Lately Chase has been having accidents, anything from urinating in the lookout, to wetting the bed in his pup house to even pooping in his truck while on a mission. Chase knew Ryder was upset, but he didn't know what he could do to control it, he couldn't tell when he needed to go and he was honestly a little scared of that and he knew that Ryder was getting tired of cleaning up after his little accidents, his greatest advantage is that the other pups don't know about it

Chase's POV early morning

Chase got up early morning like usual...he stretched out his front paws and he noticed he felt something wet underneath him he quickly looked and saw that he had wet the bed again for the third time this Week, he noticed the pup house smelled of his urine and it would be impossible to hide from Ryder that he went as his fur and blanket were soaked so he set off to find Ryder and shut the pup house door behind him

as Chase was walking to the lookout he noticed Marshall coming towards him, he quickly thought and sat using his front paws to cover his wet spot...

"Hi Chase!'s that smell... eww it smells bad" Marshall said covering his nose

"Oh uh... Ryder is giving me a bath today.. I haven't had one in a while..." Chase replied

"Well ok then... enjoy your bath Chase" Marshall said as he walked off satisfied with Chase's answers

"Good thing he doesn't like to ask questions..." Chase said as he went to look for Ryder...

Chase walked around the corner and into the lookout, he found Ryder at the top of the lookout and Ryder could immediately smell the urine...

"It happened again Chase?" Ryder asked

"Yeah... but I don't know what to do! I cant tell when I have to pee! Or well poop either"

"Chase don't tell me you..."

"No I didn't! I was just saying" Chase said as he blushed...

"Chase... what am I going to do with you? This is getting old already" Ryder said

"Sorry Ryder... but I'm trying... I just don't know what I can do" Chase said

"Well... go down to Katie's for your bath I'll tell her why you're coming.. I don't have time today I have a meeting with the Mayor I'll put your blanket in the wash... Ryder told Chase

"AWW don't tell Katie!" Chase begged

"Chase... she wont tell anyone, I promise" Ryder assured his pup

"Ok... I'll go" Chase said as he walked to Katie's

Chase went to his truck and got in... he sat and thought about his accidents... he never knew when it would happen... it made him mad... that he could do nothing about it, he started his truck and made the drive... once he was there Katie greeted him at the door

"Are you ok Chase? I heard you've been having accidents." Katie asked with concern

"Yeah... it's embarrassing! I feel like a puppy! Chase whinned

"It's ok Chase... you'll probably get over whatever this is" Katie tried to comfort him

"Thanks Katie... I hope I do get over this..." Chase said looking down at his wet fur

"Come on... I have a bath for you" Katie said as she brought him into the other room... Chase took off his Collar and hopped in the bath... this is only the second time Katie has ever bathed him...and she didn't quite know about Chase's little habit during a bath... she began scrubbing the pup...she got closer and closer to his groin area and realized he was fully erect which was something Ryder neglected to tell her about Chase's Bath times... she took no mind to it because Rubble did the same although the pups don't notice... Chase began wagging his tail like crazy as she washed his privates and that's when Katie heard the loud bubbling along with the thumps against the bottom of the metal bath...

"REALLY CHASE?! YOU POOPED IN THE TUB!" Katie yelled at him

"ARRRGGGGHHHH!" Chase yelled and half whined

"Get out of the tub before you get it all in your fur" Katie said as Chase quickly jumped out of the tub... luckily it quickly washed off...Katie went to dump out the tub and get him another bath, it took her a few minutes to clean out the tub... but on her way back...

"Katie!" Chase yelled... crying loudly

Katie rushed in to see that Chase hadn't finished... and there was a puddle of urine and a large pile of Shepherd poop on the floor... Chase was just standing there Crying...

"Aww Chase, don't cry..." She said as she went to his side...

"Katie...p-p-please... m-make it s-s-stop" he stuttered

"I wish I could pup... I'm so sorry" Katie hugged him

"Let's get this cleaned up... and we'll get you a long bubble bath ok?" Katie said as she went to get the cleaning supplies...

"O-okay... thanks Katie" Chase said... as he followed her

after Katie got Chase in his bath she called Ryder

(Phone rings)

"Hello, Ryder here" he said

"Ryder... it happened" Katie said

"Oh no... what did he do? Pee on the floor again?" Ryder asked

"Well... first I was washing him... and he pooped in the tub... no big deal... I thought that was it but when I was coming back from washing out the tub he yelled for me and I ran, and saw a puddle and a pile of poop on the floor... I feel Bad for Chase" Katie said

" I do too Katie... But what can we do?" Ryder said

"I think we need to put him in dog diapers Ryder..." Katie said... there was a moment of silence

"You think so Katie? Zuma's or?" Ryder was thinking

"No Chase doesn't need a swim diaper... he needs a normal one... if he cant control his bathroom needs... we need to do it... I hate to but..." Katie glared at Ryder on the phone screen

"I know... we're not going to be able to hide this from the pups... I think we should wait until next Friday until we decide... unless something else bad happens... who knows he might get better" Ryder said

"It's your call Ryder... he's your pup... I have faith that you know what's best" Katie said

"Yeah... thanks Katie..." he said

"Well I better get back... Chase might get worried..." katie said her goodbyes and hung up the phone

(An hour later)

Chase came home... pulled into his parking spot for his truck and turned it back into his pup house... he quietly laid down...Ryder quickly came down from the lookout to talk to him

"Hey Chase how ya doing buddy?" Ryder said

Chase remained quiet

"Chase... it's ok... don't feel bad... I still care about you pup"

Chase remained silent... he turned away... and Ryder could hear him crying...

At that time Ryder petted Chase... got up... and went back to the lookout... the pup wasn't feeling great and Ryder figured he'd had a long day... so he left Chase to sleep.