The Wardens, Members of an Ancient Order, fallen to Dust.

Sworn to Defend the Weak, Masters of the Longsword.

Their Origins lost to History, still they fight for what is Right, but only a Few may join their order.

Tenth of July, 608 Anno Post Cataclysmus.

That day, I learned I was serving the wrong Warlord, Hervis Daubeny. The Day that I met the Blackstone Legion, and Holden Cross.

It had been a quiet month. Of course, we lived in the Middle of Ashfeld, right below the reach of whatever was remaining of the Iron Legion. It was usually quiet for us. The Vikings didn't attack us, not this far away from their own Frostlands, and the Small Skirmishes between the mercenary groups almost never escalated into a real battle.

It was my fifth month as a Warden. I was still not as skilled with the heavy Sword as I'd like. it was never quite balanced. I had never seen war before. Not like many others had.

I knew of the principle. After all, I was a Warden. But nothing more than the fact 'It's bloody. Pray you never see it. if you do, make sure others won't'.

The Fort Daubeny was safe. Until it wasn't.

That day, it was warm. Like most Summer days here. the Sun shone brightly in the Sky, not a bird in the Sky. But then, a loud crash sound shook me awake.

I pushed the door open, running out on the wall, ducking as a Catapult Ball flew past my head, destroying a small piece of the Wall I was standing on.

"Defend the Walls!" I yelled, The Militia running into work, and ran to the other side of the wall.

Not even a stone throw away from the Castle, the Largest Mass of Soldiers I'd ever seen were marching on the single road leading to the castle.

"Come out!" Standing the first in the Attacking Cohorts, a Man in the ever Intimidating Armor of a Lawbringer looked at us, "Daubeny! IT doesn't have to be like this!"

The Old man was bald. Old enough to be my Trainer back in the Order, but not quite. He didn't have the Calm look of a Warden. Like all Lawbringers, he was grim. Easily showing that he didn't want to be here anymore than any of us did.

Daubeny didn't answer him, of course. Bastard was probably stuffing his face in his Chambers.

But our Archers did. A volley of Arrows flew towards the Legion, dropping a few of the frontline. He shook his head, accepting his helmet from a Warden in his army, before pointing at the door.

"BREAK IT DOWN!" ten Blackstone Soldiers were pushing a Small Battering Ram towards us.

If It reached the Gates, we would be dead.

"Keep them off the Walls!" I ordered a Knight on our side as I walked away. It was time I tested my mettle in a real battle.

I didn't want to see if it was as bad as the Trainers had told us. But I am a Warden. I had a Job to do.

The Blackstones were coming up the East wall. So I ran there, as fast as My Armor would allow me.

As soon as I reached it, I saw a Couple of Blackstone Wardens pushing the soldiers there off it, before turning towards me.

They looked Cocky. But I had enough Space behind me that I could step back. They didn't. and they didn't even know it.

A Catapult Bolt Hit the wall, right beneath where the Blackstones were standing. The shockwave threw all three of us to the ground. Cursing under my breath, I rose shakily, holding my Sword in a Defensive Stance.

The Other two did so as well, but before a fight could even begin, an arrow pierced the neck of one of the Wardens, the poor bastard falling to the ground with a groan.

Without looking at his fallen fellow, the Captain glared at me, and brought down his sword on my head.

That I was used to.

Block High! I brought my sword upon my head, meeting his sword with a loud clank. He stepped back, lunging again. Block Left! My Sword met his, a heavy swing that made me stagger, and him to lose his footing. That was my opening, I swung left, sword cutting through the Maile, and into the Flesh.

Pulling the Sword out, I met another Swing Block Low Left! Following with a pair of swings left and right, blocking as the Enemy attacked.

Finally, I thrust, cutting through the knight's chest. Pulling out my Sword, a brought down the sword by its Guard upon the man's neck, finishing him with the Most Renown Warden Technique, the Hilt Strike.

The Knight fell down with a moan.

Running past him, I walked towards the Least Guarded section of the East wall, coincidentally above one of the Fort Towers.

A lonely Blackstone was standing, a fellow Warden fallen in front of him.

I knew Reinforcements were coming. I just needed to Hold that wall until they'd arrive.

Running towards him, I brought my sword upon his unguarded neck, finishing him with a Single Strike.

Before I had the chance to call for Reinforcements, another Knight scaled the walls, jumping over. But I was ready.

Dodge! Block Left! Dodge, Swing Left! Dodge! Swing Right! Swing Left! Block Low! Straight Thrust!

It was almost like I was in the Training Arena again. except that here the Loser would lose their life, instead of their Gold.

Three more Knight I killed, thinking Damn, these poor Sods are even less Experienced than I am,

Turning to make sure there would be no surprises from any other side, I walked over to kick off the Ladder that these knights had climbed, but then Two more took its place.

The Two Knights climbing over looked at me, one of them chuckling, "A Common Mercenary, Threatening a Knight of the Blackstone Legion?"

I growled, assuming a Defensive stance. "This Common Mercenary has killed four of your numbers in the last Ten minutes."

One of them Growled, lunging. Holding his Sword to mine as I blocked, I slammed myself at him, bashing him to the wall with my Left Shoulder plate.

The Knight Lost his breath, and before he had a chance to regain it, my sword had relieved him of his head.

The Other knight, the Cocky one, met a relatively similar fate, and then I kicked off the new ladders.

Timing almost Impeccable, the door opened with a bang.

Four of Daubeny's Captains walked through it. "You did all this?" one of them asked, incredulously.

"Yes." I snapped back, "Thanks for the Assist!"

One of them said "we were busy. You'd see, if you took a look!"

They were right. The Courtyard was in full battle, Men-at-arms trading blows at each other. "Why're you here?" I told them, "If the yard needs more defense?"

"We were sent here to Secure the Eastern Tower. We have it. get down there. It's killing time!"

Nodding with a grim certainty, I left the Tower, taking the stairs down and joining the battle.

With a sharp cry, three Men fell from the Walls above the Gate. "Ready Bows!" a Blackstone Knight yelling, "Fire at will!"


"Go!" a Captain said to me, "We'll hold it here!" As he decapitated a militia with a full swing, "take care of the Archers, before we lose this!"

Climbing the Ladder, and Killing the Unskilled captains, I cut my way through the Men at arms, until I reached the Gate walls.

Lord Daubeny was up there, with a couple of Conquerors and more than a couple of Men at arms. "That's how it's done, you see!" the Man himself was saying. Not paying him any attention, I charged at the Enemy.

The Knights were skilled. This time. but not good enough.

Leading a Left swing from one of the knights to the other, I ran past them, and towards the other gate.

The Archers were behind a Catapult, still ready to fire even though it was in no position to fire at an enemy.

With a small swing, the Catapult released, destroying the wall beneath it and dropping down below on the Blackstones, five Archers following it.

Cross, still not joining the fight, huffed, before yelling "CHARGE!"

The battle had truly begun now.

Dropping down on a poor Captain from where I stood, I joined the Other forces, Daubeny and his soldiers following.

The Supposed Leader of this Castle yelled "No! Defend Me!" as his vanguard left him to join the battle.

I stopped for a second. "Show some Dignity, Man! there's a Whole Fort full of men to Defend!"

The Warlord gave me a dirty look, but said nothing. mostly because he was busy killing an enemy.

As I cut through the Various Men-at-arms with ease, I already knew that Battering Ram would End this fight.

All we could do was to make sure there was no help within the Fort to join the Blackstones. Thus, Slaughtering poorly trained men at the hundreds.

Until the Door Broke down. A sea of dust fell on the fort. The Lawbringer himself walking through the Gate like he owned the place, killed off the nearest Soldiers, before Yelling "STOP!"


The Warlord walked past a couple of his men, standing face to face to the Old man. "These warriors don't have to die." Cross said, "Trial by Combat, Right now!"

"What?" the Other man said incredulously, "Fight you? that's not a trial, that's an execution!"

The Knight took a step forward, looking at his foe in the eyes, or at least where his Eyes should be, full-faced helmets and all, and said "Then fight my Second" turning his head to nod at a Warden with a longsword, who raised his sword, taking a step forward.

"Fight your second?" the warlord wasn't done, "That's not honorable!"

Everyone scoffed, on both sides, like you know anything about Honor.

"You!" the Warlord pointed his sword at us. "You'll be my second."

Nobody stepped forward.

Much as the Blackstones were untrained, we'd had a hard time defeating them, fight Cross' own Second?

Until I noticed his sword was pointed at me. I looked left and right. "Sorry Mate," "We'll be sure to light you a candle"

I sighed, grabbing my sword and taking a step forward. "Alright then."

I knew that were I to refuse, there'd be a Slaughter. I had to fight, but not for Daubeny. For the men I'd been dining with this past few months. For the poor soldiers that didn't know signing up as a Guard meant an all-out Battle if your leader pissed off the wrong guy. Even for the men we'd lost.

I had to beat the Champion, and as soon as I could.

The Champion was a warden too. Or had been, anyway. With a Loud War cry, he charged, feinting left, but Striking from Above.

Blocking the Swing, I knocked the man back, sword ready for another block. Left! Right! Dodge! Swing Low! Strike Left! Not even one of my Strikes landed.

The Champion yelled, "Miserum!" not even pained by blocking this strike. He slammed his shoulder-plate at me. My Concentration broken, I missed his next strike. Fortunately, it didn't cut deep. Leaving a mere shallow cut on my Side.

The Blackstones Cheered once. I growled.

"FIRST BLOOD!" Cross called, "Do you Surrender, Daubeny?"

Not risking his own neck, the man said "Never!" Cross sighed, "As you wish. Continue!"

He was Good. But I'd be better.

Block Left! High! Low! Right! swing low! Swing Right! Dodge, Swing Left! Avert attack! Finally, I led his sword forwards, the man staggering forward in his momentum. His Back unguarded, I slashed once.

The Man cried once.

"FIRST BLOOD!" Daubeny called back. "Do you yield?"

Cross glared at him. the man deflated. "Continue"

If Cross hadn't said anything now, he wouldn't say anything later. This battle would be to the death.

And by now, both of us knew this.

I shared a look of Acceptance with the Knight, before resuming combat. This time, mercilessly.

Swing left! Dodge, Block left! Block Left! Block High! Dodge! Swing left, Swing low, Sweep left! Dodge! Straight Thrust!

My Thrust landed, sword shoved into the man's chest.

I pulled the sword out, the man fell to his knees.

This would be painful for him. but also a Mercy. At this point he'd bleed out to death in about three minutes. but not if I had anything to do about it.

Gripping the sword by its blade, a brought down the sword upon his head, the guard pierced him in the neck, and he moaned. As I pulled the sword out, he fell, Finally dead.

The Howl of Triumph came from Daubeny's Soldiers. Everyone knew Cross was a man of his words. Now that We'd beaten his champion, he'd leave. A good man, I know I wouldn't.

Holden left his Poleax to a Soldier next to him, and stepped towards Daubeny. Intimidated, The Warlord raised his Sword as if to defend himself. Cross scoffed, and then said "It will not do for a Knight of the Blackstone Legion to be felled by a Common Mercenary."

I gulped. Oh Father who art in Haeven. He's gonna kill me. Save my Soul.

The Lawbringer reached for the Sword's handle, Daubeny reluctantly giving it up and letting the Knight take it.

Much like My own blade, it was finely crafted. For course, he status as 'Warlord' (Read rich Bastard with a bunch of Thugs to do his bidding) guaranteed him a finer sword. Unlike mine, Which I'd received as My Sword when I'd been initiated into the Order.

Don't Judge me. I had no feats behind me to guarantee me a Sword. It was this, or taking a sword off a man's corpse. Dishonorable. And impractical. If it was any good, that Sword would've saved his own life.

"What is your name, Sellsword?" the Lawbringer asked, sword at his side, almost ready to strike.

At least I'll face my death with Dignity. "Rex. Rex Bellator."

"Rex Bellator" the Man said, "Warrior King. Your parents weren't that Creative, were they?" but he wasn't waiting for a reply.

"Kneel" Cross looked at me, his stare a soulless glare, from the most terrifying Helmet ever created.

My Eyes widened in Surprise. No killing?

This was going to be interesting. Driving my sword into the ground, I removed my helmet, kneeling slowly in front of him, looking down.

Sweat dropped on the ground. But nobody cared. Everyone was as surprised as I was. It's not every day a Man from the Losing side of an Army gets Knighted by the Winner's Leader.

Holden threw his helmet to the Ground, holding the Warlord's blade at my left side.

"For Valor in Battle, For Honor in Service, I, Holden Cross, Raise you. Stand, Rex, Knight of the Blackstone Legion." Offering his hand.

I took it, rising uncertainly, accepting Daubeny's Sword. Cross took a step forwards, picking up the sword I'd drove into the Ground, scoffed, and threw it at the Man's feet.

"We're Finished here." he said, and his men started to leave.

Our Men finally released a holden breath. Safe at last.

I still didn't know.

I'd just been Knighted. I outranked everyone in this castle now. Or, more precisely, I didn't have a rank anymore. I couldn't be ordered by anyone other than the Leading knights of the Legion.

Staying here would be foolish. But these men were my friends. Some of them were, anyway.

But I followed him, New sword at ease.

I was a Knight now. A Knight Warden. And part of the Blackstone Legion.


So, the moment I saw this game, I knew I'd love it.

And, as a tribute to the hours I've spent playing (and watching playthroughs) this game, I post this. First chapter of (hopefully) Many to come.

I know this is nothing more than a personified novelization of the game. Please don't flame, but R&R!

And until next time, whenever it is,

Davoid signing off!