
"Oh, come on, Wash! You know I didn't mean it!" Connie stood behind her partner in the senior division cafeteria, poking him in the back playfully. "You can't just mope around all day. I'm not mad at you!" Her voice was soaked in playful fun, engulfed by a slight giggle at the end of her sentence. She crossed her arms, watching Wash eat in silence, ignoring her. She pouted a little.

"You can't stay upset with me forever." She sat down next to him, taking his spoon and shoveling some mashed potatoes into her mouth. "Mmf! Remember? That one time," She swallowed. "Back when we first got assigned together? When I hid your new helmet? You said you'd hate me forever." She rested her head on his shoulder. "You don't hate me anymore, do you?"

Her question was returned with a cold glare. "I do." He stood, pushing his plate towards her and walking off towards their rooms. "How about that one time? When I was all pissy about that mission?" Wash stopped, turning around and facing her with an angry face. "Which one? You whine after every damn mission!" He pushed her back. "Maybe if you'd get over yourself for once and come train with the others, you'd be able to contribute to the mission. We only fail because we have to carry your dead weight!"

Connie pushed him back. "What is that supposed to mean?! Wash," She laughed condescendingly, "You know what we talk about behind your back? Huh?" She smirked, and took a step forward. "How you've been lacking. Ever since we came up to the junior division, you've been behind me, and everyone else. You're the dead weight, Wash." She delivered a hard push to his chest, making him stumble and fall onto his back. "You're nothing, Wash. You don't belong here."

Entry Two, Day 15:

David had been a burden since day one, but Connie was determined to change that. She brought him to the senior division gym nearly every single day, skipping classes and everything when she had to. And, for once, he was starting to show some progress.

Connie woke early in the morning, knowing she didn't have classes, and neither did David. She threw on a baggy shirt and sweats, before marching off down to Wash's room, pounding on the door. "Hey, dumbass~" She yelled through the door. She frowned when he didn't groan at her. "Hey, idiot! I know you heard me!" Nothing. She sighed, and opened the door.

Wash was gone. Her face filled with concern as she slowly stepped into his room. "David..?" She bent down, looking under his bed. "Davey, come on. We're going to the gym. Come out." She opened the door to the bathroom, frowning and closing it soon after. She sighed, and walked out, closing the door behind her.

"Maybe he went to go get breakfast..." She started walking towards the junior cafeteria. "He shouldn't have left without me... He knows that." She crossed her arms, her ears picking up a faint chanting down the hall. In the gym.

She rolled her eyes, and walked past the cafeteria. "I swear, if it's just Carolina whooping York again..." She smiled at the thought, opening the door to the gym. Surprisingly, there was a small crowd gathered around one of the lifting stations. It looked to be all seniors, too. Weird, considering this was the junior gym.

She pushed into the crowd, spotting some familiar faces, all beaming with excitement.

"Come on, David!" "Wooo!" "You can do it!" "Just a few more!"

"Come on! 52! 53! 54!" She heard York's voice calling out over the rest of the voices. "York? What's going on?" Connie reached the front of the crowd, an arm instantly wrapping around her. "Hey, kiddo! You made it! Look at him go!" She recognized North's voice. She looked down at the person lifting, her eyes widening to see David, sweating buckets. She checked to see how much he was lifting, but she couldn't really tell. It was quite a lot, though.

Connie smiled. "Come on, Davey! Shoot for 60!" Her instinct took over, a smile taking over her face. Half the crowd shut up, holding in shocked gasps or giggles. Connie didn't notice. She brought her hands to her chest, genuinely proud of him.

"59, 60, 61, 62, 60..." York stopped, David's arms shaking rapidly, though they didn't lower the bar. York nodded, and took the bar, resting it on the stilts. "You alright, kid?" York pat him on the chest, the crowd waiting for him to talk.

He didn't get the chance.

Connie was on him in an instant, hugging him tightly. "David, that was amazing!" She hugged him tighter, David hardly even noticing. He really pushed himself to his limits.

"Oh, Davey~ Hurry up and kiss me! Oh, Davey!" South mocked, smirking. Carolina rolled her eyes and smacked her on the back of the head. "Oh, shut it! Don't be bitter! It's sweet." Carolina made her way to the front of the crowd, her cheeks rosy red from watching the two. She brushed some hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

Connie lifted herself up, grabbing him by the hand. "I wish I would've come sooner. You should've came and got me." She helped him to sit up, hugging him again. "You can relax today." She decided, making him laugh some, the first real reaction she got from him. It was hard to tell with his red, sweaty face, but he was blushing. Hard.

"Tomorrow we're coming back, though. I wanna see you do it from the beginning."

So? Please, please please please write a review! Whether you liked it or not, I need to hear your opinions to make this better, and more enjoyable to read. So far, I plan to keep the story going the way it is already: A prologue in the future of the freelancers, and a continuation of the main story after. The next chapter will likely be a two-parter, if I stick to the plan I have now. Just a heads-up.
