Now that she was in the last month of her pregnancy, Emma found that her volatile emotions from the beginning had returned. She found herself laughing one minute and crying the very next. As a female who liked to think she had the majority of her life under control, it was very frustrating when she couldn't even control her own behavior. And that it was being controlled by two tiny beings who couldn't even breathe on their own somehow made it even more confusing, because as much as she tried...there were times when nothing made sense. Those were the times when she needed someone to lean on...someone to understand exactly what she was feeling. Killian and Henry tried, but realistically there was no way they could, and times like these, she did what she hadn't been able to do as a child...she ran to her mom.
Her Saturday had started with what was quickly becoming her new norm, with her waking tired after a night of fitful sleep. Her rest disturbed by numerous trips to the bathroom and overactive babies. When that usually happened, she would press her stomach against Killian, allowing him to experience what she was feeling, which led to quiet talks about the future. But last night she hadn't done that. Last night she had been selfish, keeping it between her...and the babies.
Emma told herself it was because Killian was working extra hours covering for her and was tired. And while he had been sleeping soundly...there was more.
She told herself it was because she was lying on her right side and it was too much work to turn all the way over. And it was, as she was no longer able to use her stomach muscles, so turning was a production, but it wasn't just that, either.
The truth was that in the still of the night, Emma spent time with the babies. She was getting to know them in ways she hadn't gotten to know Henry...because during the day the guilt was never far away. As long as she was careful, and no one was around, then it didn't feel wrong and she didn't have to worry about disappointing her firstborn. And while Emma knew that once the babies arrived there would be much more to learn, she was making a start. So far she had learned that Baby A was much quieter and calmer than Baby B; that Baby A seemed to be content on her side, while Baby B liked to move...constantly. And since they were both positioned head down, every movement could be felt, but none more so than when their toes hooked in her ribs, giving a little pop when released. They were all little things really, but personality traits she wanted to look for later. And as long as she could tell herself that she was only losing sleep, she didn't feel like she was being a bad mother to her oldest.
The problem came when it was light. When her body was exhausted from lack of sleep, but she still had to function. When her body was so tired that small things made her skin crawl and big ones made her want to run. When she couldn't even please herself...and no one else could either.
And instead of a lazy Saturday, Emma was having one of those days when everything just She had woken up tired and gotten frustrated easily. The toothpaste roll was sticky and Henry had used all the hot water. She couldn't find her favorite maternity pants and realized it was because she hadn't washed them.
Little things.
Things that a deep breath and a curse word or two took away the frustration. But walking into the nursery and finding it painted pink...PINK...had sent her running. "And now," she mumbled to herself as she pushed the seat all the way back so she could get out of the bug, "even my damn car is against me." With a little huff she slammed the car door, thinking maybe a fit of temper would release some of her frustration. And when she did feel a little better, she contemplated doing it again and had just grabbed hold of the door handle...when she heard her name.
When Killian heard the front door close, he felt as if he had been sucker punched, and as his knees gave out, slid down onto the floor. Her moods lately had been as precarious as staying upright on the deck of the Jolly during a hurricane, and while a part of him understood what she was feeling, realistically there was no way he truly could. He just had a few more weeks until the babies were born and would be simpler.
Earlier in the week he had even reached out to the prince and asked how he had handled the end of Snow's pregnancy. Dave's suggestions had included everything that he had been doing for Emma: back rubs, foot massages, cooking her favorite foods...but they no longer seemed to be working and he had run out of ideas. And had hit him. They had been putting off decorating the babies' room and when Emma had finally chosen the paint color, he assumed she would be happy. "Apparently this was one of those times I was to read your mother's mind," he muttered, giving Henry a disgruntled look.
"I guess," Henry agreed, placing his paint roller back in the pan. "But, how are you supposed to read Mom's mind?" He hesitated a moment and frowned. "I'm confused."
Killian sighed and placed his roller on top of Henry's. "Your mother bought two colors of paint and apparently," he rubbed the back of his neck, "she changed her mind."
"And didn't tell you?" Henry guessed.
Killian nodded, "Aye. One of those things your grandfather warned me about as he said, 'be prepared because pregnant women change their minds several times a day and the father is supposed to always know what she's thinking.'" He shook his head. "At least we had only painted one wall."
"Now what?" Henry's tone was a little hesitant. "Do we have to paint over it?"
"Eventually...probably...but, you never know as she might change her mind again." As they worked on cleaning up the mess, Killian kept his mind on the task at hand and tried not to dwell on his last view of his Swan's face as she had turned to run from the room. He wanted to put a smile on her face, but how seemed to be the question of the moment.
Both lost in their own thoughts, they finished cleaning in silence until Henry snapped his fingers. "I know."
"What is it that you think you know?" Killian absently asked as he closed the can of pink paint that had so offended Emma.
"What we can do to make Mom smile." Henry beamed as if the answer was obvious.
"Well, don't leave me in suspense," Killian laughed at Henry's excitement.
"We can take her sailing."
Killian heard the words and couldn't believe the answer could be so simple. His wife loved the sea, and a little ocean breeze and the warm sun were perfect for blowing cares away. "That's a fine idea, Henry. Here's what we should do."
"Emma, honey," she heard, "are you okay?"
Emma let go of the car door handle and slowly turned to see her mother rushing down the steps of their farmhouse. Without conscious thought, she walked into Snow's comforting arms and just let herself be held by her mother, as she had longed to do so many times as a child.
She hadn't realized how long they had been standing there without saying anything until she heard her mother's concerned voice, "Honey, you're scaring me. Say something."
For just a few moments longer, Emma enjoyed the soothing motion of the rhythmic circles Snow was rubbing between her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, she stepped back. "I'm fine, Mom. I just..." Unsure what to say, she repeatedly ran the toe of her shoe back and forth on a small pebble before trying again, "I'm a mess."
Snow's smile was tender as she linked their arms and started toward the house. "Show me one person who isn't a mess when they're pregnant," she shook her head, "and you have two in there. That' to be tiring, even overwhelming at times."
"Very," Emma agreed. "Plus-"
"-it's the last month so you aren't sleeping," Snow finished her sentence as she led them through to the kitchen.
"Not much." Emma's chuckle was humorless. "The books say it's supposed to be helping prepare you for being sleep deprived after the baby comes. What the books don't tell you is how to stop behaving like a horrible person when you're tired." Emma watched her mother move around the kitchen, filling a teapot with water and setting it on the stove and then gathering mugs and teabags.
Snow looked over at her while she was waiting for the water to heat. "So, what horrible thing have you done now?" She poured water into the mugs and carried them to the table. "Mint tea. It's calming," she said, pulling out a chair.
Emma lifted and lowered the teabag a few times, the minty smell already seeming to have a soothing effect on her frayed nerves as she told her mother about her morning. And then, hoping that she was right and that her mother would understand, Emma told her about taking the time at night to feel the babies move. To get acquainted with them alone. "I feel so guilty the next morning though," she confessed quietly.
Snow laid her hand on top of Emma's. "I did the same thing, both when I was pregnant with you...and then again with Neal."
Emma looked at her mother with surprise. "You did? Really?"
"Oh, yes." Tears glistened in Snow's eyes. "With you, everything was so new, and I was so in love with you and I hadn't even held you...but I felt that I knew you." She sniffed. "Even before you were born, I felt that I knew who you were going to become." Her mother dashed the tears away and took a sip of tea. "And then with your brother, I wanted to try to not miss the things that I had missed with you, but I felt so guilty. And now every milestone...first smile, first tooth, first step...first word," her voice trailed away, "all the things I share with him, that I missed with you bring me guilt...but also joy."
"Oh, Mom," Emma whispered, "how do you handle it?" The thought that she too would be feeling both guilt and joy from here on was almost more than she could imagine.
"You live in the moment," Snow surprised her by saying.
Emma smiled. "That's what Dad says."
"Your father is a wise man. But don't," she put her finger to her lips, "tell him I said that."
Emma rolled her eyes, thinking that was exactly what her father would have said had the roles been reversed. "Mum's the word."
"Good." Snow sat back in her chair. "Are you feeling any better?"
Emma reviewed her feelings, deciding that she was indeed calmer. "Much. I'm sorry. I've just been feeling achy, tired and grumpy," she finished saying just as there was a knock on the door.
"Who could that be?" Snow asked curiously as she went to answer the door. "Leroy? Are you looking for David?"
"Oh no, Milady, I'm here with a message for Princess Emma."
A slight frown formed between her brows as Emma watched Leroy walk across the room, hoping he wasn't bringing bad news. Stopping in front of her, he took off his hat and bowed. "Message for you, Princess Emma." He handed her a rolled-up piece of parchment.
Emma took the note, opening it slowly and, recognizing Killian's handwriting, felt a smile bloom on her face,
"Come sail away, love, and leave all your cares behind."
"What is it, Emma?" Snow peered over her shoulder, reading the note. "Sailing? Oh, that sounds lovely. The fresh air will be good for you."
"Thank you, Leroy. I'll be right there." Emma went to take a last drink of her tea, but stopped when her messenger didn't move. "What?" she frowned, wondering what he was waiting for.
"Your ride awaits."
He took her hand, helping her up and the leading her out the front door, where the sight before her stopped her in her tracks. "Leroy?"
"Oh, Emma," her mother gasped, meeting them out on the porch, "it's the carriage that Ashley rode to the ball in when she met her prince." Snow lightly ran down the stairs, leaving Emma and Leroy to follow.
"So you're telling me this," Emma pointed at the carriage with the majestic grey steeds attached, "used to be a pumpkin and those," she pointed to the horses, "were mice?"
Snow gave her a funny look and laughed, "Emma, that's the most ridiculous thing to say. Where do you get your ideas?"
Emma opened her mouth a couple of times but decided it wasn't worth trying to explain and, accepting Leroy's help, climbed into the carriage. "Here goes nothing," she mumbled as Leroy climbed high and they started moving. "Bye, Mom. Thanks."
Snow waved. "Have a good time. It sounds wonderful."
Once the decision to take Emma sailing was made, Killian and Henry quickly made plans, and now, a few hours later, he stood on the deck of the Jolly Roger awaiting the arrival of his wife. It had seemed like a good idea earlier but now as the clip-clop of the horses' hooves could be heard coming along the dock, he felt nervous.
Walking down the gangplank as Emma drew closer, his anxiety level increased, making him question if he had made the right decision, but then he saw her face and his fear dissipated. His Swan was smiling and as he opened the door to the carriage, his shoulders relaxed and all he could think about was that it was going to be a special day.
Killian reached for Emma's hand to help her out, but as she stepped from the carriage, her pregnant girth threw off her balance, causing her to topple into his arms. Her grunt caused his alarm to flair again and only his many years of navigating the deck of the Jolly allowed him to maintain balance. "Emma, are you alright?"
Emma could hear the panic in his voice. "I'm fine, Daddy," she quickly assured him, "and so are they."
He laid his hands on her stomach. "Are you sure?" he asked again as he gently rubbed circles around where she had shown him the babies were lying. "Are you sure we shouldn't call Whale?"
"No, Killian, trust me." She watched his face as he continued rubbing his hands over and around her pregnant stomach.
When Baby B made her presence known, the love on his face caused her heart to do an extra flip inside her chest. "Do you ever get used to that?" he whispered.
"No," Emma answered just as quietly, thinking about her early morning 'getting to know you' time with the twins, "never."
"How is it, then," Killian continued, "that you don't spend all day just doing this?" His hands continued to massage her belly, soothing the places that tightened as the twins moved in their confined space. "Thank you, love."
Emma frowned, "Thank you?"
"Aye," Killian kissed her gently, "thank you for sharing this."
"Oh, Killian." The tears that were never far away with her pregnancy hormones started flowing, but not wanting to become a blubbering mess, Emma melted into his arms. The babies continued making their presence felt, first one side, then the other, before taking a turn together.
"Hurry up, you two," Henry called from up on the deck.
"It sounds like someone is in a hurry," she mumbled against his chest.
"He wants to show you his skillful sailing," Killian told her as she tucked her arm through his and followed him up to the ship. "Henry and I grabbed a few pieces of warmer clothing if you want to change. They're in the cabin."
She smiled her thanks and disappeared into the cabin, thinking that her husband really did think of everything.
Hours later, Emma sat watching Killian and Henry spar on the other side of the deck when a sharp pain tightened her stomach, causing her breath to catch. It didn't last long and after a few gentle massages, the contracted muscle relaxed, but with it she finally admitted to herself that she was labor...and had been for hours.
It had started out that morning with small contractions that she assumed were Braxton Hicks. Since she had been having those for a while and had been assured they were normal, she hadn't given it much thought. Once she had left the house and they hadn't stopped, her assumption was that they were continuing because she had allowed herself to become upset. And even though they had continued, they hadn't been consistent, so she hadn't worried.
While she had been at her mother's there had been a few contractions, but nothing...different. Until she had stepped from the carriage and her uterus had constricted so strongly she lost her balance. "It was just gas," she had told herself as she relaxed in Killian's arms. And, just like had gone away quickly.
Once on the ship she had felt fine...relatively speaking, that is. A twinge here, another there, but nothing that made her really stop and question whether or not it was actually...labor. After all, it wasn't time for the babies to arrive. She had another month...four more weeks...or about thirty days before she was to be tasked with caring for two infants.
At once.
At the same time...and while being pregnant was uncomfortable...what came next made her panic.
That was terrifying.
Over the last few hours, she had found herself becoming increasingly more uncomfortable. It hadn't been the contractions that had bothered her so much as the constant backache, and since she'd been unable to find a comfortable position, she had paced. Of course, pacing created issues of its own, as the more she paced, the heavier she felt down...there. When she found herself cupping her stomach, as if trying to keep the babies inside, she went back to sitting. And during all of this she had been hiding it from Killian and Henry. The day had been perfect and she had been hesitant to ruin it. But she couldn't keep lying to herself any longer. The time had come to head back home, she thought as once again a contraction hit, this one lasting longer and feeling more intense than the previous one.
With a sigh, Emma pushed up from the chair and started toward Killian, when *splash* her water broke. "Killian," she tried to keep her voice calm even though inside she was freaking out, thinking I'm not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready.
"What is it, love?" He raised his voice to be heard over the clanging of the metal from the swords.
"The babies are coming."
"Bloody hell!" Killian exclaimed, letting down his guard just long enough for Henry to knock his sword from his hand. "We have a problem, lad."
A thousand thoughts were running through his mind as Killian ran to where Emma was standing, holding onto the chair. "My water broke," she told him, her voice trembling with fear.
Killian's years as a captain kicked in and without thinking he gave an order to Henry, "Prepare to set sail," before turning to Emma, but seeing the fear on her face, he froze. He was her husband and even though she was the Savior, it was his job to protect her...and their children. But now they were hours from shore and she was in labor. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't lose them.
"Killian," she grabbed her stomach as her face contorted with pain, "contraction," she squeezed through gritted teeth, her eyes locked on his.
Her full of love and fear, touched something deep inside, and with Herculean strength he helped her breathe through the pain and then lifted her in his arms. "Come, love, let's get you to the cabin."
Once there, he had very little recollection of the trip, but with his wife in the grip of another contraction, he didn't have time to think about it. Laying her down on the bed, he grabbed an old shirt of his and helped her change into it. "We're on our way back, love. Just hold on." And then for good measure, he soothed his hand over her stomach and whispered to the babies, "Hold on girls. Just hold on."
Emma smiled, and he could tell that she was scared and in pain, but he felt helpless. "What can I do?" he asked, desperate to make her feel better.
She didn't answer as another contraction hit and her stomach tightened under his hands. She groaned and grabbed onto his arms, squeezing until the pain had ceased and then, with an almost frantic tone in her voice, pointed toward the deck. "Go check on Henry."
"He's fine, Swan. You need me now." Killian could feel the Jolly skimming across the waves, assuring him that Henry had indeed, managed to single-handedly start them toward home.
"Killian, please," Emma panted, "go check on Henry and hand me my phone."
He didn't want to leave her, but neither did he want her upset, so after handing her the phone, Killian went topside to check on the lad. Coming out of the cabin, he could see Henry standing behind the wheel, but something was off. Killian called his name, but it was as if that didn't register either, as there was no recognition and the closer he drew, Killian could tell something was off with his body language. His stance was stiff and his face was as white as the ship's sails.
"Henry," Killian placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Emma's alright. You need to work with me, because...I can't do it alone."
Gradually, Henry's body relaxed and he turned tear filled eyes Killian's way. "It's my fault."
Henry spoke the words that he had been saying to himself since Emma had announced she was in labor, but this wasn't the time to lay blame. This was the time to take care of their family. "We can't think that way right now, Henry. We need to help Emma. Can you do that for me? For your sisters?"
Nodding once, Henry swallowed, "Yeah. What do I need to do?"
Believe in miracles, Killian thought as he checked the time and tried to gauge how fast they would be back in Storybrooke. "Call your grandfather and explain what's happening. With a little luck he can help us get your mother to the hospital."
Leaving Henry behind, Killian went back to the cabin only to find Emma up searching through an old steamer trunk. "Bloody hell, Emma, what are you doing?" he asked just as she turned, brandishing a knife and a handful of pink string.
"Here," she thrust them his direction, but when another contraction hit, they fell to the floor.
"Emma," Killian groaned, swinging her back into his arms and placing her back onto the bed. "I wish I could take some of your pain." He brushed a light kiss across her forehead. "This is killing me."
She let out a humorless laugh. "It isn't a picnic for me either." she quipped.
"Do that breathing you learned. It's supposed to help with the pain." They had attended a couple of classes, but never completed the course, as something always came up.
His hand went numb as Emma squeezed it through another contraction. "I didn't pay any attention," she breathed, "I was planning on having an epidural." She released his hand. "Get the knife and the yarn; you're going to need it."
Killian picked up the objects, noticing the string was from a blanket Emma had been going to make for the babies, but had given up. "Why do I need these?" he asked her suspiciously.
"Because you're going to deliver our babies."
"No, Swan. Whale is going to do that. We're almost there." He could feel his pulse speed up and the sweat break out on his brow. One look at her face and he knew that he was in deep trouble. "Use your magic to keep them in, Emma. Something." He could hear the panic not far away, comforting her fine...but delivering.
Emma grabbed his lapel and tugged him close. "You know my magic has been wonky, and besides...I couldn't stop them. They're!" She let go, falling back against the bed as another contraction hit, this one lasting longer than any before.
"Now?" She nodded her head, and with his whole body shaking, Killian removed his jacket and vest and rolled up his sleeves. Biting the inside of his cheek to rein in his fear, he took a deep breath, "Alright, Swan, what do I need to do?"
As Emma explained the mechanics of what he was to do, he nodded his head as if it wouldn't be a problem, but inside he was shaking so hard he could barely breathe. Killian studied his hook, and while he had done many things with it over his long life, could he catch the babe as it slid from his wife? What if he hurt it?
"You can do it, Killian. I trust you," Emma's voice interrupted his thoughts.
Killian didn't say anything, for if he had, the tremors in his voice would have given away the amount of distress he was feeling. With a nod, he went to work cutting several lengths of the yarn and then moved around the room gathering clean towels to keep the babies warm. He also knew that he needed something to clean the babes' airways, and after locating the first-aid kit his father-in-law had given him, chose a large syringe and placed it next to the towels. The last thing he did was to use some of the first-aid wipes and clean the knife and then...he was ready. Or was he?
"There's only one more thing," he mumbled, reaching into a cabinet and pulling out a new bottle of rum and a glass and carrying it over to the chair he had placed at the foot of the bed.
"Killian?" Emma panted through another contraction that was coming one on top of another. "I would love something to numb the pain, but rum?"
He gave her a surprised look. "This isn't for you, Swan. It's for me." The bottle hovered over the glass but then with a shrug of his shoulders, he tipped up the bottle and tossed back a generous wallop.
"Ooooooh." Emma's moan and her fingers digging into the bedsheets sent trepidation skittering along skin, but with her next words, the alarm became full-fledged hysteria. "It's time."
The bottle was set aside, and taking a deep breath, Killian lifted the sheet placed over her legs. He was shaking so hard that part of him wanted to peer around and make a suggestive comment, thinking it would relax him, but her moan drew his attention back to the task at hand.
A husband shouldn't have to do this, he thought, as yet again Emma screamed in pain.
"Believe in miracles," he had almost said to Henry, when in front of him he was seeing a miracle happen with his own eyes. Killian quickly wrapped an old towel around his hook and, using it, supported the babes' head as it was expelled from the warm confines of its mother's body.
In an unconscious but smooth move, Killian covered the tiny infant with another towel and transferred her to his lap. Moving as quickly as possible, he cleaned the little nose and mouth and the cry that was emitted instantly brought tears to his eyes and claimed even more of his heart. With no time to celebrate, the cord was tied off and cut, and as all ties with Emma were severed, their family had grown by one.
"Is she okay?" Emma managed to get out before the contractions started again.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Killian wanted to say she was perfect, but the words wouldn't come. When the silence was broken by the beginning of another contraction, and with no other options, Baby A was laid down in the center of his leather jacket and he turned back to Emma to prepare for the next arrival. With a deep breath, he managed, "You hear her, Emma? She's waiting for her twin."
The contraction subsided, and as he took care of the afterbirth, Killian watched Emma relax slightly back against the pillows. Once finished, he leaned his forehead against Emma's bent leg and looked down on the babe who had quieted and opened her eyes. Love like he had never experienced before poured from his soul and he wanted nothing more than to open the towel and count her fingers and toes, but Emma's "Here it comes" had him sitting up and waiting for Baby B.
A clean towel was wrapped around his hook and as a hard contraction hit, Killian watched Baby B start her entrance into the world. As he supported the small body and guided her out, he heard shouts and surmised that the ship had docked. Just as with Baby A, he tossed a clean towel around the infant and turned her to clean her nose and mouth. And just as with the first birth, this cry caused his eyes to well up and another piece of his heart was lost.
"Captain, Mrs. Jones," one of the emergency technicians called as they ran down the stairs with their medical equipment.
Killian finished tying off the cord and handed the babe to one medical person and picked up Baby A to hand her to another. Thankfully, David had thought of everything and sent enough medical help so that each infant had individuals to take care of them and other workers just for Emma.
As Killian moved aside and watched them transfer Emma to a stretcher, his legs felt rubbery and he found he needed to hold onto something to keep from falling. He had known that today was going to be special but never in a million years had he imagined he would be delivering his own children. That such a miracle had been bestowed on a pirate such as he was...a miracle in itself.
Emma reached for his hand as they pushed the stretcher toward the stairs. "Coming, Killian?"
Killian let go of the chair and took one step before the blackness that had been threatening for hours consumed him and he knew no more.
When Emma saw Killian faint, she had wanted to jump off the stretcher and go to him, but the attendants hadn't stopped. Thankfully, her father came running onto the ship and the breath she had been holding had come whooshing out. She grabbed hold of his arm, not letting go until she had answers. She learned that her mother had ridden with one baby and Henry with the other, and once her father had promised to help her husband, Emma had relented and let the paramedics do their jobs. And now, an hour later, she was installed in a room with a very disgruntled husband slouched in a chair next to her.
"Killian," Emma comforted her husband, "you're not the only father to ever pass out."
His disgruntled look just grew darker. "What's your father going to think, Swan?" he huffed. "Your father was right there when you were born, and then," his voice rose a decibel, "fought with you in his arms before sending you safely through the tree." He rubbed his hand through his hair. "And I-"
"-stepped in and out on the open sea, single-handedly, delivered not one...but two babies, keeping them...and their mother safe." She crooked her finger, motioning him closer, her eyes welling with tears. "You were a hero, Killian." He sat down next to her and cupped her face, as she continued, "My hero...and most definitely a hero to our babies."
"I love you," he whispered, pulling her into his arms. "Did they say how long it would be?"
"Anxious?" She grinned at how his eyes kept darting toward the door.
He kissed her gently, as if she were the most precious thing in the world to him. "Aye."
"Me too," she whispered, getting lost in the blue of his eyes.
"Would you like to meet your babies?" a nurse called, pushing two hospital bassinets through the door.
Emma smiled at Killian and he stood up to help the nurse, pushing the babies close to her hospital bed. The nurse stepped up to the crib closest to the head of Emma's bed. "This is Baby A." She showed them the hospital bracelet around the baby's ankle and placed bracelets around both Emma's and Killian's wrists.
Once she had completed that process, she switched the beds and completed the same process, introducing them to Baby B. Finishing up, she placed the paperwork on the bedside table, and with a little wave, left the room.
Emma reached inside the nearest bed and ran her finger down the infant's dewy-soft cheek and ached to pick her up but the look on Killian's face had her mesmerized. He was looking back and forth between the cribs with a look of such awe that she couldn't keep the tears away.
Killian finally bent down and scooped up Baby A as easily as if he had been doing it for months, and holding her breath, Emma wondered what he would do next. He surprised her by kissing her sweetly and presenting her with the tiny bundle in his arms. "Meet your momma, little love," he murmured gently, placing the babe in her arms.
Emma took the infant, holding it snug against her breast, inhaling that sweet baby scent as she gazed down into the face of perfection. So overwhelmed with emotion, Emma couldn't stop the tears from flowing, and when one splashed onto the baby's cheek, she laid the infant tenderly between her and Killian.
The infant was swaddled in a white blanket wearing a white knitted hat, with its tiny face the only thing visible. Crooning nonsensical sounds, Emma pulled off the hat to find a slightly misshaped head covered with dark hair and trailed her finger along the soft cheek, the tiny nose and the rosebud mouth. "Perfect, don't you think?" She glanced at Killian as he watched the baby with wonderment.
"She has your nose." He touched it softly.
"You think?" The thought made her smile. "And she has your ears." Without waiting for any comment, Emma unfolded the blanket, revealing tiny arms and legs folded close to the body, as if she were still inside the womb.
They counted fingers and toes and because she wasn't finished with her examination, Emma peeled off the tiny shirt.
"Careful, Swan, you don't want her to get cold."
"Is that how it's going to be?" she teased. "Over-protective daddy?"
His shy grin caused a warm, fuzzy feeling in the vicinity of her heart. "I'll be careful. I just want to check out all of her parts...make sure she's okay." Emma didn't know if Killian thought her crazy, but she hadn't gotten to do this before and now, it felt right.
He pointed to the remainder of the cord and pouted, "They removed my nice pink knot."
Emma rolled her eyes, humming in agreement, before turning the baby over onto her tummy. The tiny shoulders and narrow back gave way to the baby's bum. "Soft as a petal." she grinned.
"Cute too." he waggled his brows, "just like yours."
"Ha," Emma snorted, "you won't think that the first dirty diaper you have to change."
He gave her a pained expression, but Emma's attention had been caught by a very faint, tiny mark, high on the back of the baby's left thigh. "Look, a birthmark. It looks like a," she leaned closer for a better look, "an upside down J."
"That's no J, love," he placed his hook next to the little leg, "that's a hook. There's no mistaking whose child this is."
Emma tilted her head one way and then the other. "You're right, Killian. It does look like a hook."
Killian preened, as the baby was, once again, returned to her back and the diaper was pulled back to complete the inspection. "What the...?!" Emma exclaimed, quickly lowering the diaper.
"Emma? Is something wrong?"
The fear in his voice had her quickly answering, "No," she reassured him. "Everything is...normal." Several possibilities as to what might have happened ran through Emma's mind, but why it hadn't been mentioned earlier, she didn't know. "Killian, when you delivered them, did you...check out"
His brow furrowed immediately, and he stared at her a few moments as if he were replaying the events from earlier. Finally, he shook his head no, and explained, "They came out backside up and I wrapped a towel around them. I didn't think..." He looked down at the baby still laying contentedly between them and before Emma could warn him, flipped aside the diaper. His eyes went wide, "Bloody hell, Emma. That's a.."
"I know!" she nodded her head excitedly. "But..."
"Emma," Snow breezed into the room, "aren't they..." but then she must have gotten a look at their faces and amended her question. "What's the matter? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Mom," she tried to keep her voice calm, "but I have a question."
"Sure honey, what is it?" Snow picked up Baby B, rocking back and forth.
"Which baby did you bring to the hospital?" Emma asked as she redressed Baby A.
"Baby A, and Henry," she acknowledged his arrival, "was with Baby B. Why?"
"And when you got here, you were watching them the whole time?" Emma looked back and forth between her mother and son.
Snow frowned and laid the baby back down, "Yes, Emma. What are you getting at?"
Emma chewed on her lip, trying to come up with what to say, until she just blurted, "There's no way they could have been switched?"
Snow let out a laugh, "Heavens no. Why do you even ask?"
"Well," Emma once again moved the diaper aside, "look."
"Whoa!" Henry shouted loud enough for the baby in her arms to startle.
Snow's eyes grew huge. "That's a boy!" Emma nodded her head. "You're supposed to be having a girl."
Emma nodded her head again. "See my dilemma?"
"Well," Snow decided, "didn't the ultrasound tech say she wasn't sure about Baby B? Perhaps, that is Baby B. Have you checked this one?"
Giving Killian a sheepish look, Emma rebundled Baby A and handed him to Killian. Taking Baby B, she wanted to do just as thorough of an examination as she had done with A, but in light of their question, went straight for the diaper. "This is," she flipped the diaper aside, "a boy too," she finished quietly.
Killian heard the words, "boy too," and thought back to that day when they had been told they were having girls. When asking if they wanted to know what they were having she had said,
"You're telling me that with that little wand, you can tell us if we are to expect lasses or lads?"
"That's what I'm telling you, and while periodically a baby can trick me, I'm usually quite accurate."
So, while she hadn't said guarantee, she had seemed so sure of herself. Baby B had been the tricky one,
See, Twin B here, it's curled up with its back to us, so I can't quite see what I need to see but, I'm not giving up just yet."
But even then the woman had seemed comfortable with her declaration, even going as far as telling him that,
Well, Captain, if baby B were laying differently, the size of the man parts wouldn't matter, whether they were Jones' man parts or someone else's.It all has to do with the baby's positioning."
"How could the woman have gotten both wrong?" he asked, noticing for the first time that his mother-in-law had left the room and Henry had sat down and was holding Baby A.
Emma shrugged, "Obviously, she made a mistake." She went back to examining Baby B like they had Baby A earlier. "But they're healthy," she told him softly, "that's all that matters."
Killian gazed at the babies, his sons...his sons, he thought again. "Aye, love. They're perfect." He sat down next to her as she checked over their son.
"Look, Killian," she pointed to the back of Baby B's right thigh. "He has a mark too, but this one," she turned over her wrist showing off the small tattoo on her arm.
"Well, look at that," Killian breathed, "it looks like your flower."
Emma quickly redressed the baby, handing him to Killian. "They really are ours, aren't they?"
He stroked his finger over the soft cheek of the infant he held in his arms, still mulling over how the technician could have made such a mistake, when suddenly it hit him. "Swan, I know what happened," he told her excitedly, "our sons inherited the Charming men parts."
Snow had left Emma's room to go to find David, and as they walked back was explaining that instead of granddaughters, they actually had grandsons. "Killian was in shock when I left," she laughed, remembering the look on the pirate's face.
"But they're healthy?" David questioned and when Snow nodded, he continued, "I wonder how a mistake like that could have been made?" he finished just as they walked into Emma's room to see Killian, Emma and Henry laughing.
One Week Later
After two days in the hospital, Killian had been excited to bring Emma and the boys home. He had completely fooled himself when he thought that life would be simpler after the babies were born, because it was anything but. Since there were two, and Emma was determined to keep the boys on the same schedule, when one was ready to be fed, both were fed. That meant every two to three hours, all day and all night, there was an infant needing to be fed, diapers to change and bottles to make. He was exhausted and his wife...she was tired, but he was more in love with her than he could imagine, as she was a miracle worker when it came to maintaining some semblance of normalcy for well as for them.
The one thing they hadn't been able to agree on was what to name their sons and had resorted to just calling them A and B. It seemed that every name she liked, he didn't, and while he secretly had named them several days ago, he hadn't shared those names with her. Would she agree?
While Emma was getting ready for bed, Killian checked on the boys one more time and had just turned back the blanket when she entered the room. "Come, love, let's get comfortable, shall we?"
With the lights down low and Emma tucked tight against his side, he knew it wouldn't be long before she would drift off, and so was surprised to hear her murmur, "Killian, we really need to give the boys names."
He chuckled, "I was thinking the same thing." He cleared his throat, "Emma..."
"You named them several days ago, didn't you?" she interrupted softy.
She amazed him, he thought shaking his head. "How did you know?"
"Mmm, I'm not really sure. Maybe it was what you didn't say and not what you did say. Tell me." She gave him a little nudge.
"I..." He hesitated and then changed direction with what he was going to say, "I've been calling Baby A, Brennan David Jones." Killian's eyes filled with tears but swallowing the lump in his throat, he pushed on quietly, "I've made many mistakes in my long life and perhaps...this is my chance to right some wrongs, both mine and my father's." His voice faded to nothing, and as the tears dried, they left behind a sense of rightness, a sense of excitement for the future. When Emma didn't say anything right away, Killian rolled onto his side so he could look at her. "Do you hate it, Swan?"
Emma lifted her face and in the dim light left on for the boys, he could see she was crying. With a tender smile, she kissed his lips softly. "It's perfect and thank you for thinking of my father. And Baby B?"
He looked over at where the bassinettes were holding little miracles that stole more of his heart every time he looked at them. "Baby B has become Robert Liam Jones." He was quiet for several moments, trying to organize his thoughts. "Fate was cruel when the man that I used to be took your grandfather's life, and I hope that in some small way this is a way of giving tribute, if you will, to a man who was taken from his family before they were ready to let him go."
"I like it," she murmured, snuggling closer to his chest.
Killian kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, Emma," he whispered, but knew the words fell on deaf ears as all he could hear was her soft snore. One last glance across the room assured him that all was as it should be within the walls of the Swan-Jones home, and as the clock clicked over to show 10:00 pm, he allowed himself to succumb to the darkness that was pulling him down.
This completes the story, for now, however, there is a possibility that I will write a few more one-shots in this verse. It will just depend on the muse.