A/N I just wanted to celebrate this story getting 7,000 views by publishing chapter 7 at the 7K mark at 7PM, thanks to everyone who reads this story, I never thought it would be this popular, thanks for the reviews and the private messages, all of you are so awesome. Thank you, now presenting Chapter 7

Marshall is going to have a lot to deal with this morning, starting with changing Chase's diaper and cleaning up his own mess... then having to explain to Chase why the bed is soaked

Chase's Pup tag alarm was supposed to go off at 6:30AM so Marshall turned it off and woke Chase up himself since he wok up a little early

"Chase, wake up. You need Changed, you pooped last night" Marshall said as he woke Chase up gently

"ugh...alright...thanks Marshall" Chase said as he rolled over

"Oh no! My diaper leaked!" Chase said very upset

"Uh... Chase... that's...uh... not your pee" Marshall said nervously

"Who's is it then?" Chase asked confused

"Chase...I uh...wet the bed..." Marshall said as he turned away

"Marshall? You wet the bed? No way... I know I did it, you don't have to take the blame for me soaking your bed" Chase said

"BUT I DID! I peed everywhere! And you have my pee in your fur! And I know it's me, because your diaper isn't full. I'm so sorry Chase...I have a problem kinda like you do... but..." Marshall continued

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Chase asked

"Chase... I wet the bed sometimes... it's because I have a weak bladder... I just learned to deal with it better and well, I pee the bed sometimes." Marshall said as he hung his head low

"Marshall... is that true? You really pee the bed?" Chase asked

"Yes... I used to pee more when I was younger... I even had a few accidents in the lookout...and in my fire truck... it was embarrassing" Marshall said

"How did you get over your problem? And how did I not know until just now?" Chase asked

"Well, Ryder kept getting me up at midnight exactly using the pup tag alarm, coming outside and waiting til I went, now I just wake up at midnight...almost every night" Marshall said

"Almost? Every night?" Chase repeated

"I still wet the bed... sometimes. And none of the other pups found out because I actually wake up before you Chase, so if I wet the bed I just clean up really quick, Ryder has five beds for me, most of you pups have two, except you and Skye, you have three" Marshall said

"How do you know that?" Chase said

"Well, Ryder tells me things, I was really shy when I got here and he told me a lot about you pups... to make me feel better, and I haven't spilled anyone's secrets" Marshall said

"Wow...Marshall, I feel sorry for you... I didn't know about all this buddy, we should have been supporting you..." Chase said as he hugged his friend

"It's ok Chase... but we should uh... probably get this cleaned...your diaper smells pretty bad... and we're both covered in my pee" Marshall said

"Hehe, yeah... I'll drag your bed outside... and we'll clean you first..." Chase said

"Don't you wanna change? You're pretty full, won't you get a rash?" Marshall said

"Nah, you first this time buddy..." Chase said

"Thank's Chase" Marshall said as he went to the lookout to call Katie on the big screen in the tower

Marshall set up the call

"Hey Katie, can you give me and Chase a bath? He needs to get the smell off his fur and clean some mess off and we're both kinda wet... I had an accident" Marshall said

"Oh no, are you ok Marshall?" Katie asked

"Yeah, I just peed the bed, no big deal, and Chase isn't mad so...we're good, we just need a bath" Marshall said

"Ok Marshall, you guys can head over, I should be ready when you get here" Katie said

"Ok, thanks Katie, and oh! One other thing, do you mind if I Change Chase there? We're trying to get out of here before the other pups get up" Marshall asked

"Actually we can just take it off him and then I'll wash you both in the big bath in the back" Katie suggested

"Ok, that sounds good. Thanks Katie" Marshall said as he hung up and went back to Chase

Chase's pov

While Marshall was calling Katie, Chase began to clean up, first by dragging Marshall's bed to the Laundry room

"Eww...the pee smell is so strong, and this bed soaked through...hmm maybe I can go get some disinfectant spray from Rocky's truck without waking him up" Chase said as he made his way over to Rocky's pup house

Chase quickly got the spray and was about to leave when he felt a nose push against his messy bottom...

"Chase, did you poop again?" Rock said

"Uh yeah... I need your spray, the pup house smells of dirty diaper and..."

"Do you want me to change you? You look pretty full" Rocky interrupted him as he began to feel Chase's messy and diapered bottom

"No, that's ok, I'm going to Katie's to get a bath" Chase told him

"Oh... ok, well enjoy your bath then Rocky said as Chase walked out the door, smacking Chase's dirty bottom

"Aww come on Rocky, what the heck" Chase said as he felt the mess get smushed on his butt

"Oh... sorry Chase" Rocky said

"It's alright, I guess... I'm getting a bath anyways" Chase said as he turned to walk away...

While at the same time Rocky was thinking that it was cute

Chase's pov

Chase walked back to Marshall's pup house and by the time he sprayed the pup house Marshall came back and they were ready to go to Katie's

on the way there they talked

"So... you wet the bed? I really never would have known" Chase said

"Yeah... it is a little embarrassing, but it doesn't bother me too much" Marshall said

"You know... No...nevermind..." Chase said

"What is it Chase?" Marshall asked

"Well... you could always wear...um...a diaper...only to bed." Chase suggested

"You think I should?" Marshall asked

"Only if you want... at least your bed would be dry" Chase added

"That's true, but isn't that thing like... warm? Itchy? Bulky?" Marshall asked

"Well, it takes a bit to get used to... and it's only uncomfortable if you mess... or pee a lot... then it swells... kinda like you can see...and uh... smell" Chase said as he pointed to his diaper

"Other than that, it's pretty comfy" he continued

"I don't know... I'll think about it" Marshall said as they reached Katie's place

"Hey pups...oh... yuck, that smells bad" Katie said as she Checked Chase's diaper

"When you two are ready come to the back and we'll get started with your bath" Katie said

"Ok, thanks Katie" Marshall said as he turned to Chase

"Ok... let's get you cleaned up Chase" Marshall said as he walked with Chase to the back room

"Lie down Chase" Marshall said as Chase complied

Marshall went to Chase and looked at the diaper

"Uh... it's a little yellow... and brown..." Marshall commented on the discoloration from use of the diaper

Marshall un-taped Chase's diaper and the smell was horrid, Marshall quickly slid the loaded diaper our from under Chase, closed the diaper and carried it to the trash...

"Yuck... the diaper taste is bad enough... and it doesn't help knowing it's full and heavy" Marshall said as Chase stood up... seeing poop still stuck to his fur

"Let's go Chase" Marshall said as they walked over to the back room where the big bathtub was, they walked over to the tub where Katie was

"Wow Chase... you got poop all over your butt, Katie said as Chase blushed

"You sure you wanna take a bath with him Marshall? We can do it separate if you want" Katie said

"No thanks, I don't mind at all" Marshall said as him and Chase hopped into the tub

Katie started by cleaning Chase... which got his normal bathtime erection

"Really Chase?" Marshall said

"Sorry, I should have told you" Chase said

"It's fine" Marshall said

Katie continued cleaning the pups until Marshall felt a warm sensation in the water

"Chase, did you just pee?" Marshall asked

"I dunno" Chase said

"Well, in that case..." Marshall said as he close his eyes and strained a bit but then relaxed... Chase soon felt the warm sensation... Marshall had also peed in the tub

"Really pups?" Katie said

"Sorry Katie" they both said

"it's alright, you guys are done anyways" Katie said as the pups hopped out of the tub

Marshall went to get a fresh diaper and Chase laid down on the floor

Marshall put power on Chase, then the fresh diaper. When Chase got up, Marshall threw a diaper at Chases paws

"What's this for?" Chase asked

"Put it on me..." Marshall said blushing

"O-oh...are you sure? "Chase asked as Marshall laid down on the floor, answering his question.

"How do i...uh...do this?" Chase asked

"Put the diaper under me" Marshall said

"Next shake some powder on me" Marshall said as Chase shook a little too much and made a powder cloud

"Ugh... too much. Ok anyways now see the tapes? Put them on the front of my diaper and you're done" Marshall said as Chase complied with all the directions, and when they were done, Marshall stood up... revealing his newly diapered behind as Chase smacked Marshall's bottom

"Hmm, you're right it is comfy!" Marshall said, shaking his butt high in the air

"It's not that bad... it actually looks kinda cute Marshall" Chase said as Marshall blushed

"That's cute pups and very nice of you Marshall" Katie said

"Wait til the other pups see" Marshall said as he ran to the door

"Come on Chase!"

"Coming Marshall!" Chase said as he followed his friend, back to the lookout