes an impact, the clouds were blown away and the ground immediately shakes. However, Metalix uses teleport to appear behind Sonic, only for Sonic to teleport behind. Sonic kicks Metalix away in brute force, only for Sonic to dash and chase Metalix. The hero then lands three big blows towards the monster, sending hi fly high. Sonic charges his attacks and as fully charged, he uses the Repeat punches and gave multiple punches towards the villain, giving him larger amounts of damage. After giving the attacks, Metalix was thrown even higher by Sonic's spin dash. Having enough, Metalix gains his balance and powers up to free from Sonic's moves. Hyper then dashed away while Metalix shoots multiple missiles. At the chase scene, Hyper notices the missiles as he uses teleportation to dodge every single one of Metalix's missiles. As two more come after Sonic, instead of dodging, Sonic kicks the two, changing their course. In rage, Metalix charges a blast and throws it towards Hyper. Hyper noticed and just stands there. ""HMPH! GRRRRRRAAAAHHHH!" As Hyper pushes the blast, an explosion was caused. Metalix uses his scouter to locate and pinpoint Sonic's location. As spotted, Metalix uses burst towards that locations. "GOT YOU!"

Metalix gives a blow on Sonic, using the strength he had, causing impact on the boulders that were behind Sonic himself. The boulders were destroyed in pieces but Hyper Sonic was still in one piece, as he didn't feel anything at all. "Is that it?" Hyper taunts in front of Metalix, causing him to grow into more anger. "GRRRR!" Super Metalix gives his blows and punches as well as kicks maximum power and tries to cause damage on Sonic, only for Sonic to not get damaged at all. He was mere invincible. "GRRRRRAAAAHHHH!" Metalix repeatedly gives most of his special kicks and powerful attacks as well as blasts. But none of them were still effective enough for Hyper. In full rage, focusing on strength, Metalix uses his swords to slice on Hyper Sonic. However he was so blind in anger that he's lost focus on speed and mobility, giving an opportunity for Sonic to dodge them all. No matter what slice or how powerful he was, without the speed, Sonic immediately dodges all of his attacks. After using his final slice, Sonic yet again dodges his attack, only to get attacked by Metalix's powerful kick. However not even that attack was effective. Sonic floats there and smirks, "It's over now"

"W-what are you talking about?!"

"The chaos emeralds which you are using. Your power is fading away. The emeralds are leaving you..."

"Impossible! I have them in my control!"

"Then why do you sound so worried? Hmm? Is it because you're powerless? Or is it the fact that those little gems of yours don't appreciate you as their master? How ironic.." Metalix's rage increases intensely, "GRRRRR..." He powers up in massive power, "HOW DARE YOU!" He charges towards Hyper Sonic and continues to give his punches towards him, yet Hyper Sonic dodges them all at once. After so many fails, Metalix gives one big punch, only for Sobic to block it with his own hand, while the impact blew away the clouds. "Okay Metalix... It's over..." Hyper Sonic gives his huge punch attack, sending Metalix far in brute force, while instantly, Hyper shoots a blast and charges up his spin dash 6 times and dashes towards the monster in incredible speed. Metalix on the other hand, as still in a damaged state, he gains balance. His scouter spots the blast coming after him and reacts by kicking it away, only for Sonic to spin dash towards him in different and various directions.

In slow motion, Hyper Sonic kicks Super Metalix straight up into the sky, but as he completed the attack, he gives a few more blows towards Metalix, sending him higher. And in a certain amount of height, Hyper teleports next to Metalix and blasts him towards the ground, arriving at the ground, Sonic appears yet again to kick Metalix towards the sky. Having enough of hits and damages, Metalix gains his balance. "GRRRAAAAHHHHH!" He charges his final blast. "I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU INSOLENT WORMS! I'LL BLOW YOU ALL TO PIECES! AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME! SPECIAL CANNON BEAM!"

He shoots his speciality Cannon Move towards the ground and mainly towards Sonic. Everything was shaking, the cities, the ground even the sky. Everyone knew it was gonna be end. But not for long as Hyper Sonic was prepared, "BRING IT ON! HAAAAAHHH!" He powers up and it increases his strength and charges his beam. "Grrrrr! Let's finish this! GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Hyper Sonic finally unleashed his ultimate Beam attack towards Metalix's Blast. The whole ground was shaking when as soon as they unleashed their true potential, the Ki blasts suddenly go closer and they collide! The two Blasts were colliding each other, pushing the other. Hyper Sonic and Super Metalix give all their strength, speed and defence in their Ki blasts. It was a war of Ki blasts. Metalix powers up to increase his beam's power and surely Sonic does the same. Hyper suddenly gets pushed back abit. "Ghhh!" "HAHAHAHA! You can't beat me hedgehog! I'm invincibl- WHAT?!" As Metalix tried to go forward, he was pushed back. Hyper Sonic's strength has intensely increased and gives one more blast. "HAAH!" As Metalix was hit, Sonic uses a super hyper spin dash towards Metalix, and stops instantly as he arrived in front of Metalix. After stopping, he aims his arm and extracts the emeralds off of Metalix, instantly taking away his form. "NOO!"

"SONIC! SONIC! DO IT SONIC! DO IT BLUEBOY! YOU CAN WIN SONIC!" Everytime cheers and lastly, Lilac cries for Sonic, "DO IT!"

"HAAAAAHHH!" Hyper Sonic shoots his final blast attack, pushing Metalix away as his existence was draining, "NOOOOOoooooo..." Sonic suddenly closes his eyes slowly. The voice of death disappears immediately and everyone was shocked Sonic actually won. The wind blows the hair of the hedgehog and the silence. Knuckles, "Sonic... He did it..." Lilac was looking at the hedgehog hero, "he did it... Sonic... You are truly something else..." The wind was blowing, Sonic has won, and the heroes were victorious.. "Now... We can finally...

...Live in Peace..."

Hyper Sonic in the air, he uses all his magical abilities to restore the fire burned place, around him, everything was sparkling. All of the fire places were removed, replaced with greenish colors. Many of the animals and dead corpses were brought back to the world of living. Everything was brought back to normal. However Sonic loses conscious and falls.

"Sonic!" Lilac notices him and uses her last dragon boost to dash towards to where he's falling. "Gotcha!" She instantly grabs Sonic and puts his head on her bust. "Soniku...?"

"Heh... We did it... "

"We sure did Sonic..."

"..." His stomach growls, "I'm want some chilidogs.."

"oh Sonic! You and your appetite" Lilac immediately giggles as soon as she gives him a warm hug. After that, Knuckles, Carol and Milla jump over them, "Sonic!"


"That was... The most epic scene I ever seen in my nine lives!" Said Carol.

"How did you do that Sonic?! Raff!" Asked little Milla. Sonic was very confused, "Not sure I can answer that. It just came over me. I heard a scream and I was angry for some reason"

Lilac started blushing and thought, "Maybe I should keep that secret.."

"Well guys! Time to go home! I'm hungry for chili dogs! Hey... Is that.." Sonic spotted something and he was very surprised, "Guys! Look over there! It's the chaos emeralds!" Everyone picked up each one of the emeralds.

"Wow! Well what do you know. Hey girls! You're going back home now! We'll prepare the Portal for you!" Said Sonic as he was holding the emeralds.

Milla, "Yay!"

Carol, "Alright! I miss my bed!"

Lilac, "Sure! Sounds great!" However, Lilac lied about how's she feeling. Her heart was full of sadness. He knew that if she leaves, she'll never see her love again. However, she also couldn't leave her people unsupervised. The girl was stuck between her two decisions.

Sonic, "We might go, but we don't have the plane!"

"Hey, where's Future version of Milla?"

"Hey guys!" A loud scream was heard. It was Future Milla! Along with Future Tails!

"Guys!" Everyone was waving their hands as Future Tails steers the plane towards the heroes. "Hey guys! Hurry up! Let's get going!"

Sonic carries Lilac on his arms, while everyone else get inside the plane. As for Shadow, Amy and Rouge, Shadow appears in his motorcycle. Carol was awestruck and jealous at the same time. "No... Way..." She couldn't stop staring at the motorcycle.


Shadow starts his engine and steers his motorcycle while the ladies were holding his back.

"Come on! Let's go chase them! Those guys will win if they get there on time!" Said Sonic in a hurry.

"Right!" Future Tails grabs the lever and pulls it to start steering the plane. However in the sky, Sonic hears something though he expected to hear. It was a voice. A voice that sounded very familiar. "Guys! Wait up! Come on!"

"is that... Tails...?"

"Guys!" Tails was chasing them flying using his twin tails. "Come on guys! We can work things out!"

Everyone was silent. They kept on going.

"Hehe! Come on! You wouldn't leave me right?"

They still ignored him and continued on.

"... Why... Why would they leave me... I should have thought of it... I should have... Before you leave... I just want to say..." He takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry!"

Everyone including Sonic were surprised. Tails's eyes were covered in tears, " I'm sorry for what I did! I was wrong! My thoughts were only on a plane and i couldn't think straight! Please forgive me!

Everything but the blow of the wind was silent. Sonic puts Lilac down, "Lilac, hold on to something" He grabs a rope and throws it at Tails. The fox was surprised as Sonic was smiling as he looks away,

Tails, "S-sonic..."

Suddenly Sonic's eyes become in tears as he raise his voice, "You idiot! Just grab on!"

Watery tears fall down from the kitsune's eyes, "Sonic!" He grabs it and pulls himself closer and closer. As he arrived on top of the tornado, he jumps on Sonic and hugs him intensely, "I'm sorry for what I did! You were right! Tornado was just a machine.."

"No little buddy... That Tornado... Is something special you wanted to keep. I should have understood. I promise you that we'll make an exact copy of Tornado! Just like the old days! I promise!" He smiles as he looks at Tails. They hug each other very tight, as everyone looks at them and smile. Behind them were Eggman chasing them in his EggMobile, "Well... Maybe I'll obliterate the hedgehog after I get to Mobius."

Back at Chris's House,

"Well guys! Thanks for everything! The future has been reported to be fixed and peaceful thanks to you guys!" Said Future Tails.

"Bye guys! Thanks for everything!" said Future Milla as the two enter their Time Travel Machine and the machine flies high before it flashes and disappears.

"No way..." Tails was shocked.

"Sorry Tails... I can explain" said Sonic.

"I never knew I had a brother!"

Everyone were confused to what Tails really meant.


The chaos emeralds were placed on the machine's energy source. Everyone on the ground were away from the machine. Tails checks the wires, Carol fixes some of the machine's broken parts and Chris was ready to pull the lever.



Chris pulls the lever and the portal appears. Everyone flinched at the moment. "Well guys! There you go!"

Shadow walks in first before Rouge goes after him. "You naughty boy! Leaving me behind..." Her voice disappeared as she entered the portal. Amy suddenly chases Shadow, "Shadow! Wait!" She enters the portal as well. Eggman also appears and goes to the portal, "SEE YA LOSERS!"

"That's Eggman for you."


Carol suddenly walks front, however she stops, "You sure it'll take us to Avalice and not Mobius?"

"The portal reads your DNA and takes you to the planet where that DNA was created. So yes. I'm sure" responded Chris.

"Alrighty then! Knuckles!"

"Yeah?" Answered the echidna.

"I know this is gross to you... But..." After that, Carol puts her lips on Knuckles's and the 4 others reaction were opened jaws. They were very shocked.

"Thanks Knuckles.. You are very brave.. You really are the great guardian of the Master Emerald..." Said Carol as she walk towards the portal and disappeared. Knuckles, "Well.. I better get off to guard the Master Emerald. So... " He walks towards the portal.

Milla suddenly walks front as well, as Tails followed her. "Tails.. I'll miss you.."

"I'll miss you too.."

Both give a quick kiss to the other before they walked to the portal, separating them. Now it was Sonic and Lilac that are left.

"Well Lilac. Let's go."

Sash's heart was beating very much as she didn't want to go. But she had to. "Why don't you go first Sonic?"


"...I'll miss you Sonic.."

"..I'll miss you too Lilac" After Sonic gave a smile towards Lilac. After that, he walks towards the portal. Lilac had thoughts on her head, "No... please don't go!" She remembered her memories with him. After experiences with the blue wonder, she felt like she wanted to cry but tries to hold back. As soon as Sonic tries to walk towards the portal, Lilac makes the most horrible mistake she ever done..

"No!" she presses the off switch, turning off the portal before Sonic had the chance.

"Huh?!" Sonic stops instantly as he freaked out.

Chris and his family were shocked of her action. Sonic then turns around at Lilac, showing his shocked face, "Lilac..."

Chris and his family were shocked of her action. Sonic then turns around at Lilac, showing his shocked worried face, "Lilac! What are you doing?" Lilac didn't say anything at all. After that, the dragongirl grabs Sonic and dragon boosts away from the others. "Come on! Let's go!"


Chris immediately yells, "Guys! There's no use! We need to call Topaz! Mr. Tanaka! Call her now!"

"Yes Master Chris!"

Meanwhile back at the speedsters..

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" Lilac runs as fast as she could while holding Sonic's hand. "Lilac..." Lilac still tries to run away. Instead of begging her to go back, Sonic decides to run with her, "If you want to feel running, then let's go!"

Sonic uses his boost to dash even more faster, after he grabs Lilac on his arms. "Here we go!" Lilac hugs him a bit tighter, Lilac's was finally relieved she can be with Sonic. However, her heart was crushed by guilt.


Officer Topaz was in one of her missions with her troops, however she receives a phone call, "Officer Topaz speaking... Ah! Mister Tanaka! It's so nice to hear from you again! It's been such a long time! How's everything going? ... What?! What do you mean they ran away?!" She suddenly sweat drops, "Okay! Okay i'm on it! We got a blue hedgehog and a purple dragon escaping! Find them and take them to Mr. Thorndyke's home! And don't harm them! I repeat! DO NOT HARM THEM!"

"Affirmative Officer! Okay men! You heard her! Let's go go go!" Every single troop enter the helicopters and police cars. Meanwhile Topaz goes to her motorcycle and goes forward, leading the cars and helicopters. "GO GO GO!"

After hours of running, they finally arrived to a cave where no one can find them. Sonic was sitting on the ground. "Phew! That was a close one!" however, he notices Lilac's eyes filled with tears.

"Lilac..? Are you... Crying..?"

"Shut up! Just shut up okay?!" ,yelled Lilac as Sonic flinches a bit. However, Lilac loses it and starts crying intensely. "This is all my fault... I'm such an idiot..." She places her hands to hide her face. Sonic couldn't let her cry, so he approaches to her, "Lilac... You're no idiot. And it's not your fault.."

"IT IS! OKAY?! I just..."

"Lilac... Listen... There's no reason to blame yourself... You are brave and courageous.. And... I realize why you did it... You didn't want me to go away from you right?"

"I love you Sonic... You're everything to me... Ever since I met you... You brought joy to my life... I still remember the first time we met. But still.. I'm sorry…"

"It's fine Lilac.. I understand your pain..


Before anything was said, Lilac places her lips on Sonic, shocking him. Sonic was shocked and probably the very first time he ever get kissed while his eyes were open. However, after feeling the sweetness of the dragon, Sonic's eyes slowly close and receives the love from Lilac's sweet gentle lips. Both speedsters were kissing each other passionately. Sonic lays on the ground while Lilac on the other hand lands on top of him. She puts her hands on the ground to push herself up a little while Sonic puts his hands on Lilac's cheeks. Both separate their lips for some air.

"Huff.. Huff..."

"Oh Sonic..."

Suddenly the love scene was interrupted by flashes of lights pointing at them, as the two react in panic. A women comes in towards them. "Sonic the Hedgehog! I command you to go back to Thorndyke's home."

"Hey! Officer Topaz!"

Lilac was very surprised, "Y-you look familiar."

"I remember you! You're the girl that was searching for your friends!"

"Well.. We have to go right?" Said Sonic. Lilac was still afraid. However Sonic noticed her fear, "Lilac... It's okay."

Meanwhile back at Chris's house...

Chris was trying to turn on the machine but nothing happens. "Crap! The machine's jammed. I wish Tails and Carol were here... *sigh* "

Topaz comes in with the two speedsters. "Thorndyke! I finally got these two back. Don't worry! Nothing's harmed done!"

"Yeah but my machine is busted. It won't turn on! ...wait!" Chris thought of something, "Sonic! Remember how you got back 6 years ago? When I was a kid... Or 6 months ago on your time?"

"Got it! Lilac... Listen... I know we'll be separated away but... No matter what happens... I'll always live inside that heart of yours.." Sonic Smiles as he looks at Lilac. Filled with tears, Lilac still holded her courage. "I understand Sonic"

As the seven chaos emeralds were placed around Sonic. The emeralds started to glow, surprising Lilac. As the emeralds float up around the blue blur, he grips his fists and holds his stance before a golden burst blows around the areas. Sonic's fur was turned from blue to golden yellow, his quills were straight up, and his eyes were turned from green to red. Golden aura started to spread off of Super Sonic's body. Lilac was amazed on seeing him. Super Sonic then holds Lilac's hands and pulls get into the air. Then Super Sonic states, "Lilac... You're the most bravest, awesome, and fastest girl I ever seen. You fight for freedom and I'm grateful..."

However, Lilac responds, "I'm not the only amazing one. You Sonic.. You are... Incredible... You fight for what is right, you use your powers and abilities from what's greater good. Protecting and risking your life just for others... I love you for that..."

Super Sonic and Lilac hold themselves closer to each other. Both of their words to each other were, "I love you..." They both slowly get closer... Closer.. And finally, they lock lips and create a beautiful kiss. After that, a chaos control was activated and a huge flash appears, blocking everything.

On the Treehouse at Planet Avalice...

Lilac slowly gets up only to find herself on top of her bed. She was surprised she was back at her bedroom. Everything was normal. She looked around and had thoughts, "Was all that... Just a dream...?"

Carol and Milla suddenly come in, "Lilac!" They suddenly jump towards her.

"Ooof! Hey girls! Go easy will ya?"

"You were unconscious for days!" Carol said as she was freaking out.

"That long? Wow!"

"Yeah! Well anyways, the Kingdom just requested us to do a mission. That card lover Spade is causing a ruckus! He's plotting to steal the Kingdom Stone again!" Carol stated as she rushed out along with Milla. "Come on!" Carol rushes outside only to climb down the ladders. She rushed to where her motorcycle is and starts the engine. However, Milla comes back to Lilac.

"Milla? What is it?"

"Raff! It was found when you were unconscious. I'll be outside!"

Lilac checked and it was an envelope. "Now what could it be?" As she opened it, she was shocked from who was it from. It was a letter!"

"Dear Lilac..

I know you thought it might have been a dream. But frankly, it all happened. We had so many fun adventures! We laughed, cried and done everything. I read one of your letters and when I saw, I already knew you were in love with me. So I wanted to make a letter for you. We may be away but that doesn't stop us from accomplishing our dreams and goals. As long as the person is kept inside the heart, then we can do it. I always knew you were special. Not because of your speed but because of your will for freedom. Our adventures end when we STOP RUNNING. Which, given both of us? That ain't happening any time soon!


Sonic the Hedgehog"

Along with the letter had few pictures of Sonic and Lilac together. Lilac felt that her heart was struck. She couldn't hold her tears. She was crying instantly for such love he's willing to give her. "I promise... I'll never give up..."

"Hurry! Lilac! Come on! We better go!"

As Lilac noticed, she wipes her tears and puts the letter on the table. "Okay! I'm ready! Let's go!" Lilac runs outside and closes the door, as a bit of sunlight shines from the curtains to the letter and the pictures.

Back at Mobius..

"I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU SONIC!" Said Eggman as he sent Eggbots towards Sonic.

"Let's start like we always did!" Sonic had the pearl necklace on his neck that Lilac made for him. And he thoughts too, "Lilac... I promise in my life I won't give up on my word...

...Thank you... Lilac..."

After a few months of adventures and drama, the heroes have finally gained victory and most importantly.. Friends. Now back at their homes, they can finally live happily. This is finally the end of Sonic and Lilac: The Power of Chaos!"

Suddenly, Sonic sees a mirror on himself and the reflection comes closer to him. However, the reflection grabs Sonic's neck and chokes reflection says, "HAHAHA... Useless trash... Soon you'll be one of us and will kill anything without mercy. Including your loved ones. "DIE!" As soon as blood was shed, Sonic wakes up out of a dream, "No!" He breaths for air to calm down. "...that was the 57th nightmare I had this week... What is wrong with me...?"

To be Continued...

I gotta thank SonicChaosEmerald for helping me not only for fixing the story, but also with posting this! Okay, That's the end of Power of Chaos series! But the story isn't over yet! Because I'm making a SEQUEL of this story which is going to be a Rated M fanfic, due to it's Horror, Action, and Gore Genre. Take a look at this trailer!

Neera: What in the world is this?!

Askal: Don't let that monster take hold of our land! W... W-what the?!

?: You think you can defeat me? Say hello to your death!

Gong: No... IT CANT BE!


Magister: We must find a way to restore our worlds once and for all, before catastrophe struck.

Sonic: I'll find a way to restore these worlds!


Knuckles: Let's teach those fuckers a lesson they'll never forget!

Sonic: Shadow?!

Shadow: -looks at Sonic- It's been a while...


Carol: -holds Zao in the throat- What the hell is your problem?! You expect us to shed blood while you stay in your shitty kingdom just for enjoyment?!

Lilac: Sonic has changed... For 2 years.. He's become more serious and aggressive than ever before. He's not even Sonic anymore…

Magister: If we don't do something quickly, we will all perish…

Milla: -points a gun at ?- Get the hell out of here!

Cream: Q_Q!


Neera: What are those things, Magister?!

Magister: Gigantic creatures that are known to kill and eat whatever they could find with blood... They are possessed by the red stone... Known as the Philosopher Orb…

BETRAYAL... Neera: YOU! YOU FUCKING TRAITOR! -runs towards ?-

?: Now you'll all die in these worlds together!

Magister: Who knew that one of their world's greatest heroes can be our world's greatest enemy.

Lilac: I'll stop who ever tries to ruin our home!

Knuckles: -picks up Carol- CAROL! DONT DIE ON ME! SOMEBODY SAVE HER!


Sonic: -escapes ? and turns Super Sonic- This is all your fault... you destroyed everything... you ruined my life... You haunted my dreams... You killed my friends in my dreams! And now that you're free... IM GOING TO KILL YOU! GRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!


Chapter 1 is out now! Check it Out!