I set my bag down on the floor next to me. I sighed assessing the empty living room. Freedom.
The room was small. Enough for a couch and maybe even a tv. I walked through another doorway and found the kitchen. Back in the living room I found a bathroom. I walked upstairs, it was just one big room and a bathroom. Not bad. No one can find me here. Right?
Forks, Washington. Who even knew this town existed?
Opening up Google Maps, I walked to a diner. New town. New house. New job. New life.
I can do this, I thought to myself. I walked to the back looking for the manager's office.
"Hi, I'm Alessa," I gave a timid smile to the lady sitting before me. She looked as if she was well into her 60s, like a warm grandma.
"Oh! Yes, Alessa! I'm LeAnne," She bounced up and shook my hand, "Wonderful to finally meet you! Here, your month's schedule and everything else is in this packet. You can go over all that tonight, but for now we'll just get you familiar with the place? Is that ok?"
"Of course, thank you so much," Her warm welcome helped my nerves. I followed her to another young girl.
"Alessa this is Tara. Tara, Alessa," LeAnne introduced us. I put out my hand.
Shaking my hand she gave me a dazzling smile, "So nice to meet you! It's lovely to see a new face around here. Especially in such a small town."
"Thanks, I guess," My shy smile returned.
"Tara will show you everything, you'll be set to go in no time!" LeAnne gave me a small side hug and returned to her office.
"Yay! I've been so excited to meet you!" Tara gave me hug and led me into the kitchen. She continued to show me all the machines, the menu, the basic recipes, etc.
It was almost 9 p.m. when I returned home. Stepping into the living room, I realized I had nothing. No bed, no couch, nothing. I sighed and went upstairs and rolled out a sleeping bag onto the hard wood floor. I snuggled in and took out LeAnne's envelope. I fell asleep, reading through its contents and back into my nightmares.
And that's what my life became. I took up as many shifts as I could at the diner, making as much money as I could. I wasn't much of a spender, but I needed the basic necessities. Eventually, I bought a few couches and a bed along with a nightstand. My new house started to finally feel like home. I didn't end up buying a car. I didn't really need one, but I've been saving up.
Tara and I were friends, but not really best friends. We connected and working at the diner was fun with her. I hung out with the high schoolers in there who also worked with us, but they were like nomads.
Who was I to complain? I had a home, a job, what more? I finally had solitude, at least when I was awake. I'm happy, I think. I'm safe.
A/N: Hey guys! Hope you like it! Please review! I would love to know your thoughts!