Oh gosh... I was half-asleep when the idea struck my crazy mind... And it obsessed me, obviously. I don't know if this is any good, but I have already written the second chapter, and... Who knows... In my opinion, this could well end here... I'll see the feedback and decide later... Now, enough rambling... And sorry for any mistakes you may find.
SUMMARY: ... How many possibilities that a meeting would lead him here, in the hideout of the World's Greatest Hitman?
- I seriously dont know how I wrote this. I'd say "it wrote itself", but I'm not that stupid... I think... So, it may result in a random plot and conveniently set up situation. You know, I mean... Poor content.
- This is a R27. Yaoi.
- Strong!Tsuna, Smart!Tsuna, Tsu-kun is already Vongola Decimo and the two love-birds don't know each other. Not directly.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. No KHR, no cute little Tsu-kun, no big cool Reborn, no thing.
01 – Their First Meeting
Tsuna woke up with a start. Sitting up abruptly, dizziness hit him and he fell backwards again. In his confusion, he registered the softness of a mattress and the silk of sheets on his skin.
… Silk. Sheets. Bed. What. He shouldn't be in a fucking bed. What the hell happened?!
The brunette massaged his temples and groaned, trying to push away the growing headache. Tsuna sighed. The pain was throbbing and stubborn. Almost like a hangover… But it was slowly subsiding. Only to be replaced by another kind. Tsuna opened his eyes and was met with darkness. He sat again, wary of another dizziness' attack.
As he adjusted to the absent light, he noticed to be in a bedroom he didn't recognize. Dark walls, two doors, curtains, canopy bed, furniture nicely positioned. He then looked at himself. Aside from his boxers, he was naked and bandaged all over. He could now feel the pain from the gashes and scratches. The most painful were on his left upper leg and right arm. They felt exactly like gunshots, but dull.
The hell… He was… The last memory. He had to start from that. He was going to a meeting, one he himself had organized. Against his Guardians' opinions. He had gone with…
The click of a gun brought him back to Earth. Tsuna turned his head towards the door, almost suffering a whiplash. Suddenly, light blinded his eyes, that he closed immediately. Dark spots danced in front of him. The brunette brought his hands on the eyelids and lifted them slowly. Once adjusted to the change, there was a figure on the doorstep.
A man, clad in a black suit and an orange shirt, was pointing a gun at him. He had a black fedora on his head with an orange stripe. On it, a green lizard flickered out its tongue. The man was astonishingly good looking, with thin curly sideburns and black hair.
Tsuna stayed still, not diverging his gaze from the dark eyes of the other. Judging from his intuition, that wasn't even poking at his mind, this man was trustworthy. Judging from the situation, however, he preferred not to be held at gunpoint. Mostly when he had already been shot. Of course, the probability that this man was the one who treated his wounds was extremely high. Trying to attack him, in that case, would be so impolite… And he didn't know if he could take him on, considering he was feeling slightly dizzy and was wounded.
Tsuna decided to wait. Patiently. The man was leaning on the doorframe with a hand tucked in a pocket. His eyes were studying his own, maybe searching for flaws, or deceptions, or who the hell knew what! He was damn good at hiding emotions!
-Chi sei tu? (Who are you?)-
Finally, something he could work on… His voice was a deep, a dark baritone.
-Il mio nome è Yoshi. (My name's Yoshi.)- Not a total lie, not a total truth. God blessed his perfect Italian accent…
The man seemed to mull the notion in his head. -Sai perchè sei qui? (Do you know why you are here?)-
Oh. Nice. Million dollars' question. Tsuna let his gaze drop a bit, meaning to let the man feel trusted. Back to point one…
… He had gone with Hayato to the meeting, because going alone was out of question. He'd had to allow them that, at least. So, the car had brought the two to Perugia from the base. Everything okay, comfortable journey. They were about to enter the hotel when it all went down the toilet. An explosion occurred in the building and the Storm Guardian had urged him to run away.
Of course, instead of doing so, Tsuna had pushed him out of the way of several gunshots. While separating, they had agreed on going back to the villa and reunite there. Now… Why was he here… He was escaping. Okay. Then… The brunette gripped his chin. Some men had started to follow him, yelling his title. He didn't stop, but some bullets reached him. Tsuna'd had to call forth his flame to disperse his enemies…
Ah! The blood loss was too much! He hit his palm with the left hand, hissing in pain afterwards. He pouted and massaged the bandage… The now bloody bandage. Hell… Back to the important reminiscing… He had felt dizzy and probably fallen somewhere in the forest.
Now, this totally was not the forest. He looked at the man, noticing a certain amused gleam in his eyes. But nothing more.
-Stavo scappando, attraverso la foresta, ma avevo perso molto sangue. Devo essere svenuto. (I was running away, through the forest, but I had lost lot of blood. I must have fainted.)-
The man huffed and lowered the gun a bit.
-At least, you're not trying to lie.-
Tsuna narrowed his eyes at the Japanese language. -Was it so obvious?-
-Not at all, you're good.-
-Thank you.- He nodded. -And, if I may, who are you?-
Another studying gaze followed that question. -I'm Reborn.-
When he got home, if he ever would be able to, in one piece and alive, Tsuna was going to thank endlessly Lussuria and his insistence on taking acting courses. If he hadn't, maybe his reaction would have been of wide eyes and mouth agape. Instead, when faced with the knowledge that the World's Greatest Hitman and Sun Arcobaleno was in the same room as his, dangerously holding a gun, Tsuna smiled.
-Nice to meet you, Reborn. And, I guess, thank you for helping me.-
Indeed, marvellous acting skills. Xanxus would have been proud. Not that he would have showed it…
-You were lying in my garden when I found you. Drenched, it was raining.-
-Oh, sorry… For the inconvenience.-
-Who were you running away from?-
-Uhm… I don't know exactly. I was walking on the street and I heard an explosion. Then, some random men started chasing me. I'm pretty sure I lost them.-
-You did.-
Tsuna smiled again and looked around. The furniture was as expensive as his own. He couldn't let Reborn know his identity. No one knew, anyway, because he always wore a mask when absolving his duties. It was a precaution. In situations like these, he could simply uncover his face and no one aside from his Guardians would be able to recognize him.
Now, even if Reborn did find out his involvement with the Mafia, and Tsuna was pretty sure he would in little time, he had to run away from him, too. Thank God, his Vongola Ring was coated in Mist flames, making it seem like a normal one.
With a sigh, the brunette hung his legs on the side of the bed and tried to stand. The effect of the movement was immediate. Reborn lifted once again his gun against him and flared some killing intent. Tsuna feigned surprise, but this time the man saw through it.
-Stop pretending. You reek of assassin. A capable one, too.-
Here, no time at all and he was discovered. Really, how could he expect to meet such a person in such a way… Kyoya was going to bite him to death surely. Well, to hell his cover. He smirked and looked at the hitman.
-Then why am I still alive?-
Reborn took a few steps and approached the bed, stopping near him. -I felt like it.-
Tsuna arched a brow and scoffed. -So random.-
-You're a good actor, but I noticed you recognized my name. Stop pretending.- He said again.
The brunette looked at his side and pouted. Everything to hell, then. Was he going to survive this at all? Hardly. Oh, his Guardians were going to kill him, once they found the body… Wait, if they found it.
-So, will you kill me? You don't like your face linked to your name, after all.-
-You know a lot.- Reborn smirked when Tsuna bit his lower lip. -No, I won't. And stay on the bed, don't move.-
-Bed arrest…- The brunette whispered, falling back on the mattress.
-You're strangely well-behaving.-
-And what could I do, you're still threatening me with your famous gun. Plus, you did treat my wounds.-
The hitman chuckled darkly and exited the room, closing the door. Tsuna was left alone and checked his ring. As per Giannini's explanation, if he burst a flame through the ring, the new developed GPS of the Famiglia would locate him. A sure way of escaping… Then… Why the hell was he hesitating?!
Oh gosh… So fucking frustrating. Tsuna took hold of the sheets and covered his shivering skin. He'd like new clothes… Being almost naked in front of a hitman was not good. Mostly considering Reborn was able to strip him of his own psychological armour.
Why did the man help him? He was known to treasure his identity and privacy. Tsuna had just barged in his hideout, already wounded and defenceless. Why bother to help him? That was strange… And it should be suspicious, too. But his intuition was still soundly sleeping, not troubled at all by the situation.
The door opened again. This time, the hitman was not holding his gun, but a tray with a plate of soup, a glass, water and pills. Now, how was this happening… The World's Greatest hitman had just brought him dinner. In bed. It seemed like the beginning of a bad joke.
-Your mind is loud.-
-Don't pretend to be a mind-reader, you're not.- Tsuna answered softly.
-I don't know if I should be offended by your tone or surprised by your braveness.-
-Please, be the latter. For my safety.-
Reborn chuckled again and put the tray on the nightstand. -Then take your medicine, eat and sleep.-
Could he do something else? Tch. Tsuna sat up and took the plate and the scoop, eating silently the soup. It was good, he noted. Reborn looked at him the whole time. It was unnerving, but the brunette managed to finish everything. He left the plate on the tray and took the glass of water, gulping the pills.
-You're so trusting.-
-And you're willing to help. Who's acting stranger?- Tsuna scoffed. -Besides, if you wanted to kill me, you would have done so already.-
-You're too smart to not be known.-
-Ah… Well… It's not like that. I'm already affiliated with a Famiglia. So, not many know about my existence.-
Tsuna looked at his interlaced fingers on his lap. Then sighed in defeat. It was, again, a half-truth.
Reborn scoffed. -You're hired by the most prestigious and powerful one. You.-
… Tsuna briefly wondered what reaction was he going to see if he said the full truth. For a moment, a short-lived one fortunately, he just wanted to tell him.
-I'm not lying.-
-I know.- Reborn took the tray and approached the door. -Now, sleep.-
-Wait.- The hitman stopped half-way of closing it. -Thank you.-
As an answer, the man tch'ed and left, turning off the light. Tsuna fell asleep half an hour later, estimating his chances of surviving.
Tsuna woke up in pain. His leg hurt, his arm hurt. He thanked whatever God that his head was spared. The boy sat and stood, looking at the bloody bandages. He needed to change them, but first. Bathroom.
Hobbling, he reached the door that had not been opened yet and entered, getting rid of his need. Blissfully. He washed his hands and face, sighing in the fresh sensation. He didn't bother to use a towel and returned to the bedroom… To find Reborn sitting on the bed, one leg crossed on the other.
-Good morning.- Tsuna said, a bit surprised.
His senses were less sharp. Was this the pills' fault?
-Morning, sleeping beauty.- The hitman smirked, making the other's cheeks become a little pink. -Bandages.-
-Oh, thanks, I'll change them.-
Tsuna approached to take the white clean bundle, but the other grabbed his wrist and pulled him. The brunette found himself sitting on the bed, hands undoing the bandages on his arm. Once gotten over the initial surprise, he noticed that, even if rough and calloused, Reborn's hands were gentle and delicate. The hitman changed the cloth on the upper leg, too, with a feather-like touch.
Tsuna blushed at that, unable to stop it. He thanked Reborn with a nod when he finished. The man simply took the dirty bandages and stood from his kneeling position.
-Follow me.-
Again, he was asking himself if he had any other choices. This time, however, he found that he did. But ignored the notion and did as told, taking a sheet and covering himself. They were now in an alley with dark red walls and wooden floor. He followed Reborn through it, down the marble stairs and into a wide living room. There were two black armchairs and a black couch facing a fireplace, with a low table in-between. Two huge windows with red curtains were closed on a stone balcony.
-I'm not a dog.- He muttered, but sat anyway on the sofa.
-No, you're more like a lion. A little lion.-
Tsuna blinked twice, then laughed softly.
-You remind me of a friend.-
-Hitmen do not have friends.-
-That may be true for you, being the greatest requires sacrifices. But not for me.-
-I'm surprised you're still alive, then.-
-Friends help each other.-
-And back-stab at any given moment.-
-Never happened in over 7 years of honoured profession.-
-You're naïve.-
-I'm not. I can defend myself and, as you said, I'm smart. Why are you worried, anyway?- Reborn's killing intent flared a bit and Tsuna looked at him blankly. -It's true.-
The man tch-ed and disappeared through one of the many doors. Really, was he experiencing midlife crisis? He finally became an old man? Hell, this was so confusing. He needed to know if he was safe, damn his lethargic intuition. And, thinking about it, was he conversing with the man as if there was nothing wrong with it? Oh, God… Mukuro was going to have his head for this…
And, about his Guardians… They were surely searching for him all around the world. Oh, the paperwork he was going to check and sign and read and…. He dropped his face into his hands with a defeated whimper. How much he hated those…
-Your mind is loud, again.-
Tsuna lifted his head with teary eyes and saw Reborn sitting on the armchair on his left. On the table, he put a mug of hot chocolate, drinking from his something that smelled like black coffee. He took it and sipped the liquid. The flavour exploded in his mouth, so delicious and sweet and warm.
-Uhm… My clothes?-
-They're dry, but I won't give them to you.-
-Why?- He whined. -How can you bear me walking in your house like this?-
-Bear?- Reborn smirked. -Oh, you're mistaken. I'm enjoying the show.-
When the full meaning of those words sank, Tsuna was reduced a blushing mess. The hitman. The world's greatest. Was. Flirting…? With him?! Was he serious?! No, this had to be a trap.
-Stop joking with me.- Tsuna said, looking at his mug and drinking some more.
-I'm not.-
The brunette sighed. -I'm not into stories of one night. Search somewhere else.-
Reborn chuckled. This was the third time. Once was luck. Twice was coincidence. Thrice… Was success. He was seriously making the hitman laugh. … In what kind of mess was he knee-deep this time…
-What a pity.- If that was not a growl resembling a purr, Tsuna was going crazy. -Vongola Decimo.-
The boy flinched, almost dropping his mug, eyes going wide. So… he knew.
-Of course. You thought Mist flames would be enough to hide from me the Vongola Sky Ring?- Rhetoric question. -You're naïve.-
-But I'm still alive.- Tsuna smirked coldly. -Why?-
-You're not among my targets.- Reborn sipped more coffee. -Oh, well, you weren't. Now, though…-
The boy shivered. The hitman's gaze was over him, more intense than before and… Almost… Possessive.
-So… I'm alive because I'm your target?-
Reborn hummed, putting the empty mug on the table. -Consider this, Yoshi. I'm sacrificing one of my hideouts to get you.-
He inched closer and grabbed his wrists. Tsuna yanked them but the action only made the man get nearer. He was looking at the ring. Suddenly, his intuition woke up. Thundering in his head, it told him to fucking use his flames. And he did. The orange, pure, bright flame came to life on his finger and the Sky Vongola Ring appeared in place of the thin, useless metal band of moments before.
Reborn smirked, looking again at the other and inching even closer. -Good boy. Now, the hunt begins. Be prepared.-
Tsuna felt two rough, strong lips on his own. Before he could protest or try to put some distance, a tongue was in his mouth. Ravaging, exploring, possessing and passionate. The epitome of power. He found himself surrendering, defenceless and dominated like no one ever had. It was… Enticing and… Welcomed. He wanted it. He blushed in realization and, before he could regain control over his damn body, the hitman separated from him and fled.
Some moment after, his Guardians found him still there, barely breathing. Hayato almost fainted at his state. Takeshi chuckled, but with a dark shade in his eyes. Lambo simply hugged him, crying. Ryohei started yelling his extremes. Kyouya diverted his gaze from him, but was leaking killing intent all over the place. Mukuro leaned on the doorframe and controlled the unfolding of the events strangely quietly.
They found his clothes and weaponry in the next room, a kitchen. Everything was in place, untouched and in one piece. His mittens, his other rings. The mansion was smaller than his own, but expensive and big anyway, so he decided to keep it and Mukuro gladly redid the camouflage with Mist flames. It seems that was the reason they did not find him immediately.
Tsuna had played with the World's Greatest Hitman thinking he could win. Not only did Reborn take his victory unscathed, but promised further trials. As if he was the prey in a hunting ground. And Tsuna felt like one, like an herbivore waiting to be preyed on. The funny thing was… He couldn't find it in himself to mind.
So, yeah, thanks for reading and please, please, let me know what you think. It helps a lot, even if it's bad :) See ya!