(( Yeah, I lied, Warhawks' update came next :P I'm terrible, I know…But A Thousand Lessons will come soon! Also, yes, I'm probably gonna shy away from describing weapons now… Due to some people not understanding what it is meant for a character's point of view of seeing something not familiar to them but yeah, I'll do my best to keep the story interesting though x3))

Chapter Two

-Warhawks Legion Base Camp-

The number of soldiers camped out on this shore surprised Fleur, there was an entire army just sitting there, waiting for orders. Camp fires from one end to another, far as the eye could see, some even moved into recently cut clearings. Patrols of foot soldiers and sentries kept watch over the encampment, each area constantly being in view of another sentry post or patrol route. Though, even when she entered with Tyrion, Fleur and Flurry Heart received questionably odd looks and second takes by the soldiers and officers.

Two soldiers, that resembled less armored versions of Alexander, quickly jogged up to the group. "My lord?" One spoke up, looking at Fleur and Flurry Heart, then back to Tyrion. "Who are they?"

"Natives, they needed our help, to which we have brought them here to rest and recover." Tyrion answered, glancing at the two as well. "See if we have anything for the little one, along with a meal for the lady. They will also require rest, these two were on the run before we found them."

"Yes, my lord." The first saluted, before rushing off to find what had been requested. "My lord, we have received word, from our scouts, that those patrols are getting even closer to the camp." The second informed.

Tyrion took a moment to think about this new information, before nodding. "No more scouts are to go out, send word to recall those who are still out there. Have the sentries that are further out to keep themselves hidden… It isn't winter, obviously, so have all fires put out, so that it cannot be spotted from the distance. Their padding and blankets will be enough to stay warm." The second officer gave a nod, rushing off to relay their lord's orders, Tyrion turning to face Fleur and Flurry Heart. "So, are you willing to tell me what is going on, now?"

Fleur looked around, even watching Alexander and Diamadies walk over towards one of the nearby campsites, then back to the Lawbringer. "Our home has been conquered by a resurrected evil… Other Kingdoms do not have the strength to oppose him and those that serve the Dark King." Fleur just watch Tyrion simply listen to her, the blank faceplate hiding any form of reaction, even noticing Alexander angling his helmeted head enough to secretly listen. "Our Royal Family were secretly sent to a hidden location, to keep them safe, and are now leading a rebellion with what they can, and who they are able to free."

Fleur limited what information was given to the Lawbringer, he deserved some answers for saving the two of them, especially Flurry Heart, from those Sombarian Soldiers. However, she needed to keep in mind about how mysterious and timely Tyrion's appearance had been. With this large of a fighting force, he could easily challenge or side with Sombra, and Fleur did not want to trade one tyrant for another… There was also the mare's pride as a former Royal Guard, she just could not tell an unknown faction everything.

Though, Tyrion continued to just look down at the mare, as if contemplating something. After a few moments, he gave a light nod. "Alright, I thank you for this information." Another officer jogged up, the Lawbringer motioning towards them. "She will find somewhere for the two of you to rest in our camp. Once we manage to find something for the princess to eat, I will have someone bring it to you right away."

Fleur nodded, following the officer, while the three Knight Commanders simply watched her leave. After a few more moments, making sure she was out of ear shot, Alexander turned towards his lord. "You know she was not telling us everything, correct, my lord?"

"Aye, Alexander. No loyal warrior worth their skill will tell an unknown commander every bit of information." Tyrion walked over, taking a seat with his commanders. "We will find out, soon enough… Just requires us to be a bit more patient with our guest."

-Later that Night-

Fleur glanced around her path out of the Legion Camp, making sure it was clear of patrols and sentries one last time. With a nod, she quietly moved towards the wood line, being careful of the sleeping Flurry Heart in her left arm. There was no waiting until morning, she needed to make her way back to the rebel base with Flurry Heart…And these knights could bring even more trouble for Equestria.

Once out of the camp, she became extra careful of what was around her. There were no tents to hide behind or conceal herself with, movements being out in the open. But, she was close enough to the forest, and quickened her pace towards the wood line to-!

"And where, might I ask, are you going? It is considered rude to shrug off the hospitality of your host."

The sudden voice caused Fleur to lock up,just as a match revealed itself with a spark and lit a lantern, its light exposing all around it. In seconds, the form of an armored Lawbringer, sitting upon a fallen tree trunk, appeared in front of Fleur. His poleaxe sat to the armored knight's right, an opened ration sack to their left… Obvious display that Tyrion had been waiting here for quite some time.

"Your actions were quite predictable, my lady. I had a feeling you would use the night sky, and attempt an escape before morning came." Tyrion continued to look towards Fleur, even as she drew her rapier and readied for combat. "Put that away, I have no intentions of fighting you."

"Then, what are your intentions, Lord Tyrion?" She asked, as the knight grabbed his weapon and stood up.

"Right now? Keeping that princess of yours safe." He walked up to Fleur, obviously unafraid of the mare's protective stance. "As I said before, I am a Lawbringer, sworn to uphold the Law which governs all life… And, being a Knight under the Lord Warden of Ashfeld, it is my sacred duty to safeguard the innocent."

Fleur did not waver, eyes looking for weaknesses in Tyrion's heavy armor. "And how can I believe that to be true, and not some lie to gain my trust?"

Her words were met by silence, the Lawbringer silently pondering Fleur's question. Tyrion's silence caused her to feel more uneasy, her senses become heightened and noticing that the patrols were avoiding this location on purpose. Though, Fleur's attention was draw straight back to Tyrion again, as he finally spoke.

"A Knight is sworn to Valor. His Heart knows only Virtue. His blade Defends the Helpless." Tyrion's words caused Fleur to freeze, they were familiar to the mare. "His Might upholds the Weak. His Words speak only Truth. His Wrath undoes the Wicked. His Knowledge will defeat Ignorance.' A fiery aura appeared around Tyrion, who seemed oblivious of its presence… Fleur only seeing one other with such an aura. "His Sklls will be taught to the Willing. His Temper shall be held by Patience. He will give Aid to those who Seek it. He will Ask for when Needed." Tyrion swung his poleaxe around, causing the fiery aura to disperse in glowing embers, the head pointing down and shaft across the knight's back. "This is the Knight's Code, the Law of all Orders. May ye who hear it know, the Knight's Path is one of Honor, Valor, and Peace."

Fleu nearly lost her footing, unable to believe the words that had just been said. "T-That Code…" She muttered, backing away from Tyrion. "That is he Solar Guard's Code, set by the Great Guardian of Old. He who stood against the Hordes of Evil, and saved Equis. The Iron Lord of Green and Gold." The mare fell on to her knees, rapier sliding away. When Tyrion walked up to her, Fleur did not just see the Knight before her…

Behind Tyrion, stood a fiery spirit of Wrath, adorning armor of some holy crusader of old. Their greatsword held in front of it, in a presenting manner of some heroic statue. What really got Fleur's attention, were those angelic wings of fire, burning wide like some Archangel of Justice.

"By the Royal Sisters…" Fleur muttered, eyeing both Tyrion and the spirit behind him. "You are, what you claim to be." She gasped, as Tyrion reached down to her, the Spirit vanishing right after.

"If I was not, then I would not be worthy of my poleaxe and armor, or the crest that is upon my pauldren." He hoisted Fleur back on to her hooves, the mare making sure Flurry Heart was still asleep. "Now, will you be more inclined as to tell me where to find your leaders? Evil plagues this land, and justice must rise to meet it."

Fleur just looked to Tyrion's blank faceplate, unable to deny him any longer. With a nod, she spoke of where to find the Castle of Two Sisters.

-Within the Woodline-

"Did you see that?" One of the Sombarian Scouts asked, shocked at what had happened behind the strange knight. "I have never seen anything like it!"

"I am more worried about that army of soldiers camped here, over some lone warrior with parlor tricks." The other scout commented, eyeing every tent exposed within the moon's light. "There is enough here to match our master's own army."

"Then we best go back and report this to-!"

The sound of chain being dropped, followed by a heavy thud, caused the Sombarian Scouts to freeze. Slowly, they turned around, and saw the flail wielding Conqueror, Diamadies, staring down at them. They could see the murderous glow of red eyes behind Diamadies' crusader helmet, the eyes of a cold-blooded killer. He leaned left, beginning to spin said flail for an attack.

"Wait! Wait! We surrender! We surrender!" The pair shouted, pulling both arms up into the air. Just by looking at Diamadies' tarnished armor and tabard, he was an obvious veteran of far more battles than the two put together. But, what sealed their decision not to fight, had been the cold aura of murderous intent around said Conqueror… Only found among psychotic serial killers. "We will go silently, promise! No complains, or resistance!"

Diamadies gave a feral grunt, allowing his flail to stop behind him, flanged head digging into the dirt. The Sombarian Scouts released sighs of relief, until the right hand one's head had been completely smashed into bloody chunks by Diamadies' flail! The remaining scout went wide eyed, dragging themselves away, as Diamadies stalked after him… Flail swinging back and forth. "B-But, we surrendered! We are now prisoners of war! You can't do thi-GAK!"

Diamadies swung his flail, wrapping it around the scout's neck and yanked them off of the ground. Ever so carefully, the Conqueror held his captive up to the emotionless crusader faceplate, tilting his head in a curious manner. The scout's eyes were wide, shocked at what the faceplate kept hidden from a distance.

"T-Those eyes… The-They are…" Their words were filled with utter terror, not noticing the flail becoming tighter. "You have the eyes of a Monster! N-No, of a demon! H-How is i-it one like you exists!? It's impossible, nothing could possibly birth you! Nothing could love or moth-!"


-The Next Morning-

The Warhawks Legion had gathered all of their supplies and equipment, placing them into wagons. Once they were finished, the Legion started their march towards the Everfree Forest, and the Castle of Two Sisters. At the front of their Legion's column, where their Vanguard were ready to engage any threats head on, Tyrion led them on their march with his two commanders and the Equestrians.

"So, the base is hidden within a forest, considered highly dangerous to your people?" Tyrion asked, poleaxe leaned against his shoulder. Fleur simply gave a nod, still unsure of what she saw or if Tyrion could be trusted fully. "A clever tactic. Notonly would it be difficult for a large army to traverse the forest, it also becomes hazardous."

"Yet, you lead this army there." She countered, causing Tyrion to snicker.

"This is true, but there is a difference between these 'Sombarian Soldiers' and my Warhawks." The mare looked up at him, waiting for what makes the two so different form each other, raising a brow. "My soldiers have faced the savage Viking Raiders, cunning Samurai Swordsmen, and even fallen Knights of Blackstone. Terror does not exist to us, and we welcome hardship with open arms."

"Doesn't hurt that our lord rallies his men, and causes their spirits to reach the sky by marching into hellish battlefields without hesitation or fear." Alexander commented, Diamadies grunting in agreement.

"You lads allow me to be so confident, because I know you are all to be counted on when I need you." Tyrion chuckled, but noticed they were heading straight for a hill, which would be trouble for their larger wagons and siege weapons. "Lady De Lis… How much further until we reach this 'Everfree Forest'?"

Confused by the admiration shown by Alexander, Fleur barely aught the Lawbringer's question. "We will be able to see it, after cresting the hill ahead of us."

"Good. My men can take this time to rest here, and-?" Tyrion stopped, as something echoed over the hill. The air around him quickly tensed, as the Lawbringer unshouldered his poleaxe. "Tell me, how well hidden is your base, Lady De Lis?"

"Only those of the rebellion know of it, and only way of it being discovered, would be if-?" Fleur's eyes widened, as the sound blared once more… But, it was closer and she knew exactly what it was. Afterall, being a former Royal Guardsmare?

How could she ever forget a warhorn's call?

"Alexander, Diamadias; with me! Vanguard, hold here until further orders!" Tyrion strode up the hill, both Knight Commanders right behind him. Though, not being under Tyrion's command and worry filling her form, Fleur sprinted right behind them.

When they reached the hill top, all four came to a sliding halt at what was below… Soldiers of black and gray, in vast numbers, marched towards a smaller force of gold and blue. Tyrion could easily tell who was who, since the gold and blue force had their backs to some eerie forest, their opposition wreaking of such darkness and evil that its stench reached where he stood. If reinforcements did not arrive, and soon, those rebels will be slaughtered in seconds, their base in danger.

"My lord!" Alexander turned to Tyrion, greatsword hilt point towards the Equestrian Rebels. "Allow Diamadies and myself to lead your vanguard. We can reinforce the rebel forces, until you can come with our main force."

"No." Tyrion's response shocked the three, but they quickly noticed the tight grip around his poleaxe. "Those noble souls need more than reinforcements… They need inspiration, from a hero thought to be lost in the pages of time. One of Old Time." A sense of concern appeared around Alexander, while Diamadies quietly looked towards the Vanguard, searching for something.

"My lord… You do not mean…"

Tyrion gave a slow nod, before looking to Alexander. "Send word to Maximus. The people need their champion, and that a foe's lines must be broken by the imperial iron fist."

-Equestrian Battle Line-

"Hold firm, Guardspony! Hold firm!" The Guard Captain shouted, as he checked those forming their front. "We cannot falter, we cannot retreat!" He looked to the advancing Sombarian Forces, the captain's own courage wavering at how vastly they were outnumbered. "We must hold! All that we hold dear is behind us… So, defend it!"

(( watch?v=DUtnP_KH40I ))

No one blamed the rebels, as they trembled before the Sombarian Army. However, their captain spoke truth, their friends, family, and loved ones; were hidden in the ruined castle deep within the Everfree Forest behind them. A reminder, as to why they all joined up, to protect all they held dear. Now, golden shields were locked together, spears lowered and readied.

The Sombarian Force began their charge, ranks broken and unorganized, in favor of overwhelming the rebels in sheer numbers. They wailed and roared, Equestrian rebels bracing themselves. As these corrupt and crazed warriors drew closer, one could see the neon green glow of their eyes, and…

Ballista bolts soared across the Sombarian front ranks, tearing through those they grazed and impaling through at least four of the corrupt Equestrians. Powerful warhorns drew the gaze of both sides to its source, as more bolts soared and chunks of stone were hurled into Sombarian ranks. All becoming dumbfounded by this new contender.

They were an unknown race, with no fur, feathers, or scales; with different pigments of skin color. They wore blackish-gray color over their armor, with a scarlet red encircled warhawk either on their shields or tabards. Their banners held those same colors and symbol, proudly waving upon pikes. Leading each platoon, was a slightly more armored officer with a sword, obvious captains with greatswords leading multiple platoons. But, leading this vanguard, was a warrior that made any who looked upon him tremble in fear.

His armor matched that of an ancient Romane Champion, from the glistening silver curasis, to his silver death mask. Even his cresting plum matched the art work of these ancient heroes, but held a shad of lack instead of scarlet. The champion's left arm was fully incased within an iron gauntlet to bludgeoned his foes, gripping an aquila banner in hand, while the right held a golden hilted gladius. Aside from the black half cloak upon their back, the only indication of this mighty warrior's status had been the wolf engravings upon both of his pauldrens.

Slowly, the champion's greeved legs came to a halt, stabbing the banner into the ground as he raised his gladius high. Those behind him came to an abrupt halt, watching its tip be lowered and pointed towards the Sombarian Forces.

"Lupus ad victoriam!"

The deep voice, matching that of some great gladiator, echoed its only order… And the Warhawks began their charge.