~Chapter 14~
When he left, she got up and stretched as Nolan stripped the bed and made to change it later.
"Yes. I have a bunch of people to visit, then...training, it's going to be harsh and unrelenting."
"And you wouldn't have it any other way, would you?"
"Of course not and I get to start a bit of a hunt."
He wrapped his arms around her and shifted into his snake form, "Now, let's have a fun time, Nolan."
She made her way out of her bedroom, spelling it shut before flying away from the house and landing in the middle of downtown and made her way to the apartment and opened it to find all of her children, dressed up along with her sisters who screamed, "SURPRISE!"
Lilith allowed herself to be dragged into the room and glomped by everyone as they cheered and conversed. She knew that tonight was going to be a good night.
"Mama!" Vicky yelled
"Lil-Lil!" Amanda smiled
"Lilith!" Mikey grinned
"Auntie!" Angie squealed
Lilith could only grin as she made to give each of the children before her a crushing hug which they gleefully returned before she sat down on the couch as the children sat down around her on the floor while her sisters sat around them.
Callie smiled, "Alright kids, I'm pretty sure you have something to give to Lil, remember?"
They all quickly stood up before rushing into their bedrooms before coming out in groups, hiding something behind each of their backs.
"Happy Birthday, Lil-Lil," One of the smaller girls smiled
Lilith patted the little one of the head as one by one each child gave her their cards, covered in either glitter, stickers, or childish drawings but each one looked like pieces of art to her. Every time she got one, she made sure to peck each child on the forehead in thanks.
Soon she had over thirty cards that were resting beside her, "I'll be sure to read all of them. I'm pretty sure all of you put your hearts into it."
They nodded before one of the boys said, "We made you a cake, Auntie!"
Lilith grinned, "Oh really?"
"Yeah, come on, let's go get it!" He said, nudging two of his friends as they made their way to the kitchen and they grabbed a tray covered with a silver lid. Then another girl opened the lid and it was an obviously handmade chocolate cake covered in purple frosting with 'Happy Birthday, Lilith!' written in messy black frosted handwriting with seventeen birthday candles sticking out all over the cake.
"It's beautiful, kids. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday cake," She smiled as they all bashfully looked at anything else other than her. Harley lit the candles and allowed the children to sing the universally known Happy Birthday song, which Lilith closed her eyes for a moment, obviously making a wish before blowing out the candles much to the cheer and clapping of everyone.
When one boy asked, "What did you wish for?"
Lilith gave a small amused sigh before raising a finger to her lips and said, "It's a secret. After all, if I tell you it might not come true. Now, what's on the schedule for tonight, huh?"
"Birthday games!" Half the children cheered
She clapped, "Birthday games it is!"
As they rushed to prepare the games, she cut the birthday cake as Harley and Evie helped place the cake on multiple plates so each child could have a piece while Jackie helped the children set up the games.
As everyone participated in the activities, they had their own piece of the cake while they quickly filled in coloring pages or drawing cartoon characters. Then Lilith was blindfolded and being directed to pin the tail on the paper donkey before the last game of the night was set up as all the children settled down to relax.
Soon a brightly colored pinata was brought into the center of the living room which she soon split right down the middle causing all the candy to fly everywhere much to the amusement of everyone.
"Again! Do it again!" One of the boys grinned
Lilith smiled, "Sorry, not tonight, after all, it's getting close to your bedtime."
Then came the simultaneous childhood groans of doom, "Now, now, no complaining. After all, you had fun didn't you?"
Some nodded, "Good, besides all of you had cake. If you eat the candy now you can get nightmares."
Some of the older children nodded as they made that mistake twice too many and had no desire to experience them again as all of them were led to bed after having them wash up and put on their pajamas.
Callie gave her a binder which she quickly opened and stopped at an old page, it was a short story called the Wind and the Moon, a story of friendship. She channeled her voice to reach all the children in the apartment, to lull them to sleep, halfway through the story she heard snoring, but continued to read until the story was finished. As her sisters made sure everyone was tucked in, she summoned Nolan who quickly turned into his human form as he gave a bow, "My Lady?"
She grabbed a clear vase, handing it to him, "Would you please be a dear and fill this vase with dirt."
"Will do," He vanished just as silently as he came.
When he came back, she took it with a nod of thanks before channeling her magic into the vase, allowing it to seep into the dirt so it could create a small treasure of colorful flowers, unknown to nonmagical kind.
After placing the vase on the counter she hugged him, "Keep an eye on the children for me, please."
"Of course," He nodded
Evie smiled, "We need to show you something, Lil."
"Oh? Whatever could it be? A present?"
"It is, but the gift is not from us, though."
Lilith raised an eyebrow but sighed, "Very well. Be safe, Nolan."
He nodded as she and her sisters exited the apartment with a wave towards him who waved back before activating the protection rune on the door as he made to clean up all the spilled candy. It would be a quirk he would never grow out of since he devoted himself to Lilith all those years ago.
[With Lilith]
She was wondering where her sisters were taking her, but they refused to say where, but she knew wherever they were taking her it was nearing one of Drake's frequent haunts where he liked to smoke, suddenly the scent of dried blood filled her nose, made her stiffen up.
"Don't stop, Lilith," Harley smiled as the group continued to walk.
Soon, they arrived at the location they wanted to bring her and what she saw was the dead form of Ripley, her head was no longer on her neck, her torso was torn completely open with her insides and ribs turned into a gruesome bloody flower with Ripley's head placed in the center.
A snort rang through the air allowing all four girls to stare at the amused look on Lilith's face.
She softly said, "So Drake did this, huh?"
Callie smiled, "As if anyone else could do what he did. I was surprised when I first saw it but knew you had to see it before it was removed."
Lilith smiled, "He always did have great taste."
Then she noticed on the wall above Ripley's massacred body was two messages which read, 'I'm still King. And Happy Birthday Snapdragon.'
She closed her eyes as rested a hand over her heart, 'Thank you, love.'
"Lilith?" Evie asked, dragging her out of her thoughts
"I take it that everyone saw it already?" She said, placing her hand down
Jackie snorted, "It's kind of hard to miss, but yeah. Everyone saw it. I guess they can clean it up now."
"Yeah, they can or let the rats eat it. I don't really care," She smiled as she left the scene with her sisters trailing behind her.
"Nolan has probably found your presents from us by now."
"Really? All four of you?"
Harley gave her a side hug and said, "Don't tell me you didn't think we wouldn't get birthday presents for you? It is your big day after all, although we can't celebrate it as we used too we can damn well make up for it next year. Don't expect to sleep a wink until after your birthday is finished."
A simple smile settled on her lips, "Thank you for the warning. Anything new since I've been gone?"
Evie snorted, "Other than Cami, Miller and all the other scum hiding like rats, nothing else is new."
"Good to know. You all can go back now. There's something I need to do."
Harley took her arm off of Lilith, "Your usual routine?"
"Yeah..." She sighed, looking up at the sky
Callie gave her a hug, "We will be waiting for your orders."
"Good to know and I need to find my damn phone, I'll send a message to all of you and the rest of the gang myself."
Jackie nodded, "Got ya."
"Good night, Lil," Harley smiled
"Be safe," Callie grinned with a wave
"Later. And if you see that bastard again make sure to kick him in the nuts for me!" Evie smiled
"Will do," She smiled
She watched them take a few steps back before apparating back to the apartment as she made her way to her next location, she didn't even need to turn around to know that Nolan was now trailing behind her, "You do realize that companions are supposed to walk side by side, correct?"
He quickened his pace to match her stride which allowed her to give him a bit of a grim smile which he returned before the pair stopped at a pair of well-maintained wrought black iron gates.
[Black Rose Cemetery]
Her green eyes suddenly filled with emotion but her voice was flat, "Nolan."
"I will be right here, continue on my Lady. No one will get by me," He said softly
She whispered, "Thank you," as she stepped closer and gently opened the gate before closing it behind her as she made her way deeper into the small graveyard. No one other than her and those she trusted the most went into this graveyard unless they wanted to suffer a very violent death.
The last person who disregarded that rule was the first one who ever did and it was going to stay that way. Not even the people who loathed her the most disregarded that rule as it was made during the time when Lilith was at her cruelest and it was still in effect now.
She made her way past every headstone, brushing her hand against each one of them, carved into the stone were the names of each child that has died in the area when they were born when they died and so on. After reading all the names, tears ran down her face as she whispered, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I can only hope that all of you are resting in peace in a wonderful place where monsters can never enter."
After that, she made her way to the center of the graveyard where an old tall leafless tree stood, as she knelt down and placed her hands on it, seeping her magic into the trunk of the tree, forcing it to create multicolored leaves and flowers. [A/N - Think of the Blooming Sakura Tree from Fairy Tail but the colors are not sectioned]
Lilith smiled as she crossed her legs and leaned back and sang in a sad, haunting tone,
My beautiful child, forever will you be blessed
Never to weep or wail but to cheer and squeal
Rivers of golden honey and trees of delicious treats lie
In abundance for you to be forever quenched and sated
As thousands of soft luxuries lull you into luscious tranquility
May no sins stick to your skin while virtues shield you like a cloak.
May you forever be happy, my dear sweet child.
Letting the last word of her song echo through the graveyard she stood up and turned only to see a single boy surrounded by mist, but she could easily make out the outlines of multiple bodies of various sizes behind him. The boy was a head shorter than her son, Jake and she knelt down to be face to face with him.
The small boy gave her a wide grin, "You always come back to perform the same routine, don't you get tired of it?"
She chuckled, "Not really, I guess I'm old fashioned like that."
Another voice from behind the boy giggled as the boy continued, "Apparently, but you should know that we will always love you."
Lilith felt tears burning her eyes before she blinked them away, "I love you all too."
She stood up and made her way through the mist, leaving the mist to circle around the colorful tree, a smile settling on her lips as she heard the laughter of children before it disappeared as she exited the graveyard.
Tears still ran down her face before Nolan appeared beside her, handing her a handkerchief.
"Thank you."
She cleaned her cheeks and handed him back the handkerchief as she grinned, "We are heading to the bar, will you behave yourself?"
He bowed, "I will behave."
"Good," She sighed as Nolan wrapped her in a hug before shifting into his snake form as she made her way to her favorite bar.
[Black Rum]
She entered the bar to find Jacob wiping down his bar and he smiled at her, "Hey, Lilith. It's been awhile? Causing havoc as always?"
"As if I wouldn't do anything different," She smiled as she sat down in front of him.
He chuckled as he set down a glass and said, "Happy Birthday, now what does the birthday girl want? First drink is on the house."
"Surprise me."
He grinned as he quickly fixed her a drink, before the door opened and out came a young man, standing at 5'10" with short spiky silver blond hair with the bangs pulled back with gray-blue eyes. His skin tone was tan with a strong and muscular build covered in a black turtleneck shirt with a pair of blood-stained jeans and boots.
She turned towards him and grinned, "Hello Lucian, the Forsaken's right-hand man."
He grinned as he took a seat beside her and told Jacob, "My usual."
Jacob just gave him a nod as he poured Lilith her drink in a martini glass which she raised to which he explained, "It's called the Verdant Lady, I felt it would fit you best on your birthday."
He shrugged as he made to get Lucian his drink as Lilith sipped her own, "Happy Birthday, Queenie. It has been a long time, hasn't it?"
"My sincerest of apologies for my disappearance and that it has," She cooed
He shook his head, "You don't need to apologize. You making that massacre when you first came back is enough to allow me to forgive you. I assume you heard everything from the girls?"
"Yeah, I have. How are things on your side?"
He groaned as he stretched out his spine while Jacob passed him a cup filled with Everclear which he savored for a moment before he answered, "Things are holding up just fine although Drake is missed on our side just as much as your girls missed you before your arrival. It has been annoying as all hell dealing with Miller and his damn maggots thinking they can move in on Forsaken turf. But when you showed up, the attacks have been less frequent and easier to deal with before people saw the mess he made of Ripley. There will probably be very little scattered attacks now but I'm not going to place my heart on it. Miller is a clever, ruthless bastard when he needs to be."
She rolled her eyes, "He's only ruthless when his victims are kneeling and helpless, he will still suffer his well-deserved fate."
He grinned, "All I can hope for is that you make him suffer and give me details if I can't be a part of it."
"Oh, you and everyone will know when they get their punishment, but I can tell you this, they are alive and well."
"I see, at least I have something good to tell the gang, it's been driving Axel mad wondering where his big brother went."
"He never grew out his shoot first ask questions never mentality, even since he was younger. Hopefully, he will grow out of it, but he's still that brave baby even after all this time."
"But he makes things interesting, he's been taking out his anxiousness on the failed raid attempts."
"Good, I see that you had just come back from one considering the blood on your pants," She smiled, finishing her drink
He shook his head, "Nah, a straggler who didn't know how to take no for answer."
"Hmph, well tell Logan, Frank, and Axel I'll meet with them soon. After all, a war is brewing in the distance."
His eyes widened as a smile settled on his lips, "Really?"
"Yes, but I'm finalizing the details, but I will let you know."
"Don't you disappear on us now," He grinned as he knocked back his drink
"Now why would do such a horrible thing? I'll be seeing you all soon enough," She smiled, giving him a pat on the shoulder
As she exited the bar with a wave towards the occupants and made to leave downtown only for a voice called out, "Halestorm!"
She stopped and turned to see a girl around her age standing with her hands on her hips in a pale attempt to mock her usual look of confidence. Lilith glanced towards the rooftops and saw groups of people watching the scene below as the girl came closer.
The black-haired girl was wearing a spiked choker with a simple navy-blue t-shirt with a pair of leather pants and boots. She had a round-shaped face with a button nose, her brown eyes gave a slight hint of her anxiousness, fear, and arrogance in a failed attempt to look emotionless, as she saw her pale pink lips drawn into a sneer.
Lilith tilted her head, "And who are you?"
"My name is Ashley Livius and when I defeat you I will be the new Queen!"
Lilith straightened her stance and raised an eyebrow, "Really?" Her lips turned into a cold smile as Nolan tightened around her as he gave Ashely a menacing hiss.
She pointed a finger at Lilith, "No real Queen backs down from a challenge."
She gave a soft sigh, "No true Queen ever allows herself to be directed by a maggot, but I guess I'll indulge you."
Battle Song: Madness - Muse
The two circled around each other while Ashley kept clenching and unclenching her fists while Lilith looked completely uninterested as she kept the girl in her peripheral vision before they stopped. Nolan settled into his tattoo form on her arm, knowing that Lilith would not want his interference.
They stared at each other for a moment before Ashley lashed out at her, making Lilith avoid her strikes. Ashley's attempts reminded her of kittens that playfully swat at their favorite toy. No amount of punching, kicking or clawing made any marks on her opponent as Lilith just avoided her with ease.
Ashley had enough playing around as she took out a gun and aimed it at Lilith's head only for Lilith to grab her arm, pulling her towards her before shattering her elbow with a kick. She then let out an anguished scream before the gun was ripped out of her grip as Lilith pocketed the weapon before forming claws on her remaining hand and carved multiple deep cuts into Ashley's body, after which she kicked the bloody girl away from her.
Lilith watched as the girl before her slowly got back up on her trembling knees as she crossed her arms underneath her chest and asked, "Do you surrender?"
She spat on the ground, "Never!"
Lilith simply shrugged as she twirled the snatched gun for a moment before she shot two bullets each into Ashley's knees before stomping both knees backward, destroying them as she kept her up, forcing her into a makeshift kneeling position.
Ashley's face was messy from the tears and dirt as her face was twisted into a broken pain-filled grimace. Lilith knelt down and shoved her fist into Ashley's abdomen, channeling her magic inside of her body causing most of the girl's organs to rupture. Ashley could only let out a bloody gurgle as blood dripped from her lips, down her chin as she collapsed in Lilith's arms.
Song End
Lilith stared at the broken body in her arms before dropping her on the ground as she shook her head, not really feeling any remorse as the girl was still barely breathing and it would be fine if she got immediate help.
As she turned around to leave the scene she flicked some of the blood off of her hand as the audience watched her disappear before getting close to Ashley. Some of the audience became unnerved from Lilith's actions as it reminded them of her violent actions during the time of Lilith's most violent years before she changed on that day.
Lilith continued to walk as Nolan appeared, giving her a comforting squeeze, making a smile form on her lips, "Thank you, Nolan."
He didn't need to say anything as he just nuzzled against her as she kept her hands in her pockets before she suddenly stopped. Her entire body stiffened as she tilted her head back as she took in a deep breath.
'A rat...' She thought before she continued to walk keeping her eye on the alleyway, where the rodent was hiding in before she disappeared from sight.
After a moment, a young man in dark baggy clothes shivered as he stepped out of the shadows, peeking from around the corner and let out a deep sigh when he saw no one.
'Thank God she's gone. Now to report back to Miller.'
Before he could exit the alley, a low eerie whistle made him pale to translucent as his whole body started to shake. He slowly looked up to see Lilith stare down at him with an unnerving grin.
"Well, well, what do we have here? A miserable little rat and one of Miller's no less. I'm so blessed considering that today, I get to meet with my children, my sisters and I have an interesting drink, I also put a maggot in her place and finally I find a snitch of one of few people in this world that I want nothing more than to torture slowly."
The poor bastard couldn't even move as Lilith slowly made her way down to the ground as she cornered him against the grimy wall as she forced him to look into her eyes as she cooed, "What should I do with you~?"
He passed out immediately, making her tut in disappointment, "Shame. And to think he could have made something of himself but he chose to be a snitch of Miller's instead. How sad."
She placed him over her shoulder as she made her way towards an empty lot, restrained him to a chair before she had Nolan smack him across the face.
He groaned from the sharp sting of the slap only to nearly piss himself at the sight of Nolan before he laid his eyes on Lilith as he stuttered, "W-what are you going to do to me?"
Lilith grinned, "That depends, dear snitch. But tell me, what I want to know first and maybe I'll allow you to leave alive."
He lowered his head, "I don't know anything."
She shook her head with a scolding motion with her finger, "Now, now, all snitches know something."
He bit into his lower lip as she sighed, "Well, at least you're a little brave, but that won't help you against me."
She walked over and forced him to look at her, "I guess I have to break you down, piece by piece then. Nolan if you could?"
He nodded before quickly disappearing and reappearing with a suitcase which he opened and it showed a variety of well-kept and polished tools. Lilith brushed her fingers against most of them before she stopped at a pair of forceps.
Plucking the tool from the briefcase, she turned towards her restrained victim and forced him to look at her, opening his mouth. She traced the tips of the forceps across his teeth before stopping at his lower canine on the left side of his mouth. She tapped on it twice, making him wince before she grasped it and made to slowly rip out the tooth as he could only moan in anguish.
She continued this method with the rest of his three remaining canines to when she finally ripped the last one, tears were pouring down his face. Lilith tossed the forceps back to which Nolan caught and handed her a curved blade. She was just about to carve open his arms before he screamed, "NO! No! Stop, please! Stop!"
Lilith looked up at him, "Answer me, truthfully. Where are Miller and Winter?"
He stuttered, "I'm not really high in the group, so I don't know where they are exactly, but I do know that they change locations constantly. They never stay in one place for long and have people handle information through messages."
She smiled as she patted the trembling boy on the head, "Good boy."
"Are you going to let me go?"
She tutted at him as she pressed the knife against his cheek, "You know exactly what happens to snitches, correct?"
He paled, "Please...I'll leave, I'll leave and never come back. I'll even leave the country if that's what it takes!"
She shook her head as she pulled him close as she whispered, "I can't do that, dear snitch. It will be over soon enough."
He stiffened before he felt as if someone was grabbing his heart, slowly squeezing it, the will to struggle stopped before it could even start as he felt something pop inside of him and he slumped against her body.
Lilith pushed him against the chair as she saw the light leave his eyes as she released him from the chair and made to carry him over her shoulder.
"A bit of a merciful death for a rat, my Lady."
"Possibly, but he served his purpose so that gives him an easy death. Now, to deliver my message to dear Winter. After all, both of them are weaklings that will turn on each other soon enough. Having them captured would give them the chance of killing themselves and I won't tolerate that. They know running will only make it worse so that is why they haven't fled the country yet."
"I see..."
She patted him on the cheek, "Come along. It's getting late."
The two made their way to one of Cami's main hideouts and knew that this would be the perfect place to leave her message. After passing multiple patrols armed with multiple guns unseen, she made her way to the back and opened the snitch's ribcage in a blood eagle. His hands nailed to the wall with a demented grin carved into his face.
On the wall above the body read, 'I'm going to kill all of you!'
She sighed as she flicked some of the blood off of her hands only to be stumbled upon by an underling who was trembling as she aimed her gun at Lilith.
"S-stay where you are!"
Lilith smiled as she took a step forward, making the girl step back before she quickly made her way in front of her causing the girl to shake and piss herself from fear at the blood-stained madwoman.
"A-are you-uh, going to k-kill me?"
Lilith brushed a hand across the girl's cheek staining her flesh red as she softly said, "Not yet, but soon enough."
She then turned around as making her way towards Nolan as the girl collapsed to her knees in the puddle of her own piss but before they could apparate away, they both heard a gunshot and the sound of a body slumping over.
Lilith just tutted, "Tsk, tsk," before Nolan wrapped around her in his snake form and they both left the scene.
[Grimmauld's Place]
Lilith found herself on the front steps and stepped inside, stretching her arms, she could have let out a moan of satisfaction if she hadn't caught herself. She made to clean the blood off her arms with a wet cloth as she made a chocolate cake. Thankfully the cabinets were full with everything she needed as she Nolan watched her from the sidelines.
After she finished decorating it in green frosting, Sirius stumbled in for a glass of water before he saw that she was there and made to slowly back away to leave, "Oh, I'm sorry."
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, "It's fine. You can stay if you want I was just about to leave anyway."
As she turned around, she took in his form, he was tall with long, shaggy hair with unique silver eyes that had shadows underneath him. He looked like he aged a couple of years recently, possibly due to stress.
'He must not get much sleep,' She silently concluded.
"Um...Did you like your birthday present?"
She nodded, "Yes. Thank you."
"Oh, wait. I knew I was forgetting something, please don't leave yet!" He said as he made his way upstairs.
Lilith couldn't help that she found herself curious over what he had in store as she took a seat with Nolan moved to rest on her shoulders in his snake form as they waited. Soon, the sound of footsteps came back and he was carrying her phone, handing it to her.
She brushed her hand across the phone allowing a smile to settle on her lips.
"I kept it in my bedroom, I wanted to give back to you before you...everything, but it should still work."
She placed the phone in her pocket, "Thank you, Mr. Black."
He nodded, "You're welcome."
She summoned a knife with a plate, cutting a piece of the chocolate cake and placed it in front of him, "Here."
"Where's Charlie?"
"Oh, he should be in his bedroom. He's been up there all day."
"Thank you."
She stood up, carrying the rest of the cake as she made her way past him only to catch a glimpse of a mark on the back of his neck, making her narrow her eyes in suspicion.
'I'll think about it later after training.'
Sirius could only watch as Lilith made her way upstairs before he looked back at the simple looking cake covered in frosting. He shrugged his shoulders as he made to get a fork and sat back down, took a piece of the cake and ate it. He stiffened before he found himself eating the entire thing until there was no more. He couldn't help himself but be sad that he couldn't get any more.
"She's a really good cook," He softly stated as cleaned off the rest of the frosting off the plate.
Lilith stood in front of Charlie's door and knocked twice when she received no answer, she opened it only to find Charlie dead asleep, the book she gave him resting on his chest. She took the book, bookmarking where he stopped and placed it on his bedside table along with the rest of the cake. She covered him with a blanket and left to wash up for bed.
Nolan gave a slight laugh, "You are such a softie when it comes to children."
She smiled, "He's still a kid to me. Besides, it's time to wash up and rest because tomorrow is when the fun begins."
"True," He cooed before he shifted back into his human form and made to get her a set of pajamas as she stripped off her clothes and made to wash off today's activities. After scrubbing herself clean, she stepped out only to be greeted with a warm towel and a set of pajamas.
After drying herself off and getting dressed, she took Nolan into her arms who wrapped himself around her as she settled into bed as her companion lulled her to sleep.
Lilith was twelve years old at the time, her hair was kept tied up in a messy knot as she wore slightly oversized clothes with protection underneath as she trailed after her target. Her arms were wrapped grimy bandages with her fingers stained with blood.
This target was the type that she hated the most, the one who hid behind the reputation they built up for years so people would be less likely to point out their crimes. All she knew was that the fucker running from her would not live past today. She decided she had enough of the chase and made to cripple him.
When he turned a corner, she made her move and gave a hard kick to his lower back, sending him on his stomach before she quickly pulled him out sight and restrained him against the wall at the end of the alley.
He tried to spit on only for her to avoid it with a grimace, "You let me go, you ignorant little bitch! I know you know who I am and I could get you sent to prison for this!"
"Like the single mom, you sent to prison on false charges when she tried to stop you from assaulting her daughter?"
"She shouldn't have gotten in my way."
"Hmph, you really are something else."
"And who the fuck are you? I know you're young as I can tell by your voice, but-"
Lilith stepped out from the shadows, making him stiffen as choked out, "You. You're the killer that has been attacking random people?"
"Not random people, but rather sick individuals like you who choose to what they please, hidden under the sad ignorance of society."
He gave a cold laugh, "Do you think you will get away with this! I'm a well-respected figure in the community!"
"Hmph and that is supposed to mean something to me?"
"Of course not to a killer like you. But there is a difference between you and me. I will be mourned, respected and immortalized into the minds of the people I have helped. You are nothing but a street rat who people will only sneer at whether you live or die."
She narrowed her eyes as she clenched her fists, "Shut up."
"Do you think that you are some type of hero? You are nothing!"
"Shut up!"
"You'll be forgotten, a miserable leech who isn't even loved!"
Lilith started to shake as the man just gave a foul smirk, "A fucking freak like you is only good for spreading her legs!"
She stopped shaking as she looked at him, her eyes were no longer green but a burning, hate-filled red as she let out of pure, violent scream filled with rage as she tore into him. The man knew he made a mistake before the pain hit him like a freight train, he couldn't even scream. The pain was too much as the last thing he saw before everything went dark was the terrifying visage of Lilith sneering down at him. She continued to beat him, tearing off pieces of flesh before she upgraded to body parts as meaty pieces were tossed all over the alley as a puddle of piss and shit surrounded the now meaty corpse.
Lilith was taking in gulps of air, trying to calm herself down before she realized that she had something in her hand. She saw it was the anguished filled face of the pedophile with his jaw torn off, her fingers were embedded deep into his forehead. She shook from her raging emotions as she tossed the decapitated head in the dumpster behind her and dragged herself home.
Nolan met her halfway, he was wearing a regular set of clothes instead of his usual suit, "My Lady?"
She nodded, "Take me back, but don't let any of the children see me...please."
He took her into his arms as he softly said, "Of course."
Then everything swirled out of focus before finally turning dark.
[August 1st - 4 AM]
Lilith snapped awake in a cold sweat, pressing a hand against her left eye to push back some of the pain of her headache, her heart pounding against her rib cage.
She gave a violent hiss, "Fuck!"
She turned to the side to find Nolan curled up asleep, which allowed her to calm down, as she brushed a finger against his scales as the emotions the dream dragged out of her melted away with each stroke.
He lifted his head as he muttered, "My Lady?"
"Good morning, Nolan."
"Did you have a bad dream?"
"Old memories..."
He shifted into his human form, "Training is on the schedule for today?"
"Well, of course, I want to see how far I can go without my restraints," She whispered as she glanced at the tattoos on her arms.
"I see. Do I need to brace the house so it doesn't crumble to pieces?"
"Nah, I'll place a protection ward around the house so I don't need to hold back."
"Good to know. Shall I start making preparations?"
"If you could, please. I need to get ready."
He bowed and exited the bedroom as she took a shower, the miserable sneering face of the pedophile she killed all those years ago washed down the drain with the rest of the dirt.
She looked up at the ceiling with a cold glare, "Rot in hell, scum. I'll see you and all the other pieces of filth when it's my time."
After turning off the water and stepping out of the shower, she dried herself off and got dressed in a pair of dark leggings, combat boots with a thick skin-tight t-shirt as she pulled her hair up in a messy knot to keep it out of the way. Once she exited the bathroom she slowly made her way outside only to find multiple summoning pentagrams and the start of the protection ward circling the entire area of the house.
She gave a slight chuckle, making her companion turn to face her, "You never do things, half-assed do you, Nolan?"
He smiled, "I wouldn't be worthy of being by your side if I committed such a sin."
She could only laugh as she finished the protection ward, activating it before the ward faded from sight.
Nolan commented, "It will prevent the house from falling down but it won't cancel out the noise will it?"
"No, it won't. Besides I need to have a little fun while training," She sighed as she cracked her knuckles and got to work.
The process to summon what she needed for training took about three hours, a shit ton of food and light blood offerings but she managed to get it done. Because standing before her was a large congregation of beings that would unnerve most armies. The largest of the group let out a massive roar, startling everyone that was still asleep inside the house, the tumbling, curses, and shrieks made the pair laugh in amusement.
[Ginny and Hermione]
The roar startled both girls so much they nearly jumped a foot in the air before they fell off their beds. Hermione was tangled in her bedsheets huffing and snarling as she tried to get herself free. Ginny quickly picked herself off the floor, kicking her blanket away from her as she rushed to get out of the bedroom only to smack her head against the hard door making her fall on her ass as a slew of curses spilled out of her mouth.
Hermione finally freed herself from the tangled mess of bed sheets and blankets and helped Ginny up as she opened the door and they slowly made their way downstairs into the living room.
[Arthur and Molly]
Molly stumbled out of bed with a squeal while Arthur jumped out of bed, his wand at the ready to curse the first person in sight only to see Molly, looking like all of her secrets were exposed to the public like that of a pair of panties on a windy day.
"Molly, are you okay?"
"No, help me up, please."
Arther made his way around, helping her up and said, "Stay behind me, we need to get the kids."
Sirius groaned and muttered many foul curses under his breath as he barely avoided hitting his head on his bedside table.
He pulled out his wand and hoped whatever yelled died an agonizing death.
'And to think I got a good night's sleep for once.'
He stormed out with his wand at the ready as he slowly made his way downstairs to get to the living room.
[The twins]
Both of them groaned from the floor as they tried to check outside from their window only to see nothing before Molly and Arthur came in.
Molly had her hands on her hips, "Was it one of your pranks?"
Both Fred and George shook their heads, "No."
Arthur nodded as he saw that both of his sons were still a bit out of it.
George asked, "What time is it?"
Arthur checked with his wand and said, "It's seven thirty-two."
Fred groaned, "Ugh, it's not even breakfast yet. What made that sound?"
"Maybe Ron got hungry?" George offered
Arthur let a small measure of amusement fall on his face as he turned around, "Come on, we need to get your brother and see what is going on."
They filed out of the bedroom and Arthur knew better than to knock but hoped that Ron was decent.
The youngest son was still asleep to the world, snoring the day away as Arthur pushed open the door and sent a stinging hex towards his ass making him wake up with a slew of curses before he ended mid-rant with a squeak as he saw Molly scowl at him.
He looked down, "I'm sorry."
Molly then gave him a light scolding as they made their way downstairs.
He jumped up like a startled cat, much to the silent amusement of Lukas as he rushed out of the room before he made his way to Lilith's room and knocked on the door only for no one to answer.
He shrugged his shoulders and made his way downstairs and found people just staring out the windows. When he looked out into the yard, he could see why and found himself torn between dropping his jaw and paling in fear.
[Living Room]
The atmosphere was tense and thick as people couldn't even move due to the shock and confusion over what they were seeing.
Sirius, Arthur, and Molly had their jaws on the floor, while the twins were shocked stiff as they clutched each other's arms so the other wouldn't fall. Hermione could barely believe what was in front of her and it lit a small fire of jealousy underneath her that Lilith could hold such massive control of magic. Ginny was hiding behind her father, trying to get the cold look one of the monsters gave her out of her mind. Ron had his eyes on Lilith the entire time, ignoring the monsters on the lawn.
Charlie sighed as he slowly pulled himself away from looking outside and silently made his way to the front door, catching Sirius and Arthur's attention.
Arthur said, "Wait, where are you going?!"
"Don't go outside!" Sirius yelped about to grab the back of Charlie's shirt.
He missed by an inch as Charlie already opened the door and shut it behind him as he slowly walked towards Lilith. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye as he tried not to look at the literal army before them that could tear him apart in ways he really didn't want to imagine, "Lilith?"
She fully turned to look at him with a smile, "What's up?"
"Can you please explain the massive roar that could wake up an entire city?"
She grinned as she stretched out her legs, "Training."
"Training?" He repeatedly softly
"Yep, now stay inside and watch. The house won't be damaged, so you don't need to worry about it falling down on you. You can watch from the windows with the rest of the gawking seagulls up there."
He gave a slow nod as he turned to enter the house only to see Nolan resting in his bigger snake form curled up who gave him a lazy wave with his tail as he went back inside and locked the door behind him.
Molly squeaked, pointing at the window, "What the bloody hell is she doing outside?"
He gave a shrug, "She said that she's training."
Arthur gently tugged Molly back, "Training. That's training?"
"Do you really want to know?" He offered with a shrug
He shook his head, "You know what. Never mind, I really don't want to know."
Lilith outstretched her hand, her tattoos unraveling and peeling off her skin, leaving it free of markings. She then collected all of them to rest on her hand before condensing them so it became a medium-sized black ball. She then released a magical outburst causing the ground to crack around her. She grinned as she stretched out all the knicks out of her spine before she tossed the black ball to Nolan who caught it and kept it safe.
She grinned at the force before her, 'Eighty-seven reanimated corpses, ten monsters, and lastly three demons. The reanimated corpses were just that, corpses, but they were stubborn and only need kill shots to be put down. Sticking with hand to hand combat will be good, but I need to save my strength and bullets for the others. Save gun use for the last round of combat. The monsters all have different strengths, abilities, and weaknesses, work around them and they'll be dead. The demons are the real tricky ones, especially the last one.'
The crowd of zombies really shuffled anxiously, their decaying features with crusty, dirt-stained, weather-worn clothing would make them perfect for any B-list zombie movie. The monsters she summoned before her all varied in size but were all dangerous.
The first monster is 7'8" tall, its' entire form is covered in a ragged moss green hooded cloak with a single red eye with its' dark greenish-blue tentacles waving behind its' body with increasing anxiousness.
The second monster has its' form was slouched over, covered in multiple cuts and stitches on every inch of its' body. A black weather-worn hooded cloak covered its' entire body with the being's hands made out of cloth and thread.
The third monster is 8'0" tall, fully naked, dark gray being with no genitals, its' fingers were long and sharp, solely for stabbing. The monster had two fully red eyes with a massive mouth filled with fangs in a grotesque scowl.
The fourth monster is 9'2" tall with enough bulk that could shame a bodybuilder, it had dark grayish blue sea serpent scales with reptilian features and a large tail.
The fifth monster was an 8'6" goblin-like being with one black soulless eye, dark blue skin with fangs for teeth, wearing a loincloth as it carried a blood-stained club
The sixth monster was a medium-sized acidic bluish-green slime monster with a red crystal in the middle of the being.
The seventh monster was a 5'7" beige clay monster taking on the form of a beautiful woman in a simple dress and sandals.
The eighth monster was 8'5" tall and skinny as a stick, constantly waving tentacles for hair with multiple eyes on every part of the being's body as it wore a black cloak.
The ninth monster was a decaying near-elder lich in a weather-worn battle robe.
The tenth monster is a reptilian-like monster, the smallest of the group of monsters with a set of poison-laced claws, black poisonous warts blistering on its' dark purple skin.
The first demon had the top half of a wolf with the bottom half of a bull that was covered in rot and puss.
The second demon was a reptilian-like animal with the head of a lion that stands like a gorilla.
The last demon was the most human-looking out of the group, the being was wearing a complete suit of black armor and chainmail that sucked in all the light that touched it. The black knight was standing straight with its' head lowered slightly. Some would say in respect, but it was anything but that. She could feel the demon's soulless eyes boring into her, trying to figure out new ways to bring her down.
Lilith calmly stated, "You are to attack me as if you were trying to kill me. Don't you fucking hold back."
The large force in front of her let out a hellish battle cry as they charged causing her to grin as she met their charge with excitement.
Battle Song - The Game - Motorhead
She jumped above the first line of defense and landed a heavy ax kick on a zombie's head, sending aged, chunky blood and brain matter flying everywhere, obtaining the first kill of the day.
After that, she grounded herself before striking out with her hand, decapitating another zombie, before using her foot to kick the head into the air and kick it with enough force to cave in another zombie's head, killing two more.
Then she ran towards the nearest one to take off their head with a punch, before setting off a chain of physical attacks with her limbs, sending three headless zombies away from her to never stand up again as she flipped over a charging zombie, kicking their head off in the process.
She turned to claim three more through multiple kicks and punches leaving their massacred bodies, in crumpled heaps with their heads violently crushed.
10 out of 100
After charged and made to tear through more bodies, before one of the zombies managed to grab her arm only for her to kick its' head off and made to violently spin kick in a complete 360 that took put four nearby zombies out of the picture.
More zombies rushed at her, only for her to avoid their grasps, backhanding two more, knocking their heads off, and made to punch off the heads of three more zombies before she switched to butterfly kicks taking down five more.
25 out of 100
She rushed to kill another zombie, only from the corner of her eye she could see an incoming club and rolled out of the way to avoid it as the monster stood before her. The first real opponent of the day. The massive blue-skinned goblin growled at her as it raised its' bloodstained club only to bring it down to crush her, cracking the ground.
Lilith jumped on its' arm to get near the beast's head before she reared her arm back to remove the goblin's remaining eye out of its' socket. The monster let out an anguished scream as it waved its' club around, nearly crushing the nearby zombies. Lilith pulled out the eye with all the sinew before tossing it behind her. When the goblin stopped moving, she waited for the perfect moment and when the goblin was about to smash the club against its' face she jumped off. The club crushed the goblin's nose as blood trailed down the large monster's face as the pain quickly throbbed through its' head.
The large goblin now disoriented, it started to stumble around whimpering and mumbling out of pain which allowed Lilith to manipulate her magic and shot out a heavy strike of lightning from her fingertips into the chest of the stumbling goblin.
The goblin shook like that of a leaf in the wind during a hurricane. The goblin's torso was black and crispy as the large monster collapsed to the ground in a thud with a large sizzling hole where its' heart would be, the vile scent of burning flesh filled the air, made her nose itch as she jumped back into the fray and kicked the head off another zombie.
27 out of 100
After rushing to punch the head off of another zombie, she jumped into the air to land a spin kick to knock the head off another zombie only to be rewarded with a sharp lash on her upper right arm. She tumbled out of her kick, falling to the ground on her hands and knees, she got up with a sneer at the sting of pain as she glanced down to see a large bandaid-sized lash on her arm showing the muscle tissue and the blood pouring out of the wound and knew which monster caused it.
Lilith let out a sigh as she manipulated her shadow with her magic to attach to her limbs to the likeness of a pair of long-sleeved gloves and tights.
'Thank fuck, I learned this technique when I was younger.'
She clenched her fists, making a popping sound ring out as she braced herself for the next attack.
The slime made to lash out at her from between the zombie horde that surrounded her, making her jump and twist out of the way in a demented game of tag. Lilith knew it would only be a matter of time before the slime started to release bigger attacks.
'Where the fuck is the main body?' She growled as she looked everywhere before she sighed, ducking under another attack that would have torn open her right cheek.
She took in a deep breath, forming a liquified mass of shadows into her mouth and let out a dark mist that enveloped the area. The battleground was at a standstill as the thumping sounds of her enemies trying to maneuver around in the darkness made her smile.
Lilith charged her pointer finger with lightning and stabbed it into the ground and she finally found out where the monster was hiding.
'That sneaky little shit,' She grinned as she charged to her left and cast out multiple spells in rapid succession. The first spell froze the slime in its' place, the next spell froze it solid, then the last caused multiple cracks to appear throughout the body of the slime.
The shadows dissipated and she saw the slime frozen mid-leap as she manipulated magic into the palm of her hand to form a scarlet red sphere and then shot at where the slime was which vaporizing the monster and eleven other zombies around it to dust, barely leaving any trace of them. The result of the blast left a trench of smoking dirt and burning grass.
40 out of 100
She grinned at the path of carnage as she jumped back into the zombie horde and pimp slapped the head off a zombie which caused it to explode into skull fragments, chunky brain matter, and old blood.
Then she twisted and made to decapitated two more zombies and kick off the head of another, making it land out of the circle of the horde. Then a disgusting scent of rot and puss cut through the dirt and blood that surrounded the zombies and she jumped to avoid a swipe of the first demon. The swipe took out three zombies impaling them on the massive being's claws.
The demon sneered at her before flicking the now dead corpses off its' black claws as it licked its' chops at her.
'Revolting...' She sneered as the demon roared at her before making to grab her and she avoided its' grasp, twisting out of its' way before kicking off the head of another zombie and she unleashed her shadows so they stood around her, flickering and waving around her like that of a powerful blazing fire, snapping and hissing at the massive obstacle before her.
The demon roared as it charged once again and she struck out with her shadows, carving a deep line on its' left shoulder causing it to roar out in anguish as Lilith made to start lashing out all she could with her shadows, the disgusting squelch of the puss and rot from its' body flew everywhere as she prepared a silent chain spell manipulating both of her fire and lightning, collecting power and momentum.
Soon, the demon was on its' knees, its' shins were tossed away along with its' arms as her shadows stabbed it repeatedly, exposing its' bare chest and she shot the spell at the direct center of its' torso, causing it to let out a revolting, spine-trembling scream that would haunt all who heard it.
She then finally decapitated it and plucked out all three of the demon's hearts, crushing them to paste, sending the demon back to hell, but not before the body exploded in a revolting mixture of puss and black ichor, which took two zombies out with it.
Lilith sneered as she punched the head off the head of the closest zombie and gave a spinning side kick to decapitate another zombie.
53 out of 100
'Revolting...' She spat as she flicked off most of the ichor and puss off her face. The ichor and puss stained her outfit as she flicked off most of the thick liquid off of her limbs.
She glanced at the edge of the battlefield where the knight was standing, looking like an unmoving statue. It's dead black eyes bored into her as she could only sigh. She knew better than to go after the knight now, it would only avoid her to tire her out. It wanted to be last. It always wanted to be last.
Then a dark greenish-blue tentacle wrapped around her leg and pulled her backward before she was suddenly wrapped in multiple clothes laced with stitches, making her struggle. Before the third monster could get near her she centered her magic to destroy her restraints.
The first monster roared at her and tried to capture her, but Lilith pulled her out guns and fired multiple shots destroying its' tentacles before she channeled her magic into the next set of bullets and fired seven rounds into the third monster, causing the being to explode into a cluster of black spikes, gray muscle matter, and yellow-green fluid.
She then tackled the second monster, restraining it before setting it alight in a flurry of flames as it couldn't even screech in pain before it burned to ashes. The first monster made to lash out at her again, trying to grab her, but she only shot off its' more of its' reforming tentacles. Lilith then made to tear the monster apart with her shadows, the shrieks that the beast made didn't impede her assault as she continued to tear it apart before finally crushing the being's head so it would stay dead.
After making sure the head was thoroughly crushed she clapped her hands, collecting her magic and forcing it between her palms to condense and when she outstretched her arms releasing the condensed magic, she shouted, "Hellfire Wall!"
The large flame was released in a large arch surrounding her, burning thirty zombies to a crisp, leaving only blackened bones and the scent of burnt clothes.
86 out of 100
Then she ducked to avoid a purple blast of magic aimed at her head and she saw the lich with its' bony hand outstretched. She glanced behind her to see a spot of grass that dissolved to a pulpy chunky mush.
She raised her guns and the lich continued its' violent assault through the use of multiple curses hissed out in a different tongue undisguisable by human ears, Lilith could only capture and seal about half of the spells for the cartridges of her weapons as several stray ones started to rot the surrounding area.
'I need to wrap this up quickly...'
She slowly made her way closer to the lich deflecting more spells that it shot at her as she formed a spear through her shadows and made to stab it with all the force she could into the lich's head, making it stiffen entirely.
Then the lich set itself alight in purple-blue flames before compiling into a pile of chunky black sludge and a chalky skin sack that quickly rotted away.
87 out of 100
She turned around to see the smiling face of the next monster that stretched out its' arms to capture her, which she barely avoided as it continued to swipe at her before it finally caught her by and restrained her by pressing her against its' body.
She made to struggle before she heard a voice that struck a violent chord within her and she looked up to see the face of her husband smiling at her. It made her stiffen for a moment before she saw red as she let out a hissing growl as she spat, "You aren't him. You aren't my Drake..." Her magic started to flow out of her in violent waves as she screamed, "Stop wearing my husband's face!"
Her magic then exploded outwards, shocking the monster as she was now free from her restraints as she forced the clay monster away from her before immediately embolizing it, freezing it into its' complete solid form and she set the being on fire, watching it harden as its' face twisted in anguish before it shattered to dozens of pieces as she watched it dissolve to dust.
She let out a deep breath, cracked her neck and charged towards her next opponent.
88 out of 100
The second demon of the group met her charge with a roar as it opened its' maw to eat her only for her to get a grip on its' fangs, stopping them in its' tracks. The demon then got her in its' grip and started to tighten its' grip around her.
"Aaaahhhh!" She screamed as she felt her ribs ache from the pressure before she summoned her shadows which sliced off the demon's fingers, making it howl in rage.
She took in several deep breaths before rolling out of the demon's charge as she manipulated her shadows to restrain the demon, forcing it to kneel. She then summoned her black gun, pressing the barrel of her Casull into the demon's forehead, challenged her magic into the gun before she pulled the trigger.
What fired was a bullet laced with the lich's liquifying spell and her own personal rotting curse. The bullet hit center mass and it caused the demon to let out an agonizing scream before the being's head dissolved to a pulpy mess of black ichor, muscle tissue, and liquified bone fragments.
She released the demon and made to tear out its' multiple hearts and destroyed them all before it could reform its' head, causing the rest of the body to liquify to black ichor and muscle tissue.
89 out of 100
She stared at those who remained standing and she charged which the fourth monster met with a roar as she made to swipe at her with its' long tail. She jumped above it and made to strike the monster in multiple places with her lightning. Each strike that landed, made a crack into the scales the monster had covering its' body.
When it tried to strike her with its' tail, she managed to cut it off, making it thump to the ground with a thud.
The monster screamed as it tried to grab her, but she continued to repeatedly strike the monster, before the thick protective scale on the being's chest started to crack and after a few more strikes, the crack was massive which made her smile.
She then stopped, pulled her hand back and stabbed her arm through the cracked scale, causing blood to shoot out through it's back. After she pulled herself away, the monster fell forward, never to get up once again.
When she turned to face the next monster, she stiffened as she felt her world turn dark.
She felt very different and looked around herself, seeing nothing but darkness surrounding every corner. Then she saw her in Dudley's old castoffs and then came the sound of heavy footsteps and the disgusting feeling of powerlessness.
Lilith was now five years old once again.
She refused to flinch or turn around as she already envisioned that disgusting leer as the footsteps only drew closer in a viciously haunting manner as she closed her eyes and concentrated on her magic.
Once he was an inch away from grabbing her, she spun around, pulled her fist back and struck with all the force she could muster destroying the illusion of Vernon who looked shocked before the darkness bled away and she was now standing on the front lawn with her fist covered in the dark green liquid.
Then she saw the dying form of the eighth monster, it's head was nearly was off its' body with multiple eyes crushed from the force of her blow. She coldly glared at the whimpering monster before she snapped her fingers and set it alight. The monster started to scream before it tapered off as she watched it burn to ashes.
91 out of 100
The tenth monster charged towards her with a piercing shriek, but she refused to draw out her training any longer as she manipulated her shadows to trap the monster inside of them.
The monster fought well, but it was completely restrained in the massive ball. She could feel the monster clawing at the shadows from the inside, but she slowly tightened the ball to crush the monster.
No shrieks ever left that ball of shadows as she crushed the being into a pulpy mess and once she felt that there was no more movement, she undid the shadows and it showed a mess of poison-laced flesh as the monster laid in a crumpled, twisted heap.
She rolled her shoulders, 'Now, only eight remains.'
92 out of 100
She then charged at the seven remaining zombies, knocking off the head of the first one with a sidekick, painting the ground beside him with chunky brain matter and old blood.
After that, she pulled her fist back and reduced the next zombie's head to mulch as she turned to uppercut the head off the next zombie, sending its' headless body stumbling backward before falling, never to get back up again.
Then she charged towards the remaining five, flipped in the air and sent a kick that decimated another zombie before punching off the head of two more before crushing the last zombie's head with a spin kick, that covered her combat boots in a new level of muck.
99 out of 100
Song End/Battle Song: Lies, Greed, & Misery - Linkin Park
When the last zombie fell to the ground, she allowed herself to slouch as she took in several deep breaths as the battlefield was silent, her limbs were heavy and sticky with the blood and viscera of her enemies and all that was left was the knight.
Each clap was slow and metallic-sounding as it rang through the air and her bones. It made her stiffen before she slowly straightened her spine as cold laughter filled the air. She turned to face the knight making its' way towards her. The massacred bodies of her past enemies crushed underneath the heavy boots in a disgusting mush.
They then stood across from each other, the silence was deafening as the demon's cold voice echoed through the field, "How it will be sweet."
"What will be sweet? My supposed defeat at your hands?"
"Yes. I will savor your demise as I drag you down to Hell with me."
"If you can manage it, which you won't. My death will not be at your hands."
"Let us put that to the test, won't we?"
She jumped back several feet as she released her shadows once again as they flicked around her in a protective manner as she got into a fighting stance as the knight drew its' right leg back, leaning forward. A sharp wind blew through the pair before he disappeared in a blink of an eye.
Lilith grit her teeth as her shadows barely protected her from the demon's first blow, through her hardened shadows but the bastard cracked it and she avoided the being's attempt to grab her as she jumped out of its' grabbing range.
She manipulated her shadows to restrain the knight, but the demon only tore through the shadow tendrils like that of a wet cloth. The being then reached her, grabbing her hair and pulled her close before kicking her in the stomach, sending her through the ripped apart remains of the zombie horde.
She gasped as she saw the knight about to crush her skull underneath their boot only for her to roll out of the way and get back on her feet as she shot multiple balls of concentrated magic into the armor making it lightly stumble back. Before it could take a step, she triggered those multiple balls with a snap of her fingers causing them to explode.
Lilith saw the firey blaze, but the knight step through the flames with ease, cracking its' neck with a hollow crack before they charged at her which she was forced to meet the demon's charge only to engage in a violent brawl of fists. Each strike was filled with pain as the demon's metal knuckles caused her fists to bleed through her shadows.
The knight made her work for every strike, causing bruises and torn muscles before landing a punch on her cheek, forcing her away as she clutched the left side of her face. She spat out a mixture of blood and saliva as she glared at him, "Fucker!"
The demon tutted at her before they quickly pulled out his sword and slashed at her, causing a large weeping wound on her torso as she quickly stitched her skin together as they amused themselves with her blood painting their sword. A long black tongue slithered through the slits of the helmet to taste her blood.
She sneered as dark, sultry laugh echoed through the armor as she braced herself, "Surrender, Lilith."
"When Hell freezes."
She was then attacked by the knight once again, having to avoid multiple blows, scraping by with multiple protective wounds on her arms before she summoned her guns into her hands and fired multiple rounds. The demon was able to block all of them except the last one she fired which sent a large spider crack through the entire blade.
The knight glanced at the blade before they tossed it at her before they caused it to shatter into multiple pieces, some of them embedded into her side making her freeze. Her blood poured from the wounds the broken sword pieces caused as the demon grabbed her face, lifting her up.
An amused voice rang through the helmet, "I caught you..."
She squinted her eyes at her opponent before she forced all of her strength into her leg and kicked him away from her. The pain shot through her entire right leg which shocked her body enough to rip out the sword fragments.
The knight was far from amused with her attack and made to repay her by slamming her into the ground by her neck, nearly causing her to choke before she returned the demon's attack with a harsh headbutt. She managed to get some distance between her and her opponent as blood started to come from her nose.
She charged at the knight, leading to another brutal fist brawl, destroying more and more of the front lawn around them before it ended up with them in a stalemate, hand in hand and head to head. Her face was twisted into a snarl as the knight was completely amused. The demon made to pin her to finally end the battle as they started to crush her hands as she hissed in agony.
The knight's haunting laugh rang in her ears as she was nearly forced back an inch as the demon made to finish her off only to feel something snap inside of her and she stopped his attack, causing blood to weep from the freshly made wounds on her hands.
Her eyes were no longer green but orange, Malice's color as she forced the knight away from her, nearly causing the demon to hit the barrier around Grimmauld's Place.
Her eyes then switched to Insanity's as she pulled out her signature weapon, her scythe with a large, disturbing grin. Before the demon could do anything, Lilith was already upon them and carved a large wound on its' chest, tearing through the metal and releasing a shit ton of blood.
The battle continued as she made to beat the knight back, before carving their limbs off and she sat on the limbless torso and stabbed a shadow blade into the demon's collarbone.
The knight cackled, "Yes...That madness...That's what I wanted all this time."
Her eyes turned back to its' dark emeralds as she tightened her grip on the blade.
"All that rage and madness, no matter what you. No matter how many you help, you are damned."
She snorted, "As if I don't already know that. I made my peace with that years ago. There is no hope of polished golden gates for me, but doesn't mean I can't make sure those I do help get there."
A mocking laugh echoed through the battlefield as the demon looked at her, "When you get to Hell, it will be glorious."
"We'll see won't we, bastard."
She then lobbed off their head before the demon was sent back to its' home in a flash of black ichor, staining her outfit and half of her face.
"Fucker," She spat, flick off some of the black gunk off of her arms.
100 out of 100
Song End
The area was dead silent except for the sounds of Lilith's panting, her body was heavy with sweat, blood, viscera and black ichor the knight covered her in. All of her enemies were silenced by her own hands. The area looked like every unconscious soldier's worst nightmare. Twisted, mangled limbs, massacred bodies, with decapitated heads and the filthy scent of death in the air.
She slowly stood upright as she looked at the clear sky above her with a blank gaze before Nolan came up beside her.
He softly whispered, "My Lady?"
She stiffened before she looked down to see the soft smile of her companion, "Ah? Yes?"
Her eyes suddenly becoming sharper as she got out of her daze.
He silently lifted the black ball of her restraints making her smile, "That's right. Thank you. But I'll wait until I bathe first."
"As you wish. Do you wish for me to clean up the area?"
"No, I will do it, the remains need to be burned until there is nothing left."
She clapped her hands, before she stretched out her right hand, keeping her left hand at chest level before snapping her fingers, lighting the entire area in flames, leaving only both Nolan and herself untouched.
[With Everyone else]
The living room was shocked silent, their blood froze in their veins as they looked at the scene before them. Their minds couldn't wrap their minds around the situation they found themselves in and it shook all of them to their very core. It was terrifying...She...was terrifying.
Sirius never felt so small in life as he slowly brushed his fingers against the spot where she had shot at him on the day they went to get her. Now, he wasn't the brightest but he sure as shit wasn't stupid and his mind drawn up the conclusion that she was holding back against them all. She could have easily killed them all like cockroaches and there wouldn't have been a damn thing they could do about it.
He felt very light-headed as his stomach lurched as he pushed back the urge to throw up his dinner and the cake she made yesterday at the sight of Lilith cleaning up her mess with uncomfortable ease.
Arthur could find no words to describe what he was feeling other than fear and the startling need to flee. He never thought such feats were possible and he felt his heart pounding against his ribcage. He felt completely numb as Molly squeezed his arm like a stress toy.
Molly was freaking out mentally as she couldn't believe her eyes but the evidence was in the pudding as they say. She couldn't deny it as much as she wanted too, she was powerful, way too powerful for her liking.
She wondered as she chewed on her bottom lip, 'How will Albus respond to this? Can he even beat her?'
Fred and George couldn't even move as they held each other in a white-knuckle grip as their hearts pumped in their chests, but their blood felt sluggish and icy in both of their veins. They couldn't believe what they saw and knew that they had to do whatever possible to stay on her good side.
Ginny was on the edge of consciousness as she clung to her father's side, her mind was still reeling over what she had just witnessed and what else could she have done to her besides rotting her face off. It made her shake as slumped to her knees, barely holding back the will to piss herself.
Hermione was torn between fear and jealousy, the massive amount of control, the energy and output to bring the dead and such monsters to life only to battle them along with taking them all out was something that stirred something green deep inside her heart.
'Why her? How is she so powerful? How can she wield so much of it? It's not fair!'
Ron had no words as he fell unconscious from the thought of the monsters killing his meal ticket.
After she finished cleaning up all the evidence of her slaughter, she slowly made her way inside the house with Nolan trailing behind her. She decided to float a few inches as she really didn't want any chance of the old fucker to get his hands on any hint of black ichor. When she stepped into the living room, there were no words exchanged as people kept staring at her. Then Charlie stepped forward, just a bit away from her and smiled, "That was so cool!"
Several people gave him a shocked look but Lilith just gave a small smile, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"What you just did with the monsters, was that necromancy and demonology?"
"Yes and summoning."
"That's so cool!"
"I'm glad you think so, please wait for me in the library and you can ask me all the questions you want."
He nodded and made his way past her as she glanced at the group before her, some of them were shaking before she turned away and made her way upstairs with Nolan trailing after her.
Once she was gone, Ginny fell into a dead faint on the floor with the twins slumping onto the couch, trembling. Sirius made his way into the kitchen to fix himself a drink, but his shaking hands slowed down that process by a mile as he tried to pull himself together.
The rest just tried to get their heads together as they made to be quiet for the rest of the day.
[With Lilith]
She made her way to the bathroom and stripped off her ruined outfit as Nolan fixed her a bath. Once he was done, she stepped in and relaxed as she scrubbed off the remains of her slaughter while Nolan cleaned her hair.
Once she finished cleaning her skin and clearing the water of the evidence of her training, Nolan handed her the black ball of her condensed tattoos, she slowly unraveled them as they attached themselves onto her skin, taking on the form of multiple ivy strands and flowers.
The pair settled into a peaceful silence as she made to slowly heal her body before it was time to step out of the bath and dried herself off before she put on a blue belly shirt with a pair of black basketball shorts as she pulled her hair into a messy bun as Nolan wrapped around her in his snake form, resting on her shoulders. Then she wrapped her sore limbs in multiple bandages to not misplace any bones and made to buy several potions to heal from her training session.
She nuzzled against her companion, "Thank you, Nolan. For everything you have done for me."
"It's my pleasure."
They then made their way to their way into the library.
She opened the door to find Charlie sitting on a comfortable chair, skimming through the book he was given with a few papers and bookmarks stuck around the edges of the book. She knocked on the wall, making him look up with a smile.
"Hey," She smiled as she took a seat across from him as they watched each other in a moment of silence.
Walburga was watching the scene before she called out, "Kreacher!"
The house elf quickly appeared and gave a low bow, "Yes, Mistress?"
"Please deliver a tray of snacks and tea for the two and tend to their every need while they are here."
He nodded as he disappeared only to reappear with a tray of finger foods, small desserts, and tea with two cups.
"Thank you, Lady Black and thank you, Kreacher."
The house elf looked a bit shocked over being thanked before bowing low as Charlie said, "Thank you, Lady Black."
She nodded as she made to listen in the background.
Lilith made herself a cup while Charlie indulged in some of the treats on the platter, "Now, Charlie, where do you want to start our conversation?"
"What you summoned out there, they were demons and monsters correct?"
"Yes, they were. I summoned ten monsters and three demons."
"Was the last one you fought, the one that looked like a knight was it a monster or a demon?"
"A demon."
"You would think it would be anything else, considering how it looks, but the knight is a true demon in every sense of the word."
"I see..."
"I know you are wondering about the monsters, each one I summoned was different, each one has their own abilities and weaknesses. But, they are a bit difficult to describe without you getting some background of monster types in general. Just tell me, I'll write down the title of a series of books about monsters if you want."
"If you could, please. But, let's move on to the next question, can you explain your magic?"
"Such a broad question. Do you mean how I can wield it without a wand with such ease?"
He nodded, leaning back in his seat.
She shrugged, "Simple, technique, control, and a shit ton of practice. Along with my wand, as much as I love it, I cannot use it so brazenly considering all the enemies I face on a continuous basis. It's a bit hard to explain. As you see how I can use spells with just my hands, I just need to focus on the spell, manipulate my magic and force it out through my hands. With a wand, you are using it as a channel for your magic. The intent and power lie with you, but when you channel those two things into your wand, the spell is released. The only difference between the way you use magic and how I use it is just manipulation. Any other questions?"
He blinked as he nodded, "Y-yeah, your shadows."
She grinned as she slowly manipulated her shadow and brought it out to lazily wave behind her. She rubbed against one of the black thick tendrils with her fingers.
"My control over darkness is not complete yet, but I can manipulate it to my liking just like my flames and my lightning. It's something that has to become a part of you. An extension if you will, just like your wand it's not just a power that people are trained to think. Magic is beautiful, but simplistic in most aspects if you treat it well and it will treat you well in turn."
"What about your weapons?"
She pulled out her two slightly oversized handguns, showing them to him with the quotes engraved on each one, 'Heaven through Hell' and 'Hell through Pleasure'.
"They were given to me by a very...nice man."
"The guns are heavy and have a hell of a kick but they fit me rather well. It makes me wonder what gun would be good for you."
"Well, it would be good to know."
"Yeah, but we will start small before you start school. You can never have too many weapons others than your wand. Also, did you enjoy the book?"
"Good, now what other questions do you have for me?"
"What do you think about Dark magic?"
"That...it is very emotion-based and pleasurable. Using black magic is corruption given form, almost to the point of bliss as dark spells are addicting. You can compare it a person who has a massive anger problem but they managed to hold themselves then one day. After a shit day, barely holding it back for so long with so much pressure, they release it. When that happens, you can think of it like they are spewing poison out into the air. Then the person has to do it again and again in shorter intervals so big problems to the tiniest annoyances can set them off to explode. They can't control it, they become a snarling dog completely taken over by rage. Dark magic, however, is not all that bad and it should be used sparingly. What do you think are Dark curses?"
"The three Unforgivable Curses, the killing curse, the cruciatus curse, and the imperius curse."
"Hm, simple but effective ones. But this one you probably didn't know. The patronus spell."
His eyes widened, "Really?!"
She nodded, "You would think it is light for warding off Dementors, but it is emotional magic, something Britain classifies as dark. But at the heart of most spells, the absurdity of the classification between light and dark is bullshit. It's solely based on intent and the emotion behind it, dark spells can be used for mercy, while supposed light spells can be used for misery."
"Um, how can you control elemental magic?"
She lit her right hand on fire before summoning lightning on the top of her left pinkie, "Willpower and technique is the ground basic for controlling such power. It's a bit hard to explain because everyone has different ways of manifesting it. There is no universal way of learning how to control it. Different elements, different methods. My fire and lightning are violent and temperamental, it can and will lash out if I didn't keep a grip on it. It would be the same for any other elements."
"How strong are you?"
She chuckled as she turned off her elemental powers, as she shuffled back in her seat, "Oh, that's an answer I cannot give. I'd say I'm pretty strong, but I'm not the strongest. There will always be someone stronger somewhere else in the world."
"I saw you remove something that caused the ground to crack, what was it?"
Lilith brought her arms her chest, "My tattoos, they restrain my power so I can keep a solid center of myself. They are interchangeable runes that I can make them look however I want. "
"Have you created any spells?"
"The spell I used on the Weasley girl, although that was one of my favorites. My rotting curse."
He nodded, "Thank you."
"No problem, Charlie. Just one thing before I go, keep an open mind. That's one thing that will allow magic to fully prosper."
She smiled before she turned to Walburga who was completely emersed in the conversation, "Lady Black?"
"Yes, Ms. Halestorm?"
"If you could please lead my brother to some of the darker areas of your library. But please don't be too rough with him."
"Of course, Kreacher!" She called, summoning the house elf forth.
"Charlie, I want you to take one of them and slowly learn from it. I don't mean just read it, but understand it and the spells. Don't practice them and don't look at counterspells. I want you to think of ways to counter the spell yourself. Do you understand?"
"Yes," He softly said
"Good, have a good day, Charlie. And please knock first as I will be resting for the rest of the day."
He nodded as Kreacher led him away.
She then gave a nod towards Walburga who nodded back with a slight bow before she exited the library.
As she stepped out, she saw the traces of bushy hair move from around the corner before disappearing entirely.
Nolan lifted his head and hissed, "Shall I scare her?"
"Nah, your talents are not to be wasted on her. Besides, she wouldn't be able to hear anything regardless. The library is charmed to be silent when you want it to be."
"She still is a nosey girl, she may lose it one day."
"Or those ever-lapping lips of hers. But we can only hope."
She then entered her bedroom, locking the door behind her as she slumped on her bed. After staring at the ceiling for a moment she turned to her bedside table and pulled out the flask with the flaming black liquid anxiously waving inside of it. She just stared at it as it stirred something inside of her.
[Cami's Office - 10:52 AM]
In a pure white dress, she was leaning her back against her ivory wing chair as she tapped her manicured finger on the well-polished desk. Then the door was slammed open by a girl in a white uniform, startling her as she pulled out her pistol, but calmed down and groaned, "Oh...it's you."
The girl tried to pull herself together as she kept tripping over her words before Winter snapped at her, "Spit it out!"
"Someone defaced one of the hideouts!"
Cami felt a stone settle into the pit of her stomach as she whispered, "Is she here?"
The girl shook her head, "No, ma'am. We tripled checked all the hideouts, but she's not here or at any of them. Apparently, she just left a message for you."
She got up, "Well, what are you waiting for? Show me. Now!"
The girl nodded as Cami followed after her and soon enough she found the scene of the mutilated body of Miller's snitch with the gruesome grin and the bloody message on the wall. Many of the girls that saw the scene before them started to shake in fear as they knew how terrifying Lilith could be when pushed. She could be a literal demon towards those who fucked with her gang, her sister, and especially her children.
Cami grit her teeth before she snapped, "All of you, clean this mess up and go back to business as usual."
Several of them looked at her in shock before Cami shot at the ground with her pistol, startling some of them, "Now, dammit!"
The rest of them made off as they began the process of her completing her orders. She stomped her way back to her office with a sneer, 'Dammit! Goddammit! Curse that demonic bitch in human skin!'
As she made her back into her office and slammed the door shut, she pulled out a picture of Drake and Lilith when the pair came out to the open that they were dating, she shook with rage as she tore Lilith's face from the picture and crumpled it, tossing it into the garbage.
Tears burned her eyes, but she refused to let them fall as she slumped to the floor, "He should have chosen me, not you."
After several hours, she managed to pull herself together and slowly make her way towards the location where Miller was hiding.
[Miller's Shack]
When she made her way towards the decrepit building, several guards just grunted at her before nodding their heads in the direction where Miller was. She didn't bother to acknowledge them as she dragged herself to the slimeball's bedroom.
She knocked twice and a gruff tone shouted, "Get your ass in here, Winter."
Winter bit her lower lip as she opened the door to find Miller on a large bed with a slew of crumpled beer cans and put out cigarette buds all over the floor.
"Shut the door behind ya."
She closed it and made her way forward to be only a few inches away from him.
He leaned back on the bed with his arms behind his head, "Get to work."
She sneered at him as she stripped off her dress and took off her shoes as she undid her bra and slid off her panties. Cami slowly made her way between his legs as she couldn't help the disgust on her face.
He coldly commented, "Do I need to ask again?"
She swallowed and fixed her face into a neutral one as she undid his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers and found herself face to face with his hard cock, taking his length with her hands, rubbing him for a moment before taking him into her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down.
He groaned as growled, "Take it deeper, you bitch."
She started to use her boobs, massaging his length between them as she tried to end the situation as quickly as possible. She made to focus her mind on anything other than who she was sucking on to prevent her from gagging before her mind settled on Drake. The thought of him made her blush as she picked up speed before he came down her throat with a moan.
He sat up with a groan, "Not bad for a whore, stand up."
She shakily pulled her mouth off of him and made to stand up only for him to pull her to lay on top of him as he lined himself at her opening and shoved himself inside, smiling as he found her wet.
"I always knew I would rub off on you," He grinned
She gritted her teeth as he started to pound his cock inside of her tight heat, making her squeak as she bit her lower lip. Each thrust filled his bedroom with wet squelches he thrusted inside her pussy as he made to pinch and pull at her tits before he started to suck on her neck marking her again and again.
"Ah! Ahhh! F-fuck! I-I-fuck!" She hissed
He pulled her back as he made to suck on her tits before he heard her lightly moan, "Drake..."
Miller stiffened before he growled and bit into her tit so hard it broke through the semi-pleasurable haze, making her yelp before he made to focus on his own pleasure.
He pounded her with all the force he could muster before he came inside of her with multiple thrusts. She trembled and shook as his cum settled inside of her womb before he turned her on her stomach made to fuck her twice, cumming inside each time, leaving them covered in sweat before he pulled out of her pussy and tossed her off his bed.
[Lemon End]
Miller sighed as he ran a hand through his hair as he snarled as the warm, sticky haze was tainted by that bastard and the sneered marred his features, making him even more rat-like.
"Get out, little bitch. You have two days. You better please me more next time or I'm downgrading your safety to hours."
She looked down, "Yes, Miller."
He watched her get up and put on her dress before he grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her against his chest and hissed, "If you fucking moan that bastard's name again, you won't leave this room until your womb is broken and my name is branded on that pale ass of yours, got it?"
"Got it."
He smiled as he gave her ass a hard slap making her shiver as his cum trailed down her legs as she left his bedroom with as much dignity as she could.
She sneered, nearly on the verge of tears as she stormed her way through her hideout and coldly ordered everyone, "Don't you dare bother me unless it's an emergency."
Cami then stamped towards the privacy of her bedroom, locked the door before tearing off her dress for it to be burned. She nearly tore apart her dresser looking for her contraceptives as she swallowed several of them before she jumped into the shower. Using all the hot water she could to scrub herself clean.
"Damn him and damn that fucking bitch as well. A monster like Lilith doesn't deserve Drake, he deserves a real woman."
She could only allow the steam to fill the bathroom as she clenched her fists so hard they turned white, 'Lilith, I will bring you down. One way or another.'
[Voldemort's Manor]
It was lunch time as everyone settled down to eat with both Drake and Jake sitting next to each other. In the middle of it, Snape entered the dining room and bowed low to Voldemort who was sitting at the Head of the table.
Jake only glanced at him as he walked past, but Drake swallowed the will to growl, he could fell a violent disgusting vibe that came off his form. It felt like that of a snitch with violent urge to prove how bad he could be to impress the head of the pack.
"Severus, what do you have to report?"
As Snape opened his mouth, a red letter opened into existence and fell on his head, much to the slight amusement and surprise of everyone else.
He grabbed the letter but didn't see the name of the sender as he looked at Voldemort who waved his hand towards him, "Open it."
When he did, the letter floated out of his grip and opened itself like a howler, but instead of screaming like it was supposed to, it spoke in Lilith's cool tone, "Oh Snapey, you didn't think I would forget about you, did you? All your crimes will be found out by me sooner rather than later and I will make sure that you pay. And if the supposed Dark Lord kills you to wrap up loose ends than at least I know the bastard has good taste. And while I could list all the violent things I could do to you, but this one is much more amusing. Also, if there are any children in the area I suggest you cover your eyes and ears."
Voldemort and the rest of the table could only look at the large grins on Drake and Jake's faces as the letter waited for a moment before it exploded into white smoke. When the smoke cleared, an overwhelming feeling of disgust ripped through all the occupants of the room.
[Warning, Skip if you don't want your eyes to bleed!]
It showed Ron wearing a lacy set of red lingerie, an ill-worn corset with his gut handing out with the stump of a penis hanging out of a dirty looking thong and ill-matching garter belt.
Jake was wanted to puke as Drake twitched in disgust as a twisted smirk found its' way to rest on his lips. Everyone was in various states of disgust and horror as Ron raised his arms looking at the completely disgusted form of Severus and yelled, "Honey!"
Snape took a step back as Ron took to the chase Snape around. No amount of spells caused the figure to disappear and then he tackled him and started to rub against his lower back as he started to pepper him with kisses.
He restrained him with a strength that should not have been in him as he viciously described all the raunchy ideas of having his children and multiple violent and disgusting sexual acts that should never be spoken through lips.
Snape was so disgusted that he passed out, making Ron give a mad disgusting cackle before he disappeared in a ball of flames.
[Alright, it's over! You can read now!]
Finally, the evil image has finally left the room leaving the red letter still floating in the air.
Rabastan asked, "Is it over?"
The red letter cheerfully replied, "Nope, it ain't done yet!"
Then the letter morphed into a copy of Lilith standing before everyone with a grin on her lips. Everyone could only stare as the copy cracked her neck before she stared at everyone.
"I would suppose this is where the message is supposed to be delivered, after making sure the greasy bastard got his lickings."
Then a shocking spell was shot at her Voldemort making her avoid it as she raised her hands, "Woah, hold your horses. I ain't here to fight and I'm not the true Lilith. I'm only a message giver, nothing more, nothing less. You would know if the real one was in front of you anyway. But I am here to give you all a declaration."
"A declaration?" Voldemort softly said
She turned towards him and grinned, "Yes! A declaration of war, but you need to understand Mr. Dark Lord that I am not Light, especially Albus' pussified version of the term. I won't fight you with stunners and restraining spells, I fight to maim and kill, especially for those who have taken those who are very important to me. If you don't have those two things, then you are fine and continue on with your slaughter as usual. I'll just take those who I care about and leave and as much as I'd love nothing more than to peel Albus like a dirty onion having you violently kill him as his perfect world burns to the ground would be amazing. Just send me pictures, that's all I ask. However, if you do have them then I have to make an example out of you. No one takes what's mine and lives, but if you think that I am bluffing please inform me. I'll gladly show you that I am completely serious if you would like me too, but please don't keep me waiting too long. No hunter likes a stale game and please try to impress. And if my husband or son hear this, I'll be with you soon enough. The shadows have more resources than light, bye for now!" She grinned before vanishing without a trace.
Everyone could only stare at the smirking duo as Rabastain spat out, "Where did you find her?"
Drake shrugged, "She found me first."
He crossed his arms over his chest, "Arg, fuck."
Bellatrix giggled, 'This will be fun. This will be really, really fun!'
She then turned to Drake, "You have a good taste in girls, son."
He shrugged, "You have to be dumber than a box of bricks to let a girl like her slip away."
"Well, she certainly has spirit, doesn't she? Bella let's see if the eldest Potter has what it takes."
She stood up and bowed, "Of course, my Lord."
Voldemort just looked at the smug look of Drake's face, "Do you think your wife will survive?"
"She wouldn't be my wife if she didn't."
Ending the chapter! I'm finally fucking done with this damn chapter! Fuck me! I've been chewing over the last four scenes of this chapter for months. Literal months and I am finally done! I may just rewrite the training scene later on because it has been pissing me off and I want to get it out of the way. If you ever wondered why Lilith is very powerful now you know why. Dealing with countless criminals both low-level and high level is something that would cause anyone else to be powerful. The conversation of magic between siblings was something was meaning to write for a while and it was supposed to be longer, but I cut some parts out to be explained later and the vial has made a reappearance. And why does such a liquid stir something inside of the dear protagonist, who knows? Cami and Miller...Oh, how the clock ticks for you both. And for the message of war, I hope you enjoyed it, but I'm sorry if I disturbed you with Ron's...own message.
P.S - I never gave any permission for this story or any story of mine to be put on any other site other than fanfiction, or for people to type it out and use it as their own or if you going to use pieces of it, the least you can do is PM me. Don't be that leech that steals stories to pass it off as your own writing. That's not cool and for all writers be on the lookout for your own stories on other sites, a couple of people have been doing it on Ao3 and Wattpad so...just be careful.
Thank you for the reviews!
Perseus12 - Hopefully and I am glad you enjoyed the chapter!
MSala - Yeah, I plan on updating those to be better, but I am glad you enjoyed the update and I really hope this chapter.
Terra King - I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Le Phoque Blanc - You will see it soon enough and Drake isn't a vampire and neither is Lilith, they are able to manipulate blood to view memories instead of going through the mind.
Guest#1 - Thank you, but I'm not sure about the story... It feels kind of out there for me.
Skull Flame - Ron doesn't nor will ever have plot armor, he only died in a short scene that I made for my amusement, when he dies, you will know. But thank you for your review.
Stratos263 - Oh, trust me, he will.
Guest#2 - Hmm, later on...not sure.
god of all - Thank you!
sondowth - If only...
Draph91 - Oh, I have plans for him, besides he needs his perverted nature for Hogwarts so...just wait until then.
Pravus666 - Thank you. And fair enough, Jake is powerful in his own right and he will show his own magical powers along with the spells from both Lilith and Drake.
Nomadic Chaos - Yeah, planar magic is too much of a mess and I wasn't really considering it although Alchemy is something I have in mind for all three so...there's that. Thanks again, man and I wish you the best with your stories.
(guest) BulletGal123 - Thank you, it means a lot.
Michael Bourne - They never will, but that's what stupid people are. Stupid.
jon12231223 - Sorry, I have plans for them already.
Devilsummoner666 - It's mostly to keep herself in check and because her brother is the only innocent in the house that she can be close to, the twins, the elder Weasleys minus Percy, and Arthur are neutral and everyone is an enemy on various degrees. Voldemort would be rather shocked over seeing someone like her but that reunion would be lovely and messy as all hell.
Ada1229 - Who do you think the fight between Lilith and the capture team of Order members was inspired by.
NightBringer325 - I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I wouldn't be so sure...
mizzrazz72 - Oh, just wait for the end result, he will get his.
917brat - She hadn't dealt with Miller yet as she wants to punish him and Winter with both her son and husband. She wants them to suffer and prepare before she crushes them, but she will leave messages but I plan on having her torture several Death Eaters and delivering them to Voldemort but I do like your idea. Voldemort does show bits and pieces of his human self but possibly would have been really proud of his son if he didn't split his soul. He's still an emotionless monster although his son and grandson are slowly bringing that tiny piece of his humanity that was hidden away in his frozen tundra of a heart. I'm glad you enjoy this story!
Greer123 - I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Guest#3 - Maybe...
Joker's Favorite Daughter - Thank you.
(guest) Lycan - Thank you, but I am not really interested in that story though.
(guest) Tail blade - Yeah...nasty.
(guest) Aya - Too bad, you can love him all you want, but to me regardless of how he looks in the movie, he's still a violent, abusive fuckwit and will always be viciously hated by me.
kataraina - Thank you and I am happy you enjoyed my stories so far.
Rairi Valelira - Thanks?
~Kourtney Uzu Yato