Hello there, Skylinemaster here with another chapter of A day in the life of the Triple Threat Triad.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Legend of Korra.
It was a chaotic morning, and it had only just started for Cold Fire Shi.
But, as with every morning, it doesn't completely start unless he's had his cup of hot Fire Nation Capital City tea from Pang's Tea Shop. One of the few things he misses about the Fire Nation, is their tea. Local brews taste like bison bath water.
He took a sip of the tea, letting it warm up his body. Its taste was phenomenal, absolutely delicious as if it was brewed by the tea spirits themselves.
"Boss, we should get going."
Shi opened his eyes, and unfortunately, his burly, Earth Kingdom bodyguard, Little Rock Chou, was indeed still in front of him. He sighed, understanding that he can't just lounge around and sip tea all day, as much as he would like that.
"Alright, start the car. I'll be out in a minute."
Chou nodded, leaving his Firebending boss alone at the table.
"Yo, check please."
Cold Fire Shi said, calling the new waitress over. The waitress was a bit old for him, but she was still pretty in his eyes, her brown eyes showing her Earth Kingdom heritage.
"Here you go, sir."
She said, in a polite tone of voice. That was music to Cold Fire Shi's ears, politeness. His father told him, in order to get respect, you'd have to give respect. Everyone in the shop knows what Cold Fire Shi does, he's made it no secret.
He was different from most Triads in that he was relatively polite to everyone he encountered, until they gave him a reason not to be.
His father called it, winning the hearts and minds of those around you.
Cold Fire Shi agreed, leaving a hundred Yuan bill on the table even though the bill was only forty Yuan.
Shi got up from his table and walked to the door.
"See you tomorrow sweet cheeks."
He said with a smirk as he left.
Cold Fire Shi took a seat at the table, his arms folded across his chest.
He was early, it was a habit instilled him from childhood. If you are early, you're on time, if you are on time, you're late, if you are late, you're dead.
Zolt called an emergency meeting in light of what happened to One-ton Wu. There was some startling information that Little Rock Chou relayed to him on the ride over, something that spooks Zolt is no laughing matter.
Cold Fire Shi sat patiently as everyone else strolled into the meeting. Komodo Rhino Kang strutted in, her harlot self sitting across from him. She winked at him and he nodded at her, his face that of stone She is very beautiful, her distinct pale skin and well-done hair would make most men's hair skip a beat.
That being said, Cold Fire Shi is not most men. He doesn't believe in fucking coworkers, especially not in this line of work. Apparently that made it worse, as she persisted in her attempts to get into his pants.
'Her father probably didn't give her enough attention when she was younger.'
He thought as Sand Man Shang walked in.
Shi's thoughts drifted onto other things as others walked in, but was brought back to reality when Lightning Bolt Zolt walked in.
"So, as ya probably heard, we got a little killing attempt of One-ton Wu earlier this morning."
Zolt said, nodding to Wu to continue.
"From my, questionings…"
'Oh, poor bastard.'
Shi thought, as Wu is an expert on torture and has that reputation throughout the underworld.
"..Of the assailants, it seems they are teaming up against us. All of em, Terras, Reds, Agnis. They aren't happy with us siphoning their members and their turf being taken."
"So, they're uniting to face us, that's cute."
Viper said, a smirk on his face.
"Multiple attacks throughout the day. Rumor has it they've paid off the cops to overlook their, indiscretions."
Wu continued.
"Any particular targets?"
Shi asked.
"None known. Each group has their own target, as so one captured group can't spill the beans on everyone."
Wu said. Shi simply nodded.
"Anyone of us could be a target, so keep ya eyes opened."
Lightning Bolt Zolt said.
"Don't worry, if they are going to war with us, we'll give em a war."
Komodo Rhino Kang said.
Wow, for once Cold Fire Shi agreed with her.
"Hey boss."
Little Rock Chou said, as he drove the car.
Cold Fire Shi said, taking in the breeze.
"Just picked this little gem from the scanner. A little drive by happened in the Bison Bason area."
"They attacked Pang's Tea Shop."
Cold Fire Shi didn't say anything, taking in Chou's words. The words then hit his mind like a flood.
"Whoa, calm down boss!"
Chou said frantically, as red fire came out of Shi's mouth.
"Word came down ten seconds before you got back in the car. Those fuckers are should still be in the area. There!"
Chou said, as he noticed a Satomobile barreling down the other way. Four people, trench coats and cloths over their faces.
"Chase em! Get those fuckers!"
Shi demanded. Their Satomobile spun around, as they drove into the lane. Cold Fire Shi leaned out the window as they tailed the other Satomobile, with both going almost double the speed limit.
"Steady it, steady it."
He said, firing a bolt of lightning at the other car. The car dodged while water spilled from the car, while froze upon contact. Chou skillfully maneuvered, avoiding the icy patch as Shi continued to shoot lightning at the other car.
"Bah! This is going nowhere! Let me take the wheel. Stop those fuckers!"
Shi said, frustrated at the other car managing to dodge his lightning bolts. Chou nodded, reaching in the back seat and pulling out a giant hammer.
As Shi steered the wheel, Chou hit the ground, causing a sinkhole to appear in front of both of their cars. Chou slammed his foot on the brakes as the other car flew into the sinkhole. Shi's car stopped just in front of the sinkhole and both of them leapt out, ready for anything.
As the two advanced in their fighting stance, a rock shot upwards with three people on it. Shi narrowed his eyes, seeing one male Earthbender, a Male Waterbender, and a female Firebender. Little Rock Chou stomped his foot on the ground, causing their rock to crumble into pieces. The three benders took stances across from the two Triads.
Still very angry with Pang's being destroyed, Shi spoke, venom laced in his words.
"You fuckers can mess with the Triads, you can even try to murder us. But when you attack my tea shop, you've gone too far!"
Cold Fire Shi said, quickly generating and launching a bolt of Lightning at the Firebender. He rushed at them as he saw Chou and the Earthbender fighting from the corner of his eye.
Noticing a stream of gasoline being bended by the Waterbender, he slid across the ground as the Firebender redirect his Lightning back at him.
His eyes widened, focusing him to roll out of the way of the Lightning as the Waterbender created a whip made of gasoline, and tried to hit him.
He popped back to his feet, launching a fireball at the Waterbender with his fist, and a torrent of flames out his foot at the Firebender.
He ran forwards, spinning back around so that both of them were in front of him. He narrowed his eyes as he heard the sounds of rocks smashing into each other in the distance. When the other Earthbender stepped into view, he struck, launching a bolt of Lightning at the Earthbender.
"Watch out, Liang!"
The other two shouted, but it was too late for the other Earthbender. He was struck in the back with the Lightning, causing Shi to smirk.
"Shouldn't turn your back on me. Chou, get your ass over here now and help me beat these asses."
Shi said, as a pillar of shot up from underneath the Firebender, causing her to go flying into the air. Shi launched a torrent of flames at the Waterbender, who blocked with a shield of water, before it evaporated. Shi smiled as he then rolled to his right side, launching a bolt of Lightning as he sprung back to his feet.
With no more water to fight with, the Waterbender was struck by the Lightning, killing him instantly.
Turning his attention to the Firebender, he saw Chou did a good job in their fight. The Firebender was on the ground, bleeding out due to the numerous cuts delivered to her by Chou.
"Good job, Chou. Question is, what do we do with you, princess?"
Shi chuckled, walking up to the dying Firebender. Her eyes widened in fear as he crouched down.
"Hey Chou, you want her to meet Wu?"
"K-kill me..."
"Yeah boss, I think she'll make a real nice play date with him."
Chou chuckled, a hearty laugh coming from him.
"K-kill me, kill me!"
Shi looks surprised at her words.
"Since you can still talk, maybe you can answer my question. Where am I going to get tea now?"
Shi's smiling face instantly contorted into one of rage.
"Shut up! That was a rhetorical question, since you've fuckers destroyed the place!"
He said, viciously kicking her in the stomach and stomping on her kneecaps numerous times. The Firebender cried out in pain as Shi stood there, a cruel smirk on his face.
"Chou, it's hammer time."
Chou smiled at his boss' words. He retrieved the hammer from the car and gave it to his boss.
"Now keep those fuckers company in the Spirit World!"
Shi said, lifting the hammer over his head and bringing it down on her head, causing it to splatter on impact.
Shi frowned, wiping off some of the brain matter from his face as he turned to his bodyguard.
"Now, let's go find another tea place."
Shi said with a sigh.
Well, the day of violence continues for the Triple Threat.
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Until next time, Skylinemaster out.