i have no words


Star vs the Forces of Evil belongs to Daron Nefcy and Disney. This is just for fun. :)

A girl wandered through the Forest of Certain Death. She wore a red hooded cloak and a scarf hiding the lower half of her face. She shivered in the cold breeze and pulled the hood over her golden hair. She was on a mission.

She gripped her lantern, keeping her eyes peeled. Anything could go wrong in the Forest of Certain Death. She approached a little hut hidden under a giant pine tree. She knocked on the door and stood for a moment before a figure finally answered.

"Hello, sir." The girl said to the little gnome. He wore a green shirt with red overalls and a pointy blue hat. He had brown eyes and a grey beard. He was just a little taller than the girl's knees.

"My goodness! I was not expecting any visitors." He exclaimed, flustered.

The girl pulled off her scarf and smiled at the gnome. He let out a gasp as she pulled off the hood, letting the light reveal small hearts on her cheeks.

"I'll be damned!" The gnome whispered under his breath. "What brings the princess of this great kingdom to my humble home?"

"I'm in need of your help." Star answered, rather urgently.

The gnome led her inside. "Please sit, your majesty." He led her to the dining table and pulled out a chair. Star awkwardly sat down, her knees reaching above the table. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

Star kindly refused, but the gnome insisted and made her a cup of warm tea. Star accepted the gesture and thanked him. "Sorry to bother you at this time of night," She said, then took a sip of her tea, "but is there a way to remove a spell? One blocking dimensional travel to be specific?"

The gnome thought for a few minutes, his face twisted in concentration. He slowly got up from the table and began to search a nearby bookshelf. He suddenly jumped up and pulled a book off the self. He carried it over to the table and started to flip through it.

Star sat in silence as the gnome worked. Her mind was somewhere else. Suddenly she felt a strange ache in her right cheek mark. Out of the corner of her eye, Star noticed it beginning to glow. The ache gradually turned into small thuds. The thuds grew louder until Star was sure the gnome could hear them too. She glanced over, but the little man seemed to not notice. Star let out a gasp, finally realizing what those thuds were. A heartbeat, and definitely not her own.

"Marco." Star whispered with a smile. His heartbeat was much slower than hers, "he must be sleeping" she thought, and a small blush formed on her nose. Star was so caught up in the thought of Marco sleeping, that she almost didn't notice the gnome.

"Welp, there's nothing in this book about travel blocking spells. This seems more like dark magic, demons maybe?" He said, trying to help. Star sighed. She was not looking forward to a visit to Tom's cave.

"Thank you," Star said, then paused. She really wanted to know what was up with the heartbeat. "I…uh…just noticed this thumping in my right cheek mark." She pointed to her cheek. "I think it's a heartbeat? Do you know what it means?"

The gnome sat with a puzzled expression on his small face. A moment later his eyes lit up. "Eclipsa." He muttered with an astonished tone.


"Well about, I'd say 147 years ago, one of your ancestors came to me. She described a similar feeling in her cheek mark. I did some research and apparently if a Mewman falls in love with someone of a different race…for example a demon, monster, or earthern," Star felt a light blush dusting her cheeks. "they form a 'heart bond' and can 'hear' the other person's heartbeat."

After explaining, the gnome's face turned into an expression Star knew very well. It was the same look her mother gave her when she wanted to know what Star was up to. Star let out a nervous laugh. "So, uh… can the other person, you know, feel your heartbeat?" She asked, blush growing deeper as she imagined Marco feeling her heartbeat back home.


This thought startled Star. All of her life Mewni was her home, the place she felt safest. Now suddenly Earth was her home and she missed it terribly.

She shot up from the table. "Thanks mister gnome man!" She said, wrapping the scarf around her neck and pulling the hoodie over her head.

Before the gnome could respond, Star was out the door and beginning to mount her warnicorn. As she started to head back to Mewni castle, the gnome stood by the door and tipped his pointy little hat. Star waved and the gnome walked inside, shaking his head.

Star began the journey back to the castle. By now it was early morning and one of Mewni's three suns was beginning to rise. As she rode, she focused on the thumping in her cheek. It was growing faster. Star began to worry.

"Come on Marco, it's okay. I'm right here." She whispered to herself, hoping somehow Marco could hear her.

Star was deep in thought, then suddenly she heard someone shout from behind. She quickly pulled on the reigns, causing her warnicorn to quickly turn around. Star saw a woman riding a warnicorn similar to hers, galloping straight towards her. She was followed by two guards. Star groaned.

"STAR! WHAT THE CORN ARE YOU DOING?" Queen Butterfly shouted at her daughter.

Star would have a lot of explaining to do.


"Tell Star, I'm coming for her finger." A menacing voice rang through Marco's dreamscape. He swatted at the yellow eyed monster who was the vessel of this message in an attempt to make it go away. But he missed, and everything went black. Marco's heart started to race as a green vortex formed below him. Suddenly Marco felt the sensation of falling.

"Come on Marco, it's okay. I'm right here." A voice said from right beside him. Marco turned, but saw no one.

"Star?" He called out. No answer. No person in sight.

"Star?! Come back please!" He pleaded. Still no answer. He started to fall faster.

"STARRRRRRRRRR—" Marco screamed as loud as he could as he started to fall toward a very bright light.

Marco quickly sat up, his heartbeat racing. He felt sweat coating his face and he was shaking like crazy. His eyes adjusted to the light and he realized Jackie was curled up next to him. She let out a yawn and turned to Marco.

"G'morning." She said lazily. She quickly noticed her boyfriend's panicked look and sweaty face. "Awe, Marco what's up?"

He snapped into reality and got up to was his face. He walked to the bathroom without saying a word. Jackie sat up and rubbed her eyes. He turned on the sink water and splashed his face a few times. Jackie watched as he stood in front of the mirror, staring into space. She got up and walked over to Marco, draping her arm over his shoulders.

"Seriously, dude. What's wrong? You don't look good." He finally acknowledged Jackie's presence and his face twisted into a (very forced) smile. He kissed Jackie's cheek.

"Nothing, mi novia." He answered. Jackie pulled her arm off of Marco's shoulder and used her other hand to slap Marco's cheek.

"Don't you dare tell me nothing's wrong!" Marco stood shocked. He finally snapped out of his dazed state. Jackie smiled, she brought the real Marco back. She took Marco's hand and led him back over to his bed, then mentioned for him to sit down next to her. "Now, tell me what happened in your dream."

Marco sighed. "It started with you and I hanging out, just like any other day…-"

No that is not a typo...it's a cliffhanger :)

so I was thinking, maybe a 3 month hiatus until chapter four?

that sounds fair :)))