A/N: This is my first story so bare with me please. I think the plot will
end up pretty good and all you TROY fans will love it. Please read a
review I could use the criticism and help a lot. Thanks for the help!
The coffee cup alarm clock was going off beside the bed in the back round. Rory rolled over in bed and reached around determined to turn it off without having to open her eyes. Once she was successful in knocking some pictures and books off the table she finally attempted to open her eyes.
*6:31* her eyes shot opened She over slept, the bus would be at the corner in less then 15 minutes.
"Shit" she mumbled to herself scrambling towards her feet and running to the closet. "This isn't real, its just a dream Rory, calm down" she closed her eyes and pinched herself. "Okay so it's not a dream and my life still sucks" she reminded herself. So just barley got her uniform on when she grabbed her backpack and books heading towards the kitchen.
This is unbelievable and cannot be happening. Lane and I aren't talking, there's no more Dean and I, Lorelai and I had a fight over Dad and Sherry, and not only am I late for the bus but I have no coffee.
Yesterday had not been the greatest day for Rory, in fact in all of her sixteen years of living it would rate about five on the top ten suckiest days.
She looked around and noticed no Lorelai. No big surprise, they had both been avoiding each other since last night. It was just so weird between them when they fought, it rarely ever happened but when it did they both hated it. It was like having no coffee in the world as far as they were concerned, and Rory was miserable.
She got her things and headed out the door. The possibility of going to Luke's was out of the question, the bus was already there. So hurried on and sat near the back catching her breath. She couldn't even pull out a book she was so upset, she just sat down staring out the window. *well at least it's Friday * she thought to herself.
*~*~*~* Chilton *~*~*~*
"Rory, I love the new look. What are we trying out for the homeless person in the school play? Paris' screeching voice spoke. Rory wasn't in the mood for their normal banter today, she just wanted to get the day over with and go home.
"Paris, I'm not in the mood" she said, shutting her locker and heading for class.
Paris, Madeline, and Louise all passes each other looks with silent remarks and then headed to class themselves.
First, second and third period was all a blur. Rory realized she didn't take notes or raise her hand once. Of course it didn't help having Paris and her little group snickering about Rory and her bad mood.
She was actually happy to go to lunch, get away from everyone and just sit down by herself. If only it was that easy.
"Daydreaming about me Marry?" came Tristin's voice.
" No that would be called a nightmare" Rory tried to turn around in the hopes he would go away.
"Ouch, that hurt" he said sarcastically " did someone not have their coffee this morning?"
"Tristin I'm not in the mood just leave me alone" she pleaded
He put up his hand in a defeated mo tion and back away. Rory was obviously in a bad mood, but why? He gave her a concerned look and then walked away. Rory was just glad that he left, her day was bad enough without having Paris and Tristin around.
*RIIINNNNNGGGGGGGG* the last bell of the day went off
Kids swarmed the halls meeting up with each other and talking about weekend plans. Rory pushed through the crowd to get to her locker and then again to get outside.
The day had sucked and she didn't know how much more she could take of it. She didn't want to go home and have the hostility with her and Lorelai and she couldn't go to Lane's because things weren't good there either. Everything was just a mess and she felt everything and absolutely nothing at the same time. It was like she was numb but felt a piercing pain at the same time.
Tristin spotted Rory sitting on a bench and toyed with the idea of going over to her. He knew she had a bad day and looked like she needed help but he knew they would just fight. He took one last glance in her direction then got into his car and left.
Rory had made up her mind, she wasn't going home. She didn't want to cry or be sad, or continue the horrible day. She decided to get on the bus and get dropped off somewhere near her grandparents and hopefully stay there the night. Lorelai would be mad but at least there Rory wouldn't fight with anyone.
~*~*~*~*~* Grandparents House *~*~*~*~*~*~
*knock knock knock *
Rory stood on the entry way and waited. She then let out a growl once she realized that no one was going to answer the door. They were probably on vacation or a business trip.
She dropped her book bag and plopped down on the steps. Taking out her cell phone and a notebook with Chilton students' number on it from a project.
She took a deep breath and dialed, first Paris, no answer. Madeline, no answer. Louise, no answer. What was she thinking it was Friday afternoon, everyone had plans. It's not like these people would come and get her or take her in for the night.
She picked up her stuff and headed down the road. Downtown Hartford was less then 1 mile away from her grandparents house, she could walk around there for a while, anything to avoid her life right now.
She took her time and scanned through book stores and antique stores. She knew they were all over priced and she wasn't going to get anything. She was just trying to keep her mind off things.
She finally gave up around 7 p.m. and found a bench outside some restaurants and bars. The city was busy at night, but it was beautiful. Lights were blazing, music was blasting, and people were everywhere. She could probably sit there and just watch for hours taking In the new environment.
However she knew she couldn't. Rory had still not come to her senses about going home. She made up her mind, she wasn't trying to make her mom mad or be rebellious. She just didn't want to go, she was peaceful right now. Her problems would jut have to wait until she was ready to deal with them.
She got out her cell phone one more time, and did something she never thought would happen.
" Tristin?"
The coffee cup alarm clock was going off beside the bed in the back round. Rory rolled over in bed and reached around determined to turn it off without having to open her eyes. Once she was successful in knocking some pictures and books off the table she finally attempted to open her eyes.
*6:31* her eyes shot opened She over slept, the bus would be at the corner in less then 15 minutes.
"Shit" she mumbled to herself scrambling towards her feet and running to the closet. "This isn't real, its just a dream Rory, calm down" she closed her eyes and pinched herself. "Okay so it's not a dream and my life still sucks" she reminded herself. So just barley got her uniform on when she grabbed her backpack and books heading towards the kitchen.
This is unbelievable and cannot be happening. Lane and I aren't talking, there's no more Dean and I, Lorelai and I had a fight over Dad and Sherry, and not only am I late for the bus but I have no coffee.
Yesterday had not been the greatest day for Rory, in fact in all of her sixteen years of living it would rate about five on the top ten suckiest days.
She looked around and noticed no Lorelai. No big surprise, they had both been avoiding each other since last night. It was just so weird between them when they fought, it rarely ever happened but when it did they both hated it. It was like having no coffee in the world as far as they were concerned, and Rory was miserable.
She got her things and headed out the door. The possibility of going to Luke's was out of the question, the bus was already there. So hurried on and sat near the back catching her breath. She couldn't even pull out a book she was so upset, she just sat down staring out the window. *well at least it's Friday * she thought to herself.
*~*~*~* Chilton *~*~*~*
"Rory, I love the new look. What are we trying out for the homeless person in the school play? Paris' screeching voice spoke. Rory wasn't in the mood for their normal banter today, she just wanted to get the day over with and go home.
"Paris, I'm not in the mood" she said, shutting her locker and heading for class.
Paris, Madeline, and Louise all passes each other looks with silent remarks and then headed to class themselves.
First, second and third period was all a blur. Rory realized she didn't take notes or raise her hand once. Of course it didn't help having Paris and her little group snickering about Rory and her bad mood.
She was actually happy to go to lunch, get away from everyone and just sit down by herself. If only it was that easy.
"Daydreaming about me Marry?" came Tristin's voice.
" No that would be called a nightmare" Rory tried to turn around in the hopes he would go away.
"Ouch, that hurt" he said sarcastically " did someone not have their coffee this morning?"
"Tristin I'm not in the mood just leave me alone" she pleaded
He put up his hand in a defeated mo tion and back away. Rory was obviously in a bad mood, but why? He gave her a concerned look and then walked away. Rory was just glad that he left, her day was bad enough without having Paris and Tristin around.
*RIIINNNNNGGGGGGGG* the last bell of the day went off
Kids swarmed the halls meeting up with each other and talking about weekend plans. Rory pushed through the crowd to get to her locker and then again to get outside.
The day had sucked and she didn't know how much more she could take of it. She didn't want to go home and have the hostility with her and Lorelai and she couldn't go to Lane's because things weren't good there either. Everything was just a mess and she felt everything and absolutely nothing at the same time. It was like she was numb but felt a piercing pain at the same time.
Tristin spotted Rory sitting on a bench and toyed with the idea of going over to her. He knew she had a bad day and looked like she needed help but he knew they would just fight. He took one last glance in her direction then got into his car and left.
Rory had made up her mind, she wasn't going home. She didn't want to cry or be sad, or continue the horrible day. She decided to get on the bus and get dropped off somewhere near her grandparents and hopefully stay there the night. Lorelai would be mad but at least there Rory wouldn't fight with anyone.
~*~*~*~*~* Grandparents House *~*~*~*~*~*~
*knock knock knock *
Rory stood on the entry way and waited. She then let out a growl once she realized that no one was going to answer the door. They were probably on vacation or a business trip.
She dropped her book bag and plopped down on the steps. Taking out her cell phone and a notebook with Chilton students' number on it from a project.
She took a deep breath and dialed, first Paris, no answer. Madeline, no answer. Louise, no answer. What was she thinking it was Friday afternoon, everyone had plans. It's not like these people would come and get her or take her in for the night.
She picked up her stuff and headed down the road. Downtown Hartford was less then 1 mile away from her grandparents house, she could walk around there for a while, anything to avoid her life right now.
She took her time and scanned through book stores and antique stores. She knew they were all over priced and she wasn't going to get anything. She was just trying to keep her mind off things.
She finally gave up around 7 p.m. and found a bench outside some restaurants and bars. The city was busy at night, but it was beautiful. Lights were blazing, music was blasting, and people were everywhere. She could probably sit there and just watch for hours taking In the new environment.
However she knew she couldn't. Rory had still not come to her senses about going home. She made up her mind, she wasn't trying to make her mom mad or be rebellious. She just didn't want to go, she was peaceful right now. Her problems would jut have to wait until she was ready to deal with them.
She got out her cell phone one more time, and did something she never thought would happen.
" Tristin?"