[last love]
He wakes up with a start – sweat all over, heart pounding against his chest, slowly realizing where he was and the humid heat that was summer gracing his room. He let out a relieved sigh, falling back into his sheets.
"Tetsuroo, wake up already!" his mother's voice resounded through the house.
He waited until his heart calmed to finally get out of bed, still drenched in sweat. A mirror stood across him, revealing his image – still the same gangly guy with serious bed hair, but his eyes still looked tired, even though his bags had lessened.
Grabbing a towel, he takes a quick shower.
He pretends to not have seen the look on his mother's face when he wolfs on his breakfast, giving her a quick sloppy kiss on the cheek, before grabbing his bag and leaves.
His phone rings – a text message, he flips his phone and sees a text from his sister, quickly typing a reply before going to the music app. Plugging on his earphones, he begins to walk down a familiar path.
Leaning his head back, clear blue skies greet him. It was too much of a good day, today.
Closing his eyes, he soaked up on the light, warming his face. When he opened them, the train station was in clear sight, his steps quickened.
Four stops and twelve blocks later, and he was walking down a place he's grown familiar with the past few months. The grass was still greener, the flowers were much brighter, and the trees were tall as ever – maybe because it was summer. But the paint job was still terrible, even though they had maintenance work on them.
Upon entering the hospital, he nods at the nurses and staff – all of which, were used to his presence for the past months, adjusting the weight of his right arm, carrying his bag.
Kuroo Tetsturou fell into a routine – he woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, made small talk with his parents or sister, and went to the hospital. It's been that way for months.
He stood in front of the door, about to knock when he heard her – a soft strumming and singing.
"I love this place, but it's haunted without you…"
Carefully pushing it open, he finds (Name), playing her ukulele, pen and notebook on her lap.
"My tired heart is beating so slow," A thoughtful look crosses her face as she sings, as if testing the lyrics. She quickly sketches down on her notebook – chords and lyrics, falling into her element. Picking her ukulele, she strummed slowly, trying the new lyrics – "Our hearts sing less than we wanted, we wanted, our hearts sing 'cause we do not know, we do not know" – a small smile gracing her lips when they came out.
Without even knowing, his body moved on its own accord, stepping inside and towards her.
The song had a light melody to it, repetitive on the notes, yet strangely melancholic and full of longing. Yet somehow, unfinished. She stopped for a moment, stumped, before going over it again. Despite her minor slip up, she smiled through it and went over the song again – she was a perfectionist like that.
The sound of the door clicking broke the moment, (Name) looking up to find Kuroo standing in front of him, surprise written all over her face.
"H-Hey, (Name)." Kuroo says, lifting a hand in greeting.
She gives him a nod, awkwardly glances at him, then back to her notes.
"How's your song coming?"
She fiddles with the page, chewing on her bottom lip. "It's coming."
"I see." He nods, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "By the way, I got something for you." Putting his bag on the foot of her bed, he unzips it and takes out a pink package. "Sis bought some stuff for you, says you'll be needing it once you get into college."
Slowly, a smile forms on her face as she reached for it, Kuroo careful to not let their fingers touch. "That's nice of her."
Sitting himself on the couch, he looked at the clutter of papers on the table – university brochures. "Have you decided on where to go? Or are you still bent on getting to where uncle is teaching?" he asked teasingly, especially on the last question, an attempt to lighten the mood.
Her lip curled by a fraction, hugging her instrument close. "…well, it is my dream school and all."
"Well, knowing you, you'll make it – with or without the influence of your dad." She smiled at that, playing with the ends of her short hair. His eyes followed her fingers tangle in those (hair color) locks, remembering how strange it was to see her usual locks chopped off, of combing them when she was still unconscious.
A tense silence fills in – both teens staring at anything but each other, unsure of what to say next.
"How about you?"
Kuroo made a questioning hum.
"Keiji told me you're yet to enroll into college," there was her ever-present concerned tone, (eye color) eyes soft, yet, there was no mistaking how carefully she had asked.
Peering up to her through his fringe, Kuroo contemplated on his next words. "I haven't decided on a course yet." He lied, shrugging offhandedly. "No worries, though, I've been working part-time." That was half a lie, he had just started working at a small grocery store. A small distraction outside the four corners of his own home and the hospital.
Her brows furrowed slightly with worry before it eased away when a knock came from the door. Her doctor – a small middle-aged man named Dr. Ishioka peeked in, beaming at the sight of her.
"Good morning, (Last name)-chan." Noticing she was not alone, he gave Kuroo a short nod. "And to you, too, Kuroo-kun."
Kuroo returned the gesture, having been a familiar face in the hospital for the past few months.
"How are we today?"
"Good," she smiled, still hugging her ukulele, unaware of her stationary in front of her. When her doctor noticed, he merely gave it a glance. Having finally noticed at what he was looking at, she started looking sheepish. "A-Ah, I was just writing my song!"
"And how is it going along?"
"I-It's coming," she replied, using the same answer she gave Kuroo earlier. "I get stuck on words, and things are a little fuzzy to figure out."
The man nods, hands buried deep in his pocket. "That's good, getting some brainwork done. However, don't stress yourself, okay? You've been asleep for six months, and it'll take some time for your body to get used to moving."
"She won't." Kuroo says aloud, (Name) and Dr. Ishioka turns to him. "I'll make sure of it."
(Name) nods dutifully, finally putting down her instrument.
In his professional eyes, there clearly was an underlying tension between the two. Instead of pushing into it, he knew where his limits were.
"Well, that's good to hear then. You're in good hands, (Last name)-chan."
The girl looks up to the doctor, who gives her a kind smile before leaving her a few instructions, which Kuroo was quick to take note of, before leaving.
Just as the door closed behind him, he heaved a sigh, wishing the best for the two.
"(Last name)-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" a loud, jolly voice erupted in the room, making a dash for the girl. Barely a step in, Yaku kicked him in the back, grabbing the tall teen by the collar and pulling him back. "Geh- "
"Lev, control yourself! This is a hospital, not a playground! Geez, it's like taking care of a giant baby." Meeting her gaze, he lifted a hand. "Yo, (Last name), you look well."
She laughed, eyes soft at the sight of the Nekoma team filling her room. Kenma, beside her, eyes stuck to his console per usual.
"(Last name)," Noboyuki nods, holding out a fruit basket. "we brought you fruits."
Her smile grew, touched by the gesture. "Thank you, Kai!"
Kenma puts away his console and takes the fruit basket from the taller lad, putting it on a nearby table. He plucks an orange and disappears into the washroom, momentarily leaving (Name) to catch up with the Nekoma team.
"(Last Name)-san, your hair!" Inuoka pointed out. "It's grown so much!"
She laughed at his comment, touching her hair consciously. "Yes, it has. My head feels lighter, actually."
"Then, you're keeping it short?"
She hums, tapping her finger to her chin in thought. "Who knows?"
"It looks good, actually," Yaku commented. "Then again, it's your hair, so it's your choice."
After the short pleasantries, the boys headed towards the couch and sat down, Fukunaga flipping through the channels. Kenma emerges from the washroom, sitting in his spot next to her.
"Ah, it's your mom's turn to watch you, right?" Noboyuki asked, sitting on the couch.
She hummed, nodding, Kenma placing the oranges on a table in front of her as he plumped and propped some pillows behind her, making sure that she was comfortable. When he was done, he sat down and began to unpeel his orange, (Name) following.
"I just wish I could get out of here, it's so stuffy in here. Not to mention, it gets kind of scary at night." She shuddered, blaming it on the time when the boys from Fukurodani visited and Bokuto, who was channel surfing, stopped upon a horror film – particularly on a very scary scene. Lest to say, she didn't sleep well that night and Bokuto was almost banned from visiting her again.
"That's understandable, hospitals tend to be scary," Noboyuki says kindly.
"You can say that again!" roared Yamamoto.
"Yamamoto, shut up." Yaku reprimands the loud-mouthed boy.
"Lev, how's your read block training going?" as soon as the question was asked, the Russian tensed, beginning to sweat profusely.
"A-Ah, it's going great!"
"He still sucks at it." Kenma says, munching on a slice of orange with his eyes glued to his game console. "And no amount of practice seems to work, it's like he's meant for failure."
"You can say that again," says Yamamoto, arms folded against his chest. "he's a hopeless cause."
"H-Hey, I've been practicing!"
"Bless Nekomata-sensei for ever thinking you had a chance."
"Yaku-san, not you, too!"
"Time to scoot, little newt!"
"Goddamn it, Fukunaga!"
(Name) couldn't help but laugh, missing her rowdy boys.
A month of being holed in here was enough to drive anyone insane – everything was too gray, too cold and too dull. It meant so much to her whenever someone came to visit, bringing color to her room and warmth to her heart. Even as they all ganged up on Lev, she knew they really cared. And as far as Kenma's told him – being vice-captain and all, he's actually not bad. Though, he is quite clumsy with executing his offense and defense. She missed this, she really did.
But the thing was, it just wasn't the same anymore.
It was hard to be around him anymore, that was a fact.
When she woke up, it looked like she had emerged from a different world. Kuroo quickly called the doctors, happy tears slipping down his face. Too happy to know that she finally woke up – after six months! – he almost forgot to ring her parents of her recovery.
A few hours later, when she slowly came to, he walked in the room. Happy tears filled the room, the happy parents engulfing their finally awakened sleeping beauty.
But at the sight of him she suddenly shook and cried – Kuroo quickly ran out of the room before anyone told him to, for her sake. All his worst fears came to life.
The doctors had assured him that it was just the effects of being unconscious for so long – it was difficult to adjust to her surroundings and the people she cared about. Her mind might still be subjected to her previous mindset, long before she went into a coma. So, when she woke up, there was a lot to take in for her. But with the help of doctors, her family, and friends, she was able to come through.
In a span of two weeks, (Name) was showing progress with her recovery. She was still subjected to strains when she overworked herself, especially when it came to brain exercise. But she was doing well, her energy revitalized with the support of her family and friends. And ever since she woke up, there's not a day when a friend – from Nekoma or Fukurodani – would drop by and visit.
In fact, the only time she ever seemed comfortable was when he wasn't in the scene. She was much more comfortable with being in the presence of others than with him. And that hurt.
Things just weren't the same anymore.
She knew that.
He knew that.
And it was all because of that one mistake of his. Just the thought of it made his gut churn, his hands balled into fists, his anger to rise, geared towards him.
There was no questioning of her newfound fear of him, after all, it was also his fault. Kuroo accepted his fate wholeheartedly, even though it killed him.
He could hear his thoughts: of the reason that he stayed, was to ease himself of the guilt, to make him feel better about himself.
So, he came up with a decision, once she's done with her rehab, when she finally gets discharged, he'll leave her alone. As much as it pained him, he knew it was for the best.
After all, who was he in her life anymore?
"To light the night, to help us grow…" she mumbled, jolting down her notebook. "It is not said I always know…" Her nose scrunches, having hit a block. Frustrated, she throws her hand in the air, looking around her quiet room. Instinctively, her hands reached to her right, where her ukulele usually lay, only to find it sitting on the chair across her – her father, had visited earlier, to play her a tune in an attempt to cheer her up.
(Name) sat up, turns to her side to lower the rail before sliding her feet off the bed. The cold tingle on her toes was a sensation she never knew she'd want to feel again, has been laying in bed for months. Taking deep breaths, she slipped her feet off, remembering to bear the weight – feeling like a toddler walking for the first time.
"Didn't the doctor say you aren't supposed to strain yourself?" came a harsh voice.
She looked up, meeting Kuroo's furious gaze, seeing her out of bed.
Technically, according to the doctor, she could walk quite well now and advised her to do some exercise when she can. But Kuroo couldn't help but overreact.
"B-But…" without a word, he gently helped her back to her bed. She didn't argue, her mission to grab her ukulele gone.
He sighed, pulling up a chair. "You do want to get out, right?" She nods, slowly, withdrawing her fingers away.
"D-Dr. Ishioka says I'm good to walk now."
"Is that so?" she nods, like a petulant child. Kuroo sighs, eyes apologetic. "I'm sorry for overreacting."
"It's okay." Relaxing, she offered him a gentle smile, which lasted for a minute before realizing the bags under his eyes, how bloodshot his eyes were. "You seem tired."
"Hm," he yawned, massaging his throbbing temples. "shitty customer, don't worry about it."
"You should sleep."
"I'll be fine," he calls off, turning his back, to look for something to do.
"Kuroo Tetsuroo," she called, using her tone – one he and Kenma were fairly familiar with, even the team. It pleased her to see him tense, slowly facing her. A triumphant smile was ready to break into her face, but concern about his welfare won over.
His shoulders slumped, surrendering. That made her smile, a tiny bit triumphant, before patting on her side. Instead, Kuroo resigned to sitting on a chair next to her bedside, leaning forward to rest his head on his folded arms.
"Are you sure you don't want to lie down?" she offered, clearly displeased.
"I'm fine like this," he tells her softly. I got used to it.
She looked like she wanted to argue but quickly closed her mouth shut. "Tetsuroo?"
"I-I wanna go to the gardens tomorrow, to stretch my legs."
"All day?"
She nodded shyly, determined.
"Okay then, walking all day it is. By the way, how's the song coming?"
Her shoulders fell, dejected. "It's coming…I'm just stuck…"
Kuroo laughed, muffled by the sheets. And then he broke into a yawn, his head heavy, throbbing, eyelids drooping close but he fought to stay awake. Thin fingers soothingly ran through his hair, like they usually did, easing the tension from his head and replacing him with the sense of calmness.
"Hey, (Name)?" She leaned close, face illuminated by the moonlight. How he wanted to touch her face. "Sing me a song?
Smoothing her fingers through his hair, a soft smile crept its way to his lips, especially when she began to sing. His heart tugged, slowly beating faster – he always loved hearing her sing with or without an instrument. In one exhale, his subconscious slipping, the last thing he heard was her sweet voice and the beating of his heart.
"Hey, (Name)."
"Why have you been avoiding Kuroo?"
She froze, slowly turning her head to blond-dyed teen beside her, hands folded against his chest and console free. He watched her from the corner of his eye, golden eyes inquisitive, waiting.
"Of course, you knew." She smiled, leaning into his shoulder. "It's not that I'm avoiding him…it's just," she lifted her hands, making gestures before letting them fall. "I-I don't know how to talk to him...I'm not sure I want to. Just…being around him makes me feel like a black hole if that even makes sense." The blank TV screen in front of her bed reflected the two, lying side by side on her bed, but she could also see the view outside her window – a dark blanket of night, the moon obscured by clouds.
"Hey, Kenma?" There was a question she was dying to ask, gnawing her the moment she woke up. She wasn't even sure if she was ready for the answer, regardless of what it was. "My mind's a bit fuzzy, and I was unconscious and all, but I do remember voices in the dark." Swallowing thickly, she says. "A-And I swore I heard Tetsuroo."
Kenma's eyes noticeable widened, his shoulders heavy from bearing weights of two sides. In his head, he was debating whether he should tell her or not – he was obligated to, after all.
"Yeah, that was him." He exhaled, recalling the past six months. "Kuroo didn't leave your side when you were admitted."
She let out a weak gasp, the dam breaking.
"Why are you crying? Are you happy? Sad?"
"Both." She sobbed, crying against his shoulder. But also, she felt incredibly guilty.
Kenma sighed, really, these two were a handful. When they talked, they both had to be careful of the other, as if they threaded on thin ice. He's had enough of bearing their secrets, especially when it concerned the other – it made him the third wheel.
But as frustrating as they were, they were still his friends and he cared about them.
A few months into (Name) under coma, Kuroo Tetsuroo received word that he had been qualified for the colleges he applied for, one, in particular, was in the United Kingdom. Driven by guilt, he had to turn down their offers of scholarships for her, too broken to even take a step forward.
A day after she woke up, he called the admissions, asking if he was still qualified. To his luck, he still was.
Although the semester wouldn't be until next month, Kuroo's things were all packed. He didn't bother saying a word to anyone, it was for the best.
It was a dick move, but then again, he was a dick.
This was the biggest leap of faith in his life, the opportunity of a lifetime, he had to take it. Yet, as much as his heart yearned for it, it felt like he was taking the easy way out.
He'll miss Tokyo, his home, his family, his friends.
But what he'll miss the most was her.
It'll be alright, he thought to himself. After all, she'll be off to college, her dream school, where she can start anew.
And as much as he hated the thought of it, he knew that she'll meet someone else, someone who'll treasure her in ways he failed to.
It felt surreal to be outside again, to have the sun and the wind kiss her skin. Hands instinctively flew to her hair as the wind picked up, remembering that it was still growing and it was cropped short.
What's more surreal was the audition she got for her dream school, which was in a week's time, having considered her situation. Nekoma was going to have a practice match soon with Karasuno, a mini-reunion was planned by the two schools. She was finally going to meet Kenma's special someone he met during a Game Expo. It was almost too much for her heart to take.
But something was missing in all this fanfare – Kuroo.
For days, she hasn't heard a word from him.
And then she received a call from Bokuto, frantically telling her that Kuroo was at the hospital.
Apparently, he was out drinking with a few friends and suddenly got into a fight. Although he started it, he didn't fight back, allowing the guy to beat him to a pulp. Had Bokuto not been there and Kuroo'd be critical.
Her heart broke at the sight of him, hating that his arm was bandaged, the bruises and stitches on his face. She had the exact look of heartbreak when he saw her, all the guilt washed over her as she rushed to his side.
"What happened to you, Tetsuroo?" she wondered, frantically. "I know you're one to pick fights, but I never thought you'd go this far."
He wouldn't look her in the eyes. That hurt. Kenma's words surfaced, making her heart twinge.
"What's she doing here?" he asked Bokuto angrily. She flinched at his tone, mind flashing to a certain memory.
"She was the best person to call," Akaashi answered calmly. "Kuroo-san, go home. And more importantly, you and (Last name)-san should talk."
"Eh? But Akaashi, don't you think Kuroo's out of it?"
"I'm very much sober, thank you very much." He threw a glare at the raven-haired setter, ignoring Bokuto's concern, or (Name)'s.
After being given painkillers, Kuroo was good to go. And before anyone could stop him, he walked out of the hospital. (Name) looked at the two teens worriedly before chasing after him, calling after his retreating form. But he didn't look back, not even once. She didn't stop chasing after him either.
Finally, he stopped by the riverside next to a bridge – the same one she found Kenma and he some years ago. Although puzzled, she followed him down the steps.
The silence between them was thick with a heavy weight of guilt wrought by the past few months, hearts burdened heavily. It was almost unbearable to even breath, running away was the perfect option, yet the two stayed, another option weighing heavier.
They remain like that for at least an hour, the night growing older with every second. Two teenagers too afraid to tell the other what they wanted to say, fear holding them back.
Finally, for what seemed like forever, Kuroo exhaled through his nose, a heavy sigh. That was never a good sign.
"I'm going to Cambridge."
Her whipping to him, he worried she'd get a whiplash. But she didn't, her world just stopped, body stilling. "W-What…?"
Sighing again, he pressed his forehead to his palms, unable to meet her eyes. It wasn't what he wanted to say, but this was for the best.
"The next semester won't start until next month, but in a few days or weeks, I was called to take a test and offered a scholarship. So, I leave sometime this month."
She hated the way he talked to her, hated how he seemed to avoid her. Then again, she pretty much did the same thing. But it felt so…wrong.
Brought by the pent-up emotions she's been feeling, she called out, in a shaky tone. "Hey, Tetsu, won't you listen to my song?"
Song? So, she finally got to finish her song.
Swallowing hard, she reached for her ukulele – the sight of the band-aid sent a sharp pain in his heart, a painful reminder – fingers positioned over the strings, shaking just by a fraction. Before he could stop her, she glanced up at him and began singing.
I love this place
But haunted without you
My tired heart is beating so slow
Our hearts sing less than we wanted
We wanted
Our hearts sing cause
We do not know
We do not know
Her singing was as gentle as her music, enough to bring tears to his eyes.
He was reminded of the many times she'd sing to him, in times when he was at his lowest. To cheer him up, all it took was a few comforting words, a gentle smile, a warm hug, or her offering a song. It was cheesy, but he loved it, especially because when she sang to him, it would be only him and just him alone, making it very personal for him. He was selfish like that.
To light the night
To help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said I always know
Of course, you don't, he thought laughingly.
He could feel the longing in her voice, the loneliness – it made her seem like she was a princess locked up in a tower. Its lyrics tugged at him, knowing the feeling so well.
When their eyes met, he saw the young woman he fell in love with when they were 8, the young woman who held his heart.
You can catch me
Don't you run
Don't you run
If you live another day in this happy little house
The fire's here to stay
The emotion in her eyes made his throat dry, tugging his heart – did she just?
To light the night
To help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said I always know
His heart was hammering wildly against his chest, a rush of emotions getting to him. The words were at the tip of his tongue, heart ready to burst out of his chest to tell her.
But not just yet, he didn't want to jinx it, couldn't bring himself to, he wanted to hear more.
Please don't make a fuss
It won't go away
The wonder of it all the wonder that I made
I am here to stay
I am here to stay
Overwhelmed by her emotions, by the pent-up emotions she's withheld for so long, tears began streaming down her face uncontrollably. Alarmed, Kuroo quickly took away her ukulele and enveloped her in his arms.
At his touch, everything she's been holding in surfacing. "I'm sorry!" she cried, returning the hug, tightening her hold on him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"No, don't say you're sorry." He pulls back to plant a kiss to her forehead, thumbs brushing her tears away. "Don't you ever feel sorry, (Name)." He whispered against her skin.
Kenma's neutral look of displeasure came to mind. He felt like an idiot. How could he be so stupid to have dismissed her feelings over his?
And somehow, his embrace made everything better, everything was forgiven, forgotten – yet, it made things worse at the same time.
"Tetsuroo, please don't go…" glossy (eye color) eyes begging, his heart aching. "Don't go, please." Gentle hands reached up to cup his face, tears continuing to stream down her face. "Stay, please."
Oh, those (eye color) eyes, she had no idea of its effect on her.
Placing his larger hands in hers, he leaned his forehead with hers, their noses bumping.
If anyone asks, I've been meaning to work on this FOR-fucking-EVER. Add up the fact that I'm juggling on my unemployed status, piled up with the anxiety and self-loathing I've made for myself these past few months. Hope you liked the final installment to this series (and gah, I hate the titles, they're all so cheesy)