Hi, I'm back, after some thought I decided that I should try and write an actual story, with more than one chapter. I don't know if it will be any good, and I don't know if any one is actually going to like it, I just hope that someone has something good to say about it, and with any luck you'll all like it.

Anyway, lets begin...

Lily wasn't sure what had possessed her to ask Connie if she could assist the paramedics for the day, she was quite happy being back in the ED on her own. Maybe it was a craving for some kind of change, maybe it was the craving for some excitement maybe it was the craving for a certain paramedic. She quickly shook that thought off and grabbed her hi-vis doctors overall from her locker and slipping it on over her basic clothing.

She ventured out of the staff room and through the ED and back out of the entrance and headed for Holby ambulance station. She had her bag full of the basic things she may need in grabbing distance clutched tightly in her hand and she held her head high, ready for whatever the day may bring. Her heart was beating wildly, she really wasn't looking forward to spending the day with the paramedics, and not being able to care for a patient from start to finish, but she had requested this front line training, and now she was just going to have to live with that, with her impulsive decision.

She soon reached the ambulance station and entered slowly. She quickly spotted Jez in the small staff room, she began to walk towards him, when another brunette caught her eye. Iain had entered the staff room, and she faltered. They were now friends she guessed which was something she never thought she would say, but nothing more. She wasn't sure why his presence made her heart skip a beat but she wasn't about to delve deep into her heart either.

After regaining composure she headed into the staff room.

"Ah Chuckles, I heard you were going to be with us today" Iain said, Jez chuckling slightly at Iain's nickname for her.

"Yeah it's good to have you with us Lily" Jez said through his laughter. Lily nodded curtly at both of them.

"Where should I put my bag?" Lily asked.

"You can put them in my locker" Iain said. Ignoring the heat rising on her cheeks, she followed Iain to his locker and placed her bag inside.

The waited around for about half an hour before they finally received an emergency.

Lily wasn't sure about what to do but followed Iain and Jez to the ambulance. Jez opened the side door for her, and she guessed she should get in. Iain got in the drivers side and Jez got in the passenger side. They started the engine and off they went to their emergency.

She had to admit their was some kind of thrill about flying down the road, as they passed miles of traffic, but she couldn't seem to stop her heart from fluttering. They arrived at the scene of the emergency quickly, it was a head on RTC, she had to admit, being in the actual crash scene was definitely pressuring. Seeing the devastation first hand, this was something Lily had only seen in pictures and films, never in person.

"Jez, you get the red car, minor injuries there, call if you need any help. Me and Lily will take the other I radio for another ambulance and lets get these people seen to as quickly as we can"

Jez nodded before heading to the red car where the police were surveying the situation, whilst Iain and Lily headed for the other car.

Lily began to survey the damage on the car as they approached it, she began to picture the possibilities, the injuries the driver and any passengers may have and prepared herself. As she and Iain approached she heard a scream of pain and she sprung into action.

"Hello, I'm doctor Chao, can you tell me your name?"

"I'm Kelly"

"Alright Kelly, just stay perfectly still for me" Lily began to assess her injuries. She was bleeding profusely and Lily had no doubt that a major vessel had been severed. She surveyed the superficial wounds littering her face and checked her limbs for any broken bones.

"Alright lets stabilise your neck and back as a precaution and see if we can get you any pain relief" She grabbed the collar and secured it around Kelly's neck.
"My baby, is she OK, my baby" Lily looked into the back of the car to see the crushed up car seat.

"Iain" She looked over to where Iain was securing the passengers arm into a splint. He looked up at her and she nodded over to the car seat. He nodded back and moved to check it over.

"OK, Kelly I know you're scared and frightened for your child, but I need you to think about yourself at this moment. We're going to get you out of here"

She secured the back splint to Kelly before they moved her. She let the other paramedic team take over the lifting while she tried to stem the bleeding. She managed to stop the bleeding for a moment as best she could before she let the paramedics load Kelly into the ambulance to take her to hospital.

"Lily I need your help over here please" Iain shouted from the back of the car. She raced over to the baby. "She's not breathing properly, she had fractured her left tib and fib and I wouldn't want to risk her having a more serious brain injury."

Lily looked over the little girl, she couldn't have been more than 3 months old. She began to give the girl an oxygen mask to help her breathing and she stabilised the girls bones.

"Iain, we're going to have to move her very slowly" she spoke softly but surely "We want to make sure we don't cause her any more injuries"

"Got it, I'm readying with another bed"

"On 3, 1, 2, 3" The lifted her slowly and carefully, then placed her into the bed. Iain wheeled the child onto an ambulance.

"LILY" She heard her name called and she turned. "LILY" at first she thought it was Iain, or maybe Jez. "LILY" She turned to where she heard the noise from, it was near Jez, she stumbled over.

She almost choked when she saw a badly beaten woman on the ground next to the red car. She never thought she'd have to be put in this position.


"Mother?" She felt bile rising in her throat as she knelt down beside her. She felt someone come up behind her.

"Lily, are you OK?" Iain had seen her kneel next to the woman, but he noticed something was off.
"This is my mother"

So I don't think this is that good, but I thought I would add in a twist to do with Lily's mother, especially after her father's death. I don't think this is gonna get good praise, its pretty weak, but I'm hoping as I get more into the story, it will become stronger.