Yeah, I hate me too... I am so sorry for the long delay! I currently have an either sprained or fractured ankle, and so I am hopefully gonna get some writing done while I can't work XD Please review to wish me well, I am in a lot of pain :)
A scream broke through the dorm just as Yasu reached Mai's door. It was cut short and sounded almost as if all the air left Mai's lungs. The twins ran to the door as Yasu tried desperately to open it. It was locked, but he had a spare key in his room. He ran off quickly, got the key and before he could burst through the door, Gene beat him to it. Both twins were by Mai's side in seconds, trying to shake her awake.
Mai started flailing and gasping for breath. She was choking, or maybe something worse. Her eyes were open and unseeing, and she started to cry. Her body was cold and getting colder, and her skin was turning blue.
Yasu drew close, looking away as he brought his hand up, and struck her hard across the face. He winced at the sound. That felt wrong.
However it had worked, and Mai bolted up, gasping for air before coughing violently. Tears rolled down her cheek, and after a few long moments, her eyes met the ones who had been looking on at her in worry. Yasu, then Oliver, then Gene. Upon seeing Eugene sitting there, her eyes welled up again. Before anyone could utter a single word, Mai had thrown her arms around Gene and cried against his chest. Gene's face was one of absolute sorrow, and his body shook as he embraced Mai back. To Oliver, his brother looked broken, and it brought him nothing but pain to see the scene in front of him.
"You saw that too, didn't you Gene?" Mai asked, her voice low in an attempt to stop herself coughing. Yasu looked away and then decided the least he could do was find her something to soothe her throat. Oliver's sadness was quickly replaced with worry, however with Oliver, worry often sounded like anger.
"Saw what?" He asked his voice tense. Gene gave Mai a look, that clearly said he was ashamed. He couldn't look at his brother, and he definitely did not want to tell his brother any of this.
"Naru can we talk about this later?" Mai asked, not noticing her slip up.
"Naru?" Oliver asked, remembering it as something Mai called him in the dream. That left awkward. Mai blushed scarlet and hid under her blanket.
"I assume its short for Naru the Narcissist" Gene muttered, in an attempt the lighten the mood. It did not work. "Look Noll, I want to talk to Mai in private"
"Do I get a say in the matter?" Naru wondered, but the look on his brothers face clearly said 'sorry but no'. Yasu came back just as Naru stood to leave. Yasu handed Mai a steaming mug of green tea and left with Naru.
Mai and Gene were still talking ten minutes later, and Naru had resorted to pacing the hallway.
"So are you going to tell me whats actually going on? I saw you pull Mai out of class, and now this?" Yasu interrogated, losing the respectful tone in his voice, and replaying it with one of unconditional worry for his best friend.
"I was not lying when I said Mai was experiencing psychic dreams" Naru defended.
"But you were also leaving a lot out" Yasu knew he didn't really have a leg to stand on, but he was upset and so he wasn't just going to drop it. Afterall, it was really up to Mai to tell him, but what right to Yaru have to demand the truth. They weren't dating, but they were best friends.
"I didn't think it is my place to say a lot of it" Naru signed. He was just as worried about his brother, and they both needed some answers. The least he could do was try to explain a little to this boy who worried so much about Mai. "However, to put it simply... Mai, Gene and I have all been experiencing dreams that contained Mai and myself. The details are sensitive, and possibly portray events that might happen in the near future" Naru paused, trying not to blush at the idea of any of that happening. "These dreams started a day before class, which is before either of us had met Mai, and that's why it could make sense to be visions"
"And that has something to do with what Mai just saw? But you seemed to have no idea about it either, but your brother did?" Yasu asked, slowly coming up with theories about those sensitive details.
"I have no idea what that was about" Naru admitted, restarting his pacing.
"Why did Mai hug him like that, are they dating? Mai surely would have told me something like that" Yasu suddenly asked, his mood turning curious.
"No" There was no pause.
"How are you so sure, are you dating her?" Yasu was clearly mocking, but the question shocked him so much he stopped pacing.
"No, don't be stupid" Naru knew he sounded way too harsh as soon as he said it. Yasu was taken aback by the tone.
"Wow, whats your problem? You would be lucky to land a girl half as amazing as Mai" Yasu sounded angry.
"Well if shes so amazing why don't you date her" Naru knew he deserved that, but this boy sounded so infatuated by Mai that he had to say it.
"She's not exactly my... type" Yasu did not offer any explanation as to what that meant when Naru raised a brow at him. Yasu wasn't sure how excepting people were in England to the idea of someone being gay. Naru eventually nodded and they fell into only partially awkward silence.
A long minute later, Gene came out of the door and shut it behind him.
"Mai is going to join us at ours tonight" Gene explained. "Her dream manifested physically, and she will need a quick response time should it happen again"
"Is that not a little inappropriate?" Yasu questioned quickly. "She has just met you both, and now she is to stay in your home? Also, you are her professors!"
"Her safety is a little more important" Gene reasoned, daring not to make eye contact with his definitely angry and uncomfortable mirror image. "If you are really that worried, you can sleep on the couch? We have a spare room for Mai to use but only the one"
"And how does Mai feel about this?" Yasu asked, crossing his arms and sighing.
"She was really shaken by her dream, she agreed" Gene explained, although he neglected to mention the argument to occurred before that agreement.
"Will you at least explain what is going on" Naru's voice sounded calm and almost tired. He was undoubtedly mad, but he was also very worried and embarrassed. At least he didn't protest Genes plan to invite both Mai and Yasu to their home.
"Last week I saw the death of someone I don't know" Gene explained, his eye twitching. "And Mai saw the same dream but in the eyes of the stranger"
"And you are sure you don't know who the vision is about? Or maybe if it has happened yet?" Naru asked, watching Gene's eye twitch. Naru never told Gene that he had a tell, but his eye always twitched when he lied.
"I have no idea, but I didn't recognise him at all" Genes eye twitched again. "And Mai was too busy being hit by a car to wonder whos death she was seeing"
"Then why was she chocking?" Yasu asked, hearing the shower start up in Mai's room.
"Mai explained that after she was hit by the car, her body was dragged to a lake where she drowned" Gene bit his lip in shame. "The driver clearly panicked and didn't realise she wasn't dead"
"How do you know the driver panicked but not what the victim looked like?" Naru asked, seeing the eye twitching continue.
"I didn't get a clear view of anyone, but I could... feel the panic" Which was true.
"And not any resonance between yourself and the victim?" Naru pushed, his voice no longer calm.
"I don't think I was seeing it through my eyes, so I don't really know if it was me connecting with them, or the person who I viewed" Gene lied.
"What if it was you?" Yasu asked. Gene's mind reeled at first, thinking Yasu meant what if he was the victim. When he finally worked out what Yasu meant, it was a little too late to play it cool.
"What if I was seeing it through my own eyes?" Gene felt like a deer caught in headlights. "I don't know, the figure didn't resemble anyone I know" Gene looked away. Naru decided to push it later when Gene was no longer on edge. It is easier to catch someone off guard when they weren't expecting a questioning. Maybe he could ask Gene when they went to the gym.
"Mr Yasuhara, perhaps you should pack"