Hello everyone. Welcome back to co-ed. Sorry for the long break. I am back and I hope you guys are still here to let me know how I did. Feel free to leave a review because I would love to know how this made you feel. I went over this as much as I could so I hope the grammar and shit is good. If not, I apologize now lol. ENJOY

As daybreak came into view the following morning, Shippo was already going over a checklist in his phone after waking up prematurely thanks to an anonymous phone call. He ignored the call just in case it was Bankotsu but hadn't been able to fall back asleep since. He had a few things to do today and knew he'd never get them all done without some sort of to-do list to follow. The most important objective was relatively simple, get in contact with Inuyasha. Inuyasha's connections ran more deep in the school as compared to Shippo's crowd so he figured if anyone could find proper guests to attend the party, it would be his cousin. Not to mention he was the only person that knew a professional bartender that would purposely serve underage college students, and the only person that could distract Kagome for the day while he put the preparations in place.

Thanks to midterms coming up, some professors were lenient enough to cancel classes and turn them into study sessions for the students who needed extra help. Kagome was one of the lucky ones to have all of her Friday classes canceled which opened the perfect window for Inuyasha to lift her off her feet at the sake of skipping his own classes.

Getting out of bed had proved to be a tedious task for the fox demon but he made due. Not really doing too much with himself, he simply threw on a pair of red joggers and a white t-shirt. He hardly had any strength to put his hair up into it's normal ponytail. As he was grabbing his essential items, he caught a glimpse of himself in Kagome's mirror. He looked himself up and down in disgust.

'Goodness bitch, I really look a mess.' He thought to himself, running his freshly filed claws through his messy orange mane. As he stared at his reflection, a minor memory came to his head.

He told himself that he'd do better this school year and so far, he was only keeping seventy-five percent of the promise. Not paying attention to the time of day when he set his alarm, he ended up oversleeping. When the amount of sleep his body was getting became suspicious, it set off a red flag in his head causing him to check the time and scramble around the room in a panic. Bankotsu having his clothes everywhere made matters worse as Shippo couldn't even find his emergency outfit. After a few minutes in panic, he gave up and decided to go for an entirely new look.

Throwing together one of his fancy pair of jeans with one of his relaxed graphic t-shirts, he couldn't help but think that his outfit looked everything but well put together. Not to mention, his rough hair wasn't trying to cooperate with his ponytail, tangling every time he tried to pull the locks into their scheduled updo. As he struggled, the door suddenly opened, revealing the face of his well tanned boyfriend. Not even thinking twice, Bankotsu pulled out his phone and started snapping pictures of Shippo.

"Aye! Look at my baby all dressed up and cute! Yas bae!" He cheered Shippo on.

He even went the extra mile to get on the floor so that he could get a different angle of Shippo's outfit. As soon as he heard the encouragement from his lover, he felt the negative energy lift from his shoulders washing away almost all of his insecurities. Although his day was off to a bad start, there was no way he could arrive late to class without a smile on his face.

It was something small but moments like those stuck with Shippo. Anytime he felt himself ready to give up, he couldn't help but think of all the little things Bankotsu would do to express his love for him. Even in his current state of mind, Shippo couldn't erase how those moments made him feel, no matter how much he put up a front for Kagome and even Bankotsu himself. He stilled cared way more than he knew he should considering he was the one that broke things off. It would be a while before he said it aloud either but Kagome's words were starting to actually take effect on him.

He shook his head to try and clear his mind from the immense amount of overwhelming thoughts flooding his head. "Shippo, you don't got time for this. We got shit to do today so get yourself together bitch. Just...Breathe." He told himself.

He inhaled and exhaled sharply before making his first pit stop in the bathroom. As he was getting ready, his phone went off. He pressed the answer key before putting it on speaker. He had finished getting ready for his day and all he had to do was brush his hair up into a neat ponytail.

"Hey Shippo, wassup." Inuyasha's voice could be heard from the phone.

Shippo had been expecting a call from him but not so early. "Hey. Why you up so early? I thought Kagome crashed with you at your place?" he asked as he could've sworn Kagome told him she'd be there.

"Yeah, yeah. She's here and all. I'm just up in the gym cooling down before my next set. She's on her period anyways. Not like I would get that nasty with her yet."

Shippo grimaced when he heard the word "yet" from Inuyasha. "Ew. I didn't need to know all that sir."

"Whatever. Anyway, that's not what I called you for. I called to let you know that Hojo found a place already to hold it at and he's gonna be texting out the details tonight to everyone. I know you want me spending the day with her or whatever but exactly how am I supposed to get her to dress up without her knowing it's a surprise birthday party?"

Snapping his ponytail holder in place, Shippo gave a proud glare at how nicely he snatched his hair up. He then picked up the phone to hold it closely to his mouth.

"Well since she is already going to be getting her hair and nails done or whatever, just make it seem like y'all going to a restaurant. Find a random ass restaurant and make it seem like you had a reservation when whole time, you didn't. Then when the hostess is confused and says nah fam, throw a mini temper tantrum, Kagome wants to separate you, you two leave, you apologize for ruining her night, she be like nah you good, but then you pull up to yo friend house to get something real quick and invite her in and then BOOM, we surprise that hoe. See? Simple." Shippo ran through the entire plan in one sentence and Inuyasha had to pause momentarily to make sure he understood what Shippo wanted of him.

"So basically make her feel like her whole day went to waste for nothing just to say sike, nah?...I like it, let's do it."

"Got you. I'll send you the details for the cake a little later today. Just leave everything up to me. As long as you get Kagome there, the most litty party of the year will be thrown."

Shippo wasn't that good at school but if there was one thing he could do was plan an event. Before his parents disowned him, he used to plan all the family parties. After getting off the phone with Inuyasha, he gathered everything he would need for the day inside of his large tote bag while going through a mental checklist in his head.

'Party games..check, alcohol and a bartender..check, a place to hold it at...check, invites...Hojo is handling that so check, decorations...the rest should already be at the mail place so I just need to get those and check, Kagome..check, food and snacks...check, and the last thing I need is the cake which Inuyasha is going to pick up and drop off while Kagome gets pampered or whatever.'

Checking off everything in his list, he takes his bag and leaves the room, making sure to lock the door behind himself. He thanked the heavens for sending him Kagome as her party was the biggest thing keeping him distracted from his issue with Bankotsu.

Returning upstairs after another session in the gym, Inuyasha heads straight into the bathroom without any second thoughts. Sweat was one thing he didn't like on himself for too long. The smell of it on other humans and demons was enough for his overly sensitive nose. He felt like sitting under the water for a while before getting around to washing himself. As he felt the stern water droplets clash against his back, he began to think about tomorrow.

'Tomorrow's her party. I wonder how she'll react since no one has really done anything like this for her before. As many times as I've been able to read her, I can't predict this one. I just hope she doesn't think I'm doing too much.'

Normally Inuyasha would push aside such thoughts as he never wanted to fall too deep for Kagome but as of recently, he'd just let his thoughts run rampant and go where they please. If it was one feeling he couldn't shake, it was that he wanted to be everything Kagome ever dreamed of and could have wanted. He just wanted to date her for real and show her just how much he was ready to finally move on and be with someone that actually matched his tastes. Like every other logical thought process he had, he knew it would take time and that he'd have to be patient.

After he had enough boiling water touch his skin, he finished washing up and turned the shower off. His hair was still up from his time in the gym so he didn't have to towel dry his scalp. Wrapping a towel around his waste, he exited the bathroom with his clothes in hand. Just as he reached his door, his ears caught the sound of someone breathing. Slowly opening the door, he saw Kagome sprawled across his bed, still passed out. After a long night of video games, he knew she'd be tired but he wasn't expecting her to still be asleep considering she had a morning class.

He sat down beside her, gently shaking her. "Kagome?" He cooed.

"Mmmm..." She groaned still half asleep.

"I thought you had class this morning?" He tried mentioning hoping it would snap her up.

"Mmhm." She agreed.

Inuyasha smiled while holding back a laugh within his throat. Her subconscious knew very well where she was supposed to be but clearly her body wasn't having it.

"Don't you wanna get dressed baby?" He asked her, still trying to get through.

That's when her eyes started to creep open. She took her time at first as the light in the room from daylight blinded her but as Inuyasha's face became more and more clear to her, so did her surroundings. That's when the panic and anxiety set in.

"OH SHIT!" She screamed, jumping up frantically, searching for her phone or another source of time.

"What time is it?! What time is it?!" She asked over and over again, hoping that she wasn't too late for class.

Inuyasha tilted his head to get a look at his digital alarm clock that Kagome was too much in a panic to notice. "Uh...it's like ten...thirty-seven."

Kagome then paused to look at him. Her eyes rolled back simultaneously with her body falling back onto the bed. "Fuck my life. Class started like thirty minutes ago."

Inuyasha held back his laughter not wanting to get on her bad side so early in the day so he shrugged his shoulders as he rubbed her leg up and down. "It's okay. Maybe they didn't even notice you were missing." Inuyasha said knowing it probably wasn't the most comforting but it was the only thought he could muster up.

Kagome loudly sighed. "Ain't much I can do now. It's not point in showing up. I already suck at math. Showing up late is just gonna make matters worse. I'd rather just go to their office hours and have them help me one on one instead of going just to be fucking confused the whole time."

"Yeah. I feel ya." Inuyasha agreed. "My offer still stands ya know? Math isn't that hard for me so I can help you whenever you want."

Closing her eyes, she nodded. "Mhm. I know. Thanks for waking me up though because I can at least make it to my other classes- wait...What time are we supposed to be going out later?"

Inuyasha cocked his head to the side in confusion. "We're going out?"

"Yeah. Remember? You asked me to do like a photoshoot or something with you." She reminded him.

His eyes widened as he smacked his temples. "Oh shit. I almost forgot I booked that place today. I'm so sorry but don't worry. We don't have to be there till like 6pm."

"My last class for today ends at 5:30 though." She said sitting up as she wrapped her arms around her knees.

"That's okay. You can change clothes and stuff when we get there."

She shrugged her shoulders. "If you say so."

As Inuyasha got himself dressed for the day, him and Kagome carried on small conversation up until Inuyasha had to leave. Sharing a kiss, the two went their separate ways with Inuyasha promising to pick her up from her class in the evening. As Kagome finished prepping her clothes, she took her small window of free time to reach out to Shippo and check on him to see how he was doing.

Kagome: hey doll. How ya feeling?

Shippo didn't respond back immediately which surprised her but it wasn't shocking considering he's been a little off since his breakup. Once she finished getting herself ready, she grabbed her book and purse before power walking out the door not forgetting to use the spare key Inuyasha left her to lock the door.

As she waited at the bus station, her phone vibrated indicating a text message. It was Shippo.

Shippo: Sorry. Got Caught up in class for a bit. Prof had me fucked up.

Kagome: What happened?👀👀

The day had barely just started and it was clear Shippo's day was already on the wrong foot. His texts were coming in a lot faster now.

Shippo: You know I'm not feeling well so I put my head down or whatever and he kept telling me to sit up and I told him no. He threatened to put me out of class and I had to remind him my fucking tuition pays his bitch ass bills so as far as I'M CONCERNED, I can do whatever the fuck I want as long as I ain't fucking up no one else experience that's paying as well.

Kagome: Ouch. Yeah I get it.

Shippo: Yup so he tried to go back and forth with me so I just kept saying "whose paying for the class" over and over till he shut the fuck up and went back to teaching. Like I had to let him know he got the wrong bitch up in this bitch. I'm already in a bad mood so today was not the day ESPECIALLY to try me

Kagome: I don't think there is even a regular day to try you lol😂

Shippo: That's true but today is twice as bad to not do that lmao.😂 Wyd

Kagome: Omw to school. Overslept so have to wait till my evening class starts but I'm afraid if I stay here till then, I won't get back up. Too cozy

Shippo: Damn. Ain't get no dick anyway, how tf was you so sleepy(¬_¬)

Kagome bucked her neck back trying to figure out how Shippo would know that information.

Kagome: How would you know?

Unbeknownst to her Shippo already talked to Inuyasha but fortunate enough, the question wasn't that hard to play off.

Shippo: First of all, Mind your business. Second of all, aren't you on your period? I mean if you get down like that, I don't judge...I'm lying. I'll judge😂

Kagome: Ew! No thanks, ain't for me. I already had to play off my cramps enough yesterday. I don't need any extra activity going on down there

Like always, the two close friends texted each other throughout the day to keep themselves busy. Inuyasha on the other hand wasn't returning any of Kagome's text messages. She kept in mind to make him pay for that later. Until then, she had no problem messaging her best friend.

The day went by uneventful as usual. Kagome's last class went by fairly quickly so their professor let everyone go early. She sent another text to Inuyasha letting him know she was ready whenever he was but didn't expect him to message her back considering she still hadn't heard from him all day. Figuring she might as well keep herself busy, she took a walk to the main courtyard so that she could sit in front of the large water fountain that resided in the center.

As she scrolled through facebook, she couldn't help shake the feeling that someone was staring at her. She looked up from the phone screen to take a look around only to see nothing but unbothered college kids passing by barely noticing her presence. Blaming her senses, she went back to looking at memes on her timeline. Unfortunately minutes later, the same wave of emotion hit. Someone had to be staring at her she thought. This time, when she looked up, she saw a woman with white hair pulled up into a bun wearing one of the most shortest pleated skirts she'd ever seen in her life and an extremely see through button up shirt staring her directly in her face. Kagome looked behind her to see if the woman could have possibly been staring at something else but nothing was there besides the giant water spout. When she looked back at the woman, she had already began walking away.

'Uh...that was weird. All up in my face for why though? Ugh.' Kagome thought trying to shake off how annoyed she was by the woman in the skimpy outfit staring her way.

Listening to the water pour into the fountain was a peaceful white noise for her but after the slightly uncomfortable experience, Kagome found herself not wanting to be anywhere near the area anymore because she couldn't promise herself that she wouldn't say something rude if her and the woman crossed paths again. She walked her way back to the building Inuyasha was supposed to meet her at. It was well pass the end of her class time by the time she got there which is why is baffled her to not see Inuyasha's car anywhere in sight when she arrived.

Not hearing from Inuyasha all day was one thing but when bundled up with fact that he was also late irritated her to say the least. She puffed out an annoyed breath as she pulled out her phone and began texting him again.

Kagome: hey, where the hell are you? I'm waiting

She pressed send and waited for three minutes to go by. Once again, after receiving nothing, she sent a follow up text. This time, she didn't hold back.

Kagome: Are you purposely trying to piss me off? Because it's working. Why the fuck aren't you answering?😡

She pressed send but was too impatient to wait only to hear nothing from him. After seeing that the text went through, she pressed the dial button and put the phone to her ear. The phone rung all the way until it went to voicemail.

"So just what gives you fucking right to ignore me all day and be late?" She said after the beep. Just as she hung up and was about to dial back again, she heard a familiar annoying voice enter her ears.

"Looking for dog boy? He's probably dying in pussy somewhere. It's so funny to think you really thought you were something special. Bitch bye." Kikyo said in front of the group of three girls behind her.

Kagome rolled her eyes and put her hand up. "Bitch not right fucking now. I have no desire to whoop your ass again."

Kikyo scoffed. "Ugh! Excuse me?"

"I said what I said. You heard me. Now bitch bye right back at you." She said rolling her neck.

"Oh so you mad mad huh? Don't be upset with us because your new man out here looking for the next best thing." Kikyo retorted.

Kagome rolled her tongue across her top lip. "Yup, so true because it would make sense that he's no where near you then huh? Talk about it bitch."

Opening her mouth a few times with no sound was enough to put satisfaction in Kagome's heart.

Kikyo put both of her hands up beside her head. "You know what? I don't have time to deal with likes of you. So have a good day with your unfaithful man bitch."

"The unfaithful one you wanted but okay." Kagome said under her breath but loud enough for Kikyo to hear as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

Kikyo stormed out with the group of girls following quickly behind her. As far as Kagome was concerned, that was yet another score for her board. Kikyo's words bothered her none as she knew what was being said was to try and get her riled up. That didn't mean her presence in general wasn't enough to irritate her because it definitely played it's part in that category. As she went back to her phone to try and call Inuyasha again, she saw the familiar vehicle pull into the parking lot behind her.

Giving him the death glare of a lifetime as he practically jumped out of the car, she folded her arms leaning all of her weight on her hip.

Inuyasha had his hands in the praying position as his face was already apologetic. "Kagome I am sooooo sorry! I know you're probably mad as fuck right now and don't want to hear shit I have to say but I can explain-"

"Were you out with one of your hoes?" She cut him off.

His face switched up from apologetic to confused in a matter of milliseconds. "Huh? W-what? Hoes? What the fuck are you talking about?" He questioned her back.

"Everyone around campus keeps telling me how you're out here with any and everybody while you're ignoring me. All of your male friends are now mostly ex friends so who the fuck else would you be out with?" She knew she probably sounded irrational but could care less as she needed something to make her feel better, even if it meant keeping him on his toes and making him as mad as she was.

"What the fuck? Who told you that-y'know what, doesn't matter. It wasn't true. Yes I was out with another girl but it damn sure wasn't one of these 'hoes' you speak of. It was someone I didn't even know."

"So you were out with another girl!?"

Inuyasha then realized just how bad what he said sounded. "N-no not like that! She was just some freshman I got paired up for a random ass field trip. We were literally out in the middle of nowhere with no fucking phone signal-"

"Couldn't message me before that?!"

"I didn't think about it! I know, I'm dumb but I really ain't wanna be with the girl. It was not by choice."

She squinted her eyes at him as if she didn't believe anything he was saying. "Mhm."

Inuyasha closed the space between them hugging her and thanking the gods that although she wasn't hugging him back, she wasn't rejecting him either. He rocked her back and forth singing his apologies to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't answer your last call because I was trying to rush over here to apologize to your face. Will you forgive me baby?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "...Whatever. Fine."

Inuyasha grabbed her chin to bring her mouth up to his. "Whether you like it or not, I love your attitude." He said against her lips.

Kagome pulled back. "I don't have a fucking attitude."

"Mhm, sure you don't baby." he said leaning back down to kiss her which she still accepted.

Inuyasha drove the two of them to a nearby building that he booked a room in for the photoshoot. He failed to mention to Kagome that he had to use what little time he had after the field trip to head over to the room and set up which added a factor in him being late but he wanted to minimize how many excuses he gave her before she decided to not forgive him all together.

The room had no windows with the exception for the small one located on the door and a spacious closet that Inuyasha set up lights inside for Kagome to use as a changing room. He had nothing too over the top set up for the photoshoot. If anything, he mostly just wanted some candid photos that captured her natural beauty which is why he brought a white strapless body suit for her.

Kagome never having modeled before had no idea what she was doing so Inuyasha gave her the direction she needed. Majority of the shots were with the fan on so that her hair could appear to be blowing in the wind. The more pictures Inuyasha took, Kagome felt her nerves relax more and more but just as quick as she relaxed, all it took was for Inuyasha to compliment her to make her fold inside. The things he was saying to her ranged from completely innocent to full on sexual deviant.

"You're so pretty."

"Sorry I'm smiling so hard. It's hard not to when I'm looking at you."

"Why did I choose this outfit for you? You literally look so fuckable right now."

Of course her responses only consisted of her scolding him for making her feel butterflies but he enjoyed how red he was making her in the face. After ordering her to face him and make a concentrated face, she found herself struggling to do exactly what he wanted.

"Inuyasha I'm trying here. I'm not really good at this anyway. Don't know why you just didn't ask someone else."

He cocked one of his eyebrows up. "And have you freak out about it? No thanks. Anyway, you're doing good. It's just I need...hmmm. It's hard to explain so let me just...show you." He hung his camera over his shoulder as he moved forward in front of her.

Grabbing both sides of her face gently with his fingertips, he lifted it up to face him. Kagome unconsciously started biting her bottom lip as she lost herself in his eyes.

"I can't wait to have you under me looking at me just like this." His husky voice cooed to her.

"I mean...according to you, you could've been had me. What's stopping you?" She teased back.

"I mean your period is what's stopping me now but I'm sure you're talking about before sweetheart. I was just trying to respect you and your relationship."

She pursed her lips together. "You really gonna lie to me like that?"

He chuckled. "You're right. I respected you but fuck that relationship you had though. I was trying to get all up in between that and now I'm tryna get between something else."

"Hmm. Play your cards right and you just may get what you wish for." She whispered to him.

"Pfft. Yeah okay. Anyway, keep this look for me my dear. I want you to stare at me just like this." He let go of her face and backed up into position. Putting his eye back behind his part of the lens, he saw the look she was no able to give him. The want in her eyes was putting a strain on his lower half but he had to get the perfect picture. Already having taken so many innocent photos of her, he saw no harm in moving towards a more lustful direction.

That's when his mind started taking an explicit turn. An idea crashed his entire thought process. If she was willing to do so would be the only thing stopping it.

"Hey Kagome, wanna try something?" He asked.

Relaxing herself from the previous pose, she twisted her legs together to calm the small arousal that formed in between her legs. "Yeah. Sure." She breathed out.

"How about I let you choose how you want to pose?"

She took a step back. "Um, I don't know about that."

Inuyasha smirked at her nervousness. "I'll make a suggestion then. I tell you what I want from you and you decide how you should pose based on how you feel. I want this to be all you now."

She tucked her lips in, lifting her shoulders. "Mmmm. I can try?" She said which ended up sounding more like a question more than an answer but Inuyasha would take it anyway.

Kagome was on edge as she was afraid she'd end up looking stupid in front of the built man there with her but watching his signature alluring smile cross his jaw, she couldn't help but feel her nerves tingle from whatever Inuyasha would ask of her next. The rest of her body on the other hand was ready for whatever his commands would be.

Inuyasha kept it short and sweet. "Seduce me." He instructed.

"What?" She said, wanting to make sure she heard him correctly.

"Seduce me. I want to see what you look like when you're tryna get what you want."

Her mouth was slightly agape. Being in the heat of the moment was one thing but actively trying to be sexy was something that never crossed her mind. She knew he knew that as well so as to why he'd be asking such a request of her, she had no idea.

She clasped her hands together. "And just how am I supposed to do that? I don't even know how to get the shit I want."

Inuyasha decided on teasing her a bit more. "Come on love. You mean to tell me you were never in the mood when the wolf wasn't?" He was already sure he knew the answer but his twisted mind found more pleasure in the thought of hearing her say it aloud.

Looking around the room was almost symbolic of her looking for an answer to give the half demon because she felt as if there wasn't much to say.

"Inuyasha I'm telling you. If anyone wasn't in the mood, it was almost always me. I'm not really into doing stuff like that..."She spoke softly twisting her body in place trying to ease the tension his eyes had placed upon her.

Seductively rolling his eyes, Inuyasha continued to bat his eyelashes at her. "Aw, you sure? Because you don't seem that way to me." He said, lowering the tone in his voice.

Inuyasha pulled his tripod over from his random collection of items he brought just in case he needed them. As he adjusted the camera atop of it, he could see Kagome pouting in his direction with her arms folded.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I'm the one that's playing you? What if I haven't been in the mood and I was just faking and stuff?" She asked trying to take the conversation back to a peaceful place but her crush wouldn't let her off that easy.

He pulled back from the camera to get a full good look at her with his own eyes. Giving her another one of his charming smiles, he could only shake his head at her.

"Trust me. That would have definitely been a thought if it was anyone else but you're not a good liar sweetheart...nice try though."

Putting her hand over her chest, she opened her mouth pretending to be shocked and offended.

"Oh really? So you're really just gonna put me on blast?" She asked, trying to hide the amusement in her tone.

He licked his lips as he pulled a wireless clicker out of his pocket before taking a few steps forward in her direction. "Ain't no one here but you and I so no I didn't put you on blast."

"Yeah yeah, whatever smartass."

Inuyasha grabbed one of the chairs from behind Kagome bringing it into the center of the shoot where Kagome was standing. He slowly took himself a seat, raising his hands behind his head making sure to keep the clicker hidden from camera view. Kagome looked at him strangely wondering what he was up to. He stretched his neck sideways working out the built up tension from his shoulders. Finally letting out a strong sigh, he looked up at her and said but only two words.

"I'm waiting."

She swished her neck to the side with her arms still folded. "Uh, waiting for what?" she asked hoping he wasn't still on the topic of her seducing him.

"Do something. It's just me and you right now and I'm tryna take some pictures so wassup?"

"Inuyasha...what part of I don't know how to do stuff like that are you not getting? Like I wouldn't even know where to start."

"You've done it before."

"What I do in the heat of the moment versus what I do when I'm told are completely different."

"Well, just pretend this is one of those moments then."

"That's not how heat of the moment works Inuyasha."

He motioned his hands for her to come forward. "J-just come here already, damn."

Her small feet dragged across the floor towards him with her head tilted to the ceiling. "Geez you do the m-OST!" Her words squealed out as Inuyasha yanked her downward onto his lap fixing her till she was straddling him.

His hands gravitated to her lower backside resting atop of her butt. Then nuzzling his face in her neck, he inhaled the savory sugary scent that was strictly hers. He could feel the goosebumps forming on her skin in a matter of seconds.

"Just relax babe." He whispered to her, clicking the hidden clicker in his hand.

Feeling his lips move against her neck made her body practically melt in his hands. Her breathing became lightly uneven trying to keep up with the organ in her chest that had become excited from the slightest of his touches. Squeezing her thighs around him, she scooted further into his lap wanting any pocket of air between them non-existent. As she brought her arms around his neck, it had then occurred to her just how warm his body felt. It made the embrace all the more comforting.

'Now that I think about it...his presence alone is so cozy.' She thought to herself.

To her, Inuyasha was visually stunning but his energy was incredibly mesmerizing. Just being around him made her feel as if she could do anything.

'Ok well...if it's a show he wants...then as his model, who am I to deny that? Oh lord please don't let me make a fucking fool of myself. Flexibility and strength training don't fail me now.' Her mind was racing of a million doubts so she did her best to drown them out.

Crossing her legs behind him and the chair, she crossed her feet and pointed her toes. Slowly dragging her fingertips down his back and off of his torso, she leaned herself back putting space in between them but allowed for his hands to remain at the top of her waist. Closing her eyes and going as far back as she could, she could feel the strain she was putting on her muscles seeing as though she didn't even stretch first. Pushing the minor discomfort to the back of her head, she focused solely on finishing what she started. It was a trick she learned on ice and prayed that it wouldn't be as hard to execute on a chair with a person in it. The only plus side was that she wasn't going at a break neck speed on a block of rock hard ice and could actually add her own flare to spice up the basic move.

Stretching both of her arms back above her head, she lowered herself until she could feel her fingertips touch the floor before twisting her hands so that her palms had a firm hold on the ground. As she was adjusting herself, Inuyasha's hands made themselves at home feeling around her midsection as the other squeezed at her thighs. Unbeknownst to her, Inuyasha was clicking away on the device making sure to capture what he couldn't take his eyes off of. Feeling that the position she was in was good enough, she gently opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Inuyasha, can you do me a favor and put both of your hands up beside your head?" She asked.

Her seductive airy tone had his hands in the air without a second thought. He didn't know what she was up to but he definitely was enjoying himself so far.

In one swift motion, Kagome flipped her body around him making sure her toes stayed pointed as it added to the effect of the entire move. Merely lying on her stomach with her hands planted on the ground, her legs were still straddled around opposite sides of him and the chair. She pushed her torso up, bringing her legs slowly into a split. She wouldn't let it show it on her face, but the split itself did was doing way more damage than stretching her back out did.

'Shit. I'm surprised these things can still go this far.' She thought to herself. Although the pain was evident, she thought she at least deserved a pat on the back for being able to pull this stunt off.

Lowering herself back to the ground, she remained in the split position. Lifting her hips, she twerked her lower half on and off the ground earning a jaw drop from the man behind her. She bounced for a few moments, pretending that there was a song playing in her head that she could follow the rhythm to, before jumping on all fours. This time, she arched her back in and out to the same beat that still played in her head. Turning over onto her back to face him, she finally could get a good look at his face.

She was expecting someone a bit more embarrassed or in shock but after remembering who she was dealing with, what she saw came to no surprise to her. Inuyasha's hand rested on the back of his head as he stared at her with heavy lidded eyes and slightly parted lips. Watching her turn over and bring her knees up warranted him biting on his bottom lip to control his urges. Knowing Kagome saw him didn't bother him a bit. In fact, he wanted her to see just what she was doing to him so he made sure to open his legs wider.

Kagome was reading his message loud and clear but getting herself off of the ground was her next objective so Inuyasha's wants would have to wait a little. Lifting her back up, she slowly brought her torso up, keeping her neck, head, and arms behind her to fit the idea of sexy she was shooting for. Then just like that, she jumped and sat herself up on her thighs with her hands in between them. This made it perfect for her to make contact with those glossy amber eyes of his and crawl his way.

Fitting herself between his legs, still keeping eye contact, she playfully put her wrists together faking that they were handcuffed. She then mouthed the words "You ready?" to him. Inuyasha nodded his head although he wasn't too sure what to be ready for.

She pushed herself backwards still pretending to be handcuffed and put both of her knees around his thighs. Using only her lower body strength, she pushed herself up and returned to the same straddling position only now with her fake hand cuffed wrists around his neck. Her chest heaved in and out, trying to take in some much needed oxygen. She could feel pain in all of her lower body joints and would probably need a hot bath later but all she could focus on was arching her back into the man that just could not take his eyes off of her.

"Sorry...that's all I got." She managed to breath out.

He shook his head at her. "You say that like that was something so simple."

She cocked her neck to the side in fake confusion. "Was it not?"

Inuyasha flicked his eyes at her. "Showing a guy you know how to do a split on the dick is not basic Kagome."

She was taken aback at the use of her name. She honestly couldn't remember the last time he addressed her so directly with her own name in a situation such as the one they were in. He only would use her name for something serious.

"Wow. So serious all of a sudden." She teased.

"Pfft, because I'm not gonna sit here and let you downplay that like you didn't have me ready to jump down there with you."

"Whatever bae." She said, planting a kiss on his cheeks and then his lips.

Inuyasha looked down. "Wow...as much as I'd love to continue this, I think we should call it a day now because my groin is fucking killing me right now."

She pouted. "Aww. I'm sowwy. I didn't mean to wake you up down there."

He smacked her ass causing a squeak to escape her lips. "Shut the fuck up. You knew what the fuck you were doing bouncing that ass in front of me like that. I don't even wanna hear it."

"You asked me to seduce you!"

"I didn't know you was gonna seduce me SEDUCE ME! I was on some playful type shit. You went all the way out love. You were DETERMINED to get me up. I know you were. I saw it in your eyes and shit." He continued to accuse her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Tell it to the judge. Die mad about it. Do you." She said getting up from his lap. "Anyway, imma go change my clothes back."

"Mhm. Whatever. I'll pack up out here."

Kagome had a tough time getting out of the body suit but refused to ask Inuyasha for help out of pure stubbornness. By the time she finished changing back to her original clothes, Inuyasha had finished packing everything up. Shocked by his speedy pack up, she didn't really question it either considering he wasn't human to begin with. He loaded everything up on his back and walked Kagome back to his car. She hopped in the passenger side while he filled his trunk up with his possessions. Slamming it shut, he then joined her inside. With the sun already gone, the only light keeping them illuminated were the college street lights.

Kagome's chest was filled with butterflies. Here they were alone inside of a mostly vacant parking lot. She just couldn't understand how these not new situations always caught her off guard. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Inuyasha's hand grab hers and intertwine their fingers together.

"Ya know Kagome. How come you never added me on facebook. I see you on that shit literally all the time." he asked her.

Looking out the front car window, she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Never really thought about it I guess. I don't really see you on it all the time like that though."

"Eh. I'd say I use it at least once a day if anything."

"You can add me if you want to. My facebook is just my name."

He used his other hand to pull out his phone and search her name on facebook. She was the first to come up. After adding her, Kagome felt the vibration for the notification.

"Okay sweetheart. You're added."

Kagome took a look at the invite and accepted it. Then she noticed something odd.


He nodded his head. "Mhm. I didn't want my real name on it before I try to get a job and someone sees how much of a whore I've been. Adrian is my middle name and what my parents almost named me and Tashi is just my last name bunched together."

"Makes sense I guess...oh you have IG too?...oh wow. BaedriantheAddiction? What the hell Inuyasha." She couldn't contain the fit of laughter but Inuyasha didn't expect her to.

"Everyone that doesn't know me from high school is always so confused about that shit. When girls found out my middle name, that's what they started to call me. Baedrian, so it's what I used for it and I never felt like changing it. I don't use IG all the time anyway and my name is similar on twitter."

"You have twitter too?"

"Mhm. BaedrianDawg which is another one I made in highschool and never felt like changing."

"Wow. Baedrian huh? Hmm. I just might steal it now that I know."

"Yeah yeah. Let's get you home before you start digging through my shit in front of me." he said putting the car in drive.

"I've never been a lurker Inuyasha. I respect people's privacy."

"Whatever you say love. Doesn't really matter to me. I have nothing to hide."

Inuyasha pulled in front of her building and turned his hazards on. He got out of the car to open her door and help her out. As he held her hand to assist her, he pulled her in for a kiss, nipping at her bottom lip and pecking it when he was done.

"Goodnight baby." He said against her lips.

"Mm. Goodnight to you too Baedrian." She teased before walking away.

He watched her walk into her building just to make sure she was safe before hopping back into the car and driving back to his place.

Once inside, the first thing she noticed was the absence of her fox friend. She shot him a quick text asking for his whereabouts as she undressed and prepared herself for bed. She puts herself inside of an over sized t-shirt and a pair of slim fit leggings. Falling flat on her bed, her hands went to work on her nightly routine. The first objective on her list would be texting Inuyasha, and the second would be scrolling through facebook until she got sleepy. To start off her session, she posted a quick status to her timeline.

Kagome Higurashi

'Sooooooooooooooooooooo….how does one person manage to look so damn fine all the tiiiimmmmmmmmmmmeeeee?'

Almost instantaneously, her phone buzzed with notifications from comments on the new post wondering who she was referring to.

Kuranosuke Takeda

'Wow, who this for?'

Akitoki Hojo

'So you just not gonna respond to my message though? That's cool. Note taken.'

Hiten Nyogi

'If you talking about me, I mean it's a hard job but I manage lol.'

Byakuya Bomi

'At first, I thought this was about Kouga but then I remembered you broke up with him. Oops my bad.'

Kagome rolled her eyes at the incoming comments and turned the notifications for the post off as her interest in dealing with the thirstiness just wasn't there. What was there was the curiosity that blew her towards Inuyasha's page.

Besides the profile picture of him in a tight fitted button up t-shirt and his signature man-bun, his last post definitely caught her attention.

Adrian Tashi

When she cute as fuck AND she look like she always got a whole ass attitude, yeesss baby come fuck my life all the way up. This is what daddy needs, this is what daddy wants~~~😩😩😩😍😍😍😍😍😍

She blinked slowly rereading over the status multiple times.

'There's no way...that's not about me is it?' She thought to herself. Her fingers quickly went to scrolling and she found that Inuyasha was way more active on facebook than she thought. She was beginning to piece together everything and soon there was no doubt in her mind that everything she was seeing was about her. She even managed to stumble upon the statuses from when she was talking to Muso and moved back on campus along with some other eye catching statuses.

Adrian Tashi

She really thinks I don't know about him...It's whatever. Doesn't matter if he exists or not. I'm getting what the fuck I want PERIOD.

Adrian Tashi


Adrian Tashi

Oh so she thinks she can just walk into my life, be all perfect and shit, and just walk the fuck out?….I think DAFUQ NOT! I feel bad she gotta learn this way but bitches gonna learn I'm not the one, two, three, or infinity.

Adrian Tashi

Poor thing thought he had a chance, oh well. Not my problem. And to those who keep saying "if the tables were turned-" STFU, because if the tables were turned, I would've gladly been a side piece turned only piece and snatch her ass right from under him just like I did with that raggedy ex boyfriend of hers because I can fucking do that so mind y'all business because no one asked y'all tf. I like her a lot and that's that.

Adrian Tashi

Oh Inuyasha, you're so cu-BLOCKED. Inuyasha why didn't you just move on-BLOCKED. Weren't you friend's with her bo-BLOCKED. Wow Inu, that's fucked-BLOCKED. She's not you object-BLOCKED.

Look, idk how many times I gotta tell y'all I could care less about y'all opinions for this, if I don't ask, MIND YOUR BUSINESS OR YOU'LL FIND YOURSELF CATCHING ALL OF THESE BLOCKS! YOU GET A BLOCK! YOU GET A BLOCK! YOU ALL CAN CATCH THIS FUCKING FICKITY FUCK FUCK FUCKING BLOOOOOCCCKKK! That is all lol thanks

Adrian Tashi

Mofuckers really think I'm holding this girl hostage. How fucking stupid can y'all be? First of all, it's degrading to think my parents raised me like that. Secondly, if the girl didn't like me back, I wouldn't be anywhere near her. Y'all really think I'm about to be chasing someone that don't want me? Especially considering all these girls that DO want me? Y'all "you're an abusive boyfriend" headasses can get on somewhere with all of that headassery because you're wasting your time talking about something you know nothing about. Half of you men are just mad your women either wanted me in the past or I fucked them not knowing they were your girl. The other half are bitter ass women I turned down. I'm abusive but y'all dap me up in halls? I'm abusive but y'all still in my Dms? Leave me the hell alone before I start exposing this whole damn college campus. This will be the last time I address this stupid shit like this.

Kagome had to take a second and gather her thoughts because everything she was seeing was definitely a step back from what she was used to seeing. She knew there was an aggressive side to Inuyasha but she wasn't expecting all that she was seeing. When the Muso situation happened, there was a calm anger to Inuyasha's presence along with a side of frustration and impatience. Seeing that Inuyasha was mentally struggling at the time and using facebook as an outlet, she could only imagine what else had gone through his head that he didn't post to facebook.

Everything she was seeing was more or less not surprising in the slightest as she knew Inuyasha felt most of the emotions he had been expressing. His delivery and how much it appeared he had pent up inside was more shocking to her considering how the two of them met in the first place. Inuyasha was an amazing person for her to talk to and to vent when she was feeling the worst. She hadn't realized just how much of a toll her situation had taken on him as he didn't associate with his inner friend circle anymore.

The next question on her mind was whether or not to confront Inuyasha about what he had posted. That thought was quickly pushed back as she kept scrolling through to see what else she could find. Besides his incredibly hot shirtless selfies with his tongue out he took often, Kagome also found a bunch of super sweet messages about her.

Adrian Tashi

I haven't had a crush in such a long time. This shit feel weird lmaohelpme

Adrian Tashi

She is so beautiful when she's sleeping.😩😩😩😍😍😍😍😍😍

Adrian Tashi

I feel bad sometimes because my thoughts always start off real cute and sweet and it always ends up with me wanting to put my dick in something. Geez do better Inuyasha

Adrian Tashi

Fuck friendships too. Honestly at this point, she's all I need

Adrian Tashi

Is dick a good birthday present ladies? Lol. Asking for a friend.👀

Adrian Tashi

Idc what she say, she miiiinnneeeee now😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Adrian Tashi

Bro, these fucking butterflies need to go head somewhere. I'm tryna fucking sleep😒😒😒

Adrian Tashi

I can tell I haven't been in a relationship in a while. I haven't missed someone this bad in ages😶😶

Adrian Tashi

Lowkey wish she would move her ass back here with me. Let daddy take care of you and put you through school baby😩😩😩👅👅👅💦💦💦😍😍😍😍

Adrian Tashi

My brother tells me I'm acting like I ain't never had a girl in my life before. First of all, I'm a whole renowned virgin. If I ever had sex with you before this point, I'm sorry. It didn't happen.

Once she had enough of going through his emotionally spoken statuses, she focused back on going through his pictures. It was evident that Inuyasha was either really into taking photos with his shirt off or he was just too lazy to put a shirt on. Not that she was complaining. This gave her a way to stare as long as she wanted without feeling like a creep. She also couldn't help but focus on Inuyasha's tongue that he enjoyed showing off.

'Holy shit. I never knew it was THAT long...' She thought to herself as she chewed on her bottom lip. 'That would explain a lot though.'

As she went through all of his older photos, she found one from two years ago that displayed him leaning back on one hand with his legs spread open. He had a shirt on this time but it was a long sleeved low cut loose v-neck shirt so she could still what he had going on inside. Her eyes were glued on his thighs as although they were smaller than they are now, they were still toned enough that she wanted to sit down on it.


Her phone vibrated in her hands causing her to jump as her light trance was broken. It was Shippo replying to her text from earlier.

Shippo: hey bitch. Don't worry about me for the night. I will explain when I see you tomorrow. Night.

Kagome: Okay. Have a good night.

She sat up and rubbed her hand across her chest to try and calm her nerves. Feeling her body relax back to it's normal state, she returned to the photo just for her heart to practically stop. Without realizing it, she had accidentally liked the old photo of Inuyasha. She quickly unliked it and backed out of his entire page and went to try and cover her tracks by posting an entirely new status.

Kagome Higurashi

That moment when you not only accidentally scrolled too far, but then you accidentally liked something trying to get back to the top lol. #Itwouldbemehuh

She posted it with the quickness hoping Inuyasha wouldn't message her about it. Within a matter of second though, she found herself reminding her thoughts to be careful what they wished for as Inuyasha didn't message her, but he did comment publicly on her status. She took a deep breath and opened it.

Adrian Tashi

Aww, that's cute. When lurking on my page goes wrong and you gotta cover up ;) don't worry love. I like what I see too

Just as she is reading his comment, she receives more notifications showing him liking all of her pictures and giving heart reactions to her thirst traps. She rushed back to her status to reply to him.

Kagome Higurashi

Adrian Tashi Nah. Not really lol but thanks. I try love

Then suddenly as she commented, another reply appeared under Inuyasha's comment.

Akitoki Hojo

Adrian Tashi Nice try. But don't worry, she curves all of us all the time so welcome to the club. Have a seat, get comfortable because her single status ain't budging.

'Aww Shit. Why the fuck did he just say that?! Please don't entertain this Inuyasha...' she thought to herself to no avail as Inuyasha responded just as quick.

Adrian Tashi

Akitoki Hojo Um lol nah. NiCe TrY bUt DoNt WoRrY tHoUgH I don't get curved bruh. She just playing along for y'all.😂

Then a back and forth commenced.

Akitoki Hojo

Adrian Tashi dude. that's not what I read but okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Adrian Tashi

Akitoki Hojo Actually she helps me sleep at night 😉

Akitoki Hojo

Adrian Tashi Sure dude. Keep telling yourself that. Don't know what you acting so macho for. We don't know each other.

Adrian Tashi

Akitoki Hojo You tried to group me with yourself and the rest of you rejects. I don't know you, and I don't want to get to know you. I'm just letting you know I ain't no fucking reject. Now don't at me again or imma hurt your feelings and the rest of you thirst buckets on here. Try it if you want to

Akitoki Hojo

Adrian Tashi Oh wow. What are you gonna do? Fight me through your keyboard? Lol I'm so scared.

When Inuyasha responded back with a video Kagome didn't even know existed, she almost cursed Hojo for pushing Inuyasha that far. Although you couldn't see Kagome's face all the way due to her hair being down, it was a video from when they were in the car and he asked for kisses from her. Of course she teased him first and made him beg for it but the video starts with her kissing the side of his face and his neck as he looks slightly into the camera with his finger under his chin. Then Inuyasha grabs her chin and makes out with her long tongue, biting on her lip and everything for a few seconds before the video ends. It was an IG video with a worded caption over it stating "I feel so lucky" and "I'll never get enough of this." While seeing it play back brought back memories and hormones, she felt her face heat up at the fact that he posted that to begin with. She notices someone trying to comment again and before they get the chance, Kagome just deletes the whole post and shoots a text to Inuyasha immediately right after.

Kagome: Why did you post that?😡

He wasted not time getting back to her.

Inuyasha: Because he pissed me the fuck off 😒

She rolled her eyes, heaving a huge sigh.

Kagome: Was it really that serious? That you had to post something like that without my permission?

Inuyasha: You're right. It wasn't that serious that I had to go that far. What I did was a childish choice that I really can't say at the moment I regret though

Kagome: First of all, I had no idea that was on your instagram to begin with. Can you not record stuff like that without me knowing first? And can you not post that shit without my permission either? Like for real, we shouldn't even have to be having this conversation to begin with.

Inuyasha: I'm sorry Kagome. I won't do it again. It was just something I recorded at first just to keep for myself but I figured since it really didn't show your face that there wasn't no harm in posting that. That's my fault.

She ran her fingers through her hair, falling back onto her bed. Seeing him apologize made her nerves calm down a bit but she was still upset that the situation escalated that quick on social media for everyone to see.

Kagome: I accept your apology but seriously Inuyasha, you don't have anything to prove to those people. You're so secure in yourself or at least from what you've shown me, that's what it seem like. Why let them get the better of you?

Inuyasha: trust me sweetness. None of those lames that follow you make me feel threatened in the slightest.😒😒😒 I just love to show you off believe it or not...that and I love proving people wrong when they test me

Kagome: I get that Inuyasha but you don't have to. What happened to taking the higher road and talking things out and being mature and all that shit we used to talk about?

Inuyasha: I get it. I don't have to take that road but it's a personal choice. Whether I prove people wrong or not, I sleep just fine at night. Sometimes people just catch me at the wrong times when I got the time to respond and shut em up.

Kagome: I'm guessing today you had time huh?

Inuyasha: I sure did 😁 I told him don't at me. He probably at home crying now.😂😂😂😂

Kagome: I know him personally so you're probably right honestly. Ugh. that's so mean Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: he started it

Kagome: yeah I know…

Inuyasha: So for future reference, can I post you? I been waiting to show you off for so long. I literally run my mouth all day about yourself

Kagome: I have no problem with you posting me Inuyasha. Just wanted you to ask first.

Inuyasha: Of course love. Again, I'm really sorry about what happened. I'll do better. Promise😍

Kagome decided not to question him just yet on what she saw earlier. For now, she just wanted to relax as her birthday was the near. Stretching her jaw open, she let out a loud yawn.

Kagome: Hey baby, you wanna go to sleep on the phone with me?

Inuyasha: Actually, I still have to take care of this problem you made me.

Kagome: I told you I'm sorry 😔

Inuyasha: Well if you're so sorry, then how about you make it up to me?😘

Kagome: Uh...how?

Inuyasha: call me and you'll find out😉

Kagome froze. She was still on her period so she was hoping he didn't want her to masturbate on the phone with him. She was also sure he knew that. Without realizing, some time had passed of her thinking about why he wanted her to call him, so much so that Inuyasha had to double text her.

Inuyasha: hmm, which Inuyasha would my baby want to hear right now?

Inuyasha: I could be the dom she can never seem to resist 👅💦and tell her to call me now or so help me, that ass is mine first chance I get.😈

Inuyasha: Or I could be at her beck and call letting her know I really need her right now and that my body is crying for her😩

Inuyasha: What do you think...my dear?😏

'Oh, he's really trying to play these games tonight? Y'know what. Fine dog boy. I'll play and I'll be the one winning.'

Without another thought, she dialed his contact and waited for him to answer. A few dial tones later, she could hear her favorite raspy voice on the other end.

"Well that was fast. Someone didn't answer my question. What's it gonna be Kagome? I'm waiting and so is he." The lust and want in his voice was music to her ears but she knew she had to keep it together.

"You're at my beck and call sir." She asserted her voice making herself as clear as possible.

"Sounds like fun to me. I'm all yours so tell me where to start babe." He said dragging his voice out slowly for her to get lost in.

"O-ok. Uh, lay down first." She stuttered.

It wasn't her first time talking intimate over the phone but it wasn't something she did often nor was it ever her that did most of the talking so she was a jittery nervous mess to say the least; nonetheless, she would try not to let him see it.

"Mhm, I'm down babe." He told her.

She nodded as if he was in front of her. "Ok, is your shirt off?" She asked.

"You know it is."

"Pants too?"

"No but for you, that can be arranged."

She heard his clothes rustling in the background before his voice returned to the phone.

"They're off."

She cleared her throat. "Touch it for me." She said, trying to avoid being too direct.

Inuyasha wouldn't let her off so easy though. "Touch what?"

"You know what I mean Inuyasha!"

"No I don't love. Tell me." He said continuing to play dumb.

Inuyasha had been in the mood way before the two had stepped inside the room earlier but the dance she gave him made his mind race more than ever before. How could he ever masturbate the same ever again. Just the thought of her wasn't enough as he sure did try as soon as he walked through his doorstep. He needed to hear her, feel her presence calling for him.

'Kagome stop acting so scared and just got for it. I'm sure he'll tell you if you sound dumb. you're making this so fucking awkward!' She thought to herself trying to shake her nerves. She slowly swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath.

"Hey Kagome, ya know. I don't want you to force anything. If you don't want to, we can-"

"It's fine Inuyasha." She cut him off.

"Just, please...touch your dick for me, please?" She pleaded him switching her voice to be more airy.

That's just what Inuyasha wanted to hear. His hands were already in position, rubbing away awaiting her next command.

"It's my voice you wanted...right?"

"That's right baby. Your voice and your voice only." He mumbled out.

Her tongue swirled around in her mouth, trying to absorb the excess drool her glands were producing. It was hard not to be turned on in a situation like this with her man on the other end cooing all types of sweet nothings in her ear. It made being on her period all the more agonizing as the ache between her legs grew by the second. She rested on her back, twisting her thighs together to try and sooth the yearning.

"I've been such a tease to you Inuyasha. I know you've been wanting to do so much to me and I just keep backing out."

"Mhm." he moaned.

"You wanna remind me again though? Just to make sure I didn't miss anything."

His hands were going to work and his mind was hazy but he managed to breath out a few sentences.

"You already know what I've been wanting from you but I know what you're thinking. That I've touched just about every part of you Kagome but until that pussy is mine, I won't feel complete...that's...partly true."


"Mhm. I don't just want your entire body Kagome, I want your mind, body, and soul. Having someone's body is cool and all but when you have someone who doesn't yearn for anyone else but you, it's a different type of high. It makes you never want to be away from that person even for a single second because the pain is just unbearable."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I bet sometimes you think I'm crazy for falling for you so fast and so hard. I can't really explain it either but I haven't felt this way in so long for someone. That feeling I told you about is like a drug and that's what I meant by I can't get enough of you."

At a loss for words, the only thing she could manage to muster out was "Inuyasha I...I don't know what to say."

"That's fine. Just moan my name for me baby. I'm at your beck and call so I want you to make me cum."

Kagome froze again becoming uncomfortable at how awkward she felt. The fear of making a fool of herself was strong but fortunately for her, Inuyasha was stronger.

"Just close your eyes baby."

That's what she did. "Okay, they're closed."

"I want you to remember the first time I had you under me. How I had you begging for me, and that pussy calling out for me. Your legs oh god Kagome your legs. I can never get enough of them gripping and grinding that wetness of yours right into my mouth. "

As his voice resonated with every inch of her body, she could almost feel what he had done to her that day. He lapped at her till she could barely breath and he well had run dry.

"Mm, yes Inuyasha."

"Just like that. Talk to me just like that baby."

"Oooh, Inuyasha stop talking to me like this. My body can't take it-"

"I don't care, keep moaning for me love." He was close, he just needed her to get him there.

"Uh-ah Inuyashaaa."

"That's right. That's the only name you're gonna be calling you understand me."

"Uh huh, yes Inuyashaaa." She continued to moan out.

"I know you been wanting this dick inside you. Tell me how much you been wanting it."

"So much, I wanted you to fuck me so bad daddy; so damn bad."

"Yes Kagome, tell daddy just how much."

"When I get off my period, that's what I want. I want you to fuck me Inuyasha."

"Aaah, say no more. On god, say no fucking more. You know I got you."

"Inuyasha please cum, I can't take anymore."

Just like that, he felt his body quiver over the edge into bless. As he began to come down from his high. He could hear Kagome whimpering on the other end of the phone.

"Is my baby okay?"

"Yeah...I could really use you right now but mother nature says nah."

He let out a hearty chuckle. "Don't worry baby, I got you first chance I get."

Inuyasha cleaned himself up and the two soon were off to bed. Inuyasha kept his end of the bargain and stayed on the phone to fall asleep with her.

Kagome being lucky enough to have her classes canceled due to midterms was amazing because she was able to sleep in without a care in the world. Unfortunately for Inuyasha this wasn't the case which is why he was sitting in class now listening to his professor talk about absolutely nothing beneficial to him. He had text Kagome a long birthday text message that she never responded to so he assumed she was still asleep. He made a mental note to ask her where she wanted to get her hair and nails done today. As her bae, Shippo made it Inuyasha's duty to keep Kagome distracted throughout the day while he sets up the house party.

Inuyasha figured while Kagome spent her day getting pampered, he could run and pick up a brand new outfit for the party. After class was over, Inuyasha texted Kagome again to see if she was up. To that text, he finally got a response.

Kagome: I'm so sorry Inu! I was knocked out. But thank you so much! Can't wait to see what surprises you have. Ya know, I'm surprised Shippo never messaged me because he said he wanted to throw a big ass party for me a while ago. I told him no but still.

Inuyasha did his best to play it off.

Inuyasha: nah. Last I talked to him, he was going to the club tonight with some friends from class.

Kagome: Oh, that's probably where he spent the night then. He didn't come home last night.

Inuyasha: he still staying with you?

Kagome: Yup, him and his boyfriend aren't back together yet. The way things are looking, they might just be done for good. Shippo is just trying to avoid going back to live with the guys.

Inuyasha: Can't blame him.

Inuyasha hopped in his car and drove over to Kagome's small dorm building. He parked in the parking lot waiting for her to come out when she was ready. He told her not to dress to fancy as she was merely going to get a relaxing all day treatment. When she came outside, Inuyasha could see she hadn't done much to her hair besides brush it out and let it fall in it's natural wavy form. That and she wore an all gray crew neck sweater, and black leggings with a pair of black high top converses. Jumping into the passenger seat, she greeted him with a peck to the lips.

"Hi baby." She smiled sweetly.

"Hi to you too. So where am I going again?" He asked her.

She put the directions into GPS and placed her phone inside the stand on the dashboard so that Inuyasha could see it. When the two arrived at the spa and salon, Inuyasha handed Kagome a stack of cash.

"If you need anymore than that, take this." He reached into his pocket for his wallet and handed her one of his credit cards.

"I-Inuyasha, this is a lot, I can't-"

He shook his head at her. "Kagome it's fine. It's your birthday. I wanna spoil you. Go get your hair done, nails done, massage, all that. I want today to be so special for you. Just take it for me please?" He begged her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Okay. I guess. Just because I'm going won't mean I'm not gonna feel bad about you spending all this money on me."

Inuyasha grabbed her by the chin and brought her face to his so that he could kiss her cheeks. "You're so cute, you know that? Now go head because I want to make sure the restaurant I booked tonight says we're still good to go and I don't want you anywhere near when I call before you know where we're going." He explained.

She put her hands up and exited the car. "Alright, alright Inuyasha. I'm going. I'll call you when I'm ready." She shut the door behind her and did a light jog to the building.

Once Inuyasha saw her go inside, he locked his car doors and called Shippo.

"Hellooo?" The fox demon answered from the other end.

"Hey Shippo, she's all good to go. Once she's done here, gonna get her dressed and then take her to the restaurant you told me about."

"Good. I have everything under control over here. Tonight is gonna be so much fun! I know it's her birthday and all but this as a whole is finna be litty!"

"Yeah yeah. I just hope this place you tole me about doesn't call the cops on me when I make a scene."

"You'll be fine Inuyasha. I'm in class by the way so I gotta go. Give me a call later when y'all on the way."


Inside the salon and spa, Kagome had checked in for her appointment and the workers were ready for her rather quickly. As she was getting her feet done, she took the time to call her mother who answered on the first dial tone.

"My baby! Happy birthday!" She answered with joy.

"Thanky mommy. How are you?" Kagome asked.

She shared light ans casual conversation with her mother before finally deciding to catch her mother up to speed on everything that has happened so far.

"So Kouga did all of that to you?! Oh watch when I see him, I'm going to have some choice words for him."

"Mommy it's okay. I'm over it now. Like I told you, Inuyasha has been keeping my mind off of everything. He honestly is a breath of fresh air. "

"I know Kagome but are you sure you aren't just using him as a rebound? If what you're saying is true and he really does like you the way you say he does, wouldn't that hurt him more in the long run if you continue this?"

Kagome understood her mother's concern. It was well placed. Kagome not only came from a bad relationship but she almost instantly jumped into another. Often a bad recipe but Kagome didn't feel like she was using him.

"Yeah mom I get it but at the same time, I think I was way over Kouga before I left him so I think that helped. Also, I haven't thought about Kouga in the longest time. To be honest, it's almost as if everything I wanted from my relationship with Kouga is what Inuyasha is giving me now."

"Hmm, alright. If you believe you know what you're doing, I trust you to make the best decision for yourself. So when am I going to meet this young man anyway?"

Kagome's face scrunched up. "Meet him? Don't you think it's a bit too soon for that mom?"

"I mean you guys rushed everything, why can't I rush meeting him too?" Her mom pried.

Kagome readjusted herself in the chair so that she could lift her foot up for the worker to finish pedicure. "Because mom, I want to be sure about this one. When I'm ready, I'll let you two meet. He is very respectful. You'll love him."

"If he helps out around the house more than you and Souta, then I'm sure I will."

"Whatever momma."

The day swims by and Kagome has been taken care of to the fullest extent. Once she calls Inuyasha, he arrives already dressed for their date. Kagome gets a good look at him after adjusting herself in the front seat with him. Shiny leather pants complimented by white fitted long sleeve turtleneck tucked into the pants.

She gives him the duck lips of approval. "Ooohh, someone looks fancy." She coos.

He can't help but smile at her compliment. "Thanks love. I try. I have a surprise waiting for you back home so hop in the shower first and it'll be on the bed when you get out."

"Um okay."

Inuyasha drove her back to his place. Knowing the way up like the back of her hand, she led the two upstairs and even took the pleasure of unlocking the door and letting him in. She ran straight for the bathroom to freshen up just as her lover had asked.

While in the shower, her mind started to swell with thoughts stemming from her and her mother's conversation earlier.

'I'm not using Inuyasha...am I? It doesn't feel like it. No...I wouldn't do that...but...there's a lot of things I said I wouldn't do and yet here I am..ugh! This is so confusing. Why can't it just be as simple as saying I like him? I know I'm attached but is it because I really like him or is it because I like how he treats me? I'm not that type of person am I?'

Frustrating herself, she decided to dwell and dig deeper.

'No Kagome. You've never been like that. Think...what is it that you like so much about this man...Let's see, he's smart, loyal,honest, respectful definitely when he wants to be, protective, assertive, dominant, a leader, a strong lover, and he wants more than just my body. Okay, those are all pluses see Kagome? You're just overreacting because of your mom...or are you?"

Thus came the cons of the situation.

'He can be super aggressive, demanding, jealous, possessive even if he won't admit it, and definitely most definitely impulsive. Compared to Kouga, his emotions for the most part are decently placed. Ain't like he out here just hollering at any and everyone...Look Kagome. Inuyasha is really good for you right now. Do not fuck this up! You wasted your years being faithful to trash. You have to make up for lost time.'

She finally stepped out of the shower after about thirty minutes. She used a separate towel to dry her hair before walking out of the bathroom and into her old bedroom. What she found on the bed practically left her in shock. A shiny pink holographic mini dress was sprawled across her bed. It was a one sleeve and was low cut in the back. She held it up to the light to see there were real diamonds in the dress outside of the holo glitters. Her soul could have jumped out of her body then, but she held herself together. She did a happy tip-toe dance around the room before squeezing her body into the dress. There was also a paid of panties that she helped herself too along with the pair of Christian Louboutin pink red bottom shoes. Adding loose and soft curls to her hair, she then accented the entire look with large gold hoop earrings. For her face, she kept her makeup light and simple only touching up her brows and her eyes with a touch of eyeliner, mascara, and fake eyelashes. Her lips were coated with a basic red matte lip and topped off with gloss. Taking one final turn in the mirror, she deemed herself appropriate to step out.

"Inuyasha! I'm ready!" She called out to him.

"Okay, come out then so I can see." He shouted back.

She took a deep breath as she opened the door and stepped out. She gave him two twirls before stopping to post on her hip.

"Look at my princess just all dolled up. You look fucking amazing baby." He grabbed her by the waist and kissed all over her cheek being mindful of her freshly coated lips.

He pulled his head back to look into her eyes. "You ready to go?"

She nodded back. "Yup."

The restaurant Shippo recommended Inuyasha to go to was thirty minutes beyond campus. The drive was a perfect length to give him wiggle room in case preparations went wrong with the party and the restaurant was extremely first class so he was sure Kagome would fall for it.

During the drive there, Kagome was rather quiet, sitting with her hands folded in her lap and eyes focused on the scenery passing by the window. Inuyasha noticed and tried to start light conversation with her.

"Window must look hotter than me huh?" He joked.

It earned a half-hearted laugh from the younger woman. "Yup, it sure it. Kisses better too."

He poked his lips in her direction. "Don't start this shit because I will pull over and prove you wrong. I ain't bout to let a damn window out kiss me dammit!"

"Don't worry Inuyasha. I was joking. Your kisses are the best." She gave him a reassuring smile, rubbing the side of his shoulder.

He made a fake imitation of what would appear to be a crying face. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I was starting to worry that you really was gonna leave me for a fucking window!" He pretending to cry.

"As awful as you fake crying is, honestly I should."

"Huh!" He gasped with all honesty in his voice as he wasn't prepared for the sharp and quick comeback.

He squinted his eyes at her. "You win this round doll face."

The two finally made it to the restaurant with only minutes to spare for their "reservation" that Inuyasha made. Once inside, their eyes gravitated to the dozen of large glass chandeliers that decorated the ceilings in their shimmery glamour. The floors were so clean, they could see their reflections and all of the staff were dressed head to toe in formal tuxes, even the women.

The host noticed them and gave a small wave. "Greeting sir and mam. Do you have a reservation here with us today? He asked.

Inuyasha nodded. "Yes. I should be under Torohashi, Inuyasha Torohashi." He said, mentally prepping himself for the pompous tantrum he was about to throw in front of the entire restaurant.

'You're so lucky I love you Kagome.'

The host searched over the list three times before giving a sad look to the two. "I'm sorry, are you sure you have a reservation with us or if you might have maybe registered with another name possibly?"

Inuyasha leaned on his hips with his arms folded. "Are you suggesting that I'm lying?"

The host shook his head. "Uh, n-no sir. I'm just saying the name you gave me isn't on the list-"

"So you are saying that I didn't book a reservation with you guys when that's exactly what the fuck I did."

Kagome saw the change in Inuyasha's demeanor jumped straight into defensive mode. She took a look behind her and saw more people enter behind them. She could also see, Inuyasha's conversation was catching the eyes a few guests already seated as well.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience sir. Do you happen to know the name of the associate you spoke to over the phone?"

Inuyasha flickered his eyes at the top of his eyelids. "No I don't know the name. This is my first time here as I was recommended by a close friend of mine. Now I drove thirty minutes just to get out here for you guys to tell me my name isn't on the list when I know DAMN well I called! It's my fucking girlfriend's birthday for christ's sake!"

Kagome put her hand on Inuyasha's back in an attempt to get him to calm down. "Inuyasha, it's okay. I'm okay. Let's just go if the walk in time is too long."

He snatched himself away from her. "No, it's not okay! I've been planning this for over a month now and this was supposed to end the night on a perfect note!" He then turned his attention back on the host. "Oh, I bet since there is no reservation, you guys didn't even pull through with the promise ring inside the bouquet of roses like I requested either huh?"

"Sir I'm sorry and I'm sure there is something-"

"No! There is nothing you can do to make this better! Get me a manager or whoever the fuck owns this place NOW!"

If Kagome wasn't sure already, she definitely knew all eyes were on them at this point. Inuyasha was being loud and unreasonable and there was nothing the host could do to deescalate the situation. All she could do was hide her face behind her hand and act as if the whole ordeal wasn't that embarrassing to be in the middle of.

When the manager returned, him and Inuyasha had a fairly calm and understanding conversation which ended with the manager giving Inuyasha coupon for 50% off their entire next visit as they had no available tables ready to give them. Inuyasha thanked the manager for her service, grabbed Kagome's hand, and left the establishment.

Getting back in the car, Kagome finally decided to let Inuyasha have it.

"What...the..FUCK WAS THAT?" She hollered.

Inuyasha flinched, taken aback by her sudden anger. "Huh? What do you mean?"

She looked around frantically. "What do I mean?! You literally just hounded a poor innocent guy that had nothing to do with our reservation getting lost and at the same time, you caused a whole scene in the restaurant that had all eyes on us! That's fucking embarrassing Inuyasha!"

'Shippo you left out the part where she would be mad. You said she'd be sad, not mad. She is most definitely mad, not sad. Shitshitshit...okay damage control time.'

"Kagome look. I'm sorry okay? I really just wanted this night to be perfect and I just couldn't help myself when that happened. I know I have to do better but you know how I get about you. I literally only want the best for you."

Kagome plopped her back further into the seat, puffing her cheeks out. "There are so many other ways you can go about that Inuyasha. You don't have to fucking ruin someone's day just to please me. What if that guy was going through something and you got him fired huh? Like think about this shit before you act Inuyasha. It was not that serious for you to act like that!"

"Yeah...I know...I fucked up." He admitted hoping Kagome would take the bait.

"Whatever Inuyasha. Just take us home. I don't even wanna be out anymore."


"TAKE ME HOME!" She screeched.

Inuyasha inwardly jumped at her change in tone. He started the car up and headed back in the directions of campus. He messaged Shippo letting him know that they were on their way and to make sure everyone was in position. As they approached the college, Inuyasha took the opportunity to give Kagome her final clue.

"Hey baby, I need to stop by a friend's house really quick. I forgot to get my binder back from him earlier. He missed class and needed someone's notes to copy."

She shrugged her shoulders still refusing to look at him. "Whatever. Do what you want Inuyasha."

Inuyasha pulled up in front of the large frat house and parked his car in the driveway Shippo had left open for him. He then turned to Kagome.

"Hey, you wanna come with me inside?" He asked.

She shook her head. "No Inuyasha. I'll wait here."

"Come on baby, don't be like that. I won't be long but I at least want to introduce you. Besides, you look so damn good and I don't want this outfit to go to waste. Please? For me?"

Kagome gave him a piercing stare for a few moment that felt like forever the way she looked into his soul. "Fine. You have sixty seconds or I'm walking home."

Inuyasha got out of the car to go to her side and help her out as she still had heels on. Carefully, he led her down the pathway and up the stairs, holding onto her hand and her waist firmly not wanting her to fall. He knocked on the door loud and hard making sure that everyone inside could hear it. When the door open, it was a random guy that welcome the two in.

"Give me a second Inuyasha, let me just get the lights." The male said pretending to navigate himself through the pitch black room that Kagome could see nothing in. Inuyasha on the other hand with his nocturnal vision could see every nook and cranny of the place, including the several dozens of heads hidden everywhere. Suddenly the lights came on and the room lit up, literally.

"HAAAAAPPPPPYYYY BIRRRTTHHHHDDAAAAAYYY KAAAGGGOOOMMMEEEE!" The entire room screamed, shouted, and jumped as confetti and party string flew from all parts of the room.

Her hands flew over her mouth and multiple camera flashes went off. She then tried to cover her face but Inuyasha wouldn't let her as he held her hands in front of her and kissed her cheeks showing everyone just how shocked she was at everything.

Her already red face beamed with the ultimate excitement when she saw a familiar red head run towards her in a latex body suit.

"BITCH!" Shippo screamed, engulfing Kagome in a tight hug and squeezing the life out of her.

"Shippo!" She breathed out, giggling.

When Shippo finally let her go, he could see the pure shock and joy on her face but mostly confusion. The fox snapped his fingers and a microphone appeared in his hands.

"Attention all motherfuckers! The birthday bitch is here, I repeat the birthday bitch is here so it's time to twerk, and turn the fuck up! BUT FIRST, please bring her cake out!"

Right on cue, some comes through with a five tier Zootopia cake with Judy Hopps decorating the top. The entire desert is decorating in sparkling candles bright enough to light up the whole solar system. They roll the cart in front of Kagome and Shippo puts the mic to his mouth again.

"Inuyasha please stand beside Kagome and on three everyone like we rehearsed. One, two- ohshit hold up y'all. Aye! Totosai! Bring the guitar!"

The old college senior runs out with the wooden guitar in hands and Shippo clears his throat once more.

"Now, a one, a two, a one, two, three, four!"

~Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to Kagome!

Happy birthday to you!~

The entire groups sings to her and chants for her to blow out her candles and make a wish. She closes her eyes only for a second and start blowing on all the candles as hard as she can till they are all out.

"Alright! Start the fucking music and to everyone tryna play games, we gonna be in the next room over in about thirty minutes."

The Dj starts to play and Kagome feels the music take her body away. When she hears the familiar tune drop, she grabs Inuyasha and starts to lip sync to him.

It's not good enough for me, since I been with you

Inuyasha grabs at her waist and starts to rock with her.

It's not gonna work for you, nobody can equal me

Kagome feels something touch her hand. She looks over and sees Shippo handing her a pre-made drink. She takes sip of some before putting the cup to Inuyasha's mouth and starts to make him drink some.

I'm gonna sip on this drink, when I'm fucked up
I should know how to pick up

Once Inuyasha finishes downing the drink, he throws the cup somewhere so that he can turn Kagome around.

I'm gonna catch the rhythm while she push up against me

Ooh, and she tipsy

Throwing her arm back around his neck, she lets her lower half sink into him with the rhythm of the beat.

I had enough convo for 24

I peep'd you from across the room

Pretty little body, dancing like GoGo, aye

Again, the same feeling that had overcome her at the photoshoot was brought back again. The cozy sensation that made her feel all fuzzy inside. It was something she found hard to describe but would never stay away from.

But you are unforgettable

I need to get you alone

Kagome then bent over throwing her hands on her knees and arching her back, twerking her lower half onto Inuyasha's groin warranting cheers from some of the female attendees.

Why not?

A fucking good time, never hurt nobody

I got a little drink but it's not Bacardi

If you loved the girl then I'm so, so sorry

I got to give it to her like we in a marriage

She felt Inuyasha's hands grip onto her waist grinding right back into her.

Oh, like we in a hurry

No, no I won't tell nobody

He brought her body back to his, grabbing her chin and leaning her head back to meet his lips with hers.

You're on your level too

Tryna do what lovers do

The song was quickly over just as it started and just as another familiar tune hit the speakers, not only did the mood in the party change, but Kagome felt a powerful tug almost snatch her arm off.

"Sorry Inuyasha! I need my best bitch for this one!" Shippo yelled over the music.

Kagome being a light weight and barely having any food in her system already felt the liquor hitting her but it wouldn't stop her from feeding off the lyrics with her friend.

Shippo and Kagome danced in a circle gathering a lot of the attention from those around him. Of course Shippo had to start the whole performance off.

"I need tongue!"

And incoming Kagome with the following lyrics.

"I need face!"

"Give me brain, concentrate!"

"Apple phone, Prada case!"

"Kill a weave, rock a lace!"

"Fuck the Moët!"

"Buy the ACE!"

"Fuck the Ghost!"

"Drive a Wraith!"

"Get some money, flood the Rollie!"

"Fuck the Rollie, Patek face!"

"My career takin' off!"

"These hoes jogging in place!"

"Swear these hoes run they mouth!"

"How these hoes out of shape?!"

"Can you stop with all the subs?!"

Then the two began to sing the rest of the song in unison, twerking at every single opportunity given.

"Bitch I ain't Jared!"

"If you really want some smoke!"

"You can pull up, you can get it!"

The once the end came through, it was Shippo to recite it as Kagome ended the verse with a twerking split to the floor.

"You know me, Cardi B Pussy poppin' on the charts- AH AH! GET IT BITCH!" He cheered kagome as she hit the splits in the tight dress.

When Kagome got up, she fixed her dress, laughing over the entire ordeal with her friend. Shippo grabbed her hand once more and dragged her over to the makeshift bar they made with none other than Hojo in the back bartending.

"OMG! Hojo hi!"Kagome greeted him kindly having not seen him in a while.

"How are you doing doll?" The New York accent still being as strong as ever.

"I'm okay! Can I have something sweet and not too strong please?" She asked.

"Yeah and can I get whatever she's getting." Shippo chimed in.

Hojo gave a thumbs up. "Gotcha, two sweet bitch drinks coming right up."

As Hojo is making their drinks, Kagome feels someone come up behind her.

"Open your mouth baby." Inuyasha says into her ear.

She opens and Inuyasha puts a piece of cake into her mouth before trying to steal it right back with his own. Kagome became unbothered with getting the cake back and more concerned with topping his tongue who had fighting to suck on hers and winning.

"Your drink malady!" Hojo shouted snapping Kagome from Inuyasha.

She grabbed her drink and took a sip, raising her eyebrows at how she couldn't taste a single shed of alcohol. Inuyasha took the moment to dap Hojo up. Kagome looked around for Shippo but saw no signs of him.

'Maybe he went to set up the games?'

Kagome leaned up Inuyasha's head. "Can you take me to where they're playing games. I think that's where Shippo went."

Inuyasha nodded, grabbing her hands and leading the way. When they arrived, it was already several people inside including Shippo and Naraku. Seeing Naraku, Kagome pranced over to give him a hug.

"Hi! How are you?"

"I'm better now that bitches have stopped stealing from me. Happy birthday gorgeous. You look stunning." He gave her his happiest monotone he could muster up.

"Okay everyone we about to play truth or dare so that means if you a scary bitch, get the fuuccckk out please and thanks!"

Everyone had sat in a circle with a beer bottle in the middle. Inuyasha sat next to Kagome while Shippo and Naraku sat next to her. Shippo was the first to spin the bottle and it surprisingly landed on Kagome first.

"Truth or dare hoe?" He asked her.

Kagome put a finger on her chin to think which would be more dangerous with Shippo.


Shippo didn't have to think twice about this one. "I dare you to let Inuyasha give you a big ass hickey on the front of your neck and you can't cover it for the rest of the night."


"Hey you picked dare bitch. So let Inuyasha get to sucking."

Kagome rolled her eyes and Inuyasha happily obliged to sucking on her neck in front of everyone. Kagome played her best poker face, trying her hardest to look unbothered by the ministrations Inuyasha was doing to her neck. When he finished, he gave a sultry look and a final kiss on the lips to seal the deal.

"Ok enough! Spin the fucking bottle!" Shippo hollered.

"Ok, ok. Sheesh." Kagome responded before spinning the bottle on her turn.

After a few more rounds, someone then suggested playing a few rounds of "Never have I ever" which everyone happily obliged to.

The bottle lands on Naraku first and a sinister smile creeps across his pale airbrushed cheeks.

"Never have I ever...gone down on a girl on her period." Naraku took a pause at the end to look around at all of the horrified faces that slowly turned into ones of defeat.

As about five people took shoots to the head, Shippo's disgusted look was nothing he was trying to hide. "Ew! Y'all are nasty!" He screamed.

Kagome gave Inuyasha an eye look in which he returned the same one right back. "Look, I'm nasty but I ain't that nasty. Don't do that Kagome."

"Okay Inuyasha. If you say so." She chuckled.

When she looked over, she saw Naraku taking a small sip of his shot. Before she could even get a word out, he cut her off.

"Ah-ah-ah! Don't even think about it. I just need a drink. I have never done that nasty shit in my life. I'm just here to troll and expose sweetheart."

A few more basic unexciting rounds had gone by but several people were already shitfaced by the time the bottle landed on Inuyasha to take his turn. He had been saving this one since the start of the entire fiasco.

"Never have I ever gotten my dick sucked in front of entire room room of people-"

"FUCK!" Most of the frat boys in the room shouted in unison tossing their shots back without another word.

Shippo then took the bottle and purposefully made it land on himself. "Look, all of y'all suck because everyone in here done took at least one shot but the damn birthday girl so I'm about to go the fuck in. Never have I ever-" He stopped and looked at Kagome giving her his most smug smirk. "messed around with my significant other's friend."

"Shippo!" She exclaimed as just about everyone in the large circle took their next shot with half of them almost missing their face.

"Take the shot bitch!" He laughed shoving the shot in her hand.

The only thing that made doing this less embarrassing was the fact that everyone else just admitted to doing the same thing. She slowly drank on the small cup, trying to drink it as fast as possible. When the sting hit the back of her throat, she grimaced handing the cup back to Shippo who was still in a fit of laughter at her face.

The game from that point on begins to spice up with Kagome taking shot after shot after shot.

"Never have I ever had phone sex with someone else in the room."


"Never have I ever came from a shower head."


"Never have I ever sucked dick in public."


Before she knew it, the room was fifteen different colors and spinning in several different directions. Shippo saw her wobbling back and forth and tapped her shoulder.

"You okay sis?" He asked with a concerned tone.

"Whaaat? Psshh, I'm good. You good? I'm goot" She slurred out.

"Matter of fact." She looked to Naraku and gave him an evil look as the game was still going on around them. "Let's do it. Call the bitch."

Shippo and Inuyasha both looked at each other in confusion. "Uh, what? Call who? When was this discussed?" Shippo fired questions at the two.

Naraku, feeling the liquor in his system as well, ran his fingers through his hair twisting his neck through the side. "We tryna start some shit bitch. Call up the Kikyo so we can jump her ass again."

"Yes! Fuck that bitch!" Kagome chimed in.

"Uh no. We not doing any fighting for your birthday hoe. It is not in the schedule." Shippo told her.

She lightly shoved his shoulder. "Well put it in there then!" She tried standing up, only to fumble over and fall backwards onto Inuyasha giggling.

"Welp, she done. Go one and take her home Inuyasha." Shippo gave up knowing that it was only downward from here.

Inuyasha couldn't agree more as he picked Kagome up bridal style took her from the party. Luckily the music was super loud outside of the game room, so no one could hear all of the random nothings coming from her mouth. Once he had her all buckled up in the car, he started the short trip back to his apartment. As he had his eyes on the road, he felt Kagome's hand slide across the small bulge in his pants. He snatches her hand off of him making sure to grab the other one with just his one hand.

"Kagome, chill please. We are almost home and you can fuck me in your dreams all you want."

Then a familiar scent caught his nose; salt. He looked over and saw her face turn red and the tears flew down her face.

"But I don't wanna! I want it now!" She cried out.

Inuyasha's face was calm as he was trying to keep his eyes on the road but his inner self was petrified.

'I know she isn't crying over dick she never had! W-w-what the fuck type shit is this!? She can't be serious. Ain't no way, ain't no way...fuuuuuccckk my life man.'

"Kagome, love, trust me I want you just as bad but you're not only drunk out of your mind, but you're bleeding too-"

"WAAAHHHHH!" She wailed out in a fit of more tears tossing herself around like a rag doll in Inuyasha's front seat.

Seeing his apartment couldn't have made him anymore happier in this moment. He whipped the vehicle into park and got out to help the drunken birthday girl. When he tried to grab her, she snatched her arm from him.

"No! Don't touch me! You're mean!" She spat at him.

Inuyasha looked around in desperation for someone that could help him but it was late and they were the only two out there. He knew how to get her upstairs, he just hoped it wouldn't backfire.

"Ughh...fine baby. The dick is yours if you just let me take you upstairs." He lied to her hoping she would believe it.

She crossed her arms. "You mean it?"

He closed his eyes and gripped his lips together, nodding. "Yup, so can you come on?"

She let him carry her all the way upstairs without any further fuss. When Inuyasha got in, his first line of business was getting her ready for bed. He laid her almost lifeless body on his bed and started to undress her. Fortunately for him, she thought what he was doing was about to lead to sex so she didn't fight him on taking her clothes off. When he left to go start the shower water, she called out for him.

"Inuyaasshhaa, come back." She whined.

"I'll be right there baby." He called out back.

When he returned to the room, she was sprawled out across the bed in her all naked glory and Inuyasha had to remind his brain that this was for her and not for him in order to keep his boner at bay. In order to keep her calm in the shower, he had to shower her with all types of kisses. She wasn't too happy when he tried to put clothes back on her though after the shower though.


"Kagome, love, I know what I said but you're drunk out of your mind. Maybe later in our relationship, I'll be okay with it but you're literally still a virgin. I want you to remember your first time and to be conscious making that decision-"

"I AM!" She screeched as she stumbled trying to jump on him in which he was able to easily push her back onto the bed.

He laid down beside her, wrapping his arms around her torso to try and keep her still. She cried herself to sleep but Inuyasha wasn't too concerned as he was sure it was only the alcohol that had her crying in the first place. Once he was sure she was asleep, he tucked her in and took his turn getting himself together for bed.

The morning rolled around and Kagome felt a weird turning sensation in her stomach. Her body was heavy, and her head screamed with every small inch of movement she made. Aside from her own body weight, she felt Inuyasha's arm tossed over her. Moving around to face him, she could see he was still passed out but his ears were picking up on the little sounds she made. As she leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek, she heard her phone vibrate a few times back to back. Grabbing her phone from the night stand, she wasn't surprised to see it was Shippo. He was checking in on her at first but that soon turned into panic and anger. Why was he upset is what Kagome wanted to know in particular.

Kagome: Hey, sorry. Just waking up and I feel like shit.

As she waited for him to text her back, she cradled herself back into Inuyasha's arm which sleepy him happily obliged. When he phone starts to go off again, she gets a long paragraph from him and the story only gets crazier.

Last Night

"Yeah, I just had her boo thang take her home." Shippo said to Hojo who was putting out some more jello shots.

"Oh you mean Inuyasha? Did he finally ask her out or nah because they seem pretty close to me." He stated.

Shippo shrugged his shoulders licking the top row of his teeth. "I don't know man. They playing hella games and keep tryna beat around the bush but to me, they definitely go together so I don't what the both of them say. That's her boyfriend and she's his girlfriend, period."

Shippo and Naraku had just finished tearing the dance floor up with each other so Shippo took the chance to cool down and sip on another drink. As he made small talk with Hojo, he could hear partial commotion going on in the background but paid it no mind as whatever drama someone else had going had nothing to do with him. Kagome came, had her small fun, got fucked up too early and left. As far as he was concerned, as long as her 18th birthday was a night to remember, that's all that mattered.

Then someone called out his name.

"Where the fuck is SHIPPO! Y'all know exactly who the fuck I'm talking about." A girl with a long cut bob appeared looking around for the fox demon.

When Shippo heard his name, he took his drink and sought out the source of whoever wanted beef with him on this lovely evening. Once he saw who it was, he couldn't help but stand in shock.

"You!" She pointed at him. "You're the reason Bankotsu told me to leave him alone aren't you?! I know it was you!" She screamed causing all nearby ears to focus on them.

Shippo closed his eyes and put his index finger up. "Look bitch. If you was gonna try this shit, you shoulda did it before my best bitch left because now that the birthday girl is gone, there ain't nothing here to stop me from going upside your head you homewrecking ass bitch!"

She threw her hand over her chest. "Homewrecker?! You forgot I had him first! You're the fucking homewrecker!"

"I can't wreck a home that wasn't there to start with!" He rebutted.

"He was dating me when he fucked you!"

"That's not my problem! He told me he was single sweetheart!"

"Well we weren't!"

"That's not what the texts say-"

"Because he made them up himself!"

"So fuck you still tryna date him for if he out here lying on you?!"

"My boyfriend, my business! I could say the same about you because he sure did tell me some god awful things about you!"

Shippo took a step back opening his arms wide. He was ready for this. "Oh let me know sweetie. Let me know right NOW what he been saying cause I wanna hear this- YALL WANNA HEAR THIS because I do! So wassup?!"

"You abuse him, hit him all the time, yell at him like he's your son and the list goes all the way on! Not to mention all the times you've cheated on him-"

"WOAH-woahwoahwoah, imma stop you right there now because this what we not gonna do. What we not gonna do is entertain Bankotsu's insecure ass you understand me? Because the bitch don't got proof of shit! You want him bitch? YOU CAN HAVE HIM! I AIN'T BEEN NO WHERE NEAR HIS ASS IN FUCKING DAYS!"

"That's a bold face lie!" She stepped and got closer to him. "Because he told me y'all were together last night!"

"Oh when he was tryna get some ass and get my ass back at the same time? I think the fuck not. He didn't tell you about the part where had campus security keep his ass all the way away from me? No m'am I did not go anywhere near him. He been tryna get near me. I'm the cheater but he tryna get this back? Bitch look at dumb you sound! Feeding right into his bullshit!"

The right through the crowd came none other than the man of the hour himself. He stepped in just in time as Botan was getting closer to Shippo with her fists balled up. He walked in between them putting his hands up.

"Both of you please stop yo!"

Shippo wished he knew what happened next because one second, Botan was right in front of him, and then in the next second his fist went right upside Bankotsu's dome piece. Seeing him hit her ex-boyfriend sparked her fling forwards to Shippo. She was fast but the drink he threw in her face was faster. Feeling the liquor hit her, she closed her eyes and started windmilling where she thought he would be. When one of her hands hit his shoulder, he snatched her by the hair and staring dragging her on the floor as his other hand is banging her on the hands she was using the shield her face.

"You wanna play with me bitch?! Wanna play with me?! We can fucking play!" He said over and over with every swing.

Then Shippo felt his arms gets restrained and saw it was Bankotsu. He tried to keep swinging but Bankotsu wouldn't let up.

"Shippo stop! She's a girl bro!"

"These hands are rated E for everybody!" Shippo then turns around and starts throwing fists at Bankotsu not caring about the multiple cameras that were recording them.

Bankotsu charges at Shippo's waist, grabbing him and tossing him over his shoulder but Shippo fought lose.

"Why don't you know how to control yo anger yo?!" The tan demon raged.

Shippo jumped right back in his face. "Why don't you know how to not make me angry?!"

"You have fucking issues Shippo!"

"So do you! Fake ass straight ass wanna be gay ass acting bisexual ass bitch headass the fuck! You got me fucked up!"

Before thinking twice at what was about to leave his mouth, Bankotsu let out the first thing that came to mind. He would soon regret it.

"At least my parents like me for who the fuck I am. Don't blame the rest of the world for the shit you got handed!"

Cups flew, tables flew, banners flew, and even the guests at the party almost flew. Whatever Shippo could get his hands on, he threw it. Bottles, food, clothing, he let it all fly out. His blood was on fire and his mind was going a thousand miles a minute. He could barely think straight. He only knew that he was mad and he needed to let it out. Everyone ran for cover from the flying objects before Shippo made his quick escape with Bankotsu yelling after him.

"Fuck you Shippo! Get fucking lost somewhere and don't come back!" He shouted.

Shippo would do just that. He got lost somewhere and ended up right at Bankotsu's dorm. He started inside by kicking his room door down. Every article of clothing was sliced up and doused in soda and any other beverage he could find around the room. All the tongues to his sneakers were cut out and his laptop was smashed into pieces. He even took the time to write I HATE YOU on the wall. Grabbing the bat Bankotsu kept in his room, Shippo headed outside and went for the car next. Windows were shatters, the seats were battered, and the lights were smashed in beyond recognition. He even jabbed out the push to start button. Then when it was all said and done and the car alarm was blaring it's horns off, he walked away and didn't look back.

He crashed at his old dorm room that night not bothering to say a word to Miroku or Kouga. When he awoke, his phone was blew up from messages from his angry and enraged ex. Shippo didn't bother to read anything, he only sent a message.

Shippo: No I don't forgive you. If you want to meet up, the answer is no. If you want to get back together, the answer is no. If you're wondering if I regret anything, the answer is yes...I lied. It's still a big fat ass NO. Tell your new bitch pay for all your shit bitch since you wanna be with her so bad.

Then Bankotsu threatened to call the police if they don't meet up and settle this. Shippo of course told him call who he wants as he will be waiting.

Present Time

Kagome couldn't believe just how much had gone down after they left the party last night. She had no idea everything would go left so quickly. Although she understood Shippo's rage, she didn't agree with anything he did.

Kagome: Wow Shippo, maybe you didn't have to go that far?

Shippo: I know I was wrong. I was just so fucking mad Kagome. Not even just mad. I was hurt and embarrassed. Then when he said what he said about my parents knowing how I get about that, I just couldn't help myself. With the liquor in me, I wasn't thinking straight. I was fucking drunk as hell. Geez. I feel so bad...not that I would tell him that though.

Kagome: I feel like you should at least meet up and apologize. If he hasn't called the cops yet, maybe he still has a bit of care left in his heart for you?

Shippo: Kagome...idk. It's just I don't get how a guy can claim to love me but do so much to hurt me.

Before Kagome could respond, there is a knock at the door. She looks to Inuyasha who is still unmoved by everything around him. She threw her legs over the bed and got up slowly as to not upset her stomach even more. As she approached the door, something moved with her spirit. It was almost as if the energy in the room had shifted. Brushing it off as leftover tipsiness, she opened the door only to see no one there. That's when she noticed a photo and a note.

On the door rested a selfie of Inuyasha wrapped around a kissing a tan girl with white hair. She looked oddly similar to one of the demons she'd seen on campus and that's when it hit her.

'Wait...how recent is this?' She thought.

She grabs the photo and reads the note that came attached.

I see he got a new bitch

I hope you're okay with knowing you weren't the first

And you definitely won't be the last.

-Inuyasha's only girlfriend :)

P.S: it ain't you sis

Her stomach dropped and her chest sunk. She couldn't believe what she was reading but one thing was for sure. The stomach sickness could wait. The half demon in the room had some explaining to do.

I am glad to be back and I do apologize for this shitty ass writing XD I told y'all I hate how I write so I can only hope y'all like it at least. The cliff hanger to me seemed the best because it keeps everyone on the edge of their seat :D Hope y'all prepared for the roller coaster that is Co-Ed. MEERRRYYY CHRISTMAAASSS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!