Hi everyone. You're probably familiar with this story, but I took it down because I wasn't sure if I was going to continue it. A fan asked if it could be reposted, so it's back from the dead. Enjoy.

I don't own the Walking Dead. Clair Fay is mine.

I woke up with a splitting headache. My head felt like someone dropped a building on it. As I opened my eyes I saw I was in some grocery store.

That wasn't the only thing that was weird. There was hardly anything left on the shelves. Most of the stuff was scattered across the floor, and several shelves had toppled over. What happened here?.

What struck me as even weirder was the lights were out. This place should've been operational yet it seemed like power's been out for months. The only light came from what looked like the exit in front of me, and some windows in the ceiling. What was the point of putting a window above you when all you'd ever see was the sky? Was this area hit by some natural disaster not too long ago? No, that wasn't it. The place had lots of dust and there were leaves from outside scattered everywhere.

As I stood up I had to hold my hand to my head. Ugh. Why does my head have to feel like it's splitting open? For the record, who was I? I couldn't remember anything from before.

A box fell to the floor. It seemed to come from further in the store. As I listened I could hear heavy breathing and shuffling. That confused me. Who would shuffle around? And that…moaning.

It hit me. This place must've been robbed and there was someone in the back who was hurt. But how would I help them when I couldn't even remember my own name? Well, may as well see how bad their injuries are and do my best to help out the old fashioned way.

I made my way around the boxes of food that were scattered everywhere. Several were opened and the contents scattered about. Why is it that I can know all these things yet my identity elude me?

The moaning was getting louder now. The voice was also raspy, like they couldn't breathe. Were they suffocating? What world is this? It's not enough to simply mug someone and make off with their wallets anymore?

Ugh. The stench. I almost threw up because of it. They smelled like someone died in a dumpster filled with rotten eggs and fish, and some random skunks decided to spray the thing.

Something didn't feel right here. I had a really bad feeling that was telling me I needed to get as far away as possible.

I heard a loud crash somewhere behind me. Judging from the sound it might've come from the doors to this place. I heard someone, a man, say something I didn't recognize. All I could do was hope it wasn't some swear word. It sounded like he had buddies, two or three from the sound of the footsteps.

What was that? I hadn't turned my attention away from in front of me, and I saw something rising in the shadows. I don't think it saw me, but it acted as if someone rang the dinner bell. I saw a few more shadows moving. Why did they all have that foul smell?

My instincts told me I needed to hide. I looked around to find a good place. Thankfully not too far away was a closet that looked like had been forced open. Quietly I hurried to the closet and pulled it nearly shut. It wouldn't close all the way, but I could hold it just enough to hide me while giving me a good view of what was going on.

When I finally saw the things come into the light that was available my eyes widened. They were rotting. I'm not kidding. Their skin was grey and clammy, and several areas were showing the muscles and bone. I just know whoever or whatever they are, living wouldn't classify them.

Even though it was dark I could tell more of those things were moving towards the sound. Whatever they are, it's like they're attracted to noise. I hope they can't hear heartbeats because mine was making a huge ruckus in my chest.

I heard the men shout and blasts rang through the store. They must've spotted those things and shot them with guns. Not the quietest weapon in existence, genius. The things that hadn't gone by now moved more quickly. It was when I heard someone scream and flesh being torn apart that I realized what was going on. After I gagged as quietly as possible.

These rotting people were hunters! They must sense prey with their hearing and move towards the source of whatever made some noise. If it was a person, not good. I could still hear shouting from the others, but it sounded like they were leaving their buddy behind.

The things seemed to have gotten to their meal. Quietly as I could I opened the door and began to sneak out of the store. I kept ducking behind the shelves to avoid detection. The sound of those things eating the poor soul fills my ears and my heart lurched. That guy didn't deserve this fate. Why'd he have to go like this? Why in this universe would something so horrible be allowed to…

Something snarled and tackled me from behind. We both fell. I looked to see one of those things was trying to take a bite out of my spleen. Oh no you don't! I punched it with my fist. It didn't do anything so I punched it again. It still maintained it's purpose of trying to bite me.

Lying on a shelf nearby was some pole. I grabbed it just in time to shove it into the thing's mouth. I finally noticed my waist had a lot of knives and a couple of tomahawks? Why am I carrying those?

The thing snarled. Using the pole to keep it back I drew one of those knives. The blade was made of stone? What the…no time to question. I buried the knife in the thing's head. It finally went down. In the dim light I realized this had been a woman.

More growls and snarls. I turned and saw some more of those things, men and women, were coming at me. The scuffle must've alerted them that something else was for breakfast. Me.

Well, not if I can help it.

I took the knife and threw it at one that used to be a middle-aged man, from the looks. Direct hit. In the chest. What the? He was still coming!

Throwing the corpse of the woman off me, I took out my tomahawks and prepared for a fight. I don't think I was going to last long against all of them.

The dude was almost on me, snarling and making me more scared than I already was. I swung my weapon at his neck, slicing it open and sending him tumbling. The next one, a heavyset guy, I sliced open his stomach and kicked his leg so hard I heard it break.

Without a second wasted I kicked out behind me and felt my foot connect with one of them. I heard it fall onto a shelf as its skull cracked. Gross! Focus. Death is literally coming towards you.

The other things were almost on me, so I started slicing their arms and legs. How was I so good and skilled? No time to worry about that! I kept swinging my weapons and crippled them.

Breathing heavily, I retrieved the knife I had thrown earlier. It was still embedded in the chest. The thing tried to grab me. It was still alive!

I jumped and moved back as I turned to look behind me. Those things were all still alive! They were all growling fiercely and moving towards me despite the wounds I inflicted on them. They should've died from them. Unless…

I was standing under a window, and relatively close to the doors, so I could see them a little better. The eyes were completely white and soulless, and the lips of many had fallen off. Many of them had fresh wounds bleeding and the big one had some guts spilling out. I've seen a lot of disturbing things but nothing like this. It was beyond disgusting.

One was almost at me, crawling on the ground where I had broken its leg. I swung my foot at its head. The kick I gave it was enough that I heard the skull crack. Not a pleasant sound. The thing stopped moving after that.

I then kicked the one that had my knife just as hard. Not checking to see if it was down or not I retrieved my knife. I still don't understand what's going on here but I know there's one thing I had to do.

I bolted out of the store.