Star vs The Forces of Evil

The Power of Jeaulosy

Hey guys, it's me...ya boi...Pure Trash. This is just something I've been really wondering about. And along with my trusted friend, cal+formula, we created something i think we can be proud of. This is going to be a multi chapter story, so look out for when a new chapter uploads.

Just a warning though….This is going to be a dark fanfic, T rated most likely, but really only for things like blood and such.

Alright everybody, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment down below. Love to hear feedback.

It was another beautiful morning in Echo Creek. The sun was out, it's rays peeking through the blinds. The birds sang a wonderful tone that reverberated through the neighborhood.

Princess Star Butterfly was running around the Diaz household with her laser puppies. Her first destination was to visit her friend and living buddy's room, Marco Diaz. She ran over to his bedroom door and turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked and running to his side.

"Good morning Marco! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She cheered in a sing song voice, shaking his shoulder a bit. "Come on, you need to get ready for school! There's a huge rally today, remember? I LOVE rallies!"

Marco then mumbled in his sleep as he grumbled:

"Star….I don't wanna go on to the rally….I stayed up super late hanging out with Jackie last night…." Marco then looked at Star's vibrant eyes and quickly gave up hope of having a normal, relaxing day. "Uhhh… win….." Marco whined as he started. to get ready for school.

"Hanging out with Jackie?" Star questioned, a frown appearing on her face. "Doing what/" Star then crossed her arms and got off Marco's bed, following him to the bathroom. She hated when he talked about jackie in front of her. Just the mentioning of her name at this point sickened her.

"Uhhh….I don't know why she gets so defensive when I talk about Jackie….It's starting to get kind of annoying….." Marco thought inside of his head.

"Why do you ask?" Marco asked Star as he started to comb through his messy bed hair.

"I ask because...well….." Star blushed as she looked away to avoid eye contact with him.

"Because you're my best friend, and I need to know if you did anything you weren't supposed to do."

"There she goes again…...Thinking I did something bad with her…." Marco thought once more.

"Look Star, she's a skater girl., not a drug dealer. She's not going to get me into anything dangerous. In fact, I would probably paint a bigger target on our backs than she will." Marco huffed.

"Okay, okay…." Star crossed her arms and hopped onto the counter of the sink, sitting there and kicking her legs back and forth.

"It's just…...You're spending so much time with her lately, and we've barely even hung out recently at all." Star said sadly.

"Well yeah! She is my girlfriend after all star. I do kinda have to hang out with her. And besides, we do live together in the same house." Marco said with a shrug on his shoulders, not paying attention to the hurt look on Star's face.

She then rolled her eyes and turned away, staring at her lap and playing with her wand, trying to get her mind off of the subject. "Yeah, we do live together. But that doesn't matter either! When we get home from school, you run up to your room to text and call your GIIIRLLFRIEND nonstop." Star said, emphasising the word girlfriend.

"Honestly, it's really annoying and it's starting to bug me."

"Well excuse me princess…." Marco muttered under his breath as he went to grab his backpack and hoodie.

"Grrr….What's your problem!?" Star had now risen her voice a bit, grabbing her backpack and putting it on. "I'm just worried for your safety, Marco. You know, you should be a little grateful that I care…..Unlike you!" She turned hr back to him, gripping her wand tightly. "Ever since you meet Jackie, it's like I mean nothing to you.

"Well maybe if you weren't acting mean and weird to Jackie! Don't think I haven' heard what you say about her to Janna and Pony Head. You always think that she's a bad influence on me, or that she's treating me badly. But when I hang out with, THAT's where I feel the most happy. But whenever I mention her, you tense up and get all defensive and angry!" Marco fired back at Star.

"Ugh!" Star groans and shakes her head. "I don't get angry! I just don't like it! Stop yelling at me like I'm your child!" Star shouted back, not really having anything to say back to Marco.

"I just can't say straight up that I have a crush on him….." She thought to herself, waiting for his reply.

"And why don't you like it Star? My family is fine with her….My friends are fine with her…..I'm fine with her! So why can't YOU!?" Marco demanded, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"I just….don't! Like I said….I barely get any time with you anymore! And I miss that!" Star bit her lip to hold in almost blurting out that she had a crush on him, but looked down at the ground instead.

"I mean….." Her voice cracked and her bottom lip quivered, feeling two silent tears roll down her cheeks.

"You're never around anymore….the house seems so empty without you. I feel so alone Marco." She hugged herself and let out a soft sob, turning away so he didn't have to see her meltdown.

"Well I don't want to hang out with someone who would want to keep me to herself. You're acting really uncompromising and selfish Star…...Me and Jackie are dating now…...That's a truth that I hope you can get used to. If not, then maybe you aren't the person I thought you were…." Marco said harshly as he looked straight into Star's tearing blue eyes.

Star didn't say a word. She felt that it was useless saying anything else, and instead, she stormed out of the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She ran down the stairs, nearly tripping on the last step. She no longer felt like waiting up for Marco and left for school without him, crying and sobbing the rest of the way to school. "Jerk…." She mumbled to herself as she sniffed.