Hi guys! I'm baaaack!
I've missed you all so much and I have missed my writing too! But I will now be back and soon will be on a schedule soon too to get all of my stories updated for you guys! I'm so honored that so many of you have stuck with my stories for all this time! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)
After convincing Chad he could get Evie himself Hadie had taken one of the barrier buttons from Chad. With a smirk he disguised himself as he walked through Auradon City. The sight of everything bright and cheery made him want to throw up but he acted normal, well as normal as he could as he slowly made his way to Evie's store. Instantly he frowned and glared at the dressed in the window of the store. "God.. They really have gone soft.." He growled slightly before walking inside. Instantly he picked up on sounds in the design room at the back of the store and walked towards it. Stopping in the doorway and raising an eyebrow as he noticed Evie struggling to reach a box.
Evie groaned softly as she tried to reach up and grab the box. Glaring up at it when she couldn't reach before getting the feeling someone was watching her. Instantly she sighed and shook her head. "Doug, you don't need to hover. I am fine." She said softly but with slight annoyance.
A chuckle instantly came from Hadie as he watched Evie. "You wish I was Doug. But unfortunately Doll.. I am not." He chuckled as he walked into the design room and closer to Evie. His smirk growing as he looked her up and down, even though she had her back to him. She hadnt' changed even after all these years. She still wore the same dressed and heels as always. Some things never changed, Hadie thought to himself.
Gasping Evie spun around to face Hadie, her eyes wide as she backed away as much as she could until her back hit the wall. "H.. Hadie.. No.. You can..can't be here.." She stammered softly as she looked at her ex boyfriend. Her eyes glancing at her phone that was on the desk before looking back at the son of Hades. "Wh.. What do you want?" She asked worriedly as she bit her lip hard.
"Now why would I tell you when I can simply show you." Hadie chuckled as he conjured a fireball and threw it onto the carpet of the room. Chuckling as the carpet instantly caught on fire and Evie began to panic, tryign to move away from the fire. His eyes roamed her body again only to raise an eyebrow as he noticed her large baby bump. "And when did this happen Doll?" He asked as a sadistic smirk spread across his face as he reached out his hand and placed it on Evie's stomach. Heating up his hand to scare her more.
A fearful cry came from Evie as she felt Hadie's hand heat up on her stomach. "H.. Hadie please.. Please don't hurt the baby.. Please.. She's innocent.." She pleaded before glancing at the fire again. "Please l..let me go Hadie.. I.. I'm begging you.. Please.." She whimpered pleadingly as she looked at him. Unable to stop her tears from falling from her eyes as her panic and fear showed in her eyes.
Scoffing Hadie narrowed his eyes. "Ah, it's a girl.. Well we will just have to deal with that issue when it comes along won't we?" He chuckled before looking around and sneering at Evie's store. "Let's get out of here. This place is far too cheery and princess like for my tastes." He stated before grabbing Evie tightly and rushing out of the store with her.
Chip Potts sighed as he walked to Ben's office. He had been the head guard at Beast Castle for a few years now and usually he loved it. But in this moment he hated it more then anything. Biting his lip he knocked on the door and waited until he heard Ben tell him to enter before opening the door, hiding the envelope he was holding. "King Ben, Lady Mal.. I'm very sorry to interrupt but.. My guards heard screaming a little while ago. We checked the grounds and castle to make sure things were okay.. But we are unable to find Queen Belle and.." He said before pausing.
While Chip had been talking both Ben and Mal had stood up and where looking at him wtih wide eyes. "And.. What Chip?" Ben asked worriedly as he glanced at Mal and then looked back at Chip.
"And.. We can't find your daughter.." Chip said softly with a look of sadness in his eyes. "But we did find this.. It's addressed to you Lady Mal." He explained before holding out the envelope.
"N.. No!" Mal exclaimed before looking at what Chip was holding. Tearing up as she noticed the blood on the envelope and took it. Opening it and pulling out the note. "Oh god.. No.. Please no.." She whimpered as she read the note and then looked at Ben, curling into him and sobbing when he walked over and hugged her.
Holding Mal close Ben looked at Chip sternly. "I want guards searching the entire kingdom! The Isle included! Find my mother and daughter." He stated firmly as he tried to hold his own emotions back.
It's oh so good to be back guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. :)