"Tsukune… Why did you let me go… Why did you let me die…" the voice of the angelic vampire Tsukune loved had asked him in a soft voice.
"Moka no… I didn't let you go I wouldn't… I love you… Please don't think I let you go!" Tsukune screamed. Everything was dark. He couldn't see anything but his body that suddenly became covered in his vampire armor from the battle with Alucard.
"Why did you abandon me Tsukune…" Moka asked him in a voice that sounded strained as if she were crying. "Don't you know how much I loved you?"
"Moka… You know I loved you too… Please stop… I didn't want you to go… Moka!" Tsukune shouted as tears began to stream down his face. Suddenly, he awoke from his nightmare covered in sweat, with his hands on his head as he tried to process what he just dreamt.
"Why did I dream that? That wasn't Moka that died. That was her mother, Akasha… Not… Moka…" Tsukune repeated to him self in an attempt to remind himself that the woman he loved was still there with him. Even after being told that both souls still reside inside the one body, he continued to have nightmares of the Outer Moka being upset with him over her 'death'.
He never told anyone about the nightmares, but since they were becoming more frequent, he decided he should tell the one person who may understand, Moka herself. With that, he got in the shower, are breakfast, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and left his dorm to head to school.
On his way there, he sensed the presence of his beautiful girlfriend running up behind him and he gave a smile. Suddenly, Moka jumped on his back and said "Good morning Tsukune!" in a cheerful angelic voice. Ever since the two souls merged into one, Tsukune had noticed the changes that had occurred such as her silver hair now having pink tips, her eyes were now permanently red, her personality was now soft and gentle, and she now permanently possessed her full monster power. He was happy that she no longer had to be locked away in two separate bodies, he was happy that the two had finally become one.
"Good morning Moka! You look amazing as always." Tsukune replied with a smile as he admired her beauty.
Moka blushed and said "Thanks lover!" and slowly leaned in. Tsukune, knowing the daily routine, tilted his neck for easy access, however, Moka did not bite his neck, but she kissed him passionately.
Tsukune was somewhat shocked by this and gave Moka a confused look when the kids had ended. She gave a smirk and flicked his nose and said "What, I can't kiss my amazing boyfriend?"
Tsukune gave a blush in return and replied with "Well, you just don't do it that often, I wouldn't mind if you did." Moka then hugged him and whispered in his ear "Then I'll be sure to do it more often my love." She then bit into his neck and began drinking his blood.
The bites no longer hurt as Tsukune had gotten use to it and actually loved the sensation of his girlfriend drinking his blood and due to him being a vampire himself, he kind of wanted to drink hers as well. The thought made him blush deeply.
As Moka pulled away from his neck, she whispered in his ear "Thanks for the drink lover." She then turned his head to face her and gave him another passionate kiss. Suddenly, Tsukune heard the voice of Kurumu as she screamed "Tsukune!" and leaped onto his back causing him to stumble forward, knocking Moka to the ground.
"Good morning Tsukune, did you sleep well?" the succubus asked in a cheerful tone. "Haha good morning Kurumu, I slept well but uh, maybe you should get off my back, I don't think Moka would-" Tsukune was then cut off by Kurumu jumping off his back and placing Tsukune's face in her breasts. "Don't worry about Moka, I'm the one who loves you!" she said confidently.
"Know…" Moka said as Kurumu's eyes widened. "Your" Kurumu the began sweating as she realized what was about to happen. "Place!" Moka shouted as she kicked Kurumu in the right side of her face sending her flying.
"I swear, people can't seem to understand that you're mine. And I'm yours. Forever." Moka said as she wrapped her arms around Tsukune embracing him into a warm hug. Mizore then appeared next to Kurumu. "Hey how come you didn't help?!" Kurumu asked in anger. Mizore looked at her and raised and eyebrow while saying " Because I know not to mess with Tsukune if Moka is hugging, kissing, or doing anything near him. You should consider your actions next time." Kurumu lowered her head in frustration.
"Well lover, I think we should head to class or we will be late!" Moka said as she leaned in gave Tsukune a quick pec on the lips. "Haha alright Moka, let's go." Tsukune replied with a smile as he gazed lovingly at her.
Kurumu then gave a look of aggravation and said " I've said it once and I'll say it again… That's a Moka ending…" Mizore then removed the lollipop from her mouth and said "We still could get into his dreams. As long as we are careful, Moka will never know. Problem is, Tsukune would definitely tell her if he dreamed of us and then she would know. We need to find a way to get him to not remember the dreams." Kurumu then gave a hopeful smile. " You're right! That could work! We could get Ruby to use her magic to make him forget it! Yahoo-hoo!" she said cheerfully.
Little did the girls know, they were being eased dropped by a girl. Upon hearing the information, she gave a wicked smile and ran off.
-News club room, 3 hours later-
" So for our new paper, I've got the idea of including the upcoming debate to determine if Yokai Academy will allow humans into the school since the world knows that monsters exist now!" Yukari said proudly. " Really? The school is debating that?" Tsukune asked in a shocked tone. "Yep! The Headmaster is supposed to meet with a group of human representatives to discuss the possibility!" Yukari replied.
"Wait…Headmaster? We don't have a Headmaster yet." Tsukune said in confusion. " Well Tsukune, that's where you come in. You'll be meeting with the representatives to discuss the possible future." Ruby said as she entered the club room. Tsukune's jaw dropped. "But I'm not the Headmaster! I'm just training to be!" he replied.
" That is very true, however you are the one that was chosen to be the new Headmaster, so you shall fulfill his duties outside of running the school in general. Also, you were once a human yourself, who better to let represent the school than the first human to ever enroll here!" Ruby explained
Though what she said was true, Tsukune was quite nervous as he wasn't exactly human anymore, but a Shinso-Vampire. " Hey we could also make an article on Tsukune becoming the Headmaster! Not everyone really knows that yet!" Kurumu said in excitement. " Why don't we make an article about Tsukune being MY BOYFRIEND. Since it seems some people can't get that through their heads." Moka said while crossing her arms and giving an evil smirk.
Kurumu was angered by this but she thought about her and Mizore's plan to date him in his dreams and it made her chuckle. 'Don't worry Moka, you won't have to deal with it that much longer, because I'll have Tsukune all to myself in his dreams.' She thought to herself.
"Hey Ruby, can I talk to you outside for a bit?" Kurumu asked. Ruby was confused as to what she possibly could want from her but nevertheless she nodded in agreement. The two walked outside and closed the door behind them, but what they didn't know was that again, the girl from before was listening in from the rooftop.
" So Ruby, I need a favor from you. You see, me and Mizore came up with a plan to be with Tsukune but only in his dreams. Moka told us before that we couldn't do it but… Dammit I can't live without him. I need to be with him in some form or another. I need you to find a way to make him forget his dreams so he doesn't tell Moka about it… Please Ruby…" Kurumu explained as her face began streaming with tears.
Ruby was hesitant, but in the end she agreed to help. "Okay… I'll do it. But on one condition." Ruby said. "Okay… what is it?" Kurumu asked her. Ruby then blushed and replied saying "I want to go into his dreams too… We could all split it evenly, for three days a week. First day is your turn, second say is Mizore's, then the third day is mine." Ruby explained.
" Deal! I'll do anything just to be with him in any possible way I can!" Kurumu replied with excitement. " Thank you Ruby!" Kurumu said as she gave the witch a hug. " I'll get to work on the dream catchers, in the meantime, let Mizore know about the situation. The catchers should be ready by tonight." Ruby said.
"Yahoo-hoo! Perfect!" Kurumu replied. The girl on the rooftop then gave a smile and whispered to herself " Perfect. I'll be able to see what it's like with him soon enough!" She then leaped off the building and ran into the forest.
-Tsukune's Training Session with Issa, Two hours later –
As Issa slammed Tsukune into the ground, he noticed that something was bothering him. Tsukune had been doing incredibly well with his training recently, but now he seemed lost and unfocused. " Penny for your thoughts kid?" Issa asked the young vampire.
" Huh? Oh well um… It's just recently I've been having odd dreams and they've been getting to me. I don't exactly know why I'm having them either but still… they bother me." Tsukune explained. Issa had a concerned look on his face. " It's about her isn't it? Akasha?" He asked.
Tsukune lowered his head. "Yes… somewhat anyway. It's really about the other Moka. She blames me for her not being around anymore and cries because she thinks I don't love her." Tsukune explained. Issa placed a hand on Tsukune's shoulder for comfort and said " Tsukune, the dreams are just simply that. Dreams. Moka knows you love her. That soul of the other one, she knows you love her. She is still around. Like I said, both souls are still within that body. Otherwise, Moka would still have a complete one sided personality. But now she has a combination of both, so you know she's still here. As to whether you will see just the one personality again, I doubt that. But both of them know you love them. If you didn't, then I suppose you'd be dating one of the other girls now wouldn't you? Moka loves you just as much as you love her. She wouldn't dare blame you for anything of the sort. I promise you that." Issa explained to him attempting to comfort him as best as he could.
Tsukune smiled as tears fell from his eyes. " I always wanted the two souls to become one. I'm glad both are in that body. Thank you Issa." Tsukune replied. Suddenly, Issa pulled Tsukune into a comforting hug which made Tsukune confused.
" You're welcome. Now go to your dorm and get some rest. Training is done for the day." Issa replied to him. With that, Tsukune bowed and left, feeling much better about the dreams that he had been having.
Ruby's office, 45 minutes later–
" Okay, these should make Tsukune forget his dreams. Once you're out of his dream, rub the liquid onto his forehead." Ruby explained as she handed Kurumu a bottle of purple liquid. " Yahoo-hoo! Thank you Ruby! You're the best!" Kurumu shouted as she ran out of Ruby's office.
Outside the male and female dorms, 15 minutes later –
" Alright, time to be with Tsukune. I can't wait for this!" Kurumu said to herself. " Sorry, but you'll have to wait just a little while longer to do it." A mysterious figure said closing in on Kurumu. Kurumu turned her head towards the direction the voice came from, only to be met with a kick to her face sending her back flying. Kurumu looked up to see her attacker and gasped. She then gave a fearful tone and said "Akua?!"