Welcome to the Jungle

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or Harry Potter. All recognisable characters, content, or locations belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Part Two: Sixteen

Chapter Twenty-Five: Lightness

Prompted by Puck's current issues, Harry makes an appointment for an STD screening, and it's nerve-racking. He doesn't expect he's caught anything - Marie was a virgin, and he'd been safe with Cho - but he doesn't know the extent of Cho's sexual history - never mind that of any of the partners she's had - and it's better to be safe than sorry. It's also probably a good habit to get into, in any case, but Harry still feels like an idiot from start to finish, and he's just glad he's old enough that he doesn't need his parents' attendance at medical appointments anymore.

He returns to school in time for the pre-game strategy session, and his Friday evening proceeds as it usually does. They win the game, but Harry foregoes the afterparty for another night in. This time, though, he's joined by Brittany, and they pass the time eating pizza, listening to music, playing Super Mario on the Nintendo Wii, talking nonsense about pets and movies and their favourite cartoons.

Harry still has no idea what he and Brittany are doing, but even when they're joined by Kate - who has invited Rachel, Kurt, and Mercedes over - it's a nice time.

Incidentally, they're not the only two (of their friends) to forego the party. Mike and Hermione are on a date, Puck's at home, babysitting and probably brooding, and Matt's meeting Tiana Johnson's parents. Ron, Dean, Frankie, and Seamus are at the latter's place, playing video games and smoking pot, and it seems the novelty of high school parties has well and truly worn off.

Or, at the very least, parties are no longer as important as they once were. It's only been a year, but they've grown and changed in that time, their priorities have shifted, their hopes and plans and expectations have moved beyond fitting in and doing well and whatever the hell else.

At least, that's the case for Harry, and it seems like most of his friends are at a similar point. Santana still attends most parties, revelling in the attention, adding new notches to her belt, and it's fine - whatever works for her, and all that - but Harry can't say he gets it.

Apparently, at some point in the last year, he's become a grumpy old man.

Idly, he wonders if he'll grow up to be one of those people who yells at kids to get off his lawn.

"Where's Colin?"

"He's got a game night with his friends," Kate explains, "They're doing some tabletop RPG Dungeons and Dragons thing. I don't know. It's at Artie's place. They were pretty excited about it. Tina, too."

"I didn't know they were friends."

In fairness, Harry doesn't know Colin that well. He's around often enough, and Harry's learned a few things - Colin's on the school newspaper, in the A/V club, a pretty avid gamer - but mostly, Harry leaves them alone. Kate can take care of herself, and Colin practically worships her besides, and Harry doesn't have the energy for that overprotective older brother bullshit, anyway.

Having said that, it's weird to see Kate without him on a Friday night, and Harry's curious. Also nosy, but Kate's had her whole life to get used to that.

"Well now you do."

Harry grunts his acknowledgement. Brittany triumphs over Rachel in Wii Tennis, and Kurt takes up the challenge with enthusiasm. Mercedes cheers him on, and she has stars in her eyes.

Harry's not sure Mercedes realises Kurt is gay, but he's not about to get involved in that potential mess. It's probably selfish, but he has enough on his plate, and anyway, it's not as though they're particularly friends. Moreover, Kurt's sexuality - and whom the other teen chooses to tell about it - is none of Harry's business.

"Brittany's sleeping over tonight," Kate informs him, "We're going to start working on some choreography tomorrow. Rachel, too."

"And Mum and Dad are okay with that?" he asks, dubious, but suitably distracted from the train wreck that is Mercedes' apparent crush on Kurt.

"Brit's bunking in my room. They said no bed hopping or else neither of us can have friends over until next year, at least."

Harry pulls a face and rolls his eyes. He doesn't have a lot of friends over these days, so he's not particularly concerned about that, but he's not about to incur Kate's - or his parents' - wrath by inviting Brittany to his room once his parents fall asleep. Besides, he feels kind of weird about the thought of doing anything with her while his parents can check in, and in any case, his dad has the ears of a bat, and so they probably wouldn't be able to get away with it, anyway.

He does consider it though. He's only human, after all, and a teenaged boy at that.

"Are the others staying the night, too?"

"Rachel is. Kurt and Mercy? Probably not."

Harry nods his acknowledgement, and wanders into his bedroom to retrieve his guitar. Rachel and Kate start cackling on the lounge as he goes, Mercedes busies herself with her phone, and when he returns, he has a few more text messages awaiting him. Angelina, Tiana's older sister and an increasingly better friend to Harry, is sending him live updates of Matt's night with the whole Johnson family, Puck's bitching out the Disney marathon he's enduring for his sister's sake, and Santana's complaining about how they'd all left her to deal with Finn and Quinn on her own.

"What are you going to play?" Rachel asks, and gestures towards his guitar.

"I didn't have anything in mind," Harry answers, "But I figured you guys wouldn't care if I just messed around."

"Not at all," Rachel assures him, "Impromptu jam sessions should be a Glee Club requirement."

Kate hums, thoughtful. "That can probably be arranged."

"Just as long as we can dance, too," Brittany opines.

As Kate, Rachel, and Brittany discuss the probability of regular jam sessions with the rest of the Glee Club, as Kurt and Mercedes play a series of increasingly enthusiastic rounds of Wii Bowling, Harry plays an idle, aimless tune on his guitar, and it's nice. He's not close with Kurt or Mercedes or Rachel - he's not even sure if he'd consider them friends - and he's still at some strange, amorphous, in-between place with Brittany, but their company is enjoyable, free from the expectations and pressure and scrutiny he sometimes receives from the likes of Dave Karofsky and Azimio Adams and Quinn Fabray, and it's pleasant.

So much so that he's almost disappointed wen the night comes to an end, but such is the way of all good things, and Harry doesn't repine. There will be more nights like this, with new friends and old, and he looks forward to it, and it's good.

He hasn't had a lot to look forward to, of late. It seems things are looking up, though. He's not sure all of his friends are able to say the same. He hopes they can, though.

-!- -#-

Author's Note: Back to school this week. I'm sort of glad. It's been a long few months, it'll be good to get back into a routine, I really want to graduate so I can get on with the rest of my life. NO telling how updates will go, but I find I'm more inspired the more I have reason to procrastinate, so… Anyway, this chapter's all filler. Enjoy it anyway. Until next time, -t.