"Thanks. And let us part this, hollow ataraxia."

"Wow! It looks sooo good!"

Words that left me beaming with pride. Or so I'd like to say. Over the past three weeks of living here, I've made a genuine effort to improve my cooking. A genuine effort, rewarded with shaky, yet certain steps forward. I was doing well! That said, being praised over something as simple as hotpot… honestly felt kinda' patronizing. Not that Chitoge meant it that way, of course. Unfortunately, I've just discovered that in matters of my own self-improvement, my pride goes past unreasonable to just plain stupid.

"Hm. Doesn't look too bad. You're getting better."

Well, I'm sure glad I didn't feel pride.

The ten of us— yes, ten— sit around the kotatsu of my room, bowls and spoons at the ready. Chitoge and Otama sat side by side, mouths open and eyes sparkling. Yui, Ruri, and Kosaki regard their antics with comfortable smiles. Shuu's acting all high and mighty with his ladle, being put on serving duty. As for me, I'd just unveiled my creation, the main dish, the aforementioned hotpot.

The cold appraisal comes from one Haru Onodera, the newcomer to our little function. By her side, the Fuu-chan I'd had the pleasure of meeting once, Suzu Ayakaji laughs lightly to herself, privy to a joke we've yet to hear. Or perhaps one we've yet to make? Who knows. Hard to tell what goes through her head.

"Tell me about it. Even I'm having trouble," Megumi lets out a sigh, "What a strange girl."

And so, a room meant for one is filled by double digits.

I leaned back, and let my head rest against the wall as the soup came around, a certain warmth filling my chest at the smiles that followed. We were huddled in the corner, but I bet that cozy feeling spreads through the whole room. I'd get up and check, but Otama was in my lap again, and all our legs were sort of tangled underneath the table.

Finally, the ladle reached our bowls. Or so I assumed. Blocking my view was a very bright kimono vibrating in place. I could feel my kneecaps disintegrating under the pressure.

"Whoa, hang on there…" seeing her go for the spoon, I sat up a bit, "Not yet. Gotta' give it some time to cool off."

She stared up at me, pouting, "For how long?"

"Not too long," I assured, patting her head, "It's just too hot right now, so we gotta' blow on it, 'kay?"

"Ohh…" she saw Kosaki and Yui doing it, and nodded, "Okay!"

A sigh of relief. Otama might've been a few millennia old, but on the edge of society, a freshly cooked meal was still foreign to her. She really was like a kid at times. Ah well. Now she knows better. Anyway, let's forget all that! Time for some h—!



"...Shut up."

"I wasn't saying anything."

Chitoge huffed as I dabbed at her lips, slightly puffy and pink(er than usual) from the burn. Around us, everyone else was eating and chatting comfortably, our own bowls gone cold long ago.

"But now that I am…" I muttered, continuing my thought, "Saying things, that is. I figured you'd know better."

"I was just excited, okay?" she mumbled, her words obscured by my finger, "And I can do this myself, you know."

"Stop talking, you're making it harder," I laughed, finishing up, "Besides, I'm almost done."

It was two minutes to the first aid kit, and another three to apply it. In that time, the others had already gone through their first (in Ruri's case, second and third) bowls. There was still a lot left, but Chitoge was eyeing the pot every few seconds, only making my job harder. She glanced aside as I put a bit more ointment on.

"Y'know…" Shuu's voice from across the table, "I knew you two were close… but this… I can't even make fun of this. Joke just kinda' tells itself."

"What's there to joke about?" Yui asks, resting her chin on her palm, "I think it's cute!"

"I think you're both crazy," I grumbled. Chitoge's sputtering meant I had to start over. "Besides, I made the soup, so I feel like it's my responsibility."

"That's sweet…" Fuu quirked a brow, "I think…?"

"Well, your 'responsibility' was delicious." Yui smiles, "Thank you, Raku."

"Okay, that joke, I can tell."

Thanking Yui for her taste (and ignoring Shuu's joke in poor taste), I got back to work.

"Hey Maiko," Ruri called, "Did you just take the last fishcake?"

"Oh, sorry. Did you want it?" he waggled his eyebrows, "I'll give it to ya' on one condition!"

"...And what's that?"

"Admit it!" he declared, "Just admit that I am the winner! The victor! The nonpareil! The undefeated, unbeatable, devilishly handsome champion of all video ga— aCK!"

"Sorry," she popped the fishcake in her mouth, "You were saying something?"

"And you say we're close…" I muttered, "Isn't that like, an indirect kiss?"

Shuu gave me a pointed look. "Raku, you're the last person I wanna' hear that from."

Kosaki blushed and took a sip of her tea. Huh? Did I miss something?

Frowning, I shrugged it off and finally capped the ointment, stepping back from Chitoge.

"Aaaand done." I nodded, noting her shiny lips, "You know, lip gloss looks good on you."

"Ha ha…" she looks away and holds out her bowl, her face slightly red, "Now if you're really sorry, you'll heat this up for me."

I sighed and shook my head, "You got it, Princess."

Now the rest of her face was burning. Great.

"I hope you learned a valuable lesson, Chitoge-chan…" Yui wagged a finger, "Patience."

"Think she got that, yeah." The whole ointment thing took at least ten minutes. "Though I think we all know a thing or two about waiting."

I said as I twirled the locket by my chest. Yui only smiled and looked away.

"Hey, what's the story with that?" Haru chimed in, "I see you wear it all the time, even at work. Looks heavy."

"So's the story," I remarked, "If you got time."

She shrugged, pulled a bit closer and listened.

"Wow…" Haru's voice was soft, "So we knew you ten years ago?" She shook her head. "It's like a shoujo manga."

"Uh, not shoujo, but close enough…" I laughed, "And I feel everyone shares that sentiment. It's hard to believe, I know."

"Not too hard to believe," she huffed, crossing her arms, "Come to think of it, I remember you."

I blinked. "You do?"

"Yeah. Or, being mad at you, at least."

"Ah." Fitting.

It made sense. Kosaki was her whole world back then, and suddenly some boy she'd never met shows up to whisk her away? I don't know if Ra—… I don't know if I realized back then, but as soon as I knew Kosaki had a sister, she was invited into their little circle.

I shook my head with a smile. No, I doubt that I'd known. 'Another friend for everyone? The more the merrier!' I'm sure that was the only thing on my mind.

"...So that's what you meant…"

Fuu's voice cuts through a silence I didn't know was there. I glanced up. What? Meant? When did I mean? I mean, when did I mean it? Um… Crap, what was the question?

"That day, we met…" Oh, that. Wait, didn't I—? "When you thanked me for—"

"Anyway!" I cut in. The less people who hear about that, the better, "So that's that. Anyone want more soup? I'm throwing in more meat soon."

Haru glanced toward her friend, a silent question. Fuu shook her head, mouthing she'd tell her later.

Well, I guess it can't be helped. Still, it's so embarrassing…

"One over here!" Chitoge raised her hand, a satisfied sigh crossing her empty bowl, "And make it a double!"

"I wouldn't mind another," Ruri dabs a napkin to her lips, "Kosaki, what about you?"

The girl's head perked up.

"Huh?" She blinked and shook her head, "Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you though."

"I'm tappin' out too…" Shuu pat the ground like a wrestling mat, "Damn, you really know how to hot a pot, Raku."

... I'll take the compliment, I guess.

And the ladle comes around again.

"So, Yui!" Shuu pipes up from his position on the floor, "How goes college? Anything interesting going on?"

Yui blinks into a smile, "Oh! It's going really well!" she nods, "I'm on track to graduate this year actually. Then it's off to the races!"

She finishes her sentence with a cute little fist pump, palm to her bicep. Cue applause.

"Wow, you're graduating college already?" Haru gasps. Seeing Yui tilt her head, she continues, "S-Sorry, I thought you were… well, you just look so young!"

Yui blinks.

"Um, actually…" I decide to cut in, "Yui's only eighteen. She's super smart too. Already on her way to a teacher's license, right?"

"Ehe, I guess the last part's true…" she takes me in a sort of half-hug, blushing at the praise. I ruffle her hair a bit, "I only have a few months of school left."

"You're amazing…" Fuu smiles, "If you don't mind me asking, what made you want to become a teacher?"

"I wanna' know too!" Chitoge leans forward, "Out of all of us, I thought Raku'd be the one to take up teaching!"

A sigh escapes my lips. "This again?"

"It's true though!" she nods sagely, "You're super helpful at the menagerie! You always know where things are and what to do… And when I ask a question, it's like you have the answer before I even ask! I don't know what I'd do without you!"

I stare straight into the tatami floor. "L-Laying it on thick, aren't you?"

"Aw, he's blushing!"

And so, I slam my flushed face into the kotatsu, laughter all around.

I feel a gentle palm on my shoulder.

"Chitoge-chan's right, Raku..." It's Kosaki's voice I hear, "You helped me with my homework earlier too, even when I was having trouble… I think you'd make a wonderful teacher."

Well, if I hear something like that, all I can do is pout. "Thanks…" I lift my head, "I-It was really no trouble though. I'm just glad I could help."

I'm met with two bright smiles. My embarrassment melts away. Ahh…

"You were tutoring them, Raku-chan?" Yui's words bring me back down to Earth, "What subjects?"

There was a sparkle in her eye I couldn't quite place. Whatever it was, she was eager.

"It was Math for me…" Kosaki offers, taking her homework from her bag, "I was having trouble with Trigonometric Functions and Raku showed me how they work."

Er, right. That's what they're called.

"Mhm, mhm…" Yui looks over the papers and nods along, "You did good work, Raku. As a teacher though, I'm not sure about these shortcuts."

Kosaki and I blink in unison. "Shortcuts?"

"There are plenty of teaching methods, and none of them are wrong…" Yui adjusts the glasses she'd put on at some point. "But, most would agree that teaching a student shortcuts before they understand the fundamentals is counterproductive."

I… nodded. I wasn't expecting the lecture, but I'll take it nonetheless. "I didn't even realize I was doing that. Thanks Yui. I'll remember that for next time."

"You did good though, really. And you meant well, just… keep that in mind." Yui assured, her eyes wandering up the page, "That goes for whoever this is too." She pointed to some writing toward the top, "This is an Addition/Subtraction Formula worksheet, and they're using Sum and Difference Formulas."

Ruri flinched.

"While it's a completely valid solution, it's a bit too advanced for where you are right now," Yui put the paper down, "Again, I'm sure there were good intentions, but…"

The room was tersely silent.

"Well, either way…" Yui seemed to read the mood, "From what I see here, you'll be learning Sum and Difference formulas next week anyhow. Still, you should have a bit more faith in us teachers. Our entire purpose is to raise you all to new heights. No matter how far ahead or behind you feel."

"We believe in you, so believe in us too. 'Kay?"

Otama starts clapping.

I don't think she really understood anything that was said, but was impressed anyway. One by one, the rest of the room joined her, to Yui's embarrassment.

"A-Ah, everyone…" she spoke up meekly, "W-Wha…?"

"You're so passionate!" Shuu grinned, "It's nice to see teachers that really care about their students like that. You've got my vote, Kanakura-sensei!"

"I guess I have a long way to go…" I rubbed the back of my neck, "Still, I wonder what Kyoko-sensei'd say to that."

Shuu let out an awkward laugh. Ruri gave him an odd look.

I took the moment to collect myself, then bowed to Chitoge and Kosaki, "I'll be sure to do better in the future. Let's work hard together from now on."

A gasp, a sputter, and…

The two nod back. "We'll be in your care."

A set a smiles all around.

"You'll all do just fine," Yui says warmly, "You're all still learning. Still growing. I am too! I don't think that ever stops. And I think that's the most reassuring thing I learned about being an adult."

She looked about the room.

"So here's Kanakura-sensei's lesson of the day!" she raises a single finger, "We're all human. We're not perfect. We're going to make mistakes, but they're all a part of our journey. So don't be afraid!"

"When one of us falls..." I nod, "We'll all be there to pick you up."

Yui smiles again. "So live life to the fullest."

A breeze blows through the room, as her words settle in our hearts.

Well, that was the cheesiest thing I've ever said.

I don't even care though. The way everyone smiled afterward… I can't even put it into words, how this feels. I'm so…

...so happy.

"Um, Raku-kun?"

I manage to take the goofy grin off my face in time for Kosaki to look my way.

"What's up?" I offered, "Something wrong?"

"O-Oh! No, nothing like that," she shakes her head, "Yui asked me to ask you if we can use the bath?"

Right. By the way, it had gotten so late that Yui suggested a sleepover.

And no one had the heart to refuse.

"Yeah, no problem," I nodded, "You girls go ahead. Shuu and I'll put the food away."

"N-No, you should go first!" Kosaki shook her head, "And we should clean up. You did all the cooking, so it's only fair."

"Nah, I insist," I waved it off, "You're the guests after all."

"But it's your house!" she wouldn't give up, "And we've already imposed so much, and—"

"You're not imposing…" I sighed, "I think I've made it pretty clear that we love having you here."

"S-Still…" Kosaki looks up at me, pink dusting her cheeks, "I think you shou—"

"I don't think it matters anymore," I laughed, pointing behind her, "Ruri went in while we were talking."

A gasp, as the girl glanced between me and the open door of the bath. Kosaki huffed in betrayal. "You tricked me!"

"Guilty," I held my hands up in admission, "And for my penance, I'll be putting the food away while you use the bath first. Please forgive me."

She pouted, "Fine, but just this once…" she couldn't help her smile. "I'll see you later, Raku-kun. Thank you."

I gave a smile and a wave as she disappeared into the bath.


I raise my head blearily, blinking to clear the cobwebs. Ah… I must've fallen asleep at the kotatsu. What time is it? Were the girls still in the bath?

Wiping the drool from my face, I pull myself out from the table. Aw man, my legs miss the warmth already. A heated kotatsu in the spring… I can only imagine the temptation in the winter.

Checking my phone told me it was around midnight. So I'd been out for about an hour? The girls should be done by now then.

That thought in mind, I stood up and walked toward the door—.


In the center of the room lay a bowl of chocolates, a pile of wrappers neatly set aside. The problem was what those wrappers said.

"Whiskey Bonbon".

Well, that's not good.