I had run to the west. Well, really I had run to a bus stop. Before then I had run to another store and got new clothes. At any rate I was sitting on a nearly empty greyhound doing my best not to notice anyone or be noticed by anyone.
I fidgeted with the glove I wore over my fake hand.
You've got some explaining to do.
What makes you think that I have to explain anything to you?
I swallowed down a lump of annoyance.
Don't be an asshole about it, you saw what I did to your friend back there.
I would have called Balthophed many things, but friend isn't one of them.
Of course. Stop avoiding the conversation, what was it showing me?
Nothing important.
I shifted in my seat. There was a woman four rows behind me, from the feel of things she had just had a very bad year and was hoping to start new somewhere far away. She would be an easy target and no one would miss her if she were gone. I shifted in my seat again.
See, you need me. We both know you don't have the self control to keep the cravings at bay.
You're still avoiding the topic. What did Balthophed show me?
Calm down. I was going to tell you anyways, after all there are no secrets between us.
If the Walrider were solid I would have thrown it from the moving bus.
Some texts would call it the apocalypse, but that's just humans being dramatic. The closest translation is "The Wild Hunt".
Not the apocalypse my ass, there were cities burning to the ground.
It's not. The whole thing lasts maybe a week. I had every intention of joining in, it's been far too long since the last hunt anyways.
Absolutely fucking not.
Oh please, don't pretend that you aren't at least interested.
I was. That dark corner of my brain talked the rest of me into actually wanting to. My skin didn't crawl and my stomach didn't churn at the thought of ripping through a town and feasting on its inhabitants. I didn't bat an eye at the idea.
I was okay with the idea, but I knew better.
I had spent the last year doing nothing but ridding the world of monsters, figurative and literal. I'll be damned if that doesn't mean anything. I'll be damned if I just throw that away and fling myself headlong into evil.
You killed a child less than two days ago. You're already there.
He was alive.
Keep telling yourself that.
The woman a few rows back had started weeping quietly. What was she leaving behind?
Don't think you can drag me into the mud with you. Don't forget about the graffiti on my bones, you're trapped with me now.
One the contrair, you're the one bound to me.
There's nothing stopping me from just eating a bullet if you ever get to be too much.
It's pretty optimistic to assume that I would let that be fatal. Besides, you don't listen, do you? I told you we're trapped together, that extends into death.
Cut me a break, even marriage ends when one of them kicks it.
I may have been desperately trying to ignore the woman four rows back and I may have been considering suicide purely to spite the walrider, but that didn't mean that I couldn't be a sarcastic ass about it.
Very cute, but I'm being serious. You were the one to demand it, I simply obliged.
Don't remind me.
I huddled in my seat again, this time distracting myself by adjusting the sunglasses that hid my eyes from view. If whatever fucked up little vision Balthophed had shown me was actually a possibility I couldn't let it happen. As much as I wanted it to, as much as the Walrider wanted it to, I couldn't let it happen.
The bus droned on. The scenery outside flickered by. The woman four rows back still wept.
I had to stop this thing.
**AN: Hey guys, so umm... one of the reviews said they were expecting a huge middle finger and, welp. This is the last chapter. Surprise. I want to start this off with an I'm sorry for not telling anyone this would be the last one, but it would have killed the suspense and tone in the last chapter. Also, I've been planning this ending for a while and it's obvious that, while this story is done, there's still something much bigger going on. That being said there will be a third story.
So, double surprise, it was a trilogy all along.
I have a kind of crazy summer planned so I'll probably get around to the third story in September 2017. I don't know the title yet but I will update this chapter when I get a date and name decided.
Scratch the above: The 3rd story will be called "Losers", and I will be putting the first chapter up on Monday, September 18th.
In the mean time I hope you all the best, and feel free to go yell at me in the review section I would love to know what you thought of this Fic and any theories you have about the next one. Also, a final huge thank you for the handful of people who reviewed, really there is no better compliment to a writer than feedback.