Chapter 1

Oh My Mavis, I'm going to be late, I thought as I scuttled through the hallways in hopes of getting to class in time. It really isn't a good idea to start reading a new novel in the library when the bell is malfunctioning. The only way to know it's class time is through the speakers but I mean, come on, who even listens to the speakers anyway? It's something that my school really needs to fix and pronto or else I'm going to have more detentions than I need.

People pass by me without a second glance and I happily walk pass them, hoping I get to avoid the one person I wish to avoid right now.

Sadly, luck isn't at my side today since I'm suddenly harshly pushed to the side, successfully hitting my head against the lockers.

"Watch it Nerd, I'm trying get to class," a rough voice says.

Meet Natsu Dragneel, my own personal bully. I look up at him and see him give me his signature smirk that he likes to give me everyday. His pink hair looks as if its combed with his fingers and his green eyes have this certain amusement it them. Dragneel isn't only know for his good looks but also for the muscles that bulged against his tight red shirt.

His friends are looking down on me as well but thankfully don't share the same goal that he seems to have with me everyday. Gray Fullbuster just acts like I don't exist, along with Jellal, but Gajeel likes to give me a few sneers here and there, giving reports to Natsu on what I do with my life. Yeah, I mentally scoff, don't I just have the perfect high school life? Peaceful, I know.

I bend down to get my books, mumbling a quick sorry. I avoid looking at him afraid he would torment me even further if I so much as glanced at him.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you my homework's due tomorrow and I'd like to have it given to me by tomorrow morning before first period begins," he says, before he kicks some of my books away from me and proceeds to walk to class.

Now if I were any other regular person I would have said, 'What the hell? Do your homework? Do it yourself you stupid fuck! Who do you think you are?' but honestly I'm scared shitless of Natsu and it isn't hard to swallow your pride when your scared. Plus his homework was already finished, it didn't require a lot of thinking which was something Natsu doesn't do because lets face it, he's an idiot. Not that I would say it straight to his face.

Oh and another reason I won't tell him is because I, Lucy Heartfilia, biggest bookworm of the small town we live in, has the biggest crush on Natsu Dragneel, the bad boy and most popular guy in school.

"Lucy, seriously, I don't get why you let him push you around like that," Levy says exasperatedly, as she writes her notes on her cute pink notebook she had just bought today. She seemed to be putting much more pressure on her paper than usual indicating how furious she is at the moment.

Levy is a small blue haired girl, who is the sweetest person I have ever met. However, don't let her size fool you, she's a feisty little thing when she wants to be. Levy and I get along very well since both of us like to read but unlike her I like to stay hidden in the library while she hangs out with friends which happens to be in the same group as my bully.

I give a long sigh asking myself the same question everyday since he started the whole mess back in middle school.

"Levy you know I try but every time I almost stand up to him my voice gets stuck in my throat and I end up bursting into tears," I say.

And I hate every tear that falls when he's looking at me, I thought.

I continue scribbling on my notes after Mr. Clive shoots me a glare from across the class before continuing his lesson. I let out another long dreadful sigh but this time for a completely different reason.

I hate AP Chem.

Levy lets out a growl and I quickly look at her in shock. "Which is why you should tell Erza about him. You know she'll put him in his place." She continues, looking at me with pleading eyes but I just shake my head.

"I appreciate the offer Levy but I don't want to drag your friends into this," I say and it's the last thing I say before the bell rings.

I grab my stuff before heading to the library to finish my homework. Schools over and I usually do my homework at school since no one is usually home when I get there anyway.

Can you believe I have lived here since I was 13 and have truly made only one friend?

Now I love Brandish but I would love it if she showed up to school more often. She only shows up to school every two weeks due to a chronic disease that she's been fighting against ever since I first meet her. Brandish and I quickly bonded when my history teacher sat us together to do a class project. It was the longest week she's ever been to school but soon the disease she had began to take a toll on her and she couldn't come to school as often.

I don't know what sickness she has. For some reason she doesn't seem to want to tell me but she assured me its not contagious. I know I'm being selfish but sometimes I wish Brandish would be here at school, that way I wouldn't feel so alone.

When I first moved here I thought, This is it. Dad's gonna change his cold persona and be the loving father he used to be. For a quick moment I truly believed it but soon that dream came crashing down when he spent longer and longer trips away from home. It had gotten worse and all I wished for was to go back in time when my mother was still alive and my father still loved me.

I was in eighth grade when I moved here and was immediately branded as a nerd. I wore a long skirt and big knitted sweater that Miss Spetto had made for me since it was getting extremely cold in the small town. It was the first day of school when I first saw Natsu and the teacher told me to sit next to him. The first few weeks he ignored me and acted like I didn't exist. It made it easier for me to ignore him since he slept through the whole class anyway.

Until one day when we got our grade results and he had an big fat F while I had a well decorated A.

"Fucking Teachers Pet" He growled out. Shocked by the anger in his voice I said nothing. That must have made him extremely mad because ever since then he's made a habit of pushing me around.

I stretch my arms after I finish the last sentence of my essay and began to gather my stuff to leave. I check at the time and saw that it was 5:01. I shrug, its not like anybody is waiting for me at home. I turn off the lights from the library and lock the door. The librarian trusts me since I see her everyday and lets me stay after hours to finish homework.

Once I'm outside of the school my whole body freezes when I notice who's smoking beside the tree that planted itself in front of the school.

Natsu looks extremely sexy as he blows out a puff of smoke. He turns to look at me and gives me this strange look I had never seen him give me before but it quickly disappears as he frowns at me. I feel my face flush and my heart rate accelerates as he begins to walk towards me.

"Why the fuck do you stay after school this long? You're not in any after school clubs so what the fuck do you do?" he growls out. He glares down at me and I begin to wonder how his eyes could still look so beautiful with so much anger in them.

I stare at him with wide eyes and confused as to how he knows that but then brush it aside when I remember he likes to know shit about me so that he can taunt me with it later.

"I-I didn't know your were waiting for me" I stutter. How long did he wait out here? I feel my face pale. Did he wait out here for 3 hours!?

He throws his cancer in a stick on the floor, crushing it with his foot, "Yeah well I didn't know I would need you. I have a test due tomorrow and I want to pass the class so we're going to your place to help me study for the stupid test."

"A-a test?" I say stupidly. Mavis, I need to grow some balls.

"Yes a-a test," Natsu mocks and he rolls his eyes. He grabs my hand and pulls me toward a red car that he seems to love ever since he got it on his birthday last year. "Now get in my car and give me directions to your place."

You'd think that living in the only mansion in Mangolia he would know where it was but being hidden in the forest really makes it difficult to find. Just how father dearest wanted it to be.

The whole ride to my house was extremely uncomfortable. I kept fidgeting around in my seat which resulted in Natsu snapping at me every now and then. Imagine my relief when I spotted the gates of my house.

Natsu let out a long whistle checking out my house with clear interest, stopping the car once we reached the gates.

He put the car on parking, staring at the gold initials of my father name on the gates.

"Mavis Lucy, I didn't know you were loaded," He said looking at me in wonder. The new look in his eyes made me feel even more flushed and I gave him a shaky smile. It was the first time he ever used my name. He looked back at the gates. "I always thought you lived in some shady small cabin or something," He paused for a second, "Not in such beauty."

I nervously bit my lip, "U-umm Natsu? If I tell you the code to my house you promise not to break in later?" I ask. I really don't want to lean over to open the gate. That would mean pressing up against him which I don't think my heart would be able to take. For a sec I think of why I would even consider giving him the code to my house but then scoff mentally.

Please, as if you don't want him to come back again.

He smirks at me, "Maybe," he replies in a cocky tone.

I narrow my eyes, "Natsu, I-I can't l-"

Natsu interrupts me by letting out a laugh, "Yes okay okay I won't break in later I was just joking."

I felt my breath hitch and I couldn't help but stare. Mavis, he looks so beautiful when he laughs. I always wondered why he never laughs, at least not his real laugh. I only ever seen him give smirks and, apparently, fake laughs that I always believed were real. Now that I think about it I never seen him truly happy.

He smirks at me and lifts up his hand to close my mouth, not realizing it was open.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I flush. Why do I have to make a huge fool of myself? Every single time I'm with him I do something stupid.

I quickly tell him the code hoping to just quickly study for his test that way he can leave my house so I can stop making a fool out of myself. It wasn't until we where walking closer to my room did I realize that Natsu fucking Dragneel was about go in my room, be in my bed and see my things. I think I'm having a nightmare.

Did I have my bed made? Did I leave papers all over the place? Is my bra and underwear out for the whole world to see? Did I leave food in my room looking like a total slob? Oh My Mavis, did I leave my fucking diary out?!

Why, oh, why did I even create the thing? I should have burned it when I realized how pathetic I sounded when I read the whole thing.

I didn't realize I standing was outside my room until I was nudged by Natsu.

I look at him then opened my door, sighing in relief when it was well tidied up. Right, I forgot about the maids. They may not live here but they stay from 9 am till 3 pm to clean the house. Honestly I don't know what they clean since this house is always empty.

Once we entered my room Natsu threw himself on my bed, throwing his backpack on the side and giving a long moan.

"Now this is what I call a bed," He moans out sitting up to bounce on it.

I giggled, grabbing my papers from my desk and some pencils and colored pens. My room was fairly large, the size of a small apartment with my own big bathroom and a walk way closet that contained cute clothes I buy online. I may not wear them to school but I really do enjoy wearing them at home. My dad certainly doesn't approve of my school clothes but doesn't really care unless we're to attended one of his business parties.

I turn to look at Natsu only to gasp when I realize he was standing right in front of me. He had the same look in his eye when he stood in front of the school but this time I couldn't help but feel hot under his gaze.

I gulp and stutter out, "D-do you want some water?" I ask.

He only continues to stare and after what seemed like a life time did he break out into his usual breath taking grin he never once direct towards me.


I scuttled away from my room in hopes of calming down my beating heart. It was hard to be around him sometimes when all you can think of is his scent that smelled of cinnamon and spice. It was oddly a good smell and I felt light headed just thinking about being alone with him.

None of the maids in the house where here since it was already pretty late. The rest of the staff stayed from 10 am till 4 pm. The house was incredibly empty without them but I had stopped caring. They are only doing their jobs.

When I went back upstairs to my room I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. What if he got bored and wanted to leave early? To be honest I didn't want him to leave because then I'd actually get to spend time with him and maybe have a special moment with him.

I sighed. Who am I kidding?

I enter my room giving Natsu my biggest smile. I hand him the glass of water seeing as how he was in the same place I left him in. I go towards my desk grabbing the pencils and papers again.

"So what is it that you wanted to study on..?" I trail off once I turn noticing that he had his hand behind him on my bedroom door closing it and then locking it. He stared at me with the the same eyes. I couldn't tell before what it was but now it was perfectly clear. Lust.

"Natsu?" My whole body was froze, looking at him with wide eyes not believing what was I was seeing. What I thought I was seeing. For a sec I wondered if I was dreaming but my dreams are never this way. He never looks at me with such heat that made me feel extremely warm and hot. In my dreams he always looked at me with love and affection.

"Go sit in the bed. Now," He said in a rough voice.

My whole body shivered in delight and began to move without any hesitation, laying down but keeping my elbows up for support to continue to looking at him.

Natsu let go of the door stalking towards me as he took of his jacket. "Pull your hair down and take off your sweater," he commanded. His heated gaze made me feel naked and I pressed my legs together feeling a strange tingling I've never felt before.

"B-but I-"

"Take it off."

I listened, hesitating for a while when I reached my sweater before taking it off. I didn't have a shirt on underneath since I usually never wear one when its a sweater that doesn't have a zipper.

I threw my sweater to the floor feeling cool air hit my exposed skin before trying to cover my chest with my arms which proved to be unsuccessful. Natsu stared at my chest demanding me to let him see everything and I did so obediently.

He gave me a smirk taking off his shirt revealing his ripped muscles. He had a large scar on the left of his abdomen that looked like an x. He began unbuckling his belt and I stared transfixed on his fingers. "Skirt. Off. Now." He growled.

I slowly took off the hideous long green skirt slowly due to not being able to take off my eyes from Natsu. This situation was new, never once fantasizing about this only something more feminine which included flowers and love poems.

When we were both in just our underwear Natsu began crawling towards me and i felt a flare of heat in between my thighs. "N-Nats-" I was interrupted when said boy gives me what I could only describe as the most heated kiss I had ever been given which doesn't say much since its my first kiss but I knew Natsu was a very talented kisser.

The moment our lips had meet he let out a groan grabbing my ass as he brought me closer to his groin and I gasped when I felt something poke me. He gave a rough squeeze and I stared at him in shock but he continued kissing me down my cheek towards my neck. I moaned as he kissed a certain spot and I closed my eyes giving in to the feeling. Natsu grinds against me and I moaned as he continued to give me kisses trailing down towards my breast.

"Fuck, after months months of having to resist and contain myself from this beautiful body of yours, I finally get to fucking touch." I looked at him with half-lidded eyes wondering what he was talking about. He un-clipped my bra, taking it off as he stared in wonder at my breast. " I saw you change behind the bleachers one time and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your plump fucking ass and bouncy tits. Mavis, for a long time I popped a fucking woody every time I thought of that day and I began to noticed skinny twig nerdy Lucy who everyone thought gained a lot of weight and getting fat was a fucking bombshell."

He took my nipple into his mouth suckling like a baby and I gave an embarrassing whimper as he pulled me tighter against him feeling his entire body pressed against mine. I unconsciously began rolling my hips desperate to bring him closer to my private heat. He grasped my breast in one hand pulling my sensitive nipple while suckling the other rolling his tongue and giving a gentle pull.

My pussy began throbbing, wanting him to stop teasing. His hand which had previously hold, my head began to travel down toward my lower lips, passing through my underwear before pressing his finger on my clit. An inhumane sound passed through my lips and tears began to develop in my eyes due to the intense sensation my body wasn't used to receiving.

His fingers massages my clit, rolling it with his middle finger and pinching it lightly.

"N-Natsuuuuuuu," I moaned out as I cummed, feeling my whole body shake, loving the feeling of how intense it was. It amazed me on how he didn't even put his fingers inside of me and I had easily cummed.

"Oh I'm not done yet," He growled letting me go completely before he ripped my panties off me followed by him pulling his down. He spread my legs wide open, pushing the head of his penis inside of me and then taking it out. "Look Luce, look how your pussy is sucking my dick in," He said in amazement, staring at our bodies being joint together. I look down where our privates meet and gasped seeing how extremely large and thick Natsu was. How is it possible for him to be pretty even down there? Is this what all penises look like or is it just Natsu?

Suddenly I grabbed his shoulders in fear, "Natsu that isn't going to fit. Its way to big," I said once I noticed that he was far to large for my virgin hole.

Natsu only gave me a smirk, "Oh it'll fit alright cause..." before I could blink he slammed inside me and I cried out at the sharp pain that I felt, "'re so fucking wet."

Oh my Mavis, I thought. Never have I felt so full with him inside. He slowly rocked his hips, giving a long moan. The pain was only there for a second before I began to feel pleasure all over again. Only this time it was much better and I began rocking my hips as well.

"Natsu...more," I cried out. This foreign feeling felt so amazing and all the interest that boys seemed to have with sex began to get understandable each time Natsu pulled in and out of me.

He slammed into me picking up his pace. His hands where on each side of my head and I closed my legs around him successfully bringing him closer to me, feeling his dick hitting my womb and I spasm with each stroke. I grabbed his hair pulling his mouth against mine for a sloppy kiss.

"Fuck I'm gonna cumm..I'm gonna fucking cum," He groaned against my lips.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I let out load moans and whimpers.

" it inside," I cried out. I don't know what I was thinking, only that I wanted all of his cum to be inside of me. I wanted to feel even more full and feel the warmth intensify and I knew if he came inside it would be the best feeling in the world.

My ankles locked together as he started to fuck me in an unsteady pace.

"I'm cumming, Oh Fuck I'm cumming."

My pussy suddenly clenched around him as he went still above me, spilling his seed inside my womb and we both groaned at the pleasurable feeling we both felt. Sweat dripped down our forehead as I continued to milk him of his cum. He pulled out slowly and I wince at how sensitive I was.

Natsu gave a low chuckle, giving my neck a kiss before giving me another on my lips. I closed my eyes basking in the feeling of his soft lips and how much I suddenly wanted to eat him up. I opened my mouth to let him slip his tongue inside and I wanted to cry.

H gave me a weak grin, "Best. Pussy. Ever"

In that moment my daze shattered like glass.

"Why are you even crying," Natsu says exasperatedly.

I hug my sheets close to me hiding as much skin as I can. I let out hiccups and this time cry panicked tears.

"Natsu," I wail, "Do you not understand how serious this is? I let you put your baby making sperm inside me a-and I lost my virginity to you which was the only precious thing I was holding on to." I yell. Snot began to form in my nose but I didn't care since it was the least of my problems.

Natsu rolled his eyes, "Not precious enough," He muttered and I cry even harder.

He lifts his hands up in surrender, "Okay Okay, Mavis, are you stupid or something? I got a plan- b in my pocket somewhere. So can you please stop crying," He says in annoyance.

He pulls out a cigarette and a lighter in what seemed like thin air and begins lighting it up before puffing some smoke out.

I wipe my nose, "Plan-B?" I questioned. I had no idea what it was but it sounded like something that would definitely be helpful.

He inhales some smoke before blowing it out. He moves his hand that holds his cigarette around.

"Yeah you know." He takes another drag from the cigarette, "When a condom-less guy lets his baby making sperm inside a woman who's not in the pill and so in order to prevent said sperm to develop into an actual baby they take the plan-b pill." He lets out a mock laugh.

"I thought you were to be fucking smart or some shit. Wonder how you even passed health class."

I ignored the insult and stared at him to see if he was lying. "They make that?'' I ask.

He inhales more smoke looking at me in confusion, "What?"

I wipe my tears with my sheets and look down at them. "I just- Father didn't give me permission to take that class. Said I wouldn't need it unless I was a harlot who deserved the diseases that they taught in that class. Whatever that means." I said hugging the sheets closer to me feeling extremely vulnerable.

He stares at me for a second before he lets out a laugh, "Your dad's an asshole but honestly I don't give a shit. Just cause we had sex doesn't mean shit. It only means your mine to fuck whenever,wherever I want so don't be getting ideas."

I flinch and stare at him in shock, "What? T-then-"

"Mavis, Lucy! Do you know this small fucking town! I've been living in this shit hole my whole damn life. Everyone is fucking everyone cause we're bored shitless. I'm tired of all the lose pussies everywhere, never once encountering a virgin since they all seem to vanish. I have to wear condoms all the damn time hating the damn thing cause Lord knows where the fuck they have been." He yells in annoyance giving me a glare as he finishes his cigarette, pressing the end of it on the night stand.

"Which reminds me, get in the pill I don't plan on ending this any time soon and I'm not using a fucking condom."

For the first time since I started getting bullied I glared at him, anger bubbling inside me.

"Fuck you,'' I spat, "Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you. Get out of my room! Get out of my fucking house!"

His eyes only widened for a sec before going back to looking at me with an unwavering gaze.

"I am not just a toy, I am a normal human being who deserves to be treated like one n-not just a-a-a-"

Natsu is on me in a flash quickly grabbing a hold of my face and I try to break free.

"Baby but here's the thing, just cause I get what i want doesn't mean you can't." he kisses my lips as I try to fight against him but he only continues by kissing the corner of them. "We get what we both want. I get what I want and I can show you things you didn't know you wanted either."

He continued giving me kisses and it didn't take long for him to convince me. My body grows limp and I savored each kiss he gave. Must I be so weak against him all the time?

"The reason I said I don't give a shit about you is because that's the one rule in becoming fuck buddies. Shouldn't care for one another unless one is sexually frustrated. Okay?"

He gave my hair a pull and I kissed him hungrily. The sheets where off in seconds leaving us bare for the other to see.

Finally, he slid his hard member inside me, signing a nonexistent contract.

Hello guys! I know its been a while and I'm very sorry for that but I decided to write the whole chapter again since I whole heartily agree that my first written chapter was way to fast. Please stay tuned for my next chapter since I'm editing it and will be published.

Love, NALUfuckinlover.