So, with the upcoming Wonder Woman movie that will include Steve Trevor (HELL YES!) I decided to try my hand at an Alpha/Omega verse.

Now, I've never written in this verse before, but I see Diana as the Alpha and Steve as an Omega…. In modern times, of course, because the thought of Steve growing old without Diana hurts me.

And I really want to write the other Justice League characters in as well.

If you like it, let me know in a review :)

Thank you :)


Themyscira was a paradise.

Diana was sure of this. After all, this was what she had been told all her life as the Island's princess. Themyscira was a paradise and Man's world was filled with war, cruelty and oppression. Alpha males dominated everyone, even the Alpha females (who were supposed to be their equal). Beta males were not much better and the Omega males were nothing but carriers and a seductive means to an end, using their sex to gain power and influence. In Man's world, females were considered the lesser gender, on the same level as the Omega sex.

And Diana believed this with all her heart.

Well… until the plane crash.

It was a sunny spring morning. The sea was a shimmering blue and the sand was so white, it seemed to glow in the sunlight. Diana was riding her horse across the beach, musing on a talk she had had with her Mother, Queen Hippolyta, only that morning.

As an Alpha, and heir to the throne, Diana was expected to wed a suitable Omega or Beta who would rule by her side. However, Diana felt like she hadn't quite met the 'one' yet…. Something was missing.

She knew that there were several suitable candidates for being her mate and Queen, and Hera knows that she had experienced almost all of them… Amazons weren't shy over sexual encounters. However, knowing that her Mother was only a few weeks away from pressuring her to make a choice, Diana had decided to step outside of the palace and take some time for herself.

She needed to think.

Suddenly, as she approached the North side of the Island, there was a large crash from the sea as a smoking plane skidded across the water before crashing into the beach. From where she was, Diana watched as the cockpit lid opened and a figure climbed out of the craft.

Slowly, Diana dismounted and strode closer to the figure and the plane. However, she stopped in her tracks when the figure tugged their helmet off and tossed it away, wobbled slightly…. And then crumpled to the ground.

Racing over, she knelt by the figure and tugged them onto their back. Now that she was closer, it was clear that the figure was not female…. A man. On Themyscira.

It was unheard of, and yet there they… he was.

The man had short blonde hair… 'almost the colour of gold' mused Diana as she gently brushed her fingers through it. However, she quickly grew alarmed when she pulled away to find her fingers stained red with blood.

As she was debating on what to do, the man began to groan in pain, eyes flickering open until they landed (dazedly) on Diana.

"An angel?" he muttered weakly.

Diana couldn't help but smile at this, "You're a man." she stated.

"Yeah, I-I mean…." The man frowned, "… why, don't I look like one?"

"I'm sorry. I have never met a man before."

The man nodded in understanding, before wincing in pain. "W-where am i? Why does my head hu- "He glanced over to his wrecked plane, "– oh yeah… that's why."

Without saying another word, he fell unconscious once again. Diana frowned, realising that the wound on the man's head was far more severe than she had previously thought. Gently, she lifted him into her arms and then pushed herself to her feet.

Racing across the beach to the Healers Wing, Diana ignored how her sisters turned their heads in surprise, with many calling out their concern and questions. She ignored them, even Artemis, who followed on behind her, practically ordering her to stop.

But Diana knew that she needed to save this man.

Upon entering the Healers Wing, she placed the man onto a bed and called for a Healer. "Quickly, he has a head wound!"

She frowned when the Healers stopped in the doorway and stared at the figure on the bed. "Well do something then! He's hurt!"

At the order, the Healers seemed to snap to attention and rushed over.


"So, this is where you have been my daughter."

Diana twisted around in her seat by the man's bedside and smiled sheepishly at her Mother. "I meant to tell you but- "

"- but you found yourself captivated by this strange…. Invader."

Wincing at the wording that her Mother used, Diana turned her attention back to the unconscious man. "I couldn't just leave him on the beach Mother. I hope you understand this."

"It's in your nature my daughter. You have always had a kind heart as well as a warrior's strength. But you mustn't get too attached…. He is here for a reason, and I will find this reason."

Without waiting for her daughter to answer, Hippolyta strode back out of the door.


As the sun began to set, the man stirred and groaned, his eyes fluttering open. "W-where am i?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Shhhhh…" whispered a female voice, as a soothing hand settled itself on his forehead, "…. you need to rest."

The man clearly struggled to open his eyes, eventually managing it as he squinted against the bright light. "Where am i?"

A beautiful young lady appeared in his eyeline, smiling gently at him. "You are in our Healer's wing. You've suffered from a bad head wound."

"That explains why I can't blink without hurting…." The man muttered, a smile appearing on his face when he heard the woman chuckle.

"My I ask for your name?" the young lady asked, "It seems odd to keep referring to you as 'the man'."

"…. Colonel Steve Trevor." The man weakly saluted, "At your service."

His hand was gently grabbed, "It's very nice to meet you Major Steve Trevor. My name is Diana."

Before Steve could answer, the door to the Healer's Wing flew open and an older woman entered, backed by two armed females, dressed in armour and carrying swords.

"Mother…." The young lady by Steve's bedside got to her feet, "… what are you doing?"

"This man is an intruder Diana." The older woman gestured for the two other women to lift Steve out of the bed, ignoring how he stumbled slightly. "I intend to find out why he's here."

"But he's still injured!"

"That is none of my concern…. Besides, you should not be in here alone with him."

"What?! Why?"

The older woman glanced at Steve, disdain clear in her eyes and she sneered at him, "Can't you smell it my daughter…. This man is an omega. Probably an attempt by Man's world to seduce you into doing the bidding of men."

As Steve was dragged out of the room, he protested, trying to defend himself. "You're mad! I didn't come here to seduce anyone! I don't even know where here is!"

Diana followed on behind, frowning as the two women holding Steve deliberately jostled him, smirking as the man winced in pain. Eventually, they reached the main hall, where Steve was tied to a chair.

"I haven't done anything wrong…." Steve muttered, blinking furiously to try and clear the fog from his mind, "…. Can't you just let me go?"


Steve hissed in pain when a red-headed woman backhanded him across the face.

"You will speak when spoken to!" she ordered

"That's enough Artemis."

Diana watched as her Mother strode up to the young man…. Steve. The Lasso of Truth gripped tightly in her hands

"I apologise for the rough way in which you were treated…" Began the Queen, "… Welcome to Themyscira. We are the Amazons. We live simple lies, and we would like to keep it that way. We have a few questions we'd like to ask you."

Diana tried to give Steve a reassuring smile as he glanced around, clearly unsure of the situation that he was in. "I-I don't know how you view Omegas here, but even Omega soldiers don't talk so easily."

The Queen remained silent, simply placing the Lasso over Steve's head, so that it wrapped around his chest.

"Any chance I can safe-word out of this?" Steve tried to smirk at the Queen, but it came across as rather weak.

"Identify yourself."

The Lasso glowed as Steve winced. "United States Air Force. Colonel Steven Rockwell Trevor!"

As soon as he had finished, Steve frowned…. That was the usual response of people who were subjected to the Lasso.

"The Lasso was designed to bypass the untrusty nature of man…" explained the Queen, "… No man can resist its power. Alpha or Omega. What interest does your government have in our Island?"

"My government is completely unaware of the existence of your Island. I'm only here because my plane was damaged. One minute it was just sea as far as the eye could see, and the next, this Island appeared!"

Steve growled in frustration, annoyed with himself for speaking so readily. "I don't have to put up with this crap!"

"We are… unfamiliar with this particular idiom." The Queen stated, "What does 'crap' mean?"

Steve clearly winced at this, "No… forget I even said it!"

The Queen tightened her grip on the Lasso and yanked n it, making it glow again as Steve gritted his teeth.

"It's another word for excrement!" he blurted out, "Are you happy now?"

The other women all scowled in disgust, muttering to themselves as Diana's mother turned to face her. "You see my child. Is it not always as I've said? Hear the true nature of man laid bare…." She turned back to Steve, "… what other depraved thoughts must you be thinking?"

There was silence for a few, brief seconds before Steve turned his attention to Diana. His smile could only be described as adoring, "Your daughter is stunning."

Diana flushed, twisting her face away from her mother as she smiled happily. The answer was not a depraved one, but she still felt ashamed by the statement and her feelings about it… she and the omega, Steve Trevor, could never be together.

There was no use encouraging him.

"Shall I kill him now my Queen?" Asked Artemis, causing Diana to spin around in shock.

Before she could step forwards to try and defend the young man (who was looking rather alarmed at the question), the Queen shook her head and removed the Lasso from around Steve's shoulders. "This pilot poses no threat to our people…" she began, "…. therefore, it is our duty to see him returned safely to the outside world."

Diana saw her chance, stepping forwards. "I want to be the one to take him back Mother."

"Seconded." Muttered Steve, schooling his face into a neutral position when Artemis glared at him.

The Queen shook her head, "You do not have the experience necessary to lead such an expedition." As Diana hung her head in dismay, her Mother continued. "As in Ancient Times, a contest will determine our emissary to the outside world. Artemis… make the arrangements."