Haaaah... Avalice, the beautiful planet filled with fascinating creatures. This place lives a very beautiful yet powerful dragon. She was considered a hero after the defeat of Lord Brevon, an evil villain that planned to use the Kingdom Stone. The night at Avalice, Lilac prepared the tents while Carol went to get marshmallows. Milla looks at an insect called a firefly. She was amazed on how beautiful the insects look when they glow around. She followed them while Lilac saw Milla running around. "Milla! Please be careful!" said Lilac as she was worried. "Don't worry! I'll be fine!" Milla replied.

Lilac was still worried about her safety after what Brevon did to her last year. When Lilac was about to chase Milla, Carol in time came with marshmallows. Lilac forces Carol to follow Milla and find some wood. At forest, Milla and Carol were looking for wood while innocent little Milla was playing digging the dirt. Carol was listening to her iPod of her favorite song but she never notices Milla found a strange thing on the ground.

"What's that?" questioned Milla as she stood a little closer.

" I'm hard as nails, it ain't hard to tell

I break 'em down whether they're solid or frail

Unlike the rest I'm independent since my first breath

First test, feel the right, than the worst's left " Carol sang along with her favorite song but doesn't pay attention to Milla's safety.

Back at Mobius, Sonic was fighting Eggman riding the BIG ARM 2.0, an upgraded version of the original. "Hey Egghead! Didn't I destroy that thing a long time ago back on Launch Base Zone?" says Sonic as he puts his stance. "But I now upgraded it with more speed, flex, and power! This time It won't fail!" yelled Eggman as he makes the arms in defence mode. "That's what you said the last time... actually, you say that every time! But you always fail!" Sonic said that loud enough to make Eggman hear. "Grr... you're going to regret that!" Eggman angrily commands his vehicle to grab Sonic as fast as his machine could. Sadly... he was too slow. "No!" Eggman panicked as his Big Arm's... arm, gets stuck on the metal floor. Guess he never noticed anything of that. "Sorry Egghead! Wish to play with ya some more! But this one's gonna be quick!" said the hedgehog as he charges a spin dash. Eggman tried to pick up his machine's arm out but it wouldn't budge. Sonic used the overcharged spin dash that it was so powerful enough to cause his emerald and Eggman's other emeralds to react.

Returning to Avalice, Milla freaks out when a big portal appeared out the ground. She couldn't move because her muscles wouldn't respond. She was paralyzed. The portal was pulling the basset into it and Milla fell into the portal but Carol finally notices when she found Milla in trouble. "MILLA!" said Carol as she rushed to her then grabbed Milla's arm to pull her out. However the force was too strong for her that she was pulled down as well. "Hel...p" Carol barely said as she was struggling to pick up Milla.


The scream was loud enough to make Lilac notice. "Oh no! The girls! Hold on! I'm coming!" said Lilac as she panicked then ran on her top speed to the forest. She uses her dragon boost to rush towards the forest even faster. As she finally arrived, she sees her best friends sucked into a portal, "Lilac!" said Carol as tears were on her eyes. Lilac ran as fast she could to grab Carol out of the portal. She succeed, so she ran back to pull them up. However, Lilac stepped on a random small tiny boulder, causing her to twist her ankle. As she tripped, the three were sucked to the hole while they scream... until there was nothing left.. "Is this it?" Lilac questioning herself. "Is this how my life will end?" she started to shed a bit tears and disappeared from the darkness.

Back at Mobius, a chaos control was activated while Eggman and Sonic never noticed the reaction. "Oh no!" yelled Eggman as Sonic knew what was going on. "Don't tell me you have a Chaos Emerald!" said Eggman when he knew Sonic had an emerald with him. But soon afterwards, Sonic was paralyzed after all that power. "C-crap! I... can'tt sto..pp it! Sonic barely said anything. "SONIC!" both Tails and Knuckles yelled as they saw what's happening. "GHHHH...RRRAHHHHHHHH!" Sonic screamed in pain as everything went white all of a sudden. "Oh no! Not again!" Eggman continued to yelled after he remembered they were sent to Earth last time.

"What's going on?!" a female bat along with a dark hedgehog were hiding until was touched by the light. After the white void closed, everything that was pulled into it disappeared.

On an Unknown Planet...

At a grass field, Sonic slowly opens his eyes, "Owww... W...what happened...?" As he sits up, he takes a look around, "This place... Why does it sound familiar...?" However he realizes his friends are gone. He jumps up and starts running to look for Tails and Knuckles.

"Tails! Knuckles! Where are you?" Sonic yelled as loud as he could, but no answer. As he ran to deserts, to forests, to jungles, yet no sight. Sonic suddenly sees a purple light dashing towards him. Sonic takes a look all confused, "Wha-what is that...?" However as he took a good look, he flinched and tried to stop his feet to slow down but since the purple figure never noticed somebody coming to her, they collide each other as Sonic was pushed backwards along with the purple light. They started to rollback until they hit a tree. When the rolling was over, Sonic rubs his head in pain, "Owww... Huh...?" As he looks down, he found a purple girl with long hair that was injured badly on his lap. "Hey! Hey! Hey are you alright?! Speak to me!" The girl finally wakes up, "OW... W-w-what happened... As she looks up and sees sees an unfamiliar face, she panics. "AAAHH!" Due to panic, she punches the hedgehog straight away. "Oww! What the heck was that for?!" Lilac realizes her actions and apologized, "I'm sorry... I thought you were some monster trying to eat me.." Sonic rubs his face, "Well, it's alright... I can't blame you. That's one good defence you have there." Lilac rubs her fists, "Well I did train in Martial Arts" Sonic stands up and greets himself, "Name's Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! And who might you be?" Lilac greets herself as she soothes her hair, "I'm Sash Lilac! But call me Lilac! Owwww...I think I twisted my ankle..." Sonic looks down, "Sorry about that..." However Lilac gives him a warm smile, "It's okay. It happened a long time ago. Some portal sent me here."



Sonic picks up the dragongirl to his arms, causing the dragon in shock, "Hey! What are you doing?!" Sonic exclaims, "I can help you with that! Let's go!" Before Lilac said anything, Sonic boosts themselves in high speeds. Lilac's face was blown by the amazing wind currents. She had thoughts, "Oh my... He's even faster than myself. Just what is he...?"

Days have passed after that. The two meet Chris Throndyke, Sonic's old friend, to assist them on their progress. Chris reveals that in order to get home, they must collect the Chaos Emeralds. Adventure after adventure, they traveled to different islands. Along the way, Sonic and Lilac meet their friends, Tails and Milla, who assisted them by using their flight abilities. Then, a fight started between Sonic and his old rival Metal Sonic. The battle was very rough and Sonic almost lost. However Sonic had the power which no one can expect. He finally gains victory by defeating Metal Sonic. After collecting the Chaos Emerald from Mr. President, they set out to find the next Chaos Emerald located on a beach. The party ended sadly as the Doctor stopped them. However after yet another defeat, Lilac saves Sonic from drowning, creating a relationship which no one can ever realize. A month has passed and yet not enough Chaos Emeralds to get home. Lilac, grew that feeling of Sonic getting in harm's way.

Meanwhile outside of the Throndyke's Mansion...

Lilac was very quiet while she looks at the starry night sky filled with diamonds known as "stars". "Are you okay?" A voice was heard. Lilac jumps a little as she turns around only to see the blue blur himself. "Is something wrong?" Asked the hedgehog. The dragon turns around and sighs in anxiety as she looks at the clear blue space over the sky. "We haven't heard anything from Eggman in a while since back at the Resort. I'm kinda worried of what's he's up to.. I got a bad feeling about this... " Lilac hold her arms together, worried of what the doc has on his blur smiles as he puts his warm hand on the girl's shoulder, "Don't worry... " Lilac knew and has a smirk on her face. "You are planning something new aren't you?"



Tails appears along with the others.. And I'm pretty sure another hedgehog is angry. "Sorry guys! Gotta go!" as he leaves, Lilac holds his arms, making Amy grin even more. "Sonic where are you going?" "I'm heading to Station Square to find some clues about what's Eggman up to!" The hedgehog quickly runs off, causing a gigantic wind to blow his friends back.


Sonic returns with a confused face, "Uh... Oops..." The echidna jumps up angrily, "SONIC! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING IDIOT!" Sonic rubs his head in sweatdrops. "Sorry... " as the hedgehog speeds his feet and leaves, Lilac stares at him with a worried eyes mixed with fear. "Sonic..."

9:00 pm. At Eggman's base

"I can't be a villain if I can't even defeat a hedgehog! What's worse is that dragongirl! What should I do? Hmm..."

"BOSSS! A tiny childlike robot comes flying and crashes into his base freaking the doc and causing him to jump back in pure shock. "GAAAHHH!"


"Well well... If it isn't Bokkun."

"Sir! It's so nice to see you again!" The little robot hugs the doctor, causing him to push back. "Get off me!"

"What happened doc?! I was so worried about you!"

"Wait.. How did you program yourself and turn your-self on?"

"I think after when we defeated Metalix 6 months ago, I somehow got mixed with electric wires. It turned me on and then.."

"Reprogrammed your database and functions by itself! I'm a genius afterall!"

"An EVIL genius doc!"

"That's right! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"So what's your plan to destroy Sonic?"

"Hmm... I got it!" I'll rebuild Metal again! But with this Chaos Emerald!" He holds an Emerald will unlimited amount of power. "With this, I'll multiply its power and make Metal much more powerful!"

"Are you sure it's gonna wor-"

"Shut it or else I'll turn you to metal scrap!"

"y-yes sir.."

Back to the Heroes..

Sonic finally arrives to the others after a large amount of passing time. The dragon asks, "Any luck?" The hedgehog drops his ears. "Sadly no..." Over the clouds were two unexpectedly and never before seen creatures called "The Demon Sisters", Ikishi and Akuma. "Ack! Yet another body was disgusting!"

"Calm down sister... We might find another set of bodies."

"Look there sister!"

"What is it?"

They look down on a purple dragon and a green wildcat. Akuma was hungry, "Their bodies look very nice! Let's take them! Shall we?" As they lower themselves towards the ground, they rush at Lilac and Carol, and take them away to the sky. "GOTCHA!" Lilac panicked and screamed, "AHH! Get off me!" Carol does the same, "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Sonic and Knuckles chase them, "LILAC! CAROL!" The blur sees something shiny behind him as it turns out to be the same necklace Lilc made him with a big pearl on it. "Lilac... FORGET THIS! I'M GOING AFTER HER AND I'M GONNA SAVE HER!" Knuckles grabs him, "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY?! You have no idea where she is." Sonic sweatdrops, "I made a solid promise to her!

"I made a promise I'd protect her and I don't want to break that promise.. I HAVE TO GO!" As the blur engages for a boost, the echidna grabs his shoulder, stopping him at his feet.


"Wait.. What?"

Knuckles cheeks suddenly turns fade red and looks away with a face of attitude, "Okay... Carol might be a little crazy but she's also very... Sweet... Look! Just Take me with you! Okay?..." Knuckles gives his determined face to the hedgehog, successfully convincing him. "Alright then. LET'S GO!" He then uses a boost to blast himself and Knuckles in massive speed. "GRRAAAHHH!" Sonic knew those two, Akuma and Ikishi, were demons and knew exactly where they hide...

In a dark spooky mansion..

The hedgehog brought a flashlight with him. "Oh man.. This place sure gives me the creeps..." Sonic shivered. Knuckles, "Enough wasting time... Let's save the girls!" As they proceed, a certain scream makes Sonic stop his footsteps. "EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" The hedgehog puts his fighting pose, "THAT SOUNDED LIKE LILAC!" Due to the scream, it awakened the bats and they suddenly come after the two duo. "Crap! We got company!" the hedgehog yelled. Knuckles, "Let's give them a taste of our power!"


They engage in battle as Sonic uses his feet to kicks the bats while Knuckles uses his fists to crush them. As they finished, there was another scream. "EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"

"Over there!" As Sonic points at a certain wall, Knuckles breaks it with his fists to arrive at a cave. Sonic and Knuckles were ready to fight as they use their defence but their eyes were shocked as they seen Lilac hanging on the chimney. "L-Lilac?!" The hedgehog was quite shocked. "S...sonic...?" The dragon barely spoke. "Don't worry! I'll get you out of there!" As soon as Sonic tries to come towards her, Knuckles grabs him.

"Knux! What are yo-"

"Sonic... I have a bad feeling about this.."

"...he's right..." Lilac disappears and teleports to the duo with darker skin and dark red eyes with wings, "HAHAHAHAHAHA..." Carol appears behind them with the same look evil face, "Hehehehehehe..."

"WOAHH!" The two male heroes panicked. "You miserable creep..." Said the possessed demon dragon. Sonic grew angry, "HOW DARE YOU STEAL LILAC'S BODY?!" Knuckles, "GET OUT OF CAROL NOW!"

"We like these bodies! If you want them... you have to fight us... Hahaha!" Said the two possessed girls. "YOU SHALL DIE HERE AND NOW!" As the two disappeared, one appears behind Knuckles and he tries a punch but it was dodged instantly like it was child's play. The dragon the appears in front of Sonic as Sonic jumps towards her. "HEAHH!" Sadly it was not effective as they pass through their bodies. "See? We're ghost now! Your attacks are nothing!" Possessed Lilac suddenly breaths fire aiming at the blue blur, making him dodge the attack and run. "Run pest! Run! Hahaha!"

The hedgehog steps and stops as he turns to the possessed dragon. As Knuckles fights the possessed Wildcat, the echidna was quickly thrown to the hedgehog as the two possessed heroines were increasing power much greater than expected. "GHH..." Grunts the echidna in pain. As Sonic catches off guard, the wildcat secretly kicks him in brute force like a blue kick ball and the dragon immediately holds him. "Now time to bite! "

The possessed Lilac bites Sonic's back, sucking some blood off his veins and causing him to scream in pain, "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"SONIC!" As the Bat looking dragon drops Sonic, Knuckles immediately catches him. "SONIC ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"


"You ok?"


And as the two stand up and put their poses, Possessed Lilac appears in front of them, ready to breath fire again. As Sonic blocks the attack, his charm was shown the dragon stops. As she states at it, Lilac takes control of her body for a brief moment, "Sonic! USE YOUR FLASHLIGHT! ITS THE ONLY WAY TO DEFEAT THEM!" She loses control and was possessed once again. "Not sure why but let's try!" Sonic takes out his flashlight and points at Lilac, making her blind as her clear body turns solid. "NOW'S MY CHANCE!" The hedgehog attacks the possessed dragon multiple times. Kicks her away, the possessed wildcat throws Sonic back in brute force and as Demon Carol goes after Knuckles, he points the flashlight and attacks Carol various amount of times. He then gives his final attack to push Carol to the top center of the chimney. Sonic does the same as he kicks Lilac immediately to the same location. As the two were hit together at the same time, they are out of mind control and fall to the ground, well not before Sonic and Knuckles holds them in their arms. Akuma and Ikishi appear.



Sonic asked, "What's you plan?! What are your plans with Eggman?!"

"Eggman? We don't know who's by the name of "Eggman...'" Answered the demon. "We are here to give you a message... By the democracy.. Our boss..."

"The Future of this Earth will forever be changed by me and will turn into nothing but a world of darkness and destruction..."

"What?! Destroy Earth?!" The echidna was shocked. "Farewell.." The two demon sisters disappear. "WAIT YOU TWO! DAMN!" The Echidna yelled angrily. "What was about that democracy?!"

"We'll discuss that later... Right now we need to take care of Lilac and Carol." Said the Hedgehog.


As they finally arrived, the heroes were explaining what was the "Democracy" the twin demons were talking about. "Democracy... The future of Earth... Something doesn't add up.."

"Are you sure?"


Knuckles steps in, "Sonic let's see that bitemark"

"oh okay..." As he steps and turns around, everyone were completely shocked. "What the?! It's gone!"

"Oh! That dragongirl is going to pay!" Said the angry pink hedgehog. "Amy... Chill.. They were both in mind control... She would never do that on purpose.."

Tails, "I'm worried about Lilac and Carol.. They looked pretty hurt.."

Sonic and Knuckles kept quiet since they were the ones that actually hurt their bodies. "Let's hope tomorrow that something will come up so we find out who is this democracy character so we stop him!" Said the echidna.

After days, the heroes tried to find clues about Democracy. Yet no answer. Chris invited them to go to a snow mountain. They wouldn't leave their friend worried so they accepted the offer.

Meanwhile at a Van..

"Wow! It's amazing!" Milla was gazed by the beautiful trees.

Tails suddenly points a tree. "That tree over there is 1000 years old! According to the guide that I have, years have passed since that tree was in that spot. No matter what massive human strength or disasters of a fire spread, the tree was never taken down! It's that strong!"

"Wow..." Milla couldn't resist but look at the tree. "One day I want to climb it! Teehee!"

"Hehe." Tails comes close to her ear and whispers, "The two of us together.." The puppy girl giggles quietly while she licks Tails's cheek."My little foxy" Tails suddenly felt like he was gonna faint, "Eh.. Hehe.."

Back to Knuckles and Carol. The echidna crosses his arms as he looks at the window silent. Carol suddenly scoots over to him, "Listen Knux... Thanks for saving me the other day. You are my hero."

"Uh... Sure Carol... " Knuckles suddenly blushes. The wildcat knew what he was feeling and gave him something that would make him react... A kiss in the cheek. Knuckles suddenly reacts and jumps back, "AHH! Baka! How dare you! Catching me off-guard like that!" The wildcat returns with a childish chuckle. "Hehehehe"

Back to the speedy heroes, Sonic and Lilac.

Sonic smiles while looks at the beautiful view, Lilac tries her best to get his attention. "Sonic?"

"Yeah?" Sonic briefly turns to the dragon, causing her to shake by nervousness. "Uh...uh... It's nothing..."

"Okay" he turns back to watching the mountains by the window. Lilac swears herself for missing her chance of confessing to him. She then scoots a little closer to him and suddenly looks down on Sonic's hand. Lilac herself wasn't even sure on what's going with her but ignores her actions as she carefully and slowly reaches to Sonic's hand. As she gets closer, the van runs over bump on the concrete, making everyone bounce and Lilac on the other hand falls on Sonic. "Ow..."

"Are you okay?" Lilac as she looks up, Sonic's handsome face makes Lilac's heart race in high pace and she quickly jumps back. "U-u-u-uh... I'm s-s-sorry!" She immediately blushes, making her cheeks blush red and hides her face. "It's fine!" The hedgehog immediately smiles.

"... Sonic...?" Lilac asks.

Sonic turned back to Lilac once more, "Yeah?"

"Sonic... I... I.."


"I... I lo-" she was suddenly interrupted by Chris as he said, "We are here guys!" They finally arrived to the mountains as everything was.. Well, white! As for our main heroes, they step out to feel the breeze while their warm clothes keep them from the cold. "All right! Let's go!" Everyone was out of the van except the dragongirl herself. She was very quiet and silent, figuring out what she would have said before she was interrupted and swears herself for losing her biggest chance of confessing her feelings towards the blue hero. "...just why wouldn't I say it... Maybe it was a dumb idea... It's too early..." Carol enters inside the van to get Lilac out, "COME ON LILAC! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" Lilac replied, "Yeah... sure.."

Sonic and Tails ride on a snowy mountain down, making combos and cool tricks. "WOOHOO!" Sonic as he rides the snowboard, makes a handstand while Tails jumps on top and stands on Sonic's feet, considering he doesn't weigh that much. "YAHOO!"

Everyone was watching them from below. "Carol yells, "WATCH OUT YOU TWO!" The duo clearly see a boulder on their sight. "AHHH!" As they crash, the two fall on the snow and they roll, creating a huge snowball and falls on the lower level. Sonic and Tails pop out of the snowball, causing everyone to laugh. Lilac giggles as she watched the whole thing and tries her best not laugh.

"Hehe!" The hedgehog chuckles. As everyone leaves, Sonic walks to Lilac and asks, "What were you gonna tell me Lilac?" The dragon shook as she was shaking nervously. "Uh... Sonic..." Lilac was having a lot of thoughts on her head.

"Come on Lilac... Just tell him... Tell him how you feel.. Stop being a chicken and tell him!"

"But what if he doesn't like me?"



"Sonic... I..." Lilac barely says, making the hedgehog question her. "Yeah?"

"Sonic.. The truth is... I.. I lov-"

She was interrupted as a sudden explosion cause the heroes to shake. "GAHH! WHAT NOW?!" As the two run to where the explosion occurred, it appears it was a gigantic machine, the same one Sonic fought months ago. "This again? Oh well.. Come on Lilac! Lest teach them the real power of speed!"

"YEAH!" As they use boost to run around the machine, the machine however can turn its arms around as much as it wants and Sonic dodges in time. "WOAH!" Sadly, Lilac was tricked and was caught by it. "Gh.. Let go of me!" Sonic tried to save her. However the machine used its feet to kick Sonic away. "Sonic!" Knuckles was climbing the machine as Carol was using Tails as a helicopter to fly to it's control panel. Milla was using her psychic barriers as shields to protect them. "Come on Tails!" "Right!" As they hop on, Carol opens the control panel and checks for the right wires to deactivate and not make it explode for the protection of people. Knuckles on the other hand, tries to break the arm that's holding Lilac. "HOLD ON LILAC! I'LL GET YOU OUT!" Sonic appears in full speed and in anger, "ALRIGHT! NO MORE MR. NICE GUY!" As he jumps and puts his arm on the front to use his fist to break through the MEGA robot. However, what Sonic didn't expected is that covers itself with the arm Lilac is in and uses her as a shield. The hedgehog PUNCHES Lilac's face even though she's unconscious due to not having enough time to react. "LILAC!", Sonic eye's were widened, but was thrown again. "Woooaah!" Knuckles quickly uses his fists to punch through the arm and in meantime, Tails, Carol and Milla get to the deactivation switch and press it together. "GOOOO!" The mega Egg-robot stops functioning as it falls and Knuckles grabs Lilac immediately and carries her. They land safely and everyone else was on ground. What surprised the heroes is that a missile was shoot out from the machine and the missile was flying away, confusing the heroes. "What the?! Maybe it pressed something in accident."

"Uh Knuckles? I don't thin-"

"Lilac is unconscious! We should worry about that missile later!" As he takes her, Sonic comes back injured with no clothing at all, even though he never did. The hedgehog had a look of guilt. "Hey Sonic! We better go!" Said Knuckles but Sonic didn't respond. "Sonic!"

"JUST GO! I need some time alone!"

"Gh!" Knuckles was horribly surprised and flinched. However, he takes the unconscious Dragongirl anyway and everyone headed back to a warm large apartment building. Sonic leaves and walks slowly, to the woods and never comes back. Meanwhile at the sky over the seas, Bocoe, Decoe and Bokkun were on the EggMobile with something the finally collected, a CHAOS EMERALD! "That went perfectly well!"

"YEAH! And that was the perfect scheme! Using that machine's transporting system to send us that chaos emerald by launching that missile!"

"Those hero dopes don't know nothing!"

"You said it! I hope the doc gives us a promotion!"


At the building where the heroes are resting, Lilac opens her eyes only to see her friends next to her. "Uh... What happened...?"

"You ok Lilac?" Asked the worried wildcat. Lilac responded "I'm fine Carol! Ow... My cheek..." Everyone stayed quiet since they saw what happened. "I'm sorry if I was a bother to you guys." Said Lilac.

"It's fine Lilac."

"How did I have a mark on my face...? Was I attacked by Eggman..?" Knuckles couldn't bare to tell her the truth, "Y-yeah it was him!" Suddenly Lilac felt something missing;but, she realized it wasn't something, it's someONE. "Guys? Have you seen Sonic anywhere?"

"Not me" said Helen as she makes dinner for everyone. "I think he's in the woods. He was very moody,and a bit depressed" Knuckles responded, which Lilac was in pure shock. "WHAT?! HIM IN THE WOODS ALONE?! Wait.. Depressed?" The dragon couldn't help being worried about Sonic and thus, she jumps out of the bed and runs out to find him. "WAIT LILAC!" Knuckles yells, "Me and my big mouth.. ". As Lilac runs as fast as she could, she quickly turns around to see if she could find him. "SONIC! SONIC!" Sonic was sitting on a tree log, looking down on the snow, with emotionless face thinking of what's wrong with him. "*sigh*" Suddenly a footstep makes him react to who just arrived. It was Lilac! She was huffing since she grew tired of running. "Huff... Huff.. Huff..."

"L-lilac?" He turns away, "Sorry if left so suddenly..."

"Is there something troubling you? If you do, you can talk to me" as Lilac spoke, Sonic still looks down thinking of what he did to her. "I can be useful Sonic! Please just tell me. I'll support you even if I'm a little.. You know.." As Lilac smiles, Sonic still couldn't look at her. Lilac tries to act cheerful, "Sonic, I know how you feel! I know you couldn't save me but it's okay! I'm fine! It happened to me one time when I tried my best to save my best friend Ca-"

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT, LILAC?!" Sonic angrily yells at Lilac at the top of his lungs. The dragongirl's heart was severely crushed by his action. "*gasp*" She felt like she wanted to cry but as a response, she said, "Then why don't you talk about it?!"

"THIS IS MY DAMN PROBLEM ALRIGHT?! I LOST TO A PIECE OF CRAP AND THATS IT! IM DONE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Sonic as he turns around to look away, he was hit by a snowball. "GAH! Huh?" As he looks closely on Lilac, her eyes were filled with sad tears. "The Sonic I know never gives up on anything... He risks his life just to save others. He always says words filled with determination... No matter how much he's fallen, he gets up and tries again. So that's why.. I... I.." She throws two snowballs on Sonic's face, the 2nd hits Sonic so hard he trips on the tree log and falls on the ground. "Right now... YOU'RE NOT YOURSELF AT ALL!" She turns and runs away from him, sobbing in tears. As for the blue hero, he looks at the sky with a sad face, "not myself huh...? Gh... Grr... DAAAAAAMMMMMMMMNNNN IIIIITTTTTTTTT!" He screams his loudest in pure anger and regret. As he stands up, he walks away. Away from everyone as possible.

Back at the building, as Lilac arrives in tears and anger, sits down at the seat of the front building outside. "HMPH!" Carol and Knuckles look at each other, "l think something happened between the two." Milla then walks to Lilac, "Is something wrong?"

"I don't care anymore!"

"... Huh?" Tails felt something on his fur, it was clearly snow. "It's... It's snowing!" Suddenly, the building's owner comes out, "Everyone! You should get inside immediately! There's gonna be a terrible snowstorm!"

Tails, "Come on Lilac! Please!"

"I don't care about that idiotic hedgehog! Hmph!"



"Well... It's time to tell her the truth..." Knuckles stands up and walks to the dragongirl. "Listen Lilac... About that mark on your cheek... It wasn't Eggman..."

"Wait.. What..? Then who did it..?"

"It was..." Knuckles told everything that happened, everything that's the truth. Lilac was purely shocked and never expected to hear that. "Is... That why he's depressed...?" "Sonic is suffering the guilt for hurting you, which is why he left."

Lilac felt like she wanted to cry again, however she stands up and runs back to the forest, ignoring the warnings of her friends, "Sonic... I'm sorry... I never knew... Please don't leave me... PLEASE!" Just as she runs as quickly as possible, a tiny boulder was on her way and Lilac kicks it, causing her to injure herself and fall on the ground. However, her velocity was very high she couldn't stop and kept rolling and rolling that her body was dropped from a cliff. "AHHHHH!" As she falls, she looks down, ready to face the pain. However, a blue light zooms towards her and catches her in time. "OOOFFF!"

Back at the building, Knuckles, Carol, and everyone else were extremely worried about the safety of their comrades. "I hope they are alright.."

"I hope so too..."


"We can't." Knuckles says as he checks the window. "Look how terrible the snowstorm is. We just can't"

"But Sonic and Lilac.. "

"I'm sure they'll be fine. Just be patient."

Hours later, a dragon wakes up as she opens her eyes a little. "Hm... Huh?" As she looks up it was dark. It took her a matter of seconds before she realized she was inside a cave. "A cave...?" As she looks at her right, her eyes were wide. It was the blue blur himself, Sonic. "You alright?" Lilac was still looking at him as Sonic makes a fire to keep themselves warm. "Y-yeah." Lilac responds. Sonic still looks away feeling guilty for what he done. Lilac holds his hand softly, "Sonic... It's not your fault... The machine was the one to blame, not you. Please Sonic." Sonic didn't expected Lilac to know that, however he felt a bit more guilty for yelling at her earlier, "I'm sorry I yelled at you Lilac.. I wasn't myself at all" Lilac replies with a kiss in the cheek, "It's okay Sonic. I forgive you. I know you were just worried about my safety." Sonic felt a warm grab from Lilac's hand. As Lilac smiles, Sonic slowly smiles and tries to keep the fire up to warm themselves up. The dragon scoots over and asks Sonic, "Sonic...? Do you trust me..?" That question surely made the hedgehog confused, "But... I do trust you Lilac... In fact... I want to tell you how I got my speed in the first place.. I wasn't born with it, it was given to me." Lilac was surprised as her eyes were very wide, considering how she never knew the truth about his true origins. Sonic explains, "It was one night... I never had parents and thus I was captured by Eggman as a helpless child. My fur was brown at the time and my shoes.. Well... They were worn out. As he tested me for a running experiment, using a nucleus energy, something happened as an explosion occurred. I was hit by it and because of this, it turned my fur blue and I tried to run away. What I didn't expect is that I was extremely fast, but my feet were burning due to running too much. But on the positive side, there were a pair of experimental shoes. As I put them on, I was WAY fast, I zoomed out of there quickly. That's how it all happened." Lilac was very speechless and couldn't think of anything to say but, "Wow..." Sonic leans back and look at the sparkling crystals on the ground's ceiling. "Yup... Look at those crystals!" Lilac looks up, "They're so beautiful...". "They sure are..." Just as Sonic tries to stand up, Lilac puts her head on his chest and falls asleep. Sonic looks down on her and smiles. "Sweet dreams Lilac..." They both fall asleep as the snowstorm still occurs.

The morning sun arises as our heroes exit their beautiful dreams to restart a new day. "YAWWWWWNNN!" the dragon yawns as she rubs her eyes to give herself a better view after her beautiful nap. She was shocked and surprised as the snowstorm already ended. "Finally... Wait... Where's Sonic..?", the dragon questioned herself, worried of what might have happened to him. "Yo!" A sudden voice was heard. As Lilac turns around, it was Sonic and everyone! "EVERYONE!" Lilac barely said anything before being trampled by her two worried friends, "LILAC! *sniff* I WAS WORRIED!" Lilac hugs the crying wildcat, " It's okay Carol! I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure!"

Sonic steps front to talk to Lilac, "Again Lilac, I'm sorry I yelled at you... I was jus-"

"It's okay Sonic.. I forgive you.." She clearly comes close to hug him. As they both hug each other, everyone decides to head back to Chris's house. "Let's go"

Even after for some time, Tails and Carol were still on progress to fix Chris's teleporter. "Man... This is gonna take forever to fix!"

"Huh... Where's Sonic?" Asks Carol

"Must be out on a adventure. He can take care of himself so there's no need to worry about him that much." As soon as Tails explains, a cockroach falls on Milla.


Tails was very scared as the two kids run around in circles, creating havoc.

"GUYS! Settle down!" Chris tries to stop them. However, it was too late as the two kids crash at each other.



"What a bunch of little kids..." Carol states. However, what she did hear was her best friend's voice, "Hey Carol..."

"Hey Lila- WOAH!"

The wildcat was horribly surprised."Are you wearing... MAKE UP?!". Everyone zoom to where Lilac is, making her feel awkward. "Woah Lilac... It's amazing I ever even seen you wearing lipstick before!"

"What's with the funny clothes?" Knuckles asks.

"UH... It's the new outfit Rouge gave me" Lilac responds.

"You don't say?"

"Are you going somewhere?" Tails asks Lilac.

The first thing Lilac asks was, "Is Sonic around?"

Carol made a quick smirk on her face, "Ohhh~ So this is got something to do with the hedgehog right~?"

Lilac, "Um it's complicated... You see... I was planning to go... Um... On a date with Sonic.. And..."

Carol, "Come on Lilac! There's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"Easy for you to say. I'm just worried that he might not like the new clothes I'm wearing... So... I wanted to go on a date with Sonic..." Said Lilac.

Sadly, Chris disagreed. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"W-WHY?!" Lilac asks in shock.

"If Amy finds out about that, she coul-"


Carol pushes Chris away in brute force. "Don't mind him Lilac. You just go there and have some good time! I'll send Sonic the message on your way out when he comes back!"

"Thanks Carol" says Lilac as she walks out.

Back at Eggman's Secret Base...

"WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bokkun was crying like a little baby he was always.


"Cuz we are better, bigger and smarter than you!" Says Decoe.

"Smarter?! HAHAHA! I'm twice as smarter than you two bucket of dirtbags combined!"



"YAYYY!" As Bokkun eats the cake, Decoe and Bocoe have a discussion, "Why didn't we think about this earlier?" "You tell me..."

"Hey Bokkun!" Decoe gives a communicator to Bokkun. "Tell us if you find anything suspicious or useful when you find a Chaos Emerald alright and your reward is another cake!"

"YEAH!" Bokkun then flies away.

"What are we gotta do with that guy?"

"Beats me"

At Station Square...

Sonic dashes to the center park of Station Square and waits for the dragongirl herself. And he was dressed in a black and red jacket with dark jeans. "I wonder why I got a message from Lilac to meet her here. And was it REALLY necessary for Carol to give me these clothes?"

The blue blur was waiting for Lilac to come as he stomps his foot, waiting impatiently. "Hm..."


"Oh! Hey Lilac! I was expec...ting... To.. See.. You... Here..." Sonic as he turns around, he was gazed by Lilac's incredible beauty. He was stunned and couldn't stop staring. The hedgehog had no words to say. "Uh... Uh.."

"Well.. Say something." Lilac says, expecting the blue hero to give her a comment on her new look.

"... What's with the funny clothes?"

The dragon clearly was getting pissed off, but since she doesn't want to miss her last chance, she calms down her temper. "Well today, I thought we could spend a good day... Just the two of us.."

"Doing what?"

Lilac sweat drops.

"Hey I know! We could go get some chili-dogs, or find out what Eggman's up to to foil his plans! Or go to the X-Tornado with Tails and the gang! Or maybe go collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds for safe keeping! Or mayb- UH..." Sonic stopped due to him feeling weird as Lilac was staring at him with a beautiful look. "Uh... Lilac.. Why are you staring at me like that?"

Lilac clearly giggles, knowing it's the same Sonic she knows, "Oh Sonic.. Today.. It's just you and me" She winks at him.

"Uh... O-okay."

As Lilac holds his hand, they walk off together peacefully. Or so they thought. A little robot appears out of the bushes, "Huh?! Decoe! Bocoe!"

"What is it?"

"You won't believe what's happening!"


"Sonic and this Lilac... ARE DATING!"


"How romantic~" says Bocoe

"What should I do?"

"Here's the plan!"

Meanwhile back at Chris's House

"What's up guys?" Amy comes in after a 3 day shopping spree, not knowing the events that were happening so far. Everyone at least were very terrified of what might happen if she finds out about Sonic and Lilac's date.


"HAHAHAHAHA!" A sudden voice was heard. It was Bokkun!

"BOKKUN!" Chris, Tails and Knuckles yelled.

"Bokkun?" Carol and Milla barely said before being pulled back by the guys.

"Relax! I'm not gonna pull a trick this time! Geez!"

"What do you want Bokkun?" Amy asks.

"This is gonna shock you!"


"Sonic and Lilac are going on a date!"


Amy yells at the top of her legs as she was completely on fire. "GRRR...grrrr..." Everyone was backing away as much as possible. Chris saying, "Amy, calm down! It's just tha-"


"No offense, but Sonic ain't exactly your boyfriend" Bokkun should have thought twice after stating that reason, because Amy then grabbed him, "What did you just say?!"



"EEYYYAAAAHHHH!" Bokkun was sent flying.

"Hey um.. Please calm down.." Milla says in a sweet voice.

Carol obviously said, "Man.. I never seen someone this pathetic."

Amy grew even more furious, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!"

"You know what Amy, this exactly why we didn't tell you. Everytime Sonic and Lilac are together, you freak out and become utterly insane!"

"Because Sonic belongs to me!"

"WOOOOOwww... Bravo! You just won yourself a medal for #1 Stubbornest Person on the Planet!"


Carol carried on, "I can see why... You're just jealous of Lilac! Because she's calmer, faster, and more beautiful! Comparing Lilac to you is like comparing a fancy food to a dirty sandwich! You can't stand seeing Lilac close to Sonic! That explains why you hate Lilac! Wanna know something? Sonic has finally found you annoying as ever and so is everyone else! We are gonna stay in this planet! So get used to it! Do you know Sonic and Lilac kept having close relationship moments? Sonic likes mature women like Lilac! Not some obnoxious brat with a silly hammer!" After much explanation, Amy has gotten even more angry than anything else ever imagined as her eyes turn red fire. "GRRRRRRRRRRR"


"Oh? Then why is Sonic with Lilac in the first place?"


Tails added, "He's right you know"

Amy had enough of it all, "Sonic has saved me many times... So I'll do the same! We'll rescue Sonic! The last one standing will help me find Sonic! WHO'S WITH ME?!"

Everyone disappears instantly, leaving Milla behind. "Everyone? Where are you guys going?"

"You must be Milla right? Come on! Let's go save Sonic!" As she walks out, Milla had a bad feeling, "Why did this have to happen to me?"

Meanwhile at Eggman Secret Base..

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Docoe and Bocoe panicked.

"I told Amy that Sonic and Lilac were dating!" Said Bokkun.



"Sabotage is a good thing to watch right?"



"That's why it's the perfect plan... To ruin their game! Hahaha!" says Bokkun as he leaves with the EggMobile. "This is gonna be fun to watch!"

"BOKKUN! Come back!"

"Oh well... It's been nice knowing you"

Back at Station Square

Sonic and Lilac were having their first walk together. Suddenly, Bokkun appears to in front of them. "Hello Sonic!"

"Bokkun.. You again?" Said Lilac.

"Indeed I am!"

"What do you want?"

"I told Amy you and Sonic and dating!" After that it was silent.

"...so? You came all this way just to tell us this? Amy can just kick, scream and cry whenever she likes! But that won't ruin our day!"

"Oh yeah? Then why don't you ask Sonic?"

Lilac was confused at first but as she turns to the blue hero, it would appear he was quite shocked.


"You should be! Because she's coming here to look for you right now!"

Sonic's jaw opens widely as it falls on the ground. BONK!

"Well! Catch ya later suckas! AHAHAHAHAHA!" As Bokkun leaves, the dragon turns to the paralyzed hedgehog. "Sonic?"

Suddenly, Sonic was so scared he was extremely panicking. "THIS ISN'T REAL! THIS ISN'T REAL!"


Sonic finally gains control but still afraid, "Well... Lilac... Um.. It's been fun hanging out with you! Well... Uh.. If you excuse me..." Just as he was about to leave, Lilac holds him, "You're not going anywhere!"

"But Lilac.."

"A day isn't something to run and hide. Is something to enjoy, and have fun! Right?" She gives another wink.

"UH y-y-yeah.."

Around the city...


Amy was doing her hardest to find Sonic although she did cause quite major damage to the city. "WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS HE! WHERE IS HE?!"

As she looks around, she spots someone, "*GASP* THERE HE IS!"


"Hey! What are you doing!"

As Amy hugs him, she completely realizes she was hugging the WRONG person in a Sonic costume. "Oh I'm sorry! I mistook you for someone else!"

"Um... Amy? Can we go back to the hou-"

"NO! WE ARE GOING TO FIND SONIC EVEN IF IT TAKES FOREVER! THERE'S NO TIME TO LOSE!" says Amy as she runs. "Wait for me!" Milla follows her.

In a fancy restaurant...

Sonic was getting very nervous, considering about Lilac's safety in case if they do encounter the berserk Amy herself. He thought of himself, "This isn't good... Not only is Amy on the loose, but I got to focus on Lilac..."

Lilac noticed his look and asked, "Hey Sonic?"


"You're so quiet. You're not nervous yet are you?"

"M-me?! Nonsense! Why you ask?"

"Because you look very sweaty"

"Sorry... "

Lilac giggles, "Don't be. This isn't about Bokkun and Amy's situation is it?"

Sonic was surprised, "O-of course not!"

Lilac puts her hand on Sonic's slowly. "Just a relax. Okay?" Lilac just as soon as she put her hand, she gets to Sonic closer.. And closer... And closes her eyes... And raises her lips... Waiting for the perfect moment...

Until... "GAH!" Sonic zooms out as Lilac scream, checking on the Daily Lunch Specials. "LILAC! CHECK IT OUT! ALL YOU CAN EAT CHILIDOGS! ISN'T IT GREAT?!"

Lilac gives a irritated look, "Sure... Why not..?"

Meanwhile, back at Station Square...

There was chaos everywhere, and the citizens were panicking! Amy has been destroying each car with her hammer, looking for HER crush Sonic. "WHERE IS HE?!"

"Man... That girl has lost her mind.." Said a citizen. "S-should we do something..?"

One of the old men calls Amy a psychopath, making Amy throw a huge car at him.

BOOM! "My leg!" the unfortunate gentleman shouted.

Milla was so freakishly scared, she couldn't even move. "A-Amy? Everyone is staring at you..."

Just as Amy finished destroying a car, she said, "I DON'T CARE! I WON'T STOP UNTIL I FIND SONIC! GRRR! COME ON!" As Amy leaves, Milla follows her, "Wait for me!"

Just as they left, a citizen come ready to ride his car... Until he found out it was broken. "Wha-wha happened to my car..?"


"She was looking for someone named Sonic and went crazy.."



Meanwhile in another location..

"Wow... You just ate 34 chilidogs..."said Lilac as Sonic was completely full. "Hehe. Guess I was hungrier than I thought!"

"Ugh... Whatever!"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Lilac suddenly spots a jewelry and comes closer, "Wow! Sonic! Look at this! They are so beautiful!"

"Wow! They sure are! Hey! Maybe one day, I might get you one soon!"

"*gasp* Really?! OH THANK YOU SONIC! " the dragon quickly hugs Sonic, making him blush and smile... But not for long as he sees something like it was nightmare... Amy..


"It's something wrong?!" Asked Lilac in panic. "No! It's nothing!"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive sure!" Sonic gives a thumbs up while he sweats.

As Bokkun observes them, he quickly activates a machine, "Well... Since Sonic spotted Amy, guess we should go with the plan! Go E-110!"

Lilac asks Sonic, "Come on Sonic! Just tell me what's going on?"


They suddenly heard a scream, "AAAHHHHHHH HELP!" The two quickly turn their heads only to see Amy captured by a Eggrobot.


"OH NO!"

Lilac, "sigh... I can't believe I'm saying this but... We have to rescue her..."

"We?! Uh.. I have a better idea: Why don't we call Tails and Knuckles and let them take care of this?" Said Sonic. Lilac irritated about his decision, says, "ORRR... I got a better idea. Why don't YOU go there and defeat that machine?"

"You're kidding me"

"Do I like I'm kidding?"



"Uh... Can't we take a bite first THEN save Amy?"

Lilac couldn't take any more chances so she looks at Sonic with a grin, stomping her foot and waits for Sonic to go to the action. "Alright..fine... Here goes nothing!" Sonic immediately dashes the opposite direction of the battle.



He finally appears in disguise while wearing a happy face mask, "Hey" Sonic using a different voice "I am HAPPY-MAN!" Lilacwas clearly annoyed and facepalms, "oh brother..." As Son- *Ahem* HAPPYMAN runs to the machine, it tries it's best by punching it. However, it's metal was hard and it was obvious Sonic was clearly doing his best NOT to completely free Amy.

Sonic however, looks behind him.

"Want to see my New Powerful technique?" Said a Market man as his book was grabbed. "WHA! HEY!"

"Okay.. Now let's see here.." Sonic reads the book that says,

"Step 1: Use strength to defeat your opponent in maximum force!

Step 2: Throw weapons by far distance

And Step 3: WARNING: Use this technique SPARINGLY."

"Okay! Here goes!" Sonic jumps to the stage and throws multiple punches in brute strength, "NANANANANANYAH!" After that, the blue hero freezes time and throws number of weapons, "KOTAMITU TORAME!"

And as he unfreezes time, he says, "SOSHTE MOTERAKU NOKITAS.."

KABOOM! The machine explodes.

Sonic cheers, "ALRIGHT!"




Suddenly, a gigantic tank falls from the sky, scaring the crap out of the blue blur. "OH NO!" Sonic runs to Lilac to ask what happened and all he gets was, "ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY INSANE?!"

Sonic tries to act innocent, "But I did everything like it says on the Manual!"

However, the dragon takes the book and reads it, "WARNING: Use this technique SPARINGLY"

"Say what?"

Lilac then yells at him, "IT MEANS YOU DO THIS WITH CAUTION!"

At where the machine was, an explosion of Fire occurs, the rising of the demon female hedgehog! "GRRRR! I KNOW THAT WAS SONIC!" Milla comes in with two Ice cream cones. "AMY. I brought ice cream. You want some?"


Milla was trembled, "I'm sorry... I didn't m-m-mean to.."


Suddenly a voice was heard, "Amy!"


It was Bokkun, "Sonic went that way!"


Amy runs at dashing speeds!

Meanwhile with Sonic and Lilac.

"This day isn't working out..." Says the sad dragon.

"What are you talking about?"

"is just that... Sonic... I really lik-"


What the two felt wasn't an earthquake. "Uh... Was that sound?" As the two turn to where the sound is coming from, it was no other than Amy herself, beast mode as she tramples the citizens in MASSIVE force. "I'M GONNA I'M GONNA I'M GONNA GET YOU SONIC! GRRRRRRRRRR! I WON'T STOP! I'M GONNA GGGEEEET YOU! YOUR MINE!"

"AHHHHH!" Sonic and Lilac both scream as they both run in high speed to escape.

Minutes Later... Sunset..

The heroes were very tired after running so fast. "*sigh* That was close... You alright Lilac?" asked the blur himself, clearly there wasn't a response. "Lilac?"

The dragon was watching the sunset and the shore splashing of the beauty waves. However, she wasn't alright. "Forget it Sonic... Just take me home."


"Look Sonic.. All I wanted was us to have a normal date together.. "

"A date? Is that why you are wearing make up?"

That made the dragongirl more depressed and she leaves. "Lilac! Wait! Look, I already figured it out. So why are you still upset?"

"Sonic.. I been trying to have a good time with you. But you seem to be more interested in those chilidogs and that fear of Amy."

Sonic smiles a bit, "Don't be silly Lilac I'm not not worried at all!"

"*Gasp* OMG! AMY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Lilac clearly fakes it to see evidence and sadly she did saw it.


"I knew it! I knew it! That proves my point! Are... Are you really that terrified of Amy?" Sonic crosses his arms, "well.. Amy can be assertive" however, that didn't make Lilac stay so she walks away. "Lilac! Hold on!"

"I'm sorry... It's just... I wanted this day to be perfect but... It's not what I hoped for.." After a matter of seconds, Sonic gives a smirk look on his face. As Lilac noticed, she asked, "Sonic? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What's not to look at? You been giving me this look all day."

"Stop it Sonic"

"Why not~?"

"Sigh.. Today wasn't exactly my idea of fun..."

"What could be more fun than this?" Says Sonic as he walks to Lilac. "Alright! Where would you like to go next?"

"..." Lilac didn't say a word.

"Give me your hand..." As the two hold hands, it was time for them to have some fun.

9:00 P.M. It was night

Every citizen were relaxing having their regular normal day of their lives. Bokkun was still searching for the heroes. Amy on the other hand still tries to search for the blue hedgehog.

As Sonic and Lilac were walking, Bokkun appears out of nowhere. Sonic and Lilac put their fighting poses and as the two Bokkun and the EggMobile charge at this, Sonic and Lilac give a SpinDash/Cyclone combo against them and sends them flying into the spelling stars. As the two look at each other they give a look on each other and continue having a walk.

Meanwhile back at Chris's house

"Ugh..." Was all that can be heard from the other heroes. "I'm bored.."

"Same here.."

"Do you have something to play Chris?"

"Sorry Tails..."


Knuckles was currently asleep while standing. "HOW DOES HE DO THAT?!" Asks Carol. "Beats me" replies Tails. "I got an idea! Let's play doodles on his face! Haha!"

"Tails... I swear...

You are a total genius!"

Back at Station Square on top of a Skyscraper...

The moon was bright, and starry night stars were shining like diamonds in the sky. The two heroes stare at it.

"Isn't it beautiful Sonic?" Asks Lilac

"It sure is."

"Or... At least it was until Eggman destroyed it 6 years ago according to Chris"

"Hehe. That's Eggman for you! He'll do anything to get what he wants"

Sonic couldn't think do anything but ask, "Lilac?"


Sonic's ears fall down, "I'm sorry your date didn't turned out what you wanted Lilac..."



"Look, I know it didn't turn out well because of your fear of Amy, but the most important thing is that we had fun"

"I guess you're right!"

After looking at the sky twice, Sonic asked, "Well Lilac. You become a great fighter. Guess ONE of us inspired you to do this am I right~?"

"Oh shut up!" Lilac fake punched his arm softly as she giggles.

"Also, you also reminded me how much I loved chilidogs!"

"And why would I do that..?"

"Because you seem like you care~"

The two look at each other with a smirk as Lilac LIFTS her feet up. Milla and Amy on the other hand appear from the door to reach the roof. Poor little Milla was very tired, "Huff... Huff... Huff.."

"I swear he's here somewhere.."

"I'm tired... And it's getting late..."

"Just tell me where's Sonic alright?!"

As Milla turns , she was very shocked, "*gasp* Oh no..."

"What is it Milla?" Questions the pink hedgehog.

"Um... Amy.. Let's go home..."

"Why? What for?" What Amy saw wasn't something she expected AT ALL and her eyes were wide.

Lilac planted her lips against Sonic's, giving each other the sweet warm kiss they ever wanted. Amy however, felt like she wanted to sob in tears. But she holds it in pure guilt.

Milla ask, "Amy..? Are you okay?"

"Milla... Just go..."

"But Amy.."


Milla quickly leaves as she flies away, leaving the pink hedgehog severely heartbroken and leaves with tears in her eyes. Someone however was watching her. A dark and red striped creature that looked like Sonic was supervising her. "Hmph..." And it disappears.

At Eggman's Base..

"Well... We tried to stop them sir." Said Docoe.

"Those two are already now a couple. Sonic and Lilac. Sure it's heartwarming but still... That dragon will want to stay into this planet... With her around, World Domination will BE IMPOSSIBLE! Her power is very great and combining with Sonic is gonna be impossible! We are facing with ONE Dangerous Couple people!"

Back to the Heroes..

Lilac releases her lips from Sonic's and puts her head on his chest. She slowly closes her eyes and cries, "I love you Sonic..." Meanwhile Sonic rubs her head softly and gives her a warm smile,

"I love you too... ...Lilac..."

Finally, the two heroes are one. However, there's one question. Who is this democracy and where did he come from?


Well guys! The story hasn't ended YET! We're just getting started! Prepare yourself for the upcoming chapter: REVENGE OF METALIX! Better get ready before it uploads!