"Isabel!" Hermione called out as she and Draco raced towards Scorpius and Isabel. "Isabel, I need you to look after Scorpius please."

Isabel turned to look in confusion at the two who were a little out of breath. "Has something happened?" Concern etched onto her face.

Hermione glanced at Scorpius, before realising that Draco was keeping him occupied by telling him to stay with her cousin or with her parents. "We've just got news that there have been some complications with a friend's pregnancy, we're not sure what's happened but we're needed if the husband's frantic message was anything to go by." She said quietly.

"Of course." Isabel nodded immediately, "I'll take him to your parents and help keep an eye on him until you get back."

"Thank you." Hermione took Isabel's hands to convey her thanks, before quickly turning to Scorpius. "Be good for Isabel and Granny and Grandpa. Daddy and I will be back as soon as we can."

"Is Auntie Ginny going to be ok?" Scorpius whispered.

Hermione gave Scorpius a smile reassuring smile. "I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a fighter." She looked back at Isabel and nodded at her cousin. "Thank you." Then she and Draco spun on their heels, heading out of sight so they'd be able to apparate to the Potter's residence.

Isabel and Scorpius were chatting amicably as they walked through the line of bushes that hid the beautiful picnic site. "We're back," Scorpius said absentmindedly before turning back to Isabel to finish his sentence about his parents' strange friend called Luna.

"Where's Hermione and Draco, Bel?" Sophie asked, looking up from behind her book.

"An emergency came up."

"Well, I'm leaving then," Cordelia announced as she stood up and wiped any dirt off herself. "Anyone coming with me?"

"I'm rather enjoying the view at the moment," Charles responded, not detaching himself from the binoculars trained on some dolphins off the coast.

"What are you looking at Great Grandpa?" Scorpius sat down next to him and used his hands to form makeshift binoculars.

"Would you like to have a look?" Charles indicated to his real binoculars. At this, Scorpius nodded enthusiastically.

"I'll head back as well I think." Tobias cracked his back and groaned at the sound.

Cecily stood as well and smiled at her daughter, indicating that she would come along too.

"Anyone else?" Cordelia huffed.

Mark and Tristan just raised their hands and waved in response. Sophie indicated to her book whilst Richard and Jennifer just shook their heads muttering their thanks for the offer.

"I rather agree with your Grandfather, Cordelia," Pippa replied, surprising her granddaughter at her answer.


"Go ahead, Delia." Isabel didn't even turn to face her cousin, instead choosing to sit down next to Scorpius and listen to the things he was pointing out, squinting to try and catch a glimpse.

Cordelia frowned at her favourite cousin for a second before brushing it off and turning to head away, her mother and father close behind her. When they entered the large open clearing that led back to the hotel, Cecily faltered in confusion expecting to see Hermione and Draco up ahead.

"Surely Hermione and Draco didn't head back that long ago?" She asked.

Tobias shrugged, "Legged it back perhaps? Isabel did say they went back for an emergency."

A few hours later, Hermione stepped through the floo of the private wing she and her family reside in. Quickly getting out of the way, she turned to see the fire flare up again and James Sirius Potter step through into the room followed almost immediately by his brother Albus.

"Boys, go put your bags in Scorpius's room and make yourselves at home," Hermione instructed as she dusted the boys off.

"Yes, Auntie Hermione." The two young potters chimed in unison before rushing off.

"We should try and distract them from what's happening with Ginny while we have them." Draco decided as he stepped out of the floo himself.

"Yes," Hermione nodded in agreement, biting her bottom lip nervously, "Harry's explanation of everything didn't sound very good."

"She'll be fine," Draco reassured her as he pulled her into an embrace, "Like you told Scorpius 'she's a fighter'."

Hermione gave a watery laugh, "We should probably tell him James and Albus are here. He'll be happy to have some people his age around. Mum just messaged saying they were at the pool."

"Yes," Draco chuckled, "This isn't necessarily the most enjoyable or interesting weekend for a young boy. Although he does seem to get on with Tristan and Mark." He added as an afterthought.

"They remind me a little of Fred and George now," Hermione commented wistfully. "Shame they weren't like that when we were younger."

Draco kissed the top of her head and murmured, "At least they're trying now."

Just as they turned to leave the room and find the others, the floo roared to live behind them and a redhead stepped out onto the carpet, pushing a smaller child further into the room.

"Brilliant, you're here." Ronald Weasley said by way of greeting Hermione. "I was ready to call for a house elf to fetch you."

"What warrants this intrusion, Weasley?" Draco asked eyes narrowed at the other man in the room.

"I need you to look after Hugo for the night. Got a pretty thing waiting for me back at the flat and I expect she'll stay till the morning." He explained. "Can't bring him to his mum's because Romilda and I had a huge argument the other day and we're not speaking at the moment."

"But-" Hermione started to argue but was cut off when Ron continued.

"And I can't get through to Harry so here we are." Ron shrugged and then looked hopefully at Hermione. "So you'll look after him?"


"Amazing." He smiled, stepping back into the fireplace and grabbing the floo powder. "Thanks Hermione." And with that, he was gone.

"I will never like him," Draco told Hermione under his breath, eyes still narrowed at where Ron used to be.

"I know." Hermione sighed and then turned her attention to Hugo. "Hello Hugo, sweetie." She flashed smile onto her face despite knowing that her son will be less than thrilled.

"Hi 'Mione." Hugo greeted. "I'll go put my stuff in Scorp's room." He announced, abruptly leaving the room with his bag and teddy bear he'd brought with him.

The two adults just stood there, staring at where the young Weasley used to be standing. Hermione blinked before she rushed to the doorway the boy had just disappeared through.

"Hugo! After you've done that could you, James and Albus please come back down in your swimsuits." Hermione called after the boy.

Fifteen minutes they found themselves approaching the pool where Scorpius and the rest of Hermione's family were relaxing. Scorpius was in the middle of showing his grandparents cool tricks off the diving board when he spotted Albus and James walking towards them. His parents had gone over to the adults and were explaining that they would be unlikely to join them for a majority of the rest of the visit because of unforeseen circumstances.

"James! Albus!" Scorpius cried out in excitement, plunging into the water and swimming to the side they were closer to. His excitement dimmed however when he spotted the Weasley as he heaved himself out of the water. "Hugo." He greeted with mild disdain.

"Scorpius." He greeted in return with a smug look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Scorpius narrowed his eyes at him.

"Your mum and dad said I could stay tonight while my dad is busy." The smug smile grew and then he turned to his cousins. "Do you guys wanna play Marco Polo? Scorpius can be the blind one."

"But-" Scorpius began to protest before he was interrupted by James's and Albus's cheers of agreement. There were three splashes in the water as the three dry boys jumped into the pool and then began to swim as far away from Scorpius as they could, giggling in anticipation of the game.

It was the fourth time Hugo had been caught and made to chase, that he suddenly got out of the water to sit on the side to pout. "I'm bored." He announced. "This isn't a very fun game."

"You were the one who suggested it," Scorpius replied, swimming lazily on his back.

"No, I wasn't!" Hugo scoffed. "I want to go flying."

"Well, I already went flying today." Scorpius shot back, "Besides Albus, James and I are having fun in the water."

"We could do races!" Albus suggested happily.

"Or do more cool tricks on the boards!" James chimed in.

"No, that sounds boring too," Hugo continued to pout, "Flying still sounds like more fun. Don't you want to go flying James? We could try Scorp's new Junior Firebolt." He added slyly.

"Ooh!" James nodded his head eagerly before dashing out of the pool towards Draco and Hermione. "Uncle Draco, can we go flying please?" He asked loudly, missing the look of panic that appeared on the two adults' faces at the slip of his tongue.

"Sure bud," Draco said quickly, trying to usher him away from the muggles before he said something else that may seem strange.

"Did he just say he wanted to go flying?" Cecily asked Hermione.

Hermione chuckled nervously as she dismissed it as a "child's large imagination."

"Come on let's go play quidditch then." Draco rounded up the small boys.

"Dadd-" Scorpius tried to object but was once again interrupted, this time by Hugo who decided to sing the Chudley Cannons anthem rather loudly, effectively drowning out whatever Scorpius had to say.

"Come on Scorpius." Albus looked at Scorpius expectantly.

The little blonde boy scowled but got out of the pool and trudged behind the others.