Be careful what you wish for


Landon Richardson and Tealrose

Official Disclaimer

The character of Steve McGarrett, Doris McGarrett, Catherine Rollins and Billy Harrington do not belong to me in any shape or form. I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes.

The character of Danni Williams could probably be considered mine by now. Although the character was originally based on male Danny Williams I think it's probably to say that she is now her own individual character. She has her own story and her own individual background now, a background and story which is different from male Danny's story. This also means that Grace is different as well since not only does she live full time with her mother but also because Danni and Duncan have a fairly civil relationship with each other. Grace's surname is also Taylor in this saga as Williams is Danni's maiden name while Taylor was her married name.

The character of Rowan McGarrett does belong to me.

Any other character who might pop up who you don't instantly recognise will probably belong to me as well. I'll hopefully catch them in time to put above though.

Author Note

Here's the next chapter for you.

Sorry there has been a delay with the chapter but real life has been getting in the way as usual. I wish it didn't but that's just the way it's been turning out at the moment so please be patient with me.

This chapter if not the end of the story, I think there is probably another two chapters to go. Two much fluffier chapters to look forward to. I'm hoping to be able to edit them and get them up fairly soon so please look out for them.

As previously mention this story is seriously not for Doris fans so if you are one then I would strongly suggest finding another chapter because she is not portrayed in a flattering manner in this story

Anyway please enjoy!

Official Summary

Doris McGarrett had a plan and she was determined that her plan would go ahead, even if it meant breaking up her son and his fiancé… after all she knew best. It was just a shame that her son didn't quite agree with her (McDanni, featuring baby McGarretts)

Chapter Summary

Steve waited until he heard the faint sound of Grace's bedroom door closing behind his fiancé before he turned his attention on his mother. Using every ounce of will power which he possessed to stop himself from losing his temper with her.

Official Romances for the story

Steve McGarrett / Danielle 'Danni' Williams (McDanni)

Mentions of past Steve McGarrett / Catherine Rollins (McRollins)

Hints of Catherine Rollins / Billy Harrington

Romances mentioned during the chapter

Steve McGarrett / Danielle 'Danni' Williams (McDanni)

Mentions of past Steve McGarrett / Catherine Rollins (McRollins)

Hints of Catherine Rollins / Billy Harrington

Other Points to keep in mind

Please bear in mind that I don't have a Beta for this story so the odd mistake may creep in without me meaning it to. I have also never been to Hawaii so all locations are either from the show, google or made up in my own mind.

Chapter Four

Steve waited until he heard the faint sound of Grace's bedroom door closing behind his fiancé before he turned his attention on his mother. Using every ounce of will power which he possessed to stop himself from losing his temper with her.

There was something about the woman opposite him which brought out the worst in him, he knew it, just as he knew that he had to keep that fact to himself. The last thing he wanted was to hand Doris any weaknesses, especially as he knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would use them against him. Son or no son.

"You heard my fiancé, you're not welcome in this house Doris, so do us all a favour and leave" Steve stated coldly before he turned his attention to Catherine, searching the dark eyes of his former lover for any sign that she may have been playing a game. There was nothing other than an expression of guilt and awkwardness telling him that she had really walked blindly into the situation, without a clue of what Doris's real game plan had been. Taking a deep breathe, he spoke, keeping his voice calm and steady. "Catherine I would appreciate if you could call Billy and see whether he can fit me in for a meeting this week, the sooner the better."

"I can understand that" Catherine said as she placed her ice tea to the side and came to her feet, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her cell phone. "I'm sure once I explain the situation to him, he'll move his schedule around to see you as soon as he can." She stated with a nod at him, thankful when he returned it. No one was more aware than she was that she had made countless of mistakes when it had come to Steve. Mistakes which could easily have cost her the friendship which she still treasured. It was something she swore to herself wouldn't happen again. From now on she would be strictly on Steve's side supporting him and Danni, like she should have been from the beginning.

"You're not the only one who has powerful friends on speed dial Steven, I have them as well, I could just as easily grab my cell and…"

"I don't give a shit about what you can and can't do" Steve interrupted, turning his gaze onto Doris again, freezing her into place. "You were declared legally dead which means that any rights you might have had to the house or any of Dad's property and belongings is gone. I'm sure that anyone who you call will be able to tell you the same thing. Dad left Mary and me the house when he died and I bought Mary out so the house is legally mine. It's not yours and it hasn't been for a very long time or did you really think that life here would have frozen while you were living it up in Japan?" Steve demanded scornfully as he took a step towards her. "You come into the home I share with my family, you repeatedly insult the woman who isn't just my everything and the love of my life but is also the mother of my daughters. You upset my eldest daughter to the point of tears and on top of that you try and destroy my friendship with Catherine because it suits you to do so. You're not here for me and you're certainly not here to mend any bridges so why don't you cut the crap and tell me the real reason you came here." He stated.

Doris gritted her teeth, trying to ignore her anger and the way Steve's look of barely concealed disgust was affecting her.

"What I want Steven is my family back. I want you and Mary back in my life." She stated, her eyes narrowing when Steve stared at her for a moment before he laughed, the bitter sound sending a chill down her spine.

This was a version of her son which she hadn't encountered before.

"Now you want the family back who you so easily abandoned when it suited you? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news Doris but that wish is one which is never going to happen. It may have escaped your notice but I'm not a small child anymore. I don't need to be rocked to sleep or read to at night or have my lunches made for me. Those days are long gone and have been for a while." He told her before continuing. "And as for Mary, she's already barred your number and put everything to do with you as blocked because she doesn't want anything to do with you either."

"I don't believe your sister would do that. I'm still your mother, I want what is best for you, I always have, if you would just listen to me then…" Doris began to say, stopping when Steve interrupted her again.

"I have listened to everything you had to say and it means nothing to me. I already have what's best for me because I have Danni. Danni and the girls are all I need. If you want what is best for me then you'll leave my home and never come back." Steve remarked coldly before he moved to the door, heading down the corridor towards the front door which he opened. He stood next to it for a moment, his arms crossed over his chest and was rewarded a moment later when Doris appeared from out of the living room, her bag in hand, and made her way towards him, stopping in front of it.

"Regardless of everything Steve I do love you, I know that we could work this out if you just gave me a chance but you're determined not to do that." She told him, frowning when he shook his head at her.

"I've given you chance after chance Doris, you were just too wrapped up in yourself to see them. I don't want to see you again, go back to your stealth and your hiding and all those covert missions which you deemed more important than your family. Oh you look surprised" Steve said, catching the way her eyes widened at his comment as she reluctantly stepped out of the door, standing in the porch area. "Did you not think that I would be able to find out what you've been doing the whole time you've been here in Hawaii? Have you so soon forgotten who I am or who I have working for me? I have a team who are the best team I've ever worked with, you should remember that. I would suggest you leave Hawaii, there is nothing for you here" He said, closing the door on her.

He stood by it for a second, leaning his forehead against the cool wood as he tried to gather his emotions together before he pushed himself away, locking the door quickly and turned, heading down the corridor towards Grace's birthday.

He could hear Catherine's voice speaking quietly away from the living room, indicating that she was already on the phone, speaking to Billy on their behalf. There was a tone to her voice which he remembered from another life time. One which told him that Catherine's interest in Billy went beyond professional.

Steve stopped outside Grace's door and opened it, stepping into her room, his heart twisting in his chest when he saw the young girl curled up in Danni's arm, clearly crying while Rowan sat in her car seat, watching the scene with a look of confusion on her face.

Grace's reaction wasn't a surprise, the small girl had always been fiercely protective of her mother, hearing someone saying those things to Danni would have angered and hurt her in equal measure.

He moved into the room, meeting Danni's eyes when she looked up at him.

"Gracie" He murmured. "I'm so sorry that Doris hurt you. I thought… I don't know what I thought but you don't need to worry because she won't be here again." Steve said, sitting down beside them, one hand running down Grace's back in an attempt to comfort her while his other hand reached out to Rowan who immediately wrapped her tiny hands around his finger and held on.

He hated seeing Grace upset like this and knowing that he was indirectly responsible. Doris would never have been in the house if it hadn't of been for him. He watched as Grace pulled away from Danni and scrubbed at her eyes before she spoke.

"I'm sorry Uncle Steve that your mummy was mean to you, Mamma explained it to me. I don't understand how she could do that to you or Auntie Mary" Grace sniffed.

"Me neither kiddo" Steve said softly, as he pulled his small family into a hug. "Me neither."

Author Note

Thanks for taking the time to read. An especially big thank you if you have left us a review, favourite the story or decided to follow it.

We really appreciate it