So this nugget came to me last night. I think I have a problem or obsession with writing these two

This is set in a whole other universe non-canon storyline. Not sure how many chapters, I have a general idea of what will happen but that can change on a whim. There's more info at the bottoms author note


A debt is a debt, and that debt must be paid when you are bound by a debt. A debt can come in many forms, and be agreed upon in many ways, but at the end of the story the debt is always paid in full. This story begins when a debt is paid, in the Kingdom of the Goblins, Young Sarah is presented to the court as payment for a debt, payment for the goblin kingdom helping their smaller kingdom against a war that killed the father of the already motherless child.

She is young, barely six, but brought with the intention of marriage between the kingdoms. A future bride of the Goblin King, to be raised in the goblin court preparing her for her future role as Queen, to grow up in the presence of her intended with hope that one day they will be able to become at ease with each other. It was just the way things were done in the underground. Marriages arranged for political standings, joining kingdoms and even Kings could see not escape the fate.

It was that day when Petra the dowager Queen of Goblin kingdom came to her son the King of the Goblin Kingdom with the news that he intended was to join them at the palace. She herself had the same sort of marriage, not one she looked back fondly at her own. Her husband had been a brute, hard man who often grew angry at his shy, timid wife in the early days of their marriage, cursing when she lost a child, giving him daughters and not a son. The daughters that were torn from her to be raised in their betrothed courts as soon as he could arrange a marriage that would bring gain for the kingdom. Of course she still saw her daughters, they wrote and visited a few times a year. Thankfully, they had good men as husbands so she didn't need to worry over them as much anymore. Cedric raised Jareth to be like him, but got frustrated at the boy's softness that he couldn't beat out of him. He cared too much he told her, about the wounded, the families of those lost. You couldn't run a kingdom being soft. Eventually Jareth realized to get his father off his back, he had to harden himself, he became more like his father than he liked. He used the women his father bought for him to 'become a man'. It made him feel sick inside hearing his father tell him that women like it rough, what good is it, if they not screaming or begging? He knew his mother often hid the bruises that Cedric gave her. Though eventually he left her alone when she told him she could have no more children. He vowed to never be like his father, and that day when the news came from the battle front that his father had died from a wound in combat. Jareth finally let out the breath he was holding. But now his own mother was subjecting him to the same life that she and Cedric had?

"Mother, you can't be serious!" Jareth growled to the woman with the same pale hair and blue eyes. She was tall and statuesque like him."She's a child!"

"And one day she will become a woman and your bride, what done is done Jareth." Petra told her son.

"This is outrageous, you cannot groom a child to become queen." Jareth raged.

"It is how it's done, I was no older than she, when I was sent to grow up in your father's court," Petra tried to reason with her son, though unfortunately Cedric had been cruel pushing their marriage up by a few years, he liked them young and he needed a virgin bride so he bribed the priest to marry them when she had just turned fourteen.. She had been so young and terrified when they called for her.

"Yes and I grew up in a home where you and father barely spoke when your weren't fighting and hearing you cry while you hid your bruises for most of my childhood. I am not like father, I won't take pleasure in bedding a mere child." Jareth spoke disgusted at the thought of it.

"What's done is done," Petra reminded him sternly. "You will do your duty as the ones before you, Jareth that is final."

"I thought of you of all people would wish to change the way things are done." Jareth said defeated.

"A debt is a debt, and this child needs a home." Petra sighed. "You have eleven years before she is marriage age. Just don't frighten the poor child, she lost enough, it is."

So Jareth found himself that afternoon sitting beside his mother, the Dowager Queen as his bride was presented to him. He felt sick, how could his mother do this, she was once this child and that marriage did not end up well. It wasn't till his father died that his mother came out of her shell. Dressed in his armour, which his mother tutted him about, after telling him not to scare the child. His leather jacket decorated with skulls and his insignia on the buckles that matched his amulet, and the dark tight trousers with his tall leather boots with a small heel. His markings on his face, for it was a ceremonial audience.

"Your Majesties," an older man bowed, Jareth could see a small cloaked figure behind him. "Thank you for this audience."

"It is our pleasure," Petra spoke serenely. "We also have thanks for your part of the debt."

"It is my duty," the older man bowed his head, Jareth could see the struggle in the older man, was he was giving up his young granddaughter? He wasn't sure who the man was to the child.

"May I present Sarah," he said after a moment, pulling the child in front of him who stumbled over her feet, her hood drawn over her hair so he couldn't make out her face well.

"Welcome Miss Sarah," Petra smiled, sweeping to her feet and coming towards the child, bending so her eye level with the young child. "I hope you will be happy here."

"Thank you," Jareth heard a small shy voice. "Your Majesty." she added, remembering her etiquette lessons.

"Come," his mother spoke, "Let me introduce my son to you, but first how about we remove you travelling cloak?" His mother spoke gently and kindly as she undid the clasp of the cloak, shining dark hair fell out of the hood, against pale skin and white fabric gown with a dark green sash around the waist. Tiny black boots tapped on the floor as she approached him with his mother. The closer she came, the more vibrant her green eyes became to him, but they were filled with fear and uncertainty. She a good looking child, alittle on the thin and dangly side but she would most likely grow into a beautiful lady one day.

She stood in front of him, wobbling her curtsy as she did it. Did the child, even know what was happening. He watched her turn and look back at the man, how nodded to her, causing her to look back at him.

"Your Majesty," she said quietly, her eyes downcast. Jareth swallowed, trying to battle the disgust that went through him as she trembled, as she searched her pocket for something pulling out a chain which was attached to a pocket watch. "I was told to give this to you."

Jareth looked at it. "Thank you,"

"I was my papa's," she said, looking down, Jareth realized her father had died in the battle, it was probably the only think she had of her father. "I have no need for another watch, keep it young one." He told her allowing her the one kindness" My mother has something for you."

Petra looked at her son. "You will place it on her, Jareth." She told him quietly handing him a smaller insignia pedant. Jareth took a deep breathe, looking at the child. "You understand why you are here, do you not?" He watched her nod her head slowly, but he saw the fear in her eyes.

"I will be your bride one day," she answered quietly.

"One day," Jareth nodded uncomfortably he placed the small pendant over her head. "My mother will show you to your rooms after you say your goodbyes."

"What about you?"

'I am a very busy man, Sarah, Don't expect to see me much." He told her truthfully as he stood up, looking down as he towered over her so she shrank back slightly as he passed her

"That's not fair," she muttered under her breath.

Jareth turned back towards her with a raised eyebrow. "Life's not fair precious-get used to it," Before walking away.

So I was reading some biographies about Mary Queen of Scots, and how she was taken from Scotland and raised in the French court with her betrothed the Dauphin Frances. To become friends before they married when she was 14-15. It made this come into my mind, so it totally bypasses the movie. Obviously Mary and Francis were the same age, and Jareth and Sarah are not which to me adds to my musings. I think chapters will be a year of Sarah's life till she is marriage able age and how Jareth deals with this arranged marriage and what happens as Sarah gets older.

It won't be ask dark as my other Withdrawal but also not as fluffy as peach dream. But we will see where it ends up on the spectrum! All I can say is Jareth is not a happy camper!
