I'm extremely sorry for the long wait on this last chapter. Depression hit me hard, and it was a struggle to write. I hope this one doesn't disappoint you.
With all the crazy stuff out of the way now, we move on to the finale chapter. It's a relatively calm one, so no need to read this one with one eye, folks! I do recommend the tissues however. Thank you for your incredible support on this story, guys. This just started off as a small project but it has grown into my largest and most popular story yet, so thank you so much, readers! This is definitely not the last time you'll see me writing for this amazing fandom. Just a quick heads up, this chapter does contain an explicit sex scene, so if that stuff isn't your jazz, you have been warned. Just skip ahead when you see it coming. Without further ado, here's the finale!
Light. Pure light blinded Ruby's silver eyes as she slowly awoke, and she squinted them, raising a hand to block the white ceiling lights burning her eyes. She knew she was in a hospital bed, and she looked down to find the blue colored gown. "R-Ruby! You're finally awake!" A male voice sounded from her side, echoing in her ears and making them ring. She winced at the sudden noise, and a hand on was immediately placed on her shoulder. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just… Relieved to see you're okay. I came as soon as I heard what happened to you."
Ruby looked over to see who it was and as the light from her eyes cleared up, she saw the familiar blonde hair of her father, Taiyang. "Hey, dad…" Ruby croaked out. The arm raised above her head then came into focus, and she saw it wasn't the familiar pale skin she was used to. It was made up of wires and various steels and metals, much like Yang's. She turned it around, looking at all sides, her arms wide with shock. "W-Wha…"
"You… Got the same injury as Yang. Neo took your arm when you were trying to help her, as Weiss told me. Thankfully, you've also got the same treatment as Yang. She got used to it quickly, so it'll feel natural soon, I promise." Taiyang explained. Ruby curved her bionic fingers, pressing them softly against her face, feeling the cold steel. A single tear ran down her cheek, soaking into the arm, and Taiyang immediately wrapped both arms around his daughter, holding her close to his chest. "It's… It's not easy seeing you both like this. I can't imagine how it feels for you."
"I'm sorry, dad…" Ruby returned the hug, her chin rested on his shoulder. It was then that the door opened, and Ruby saw the familiar white haired girl enter, creaking it open slightly. Her eyes widened at the sight of Ruby finally awake, and she ran over to her side, clinging onto her bedside pole. "How long have I been out for?" Ruby asked.
"It's been a bit over twelve hours now." Weiss answered. Ruby saw that the clock was at 7:47 PM, meaning it had been at least two nights. Ruby suddenly jolted, looking to Weiss.
"Are Blake and Jaune…?" She asked.
"Yes, we got them to Thetis just fine." Weiss answered. She looked solemnly at the ground the next second, sighing. "Unfortunately… Thetis didn't make it. Reviving two people not in her bloodline took her life."
Ruby's eyes widened, and she slowly looked at her bedsheets, softly gripping them. "I…"
"It's tough news to hear." Taiyang mourned. "I knew her myself way back when. Next to your mother, she was the kindest woman I knew." He said. Ruby closed her eyes, shaking her head solemnly. "Ruby…?"
"I'm sick of losing everyone." She admitted. There was some silence afterwards as Weiss and Taiyang looked to each other. "It just seems like anyone I get attached to gets killed… I feel like I'm a curse to everyone… I nearly got uncle Qrow killed a few weeks ago… I lost Penny… I just…" Ruby choked up. "How long until I lose both of you?"
"You won't." Taiyang immediately answered. Weiss placed a hand on Ruby's cheek, moving her head to face the ice queen. She leaned forward; pushing her lips against Ruby's softly, kissing her as deeply as she could. They both closed their eyes, taking in each other, before Weiss slowly separated from Ruby.
"That kiss was a promise kiss. A promise that I, nor anyone else, is going to die from now on. We're going to take down whatever stands in our way and restore Remnant. I promise." Weiss spoke sternly. Ruby closed her eyes for some time, taking in those words, before a smile slowly appeared on her face. She locked her silver eyes with Weiss' own.
"Thank you." She whispered. Weiss bought Ruby in for a hug, and soon enough, Taiyang chuckled, interrupting the girls. They both looked to Ruby's father as he crossed his arms, and at the same time, a blush appeared on their faces. Ruby awkwardly smiled up at her father. "Uhm… Meet my girlfriend, dad. We kinda got a thing going on a day ago."
"So I can see." Taiyang responded. He looked to Weiss for a bit, before looking to Ruby. "And I hear Yang's got a thing going on with Blake?"
Ruby slowly nodded, and Taiyang couldn't help but laugh at the fact their entire team had gotten in a relationship with each other. "Well, it's not like I disapprove of it, but that has got to be the best team relationship I've ever seen. Your four are gonna go far as long as you stick together from now on. None of this split-up nonsense. Don't make the same mistake my team did." Taiyang lectured, to which both girls nodded. Taiyang rubbed Ruby's hair, before walking to the door. "I'm gonna go check up on Yang. I'll see you later, Ruby."
"See ya, dad!" Ruby called out. Ruby then looked to Weiss, and her expression shifted to genuine love for the girl. She raised her bionic right hand, caressing her cheek softly and pushing her forehead against hers.
"I'm just so glad you're okay." Weiss whispered. She wasted no time pushing her lips against Ruby's, and they held the lock for as long as they could. It felt like eternity, and it was an eternity they could both stay in just fine… With nothing but their love to keep them company.
"Looks like someone isn't patient with recovery." Taiyang commented as he caught Yang off guard, currently using a clothes bar as a chin-up bar. She turned her head to look at her father, before sighing, lowering herself slightly, turning to face him.
"My knees are fine and I don't feel sore in the slightest. I'm perfectly-Ow!" She winced as she took the first step towards Taiyang, clutching her sides. She had gotten her arm repaired and put back on her body, so she didn't completely lose her balance. Taiyang stepped towards her, standing over the blonde girl. "Shut up."
"I didn't say anything. I think a nicer thing to say is 'Hi, dad. It's nice to see you took the time out of your day to travel halfway across Remnant to visit my injured ass in hospital because I'm not sensible enough to back away when my aura is down.' But with your stubbornness, I doubt even half of those words will ever come out of your mouth." Taiyang teased as he held out a hand for Yang. She scoffed, smiling as she took it. He raised her up and she immediately hugged him.
"Thanks for coming. I was getting lonely." Yang said as he returned the hug. "Have you seen Ruby yet? Is she alright?"
"She's got a new arm just like yours. It doesn't surprise me in the least that they had a back-up arm ready just for you." Taiyang said. Yang immediately pushed her dad away from the hug, and he chuckled, rubbing his chest where he was shoved. Yang immediately went back to her chin-ups, and Taiyang placed a hand on his hip.
"Maybe don't push me away just yet. I bought someone you might want to see." Taiyang said. Yang immediately looked over her shoulder to see her favorite Faunus in a blue hospital gown, her hands linked at the front of her waist.
"Blake!" Yang called out, immediately running to her and throwing herself into a hug. Blake cried out at the sudden force. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Yang apologized, but Blake soon returned the embrace, comforting Yang. She rested in Blake's arms, sighing with relief.
"I'm so happy you're okay…" Blake smiled. Yang backed away from Blake, before wrapping a hand at her neck and bringing her in for a sudden kiss, this one much more desperate than Ruby and Weiss'. Yang pushed against the back of Blake's neck, before wrapping both arms around her back and bringing her body close to her.
"Hey, whoa, get a room, you two!" Taiyang cried out, holding out both his arms and blocking the sights. Yang broke away from the kiss, turning and glaring at her dad.
"You are the worst!" She growled, hitting him in the arm and causing him to cry out in pain, chuckling afterwards as he rubbed the sore spot in his arm.
"You hit hard! You sure as hell didn't lose any strength with those injuries. It's good to see my girl is as strong as always." Taiyang smiled. He walked towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder and kissing her on the forehead. "I'm glad my girls are okay." He smiled.
"Can… Can I go see Ruby?" Yang asked, and Taiyang nodded, immediately leading the blonde girl to Ruby's room. Blake followed, and Yang was quite relieved at the fact it was just down the hall. She placed her bionic hand on the door handle, and opened. "Hey, sis! You're finally…"
Yang cut off as she noticed that both Ruby and Weiss gasped, and Weiss stepped away from the bed, sitting in the chair behind her, a blush coming to both their cheeks. Yang crossed her arms, smirking. "Was I… Interrupting something?" She scoffed.
"Not at all!" Weiss immediately answered. "It's good to see you again, Yang."
"And it's good to know you can treat my sister just right." Yang winked at the ice queen, and her blush immediately returned, and she struggled to find words to say back. Yang turned to Ruby as Weiss stammered and stuttered. "How you feeling?"
"Tired… And weak…" Ruby admitted. She raised her right arm, showing it off. It was nearly the exact same as Yang's, and her smile immediately dropped at the sight of that arm on her sister. She slowly stepped forward, raising her own biotic arm, and she linked hands with Ruby's. The soft metal clacked together, and she linked fingers with her sister. "Dad…" Ruby squeaked out, and Yang turned her head to face Taiyang, who had his arms crossed and a stern expression upon his face.
"We're sorry, dad… We're sorry you have to see us like this." Yang finished off Ruby's words. Taiyang's expression didn't change, and he simply stepped forward, wrapping an arm around both of his daughter's shoulders.
"I don't ever want to hear you two say anything like that again." He said sternly. "These arms… These are signs you fought for what was right and you fought hard for it. I couldn't be prouder of you both." He smiled. Yang and Ruby took a few seconds to take those words in, before hugging their father, burying their heads into his chest. He held both girls close to him.
Weiss got besides Ruby, embracing her as well, and Yang looked over Taiyang's shoulder, smiling at Blake. The two girls made eye contact for some time, and the Faunus simply smiled, shrugging. She joined in the group hug soon after.
After so many days of suffering, pain, fear and torture… It was nice to just have a moment of love between each other. They went from being separated and lost… To finally being together as a team. And as a team, if they continue to stick together… They can accomplish anything.
"So are we gonna talk here, ice queen? Or have I wasted my last two hours?"
Winter laid in her bed, looking out the window, a heap of bandages around her stomach to heal the stabbing wound. "I just… I can't believe she got to me so easily… I wasn't there to protect Weiss from her… My foolishness could've gotten her killed."
"You aren't exactly the best fighter in Remnant, Winter. That girl… She used something you had never fought against, and that'd screw anyone up, trust me." Qrow told the depressed woman, before taking another swig from his flask. "I already told you, Weiss is fine, and the girl isn't going to come back any time soon."
"Qrow, I can't be the only one suffering in this room." Winter sighed. She turned her head, before locking eyes with Qrow, a concerned expression upon her face. "You… You lost Thetis…"
"I thought we agreed not to bring her up." Qrow returned sternly.
"You can't just drown your pains in a bottle all the time, Qrow! You can let out at the least the smallest piece of emotion every now and then, it's not illegal!" Winter cried, and Qrow simply looked away, past her eyes and out the window.
"What good would there be in crying? Hm?" Qrow asked, to which Winter remained silent. "Would it bring Thetis back? Summer? Would it make Raven kind? Would it do anything? Because the answer is pretty obvious, it won't. I've learned to let go, Winter. My only concern is protecting my nieces."
There was some silence, and Qrow simply took another swig from the flask, before Winter spoke. "That… That was all you needed to do. You seem easier now, Qrow." Winter said, to which Qrow scoffed. Winter sighed, before asking the question that's been on her mind for some time. "Qrow… Do you… Can we…" She struggled to get the words out, and she eventually decided to go against it. Now was not the time. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Same as always. I've mourned, that's that. Thetis wouldn't want me to mope. Once we're out of this hospital, I'll go back to doing everything I normally do." Qrow said, and Winter nodded. "You… You should probably focus on improving your combat. I've seen worse than that girl, and we're going to be facing huge threats in future. We need to be the best we can."
"I'll… I'll do that." Winter returned. The scroll on the table besides Winter started to chine, and Winter leaned over to see it was her father calling. She looked to Qrow, and he shrugged. She answered the scroll, and was immediately met with the voice of her father.
"Winter, I don't know how many times I have to ask! I've sent out search parties and I've been trying to contact you! Where is Weiss?! This search is not helping the family or the business!" The voice blasted, and Winter sighed. She thought it'd be actual concern for her and her sister's well-being, but it was just her father, being as big of a nuisance as usual. Qrow took the scroll, raising it to his lips.
"She's out on a task, old man. She'll talk to you… Probably never." Qrow said, before closing the scroll and hanging up. "You're welcome."
"That's going to cause some trouble in future." Winter sighed, and Qrow chuckled.
"Yeah, well, he can shove it where the sun doesn't shine." Qrow mocked, to which Winter slightly snickered. There was some silence, and Qrow soon broke it as soon as she saw the expression upon the girl's face. "You want to know if we can be a thing again, don't you?"
"That's correct…" Winter admitted. Qrow sighed, getting up from his seat and placing his flask in his pocket. "But I know we can't… Because of your semblance, right?"
"First Summer, now Thetis. Everyone I get attached to… Goes. Leaves. The only reason I don't want to start things with you is because… I don't want what happened to them to happen to you." Qrow admitted, and it didn't come as much of a surprise to Winter. "My semblance… It's part of the reason you're in here right now."
"I know… I shouldn't even consider it…" Winter mumbled. She looked up to Qrow. "But… Can you at least not leave me for so long, again? Just promise you'll be around more?" Winter asked. Qrow kept silent, deciding what to answer with. He eventually decided on leaning down, placing a hand on Winter's cheek and kissing her. She melted into the kiss quickly, her fingers softly scratching at the back of his neck. Qrow broke away.
"I'll do my best." Qrow answered.
That… That was all Winter needed to hear.
Pyrrha Nikos stood before a tombstone she never wanted to stand before her whole life. Her feet rested on soft, wet dirt. The stone before her read the dreaded words.
Thetis Nikos
Beloved Mother, Powerful Warrior.
Gave her life for the future.
"So… It's been a full twelve hours now, mom. It's… It's been hard." Pyrrha said, only the wind to answer. "Jaune and Blake came back, so… Your sacrifice wasn't in vain. Neo eventually ended things… Herself. Committed suicide. Maybe you've already made amends with her up there, knowing how kind you are." Pyrrha chuckled.
There was only silence to reply with, and Pyrrha sighed, looking down at the dirt. "Mom… I promise, in your name, I'm going to do everything I can to finish all this horror… I won't lose to Cinder again. My team, and team RWBY, and everyone else… We'll keep going and finish this." Pyrrha smiled. "It's… It's just a shame…" Pyrrha's smile slowly faded, only to be replaced with wobbling lips. "It's just a shame you won't be there to see it…"
Pyrrha held back the tears, her nose burning up and her lips uncontrollable. "I-I'm sorry, I… I'll try not to cry…" Pyrrha sniffled. "Every time I used to cry… You'd hug me and sing me a song, and… Your voice was so beautiful… I'd sometimes cry on purpose just to hear it…" Pyrrha slightly chuckled. "But… Now I can't hear it anymore… So there's no point…"
She just wanted to hear her voice again, to hear something, but there was no point. Thetis, her mother, was gone. No resurrection to bring her back or anything. So Pyrrha just had to say goodbye now, and expect no return. "I bought your weapon… I would try to use it myself but… It doesn't feel right. It's definitely for you."
Pyrrha took the spear from her back, and buried one of its ends in the ground. She took the spear in half, and buried the other end at the opposite side of the grave. She stood back, but it was then she noticed that one of the half's appeared to actually be a lid. The other half wasn't the same. "Um… Hope you don't mind, mom." Pyrrha said as she grabbed the half, and screwed off the lid, only a small capsule with a chip inside, big enough to fit into a scroll.
Pyrrha grabbed her scroll, inserting the chip in, and soon enough, a video popped up. It was of Thetis, in a hospital room, by herself. She looked the same as always, and Pyrrha noticed the date at the bottom. It was yesterday's date.
"You sure you want to do this? I don't really see the point." Qrow spoke in the background as Thetis sat in the chair behind her, right in front of the camera.
"Just a precaution, Qrow. Nothing more." She answered. She sighed, looking to the camera, and putting on the same beautiful smile. "Hey, Pyrrha… I'm recording this because this journey we call life… I think mine is about to come to an end. I'm old, no doubt about that. My fighting isn't as up to standards as it used to be, unfortunately. So… I'm just making this in the case the worst happens. I know you'll find this message."
Pyrrha stayed silent, a hand slowly coming to her mouth. "Eighteen years have flown by, haven't they? I still remember the day you were born… Your firs word… First combat session… And I remember holding back the urge to help you build your own weapon, but you did great. I was so proud of you when you went on to become a champion, but… That's not the reason I love you so much. It's certainly a part of it, but… There's a bigger reason."
Thetis took a breath, and slowly, Pyrrha saw a tear come down her cheek. "My life was changed by you, Pyrrha. You were the best daughter that anyone could've asked for, and there hasn't been a day in my life for the last eighteen years where I don't think of you and think of how much I love you. You are a star in the sky, and I have never loved someone as much as you. Your kindness, your care for everyone, how you treat that boy Jaune when everyone else would've abandoned him… He even told me you trained him. When I heard him say that… I had never been more proud of you. Most kids your age would ignore someone like him, but you… You helped him. You started to fall in love with him. When you had so many options, you picked the underdog, the weak wolf… And that makes me so happy."
Thetis sniffled, and so did Pyrrha. "A connection between mother and daughter is a unique one… And I was so happy to see that we were so close. You don't know how many Hunters and Huntresses your age completely forget about their parents. That's why…" Thetis stayed silent. "That's why it was hard to learn that you were gone. And now, thinking of you having that same feeling over me… It's tearing me apart. When I pass, I know it won't be easy, because I went through the exact same thing with you. I knew I could revive you just fine, but… The thought of you passing… I wouldn't wish it upon anybody. But… Now it's going onto you… And I don't want that to happen, I'll fight my damn hardest to live, but… I can't make promises I can't keep."
Thetis buried her face in her hand, a few sobs erupting from her. "Pyrrha… I'm sorry. I'm so sorry… I know that if you're watching this, I am no longer alive, and I know how it feels. The grief, the guilt, the sorrow… But, I ask you one thing. One thing, my beautiful daughter." Thetis leaned forward, her eyes stinging red. "Don't let this stop your journey. You have so much yet to accomplish, and you and your friends are still young! You can be the heroes of Remnant, I know you can! One day, you, your team, everyone else, is going to end this evil, and you'll be praised as a hero… And I'll be watching from up there, and I'll have the cheesiest smile on my face."
Thetis sniffled yet again, before smile for the last time. "I love you, Pyrrha. I'll miss you. But no matter what…" Thetis kept silent for some time, before letting out her last words.
"Keep moving forward."
The video then ended, and Pyrrha watched with wide eyes. Her scroll dropped to the ground, and her knees hit the dirt, her head down. "P-Pyrrha?! Are you alright?!" A familiar male voice sounded from behind, and she recognized it as Jaune. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"I'm… I'm fine…" Pyrrha replied. "It's just… It's a terrible day for rain."
"W-What do you mean?" Jaune asked. "It's not raining…"
"Yes…" Pyrrha sniffled, and soon enough, Jaune saw tears streak down her cheeks. "It is."
Jaune wasted no time hugging the girl, burying her head into his chest, and she returned the hug, letting out some sobs and howls. Jaune rubbed circles around her back, comforting her. Pyrrha just needed to let all of this out, but after this, she only needed to do one thing.
Keep moving forward.
"You've been listening to that all night."
Pyrrha sat in the living room of the apartment, nothing but a loose shirt and her underwear on, holding her legs close to her chest and sitting on the couch, listening to the recording her mother made over and over again. Jaune leaned against the door into the living room, wearing no shirt and a pair of pants. "It's all I have left of her…" Pyrrha answered. "Just let me be at peace."
"I didn't say it was wrong." Jaune said. Pyrrha nodded, and the blonde man walked over to her couch, sitting next to Pyrrha.
"I miss her so much, Jaune…" Pyrrha whimpered, leaning her head on his shoulder and cuddling him, to which he returned. "I just… I need you to promise me something, Jaune. You have to keep this promise, I beg of you."
"What is it, Pyrrha?" Jaune answered. There was some silence, and Jaune looked down to the red haired girl. She looked back up to him, her eyes pleading, at the mercy of his own gaze.
"Don't die. Whatever you do… Don't leave me. Please." She pleaded, her eyes watering with tears. Jaune sighed out of his nose, before cupping her cheek and pushing his lips against hers, kissing her. She closed her eyes to return it, and he soon broke away.
"I promise." Jaune whispered.
"I just… I need you, Jaune. I love you. I need someone to love and to fight for… I need someone to be there for me when I need it… I need someone who I know I can trust when I feel like I can't trust anyone else…" Pyrrha croaked out. "I need someone to hug… To kiss… To… To make love…"
"Huh?" Jaune replied. Pyrrha looked back from her feet and into his eyes again. The four-time Mistral champion had never looked so vulnerable her whole life.
"Jaune… I know this is a bold statement to make, but I've been thinking about ever since I met you, and even after my mom passed… But it's been so long, and I've missed you so much, and now… Mom…" Pyrrha sniffled. "I just need one night of pure bliss and love, and I need you… Jaune, w-will…" Pyrrha stuttered for a bit, before building up the courage to say what she always wanted to say. "Will you… Be my first?"
There was a long awkward silence after she said that, as they gazed into each other's eyes, nothing but blushes from them. "I-I know this… This isn't the best request, especially after last night… But my mom was so happy for me to have you, Jaune, and I… I wouldn't want anyone else in my life. All I need is one night of pure love and joy… And I can finally start healing."
Jaune still didn't answer, and Pyrrha sighed, starting to break away from him. "I-I'm sorry… It was a stupid reque-"
Pyrrha was cut off as Jaune pushed his lips against hers, and her eyes suddenly widened. Her blush soon disappeared, and she closed her eyes, embracing the kiss. Jaune broke away for a few quick moments. "Pyrrha… If it will make you happy, I'd gladly do anything. It's… It's actually my first time, too." He chuckled, to which Pyrrha slightly returned. They smiled at each other for a bit, before returning to the kiss.
Jaune slowly started to lie on his back, Pyrrha atop him, her chest pushed against his. Her shirt soon came off, revealing she had no bra underneath it this whole time. Their bare skin softly rubbed and smoothed together, her skin was like silk to his hardened one. Her lips were bliss, and his were an escape. Jaune went for Pyrrha's neck, his lips and teeth scraping against it, bringing pleasure to the girl. She gasped at the move, rubbing her dirty hands only his back, tracing the muscles.
Jaune's pants were soon off, and so was her underwear, and for the first time, they had seen each other naked. It was awkward; no doubt about it, but it was also extremely beautiful. She was as gorgeous as always, and her body was absolute perfection, beauty at its finest. Pyrrha Nikos was always beautiful, but this… This took it to a new level. Jaune looked handsome himself. He always had a certain dorky attraction about him, and Pyrrha loved that. His body was gorgeous too. Not overly muscly and bulky, just the right level. Defined chest, his shoulders were heaven, and his face… Pyrrha loved grazing her hands against his cheeks and feeling the warmth.
"Jaune…" Pyrrha spoke. "I really needed this after everything that has happened… Losing my mother and almost losing you… It tore me apart. But now… Now I can do this with you… And my peace is made with my mother…" Pyrrha smiled at the boy. "Thank you."
"I love you, Pyrrha." Jaune returned, and she repeated his words, kissing him. It comforted her as the first entrance was made, and even though she slightly gasped and winced, Jaune's comforting hugs and kisses were more than enough to help her through, and she fully connected her body to his, making themselves one being.
Pyrrha leaned her upper body down, moving her hips slowly, their joint sex shifting ever so slightly. The pain she soon had was completely gone, only replace by pleasure and love. Jaune traced his fingers all down her body, around the curves and the mounts, the line of her spine on her back.
She pulled her lips away, and they gasped in synchronization, looking down at the attachment they had made with each other. Jaune let out a low groan, and Pyrrha swallowed it with a kiss, moaning into his lips. She was desperate for this, and he knew that.
She started to pick up her pace, her hips moving up and down, up and down, up and down, and he returned the action, going in movement with her, as if some sort of music was happening at the same time. She sat up, leaning her upper body back, her head tilted to face the roof as she let out gasps. Their bodies were covered in sweat, and the pats of skin meeting skin started to sound as Pyrrha moved up and down. Jaune kept his grip on her hips, guiding her softly.
She slightly leaned forward, a smile on her face and her hands on his chest. Jaune's hands soon went for her backside, squeezing the softness of her beautiful ass. She let out a slight gasp at this action, and she removed one hand from his chest, grabbing his hand and guiding it up her chest, placing it upon her breast. He took the hint, placing the other hand upon the other breast, squeezing and caressing both, bringing much pleasure to her.
Pyrrha leaned down fully yet again, and she stopped her hips, taking the time to appreciate this moment. All the suffering and pain she had earlier… It had been numbed, replaced by love and pleasure. In the end, this is what Thetis would've wanted. For her daughter to be happy.
She thanked Jaune by kissing him yet again, and she moved her hips faster than before. They knew from the start they weren't going to last long, and they both felt their finish approaching. Pyrrha sped herself up, pushing her forehead against Jaune's, panting and sweating. She heard Jaune grunt as he spent himself, and she was quick to follow, letting out a long gasp with her finish. She halted, gathering the last of her energy to cup Jaune's cheeks.
They stared into each other's eyes, and slowly, Pyrrha started to chuckle, her smile returning to her face. "Thank you, Jaune…" She panted as she kissed the man she loved, and he returned the gesture, wrapping a hand around her neck. She rolled off Jaune, holding the kiss and keeping their chests close together. She broke away from the kiss, still slightly laughing, and Jaune returned it. She buried the top of her head into his neck, and due to the exhaustion, she didn't last long before passing out in his arms.
Jaune held the woman he loved in his arms, and he promised himself to never let go.
One Month Later…
The heavy winds blew heavily against Weiss Schnee, dragging her long hair to the side and swaying it in sync with the gusts. She kept her hands within her coat pockets, looking down at grave beneath her feet. Neo's grave. There was no message, nor date. Just her name, which probably wasn't even her real name in the first place.
Weiss didn't have any words to say to the girl. She simply stood and thought. Thought about what could've been if Neo had simply just ran, if she had joined their side to fight Cinder. On the inside, Neo was just scared… She was lonely. She had lost someone she loved, and she was lashing out, which I know we all wanted to do after Pyrrha… She wasn't morally good, that's for sure, but… I can't help but understand how she felt… Maybe her family was similar to mine?
She let out a breath, and it fogged in the cold winds, blowing away and disappearing. She looked up to the cloudy skies, to where Neo probably was right now. In the end, though… I don't think Neo regretted her decision. She's with Roman now… That's something she's always wanted.
"Weiss?" A voice sounded behind the girl, and Weiss turned to see her girlfriend, Ruby. She stood only a few feet away, a sympathetic look on her face. Weiss sighed, looking back down at the dirt below her. "Are you okay?"
"I know she did horrible, horrible things… I know she caused us a lot of pain and suffering. After all, she gave you…" Weiss looked at Ruby's bionic arm, and Ruby held it up, a look of sadness washing on her face. "But in her final moments, before she ended it… I… I couldn't help but feel sorry for her."
Ruby walked besides Weiss, and she sighed. "Is that wrong? To feel sorry for someone who caused us so much pain?" Weiss asked. Ruby kept silent for some time, thinking of her answer as the wind kept blowing and swaying, affecting her dark hair.
"I don't think it is. In the end… I just wish things could've been different." Ruby answered, stretching out her biotic hand and taking Weiss', interlocking fingers and holding her hand. The metal felt cold, and Weiss was still having trouble getting used to it, but she held Ruby's hand as tightly as possible as Ruby leaned her head and rested it upon Weiss' shoulder.
"Well… No matter what it is, I don't think Neo would want us moping about her…" Weiss let out a light chuckle. "Still… I wish things could've been different, too."
"Keep moving forward." A raspy voice sounded from behind the two friends, and they turned to see Qrow walking towards them, taking a swig from his flask. "Old friend of mine used to say that… It was after we lost your mother, Ruby. Just like with Thetis or Neo, she wouldn't want us moping about her forever. She'd want us to go out and keep fighting." Qrow said. He smiled towards his niece. "She'd be proud of ya, kid."
"Thanks, uncle Qrow… That means a lot." Ruby replied. She took a slight breath, before grabbing her hood and putting it on. "I assume you're here because we need to go?" Ruby asked.
"Yeah. They're opening the gates to Haven for us, finally. Now that's everyone's injuries are mostly healed. Get a move on, kid." Qrow said, and Ruby nodded, taking Weiss' hands and running to gates, dragging Weiss along. Qrow watched the two run down the streets of Mistral to group up with everyone else, and he couldn't help but smile.
It's just like you said, Thetis. These kids… They're gonna go far, they'll save lives and be heroes. It's gonna be a long journey, and it's not going to be an easy road at all. There'll be some hard times… Times of loss… They've already experienced them, in fact. Qrow eventually caught up with Team RWBY and JNPR as they stood before the large gate to Haven Academy. A loud groan echoed out throughout Mistral as the mechanisms of the gate started opening.
Heh… Life is a bag of tricks, ain't it? One minute, it tears us apart and stomps on our hearts, like with Summer and you… But the next, it gives us these small moments, these tastes of sweetness and beauty, like right now… And you realize… Life ain't all that bad, as long as you people you have are good. The gates were opened enough for people to start stepping in, and Ruby and Weiss were first, looking at the incredible academy before them. Blake and Yang followed; hand in hand, as the opportunity of a better future glowed before Team RWBY. They had finally reunited, and they were finally back on track.
Next to follow were Jaune and Pyrrha, and although Pyrrha hesitated to leave her mother's grave, she knew Thetis would want her to keep fighting on in her name. Ren and Nora followed, Nora more excited than usual as she slightly hopped with her step, bringing a smile to Ren's face. Team JNPR, under the impossible, were finally back together as well, and they moved forward into the Academy.
Qrow watched the two teams enter, and he felt another presence walk up beside him. He looked to see it was Winter, and he couldn't help but smile and wink at her. She didn't glare at him, but she simply closed her eyes, a slight smile on her face as she moved into the Academy. Taiyang followed her, crossing his arms and sighing. "Trust me, I know all about ex issues."
"Keep going, Tai." Qrow warned, and Taiyang chuckled, moving forward. Qrow watched everyone enter, and as he followed, he felt a more soft and happy feeling than usual. This was probably the lightest he had felt since Summer's death, and it was a joyous moment for him.
I believe these kids can go far and beyond, I believe they can push through any hard moments together, I believe they can always be there to lift each other up…
I believe these kids can be the heroes of Remnant.
The End
Kayda-Starr: Lots of training and preparation after Roman's death. Plus, she is just naturally that good XD
Zanatoz: Do you need me to bring the tissues? I have plenty!
JordanPhoenix: Jesus, you are COLD! Am glad you like the Arkos, and yeah, don't judge me for killing OC's, you… Baka!
PotterLAW2016: You are cruel.
RWBYGuy2015: I hope this chapter could satisfy your needs, and I have to really thank you for practically making this story as long as it is! It'd be a three chapter journey without your support!
Kyrogue23: That would've been good Neo deaths, but I'm happy with the one I've written. And yeah, it's hard to kill off Thetis, especially after creating and molding her for so long. BEING A WRITER IS PAINFUL, FRIEND!
GrnDrgnzrd: Oh, I'm sorry you don't enjoy it, but I'm glad you don't hate it!
Omega09: Hopefully I can add it in a future RWBY Story!
Zanatoz: I'M SO SORRY!
KingofBlacks: Really thankful for this review! I'm glad you enjoyed and I deeply thank you for the compliments! Hope you enjoyed this one, too! And yes, I'm evil, I know.
Star melody pony: Yeah… She really did.
BlackenedFlame157: I am sorry for making one of my most beloved readers cry! Let me hug you! We can cry together!
Strykrkillr: I really don't think 'Retarded' was necessary, but I'm glad you don't hate the story.
TheHuntress77: Honestly, how could anyone pass up the opportunity to tease Roman about that? And THIS is the end of the fanfic, I'm sorry to say! Thank you for the compliments!