A/N: Now on Wattpad: story/101812482-misery-diabolik-lovers-au

Love Hate Heartbreak

Kanato sat in class and smiled as he listened to the lesson. It was his third year as an Elementary school student and it was the first time he wasn't in the same class as his brother's Ayato and Laito.

As he listened to the teacher go over what they would do during class, a girl with pastel purple hair and the same color eyes, with porcelain skin walked in. She caught Kanato's eye and he was particularly curious and interested in her, so when she sat down in the desk next to him he wanted to grab her attention, but was too shy to say hi. One of his delicate, childish fingers picked up his pencil which was very dull by the way and poked her in the arm. Her reaction was nothing less than bad, considering she began to cry. Kanato hugged teddy tighter and looked at her, wondering why she was crying.

Tears fell from her eyes and the teacher went over to her to comfort her. Lex continued to cry, as the teacher suggested they call her parents to bring her home. After a while she was sent to the office, where her parents would come, coddle her, and bring her home.

The next day, Kanato approached her and handed her a handmade letter with a drawing of a pencil poking an arm and a red circle around it, that crossed out the image in the center. She took it shyly and didn't say anything, though she kept wondering if maybe he was forced to make it. Her hands opened the letter and read a very well thought out apology, which explained why he shouldn't have done that.

A few days past, and Kanato began to tease her drawings, "Why do they all have pig-noses?"

She leaned closer to her drawing and ignored him, thinking his comment was very rude and hurtful. He continued to watch her draw and secretly admired her talent, regardless of all the mean comments he made,

After a while, class began and sat next to her as his assigned seat was always put next to her -she always thought that maybe the teacher thought they'd become friends if they sat next to each other. She silently read the book they were reading as a class and was mumbling to herself.

"Can you read in your head?" She nodded and stopped, beginning to read the book in her head instead of whispering it to herself. Kanato hugged teddy tighter as he read his book and looked at Lex, lying to get on her nerves, "You're still doing it..."

She rolled her over eyes and hit him in the arm with the book, accidentally ripping the ancient book's spine in half and she tried not to smirk as he laughed at her.

He hugged teddy and smiled at her, "You're really stupid, you know that?"

Lex looked at the floor and felt ashamed for ruining a book that didn't belong to her.

Once recess rolled around, she sat alone under a tree and Kanato watched her from afar, as he saw girls approach her and asked if she wanted to play with them. She said no and continued to draw.

Recess ended, after an hour and she stood in line with her class. Kanato stood in front of her and looked at her, eyeing her nails that were freakishly long, "Are you a kitty or something? You have ugly claws!"

She looked at him and batted at his face, "Well, maybe I should claw your eyes out!"

He smirked at her and hugged teddy as the line moved and they went back in the building to their classroom.


Years past and he continued to tease her until finally she was alone in Fifth Grade and it was the last day of the year. She grew very strong emotionally, regardless of her delicate, weak-looking features.

She saw him walking through the halls and approached him in anger, shaking with confidence, "Why do you hate me so much!?" He blushed and didn't answer her, feeling bashful and embarrassed, as he hugged teddy, so she rose her voice, "Tell me!"

His body took over his mind and he pushed her against a wall by hitting her center of gravity, without a second thought and she flew face first against the wall, snacking her hands against it to catch herself. He walked away without a care in the world and left, going about his day as usual, as he gripped onto teddy in embarrassment.

She stared at the wall and slowly got off, we people filed out of their classrooms and asked if she was okay. Her head nodded slightly and she blankly stared that she was fine, walking in daze after Kanato, but he disappeared within the crowds and she lost him.


High school rolled around before they knew it and were now Freshmen having spent all of middle schoo in peace, away from each other. It was a good time to be alive for Lex and things were finally looking up, until she saw him during her lunch period -a place he never was.

She eyed him out the corner of her eye and tried to focus on what her friend was saying, when, something with a teasing tone pricked her ears, Le...ex...~" She recalled that voice all too well and looked over at him, blushing with embarrassment. "Come here, doll~"

Lex looked at her friend who just shrugged. Kanato's voice echoed throughout her head, beckoning her to follow it, "Come sit with me~"

Almost as if on command, her legs stood up and carried her over to his lunch table and she sat down near him. His brothers were there smirking, judging, watching... She wanted to leave, though she tried to play it cool like she belonged there, which only interested Kanato more and made him slightly excited. She looked at Kanato, "What is it, Kanato?"

He smirked and acted all buddy-buddy with her for some reason, "Remember when I poked you with a pencil and you cried?"

"Yeah... I was weak back then..."

He smiled at her response, laughing in a joking, yet playful way, "The pencil wasn't even sharp!"

She agreed and sat there uncomfortably, as he brought up a time she forgot, "...and then there was that one time you kept stabbing at your eraser! Do you still have it by the way?"

She shook her head no, "No... I lost it."

He hugged teddy as she began to leave and successfully went back to her table, then he motioned her to come back and she had no choice but to listen for some reason, so she did.

He hugged teddy, smiled at her and looked to be on the verge of bringing up another memory, until the lunch bell rang and she sighed in relief. Kanato began to clean up his food, as she walked away.

The purple haired vampire had no intention of following her and let her go.


Months past and Lex walked out of her classroom. She had to go to the office to collect something for her teacher; like get papers for a worksheet they were working on. She walked past him and down to the office then walked back and stopped her, "Hey, Lex." She stopped and stared at him. "Do think your cute?"

She stuttered, "I-I...don't know,"

Kanato smiled at her, "Cause I think you are.~"

Lex froze up and looked him in the eyes like a deer in headlights then walked into her classroom with billions of thoughts racing and cycling through her head. It was like screws and bullets drilled into her brain into an organized bulleted list

She closed her eyes tightly and leaned against the door, as Kanato continued to sit outside, confused and a little surprised she just walked away.

Lex walked the papers over to her math teacher and sighed, still thinking about what Kanato just said, "Here."

Her math teacher took the teacher and smiled, told her to take her seat and began handing the papers out to the students who didn't have worksheets, yet.

The day dragged on and Lex didn't see Kanato the rest of the day and was starting to get antsy on her feelings for him. It was like when he said that he shot a Cupid Arrow at her brain and broke her thoughts, warping them into thoughts about love and hate -life and death. She hated him, but she also had a need for him that was as strong as lust.

She stood at her locker and slammed the door, almost dropping her bag when she saw Kanato standing there in front of her, "Ah!"

His eyes looked dead and he walked towards her, "Lex..." He got closer to her, hugging teddy tightly, "Be my doll!"


He pulled on her and she whimpered, but he only hugged her in a tight embrace, whispering in her ear, "I want you..."

She blushed intensely and pushed him away, running towards the school doors and pushing on them to get to the outside. Her legs carried her to her bus and she got on it, taking a seat, by the window.

On the way home, Kanato teleported to the back of the bus and stalked Led until she made it home safely.