Please understand that this is my first sailor moon fanfic. If u can, please review

each chapter and tell me what you thought bout it, whether its good or bad. Thank u and

happy reading! ^_^ ~happygolucky111

I know too much. I know why Serena will not go out with Diamond. For a 14-

year-old, this means trouble. Serena made me swear to not tell anybody, especially Diamond. But it's

impossible to keep this secret. Somehow, Diamond found out that I know this secret. He

has tried almost everything to please Serena. One day in the hallway at school,

Diamond's not so tough gang tried to make me spill the beans, but I held out. I refused to

tell because I knew that they wouldn't- and couldn't- hurt me. They are a gang of many

words, but no actions. Besides, Ms. H. was right down the hall. They scared me quite a

bit, so I avoided them everywhere. But one day, after school, they caught up with me.

They formed a tight circle around me, pressed my arms to my sides, and lifted me an inch

from the ground, so I couldn't get free! I didn't know where I was going, but then again, I

knew that I wasn't going to get hurt.

Then Diamond said, "you're avoiding us, Lita. Tell me why Serena wont go out

with me, and well let you go."

I said, "how thick do you think I am? NO! It's a secret. Serena made me swear not

to tell." this made him mad. He didn't hit me, but he had a gleam in his eye.

He said to his gang, as though I wasn't there, "You know where to take her boys.

I need to pick up some supplies." Now is when I started to get scared.