To These Dreams We Hold: Till Our Dying Breath
Namikaze Yoko was never one to shy away from a fight, especially when it concerned her precious people which is exactly why she found herself on a marine ship heading to Marine HQ. All available marines were being recalled back to base to prepare for the upcoming battle. Looks like they weren't stupid, Sengoku knew exactly what declaring a public execution of Ace meant: War with the Whitebeard Pirates. She got through the Gates of Justice easily and disappeared once the marines unloaded. The hard part was waiting. She wanted someone to attack Impel Down to get Ace so everything wasn't left to chance at the Headquarters but she knew they would never get there in time. But she still felt like they should be doing something!
She found a den-den mushi and contacted Marco to tell him her location. He told her Pops was gathering all their allies and anyone who wanted to rescue Ace, they were on their way, set to arrive the day of the execution. She was hesitant to ask, as she didn't want to have more worries going into this, but she had heard some rumors about Luffy at Enies Lobby. Marco confirmed everything that had been in the papers: the Straw-Hats had declared war on the World Government and he had attacked a Celestial Dragon. They hadn't been seen or heard from since. Marco assured her that they were at least alive, if the Marines had killed them, it would be broadcast alongside the announcement of Ace's capture.
It was two days before Ace's execution that Marco called her with information of Luffy. He was attacking Impel Down to get to Ace before they got him on the ship to Marineford. How he got this information when even the marines she was with didn't, amazed Yoko. There was a reason Marco was Whitebeard's first mate. He also informed her that Shanks was making his way to Marinefold as was Kaido. She worried if they would be able to take on both the marines (with all 3 admirals) and Kaido at the same time?
Being on a marine ship had allowed her to get to Marine HQ faster than the rest because of the special currents they rode. She arrived the day before his execution date which meant that Ace was already on his way here. Luffy had failed but was he dead?
She couldn't think of that right now. She had a full day to set up her plan. There was a reason people feared her when she was younger. She was the number one unpredictable, hyperactive pirate, second only to Luffy (as she had been informed by his crew). Whitebeard's crew didn't know what to do with her when people began to fall victim to her pranks and the Moby Dick vandalized. She grew out of most of that stuff but her love for extravagant planning remained. She would make sure these marines knew who they were dealing with. She went around disabling most of the long range weapons and putting large quantities of sodium metal wrapped in a casing in the water supply. Marco called to inform her that they were about half a day away and she wouldn't need to open the Gates of Justice. It was not easy moving around the base. Not only was Sengoku and Garp there, but so were the Admirals Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akainu, along with the Shichibukai: Mihawk, Moria, Doflamingo, Hancock, Kuma. Surprisingly, Jinbe and Blackbeard were absent. Actually, she remembered Marco informing her that Jinbe had refused to take part in Ace's execution and as a result forfeited his status and is in Impel Down. The one who scared her the most was Doflamingo. She interfered in his business once when she released the slaves and almost lost her crew. He was one person that frightened her. But that was almost 3 years ago, she was older and stronger now.
When she saw Ace arrive in chains, she knew it was time, three hours until the scheduled time. 3 years ago, she would've went straight for him but she had matured and knew her limits. She would only be killed if she took all of Marineford on by herself. Instead, she made sure everyone would know who they were dealing with.
It was really something to see, the extent to which the Marines went to carry out the execution of the 2nd Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates; it was a bit too excessive in her mind. Her thoughts n why were confirmed when Sengoku separated from Garp and grabbed a den-den mushi to address the tens of thousands of people present.
"There is crucial information about Portgas D. Ace and why he is meeting his end today." Pausing, he addressed the defeated man at his feet. "Ace, tell me the name of your father!"
The entire plaza fell silent as they wondered what the Fleet Admiral was trying to do. Yoko stood frozen in shock that they found out and that Garp would let Sengoku do this to Ace.
"My father, heh, at a time like this? My father is Whitebeard!" Ace sneered at the man. He knew exactly what he wanted him to say. He refused.
"YES HE IS! Whitebeard is my only father! I have no other!" Yoko could see and hear the pain this revelation was causing him. To think he had finally left his past behind and now this?
Sengoku turned, addressing his subordinates again. "Back then, we searched as though our lives depended on it, searching for the possibility that there existed on that island a child of that man based on nothing but the tiniest of leads from Cipher Pol; we investigated all newborn children, all children who were born in the past 5 years, and all of their mothers, but ultimately found nothing. Or so we thought. Out of pure obstinacy, your mother had risked her life to hide you away and it deceived even us. In South Blue, there lies an island by the name of Baterilla. Your mother's name was Portgas D Rouge! She performed a feat that we could never have hoped to imagine. And out of devotion to her child, burned down your home, leaving nothing but her and her child's skeleton. A child born bearing the most accursed blood to be found in the world. That child is you! Do not claim you are not aware"
Chatter broke out amongst the marines, some already guessing where this was heading.
"Your father is none other than the Pirate King, Gold Roger!"
It was like an explosion went off, people gasping in shock, others exclaiming their disbelief at this jaw dropping revelation.
'My child, who is so young now, bears no sin, Garp! Take care of him for me.' Garp clenched his teeth as he flashed back to the time Roger entrusted him with his most important secret, a secret that was never meant to be public.
"When you appeared three years ago, with your mother's name, and rose with frightening speed and remarkable power, notability as the captain of the Spade Pirates, it was then that we finally realized that Roger's blood still lived on! But Whitebeard, who came to the same realization just as we did, chose to take in the son of his old rival onto his own ship, that he might raise him to be the next Pirate King as he raised the daughter of the Flash Pirates, Namikaze Yoko!"
"No! I joined his crew so that I could make him the Pirate King-." Ace tried to deny.
"You are the only one who believes that. We were unable to lay a finger on you from that moment forth. You were being protected by Whitebeard himself! And if we were to allow you to room free for long enough, you would be sure, slowly but surely, to obtain the necessary caliber to stand at the summit of a new Era of Piracy! THAT IS WHY IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE THAT WE TAKE YOUR HEAD HERE TODAY! EVEN IF THAT MEANS GOING TO WAR WITH WHITEBEARD HIMSELF!"
Yoko could barely contain her rage. She could barely look at Ace because she knew if she did she would blow her cover. The lies Sengoku were sprouting were burrowing themselves into him mind, destroying the years of hard work Sabo, Luffy, Whitebeard, and herself had spent getting him okay with his existence.
"Fleet Admiral Sengoku! I bring an urgent report! The Gates of Justice are opening without any authorization! We can't seem to obtain contact with the control room!"
"WHAT?!" Sengoku growled, for the first time looking worried. Yoko was with him as Marco told her they wouldn't need the Gates to gain entrance but she would need to open them for them to leave. This wasn't her doing.
Comprehension dawned on the Fleet Admirals face. "They're here! All hands prepare for battle!"
For the first time in days, Yoko felt hope swell in her chest. She was never one to be pessimistic but none of the odds had been stacked in their favor; there was only so much waiting she could do. There, outside the plaza bay sat all 45 ships allied to Whitebeard. It was a magnificent and terrifying site to behold and she desperately wished to be out there, to show her support.
"Where is Whitebeard?! We need confirmation!"
Where was Pops and the Moby Dick? Marco hadn't explained to her how they were arriving. Before she could see Sengoku's reaction, there was a loud roaring noise that sounded like it was coming from the bay. No...They wouldn't?!
They did; that had so been her idea!
The Moby Dick, in all its majesty, appeared surround by three of their own. And there on the deck, were all the Commanders, but where was-
"Gurarararara! How many decades has it been Sengoku?" The booming voice of Whitebeard echoed around the plaza as he appeared from the stairs, for once not surrounded by all those IV's. As he stood tall with his bisento, Yoko could imagine him in that moment, decades younger, challenging the world in arrogance like nothing could stop him. Nothing had changed.
"My beloved son better be safe and sound! Gurarararara!" Yoko could see the young marines trembling at the sight of their Pops, but he had eyes only for Ace. "You just hang in there a little longer, Ace!"
"Old man!" Ace shouted. No one could tell if it was in relief or anger.
"…To be invaded so suddenly…" Sengoku had been expecting anything when he made the decision to execute Ace but to be blindsided like this?! In less than a minute?
In a single move, Whitebeard set giant shockwaves on either side of the island, but nothing appeared to happen.
"Pops, guys, I set out on a whim even though you all warned me not to, so why didn't you just leave me behind? My own cockiness got me into this mess in the first place!" Ace pleaded, not believing he was worth saving but above all, not wanting to see any of his loved ones die for him.
Yoko almost exposed herself to go to Ace but Marco found and caught her eye. Now was not the time. Frustrated, she pulled back, still waiting.
"Nah, I was the one you told you to go, son." Whitebeard calmly stated to his frantic son.
"Liar! Don't you screw around! You stopped me back then but I still-."
The Old Man interrupted him, already knowing what he was going to say. "I told you to go, isn't that right Marco?"
"Yep, I heard you say that, yoi. You sure caused us a lot of trouble, Ace!" Marco adopted his signature smirk and lazy drawl but it suddenly changed to the fearsome reputation he was known for. "Everyone on this sea knows well what happens to them if they lay a single finger on one of our nakama. We won't let anyone who hurt you get away with it alive, Ace! Just you wait, we're going to save you!"
"Prepare yourself Marine HQ!"
Just as Whitebeard finished his declaration, the plaza began to shake, causing those unaware of the extent of his powers to look around worriedly.
"It's coming, the seaquake he just caused has turned into a tsunami heading straight for us!" Garp cautioned men around him.
Taking command, Sengoku shouted out a warning. "Don't go thinking we can overcome him with sheer military force! We might be the ones to meet our end. That man holds the power to destroy the world!" He cursed, knowing the man had got one over on them. But they were prepared.
The battle began as the two massive tsunami waves towered over the Headquarters. A dominating image that highlighted just why this crew was to be feared. The front blocked off with 46 vessels and the Moby Dick, all 14 Commanders of the Whitebeard fleet, and the Captain himself, standing tall, mocking the highest power of the Marines, and his two tsunamis rushing in from either side. To the people viewing this confrontation, it looked as if the Marines had already lost.
But they were prepared. Aokiji leaped beautifully from his chair resting in front of the execution platform and into the air to execute his attack. "Ice Age!"
The oncoming tsunamis were halted in their tracks as they quickly froze from the man's devil fruit power. "Aokiji, you little rascal." Instead of just freezing the waves, Aokiji had frozen the entire bay, stopping all movement of the ships.
Marco caught Yoko's attention and with a slight nod, indicated it was time before he took off to with the rest of the Commanders. The last thing Yoko saw as she retreated to set the rest off the traps was Marco intercepting the attack on Pops from Kizaru.
The Marines were going to regret ever taking Ace, she was going to make sure of that. Sengoku had made it to the top of her list, right behind Teach, for revealing Ace's father to the world and destroying all they had worked towards. At first she was just going to take Ace back but now, with Sengoku's public humiliation, Yoko was going to hold nothing back. By the time she was done with them, Sengoku will have wished she never existed (well…he probably wished that already).
As she left her hiding place, the marine insignia on the building behind the plaza exploded and in its place was a gigantic Whitebeard Flag. That wasn't all; around the perimeter, all four watchtowers suddenly exploded in a shower of fireworks, where she got those no one knows. This was only the first phase of her plan. This was to get the Marines attention on the explosions, making them paranoid, questioning who was behind it. The next phase is when the real destruction begins. This is when the war will be won by Whitebeard. But now was not the time to begin phase two.
She quietly created Shadow Clones who set about preparing everything. She had to be careful with how much chakra she used. She couldn't waste all of it before she even entered the fight.
With everything set, she knew it was time to make her entrance.
"ACEE!" Yoko called out. Finally able to show herself, relieving whatever doubt he had about her survival. She now had the enemy's attention split. She knew she had to try and get Ace free quickly but with Sengoku guarding him, it would be more difficult then she first thought. They needed to get him away from the platform.
Why…why wouldn't Garp move to save Ace? They could save him if they had his help! "Garrpp! Do something! Are you going to let them do this?!" She was close enough to where he could hear her over the battle now taking place.
Whispers went around the area on why Yoko would be calling out Garp, of all people, to do something. Yoko figured this could be her chance to make Sengoku tick, she only hoped nothing bad would happen to the old man over this.
"Did you tell them?! After raising him as your own grandson, protecting him from exactly this, how can you sit by and watch this happen? I thought you loved us!" As a last resort, she brought out the 'eyes' as Ace had dubbed them all those years ago. Garp and Shanks could never refuse her when she brought those out. Man, she should be an actress, okay maybe some of that was real…okay, all of it was real! She didn't understand how Garp could stand by while his family was in danger, family was important, it was everything!
She could see the anger boiling just under the surface of Sengoku's eyes. She had just told the world that one of the greatest marine heroes and his friend, was a traitor. This wasn't something he could cover up.
"We were your grandkids, your family…does it really mean that little to you?" The last part was said in a whisper, the hurt leaking into her voice as she tried to stop the tears from falling. Trying to understand why he wasn't helping his family.
"You three chose your path and now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. I can no longer protect you." Garp declared, his voice unwavering. But he looked so old, god, when was the last time she saw him? The lines on his face were deeper and his hair completely white now.
Seeing that she couldn't convince him, Yoko went with plan B. The Whitebeard Pirates were going to take the front and she would take the rear. Stealth was her specialty after all and she had two days to work her magic. The floor surrounding the execution platform suddenly caved in, taking many marines with it. Her next trick came when they tried to shoot her; half the area was suddenly drenched in liquid, preventing the gunpowder from igniting. This left half the marines with only swords or their devil powers. Jumping into the chaos, Yoko donned the devils smirk.
Ace could only watch in awe as Yoko took out half the marine force by herself. When had she learned this?
Whitebeard smiled as his daughter faced the world for her family. He stood back with Marco as the rest of the commanders led the attack against the Vice-Admirals. It's not even that much of a fight for her as the strongest marines were at the front, facing Whitebeard. This made things a lot easier for her in terms of getting to Ace.
As the onslaught of marines were preventing them from gaining much ground, Little Oars Jr. appeared, determined to save Ace himself if he could; Yoko could hear the pain in Ace's voice as he begged his friend to turn around. She understood his pain. Oars was surely going to die if he didn't retreat. He was too big of a target to ignore. That wasn't something she could focus on at the moment. Everyone here knew the risk when Whitebeard called upon them. Death was always an option. She would mourn everyone after this was all over.
Cursing at those who attacked her from behind, Yoko saw Garp join Sengoku and Ace on the execution platform out of the corner of her eye. If Garp refused to fight for Ace and was there to stop anyone who got close enough…they would never get to Ace! But she wouldn't be Namikaze Yoko if she, for one moment, ever let that stop her from trying.
She was trapped though, when competent marines finally arrived to battle her. Sadly, Danzo was one of those marines. If memory served, he was once a vice admiral before being demoted when it was discovered he was heading his own secret faction in the marines that only answered to him. Fleet Admiral Kong didn't like that and demoted him to the lowest position where he could still keep an eye on him. It seemed Sengoku did not share the same intuition as his predecessor. Danzo was, from the looks of things, an advisor and had command of his own faction again.
"Sword or kunai?" Mumbling to herself as she tried to pick a weapon. Ducking a jab, she decided to withdraw her kunai quickly, slicing the throat of the unfortunate marine who attacked her. They were easy to dispatch as close combat had always been her preferred method of fighting. Bodies were piling up around her, blood darkening her already dark hair and covering her arms. It bothered her but she didn't let it show as she took down one after another. She needed to clear a path her way so the rest of the crew could get through.
Others were beginning to notice the carnage in her wake and realized she was the greatest threat, being so much closer to the platform than the other pirates. Commanders began to order their subordinates to attack her, drawing a dense congregation from what had been a thinning path. She was confused when men started falling around her but not from her doing. Glancing around, unsure if it was friend or foe, Yoko caught a glance of hair she hadn't seen in years.
'That teme, thinking he can come here and show me up!' While she was pissed at her old friend, she was also glad he was here. His ascent into the marines had been swift before he dropped off the radar all together.
"You look like you're having a little trouble, dobe. Maybe you should sit this one out and let the adults handle this." That aggravating smirk was on his face again!
Yoko glared at him, forgetting for a moment where she was. "What was that teme!? I was doing just fine before you arrived!"
Striking down another marine with his katana, Sasuke considered Yoko for a second. "He's someone important to you, isn't he?" His voice was quiet and Yoko couldn't tell what he was thinking.
Sasuke could tell just by looking in her eyes what Ace meant to her, she had once looked at him like that, years ago. "Then go! I'll take care of these guys!" Lighting crackled around him as he prepared to battle the surrounding marines. Yoko didn't think twice before taking off, she knew Sasuke could take care of himself. He was going against the marines, for her! She didn't know what changed in him as just three years ago he left her for them.
Thanks to Sasuke's efforts, she was able to bypass a majority of the foot soldiers. The surrounding captains seemed to realize what was happening and began to order their men in her direction. Frustrated that she was begin held up again and ready to use one of her explosives, Yoko almost fell back when Atmos came barreling out of nowhere, taking out everyone in a three meter radius. The look on his face was all she needed to see to know what was wrong: Doflamingo. She found him in the thick of battle with the Whitebeard pirates so why was he sending Atmos over to help her? Last time they met, he tried to kill her. As if sensing her stare, Doflamingo turned to face her, a wicked devil smirk lighting up his face. She knew there was no good reason for why he helped her. That was the smirk he wore when he tortured people or things were going his way.
Not wanting to waste the time he had given her worrying about his motives, Yoko rushed forward to the platform ignoring the shadow that seemed to be falling from the sky. If it distracted everyone, it was to her advantage and she wasn't about to waste it. She knew what needed to be done. On her way to the platform, she release her timed explosives so they were right at the support beams. She had two minutes until they went off, plenty of time to get Ace and get off.
Her plan was going nicely, Whitebeard and their allies were pushing the marines back. With a majority of their long range weapons now useless from the water earlier, they were forced into either sword or Devil Fruit battle. For the pirates, who still had use of those weapons, it was easy to take out their enemy. There was one more surprise she was waiting for them to find. She may not have heard all their plans when she was sneaking about but she heard enough to know what needed her attention the most.
All around, she heard shouts about the Super Rookie Luffy and not to underestimate him which had her pause hoping they were wrong. Why was he here? Scratch that, she knew why he was here, but he was just another person she now had to worry about. Seeing Luffy stand tall amongst giants, though, Yoko couldn't be more proud of her little brother and how much he had grown from that cry baby she had met over 10 years ago.
"AAAACCEEE! I finally found you!" The excitement and sheer joy in Luffy's voice was noticeable to everyone as he waved to Ace.
"GARP! Is this another member of your family?!" Sengoku bellowed to his vice-admiral, levels above furious.
Grabbing his head, Garp didn't know what to feel. It was such a Luffy thing to do.
There were mixed reaction around the plaza. It seemed that Luffy had met and made an impression on quite of few of the Marines and Shichibukai.
"You never fail to make a scene worth witnessing, Straw-hat." Mihawk looked on as he dispatched another Whitebeard pirate.
"Ssstttaaawwwhhaatt!?" This was shouted in anger but there was a also a hint of fear from Moria.
"Luffy! It's such a relief to see you safe!" Boa Hancock blushed.
"To think we'd see one another again so soon?" Kizaru mumbled.
"That's certainly some group you've got there." Aokiji admired.
"That must be the brother Ace was talking about." Marco mumbled in disbelief at the audacity of the kid.
"Current and former Shichibukai all gathered here and then him, the outrageous Super Rookie everyone has been talking about, Straw-hat." Doflamingo's crackle could be heard all around. It had pirates and marines alike shying away from the King of Dressrosa.
"So this is him, the grandson of Garp the Hero and son of Dragon…that is one pirate who most certainly needs to be eliminated." Akainu spoke to himself as he watched in a different part of the plaza.
"So this is your answer, is it, Jinbei?!" Sengoku shouted, irritated at all these twists that were being thrown in his plans. But he wasn't called 'The Strategist' for show.
"Indeed, I resign as a Shichibukai!"
"That's a screwed up team if I ever saw one. It seems barely possible that they all share the same objective, particularly on this battlefield." Garp muttered as only his idiotic grandson could conjure up a team of misfits and criminals and have them all working together.
Crocodile reappeared behind Whitebeard, trying to assassinate him while everyone was distracted. His hooked arm was stopped by a flying foot with a rubber body attached to it.
Crocodile growled at the interference. "We had an arrangement did we not? Why do you defend Whitebeard?"
The rubber boy studied the giant. "So this guy really is Whitebeard, huh? Then you're not touching him! This is the one guy Ace and Yoko really care about!" Luffy declared as if his word was law.
Marco was impressed. "That brother of Ace's isn't half bad."
Whitebeard, meanwhile, had finally made the connection when he saw the straw hat. Memories of a young Red-Hair with the same hat and his declaration that he had been willing to bet his arm on a New Age in East Blue was finally connected to this audacious brother of Ace's. "Boy, that straw hat you wear, it bears a strong resemblance to the one Red-Hair once wore…-"
The kid didn't even let him finish before he interrupted! "Oh, hey! You know Shanks, huh? I'm borrowing this hat for him."
'Check it out Old Man, this kid's my little brother!' Memory Ace exclaimed, holding up Luffy's Wanted poster.
"Are you here to save your brother?"
"That's right!"
"I hope you understand who you're up against. You will simply be throwing your life away." He had to test the kid. What had Shanks seen in him to risk his arm and give away his hat?
"Shut up! It's not your job to decide that!" Luffy shouted angrily. "I've heard about you, you want to be the Pirate King, right? Well the one who's going to be the Pirate King is me!"
Exclamations of disbelief were heard all around, that some rookie would dare speak to Whitebeard like that.
"I'll be damned." It had been years since anyone had spoken to him like that, it reminded him of Roger back in their youth. "You better not get in my way, greenhorn."
"I'll do this however damn well I want! I'm saving Ace myself!" Luffy proclaimed as he crouched, getting ready to launch his attack. Whitebeard felt a smirk makes its way across his face; this brought back memories.
"Dear me. May I assume that all these intruders may be executed, Sengoku?" Kizaru pondered to his commander.
"Naturally." He growled out, just short of grinding his teeth. His prisoner wasn't as cool.
Ace gritted his teeth, unable to hold back his emotions anymore. "Stay away, Luffy! You should know better; we are both pirates! We have both sailed the seas! I have my own adventures, my own nakama! You shouldn't interfer!" Yoko wished Ace would stop but she knew Luffy wasn't taking any of this to heart. "You're such a weakling! You think I'll forgive someone like you for rescuing me?! This is humiliating!" The snarl startled those who knew the easy going Mera-Mera user.
With the last ounce of his strength, Ace wanted to put the final nail in the coffin.
"Go home Luffy! Why did you even come?!" He desperately hoped that his brother got what he was trying to do. He couldn't drag him down with him, he couldn't break his promise to Sabo. 'Please Luffy, I don't want to drag you down with me. This is my mess.'
He rested his head on the floor of the scaffold, trying to stop the tears from falling.
Luffy wouldn't let Ace give up that easily, not after everything they had been through together, not after losing Sabo! "I'M YOUR LITTLE BROTHER! I don't care about the rules of pirates!" He was pushing and punching his way to Ace.
"This man is another danger to the future. He wasn't only raised together with Ace, but he is also the son of "Revolutionary" Dragon!" Sengoku announced, causing another shockwave around the plaza.
Still fighting his way through the marines, Luffy hadn't lost his anger at Ace. "I don't care what you say, I'm going to save you even if it kills me!" He growled as he kicked away fifteen marines with his rubber leg.
Whitebeard was impressed with the kid's guts, he would've loved to have him as one of his sons. "Marco, I won't forgive you if you let that boy die!"
Smirking, Marco was thinking exactly the same, especially when he saw Ace's face and where his favorite red head was at that very moment. "Roger"
As Marco was speaking with Whitebeard, Ace was making up his mind about his future.
'I will accept whatever the future holds for me. If someone holds out a hand, I will grab it. But-.' He never got to finish as someone familiar appeared right in front of him.
Luffy and Sengoku had provided the perfect opportunity for Yoko to attack the scaffold with their separate declarations. Shaping her chakra with the wind, a specialty she discovered a few years ago, she used it to blow the unsuspecting marines away from Ace as she flipped herself from the side of the platform, landing in front of Ace with her foxy grin.
"Miss me?" The look on his face was priceless, however, she didn't know if it was from her sudden appearance or Luffy's earlier declaration. Honestly, Yoko was just glad he had something other than resignation on his face. It meant he still wanted to live. They only had 45 seconds until her explosives went off. "You missed our date."
Ace wasn't sure what shocked him the most: Yoko's appearance or Luffy's declaration to the world that he was his little brother. Did that idiot know the weight of his declaration!? But warmth like never before filled Ace. There was never any doubt that they were brothers but it had never been publically acknowledged outside their circle of nakama. For Luffy to do that…Ace never loved his little brother more than in that moment. He had meaning in life, how could he forget that his little brother still needed him? To see all his crew working with his brother, it brought hope that maybe he could be allowed to life.
"I'm getting you out of here, Datteybo!" That tick, that annoying tick that only appeared when Yoko was really excited, Ace wished he could kiss that grinning face.
They both sensed it too late. Garp appeared in front of Yoko and with his Fist of Love, sent her crashing down into the battle below. She saw part of a straw hat on her way down; Luffy had just been intercepted by Kizaru.
Just like she planned, twin explosions went off at the same time but not where she had planted them. Two Lieutenants had discovered them and had been in the process of removing them from the area when they detonated. One took out a sizeable area of fighters while the other shook the foundations of the platform but did not collapse it.
The Fleet Admiral glowered. That girl was causing him too much damage as she went around unchecked, disappearing and reappearing closer and closer to the platform. Her little stunt was too close and he was surprised Garp had been the one to intercept her. He knew they had history, a history his old friend had not full confided to him it would seem.
It took her a moment to regroup, maybe a minute or two; Luffy and Ace weren't kidding when they said the Fist of Love hurt. Garp had to have infused Haki into that punch, damn. When she finally pulled herself out of the small crater, she along with everyone else froze at the commotion on the Moby Dick: Squard had attacked Whitebeard, sprouting some bullshit tale about Whitebeard betraying his allies! What was wrong with that man?
Yoko was so angry, bits of Kurama's chakra began to leak out. People, both marines and pirates, began to run away from her when they felt evilness surround her. Those who were close enough would later exclaim that she had demon eyes: her eyes changing from the brilliant azure to a deep blood red with slit pupils.
It was easy to lose herself in the hatred, the pure energy radiating off her was like an addiction. She wanted more, needed to make them pay! Yoko was quite literally shaken out of the possession as the ground violently broke apart beneath her, indicating that Whitebeard had attacked the plaza. Looking up from her spot on the ground, she was in awe at the display of powers as the three admirals stood tall, protecting the platform with their Haki while the ocean turned murderous, over 60 foot waves breaking apart the marine vessels outside the bay.
After the siege walls were erected around the bay, another siege wall appeared, encompassing the troops who were ordered to fall back to the plaza. The two sides were now separated and the pirates were helpless as Akainu unleashed his Ryuusei kazen on the immobile ships. It obliterated the Moby Dick along with the rest of the ships in the bay in a fiery inferno; they were in hell. It-it was mind-numbing, the damage and horror Akainu caused with his powers. Everyone was a sitting duck out there! Against her will, Yoko lost herself to a flashback: 13 years ago, when she was just 7 years old, she watched the same thing happen to her parents and their crew, only escaping because Minato shoved her into Kakashi's arms and ordered him to leave. The flames had haunted her for months and it was happening all over again! The second place she ever called home was now burning through the actions of the same man.
Shouts exclaiming that the cannons on the inner siege walls weren't working broke Yoko out of her recollection. She was older now, more powerful. She wasn't going to let that Admiral take away another family. She had bought her crew some time, her attention was now on getting Ace. She trusted Whitebeard to get the men through the inferno. Fighting her way back through the assembled marines was no sweat, they didn't even see her, only an orange flash. She broke through the human barrier and stood in front of the three Admirals just as a cyclone of water crashed down just feet to her right.
Standing there with her brother, Yoko felt like they could take on the world and win.
They shared a look, neither needed to talk to know what the other was thinking. Ace was the number one priority. Luffy may not have fought alongside her before but they knew each other inside and out. He threw the mast and with her wind, Yoko made sure the admirals couldn't dodge it, shattering it into large shrapnel, all the while giving Luffy a little extra speed. She was right behind him with a ball of energy her father had called Rasengan. Luffy was able to bypass two of the Admirals but was stopped by Kizaru.
"Too slow."
Right behind him, Yoko called for him to duck. Not even thinking why, Luffy did as told, already preparing another attack.
She slammed her Rasengan into Kizaru's back. She doesn't even have to tell Luffy to keep going. It didn't matter how strong the opponent, she would fight anyone to get to Ace, even an Admiral. She had no fear. She made a promise to herself when her crew died that she would never let friends die if she could help it, she swore all those years ago that she would never run away, she doesn't go back on her word!
She managed to hold him off long enough for Luffy to get through.
Kizaru was faster, faster than anyone she had ever faced before. Dodging his attacks wasn't easy and she would've been hit if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of Sasuke paring with his own Logia powers.
"I'll take this as your resignation?" Kizaru drawled, showing no surprise at the betrayal of one of their best Commanders.
"Tsh, I have no use for the Marines anymore, the real challenges are out there in the New World." Sasuke countered, knowing enough about the Admiral's personality not to take him lightly. For a second time that day, the two friends stood side by side, fighting together. It's been years, but fighting besides each other still gave them a rush.
Sasuke's skill with his Rai-Rai no mi had greatly improved over the years seeing as he was able to match almost blow for blow with the admirals own Pika-Pika no mi. He could channel the lighting through his blade which was common as he and Yoko switch between attack and defense. Her skill with Armament Haki had improved to where she could protect against most Devil Fruit attacks. This came in handy when Sasuke was caught off guard and she was able to block the blow with her own armament coated katana.
Sasuke was suspicious, there was no way Kizaru was taking them seriously. He knew he was strong but he was under no delusions that he could draw this man to a stalemate like what was now happening. His theory was proven correct when Kizaru blasted Yoko back when she appeared behind him with another Rasengan. Less than a second later, Sasuke found himself plowed into the ground by the admiral's foot.
"You always were a determined kid. But you picked your side." Kizaru sighed like he was truly sorry he had to do this. Sasuke always had an escape route though and with minimal effort he activated his ultimate escape, a bolt of lightning came from what looked out of nowhere and struck Sasuke. Looking at the small crater, nothing was there.
"I guess he's gone."
She was blasted back by Kizaru and it was only thanks to Marco that she remained within the perimeter of the wall.
"I only have one more explosive left Marco but we can't do anything with both Sengoku and the old man up there." She wanted to yell in frustration! Nothing they did worked!
"We knew we were coming in outnumbered but we were never outmaneuvered and thanks to you, we weren't outgunned. Sengoku is a brilliant strategist but Pops knows how he thinks. We're gonna get 'hm back-yoi."
He took her above the battle. It looked like a massacre from up there. There was blood and bodies everywhere. Most of the buildings were destroyed or on fire and the whole bay area was still on fire from the magma. Yoko couldn't let that bother her though; they had to get to Ace.
Yoko had an idea; it was risky but rarely were her plans ever safe. "I've got a plan but you're gonna have to trust me."
Hearing her plan, Marco knew it was good but it was also dangerous. He hadn't tried doing that before and with an active explosive, she was really cutting it close. "When we get out of here, we're going to have to have a talk about these plans of yours!"
"Yea yea." She climbed onto his back, legs around his waist as she worked on setting up her last explosive. She saw Luffy fly from the platform, caught by Whitebeard. It was up to them. "We have two minutes Marco!"
Marco knew it was all up to him now. Diving down at the unsuspecting men, he knew it was only a matter of seconds before one of them felt his presence. It was Garp who jumped to intercept him.
1 minute 35 seconds.
Right before his fist connected, Marco began his showy transformation, allowing his flames to fan out, engulfing Yoko from view. No one noticed the tiny explosive fly from the raging blue flames.
1 minute 20 seconds.
As the force of the punch flung Marco away from the platform, this was Yoko's cue to let go before Marco fully transformed into a phoenix. His flames provided the perfect cover as she dropped onto one of the many beams under the Fleet Admiral and Ace, immediately plastering herself to the shadows before anyone recovered their eyesight from the brightness of Marco's flames.
Up on the platform Ace couldn't believe how far his family was willing to go for him; doing everything they could to help Luffy, a kid they only just met, was too much. Ace dropped his head to the ground again, trying to hide his tears of joy and sorrow.
"Is something wrong, Fire-Fist?" Sengoku inquired when he noticed Ace was no longer looking at the battle.
'Ace' Garp thought to himself.
"I'm…disgusting! …ugh…I'm…just screwed up! At a time like this…when my old man…my little brother…my family…! All of them are spilling blood, falling to the ground around me!" Here, Ace picked his head up, tears falling from his face. "Why am I so happy? The tears just won't stop. Why do I suddenly, want to live?!" He had been resigned to his fate for so long, the thought of him leaving this place alive never occurred to him. But now, seeing Yoko, Luffy, everyone, fighting so hard to free him, how could he not want to live?
'Ace' Garp thought again remembering the time when Ace asked him if he should have ever been born and knowing that he finally found the answer to that question.
Beneath them, Yoko flashed back to when she was 9 and found Ace beating up some of the people in Edge Town.
"I hate him so much!" He was screaming at nothing, trying to vent his anger.
Confused, Yoko asked who he hated.
"Roger, the bastard who abandoned me and my mom! She would still be alive if he had just stayed with us!"
Yoko understood now. Gol D Roger, Ace's father. She was on his ship a lot when she was little; he had saved her when Shiki had kidnapped her from her family. She also knew of his death.
"Maybe he thought he was protecting you? Parents do that sometimes. Kakashi says mom and dad are gone because they were trying to protect me, so maybe that's what Roger was doing with you?" Her face was scrunched up in concentration as she tried to think of any other reason.
"We were fine together and he went and left us with nothing! I hate him, I wish he wasn't my father!" He punched the nearest tree, knocking it down with little effort.
"I shouldn't even be alive…" Was whispered into the wind. Having enough of his attitude, Yoko marched over and hit him on the head.
"Everyone deserves to live, sometimes you just have to show people that. Whenever we stopped at ports, people would always give us dirty looks and glares but Daddy didn't let that bother him. It hurts to have people hate you for no reason but then I looked at dad and mom, everything was better because I knew they loved me. I had precious people! That's all you need; you're my precious person!" Yoko finished with a blinding grin and Ace could do nothing but stare at her with hope in his eyes.
45 seconds.
Yoko found herself going over last second details before she made herself known.
'Shit!' She cursed to herself. How could she have forgotten something that important? 'I don't have a key!'
It was too late to pull back, she would just have to improvise and hope Sengoku was distracted long enough to where she could pick the lock. If this worked, she would have to thank Izo when she found him next.
20 seconds.
Quickly using the senbon to put up her hair, Yoko counted down.
Sweat was rolling down her forehead in anticipation.
She did a flying back flip from the right side of the platform landing with just enough time for Sengoku to see her, distracting him from everything else, including the bomb that went off at his feet 3 seconds later.
Ignoring him for now, Yoko scurried behind him, kneeling to get a good look at his handcuffs which were thankfully only on his wrists. Yanking the senbon from her hair, she placed it in the key hole trying to remember exactly how Izo showed her how to do it.
"You forgot the key!?" Ace managed to exclaim before Yoko shushed him.
Pretty sure that the cuffs were singles locks, Yoko quickly worked on bending her senbon correctly. She had everything done and was just about to turn it when she was thrust forward, hitting the back of Ace as someone gripped the back of her neck.
Ace, confused, felt fear run through his blood as Yoko was pushed harder and harder into his back. What little strength he had was put into trying to turning himself around to see the attacker. Yoko was yanked roughly off him; without the added weight it was easier for him to turn his body.
"You're one slippery fox." Yoko tried to lash out with her hands but they were quickly caught in much larger hands. "That was a pretty ingenious plan you had there."
"Who are you, dammit!?" Her vision was swimming as his grip compressed the blood supply to her head. She didn't recognize that voice and she couldn't turn to see his face.
"Look at this battlefield, look how your comrades fall one by one." Yoko was able to make out Whitebeard coughing up blood, before her gaze swept to Marco just as Kizaru struck him down before landing on Luffy who was lying face down. "They will all die, every last one, the Whitebeard Pirates will be no more by the days end! Does that make you mad?" The man taunted before dodging a kick from Ace who had gained enough fighting spirit back to try and save Yoko. The man just laughed and moved far enough back to where Ace's chains wouldn't reach.
"Let her go!"
Yoko felt like there was fire in her veins when she took in what was happening to her family. She was seeing red.
The man, feeling the air change around him, threw her off the platform and disappeared himself. He now had to gather information on what exactly Minato had done 20 years ago.
A charka coat began to form around her and three tails appeared instantly. She was no longer in control of her body. Sengoku looked on in horrid awe as he recovered from Yoko's explosion. To think Minato was able to contain such power! They had only heard rumors all those years ago, but to now have the actual proof? It was terrifying.
Kizaru intercepted the now miniaturized kitsune with four tails. He was surprised when it easily batted away every one of his attacks, this wasn't the same girl he had fought minutes before. Knowing that the playing field had changed, the Admiral lost his smile and for the first time became serious. This was a power no one had ever seen before, he had to be careful if he wanted to live.
Out of nowhere, everyone froze, even Yoko, when Luffy bellowed at the two marines who had approached to execute Ace on Sengoku's orders. "Stop it already!"
The raw power drew Yoko nearer to the scaffold and Sengoku ordered Kizaru to stop her through any means necessary. With her back turned, Kizaru was able to use his laser beam to disable her. Aiming to where he assumed her heart was, Kizaru let lose three more beams to make sure the target was hit. The cloaked kitsune dropped to the ground briefly before the head turned a complete 180 to see who attacked it. Another set of hand…limbs...extended from the back, heading straight towards him. Its' body wasn't even moving! It was like the cloak was a separate entity!
It was too fast, even for him! The attacks came from every direction with no warning. Surely this beast was a demon? Kizaru was forced onto the defensive. The creature was fast and powerful but it looked like there was no intelligence, no planning. It was going off basic instincts. This gave him an idea. What better way to trap a wild animal than a trick?
The beast was wild, tails were wrapping around anyone that got in its way. The air itself was thick with malice and hatred. It was truly a remarkable site. To think Minato was able to trap something like this inside his own daughter? He was either very kind or very cruel.
If he was favoring his right a little more, Kizaru didn't dwell on it much. He was unsure if he should kill her or not. She could be either very useful or damaging to the marines if left alive. Dodging another attack, this time he wasn't fast enough. A claw tore through his left lower torso. It mattered not though, it was exactly where he needed it to be.
"Amaterasu." The blinding flash of light caught it off guard, and with the help of the water, reflected the light doubly back at it. The beast let out a cry as it pawed at its' eyes as if they were burned. Collapsing to its' hind legs, with its' forearms braced against the ground as it dug at its' eyes, Kizaru struck: "Yasakani no Magatama." The blasts sent it to the ground completely and with Ama no Murakumo, his light sword, he impaled the kitsune through the back, pining it to the floor. Seeing it still moving, Kizaru brought his leg up for his signature move. If this didn't work, he would need help from the other two. For the first time in a long time, Kizaru felt true, unadulterated, fear. What if they could not stop this demon?
She had to die. She was too dangerous to control, even for the scientists.
Looking at it closely, it looked like it was struggling, not to get free but…with itself?
Inside Yoko's mind:
"Give me back my body, you great ugly fox!"
A large body slammed against the inside of a massive cage followed by an unearthly growl. But the girl was not deterred.
"If I give you back this weak body, you will kill us! I will kill anyone in my way!"
"I don't care; if I die, I will die as myself, on my own terms. I won't die as some demon! So give me back my body!" Yoko released her Haki, restraining the Kyuubi and his powers. Both were shocked that it actually worked.
She was able to push back all of his influence but when it finally receded all she felt was pain, pain like she had never felt before.
Outside World:
Kizaru was stunned when the red cloak began to recede to reveal a bloodied Yoko. Had she fought for control of her body? Whatever the case, it seemed like she was no longer an issue.
Quickly taking advantage of the situation, he handcuffed her. By this time, they were far from the other battles and Luffy had already freed Ace.
Ace stared in horror as the mysterious marine threw Yoko into the battle below. He desperately began to reach for the senbon he hoped was still in his cuffs. He could feel it but he couldn't quite grasp it to unlock the sea stone handcuffs.
It was too late, he could see Sengoku making his way up the still intact stairs. His jacket was burnt in places and his hat had disappeared, overall, he looked great for having just been in the center of one of Yoko's explosions. He stared defiantly back at the man, his declaration minutes earlier still ringing in his head. 'I want to live!'
Sengoku remembered another man who once stared defiantly at him before his own execution, only he had a smile on his face. No matter how much he denied it, Ace was Roger's son. Wrenching the senbon from the keyhole, the Fleet Admiral couldn't believe that girl got the drop on him and almost rescued Ace. Forcing the fire user back to his knees, Sengoku order the two marines to commence the execution immediately. He was done with this game! The Pirate King's line would end today!
Knowing he couldn't escape, Ace held his head high. He wouldn't let these people see him break, he would defy them until the very end.
"STOP IT ALREADY!" Ace and Sengoku both jerked their heads in the direction of the bellow, both feeling it for what it actually was, Haoushoku Haki. The falling of the surrounding marines was ignored.
From his position on the battlefield, Whitebeard studied this Rookie, Ace's brother. 'This brat really has…?' This kid really was full of surprises. "MEN, use all you've got to backup Straw-Hat!" He was under no illusion that he would make it out of this battle alive, and he was okay with that, so long as he secured the safety of his children. These brats, maybe they could be the carriers of the New Age.
Whitebeard continued his battle as his foolish children protected his honor; allies and even Shichibukai, stopped every threat that came Luffy's way, intercepting every attack so he could advance on towards the ultimate goal: Ace.
His brother was truly amazing and full of impossible surprises. To turn an entire army of strangers to his side, some of which that had been his enemy?! He knew his brother had come so far and when the bridge appeared leading right to him, Ace dared to hope. "I'M HERE ACE!" Ace could see the sheer joy on his brother's face as he ran as fast as he could up the bridge, not caring about anything that was going on around him.
Luffy didn't even slow down when Garp appeared in an explosion of rock and smoke, blocking the only path to his grandson. He tried to call out for his Gramps to move, but Garp stood firm, he had made his decision. "I won't move Luffy! I am Vice-Admiral of the Marine Headquarters!"
"If you want to get through, you'll have to kill me!" With finality in his voice, Garp voiced his declaration. "Straw-Hat Luffy! That's the path the two of you have chosen, I can't protect you anymore."
Luffy couldn't do that, for all his faults, he truly loved his Gramps and knew he loved them too. "I can't do that Gramps…Please, move!"
"If you can't do it, then Ace will die!" Garp knew Luffy couldn't have any faults in his conviction, the last obstacle he had to overcome was him. He was a hurdle Luffy had to overcome if he wanted to go any further, both here and out at sea.
"LUFFY!" Luffy would never be able to get past their Gramps, he could never attack someone he loved!
"Bad things will happen to you time and time again, I can't show you any mercy!" This was the last straw for Luffy, Garp knew what needed to be said. "Luffy, I now consider you my enemy!"
He was right, he saw the change in his grandson immediately. That…that was what he needed to get him and Ace off this island. Pulling back just a minuscule amount, he reflected on happier times, times when they were all together, allowing Luffy's hit to send him. He was sent flying off the bridge.
"Even you are still a grandfather…Garp." Ace heard Sengoku growl under his breath. He didn't have time to think about those implications as Luffy was now right in front of him.
Out of breath, Luffy quickly made it to his big brothers side. "I have a key, hold on."
Luffy actually had the key, Luffy actually planned ahead?! "Luffy, you…"
The next thing they heard was the small audible click of the hand cuffs unlocking. Before Ace had time to take them off or process that he was free, Luffy was pushing him down as he suddenly inflated like a balloon, blocking the massive attack from the equally massive Sengoku Buddha.
"Did they make it?!"
"Did he free Ace?!"
Shouts of similar questions rang out all around as the resulting smoke and collapsing scaffold obscured the two pirates. It wasn't until the flame tunnel appeared that people received their answer.
"You've always been this way Luffy! Never listening to a word of what I say and always doing such crazy things!" Ace tried to be angry but he couldn't, not when his little brother had just pulled off such an amazing feat. It also reminded him of Yoko and the state in which she had been thrown. He had to find her before they could leave. He knew something was wrong when she hadn't appeared when Gramps confronted Luffy.
Grabbing Luffy's shirt so he could take him through his flames, Ace used Hibashira to get to the ground quickly.
Whitebeard was able to smile as he watched his son gain his freedom. Knowing Ace could take care of himself now, his gaze swept over the crowd, looking for a familiar shock of red hair that had been absent a worrying amount of time. While Ace and Luffy defended each other and proved just how great their teamwork was, Whitebeard found his red haired daughter.
She was being held by Kizaru as he made his way back to the center of the battle. She was limp not even moving as the Admiral dragged her by her handcuffs. Anger welled up inside him. His actions were halted as the Moby Dick appeared suddenly. Stopping it with just his hand, Whitebeard addressed his pirates.
"We've done what we came here to do, now there's no reason for us to be here anymore." He was cut off by a painful cough. "What I am about to tell you will be my final order as Captain! So listen up Whitebeard Pirates!"
He would make sure all his children got to safety, even if he had to retrieve Yoko himself. That, and bringing this headquarters down, would be his final act as captain and father.
"This is where you and I split up. In my final act as your father I will make sure all my children return to the New World safely!"
"Luffy, do you see Yoko anywhere?!" Ace shouted to his brother as they retreated towards the ship, not willing to leave until he saw her.
"Running away the moment you grabbed Ace, what a bunch of cowards, the Whitebeard Pirates. The Captain as well. It can't be helped. Whitebeard, after all, is just a failure from the previous era!"
"F-failure?" Questioned Ace in rage. "Take back what you just said!" He was barely able to form sentences as he tried to catch his breath.
"Forget it Ace, we have more important things to worry about. Pops wouldn't want you to get killed defending his honor."
"Stopped by your blood father, Roger, and couldn't even become king after his death, Whitebeard is a failure forever. Which part of it is wrong?" Here he paused and looked at Ace and all the other Whitebeard Pirates in disgust. "Called Pops by a bunch of scums…Acting so warm like a family roaming the seas. Your determination to save Fire-Fist blinded you to the peril of that traitor's spawn, Akairo senkō (赤色閃光) Yoko. Some family."
This grabbed the fleeing pirate's attention as Akainu indicated to what remained of the stone structure that held the platform. Yoko was being held by Kizaru, barely conscious (alive by the look of it), as the Admiral studied the young woman. She would've made a great Marine if only her father hadn't turned on them.
She looked like a child, being held up like that, blood dripping from her body. Onlookers could see the wounds inflicted upon her, the blood from her stab wound already soaking through her shirt.
"Pirate King Gol D. Roger, Revolutionary Dragon, and Ex-Vice Admiral Namikaze Minato. Their children actually became siblings, how terrifying. Just your blood alone has been shaped into a huge sin. Even if I let someone else get away, I will never let the three of you!"
Everyone looked on helpless as they could never reach her in time. Marco, having gotten his handcuffs off when Akainu finished his dialogue, had already turned into his phoenix form and took flight, knowing he was already too late. But this was Yoko, the little girl they watched grow into a young, fearsome woman. He would never forgive himself for not trying. She had always been his responsibility and he had failed her.
Sengoku's orders were quick, the daughter of Minato would die today. If they could only kill one of the three demons, then so be it.
The order caused chaos as the retreating pirates backtracked, trying to do something to save their sister and friend. None fought harder than Ace and Luffy, who rushed as fast as they could to her. But everything was in vain.
Her body was limp and falling, falling…why was it falling so slow?! Why couldn't they do anything!? Dammit, this wasn't how it was supposed to go!
Ace wanted to yell at her to wake up, to stop messing around. But he couldn't find his voice, Yoko would never mess around like this.
The adrenaline from saving Ace had died in Luffy as he watched Yoko lay motionless, blood visible all around her. "Yoko! Get up, Get up! Ace is free and were not leaving without Yoko!" He couldn't accept this, not when he made that promise all those years ago!
Garp could do nothing as her body landed just feet in front of him. The only consultation he had was that her eyes were closed. He didn't think he'd have the strength to look into lifeless azure eyes. 'This is your fault' his mind taunted him as it refused to let him close his eyes. And he was right, this was all his fault, he acted too late. You'd think he'd learn after everything he went through with Dragon, but no, family still took the backseat.
It was like a deaf silence swept across the battlefield. The Whitebeard Pirates were all in varying degrees of shock, never did they believe Yoko would die! She was the baby and had survived so much, dying here was unthinkable. But the proof was there and all eyes watched as her body hit the ground and remained still.
Marco made it just as she hit the ground, changing in midflight so he landed in his normal form. He was bent over her still form, desperately searching for a pulse while trying to stop the bleeding. He was having success with neither of these. "Come on Red, one more miracle. Just one more." Marco was cupping her face, trying to get some sign of life out of her. But there was nothing when all he craved was to hear her snickering voice exclaim, 'Gotch ya'.
Sengoku allowed the First Division Commander his moment to grieve as he knew there was nothing Marco could do to save the girl. He was not without a heart, he would allow them this one mercy.
Whitebeard hardened his eyes, it was never easy to lose a child. Each death always set in his heart and Yoko's was by far the heaviest. She was as close to a child he had ever gotten, having come to them at such a young age. He watched her grow up right before his eye, saw her first bounty, her first crush, her first heartbreak, her first victory, and her first defeat. Never did he think he would have to witness her death.
He gave the order he knew only some of his sons would follow. "Retreat back to the fleet. There need be no more bloodshed from my family. I will take care of everything."
Protest followed in various stages of grief, shock, and anger.
Ace was the worst. He blasted away all the marines around him; this was more than personal. They were going to pay and he wasn't going to run away!
Looking to his brother, they shared a silent nod: there was no running away.
Switching into Gear 2, Luffy prepared to use his final strength to get to his nakama. Ace was already in front of him, clearing a path with his raging flame. They were once again in sync with each other, Ace knew when to become intangible and Luffy knew just when to duck. But Luffy, who had been fighting for almost two days straight, was running only on the hormone shot Iva had given him. He was tiring and no amount of pushing was making his body respond.
He tripped over one of the various objects littering the ground and his body, unable to handle the sudden shift in gravity, was falling down.
He, and everyone else, was blindsided by Akainu's surge forward. He saw his opportunity and knew the Straw-hat boy couldn't dodge. He was right, Luffy's body was too weak, and even though he saw the attack coming, he could do nothing. Akainu's fist of magma smashed into Luffy, sending him flying a few feet. Luffy could only lift his head as the Admiral once again charged him, fear shooting through his body, he was certainly going to die.
Akainu was seconds from delivering the lethal blow and Luffy closed his eyes, accepting his fate. When nothing happened after a few seconds, no burning pain, nothing, he opened them and saw the worst sight he could ever imagine.
Ace, once again protecting him, with a magma fist impaling him right through the chest.
Akainu's fist had scorched right through Ace's chest when he jumped in to protect his brother. It hurt…not just physically. Every pirate there at Marineford lost a comrade, a brother, a sister, a friend; the wounds from this day would never heal. It was like time had stopped while the minds processed what was happening before them. Just moments before, Yoko had fallen to the might of Admiral Kizaru and now Ace had fallen to Admiral Akainu.
Marco struggled to leave Yoko but he knew Ace and his brother were in danger when he saw Akainu move towards them. They couldn't lose anyone else! Too much of their family had given their lives today.
Akainu yanked out his fist, Ace somehow still standing. "It would appear you have life in you yet." He sneered.
Fear was coursing through his body and Luffy knew he couldn't stop the Admiral. "Stop!" was his voice cracking in a desperate plea that fell to deaf ears.
Seeing what Akainu did to his grandson, Garp made up his mind, he was going to kill that bastard! There was too much blood for him not to care and he was done deluding himself that he couldn't do anything.
"Vice-Admiral Garp? What are you doing?!"
Garp didn't have any time to react before his whole body was being pummeled into the ground by Sengoku. "What do you mean to do, Garp?!"
Emotions raw, Garp told his old friend exactly what he needed to do. "You better keep me held down here tight, Sengoku. Because if you don't, you can be damn sure that I'm going to murder that Sakazuki!"
'You fool' the Fleet Admiral raged in his mind.
Marco was able to use the time Jinbei gained to intercept Akainu's attack with Vista as his back up.
"How could we let this happen?" Gritting his teeth, Marco knew they had failed. That wasn't a wound someone could survive. It took all he had to push away his feelings, he had only one job now: Get Luffy to safety. He wouldn't fail in this, even if he had to take the boy himself.
The battle continued to rage around the two brothers as Ace finally fell forward, his strength leaving him. "I'm sorry…Luffy."
Luffy was frantic, his hand had touched Ace's back when he caught him and he felt nothing but blood. "No Ace…don't speak. We've gotta hurry and treat your-" His hysteria was interrupted by Ace.
"I'm sorry I couldn't let you save me properly! Forgive me." His voice was barely a whisper now but Luffy could understand everything he was saying. The battles going on around them were a distant memory, the only thing that mattered to the two brother were each other.
"What are you talking about? Don't say stupid things like that!" Luffy yelled at him, refusing to believe what was in front of him. "Somebody deal with his wounds! Somebody save Ace!" Because they had to save Ace, Luffy couldn't go on if he lost his only remaining sibling.
A doctor came rushing over, but was stopped by Ace. "It's no good. I can tell when my own end has come." Blood was pooling around the brothers faster than Luffy had ever seen and he couldn't even see Ace's face as his shoulder was the only thing keeping it up.
"No, don't say that Ace. We're all gonna make it out of here, you promised!"
"He's burned up my insides; I'm not coming back from this Luffy, so listen up!" Everything was labored, just stringing a few words together was difficult for the Logia user.
"What are you talking about…Are you going to die?! No, you, you promised! You told me didn't you Ace? You said you wouldn't die!"
"Yeah, you know if it weren't for Yoko and having a little brother like you to look out for…and Sabo…I would never have…even…wanted to live…" He suddenly remembered the time he asked if Gold Roger had a kid when he was in the city.
"If Gold Roger had a kid? They oughtta be executed!"
"Nobody else wanted me, after all, not even my own it's only natural...!"
"Oh, I've got a good one! How about sticking one needle in his body...for every person in the world with a grudge against Roger!"
"No, he should be burned at the stake! That way the whole world...could watch and laugh as he went to his death! They'd all be saying the same thing, you know? 'Serves you right!' Gyahahahaha!"
"I know what his last words will be as well! I'm sorry for being born, piece of trash that I am!'" One whimpered in a high voice, trying to emulate a child's.
"Ah, well, not like he really exists..."The customers at the bar crackled. Planning out the imaginary torture of what they believed to be a nonexistent kid.
"Ace! You've been causing trouble in the town!" Garp demanded when he found his grandson at his favorite spot, the cliff overlooking the ocean.
"Shut up! If I was strong, I would've killed the lot of them!" Anger was visible in the child's posture.
"I'm sorry." Here he paused and suddenly remembered someone from the past. "…Oh yeah…if you ever happen to run across Dadan…could you tell her goodbye for me? It's weird…now that I'm about to die…I even feel like I miss that idiot. I have just…one regret…that I won't be able to see…your dream come to pass…but I know you! You'll pull it off for sure! You're my brother after all."
Luffy hugged him a little tight and even though it caused him great pain, Ace didn't care. It was the last time it could ever happen and he wasn't about to ruin it.
"Just like we promised back then…I have no regrets…about how I lived my life!"
"No! You're lying!" How could he say that when he was dying?! He was breaking their promise!
"Does this make you uncomfortable?" Yoko teased as she walked out in her swimsuit on the Moby Dick. The rest of the family laughing at their brother who was struck speechless at the amount of skin his crush was showing.
Grabbing the nearest article of clothing, which happened to be Marco's shirt, Ace threw it over Yoko, blushing when he accidently touched her breasts when he tried to button it up.
"Are you trying to protect my modestly, Ace?" Yoko chuckled at the flustered fire user. "That's sweet, but living with these apes' strips you of any modestly you might have!"
"Hey, what are you implying you little devil?" Thatch roared from beside Marco, mirth in his eyes at Yoko's game.
"Are you going to kiss her or not?" Chants of kiss spread across the deck and Whitebeard cackled boisterously at the fun his children were having.
Both blushed a deep red, somehow her brothers had turned the game on her.
"Maybe if they spent some time in a closet…" Izo staged whispered so the crew could hear him.
"Hey this isn't fair, I don't go around telling you to kiss Thatch!" This brought around even louder laughter as the two in question had their jaws hit the floor in shock.
"Gurarararara! Never doubt a woman's sharp tongue!"
Marco, wanting the two to just admit their feeling, stepped in. "Come on yoi. You two have been dancing around each other for days, just admit it so I don't have to suffer anymore longing looks from across the deck."
Yoko turned to address Ace, not realizing he had moved closer in his shock over the Izo-Thatch bomb, and tripped into him, sending them both to the ground.
She looked up at Ace and saw the familiar smirk. "I didn't know I was that easy to fall for." She'd be lying if she said her heart didn't swoon.
"Falling was never my problem." Yoko smirked as they leaned in.
"No, it's true…It looks like, what I really wanted in the end, wasn't fame or renown at all…It was the answer to the question…of whether I should have…been born …It's okay…I'll see Yoko again. …My voice…is getting too quiet…Luffy, I want you to listen to what I say now…and tell it to the guys…afterwards. Old man...all you guys…and…Luffy."
The pirates all around still fought, giving Ace this one last moment with his brother. It was the best thing they could do as they failed to save him. Though they couldn't be with him in his dying moments, they all wept for him as they battled with all they had.
"…Even though I've been good for nothing my whole life…Even though I carry the blood of a demon within me…you guys still loved me! Thank you so much." Luffy could feel the sobs racking his brothers' body as large droplets of tears splash against his shoulder as Ace bared his soul. He slipped out of Luffy's arms and was dead before he hit the ground, a content smile stretching across his face.
"Ace?" Luffy's broken plea slipped past his lips, as his mind processed what just happened as Ace slipped out of his arms.
"Gramps, do you think I should've been born?"
"As long as you live, you will find that answer."
The vivre card that Ace gave him burnt into nothingness.
Luffy couldn't handle this. His brother couldn't be dead? Ace was perfect, indestructible! But the proof was right at his feet and he couldn't deny it anymore. His big brother was dead and he wasn't coming back, ever. Unable to handle this revelation, his scream of anguish echoed across the battlefield, his body rocked by sobs.
"What, did you think I was dead?"
"What're you crying for? Don't act like people are dead when they're not, dummy! I'm not gonna die no matter what! That's a promise! Like hell I could die and leave my weak little brother all on his own!
It wasn't a trick like last time, this was real! Ace wasn't going to appear hitting him on the head, calling him a crybaby. "AAAACCCCCCEEEEE!" His wails stopped everyone who hadn't paused when Ace hit the ground. Few could bare the cries of such anguish from the teenager. He was 17, not really a real adult yet, and he had so much sorrow in him.
Garp refused to hold back his tears of agony at what was happening in front of him. If he was free, he would be over there in seconds holding his two grandkids.
"His name is Ace...Gol D. Ace... the name of my child..."
"My name is Namikaze Yoko and I'm going to be the greatest pirate that ever lived! One day everyone will know my name! That's a promise!"
Ahh! So I have been wanting to publish this for years, since 2012 when this idea first hit me. A majority of this had been written for the past few years but I didn't have a good beginning or end point. This is only the beginning so let me know what you think!