Title Patience / / / Rating T
Summary Sirius Black is not known for his patience, especially when his friend Peter Pettigrew has betrayed his best friends James and Lily by working for Lord Voldemort. It is up to Marlene McKinnon to calm the Heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black down, and to get him to look after his godson.
Pairings Sirius/Marlene
A/N For the purposes of this story, Marlene McKinnon lives..
The Dog House, Newhall Street, Birmingham, England
31st October 1981
Patience, that was the one thing that Sirius Black, the best friend of James and Lily Potter, godfather of James's son Harry, and fiancé of Marlene McKinnon, was not known for. This was especially true as he felt the wards surrounding the Potter Cottage fall, a large amount of spell fire being cast.
"Fucking Peter. He's betrayed James and Lily. They're dead, I can feel it! I need to go ever there and check on them. If either James, Lily or Harry are dead, I'm going to kill that rat faced bastard if it's the last thing I do" Sirius said angrily. Quickly getting dressed, having just finished having a marathon sex session with his girlfriend, he was about to head to the door when he found it being shut.
"Now listen to me Sirius Orion Black. If James or Lily are dead, they're going to need you to look after Harry because I know Dumbledore will not hesitate to take him to any other relatives of his, in the name of protection."
"But...Dumbledore thinks I'm the Secret Keeper. That means that I will be in the firing line for a one way ticket to Azkaban," he replied, worried about what would happen to him if he had ever managed to escape that prison, should he ever become a detainee.
"What you need to do Sirius is simple. You bring Harry here and we will look after him together."
A few hours later Sirius returned with a little bundle in his arms, his one and a quarter year old godson, having had to argue with Hagrid for possession of him.
Having seen the bodies of James and Lily, laying there on the floor of Potter Cottage, dead, Sirius knew that he would look after his godson to the best of his ability, and that he would have to learn some patience too and not charge in like a typical Gryffindor, especially when two months later, Marlene would come up to him and say...
"Sirius. I'm pregnant!"
Disclaimer I don't own the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any text used from the Harry Potter series is used under the fair use allowances of various copyright acts
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Type One-Shot / / / Status Complete
Distribution FFN, AO3, GryffindorTom Online
Story ID 232 / / / Publish Date 23/02/2017