Chapter Four

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Yugioh

Naruto was walking through the city with Akiza but stopped when he saw her eyes locked on a man with reddish brown hair, what some would be considered handsome face "I've been looking for you Akiza"

Akiza held onto Naruto's arm tight, making him frown "Who are you?" Naruto asked with a glare.

The man just laughed "You haven't told him about me?" Akiza gave a glare of her own.

"It's none of your business Sayer!" Sayer gave a chuckle.

"But you want that accident to happen again...would you?" Akiza froze, Naruto saw her trembling.

Naruto stood in front of Akiza protectively "I think it's best you leave"

"You're still this close after what happened?" Akiza's breath hitched. Sayer smirked, "He doesn't remember?"

Naruto glared "Remember what?"

Sayer just smirked, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked away "I'm sure Akiza can fill you in..."

Naruto looked at Akiza with a questioned look "What is he talking about Akiza?"

"Naruto..I" Akiza looked away with tears.

Naruto cupped her face, making her look up at him "Akiza, you can tell me"

"Not here" Akiza dragged Naruto back to her home.

Three cloaked figures were sitting in a dark room. The only light coming from a candle in the middle of the table "I've brought you here to discuss the new king of Games"

"What about him?" asked one of the Dark Signers.

"If I'm correct I believe, I found our king!" They gasped in shock.

"Are you sure Rex?"

"I'm not. I will set up a test and if he prevails then we have found our King of the Earthbound Immortals!" Rex preached with a smirk "I want you two to let the city know about us Singers"

"Should we run into the other singers?"

"Destroy them" Rex was about to leave when he saw another one of his Signers.

"Misty, I have a task for you" Misty pulled her hood down to show a beautiful woman with light-blue eyes, long black hair with her bangs parted and a stunning figure "Should Naruto turn out to be our king, I want you and Carly to get close to him"Misty gave a seductive smile.

"Nothing would give me a greater pleasure" Misty smirked at the thought of being with the king and hurting the Black Rose Witch in the processes.

Naruto sat on Akiza's couch while she sat next to him.

"Akiza, something happened and I can't remember. What happened?" Akiza took a deep breath.

"We were young about six years old. I challenged you to a duel using the spare deck I built" Naruto placed his hand on her own "The duel went on for a little while and I remember being so frustrated" Akiza closed her eyes "T-Then my monster came to life a-and *Sob* there was so much" Naruto pulled Akiza into his chest, running his hand down her back "I'm sorry I hurt you!"

"Shhh" Naruto continued to hold her as she cried into his chest.

"*sob* I couldn't find you for years" Akiza pulled herself back from Naruto's warm embrace "When I do find you, you don't remember me..." Naruto wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Akiza, I'm not angry. It was an accident. I'll always be there for you" Akiza just gave a teary smile as she rested in Naruto's arms. "Now, tell me about Sayer..."

For the rest of the night, Naruto listened to Akiza as she told him all she went through.

The Next Day

Naruto was storming through the streets of New Domino city with one person on his mind Sayer.

Naruto found the abandoned building he was told to go to. Walking in he felt the hairs on the back of his next stand up on end. Hearing someone's laugh he turned to see Sayer but he didn't look well.

His skin was a sick grey colour, his veins were black and visible, his eyes were pure black, along with strange marks running down the side of his body "Heh...looks like you got my message..."

Naruto growled "Where are they?!. Where are my friends!"

"If you duel me and win I'll tell you but be warned if you duel me. You will die!" Naruto didn't hesitate as he walked up to Sayer.

"I'll do anything for my friends" Naruto activated his duel disk without a care.

Sayer laughed as he activated his own.

Naruto- 4000LP

Sayer- 4000LP

"Akiza and I share the same power...we're both Psychic duelists. By the end of this duel, you will be laying in a pool of your own blood"

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you Sayer but I'm going to win this duel" Naruto glared as he shuffled his deck Sayer following his movements.

"I'll be going first, Uzumaki!" Sayer declared as he drew a card. "I summon 'Psychic Snail' in attack mode" a gold and blue muscular man appeared on the field but his lower body was that of snails.

Psychic Snail- ATK 1900/DEF 1200

"I end my turn"

Naruto drew a card with a blank look on his face "I summon 'Elemental Hero Sparkman'" Naruto slammed his card on his duel disk and in a flash of light a man wearing a blue skin tight hero suit with golden armour cover his chest and two gold like wings on his back. Lightning flicking off of him ever so often.

Elemental Hero Sparkman- ATK 1600/DEF 1400

"I also play the spell card 'Spark Blaster'" A gun like weapon appeared in 'Sparkman' hand, with wires connecting to his arm.

"This spell lets me switch one of your faces up monsters into any position I want. 'Psychic Snail' is now in defence position!" Sayer had a smirk as he drew a card.

"I summon 'Hushed Psychic Cleric'!" Naruto watched as a man holding a sceptre with wearing white robes with gold trimming and a green glass on his shoulders, also on the bottom of his robe. "When he is normal summoned or flip summoned I can switch him to defence mode"

Hushed Psychic Cleric- ATK 0/DEF 2100

"Now I play 'Emergency Teleport'. This spell lets me summon a level 3 or lower Psychic monster. So come forth 'Mind Master'!" in a flash of light a small robot with long arms and a brain in a glass jar appeared on the field "He would be destroyed by the end of my turn but all my monsters will be leaving the field"

"So you're going to synchro summon.," Sayer smirked.

"That's right! I tune all three of my monsters to Synchro Summon 'Thought Ruler Archfiend'!" Naruto grimaced as a green monster with two large wings and a tail covered in bone, slammed onto the field.

Thought Ruler Archfiend- ATK 2700/DEF 2300

"Now attack his 'Sparkman'" Naruto gave a grunt as 'Sparkman' was destroyed.

Naruto- 4000-1100= 2900LP

"Part of 'Thought Ruler Archfiend' effect is if it destroys a monster by battle I get life points equal to the attack" Naruto eyes widened as Sayer gained life points.

Sayer- 4000+1600= 5600LP

"I end my turn" Naruto looked down at his hand.

"I summon 'Gold Gadget' but that's not all. 'Gold Gadget' effect let's my summon another level 4 machine monster from my hand. Go 'Silver Gadget'!" 'Gold Gadget' glowed as 'Silver Gadget' appeared beside it.

Gold Gadget- ATK 1700/DEF 800

Silver Gadget- ATK 1500/DEF 1000

"I overlay my two monsters to Xyz summon my honour, my pride and my strength. 'Number 39: Utopia'!" Naruto yelled as the form of 'Utopia' descended to the ground.

Number 39: Utopia- ATK 2500/DEF 2000

"Now I play the spell card 'Rising Sun Slash'. It cannot be destroyed by card effects. Each time an attack is negated, I can place 1 Rising Sun Counter on this card. The equipped monster gains 500 ATK for each Rising Sun Counter on this card. If the equipped monster I control would detach its Xyz Material to activate its effect, I can treat this card as 1 of the Xyz Materials" Naruto smirked as 'Utopia' started to glow as his power increased "Now attack 'Utopia'!" 'Utopia' yelled as he slashed through 'Thought Ruler Archfiend' with ease.

Sayer- 5600-300= 5300Lp

"Is that all?" Sayer asked.

"Not at all. I place one cards face down. I end my turn" Naruto couldn't figure out Sayer's game plan, making him concerned "You would of have to of known I was coming for you. Why kidnap my friends?"

"It wasn't my idea...They came up to me offering me more power, if I can defeat you" Sayer then had a disturbing smile "And I could use Akiza for whatever I please" Naruto growled.

"If you touched her, I swear to god!" Sayer just laughed.

"She was so easy to manipulate. I just mentioned your name and she became weak" Naruto's anger started to skyrocket. "Now I play the spell monster reborn to summon back 'Hushed Psychic Cleric'" the Psychic monster from earlier appeared back on the field "Now I summon 'Psychic Commander' and I activate his effect. Sacrificing 300 hundred life points, 'Utopia' loses 300 attack points, until the end of my turn" Naruto didn't look upset."Now I tune my monsters to summon 'Psychic Nightmare'!" 'Utopia' glared at the dragon like monster that flew onto the field. "Once per turn, during my Main Phase, I can pick 1 random card in your hand and call what type of card it is. If I call it right, My monster gains 1000 attack until your end phase" Sayer smirked as he gazed at the back of Naruto's cards "The card on your left is a monster" Naruto reviled his card to be 'Elemental Hero Avian'.

Psychic Nightmare- 2400+1000= ATK 3400/DEF 1800

"Now attack his 'Utopia'" Naruto just smirked.

"I detach one overlay unit to negate your attack" 'Utopia's wing blocked the attack "And if I'm correct 'Utopia' get's all his attack points back"

"I end my turn"

Naruto looked at the card he drew with a smile "I activate 'Light Wing Sheild'. Since I used an overlay unit, 'Utopia' attack becomes double its original ATK until the end of this turn. If 'Utopia' Xyz Monster you control would detach exactly 1 Xyz Material to activate its effect, I can banish this card from my Graveyard instead of detaching a Xyz Material"

"'Utopia' attack-" Naruto interrupted him with a smirk.

"That's right his attack becomes 6000! now go 'Utopia' attack!" Sayer gave a yell of pain as his monster was destroyed.

Sayer- 5300-2600= 2700Lp

"I hope you got more tricks up your sleeve Sayer because I end my turn" Sayer just started laughing like a mad man.

"It's time I show you the power the Dark Singers gave me. The power of the 'Earthbound Immortals'!"

"'Earthbound Immortals'?" Naruto repeated with a confused look on his face.

"I play the field spell 'Yami' and 'pot of Greed' .taking a page out of your book I play the spell 'Double Summon'. I summon 'Silent Psychic Wizard' and 'Serene Psychic Witch'. With their sacrifice, I can summon the 'Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca'" Naruto crossed his arms over his face as the wind picked up stinging his eyes. Naruto looked around as the darkness around them started to swirl, pink lines started to glow and then something gave a loud screech. Then the swirl of darkness stopped.

Naruto looked in shock at the giant bird-like monster.

Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca- ATK 100/DEF 100

'Utopia' seemed to recognise the monster as his grip on his swords tightened. Naruto frowned when he saw his monster look uneasy.

"Now this is the power the Dark Singers have lent me. So I can destroy you!" Naruto looked confused.

"Dark Signers?"

"Yes, now I'll show you 'Rasca' effect. You cannot target this card for attacks. This card can attack you directly. If this card is Normal Summoned: Target up to 3 cards you control, except this card; shuffle those targets into your Deck" Naruto watched as Sayer placed his remaining cards into his deck "Now you are forced to discard your remaining cards and 'Rasca' gets 1000 attack for each card you discarded but since the field spell is still in play also gets additional 200 attack and defence points" Naruto frowned as got rid of the rest of his hand.

Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca- 100+2000+200= ATK 2300/DEF 300

"Attack him directly!" Naruto pained yell could be heard for miles as fell to his knees.

Naruto- 2900-2300= 600LP

'Utopia' looked at his master in concern, Naruto was huffing as he struggled to stand "Draw your last card Naruto, then I will end you" Naruto gave a huff as he drew a card.

Naruto smirked as he looked at his card a smirk gracing his lips "It's time I end this duel, Sayer! I activate my first face down spell 'The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh' and I special summon 'Kuriboh' to my side of the field" Naruto smirked as the cute fuzz ball appeared in front of him.

Kuriboh- ATK 300/DEF 200

"Now I play the spell 'Mystic Box'! I can choose 1 monster you control and 1 monster I control; destroy the first target, then give control of the second target to you" Sayer watched with horror as his monster was destroyed and 'Kuriboh' appeared on his side of the field. "Now attack 'Kuriboh'. End this duel!" Naruto yelled as 'Utopia'drew his blades, slashing through 'Kuriboh'but he was still heading towards Sayer.

Sayer gave a scream as blood fell from his new wound delivered by 'Utopia'. Collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Sayer- 2700-6000= 0LP

Naruto wins

Naruto wondered up to Sayer, lifting him by his hair "Where are they?"

"I can take you" Naruto whirled around with a surprised look as a woman walked towards him.

Who was this strange woman?

What's going to happen next?

Find out on the next chapter of Xyz Summoner!.