Jaune had no idea how he ended up where he currently was. He could only exhale deeply as he drove down the freshly paved highway out of Vale, devoid of any other life. The dark night sky was illuminated by the dull glow of orange streetlights, fleetingly lighting up the dated performance car's interior.

He looked at the blonde curled up in the seat next to him, thinking about what he was currently doing. This was not how he expected to see his family again after a year and a half, gods it certainly wasn't, but here he was. A Beacon second year, who had managed to get his combat teacher pregnant, and knowing the Arc luck it was probably twins, maybe triplets…. And most likely female.

So off he headed to the family farmstead south of the kingdom to announce the next generation of the Arcs, as well as his engagement, what kind of man would he be if his children were born out of wedlock? It would be un-Arc like! …okay, maybe not that unlike, but Prof- Glynda, seemed rather ecstatic when he proposed, so it all worked out he guessed.

The relationship started rather mundane really, Jaune had decided to relax by going for a drive in Vale, just after his first year, first semester exams. Unbeknownst to a lot of people, Beacon had an underground parking lot that connected to the city via tunnel, which made exhaust notes sound wonderful, but that's beside the point. The blond hunter-trainee didn't get motion-sickness in cars, or anything actually. The whole first day thing was nervousness, after all, he did lie his way into Beacon, that would put one's nerves through the ringer upon arrival.

Jaune had stopped at a twenty-four hour convenience store for a drink when he bumped into (almost literally) the witchy instructor. They started to talk, went to a cafe and they decided to meet up again next week. It wasn't long until the both confessed how happy and comfortable they were in each other's company and decided to go steady, while on the down low of course.

To restate, this was not the way he expected to return home and see his family again, but in all honesty, it definitely wasn't the worst. Hell the only thing making it imperfect was him not being a fully fledged huntsman, but again that didn't matter, he was happy, she was happy, they were happy. That's all that mattered right now.

A/N: Fixed some run on sentences.