Magic's Marshal, or here is how you fight a war.

I only own my OCs the rest is owned by their respective authors/writer/creators/owners/whoever the hell else.

"Jono" Spoken

'Jono' Thought/familiar communicating

'Jono' forced thought/implanted though

"Jono" Newspaper articles

Jono Chapter Title/Location or narrative change,

Jono Recap

(Jono) Music choice for scene, few and very far between, or a poem that will be across a few scenes.

Did anyone, not considered dark, question Dumbledore's decisions? If No then I only own my version of this premise… Silently Watches is better at these types of disclaimer, I won't try this again.

A/N: Now I have seen a few other Fics like this, which will be explained in due course, and I just felt like throwing my hat into the arena.

Now the Warnings: Grey-Dark!Harry; Elementalist!Harry; Animagus!Harry; Soulswapped!Harry; Genius!Harry; Alive!James; WBWL; Lords and Ladies; GreaterGood!Dumbledore; Eventual HarryXMulti;

Planned Crossovers are Teen Titans, Nasuverse, and Gate, more to follow possibly. Starts in Goblet of Fire may have a flash back chapters

I will be moving the time line to start at the year 2000, with Harry being 4 years older than his younger brother. More warnings to follow as the Series progresses.

Bashings: Severe: Dumbledore, Molly, Ginny, Ron Weasley, Remus Lupin, WereToad; Mild: Severus Snape until a few books in, Minerva McGonagall, Order of the Fried Chicken, British Government both sides of the veil. Subject to change.

Rating: M due to finding people actually seem to prefer my Darker characters, or versions of them, so expect Gorey/bloody stuff and all other evilly things… we'll have warnings before the pertinent scenes.

Don't expect anymore updates from me till the Summer.

So shall we begin?

Chapter 1: Have a Nice Die?

The day had started off so normally.


Got to work, got through my shift, clocked out and headed home.


Shame I never made it back…


I had to get that kid out of harm's way…


What the hell was I thinking snatching the kid out of the way… whilst on a speeding motorbike?

Beep beep beep

"We're losing him!"

I always had that fucking hero complex.

Beep beep beep beeeeeee.

I guess… it doesn't matter now…

"Charge the defibrillator now!"

Save me a seat by the fire grandad… I'm coming home…


(Hotel California: the eagles… acoustic if you can find it)

"Not quite." An exasperated voice sounded from above me. "Mr Knox I must ask you to stand up. I would also like to welcome you to the H.E.R.E. , otherwise known as the Humanoid Extra Relative to Existential Affairs"

"I thought I was dead…" I wheezed as air once more filled my lungs.

"Well you are… technically." The voice stated.

"What do you mean technically?" I grumbled as I pulled myself up on a nearby office chair.

"What I mean Mr Knox, may I call you Reign, is that your body has expired but you still have years left that you haven't used, so you have shuffled off the mortal coil with credit as it were. Now in most cases like this, where you save someone's life, we would give those years to someone else, usually, the person you saved, in this case, however that would leave any normal person with enough credit to completely shatter the balance for their life." The person stated looking at me disapprovingly. "It is exceedingly rare that someone has 80 years' worth of Credit, Mr Knox."

"Well sorry about that Mr…." I trailed off.

"Allister…" He replied with a smirk.

"Oh Smeg…" I muttered.

"Quite." Allister smirked, before frowning again "Before we press too far ahead I have been enlisted, along with a plethora of beings of all pantheons and 'Mythologies', to replace a certain wayward soul and for this replacement to collect another debtor soul. Now with your current line of Credit you have three choices: Firstly you come with me and become a Demon, this has been coined in the modern context as the Blackadder version of Hell; Option two we send you back into you battered and broken body to live out the rest of your days as a… vegetable I believe; the third option is the most complex."

"And that option is?" I asked, in truth option 1 sounded pretty good.

Allister smiled, it was not a reassuring look, "I take your soul and put you in a world of magic and madness, with your line of credit you will also be able to afford some optional extras… now if you had been killed in say India or the rest of Asia you would have on into a soul cycle and those extra would have been afforded to you then, but that is neither here nor there." He sighed before handing me across a pamphlet. "These are the options I would recommend." He smirked.

Elemental Affinity: within a Magic… "You must be joking." I drawled.

"Where you are going you will have magic, now keep reading we don't have a… alright we do have an infinite amount of time but I've got other things I want to do." Allister grumbled.

Elemental Affinity: within a Magic using body you will have an enhanced affinity to all humeral elements as well as light and darkness.

Ancient line: Personal, your new birth family will be unable to claim: Recommendation: Emyrs, due to Pendragon having control of the whole of Britain the house of Emyrs was given the governance of the Magical population. Vast wealth and magical artefacts, linked to line of Le Fey due to marriage, one marriage contract still in lieu with the Druids. Total of 8 votes in government under house control.

Otherworldly magic: Fire Emblem, Dragon age and Star Ocean, Books to be included into the vessels private holdings.

Natural Occulmens and Legilimenns: Natural mind shields that will reinforce as you age and the ability to detect if anyone tries to invade you mind. Enhanced abilities to attack another entities mind.

Memory retention: Retain all memories from your previous life, for souls headed further back the time stream certain memories will be censored to prevent paradoxes.

Minor Metamorphism: linked through magic ability.

"Is the memory one going to be a problem?" I asked.

"You are going to an earlier date if that is what you are asking, however you are also going to a parallel reality so that shouldn't matter as much… I would advise betting against Liverpool in any case, you're from the only reality where they are ever any good." He explains with a chuckle.

"All of these skills are fine and dandy but is there a backstory for where I will be headed or is it a surprise?" I asked.

"I take it you are choosing the third option then?" Allister asked, after I nodded he continued "Splendid, you out of the current selection are, sorry were, the one with the highest credit as such you also have the highest number, and quite frankly the most useful, add-ons, I swear one chose an option that they would irresistible to the opposite sex… he died a literal death by snu-snu as it were."

"What a way to go…" I said, quite proud of the kid who did that.

"Quite… Now you will get an outline of the main points a year before the first pivotal event, all you have to do is survive any way you can… Also, I should add that any actions you take within the vessel we place you in will in the end not matter, where you end up after you die… you are locked into becoming a Demon." He said with a smirk.

"Blackadder Hell, right?" I asked, with him replying with a nod "Just for curiosities sake, what does the 'fter' stand for?"

"You don't want to know." Allister stated as the room started to fade.

Dark cramped space - ?-Time – Reign's POV

I awoke in a warm and wet space unable to move, there was a steady thud-dump sound echoing around where I was. A few thoughts echoed around my head over where I could be and the most ludicrous one seemed to be the correct answer… I was about to be birthed. I will just let the sheer horror I felt at the moment sink in with you before we move on.




'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' I tried to scream as I was pushed head first through the birth canal.

The only time I had seen something as horrific as I was currently experiencing was in Health class at school when they showed us an accelerated smoker's lung. In what seemed like an age, but couldn't have been more than an hour, I could see daylight… I would also never look at a vagina the same way again.

"He defiantly has a healthy pair of lungs on him." A male voice joked, as I could still understand him I must be in either England or the US.

"That is very true Mr Potter" a strong Pakistani accented voice stated, definitely England then.

"Is he healthy, Dr Singh?" The woman, who must be my new mother, asked.

"He seems perfectly healthy, we will check on him later after you have had a rest. After that ordeal, you will need it." Dr Singh replied as I was handed over to her, to then being offered a surreally large breast… not one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life I can tell you.

"So have you decided on a name yet Lil?" Mr Potter said, the cogs in my head were starting to whir and I wasn't liking where they were headed.

"Harry. I am going to call him Harry, James." Lil Potter… told her husband James the name of her son Harry… Needless to say, I pissed and shat myself and it had nothing to do with being a baby.

6 Months later

Pretending to be a baby is harder than you would think, routinely having to shit myself was a chore, but being presented a nipple whenever you cried and aiming your piss at a certain Peter Pettigrew were the perks, though. At around, I am guessing here as you don't usually get shown a calendar much a baby, that it had been around half a year since I was born when the bearded goat fucker arrived.

"Ah so this is young Harry, is it? He looks a lot like you did at that age James." Dumbledore said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"He is also a little rascal like James was as well." Came the shouted reply from my grandfather, Charles Fleamont Potter, causing the Gandalf lookalike to chuckle.

"He also seems to have a fascination with urinating on Peter, gave us all a good laugh when we worked out he was doing it purposefully." James said with a chuckle.

"How curious, he must be very intelligent for such a young age… would you mind if I check him to see if there is anything that the healers have missed." Dumbledore asked.

"Not at all headmaster, though I would feel better if we were in the room as well." James stated as he pointed to Lily and himself.

"Of course my boy, of course," Dumbledore replied, his grandfatherly mask slipping for an instant. With a swish a wave of energy flowed over me, centring on my heart before dissipating. "He has a very large magic core for a child, I would advise binding it for now otherwise you would be in for a hell of a time when he starts preforming accidental magic." Dumbledore state before locking eyes with me.

A second later a presence was pressing on the middle of my head. 'Be gone' I screamed in my mind at the presence as I lashed out. Dumbledore stumbled back as his Legilimency probe was repelled. Feeling annoyed by his attempt to attack my mind I tried to talk. "Lily I think his trying to say something…" James shouted as he placed me on the table.

"Goat Fucker" I slurred out, pointing at Dumbledore.

A second passed then another before everyone in the room turned to look at James. "It wasn't me who taught him that!" He squeaked under the pressure of everyone's gazes.

"James if either you or Sirius had anything to do with Harry's first words being that… you will wish Voldemort got to you first." Lily stated as she gripped James' crotch.

"It wasn't me…" James squeaked.

"We will get back to that latter… Harry can you say mummy?" Lily cooed.

"Mummy." I chirped, may as well have fun with this.

"Can you say daddy?" James cooed.

"Daddy… Couch!" I gurgled, Lily had gone off to call the rest of the marauders.

"That one was defiantly from Lily… or Mum." James grumbled as the other marauders stormed through the Floo.

"Who's he spoken to so far?!" Sirius shouted as he rushed over.

"Horn-dog!" I gurgled, this prank was funny but I was rapidly losing my self-respect over it.

"Sirius Black what have you been doing around my son!" Lily hissed as she advanced on the now cowering man.

"Nothing I swear! I gave him one piggy back ride when I was a dog but that's it!" Sirius whimpered as he tried, and failed, to hide behind Remus.

"What about me Cub?" Remus asked as he crouched down to look at me at eye level.

"Moony… good Wolfie!" I gurgled, before turning to look at Peter.

"What about me little one?" Peter asked, making a concerted effort to stay out of piss range.

"Bad man." I said clearly, everyone looked between us strangely.

"Harry that isn't very nice." James stated, before turning and apologising to Peter.

"Lily I do believe you son may be a natural Occulmens…" Dumbledore stated, at an astonished look from the room he added "I may have used Legilimency on Harry after he showed that he was highly cognisant."

"What happened…?" Lily growled out, clearly not very happy about Dumbles messing with my mind.

"He repelled me, but I believe it may have sped up his maturity." Dumbledore theorised.

"Albus, would you mind tell me why you tried to use the mind arts on my grandson?" Charles growled.

"I just told you that…" Dumbledore started only to me cut off.

"Don't act like a fool with me Albus! Your mask has never fooled me so tell me the truth now or I will bar you from this house!" Charles roared at him.

"I feared for that which I did not know." Dumbledore stated, glaring at my Grandfather.

"Basically you didn't like that he seemed to know what we were saying. Are you really that insecure?" Charles snarled.

"That is enough Charles! I will leave you with a piece of advice, you would do well to place a block on his magic otherwise he will have powerful accidental magic." Dumbledore growled before he stalked out of the house, shortly followed by Pettigrew.

3 years later

Lily was pregnant, so I could tell this wasn't going to be the idyllic potters lived scenario. "James for the last time I will not loan money to Dumbledore and his foolish order!" Charles shout echoed through the house, this was a long standing argument here that had James stripped of his Heir vault a few months past.

"How can you stand there and do nothing whilst he is out there?!" James raged.

"I am doing something! We have had the death eaters removed from the ministry and use of lethal force allowed for the Aurors, even now we are cutting down on the number of death eaters as they have lost their recruiters. The main problems we face come from Dumbledore and his pacifist faction!" Charles roared.

"Don't they ever get tired of this argument?" I grumbled as I read a book on wizarding law, and didn't that freak out my 'parents'.

Things had changed within me in the last 2 years, I now had the physical ability to actually use my intellect. I grew a reasonable amount as well… I miss being tall, 6 foot nothing I may have been but to now barely reach thigh level of most people is very humiliating. My 'parents' are somewhere between horrified and awestruck at the speed I am getting through things: reading at a very high level after they got me a pair of glasses; writing, even though I still have my handwriting that is fit for a doctor; as my vocal cords developed as well my range of vocabulary also increased. They were hailing me as a genius… but I just felt like I used a cheat code to win a game.

Things were progressing outside our little group as well.

The war hadn't been going as badly as in the books, Voldemort had a foot hold in the country that was true however it was on the western coast and the old pureblood heartlands of Devon and Wales. With the Aurors only allowed to use non-lethal force, the tide was flowing in the death eaters' favour. In the past month, they had encroached into Cumbria and all of the counties south of London were under their control. This action is what galvanised the neutral families, led by Charles Potter and Alexander Greengrass, to expel all marked death eaters from the Wizengamot and ratify the use of lethal force against death eaters.

Dumbledore as it happened was against both of these motions, which lost him a surprisingly large pool of supporters.

This was so divergent from what I remembered from the books I had to second guess every other piece of information that I had: first Charles and Dorea Potter were meant to be dead by now; Trelawney was supposed to have given the prophecy by now; the war was meant to be a lot more bloody.

This is what has lead me to reading the law books, James wasn't the favoured son that he was portrayed by all and sundry and I being trained to be Potter Heir over my own 'Father'… He is still pissed about that.

"Can't you see that Dumbledore is trying to save as many people as he can? We are a small community as it is and this war is decimating us." James shouted, breaking my concentrate on a paragraph about inheritance law.

"If Dumbledore and the Dark would stop driving the first gens and legacies away we wouldn't be in this situation! Out of every 1000 muggles born 9 first gens are born, and we ostracise and marginalise them in our community! Pureblood inbreeding has reached the point that your son is the most powerful heir, solely due to having a first gen as a mother, the only current pureblood Heir that was so powerful at his age is William Weasley and that is because the Weasley's and Prewett's had never intermarried." Charles roared in reply, say what you would about the old man he did keep apprised of the research in other countries mainly due to him having businesses there.

As the shouting died down again I got back to my reading, '…if any minor has more than one Lord/Ladyship that s/he can claim them in the eyes of all: Crown, Country and Magic; is considered an emancipated minor under the aegis of whoever they choose to act as regent. Addendum 241A: due to the ratification of the lost blood act, otherwise known as the blood preservation act, in 1924 any Lord/lady with more than a single lord/ladyship is required to have an equal number of spouses or produce an heir for each house from a different sire/mother, in the case of a Lady who is a lesbian it is encouraged for the lady to use a potion or charm to facilitate impregnation of their significant other. In the case of metamorphmagi, it is greatly encouraged it be both the sire and mother of multiple children for the greater good of wizard kind.'

"I keep forgetting that despite the date they still believe themselves to be in the middle ages." I grumbled, not noticing the shadow looming over me.

"A bit of light reading Harry?" The voice of Dumbledore asked from behind me.

"You could say that," I grumbled as I turned to look at him. He seemed to have aged considerably since the last time he was here: his back once straight had a slight hunch to it; his face that once had a dignified age to it was now showing his advanced years.

"It is a shame that your grandfather is so against my way of doing things… I also heard recently that he is thinking of naming you Heir over your father. Tell me Harry how do you view how the war is going?" Dumbledore asked as he sat down opposite me.

"Better than it could have, until the Aurors were allowed to use lethal methods we were losing. Now we are gaining ground again." I stated as I turned my attention back to my book.

"It is a shame when young minds, have such a callous disregard for human life. Tell me, Harry, if you were told that at the cost a few people you could save everyone else, what would you do?" Dumbledore asked, causing me to look up. He looks every single last one of his many years and looked as if none of them had been easy.

"Ask the people that would have to die… you're asking one now aren't you Dumbledore?" I asked, as he flinched.

"I very well may be young Harry. I have striven for the greater good of our community for many years Harry but our world is like a sinking ship… for every hole, I plug another opens. I have to confess that I envy you in a way Harry, you may never have to know the harsh reality of the world. I just want you to know that everything I have done and will do is for the greater good." Dumbledore stated as he stood up and made to leave the room.

"They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, if I end up there Albus I will save you a seat by the fire. I have no intention of dying young." I tell his retreating back.

"I hope you haven't done anything to earn that at such a young age…" Dumbledore grumbled as he left the room.

9 months later

The last 9 months had been hectic in the wizarding world, the war has continued a pace with neither side ready to give in. The death eaters had total control of wizarding Wales but had been pushed out of all other territories, the problem was that any attempts by wizards to go to either side of the border ended in a very bloody death.

Walburga Black had died leaving Sirius the now Lord Black, as his Godson he named me Heir "Until I find the right Lady Black for me… or the contraceptive spell fails." He told me, probably believing I wouldn't know what he was talking about. This, unfortunately, started to add to the number of Lordships I may end up having: I presently had an arranged marriage with Daphne Greengrass due to the alliance with their family, with two children minimum needed due to Daphne being Heiress Greengrass; The marriage to a druid family due to the house of Emyrs; and Sirius probably getting drunk and arranging a marriage that he probably won't remember doing, though if that was Nymphadora I wouldn't complain as we had become fast friends on the few times we had met.

I also made an impression on Ted and Andromeda Tonks, and nee Black as Sirius had reinstated her and cut off her sisters, as I started to ask them both questions about certain laws, as they owned a law firm with Ted being the criminal Lawyer and Andromeda a civil. I had learned early on that downplaying my intelligence didn't work as James was a bloody braggart, especially when he gets any alcohol in his system.

In regards to my 'Family' we had two new members, which Albus in one of his conversations/confessionals with me said he didn't expect and didn't match with his problem, a boy and a girl: The boy, James Jr, was a carbon copy of James, so much so that if he hadn't of popped out of Lily I would swear James performed Mitosis, I thought my 'father' couldn't get more egotistical until I heard what he named his son; The girl, Iris, was a lot like Lily, green eyes of a darker shade than Lily's and darker red hair, but she still had some traits from her father, his cheekbones and chin.

With children that were sure to develop normally they turned their attention to them, as by this stage I was mostly independent and if they needed to the Potter house elves were very well trained.

Things took a turn for the worse though a month after the twins were born Dumbledore unveiled his plan. The prophecy was coming into play, and as he firmly believed I would die he even felt ballsy enough to tell me the amount the Voldemort knew: On the 10th months death the veil will rip and the champion of magic will rise, by blood and by will the Dark lord will fall to the champion, for the champion will be his equal and opposite.

Once again a divergence… at this rate I will have to wonder if anything is concurrent with the written narrative. Needless to say he asked for the Potters to go into hiding, James was all for it but Charles was not and demanded that we all stay at the manor with its stronger defences.

"Charles the ward scheme would prevent me from casting a fidelious charm." Dumbledore stated, eyes sorrowful but twinkling.

"We both know that charm is only as good as the keeper! You can't even have a double redundancy put in, that you place the identity of the secret keeper under a fidelious." Charles snarled.

"Now, now, we need to have trust in these turbulent times. One of James friends would be best for the job." Dumbledore stated.

"Sirius would be perfect!" James exclaimed.

"But obvious my boy, how about Peter? He is a very loyal friend, isn't he?" Dumbledore asked, with the twinkle going full strength.

"I'm staying here then." I stated, glaring at Dumbledore.

"No you will be coming with us!" Lily shouted, making to snatch me out of my chair.

"I would rather trust a basilisk than the rat! At least you can trust the basilisk is going to kill you, the rat is more two faced than Janus!" I snapped as I ran over to Charles and Dorea.

"He is a trusted friend of the family!" James roared, and tried to snatch me himself only for Charles to pick me up and place me at his hip.

"Enough! Harry has seen something wrong with Pettigrew since the time he could talk, I am starting to be inclined to agree with him especially as he had taken to wearing, in the middle of a 30+ degree heat wave, a long sleeve robe! Can you really tell me that isn't even a little suspicious? Son even your mother, as complete a pureblood lady as she is, was wearing a sleeveless dress in that weather!" Charles snarled as he held me away from James.

"He is my son!" James snarled back.

"As you are mine, if I can't get you to see sense what makes you think you can obscure your son's!" Charles snaps as he hands me to Dorea.

"It's alright Harry, you'll be safe here." Dorea cooed as she rubbed my back.

"He is our son and he is going with us!" Lily screeched.

"He is my Heir, yes James I have had enough, and you both know that in the eyes of the courts he is my responsibility over any other guardian, I will take it that far if I must. You are both good parents but you have never been able to connect with Harry. I will take him to see you at least once a week, but he will spend the majority of his time here, learning what he needs to take up his position." Charles said calmly.

"Charles surely this is not necessary!" Dumbledore exclaimed, as both Lily and James were struck dumb.

"I'm afraid it is, I also don't see what place you have Albus in butting into family matters." Charles stated.

"If that is how you wish it father… then Harry can stay here and you can train him to be your heir during the week but over the weekend he will be with us. That should be palatable enough for you correct?" James growled, hate glinting in his eyes.

"It is less then I hoped but I see you are still under Albus' sway. That shall have to do." Charles grumbled as Dumbledore and my 'Parents' stormed out.

"Why do they follow that fool?" I questioned as Dorea held me close.

"That would be my fault until the war started and he advocated placating the death eater, I was a firm supporter of Dumbledore's. I have since seen that his star has waned. When he fought with everyone against Grindelwald's army, or as the Mundane calls them the Nazi's as he had their leader under the Imperious curse, he was a fighter with steel in his eyes and fought on the frontlines like the rest of us, I fought with the armoured division. He has since turned into an armchair general and a pacifist, and a hypocrite." Charles lectured, as he smiled at the browning machinegun he brought back from the war. He told me that it got shredded by German gunfire and was going to be scrapped, he shrunk it and pocketed it to repair when he got home, and he still had a few crates worth of ammo to go with it.

A month later

Charles decided to take me to Gringotts to confirm my heirship, as he said that James had done something unforgivable and I decided not to press, the goblins however decided that I needed a complete inheritance test to check that they weren't being defrauded, as well as taking another 20 Galleons from Charles.

The test proved a surprise for all in the room as it named myself not only the heir of House Potter and Emyrs but also the regent of House Le Fey as it was matriarchal as the line was tied to the Emyrs line by magic and in this case marriage. "Well, that's annoying…" I grumbled as I read the next section.

2 Marriage contracts enforceable: Druid lines. Remaining lines: Bones; Black; Greengrass; Prewett; Rosier. "We can take Prewett and Rosier off that list right now, as the only female Prewett left is married and the Rosier are siding with Voldemort," Charles stated. "The Bones and Greengrass families have both got girls that are a year your junior and the Blacks… that is where things get complicated as there is a Female born of Black blood but if she is still counted by their house magic is a completely different matter."

As the writing continued we found that the decision had been taken out of our hands. 1 Marriage contract per signature of the Lord of House Potter: House of Black: Nymphadora Celeste Tonks to one Hadrian James Potter, signed by ones Sirius Orion Black current scion of House Black and James Potter ineligible for Lordship since 20 minutes ago. "There is always something…" I grumbled as I thought of the inevitability of having 3 wives due to how backwards the laws of the ministry were.

"We'll discuss this with Andromeda before we sign it, as I highly doubt my idiot son or Sirius will have asked her permission." Charles growled.

"Well, I presume that you want to see your vaults?" The goblin, with more than a hint of exasperation, said.

"Just a balance will do for now." Grandfather stated, before mumbling something about carts and death-traps.

"Very well, we'll start with the Potter accounts, then: The main family account's, under the sole control of you Lord Potter, liquid assets account for 1,030,056,000 Galleons approximately, with jewels and heirlooms we reach another half to that as they are more easily exchangeable, the property gets trickier as the values are in a state of flux due to your current war but you own a third of the stocks in: The Daily profit; The new Wizarding Wireless; Nimbus; and The Quality Quidditch Supplies; half the stocks in Gladrags and varying potion suppliers; ten percent interest in Salem Military School, which is making strides at present as the Americans have stayed out of the conflict; three French vineyards, as well as a Italian and one in Australasia; 2 Potion parts supply farms, one plant based and one animal based, both in America; and various homes in countries around the world, the full list will be sent across to you so that we can both save time.

"The Heir account, which is now in your hands Heir Potter, has a minimum amount of 1.5 thousand galleons before the lord is notified. At present the account has 2.5 thousand Galleons with some Sickles and Knut thrown in, it was nearly cleared out by your predecessor into the hands of Dumbledore but your grandfather put a stop to this, the account gets a stipend of 10 thousand Galleons per annum until you reach school age at which point it doubles. After your third year, the amount doubles again, and once more on 5th year, before settling at 100 thousand per annum once you leave. The lower limit is also doubled at to follow the increase though so be warned.

"Finally the trust Vault for one James Potter, this account has a total of 500 thousand Galleons and will not be refilled until after the death of one Albus Dumbledore. The access of one James Potter and his spouse and other children have been limited to this account until a blood quill signed order comes from the then Lord Potter to countermand this order." The Goblin listed, in a monotone the entire time.

"Very interesting…" I mutter, thinking more on the Prophet than the profit.

"Now the Emyrs accounts are more difficult as we are unable to access them until a blood seal is broken, which we advise against until you are undergoing puberty as the magical outflow caused has been known to be… detrimental to growth and general health. We have got three books that were meant to be sealed within the vault but were waylaid that can be given over, though they may be a bit advance for the wizards of today.

"The Le Fay accounts are the same and have a more specific requirement… that you are physiologically unable to provide.

"Finally you have access to the Black's Heir account that has much the same rules as your Potter account except that the amount you have to start is 150 thousand Galleons and the baseline is set at 10 thousand, the stipend rate is also set at double with end tally at 150 thousand." The Goblin concluded.

"I guess I don't need to worry about going hungry anytime soon then." I quipped to Charles, as the Goblin passed a note to his… I think this is a he… smaller fellow.

"Hand that to Gripshaft and bring what he gives you back here." The Goblin ordered.

"Yes Account manager Knutsack (1)!" The younger goblin replied as they scurried away.

"I take it that he… or was that a she… has gone to get the books then?" I asked as I tried to wrap my head around the new information. 152.5 thousand Galleons as a start fund, 30 thousand per annum refill that doubles at the start of school then every two years hence… but how many pounds per galleon or was it the Sickle that was equated to the pound?

"Yes and more. Before we go any further do you have any questions?" Knutsack asked.

"Do you invest in the… Mundane side?" I asked, thinking it would be more expedient than asking the exchange rate.

"In theory we could with permission from the Lord of an Ancient house, or better, but unless asked by such we are bound by treaties not to." Knutsack answered, looking a little intrigued.

"Grandfather… Can we invest in something? I have a feeling about it." I asked, not expecting much.

"If, and that is a big if, I make it so that you can invest in something it will be based off of your money. I may be interested, and have my own small stake, in the Muggle world but I think this may prove to be an object lesson for you. Investing is a lot like gambling, both should be left in either the hands of professionals or fools." Charles stated with a firm nod.

"Do I have permission or not?" I asked.

"You may invest in three companies only… and if they fail then you will not try again until after you leave school or I tell you that you may try again." Charles said with a glare.

"Mr Knutsack, if I ask you about specific companies can you invest in them for me?" I asked.

"Yes, as long as they ae trading in stocks." He replied.

"Microsoft?" he nodded "Apple?" he nodded again "Mediterranean Shipping Company?" he frowned but nodded. "Is it possible it invest a quarter of my Black heir vault into each of these companies?" I asked.

"The last will be tricky but the rest we will be happy to, it may cause some problems for our mundane equivalents as your first two companies are competitive but…" Knutsack shrugged.

"Not your problem." I finished for him.

"Exactly." He said with a feral grin.

Before any more questions could be asked a knock sounds from the door, with a shouted enter from Knutsack, the younger goblin entered the room holding a dusty stone chest covered in cobwebs, and the goblin looked as if he was just pulled out from a spiders den as well.

"I trust that you have retrieved everything?" Knutsack asked, humour dancing in his eyes.

"Yes sir… I am afraid to say that we lost Gobshite and Pustule to venomous spiders in the archives though," The younger goblin stated before placing the chest on the table, not noticing the rainbow coloured spider on his shoulder.

"Looks like we will be losing Twatlee as well, his name is well earned though so it isn't a big loss." Knutsack commented as he fished an ancient key, made of bone not metal, out of his desk. "After this we will not be able to open this chest again so, for all that is left in you wizard's heads. Don't. Close. The. Box!" He growled at us as he upends the chest on his desk.

"Why did they only make a key that can be used once then?" I asked.

"You know that Emyrs can time travel? He got the idea from Video games… all of his treasures are locked with keys from within the same area, it is a nightmare when we find the box and a broken key." Knutsack explained as he rested his head on the desk, whilst I and Charles pointedly ignore the frustrated sob.

After a couple of moments Knutsack recovered himself enough to get back on task "In this chest we have the remaining beginners level spells, though he called them apprentice level, of elemental magic, fire ice wind and thunder respectively, what he referred to as light magic, though it reads lightning on the book, and arcane magic, or dark as the case may be. We can give you all of these now as well as the Heir rings of all the houses that you possess that title to, as by wizarding law you may not claim lordship until you are 15 unless the current Lord of your primary house either dies or abdicates in favour of you." Knutsack lists as he places 4 rings on the table in front of me.

The first ring, of the house of Emyrs, had no animal on it, and looked reasonably simple, as it only showed a sword crossed with a staff with a crown placed in the upper quadrant, the ring itself was in silver with a sapphire in the top of the staff, a ruby on the pommel of the sword, and a diamond in the centre. The second ring was also in silver and the design was the mirror opposite of the Emyrs ring, the gems on the ring were different: the sapphire was replaced with an emerald, the ruby replaced by amethyst, and the diamond in the centre instead of being white was pitch black; it didn't take much to guess that this was the Le Fey ring. The third ring was newer as it had an animal as the centrepiece, a crow holding a sword in its right talons whilst there was a wand in the other, the only other piece of interest of the Black ring is that it had no jewels inlaid. The final ring was also in Silver but whilst the others didn't have a coloured face plate this one did: the face plate was a golden griffin with a red ruby for an eye holding a silver shield, that had an arrow stuck in it, the details on the griffin was such that you could see the individual feathers.

"We will have you put them on in order of: Potter; Black; Emyrs; Le Fey." Knutsack stated, returning my attention from the rings to him. "When you take up the Heirships you must state clearly 'I … Claim my heirship of house … by right of blood, will and magic, so mote it be.'. Do you understand?"

"Yes, let the fireworks begin…" I end with a mutter. As I grab the Potter ring and slide it on my left ring finger I state "I Hadrian James Potter claim my heirship of the house of Potter by right of blood will and magic, so mote it be." As the final syllable left my mouth a red aura envelopes me from the ring, and stays there for a minute before receding back into the ring. "One down… three more to go." I mutter as I pick up the next ring.

"I Hadrian James Potter claim my heirship of the house of Black by right of blood will and magic, so mote it be." An aura as black as the name sprang up around me from the ring, this one squeezed me though as if to test my resolve, after a few moments the aura receded leaving me winded. "Half way there…" I wheeze as I gulp in air. As I look at my hand I see that the Potter ring and the Black ring hand moved to my middle finger, and where forming a strange Ying/Yang motif against each other.

"I Hadrian James Potter claim my heirship of the house of Emyrs by right of blood will and magic, so mote it be." I intone as I place the Emyrs ring on my left ring finger. A golden aura envelops me like the others but this time there was more than just a light show and a squeeze, the aura spoke.

"Thou whom hast to be tested take heed for only mine by the will of magic may claim my inheritance, blood and deed are secondary in this endeavour. If thou are worthy I wish thou luck; if thou aren't then you will not need any." Reverberated through my skull as a pressure squeezed it, blood started to drip from my nose as a long minute passed. "Thou are worthy but be warned, many trials lay in wait for you. I hope you will not disappoint."

"Harry!" Charles shouted as I slumped back into the chair, the aura having retracted. The ring on my left middle finger now had the Emyrs symbol above the merge of Black and Potter.

"I'm fine… just need a moment to catch my breath." I gasped as I tried to stop the pounding in my head. "We may have a problem with the last claim though."

"And what would that be?" Knutsack asked, his name not helping with the serious atmosphere.

"It is a matriarchal line." I quip, as both Goblin and Wizard face palm.

"Hadn't thought of that…" They grumbled in unison.

"Well here goes nothing…" I grumbled before I drew in a deep breath. "I, Hadrian James Potter claim stewardship of the house of Le Fey, till a female heir can take up the ladyship, by right of blood will and magic, so mote it be."

A Blood red aura surrounded me as the last syllable left my lips. "This may hurt." Was purred from the aura. A jabbing pain shot up from below the area that my testes were waiting to develop. "I probably should explain that shouldn't I." The voice purred again.

"That would be much appreciated." I squeaked.

"I have made it that your first borne will be female… also no manner of contraceptive will work." The voice of I could only guess was Morgana purred.

"…Way that spell made by the no sex before marriage or something?" I asked as the pain started to subside.

"Yes, though I did change it as the original was made to only produce male heirs." The voice hissed.

"Glad that some accounts of that era were sort of correct." I grumbled before the front of my pants twisted.

"Don't get cheeky with me." The voice purred.

"Can we leave my currently empty nutsack out of this… especially as there is a Goblin by that name in the room?" I squeaked, but sighed in relief as my pants returned to normal.

"Our time runs short so I guess I will leave you with a bit of advice… The Le Fey blood runs strongest in the Black Line." The voice purred as the Red aura bled into my body.

"I am too young for this!" I grumbled.

"Why is that young wizard?" Knutsack asked.

"Because I can't drink." I grumbled. "I also will state that my first borne is Heir Le Fey… as the ring contained an echo of the last lady, same with the Emyrs ring, and she is as sadistic as she was portrayed." I added as I gingerly sat back down.

It took a short while, read as half hour, to get the events concerning the ring straightened out within our group but the day was ending and we soon needed to return to the manor.


I will never know why the family decided to gather on Halloween of all days but I could feel in my gut that something was going to go wrong, I took a slight piece of protection with me in the form of a Flux tome. Peter had ducked out once we had arrived, and Sirius headed home early to be with his latest girlfriend whilst Remus was recovering from a bad turning. As the old saying goes 'the stage was set, actors were ready all that was left was for the curtain to rise and the play to begin.'

The night strangely continued until at 9PM Charles headed home blaming a bad stomach and asked Dorea to take me back home. Now all I could do is wait for the fireworks to happen.

The Next day: General POV

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Vanquished!

Lily and Dorea Potter found dead on the scene!

Sirius Black Arrested and Released due to false lead!

James Potter Jr Boy-Who-Lived, grandfather refuses to grant Heirship!

Harry Potter holding Heirship earned by Boy-Who-Lived, refuses to give up heirship!

Lord and 'Heir' Potter Set to leave Britain, and plan to transfer their Gringotts account to a different branch, Dumbledore expresses disappointment over there decision.

'Heir' Potter to go to Salem instead of Hogwarts! First Potter since founding of the school to go elsewhere. Boy-Who-Lived still slated to go to Hogwarts as they "Refuse to leave the country they love". Heir Potter claims better scores from Salem is reason for relocation.

Albus Dumbledore refutes Heir Potters allegations, but still extends offer of place to Hogwarts. Heir Potter retains the foolhardy notion that Salem is Superior to Hogwarts.

House Bones and Greengrass to send heiresses to Salem, claiming ancient marriage contracts have activated.

Boy-Who-Lived seen in public for the first time since fall of You-Know-Who! See below for details!

Time skip: 2 years.

Boy-Who-Lives sister declared Squib! Lord refuses to remove from family, takes her to America instead. Dumbledore insists she is placed with her mother's Muggle relatives, to integrate her into their society. Lord Potter informs the paper that the two houses, Potter and Dumbledore, are on the verse of Animosity over continued interference.

'Heir' Potter welcomes sister home, refuses to talk to the Daily Prophet.

Time skip: 4 years.

Traitorous Potter 'Heir' Refuses final offer from Dumbledore to attend Hogwarts, states he is making the better decision.

Lord Potter claims his daughter is not a Squib and will be enrolled to attend Salem with her brother. James Potter states that her brother is going to Hogwarts and demands his daughter if she isn't a squib, is to go as well. Lord Potter warns James that he has already been cut off from being made Heir and there is only one further step he can take, so not to try his patience.

Albus Dumbledore expresses deep disappointment in the absentee Potter Family as they are refusing James Potter his right to the Potter seat whilst they are away, choosing as Proxy Andromeda Tonks Nee Black instead.

Time Skip: 4 years

Iris Potter attends Salem academy despite wishes of James Potter and Albus Dumbledore.

Boy-Who-Lived a Gryffindor at Hogwarts, this reporter will be one of the first to wish him the best of luck and that we expect great things from him.

James Potter Publically commits 'Secabit ex consanguinitatis propinquitate iungantur' a ritual that requires the approval of either the Chief Warlock, Minister or a consensus from the Wizengamot. The ritual, to those of you who do not know, is used to cut the blood ties from one parent to a child, this ritual usually leads to the death of the victim as a surrogate parent must be found immediately.

Iris Potter lives, Blood adopted by her own brother Harry Potter. James 'no name' stripped of right to be named Potter by his father. 'Heir' Potter states that upon his ascension to lordship he will name Iris his heir and that she will not have a marriage contract forced upon her. Britain in uproar that the Boy-Who-Lived has been passed over once again.

James 'no name' barred from Gringotts for drawing a wand on a goblin: The former member of house Potter had taken an inheritance test and found that he was unable to claim any other names, as the house of Black has sided with House Potter on his removal, in a rage he attempted to curse the Goblin.

Albus Dumbledore accepts James Dumbledore into the family, and finds himself under Animosity with House Potter, Black, Longbottom, and several others. The Light alliance has since dissolved due to his actions.

House Potter, Black and Longbottom form a new alliance with houses of the Grey, namely houses Bones and Greengrass. This new alliance has attracted many of the former members of the Light Alliance. Albus Dumbledore states that they are just another name for a Dark alliance and laments the many houses turning from the light.

The Grey Alliance calls for a vote of No Confidence in Albus Dumbledore in both of his political positions for inability to remain impartial, citing the recent actions regarding House Potters internal politics.

Quidditch world cup to be held in Britain. Ireland Vs Bulgaria!

Disaster at the Quidditch world cup as drunken revellers dressed as death eaters cause a riot at the stadium.

Triwizard tournament to be held at Hogwarts, first time that the tournament has been held in over two centuries.

Time skip: Tri Wizard tournament.

Things had not gone to plan, not at all, the older Potters had not only survived but were completely unscathed, in Charles' case because he left early but James' was a completely different matter. The 'Heir' had survived as well, Harry knew too much, he needed to either be silenced or obliviated to keep what he knew safe.

The only thing that was going to plan was that James Jr has been going to Hogwarts… but that wasn't truly going to plan either. The first year was a simple test of resourcefulness and the ability to lead, he failed both spectacularly to the point that Tom Riddle had nearly got the fake stone. True the stone had never really been in any danger as Flamel had refused to loan his precious stone, could he not see that it was for the greater good, he wasn't doing much with his immortality anyway he had stagnated and stopped looking for the new.

But I'm digressing, James Jr was a dyed in the wool Gryffindor, unfortunately, that meant that he barely had two brain cells to rub together, combined with his inflated ego from being constantly praised just for being alive and he became less than useless. His leadership potential was nil, he didn't have followers or allies' only sycophants or fanboy/girls. He had bravery, that was true, but he had not a single jot of wisdom to temper it. His scores were subpar across the board, not the worst but certainly not at the level he had expected. He had, for want of a better phrase, an inner circle of allies made of likeminded, and by that I mean equally or lesser intellects, boys his left hand being Ron Weasley.

His sister that was meant to be here never arrived, despite my best efforts. She was meant to be sorted into Slytherin and be hated by the school, to give James the rival he needed instead his rival was the Malfoy heir who was equally as stupid as James due to inbreeding.

The second year was worse, much worse. Tom had returned in another form, I thought this would be a good test for James Jr but alas he was not a parseltongue so he couldn't even enter the Chamber. So I had to abort that venture early. But since then young Ginevra Weasley had been acting strange, but her parents refused to take her to a mind healer. Once again James Jr was subpar in every test and outright failing potions and history.

The third year was quiet thankfully so I took the time to try and train the boy, the key word here being try. He was worse than I gave him credit for, he believed that he was owed everything for his mother and grandmothers actions. It didn't take a genius to work out that they willingly sacrificed themselves to save the children. I have since the end of his second year reread through the prophecy: On the 10th month's death the veil will rip and the champion of magic will rise, by blood and by will the Dark lord will fall to the champion, for the champion will be his equal and opposite. They shall shake the world to its foundations as death walks by their side, Legends shall fall to be replaced by the truth. The Champion shall be the Dark Lord's bane as he shall be his undoing, though should he fail he would be in Allister's grasp.

I have come to the realisation that the Prophecy may not be about the Boy but the Girl, Iris Potter who was firmly out of my grasp. Another possibility would be young Harry and if he remembered all of our meetings he wouldn't count Tom as the Dark Lord but myself, as he would be under the poor unfortunate interpretation that I was maliciously targeting his family, it is a shame but if it is him a young mind would have to be blotted out early. The only other possibilities are Luna Lovegood, a strange Ravenclaw heir who had seer blood from her mother's side, and Neville Longbottom the heir of Gryffindor, who acted more like he was the heir of Hufflepuff but that would be an impossibility as Tom killed the last of that line.

Now we reach the present, The Triwizard Tournament, the final way of knowing who the true champion in the prophecy was. Doubts of the prophecies validity have crept in lately, as everyone knows that I am the champion of magic in this modern age. I have made plans for all of the Potter siblings to be in attendance as competitors, despite the Goblet of fires reputation for being completely infallible it was surprisingly easy to slot another three schools into the matrix. The only problem is that Harry has already graduated, but that will only serve to further demonise him to the public, and his other siblings but James wasn't a big loss at this point.

General POV

The Goblet of Fire was lit all we had to do now was wait for the first name to come out. With a flash of blue, the first piece of the three pieces of parchment came out of the goblet.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum." Dumbledore shouted, as the stated boy was congratulated and moved into the side annex.

"The champion for Beauxbatons … is Fleur Delacour," Dumbledore shouted, as again the student was congratulated and moved into the side annex.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory! Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions… this vessel of victory… the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore shouted as the third champion moved off into the annex. "Now I must go to congratulate the champions and officiate on the first task as the head of the host…" What else Dumbledore was going to say was lost to history as another flash of blue came from the cup.

"James Jr Potter?!" Dumbledore exclaimed, as stated boy strutted like a peacock into the annex completely ignoring the mutters from the other students.

Another flash and another piece of parchment fell into Dumbledore's hands "Iris Potter?!" Dumbledore shouted as an array was burned into the floor in blue fire. From within the fire, a feminine figure was forming but another flash of blue distracted everyone. Another array was burned into the floor beside the first as Dumbledore read out the hopefully final name.

"Harry Emyrs."


Ending it there as we still have some ground to cover in the World building.

(1) If anyone can tell me which fic this comes from please PM me as I want to read it again.

World Building:


· is a military school that is divided into 5 divisions, each supposed to specialise different types of combat: Roc, airborne/broom tactics, sky blue; Wendigo guerrilla warfare, forest green; Aspidochelone, the giant turtles that were hunted to extinction by the wizarding world, defensive combat, or siege/urban combat, brick red; Hydra, a generalist division that also specialises in largescale combat, scores well in the monthly wargames, bronze; Caladrius, are mainly healers so are exempt from the war games but act as triage at the field hospital and safe zones, they are the only house that is able to be transferred into after the first year, white. See the uniform section for the reasons for the colour.

· Each house has a set student hierarchy: at the top we have the General, who leads all of the individual subdivisions in a house; Majors, who are in charge of a single subdivision; lieutenants who are charge of a single squad; squaddies. There are two exceptions to this rule though that of the Marshal, who has to beat every other houses generals alone and in each war style – there have only been two in the entire history of Salem – and the teachers, who have the right to call for a general or lower to be removed from their position if they feel they are incapable of performing there duty.

· The core subjects are: Potions, basic till the OWL equivalent; Charms, till OWL when it is subdivided into Charms Adv. Battle charms, and construction though the final requires a high transfiguration grade and continuation in this field; transfiguration, up to OWL then splits into Transfiguration Adv., battle Transfiguration and construction; Defence against the Dark arts, OWL level before dividing into DADA Adv., Dark arts which is an elective with approval from the ministry; History till OWL then it is optional; Occlumency till OWL or competency, then advanced courses are made available as well as their opposite in Legilimency. Herbology, as well as survival courses as one subject matter till NEWT; Mundane integration, till OWL.

· Optional subjects are: Healing, OWL onwards as it is subdivided per year depending on the level of severity going from first aid to a battlefield surgeon; Runes and Rune magic, NEWT; Mundane History and advanced integration, till NEWT; Arithmancy and Divination only for those with the sight; Ward construction and destruction till NEWT; Curse breaking and Enchanting till NEWT; Animagus training, till completion or found to lack the talent; Care of Magical Creatures, NEWT; Firearm training; Blade training; martial arts training.

· Mundane subjects, to be taken over the summer, up to Undergraduate University/ American College level: Science, divided into Biology chemistry and Physics per semester; English; Latin; Mathematics; Archaeology, History and geography are covered in Mundane integration; Engineering; Computer skills; Driving, if the person is old enough.

· Officers' subjects: Tactics, from promotion is originally the houses own speciality; military history, both Mundane and Wizarding; advanced combat training.

· Uniform: Male, Kings German Legion (KGL) tunic, in division colours with black trousers and military boots; Female is identical to male but a choice of skirt with leggings/tights is available but not encouraged. Greatcoats and other coats are permitted during the winter months and undershirts may be worn, instead of the tunics, in the summer as long as division insignia is shown at all times.
