So, I have a holiday story that I've been on-again-off-again working on for the past few Christmases, and it's still not done. So I decided, what the heck, I'm gonna a pull a section out and post that for Christmas. When I finally get it done it's gonna be its own story because it's currently 7 chapters and it's not done. I also have some other stories that are either done or I'm in the process of writing so I'll try to get those out soon. love all the support I get and love writing but, of course, life gets in the way.

Well, have a very merry whatever you celebrate and a happy new year.

Remus really wished he could use magic right now. His back was killing him. Thursday was the night and his bones were feeling it. Especially with scrubbing the floors.

Tonight they were to scrub the floor of the Great Hall without magic. With two more days till the full moon, and no chance to rest because he was trying to help Sirius, Remus was hurting. Couldn't they have just sorted papers? Maybe McGonagall had lost track of the moon cycle? That was why they were scrubbing floors.

He looked over to Sirius who had scrubbed the same spot about 20 times now. Ok, needed to get him to move. And to get out of his own head. A glance at James showed he wasn't doing much better. Peter was fine, trying to clean and distract James at the same time.

Remus focused back on the floor. Their revenge for the attack on Mary had gone wrong. Sirius had gotten grabbed and stuffed in a wardrobe with a bogart.

Worst of all the bogart had turned into James.

So now James was keeping his distance. Sirius was going between drifting in classes and being a dog. And in two days Remus would transform. Who knew if James or Sirius could stop him in the states they were in.

He looked behind the head table. The partridge was still happily jumping from tree to tree. Had they been that excited less than a month ago? 12 days of Christmas. Planning it had been so much fun laughing at the different ways they could interpret the lyrics.

Shad happened since then.

He looked at his friends once more and got a stupid idea. Well, it couldn't make things worse.

"On the first day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," he sang, "a slippery golden snitch."

James and Peter glanced up. Sirius paused.

So far so good.

"On the second day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me two…" he wasn't sure where to go with this.

"Two weeks detention," Peter saved him.

"And a slippery golden snitch," Remus finished gratefully. "On the third day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me…"

"Three chasers chasing," James cut in.

Remus smiled. "Two weeks detention, and a slippery golden snitch. On the fourth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me? "

They all turned to Sirius. 'Please work,' was all Remus could think.

"Four house ghosts," Sirius decided.

They all smiled.

"Three chasers chasing," James added.

"Two weeks detention," Peter sang.

"And a slippery golden snitch," Remus finished.

James stood up. "On the fifth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me?" He pointed to Remus.

"Five full moons," he shrugged, not able to think of anything else. James rolled his eyes but then Sirius let out a howl.

"We doing that every time?" James asked.

"Every time," Sirius nodded.

"Four house ghosts," Peter sang, "Three chasers chasing, two weeks detention…"

"And a slippery golden snitch," they all finished.

"On the sixth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," Peter continued.

"Six no's from Evans," Sirius smirked.

James gasped. "Rude!"

"Five full moons," Remus called and they all howled.

"Four house ghosts, three chasers chasing, two weeks detention, and a slippery golden snitch."

"On the seventh day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," Sirius sang.

"Seven tunnels to Hogsmead," James answered immediately.

"Six no's from Evans, (rude), Five full moons," they all let out a howl, "Four house ghosts, three chasers chasing, two weeks detention, and a slippery golden snitch."

"On the eighth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," Remus continued.

"Eight exploding potions," Sirius laughed.

"Seven tunnels to Hogsmead," Peter followed.

"Six no's from Evans," James grumbled.

"Five full moons," Remus howled and the others joined in.

"Four house ghosts, three chasers chasing, two weeks detention, and a slippery golden snitch."

"On the ninth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," Sirius pointed to Peter.

"Nine Hippogriffs," Peter blurted.

"Eight explosions in potions," Sirius sang.

"Seven tunnels to Hogsmead," James twirled around.

"Six no's from Evans!" Remus shouted, jumping up.

"Still rude," James chimed.

"Five full moons," Sirius lead them in the howl.

"Four house ghosts," Peter smiled.

"Three chasers chasing," James sang.

"Two weeks detention," Remus laughed.

"And a slippery golden snitch," they all sang.

"On the tenth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," James looked around.

"Ten teachers yelling," Remus decided.

"Nine Hippogriffs, eight explosions in potions, seven tunnels to Hogsmead, six no's from Evans, five full moons!" They all howled. "Four house ghosts, three chasers chasing, two weeks detention, and a slippery golden snitch."

"On the eleventh day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me," Remus sang.

"Eleven epic pranks," Sirius declared.

"Ten teachers yelling," Peter fake coward.

"Nine Hippogriffs," Remus bowed.

"Eight explosions in potions," James let small sparks out of his wand.

"Seven tunnels to Hogsmead," Sirius smirked.

"Six no's from Evans," Peter patted James' shoulder.

"Five full moons," Remus howled.

"Four house ghosts," James held up four fingers.

"Three chasers chasing," Sirius sang.

"Two weeks detention," Peter informed them gravely.

"And a slippery golden snitch," Remus finished

They sang in harmony, "On the twelfth day of Christmas, Hogwarts gave to me." They all looked at each other unsure.

"Twelve Animagi?" Peter offered.

The other three shrugged.


"Why not?"

"Sounds good."

"Eleven epic pranks,

Ten teachers yelling,

Nine Hippogriffs,

Eight explosions in potions,

Seven tunnels to Hogsmead,

Six no's from Evans,

Five full moons! (Howl)

Four house ghosts,

Three chasers chasing,

Two weeks detention,

And a slippery golden snitch!"

They all dissolved into fits of laughter. In that moment Remus knew they would all be ok.