
I do not own lolirock.

It took the girls a while to make the capture spell ready while evading the spells of the monster. Just as the girls and Ellira and Morgaine finally are ready they suddenly feel a lot more black magic surrounding the place and see a few flashes of light. Then it suddenly stopped and they heard the sound of something falling down and hitting the ground. They see the eyes of the monster widen and he suddenly disappears.

''Isn't that where Iris is?'' Auriana says as she points to the place where the flashes were.

The eyes of the girls, Ellira and Morgaine widen and they make their way towards the scene. When they arrive they see an unmoving Praxina on the ground. They see the monster that must have teleported to her side, trying to roll her body so that it can see her face. It shakes her lightly but her eyes stay closed.

In the air they see an old man floating. He has long grey hair.

" Finally...I am free.'' He says.

Auriana and the girls run towards Iris and her parents together with Ellira. But Morgaine stays behind. Talia turns towards her. She sees Morgaine shaking. ''It cannot be... Zevanien?'' She hears Morgaine whispering. Talia's shocked. She looks at the man, who as she can feel, has a lot of black magic power. He smiles as he looks at them.

''That's right, I am Zevanien and I will see you guys again soon, at your funeral .'' He smiles wickedly as he disappears in black and grey smoke.

''Zevanien?'' Carissa says as she is finally able to talk after the shock. '' You mean like from the book?''

The queen nods. ''This is the worst.'' The king Mutters. Iris's attention goes from the place where the old man floated to Praxina who is still not moving. She forces her way towards Praxina. Her father wants to stop her but her mother lets her go. The queen shakes her head at the questionable look her husband is giving her. The other princesses and Morgaine are standing now next to them all watching Iris sitting next to Praxina, still from a distance since the monster is also next to Praxina.

''There are a lot of things we need to do now. '' The queen says. ''But our first priority is her.'' The queen says as she points towards Praxina. The girls slightly confused by everything that happened still nod.

Iris is already by Praxina's side. The monster growls as Iris approaches but she continues. She sees that Praxina's breathing is getting weaker. She wants to get closer but the monster is not letting her, hitting her hand away. ''Please I want to help her.'' But the monster looking as Nathaniel looks sceptical like it doesn't believe her at all.

''Is she dead?'' Auriana asks as they are now almost as close as Iris.

''Almost.'' Iris says as tears fall. ''But that thing doesn't let me get close.''

The queen slowly walks closer and pets her daughter's head.'' It is allright I know of a spell that can save her.''

''You do?'' Iris says and it seems the monster had the same thought as it raises an eyebrow.

''I can help '' Her mother repeats. The monster looks wary but lets the queen get closer.

Her mother tries a spell Iris doesn't recognize. ''I am trying to give her my magic but she won't take it, is it because it is light magic?'' the queen mutters. The monster than suddenly puts his hands on the queen and intertwines his magic with that of the queen . Slowly Praxina's body takes the magic of the monster and the queen. After a few minutes they both put their hands away. Iris can feel Praxina breathing normally again. The monster looks at her with a soft smile before he shatters in crystal pieces the only thing remaining is Mephisto's hairpiece what floats toward Praxina's ear.

The Queen and Iris carry Praxina's body to were the others are waiting.

Author's note

So it really has been a long time hasn't it? I am sorry for the long wait but the reason for it is that I focused more on other stories and had less time in general. I also am not that great at writing endings and planning ahead. I also lost my notes and some chapters and I lost motivation. I still need to figure out how I want things to go and plan things so do not expect another update soon. But I uploaded this chapter to let everyone know that I will be continuing this story and that I will finish it. But I need to plan what I want to write and how I want this story to go towards its end first.