I own nothing
chapter 9: goblins trolls and rats OH MY
I was wrong it wasn't goblins and trolls.
It was a clusterfuck of goblins, skaven, and a large ass river troll.
yeah that's right currently right now me, gorgeg, Wanda, and the rest of the crew the ship is now trying to fight off three insane things (including a forest fire I'll explain later).
Let me basically explain how this happened, first off when we left off gorgeg went under the ship in were to wake the rest the crew which he did.
However as this was happening me and Wanda were still on top of the deck of the ship and were barely able to hear movement out in the forest on the river banks. So, I asked Wanda to shoot up a light flare to see what was going on out there in the forest.
What happened next was a situation gone from bad to fubar.
You see when Wanda shot that flare it illuminated everything in the five-mile radius. Exposing not only us, but also the things out in the woods that were watching us and were most likely getting ready to ambush us.
It turns out I was right about the whole goblins bit as they attacked us right when the flare went up on the left of the riverboat. Rushing at us with a lough scream of waaaagh
What I was not prepared for was for the bloody skaven to start pouring out from the right of us and start charging across the water trying to get on the ship.
As both sides were starting to climb up onto the sides of the ship as gorgeg and the rest of the crew came up from below deck adding to the confusion.
And if that wasn't bad enough the next thing that popped out of the water was a freaking river troll that grabbed the ship's front stopping it completely leaving us dead in the water as the two opposing factions began to butcher each other.
From what I guess the goblins were going to try and get onto the ship and have the river troll stop the boat and take whatever was on the ship and then burn it.
And I don't even know why the skaven are here but they're attacking both the goblins and us.
Oh, you're probably wondering who is leading who at this point.
Well, the goblins are being led by this short little bastard who had facial feature that looked sharp enough to cut metal in a blood red ensemble of Pirate hat and coat calls himself Capt. Blood tooth who was carrying a large butcher knife shaped chopper and the skaven are being led by this large black furred skaven stormvermin who was clad in crudely made full plate armor by the name of veet who carried a large halberd.
So, between the two of them me, gorgeg, and Wanda have become the filling of the Oreo that is this fight.
(third POV)
the entire fight could be defined as chaotic at the minimum.
As goblins and skaven charge at each other from both the river's banks meeting up in the middle which was unfortunately the ship that our heroes were currently on. The ship itself was being held in place by the river troll (who stood at a height that was at least double that of the minotaur with an appearance like that of hybrid between that of an ugly sumo and a fish) and every now and then would occasionally pick up one of the skaven or goblins and eat them whole.
The crew of the ship themselves weren't having any time easier as most of them were armed with arming swords or maces but not one of them had any real armor protection. Most were wearing leather vests or thick wool hauberks at the very least.
Currently at the top of the ships wheelhouse was Wanda the former necromancer who was currently tossing the fireballs left and right just trying to thin out the numbers as they rushed on to the boat. An because of her attempts to thin out the hordes of skaven and goblins that were trying to rush on to the ship she had set the nearby forest ablaze with her magic forcing more of the skaven and goblins into the river and into the fight against each other.
On the deck were Jack and gorgeg who were barely able to keep most of the skaven and goblins off the deck with the help of the crew. They were constantly trying to push them off the deck before they could overrun both the ship and the crew.
Where were the two leaders of the skaven and the goblins you ask? Well they themselves were busy trying to kill each other on the east bank of the river just out of reach of the forests blaze. The two seem to be caught in a stalemate as the stormvermin's strength constantly tried to battle the goblins speedy mobility. Honestly it was like the whole Dooku versus Yoda dual from Star Wars. Except without the lightning or the force powers.
"stay still orc-thing!" yelled veet in frustration as he swung at the fast-moving goblin
"NEVAAA RATMAN, IM going to Chop You into bits!" yelled blood tooth as his dodged and swung at the stormvermin
But every time the goblin got a hit in it would be deflected by the stormvermin's plate armor and in turn whenever the stormvermin got close in pining the goblin with his halberd the goblin would dodge at the last second.
It is here that we turn our attention towards our heroes as they currently are trying to fight off the oncoming horde of skaven and goblins in both directions as they scale the sides of the river boat in a desperate attempt to capture the ship as well as try to get away from the forest fire.
(on the boat deck)
"you die-die. "screamed, a clan rat right before clubbed his face in with my mace sending the unlucky rat man off the edge of the boat and into the black river waters below.
Goblins and skaven ladies and gentlemen most grunts don't really know how to fight usually they just try to rush you or jump onto you from behind and stab the ever-loving crap out your face and if that fails they just mob you.
"Dammit these guys just keep coming!" I yelled over the screams of both the goblins and the skaven as the battle on the ship turned into a war of attrition.
"I don't know where they keep coming from!" Replied Wanda as she launched fireball after fireball at the enemy. As she did this I raised my shield to block a goblin who tried to jump at me before I flung him off me and back into a group of skaven who were trying to climb up to where Wanda was.
"that's the Thaggoraki and Grobi for ya, they may not be strong individually, but in large numbers are the force to be reckoned with!" Yelled Gorgeg as his axe took off the heads of two goblins who had gotten aboard the deck. The fight was progressing badly as both the skaven and the goblins began to tear and rip into each other some with knives and poorly made swords others with anything they could get their grubby mits on i.e. parts of either the ship or dead that was on the ship.
The goblins had only a few archers who were more focused on the skaven than us thankfully. However, the skaven clan rats had very poorly made chainmail that even if it was crappy still made it harder to kill them than it did to kill the goblins. Already we have lost 3 of the crew to this madness and several others who are still fighting are wounded with one being very badly wounded.
(third POV)
(on the river bank)
as our protagonists were dealing with their own problems on board the ship we now turn our attention towards what's happening on the east bank of the river. In the middle of all the fire and the smoke the two leaders of the opposing factions was still dueling each other in a fight to the death.
The two leaders were stuck in a stalemate as the brute strength of the stormvermin and his heavy plate was countered by the goblin captains speed and ferocity.
"izzat awl ya got ya yellow bellieded rat!" Yelled blood tooth as he backed away from armored skaven as they now stood in apart from each other in a standoff
"green thing talk-talk too much" veet hissed out as he rushed forward at the skaven going for an overhead swing to which blood tooth prepared to jump back only to be met with surprise as the skaven commander shot the shaft of the halberd forward hitting blood tooth in the chest knocking the wind out of the goblin captain and sending him flying into a nearby tree and making him drop his chopper as it flew out of his hands and onto the ground a couple of feet away.
As the goblin captain began to slide down the burning tree and then fall into a curled heap with his back facing the skaven. The storm vermin quickly closed in for the kill all the while laughing madly
"Fooled you green thing now you die-die!" Madly laughed the storm vermin before he brought his halberd backup for a full overhead swing
" Me'm nub dead yet ya stoopid rat git!" Blood tooth yelled as he quickly turned around and pulled out a holdout pistol and quickly squeeze the trigger.
While the bullet did nothing against the skaven's armor it did stun the stormvermin long enough for the goblin captain to roll the way and quickly pick up his blade and jumped back at the skaven hacking and slashing madly as he put the skaven commander on the defensive.
For every time that blood tooth slashed and hacked the skaven brought his halberd pull-up the block. While now he was on the defensive the skaven black rat quickly used his bigger size and strength and diverted the attacks of a goblin captain to the side. Causing the captain to trip and fall over to the right as he rolled to regain his footing.
And once again there they stood in a Mexican standoff. An just like last time they leapt forward at each other. One trying to kill the other as strength clashed with speed.
This continued on and on all the while the forest burned around them as they continue to fight each other ignoring the sounds of combat coming from the ship as they focused solely on trying to kill the other for the right to claim whatever was on the ship.
(jack pov)
(back on the boat)
"This is insane how the hell are we going to get out of this!" I yelled over the sounds of battle as I took the opportunity to smack another two skaven with my mace while blocking another goblin who tried to jump at me before I kicked him off the ship and into the river below. at the rate, the battle was going we were going to be overrun by the bastards. As now they began to pile onto the ship faster than we could kick them off.
"Well were not going anywhere as long such troll has the ship in its grasp!" Yelled Wanda at the top of the wheelhouse of the ship as she shot another two fireballs out into the crowds of skaven and goblins. As more and more of the little guys began to try and climb up to where she stood.
"wait the troll's arms" I thought to myself as I quickly bashed away a few more of the hoard. That made me think back to something I saw back at home and gave me an idea a dangerously stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless. I just really hope that this spell works here in this world as it did in that show otherwise we are screwed.
"Wanda, I have an idea by going to need to you to trust me!" I yelled up to her as she kicked away a couple of the skaven invaders who had been able to climb up to where she was. the deck now was over populated by the hoard making it difficult to move without being rushed as I looked over to see how gorgeg was doing I see that he was not faring any better as he had to constantly chop and hack away at the mix of skaven and goblins to just stay standing up and was begening to back up to the mast so as not to worry about attacks from the rear.
"why what's the idea?!" She yelled back as she blasted another couple skaven and goblins off the ship.
"Just trust me it's a spell back from my homeland and if it works it can get us out of here!" I yelled to her as I blocked a few arrows shot at me by some of the goblin archers. I was beginning to back up like gorgeg to the mast as I too was beginning to get over whelmed and from what I could see the rest of the crew of the ship had the same idea as they began to back up towards the mast of the ship.
"wait a minute! Umgi didn't you say-!" Gorgeg paused in his own battles with the horde as he knew that from my world that magic didn't exist before he had to turn his attention to several clan rats that had tried to sneak up behind him. Now the rest of the crew have backed up to the mast of the ship and were covering each other as best they could while being outnumbered by the horde.
"I know gorgeg, but just trust me on this okay! If it fails we will find another way!" I tell the dwarf as I knock back a few more of the goblins with my shield as I turned to Wanda again.
"Wanda when I say cast the spell on the troll!" I yelled over to her as I had to force back another couple skaven who'd gotten back onto the deck after I had knocked them into the river. By now most of the crew was either injured and or dead leaving just 6 men who were still fighting along with them was the captain. With the loss of our numbers we were under the threat of being mobbed as both me and gorgeg nearly had our backs to the mast of the ship.
the sorceress was a little apprehensive I could easily tell from the look in her face but she finally relented and yelled "fine what's the spell!"
"It's serpentus limbus!" I yelled the spell to her as I kicked away several skaven as both I and gorgeg backed away and into the mast of the ship as now we were both now cornered with the rest of the crew of the ship by the overwhelming numbers of both the skaven and the goblins.
"Do it! DO IT NOW!" I scream as the forces of both factions charged us and instead of stabbing or biting me began to grab at me and tried to pull me away.
"Serpentus limbus!" Wanda yelled as she stretched her hand toward the river troll as a ball of energy gathered in her hand. Before it flew forward into the river troll who was still holding on to the river boat.
As the ball of energy hit the river troll a bright flash of light exploded forth from both of the troll's arms. And now where the troll's arms had once been have had turned into two giant green man-eating cobras the size of school buses who immediately began eating the skaven and the goblins on deck. Which immediately frightened and scared off both the skaven and goblins who began to flee at the sight of such a monstrosity as they began to flee off the boat and back on to dry land.
Of course, this also freaked out the troll itself as it began running toward the east bank in both fear and confusion while screaming its head off as the cobra arms began to periodically bit the troll both in the face and neck area. Now the ship, without the troll holding it in place began to move with the river's current slowly began to help move the ship down the river.
With the fleeing of their forces and the subsequent screaming that was coming from the river troll as it had begun rampaging over to where they were had caused both leaders of the factions to stop fighting and look at what was happening.
"WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE GRE- "veet screamed out barely before he was consumed by the river trolls new snake arms causing the already frenzied skaven forces to had begun to flee back into the burning forest confused, frightened and now leaderless splintered off into the woods fleeing back into the darkness of the night.
Now seeing his adversary not only eaten, but that he has lost complete control of both the battle and the river troll the goblin captain decided on the only real course of action that was left to him.
"Cumz on boyz weez leavin' well git da uumies next time!" Blood tooth yelled to his goblin boyz before he turned back to us
"Dis in't ober uumies well be back an next time weeb wont ab rats ter git in da way!" Blood tooth yelled at us before fleeing with the rest of his war boys in to the forest deciding it would be better to deal with a burning forest than an out of control river troll.
However, me and the rest of the crew weren't exactly paying attention to that as we stood on the side of the east side of the boat as the troll's arms that had become snakes begin to eat the troll slowly as the ship began to pick up speed once again and move us out of the battlefield.
"By the ancestors umgi I've seen a lot of things but this is by far one of the worst." Gorgeg tells me as he stands next to me watching the troll slowly be eaten by his own arms
"yeah it works though." I tell him as I watched the troll slowly get eaten. I mean it's like a train wreck you want to look away but you can't
"oh God does it ever stop!" Cringed Wanda as you can barely take her eyes off the river troll slowly being devoured by his own arms.
"Oh, it stops you know, when he's dead." I tell her while I hear her and gorgeg's mewls of squeamishness as I repeat the words the very wizard who created this spell. Thank you mirdon from doraleus and Associates, you magnificent bastard for you have saved our lives
As they whimper in response I can't blame them as it's not every day you get to see a river troll be eaten by its own arms. Slowly but surely as the ship begins to pick up more speed we see the disappearing form of the troll and the forest fire as we begin to move out of the battlefield.
"Okay guys let's get out of here before- "I said before a skaven clan rat jumped onto my back and tried to choke me out with his paws forcing me to drop my mace and shield as I began to struggle with the rat trying to fling him off my back.
"grk- guys help!" I choked out as a little bastard trying to knock me out as I continue to struggle against the creature. I forgot the first rule of combat always be aware cuss, you don't know what might be behind you.
gorgeg had already pulled out his crossbow was aiming for the rat on my back and was having trouble trying to get a clean shot on him without hitting me.
Wanda herself wasn't doing much better was of her attacks were designed to take out groups, not single individuals in pinpoint strikes. She was prepared to shoot a fireball at the skaven but I would be caught in the crossfire.
Even the last remains of the crew of the ship couldn't do anything has the skaven was on my back and it look like if they had tried to move he looked like he would rip my throat out.
As I continued to struggle against the rat man I could hear the rat men whisper in his broken English to himself.
"Catch man-thing, give man-thing yes-yes, bring to grey seer I be rewarded!" Skaven whispered insanely in my ear
well I guess that explains why they attacked us. They weren't after the boat like the goblins, they were after me. Most likely for the same reason the demon came after me in the town, I can guess.
Given with little choices I have at my disposal right now I go with the only one that I can really think of that will work in getting this little bastard off me.
I grabbed both the skaven's arms that were strangling me and began to throw myself backwards onto the deck of the ship body slamming the skaven between both me and the deck of the ship. This immediately makes a skaven relaxes his hold on my throat which allows me to break free from his hold and shift around and slammed my elbow into the skaven's face disorienting the rat man even more.
I quickly followed this up as I threw my fist straight at his throat taking the skaven down and out of the fight for now as the Clan rat began to gasp for air as my jab to his throat made it difficult for him to breathe as he began to claw at his own throat.
As he began to do is I quickly took the initiative and grabbed him and chucked him overboard and into the water where he quickly disappeared. which soon after I collapsed to my knees gasping for air as struggling with the clan rat knocked the wind out of me and made it rather difficult to breathe as my throat burned from the pain.
"Lad are you, all right?" Questioned gorgeg as he quickly came to my side to examine my neck to see if the skaven had left any permanent marks on my neck.
"Give me a minute gorgeg I just got strangled like Bart Simpson when he pisses homer off." I gasp out which gorgeg looks at me strangely.
keep forgetting about the whole different dimensions deal. Gorgeg just it shrugs off and continues to look at my neck. every now and then as he examines my neck I feel a flash of pain as it's a little tender from the skaven attack.
(gorgeg POV)
(two hours later)
after the ambush and attempted strangling by the Thaggoraki I had to leave the lad back down below the deck so that he could get some rest.
While most of the issues of the ship have been dealt with all that remains is one major concern and that is the stowaway that was arguing with me and the lad before we got ambushed by the thaggoraki and the Grobi.
I still don't know why she approached lad in the middle of the night or how she got on board without any of us knowing, but by the ancestors I'm going to get some answers.
As I begin to climb out of the ship's hold and on to the main deck there I see the stowaway being guarded by one of the ship's crew members. She herself looks no worse for wear from the battle, however her robe had slight tears and are slightly covered in blood.
As I walk over I nodded over to the guard to leave us, so that I could talk to the prisoner in private.
She seems nervous at my presence but also carried a concerned look on her face.
"Is he going to be all right?" She questioned me about the lad as I walked over to her
"the lad is going to have a couple bruises on his neck for the next couple of days but he'll be fine for the most part." I replied to her this seems to have calmed her nerves down slightly before she asked the next question
"so, what's going to happen to me?" She asked not really knowing the answer
"that depends on what happens next Wanda was it?" I asked the lass
"yes, and what do you mean what happens next?" She again questioned in response I held up two fingers and began to explain
"well it depends on how you answer these two questions. first you're going to have to explain why you're on the ship and secondly you're going to have to explain why did you approach the lad in the middle of the night?"
It's here she begins to adopt a very nervous stance their arms holding each other as she grits her teeth.
"Well I'm waiting." I tell her as I wait for her answers
she takes a deep breath in and exhales before talking
"before I say anything please promise me that you will hear me out until the end." She tells me to which a pit opens in my stomach a bad feeling comes over me whatever she has to say it can't be good
"I will hear you out lass, but you better have a damn good explanation." I tell her before she begins to tell her story
as she begins to tell her tale I begin to understand more and more of why the lad was arguing with her before I came on board the deck as well as why she was so nervous.
The very second, she told me that she was a necromancer I had to resist every urge in my body to not cut her down then and there, but we dawi always keep our word even if it's something as simple as waiting to the end of a story.
She goes on about how she was possessed by a demon during the attack on kroppleben and how she was able to remove the demon from her body. Which led to her then explaining that she had watched both me and the lad from a distance, watching our movements trying to understand waiting for the moment to speak to the lad.
She then goes on to explain why she snuck on board the ship and why she was arguing with the lad. She explained that through careful examination and observation that she had discovered that the lad was immune to the forces of Dum and their ilk. She had snuck on board the ship to beg the lad to allow her to come with us in fear of both not only the witch hunters but also the demons coming back for her soul. An that when I came up on deck they were arguing on whether or not he should lie to me about her past.
As she began to finish the story I had only two choices before me that my honor dictated to me which were either I kill her and be done with it or I wait until we reach known and then turn her into the nearest witch Hunter.
"So now you've heard my story, if you're going to kill me now I wouldn't be surprised if you did. All I really wish to know now is who made that spell your friend told me about." The lass ended her story which reminded me of something. A while ago back in kroppleben the lad was explaining the magic of his world and how it didn't exist. However now one of the spells from his world that was supposed to be a joke in his world had worked here in this world.
That sole fact brought to my mind of an oath that the lad told me about that wizards had to obey under the threat of death.
(a few days ago)
(kroppleben inn)
"umgi I'm amazed at the amount of imagination your people have when it comes to magic." I told Jack as we watch one of his motion pictures on his little machine. This 'movie' was a part of a series of movies based on a book series the lad tells me. Currently were watching two older wizards one male, one female, talking about the protection of the woman's child.
"yeah well gorgeg we didn't have defined rules on how magic supposed to work so we just went with whatever." jack tells me as we watch to the characters perform some sort oath promising that the man would protect the woman's son.
"Umgi what are they doing right there?" I question is a point to the screen
"oh, right now they're performing an unbreakable vow. Essentially a magical contract that if one of them breaks they'll die." Jack tells me as I watch astonished
"shame we don't have that here, something like that would've prevented many, many betrayals when it comes to sorcerers." I snort out loud however the lad interrupts me before I can continue
"well gorgeg we don't exactly know if whether or not the spells from my home may or may not work here." He tells me to which I look up at him the look of questioning
"do you think the spells in your world will work here?" I ask intrigued as if it's true we may have access to an entire arsenal of magic then
"I don't know, gorgeg I'm not a magic user and I don't think we should try either unless were going to die or we are in a controlled environment. But we'd need a wizard to even try since neither of us can do magic" The lad tells me as I keep that in mind for future reference
"well if that spell from earlier work than this should to" I thought to myself
"alright lass I'm going to cut you a deal. Which considering who your talking to and your past is unbelievable. Sigh by the high-kings beard even I can hardly believe what I'm doing right now is that you can come with us- "I start which surprises her greatly which is not surprising considering we Dawi would've just easily killed her for her actions. She was about to speak but I raised my hand
"-is if you swear an unbreakable vow. That will give up your ways of the necromancer and that you will never bring intentional permanent harm to me or the lad." I finish confusing her greatly as she has probably never heard of what a unbreakable vow is.
(an/ yeah, yeah, I know folks a dwarf wouldn't do anything that I'm making gorgeg do, but I have to make the story move along somehow.)
"What in morrs name is an unbreakable vow?" She questioned her face scrunched up and confusion
"it's a magical oath or better known as a magical contract that comes from the lad's homeland that once sworn can never be broken under the threat of death." I explained to her making her pale and go silent for a minute or two before finally responding
"Sigh, alright I do it if this means I can live and I can avoid having demons eating my soul. Alright how do we go about doing this?" Wanda asked me
"The Vow is cast by having two parties kneeling opposite each other and clasping right hands." I tell her as she moved to do that I held up my hand
"stop. Lass this requires a third party as a witness so were going to have to wait for the lad to wake up so he can be the third party in the contract." I tell the witch
Hopefully the lad will wake soon.
AN/ hey folks thanks for reading. Bet you're a bit surprised as usally I wait a month before updating.