Thank you for all of your wonderful reviews. I know there are some grammar mistakes but I do not have a beta. I try to get them all. However, I have no one to double check, like in an ideal editing process. I want to say this AU is a combination of two that wouldn't leave me alone. I do like Jen and Abby and find the Werewolf universe interesting.

The team sat down as the day started. They were in the middle of starting up their computers when they heard angry muttering from behind Gibbs. Then every agent's computer made a beep, signaling a received email. Everyone looked at each other at the noise and then read the anonymous message.

There has been a secret kept from you all. There is an unreliable agent in your midst. This man has kept secrets and how can you trust them with your backup. He is a Werewolf. Enough people cover for him. They say it is for his protection but this bastard can protect himself. It would be bad to kill him as it is now against the law. His name? Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

A muttering started as Tony, Tim and Zia stood by his desk. Ziva was between their desks, Tom between the wall and him. While Tony and Mike stood in front. Most agents joined them silently. Agents and tech guys came and joined. Out of everyone in the agency, only ten people stood opposite against the wall. They were not people they knew personally only two worked on their floor. One of them drew a gun and Tony Abby stood in front. The others who were stuffed by them drew theirs while Balboa spoke up.

"How about you ten get reassigned to a different office."

"Yeah sounds good." The man said as he lowered the weapon, or so they thought. The shot rang out as Gibbs pushed Abby down and covered her. Tony and McGee arrested the shooter. Balboa walked the others out. Mike walked over to see the other agents standing and watching Abby Check Gibbs over.

"I'm fine." He said. Everyone turned to and released a sigh of relief when she nodded.

They went back to status quo after a few hours; only once Balboa had interrogated and sent the rogue agent to another holding facility for safety. Everyone wrote their reports for the acting director. Jenny had sent the message and told the rogue agent to shoot, both went to jail. Everyone moved on slowly. The rest of the agents stuck to each other closer. They understood why Gibbs hid it but everyone accepted him. They returned to work. Donnie joined the next get together at Gibbs, which became once a week. Abby was quickly reintegrated. They all met at Gibbs house on Saturday, like usual, and were surprised to see Donnie. Abby rushed to hug him and Gibbs. After hugs and pats on the shoulder for the guys. Donnie, Gibbs, and Ducky sat on the couch. Abby and Ziva sat on the chairs while the boys sat on the coffee table.

"I'm gonna help Gibbs explain packs." Everyone looked excited, impatiently waiting until the salt and pepper haired man.

"Packs are made by at least two people. There is usually Alpha pair. Either friends or mates. Mates share a bond. This bond happens with both us and "regular humans", these people are soulmates. You get a feeling when you're with them", putting a hand on Gibbs shoulder, "And yearn and ache and burn when their gone." Abby hugged Gibbs.

"Thanks abbs." Gibbs gave a small smile. After a while he finished for Donnie.

"Packs are a group of people who love and protect each other. For you it's a family, for us it is a bonded group. This type of bond is more intensely parental. We help with all situations from a broken door to a bad day to life and death situations. When we cannot figure out a way to help we get anxious and think of nothing else."

"Like with Ari." Tony said.

"And when Tony went undercover, both for She who shall not be named and as a prisoner." Abby said, like a puzzle was solved. " Everyone was stressed but new there was no way to get Ari at the time. You couldn't leave it." Gibbs smiled fondly at their enthusiasm and nodded.

"Correct. Remember Abby when I told you Family wasn't just blood, this is why. Also Once one of mine are threatened or hurt as a werewolf all I can do is think of justice." He said.

"Meaning death or jail." Donnie elaborated. Everyone nodded.

"Packs are a group who would die and celebrate together." Gibbs said quietly. The girls looked at the two sitting beside him. Donnie and Ducky moved as they saw what they wanted to do. Ziva and Abby curled in his side.

"I am...We are glad you trusted us to share this." Ziva said. Tim spoke up.

"I almost forgot, the new Director wanted me to Give you this for a preview. He wants to give books to everyone, even though they are fine with you. It has four chapters. Chapter 1 is about the extra gene and personality. Number two is about bonds. Number three is for the increase in senses. The final chapter is about how Werewolves behave when they are threatened, either personal or the pack." Gibbs nodded.

"He's a good man I worked with him for a few months and have heard about him since." Gibbs said.

"So you trust him?" Ziva asked.


"He is a good man with great intentions and goals." Ducky added.

They visited, joked, and watched Gibbs revise, before going home. The next day Gibbs handed the revised papers and talked to Director Vance for a while. The rest of the day was spent with cold cases. After dropping Mike off at the Airport, Gibbs got a call From Nikolai. They all met for dinner. They went to Gibbs' house and played games. Sharing stories from their past.

Nikolai was telling a story in his thick Russian accent." So there I was bleeding from the chest and this guy I had only known for a month fireman carries me into the woods. We stopped when it got dark. After an hour by the campfire I notice he'd been shot. Graze to his bicep and shot to the thigh. Thankfully not anywhere near the artery. Our back up came and mission complete."

Everyone looked at Gibbs amazed.

"It's not a big deal."

"Please that is not surprising. You are amazing. You always help people. It's part of you, Donnie said it was there before the Corps. You never leave a man behind. If you can stop something you do. Like when Ari tried to shoot me." Ziva interrupted Abby.

"Or when I was in trouble and you came back from Mexico. After Somalia you stayed with me sometime holding me to keep the nightmares away." Ziva admitted. Gibbs changed the subject.

"Hey Donnie remember when you saved my ass in 95'."

"While Gibbs was captured he overheard important info. When we rescued him, he had a lot of bruising and a few cuts. Everyone was killed before they could send a sos. We sent a message in their name that nothing was leaked, right before we bombed it. We had to maintain the upper hand." His agents shared a look.

"See amazing." His agents said together. The talked a little longer and then left Gibbs. He worked on the boat before going to bed. They were truly a pack.

Hope you enjoyed. Please comment ? ゚ルツ