My thanks go to all my readers, especially to pallysdeeks and franco-andrade for their comments on the last chapter!

While Sigrid and Fíli vehemently refused to turn the machines off, supported by Thorin, Dís and Bard, arguing with the consultant and head of nurses,Tauriel called her stepfather, asking for his help; Thranduil wasn't a very social person, yet he knew the right people.

And although it was in the middle of the night, he obviously managed to make a few phone calls so that only fifteen minutes later, one of the best doctors in the country – Dr. Elrond Rivendell – called the hospital, informing them that Svenja Bowman would now be his patient and needed to be transferred to his clinic.

The consultant had no other choice than to comply.

„Okay, Dr. Rivendell's clinic is a two- to three-hours drive from here. Svenja will get there by helicopter, but we will have to take the car, well several cars in our case," Tauriel explained to the family.

Bard nodded grimly, pulling Bain and Tilda closer, Thorin frowned suspiciously, his right hand resting on Fíli's shoulder, while he held Kíli's hand in his left, and Dís looked curiously at the redhead, her arm tightly wrapped around Sigrid's shoulders.

„Who is this Dr. Rivendell? And why would he try to help us?" Thorin finally asked.

Fíli snorted. „I don't care, Uncle, as long as he will try anything to keep my daughter alive!" the blond young man declared.

It was obvious that Thorin wanted to counter something but they were interrupted by a young and timid nurse who had to prepare Svenja for the transport.

Sigrid immediately freed herself from Dís and rushed over to her baby girl, bending over the infant, kissing her forehead.

„Mummy loves you, Svenja, more than anyone or anything else in this world!" she sobbed, caressing the child's chubby cheeks, tiny hands and little feet.

Tentatively, Fíli drew closer to his girlfriend and their daughter, placing lightly his hand on Sigrid's back, grabbing carefully the baby's hand with his other one so that she could wrap her fingers around his pointer.

„Goodbye, baby. See you in a couple of hours," he whispered, then he bend down as well and placed a soft kiss on Svenja's forehead.

„I'm sorry, I hate to interrupt, but I really have to get her ready for the transfer now," the nurse declared and Fíli and Sigrid nodded, stepping back from the cot.

Instinctively, Sigrid leant against her boyfriend and he wrapped his arms around her while watching how their daughter was prepared for the transport to another hospital; silent tears were streaming down Sigrid's cheeks and Fíli scowled.

When the nurse left the room with Svenja, the whole family followed.