I thought Mikasa and Sasha having a sisterly bond would be cute. I also finally decided to have Jean and Mikasa act on their feelings for each other. I'm sorry for not updating in so long my life has been so hectic, I hope you like the new chapter I worked really hard on it.

Please review :)

Mikasa sat silently as she gently swung in her harness, her ponytail hanging down her back. A small smile tickling her cheeks as she hung in midair, feeling like a small child on a swing. Today they were learning about the manoeuvring gear, which she was passing with flying colours. She had watched her uncle as a small child fastening the hooks and harnesses so many times they were ingrained into her memory. Remembering how to put them on as easy as it was to speak, able to help her friends when they suffered from difficulties. However, sometimes being talented at things did become boring, when you perfected every topic nothing became fun. But luckily having friends in the camps did make things easier to deal with. Making her previously lonely days more fulfilled and enjoyable. She allowed her gaze to wander curiously around her teammates, trying not to smile as they furiously tried to stay in control and not fall. Like a newborn duckling taking to water for the first time. Despite never having done this in her life, this felt so natural to her, as if she was born to. Though she was getting odd looks from other people about how easy she made it look while everyone else around her struggled with their own balance.

Jean twitched as he felt himself slipping, adamantly trying to stay still, forcing himself to concentrate. Trying to stay as stable as possible, focusing on not falling and injuring himself or more so not embarrass himself in front of everyone. Desperate to become a member of the military police or the survey felt proud, seeing how hard he was working to become stronger and prove his worth, wanting to make something of himself. Though she had given him advice, he refused to allow her to completely help him. Wanting to earn his ranks, explaining to her that he didn't want to cheat, he wanted his ranking to be fair and hard earned. After his past of being pushed around by other kids and living under his mothers constant protection due to the bullying. He wanted to learn to protect himself and stand on his own which she understood. However, he was never too proud to admit his own weakness, he just hated being teased for it.

Sasha sat absentmindedly in her swing, gazing at the clouds with a curious look, mimicking Mikasa's swing method but with more enthusiasm. Many of her classmates so stunned by how easy she made it look. Sasha was known around the camps for being odd or unusual, so nobody expected her to be talented at the 3d Gear. Her expression could only be described as bored, as if she didn't want to be in class or had somewhere else to be. But luckily, Mikasa always kept her out of trouble but on the off chance she was placed on kitchen duty, Mikasa helped her.

However there was a loud thump and crash, then followed by the laughter of her fellow classmates. She looked over her shoulder curiously, to see Eren having landed forward and crashed onto his back, slamming his head on the ground. She noticed he had failed once again at 3D gear. She felt bad for him, knowing the cruel rumours that would come with such accidents. But the military life wasn't for everyone. There was no shame in quitting, his mother would be glad to have him home. Truth be told, the thought of what she would face in battle made her skin crawl. She had faced enough bloodshed over the course of her young life. Many trauma's that still plagued her nightmares. But she knew this way she would be able to protect the people she loved.

Sasha was like a sister to her, she would never let Sasha come to any harm. Having a female companion to joke with while scouting would be a nice relief. Marco always nearby for moral support, and Jean the boy from her childhood who brought light to her life. The boy who gave her hope for the future after a troubled past. Her meeting them had all been for reasons and she wouldn't be the person she was now without them. She would never stop being grateful to whatever merciful god had blessed her with their friendship after all she endured in the past.

Soon there were footsteps to which Shadis approached silently, a looming look of fierce disappointment on his face. Glaring down at Eren as he sat shamelessly on his back in front of everyone. He took a deep breath before speaking up "Yeager, what are you doing laying on your back like a pig in mud?" he snapped. This was no time to sit around playing games. He was here to train future soldiers, people to protect humanity and help in the tireless effort to prevent the titans from eating any more innocent people. Making sure they were completely eradicated from the planet, so people could once again live in peace.

Eren panicked getting to his feet, struggling to stay stable on his gear. He hated that he could already hear sniggers in his ears, restraining his desire to scream at them, challenging them to laugh at him. Only fueling his desire to do better and prove himself "S… sorry sir, my gear" he babbled. He hated how easy everyone else made it look, even Kirstein was still doing better than him. He hated how weak he looked in front of everyone, reminding him of that day.

Shadis approached, making Eren's skin crawl. The intense look of silent apathy in his eyes sent shivers down his spine. He was never one to show fear, but right now every cell in his body was screaming with panic. "Yeager, I'm here to train soldiers. Soldiers who will fight future wars for the titans. If you can't fight, I have no need to waste my time on you. So learn fast, or hit the wagons" he warned fiercely. Eren's eyes stung with tears that wanted to fall if he hadn't felt foolish already about messing up. He felt a wave of shame flowing through him, his cheeks heating with embarrassment. Hearing people in the background laughing, wishing he could disappear. Hating that Jean of all people was better than him. He had been weak all his life, using his anger to vent the frustration of unfairness he felt in his life. Of all the people that were supposed to be in charge, that were supposed to be authority who were messing up their competence. Of how he had never been able to save the one person in his life that mattered before he lost everything. He had jumped at the chance to become stronger via the military and now he couldn't even do that right. Why did nothing ever work out for him?

Sasha flung herself at Mikasa, wrapping her arms around her neck "You were amazing Mika-chan! You're a natural at this, You're gonna do great in the military!" she praised happily. She had looked so happy like she was floating with invisible wings. Perfectly balanced and utterly in her element. She wondered if Mikasa was actually a goddess in human form, sent down to earth to single handedly save humanity. But her modesty was a relief, unlike so many people who could be in her position, she never gloated at how skilled she was, instead using her talents for good and never pushing people around.

Mikasa blinked as Sasha held her in a death grip hug, nuzzling against her cheek. But a fond smile came across her face, "You did great too Sasha, you looked like a kid on a tree swing" she joked. Sasha was more talented than she looked, which made her wonder if the ditzy persona was just an act to fool everyone. But then everyone had their talents and it proved Sasha was more than what the jerks in this place thought of her. The girl with the bread was a future soldier and capable in her own right. She had a bright smile and an even brighter heart.

Sasha grinned, pulling away to look at Mikasa "It's so easy, you just have to concentrate" she scoffed. Given her family grew up as hunters, she had learned to follow her intuition. Trusting her senses, which came in handy when it came to the 3D gear, doing what came naturally. There had been times when she doubted herself, but she refused to allow herself to fail. Wanting to make something of herself, that alone helped her succeed in the camps. Disappointing the people who always expected her to fail and give up. Her friends encouragement helping her to believe in herself.

Jean pouted, aware of how unstable he had felt the whole time. Praying he didn't mess up and focusing all of his energy. "I wish it that was easy, I keep getting wobbly. I have to really concentrate so I don't lose my focus" he sighed. He was improving, but he was still shaky and feared he would fall sometimes. He had a long way to go but so did everyone else. He refused to quit, he would achieve his dream no matter how long it took to improve. He would keep climbing the ladder until he reached the top.

Marco patted his shoulder reassuringly, knowing how much Jean wanted to impress Mikasa. But wanting to give his mother a good life, safe from harm. His goals were pure hearted and of good intention, that was admirable. Many people simply wanted to join the military for the cushy life it came with. It was sad to know for some that was all it took for the military. "We all mess up sometimes, but your making progress. You have potential". He above all believed in Jean's capabilities, the only person who rivalled him was Mikasa herself.

Mikasa smiled, she knew how hard he was trying "You did great, nobody gets it at first. You just have to follow what feels right" she reassured him. She knew he could do it, she would happily help him out if he was having trouble. Everyone stumbled before they were finally able to fly and he was simply finding his wings. She would never stop believing in him. When she had been lonely and nothing but a little girl who knew how to cry. He was the first friend she ever made, giving her something to look forward to when her uncle came back from battle. Her visits to his home something she dreamed of for days on end.

Jean blushed but smiled back "Well, I'm lucky to have an expert to help me out" he mumbled awkwardly. He would love to know Mikasa's secret to what made it so easy, perhaps those Ackerman genes of hers. Her uncle was infamous in the Military. He had to admit he was a little jealous of how easy it came to her, but he would always be proud of her. That same power had beaten those bullies who made fun of him when he was a kid. The power to do good, the power to protect.

Connie scoffed, reminiscing of the days events "The only person who needs help is Yeager, he's gonna be in an awful mood tonight. First, a head injury and then Shadis humiliating him for it. Better avoid him" he mused. Everyone messed up, but Yeager would take it more personally than most. That guy wouldn't accept failure, especially his own. He had no idea of how Arlert put up with him, the guy was constantly in a foul mood. But at least he had stopped bothering Mikasa for the time being, her uncle must have had a serious word with him.

Mikasa hummed, remembering the day he had saved her as kids. She didn't he would linger on it so much. Maybe he wanted to join the military to protect people like his mother. She knew how close they had been in the past, at least from their brief encounter. There was nothing wrong with wanting to protect your family, everyone here had someone they had left behind at home. She was only lucky her uncle was in a military position so she could see him as much as she wanted to. She just didn't like to bother him as much.

"We best get to combat training, a full day ahead of us" Connie groaned. At least they had Mikasa on their side to help teach them. She was the top in all of her classes, so they would be able to pass with flying colours with her help. They would all be exhausted by the end of the day, their bones and muscles aching from how much they pushed themselves. But this was the life of a soldier wasn't it, becoming the best you could be, to protect the weak.

Eren rubbed the back of his head irritably, pressing a cold cloth to his head. Glaring down at Mikasa and her friends, watching Sasha smother her in affection. Finding himself bitter at how easy things were for her. She had friends now, and she was passing so easily. Mikasa was the top of her classes in everything, nothing you wouldn't expect from the niece of Levi Ackerman, Captain of the survey corps. Sasha and Connie were in the bottom 2, Marco in the middle ranks and Jean was just below him. He couldn't help but get the feeling that they were leeching off of her. Using her to get stronger in the ranks. Gritting his teeth at the thought of them taking advantage of her. Mikasa spent all of her time with them now, avoiding him like the plague. Never even acknowledging his existence, that fact hurting him more than anything. Had he saved her life that day for nothing? Was she even grateful to him for the fact she was alive and free because of him? I mean at the very least they could talk, he wanted to know what her life had become after that? I mean she seemed happier, but why was she so shy and quiet? Wouldn't she at least be more talkative?

"You press that hard you'll make it worse. Be gentle" Armin warned him. It would go away eventually, that was a nasty fall and Eren's temper got worse when he was in pain. He looked over to Mikasa being smothered in affection by Sasha and couldn't help but smile. "They really are a team aren't they, Sasha acts like a sister to her. No doubt they'll get far" he hummed. They would be ok so long as they have each other. Mikasa had found her new family and he was happy for her, her uncle would be proud. She had come a long way from what he had heard about her, moving on from her past.

Eren growled, he couldn't stand it. He hated that she had so easily forgotten him, moved on so fast. Yes, they had known each other briefly. But he hoped they would at least be friends. But now she acted like a stranger around him. Everything came so easily to her now, losing her family and yet she had a new home and a new life. Safe within the walls with her uncle, surrounded by caring people. When he lost everything, he was an orphan with nothing, except Armin and the clothes on his back. Armin sighed but said nothing. However, he would be making sure Eren avoided Mikasa tonight. Just so he didn't less his temper out on her.

Sasha, Connie, Marco and Jean stood around Mikasa eagerly in combat training. Having decided to act as a group, first Sasha and Mikasa, Marco working with Jean. Connie would have to find a new partner. Then they would switch, Sasha with Connie and Jean with Mikasa etc. Shadis making no complaints at their teamwork. However, the team were nervous about Mikasa's abilities, given she hadn't shown her strength until now. They had no idea of what they would be up against. Mikasa sensed their concerns but she reassured them that nothing bad would happen. "I promise I won't hurt you, let me know if I'm too rough" Mikasa protested. She knew what she was capable of, but she refused to hurt one of her friends too badly. She would feel too guilty otherwise. Though Shadis told them not to hold back as their enemies wouldn't either. In her case, restraining herself against her friends would not be a bad thing. Self control in any form would be a good thing as a soldier. Sometimes you had to know when to walk away.

"Sasha's a tough cookie, don't underestimate her" Connie reassured her. But he was glad Mikasa was so cautious of Sasha's safety, showing how much she meant to her. Sasha knew how to take care of herself, yeah sometimes she could be spacy, she enjoyed food and was rather odd. But she was smarter than she looked and could hold her own. She was certainly sassy and tended to avoid confrontations, but she was a capable person regardless.

Sasha approached Mikasa wooden blade in hand, smiling at Mikasa. "I'm not a softy Mika-chan. I come from a village, I'm used to a couple of bruises" she grinned. Ever since she was a child she had known how to hunt. But she appreciated that Mikasa was worried. It meant that Mikasa would have her back no matter what, making sure she was always safe. Something a loyal friend always considered of those around them.

Mikasa still looked hesitant but got into a fighting stance, slowly breathing under her breath. Steadying her nerves and focusing, listening to her gut instinct, the Ackerman senses that always knew what to do. Wanting to make her uncle proud. She knew she would face more enemies in the future, it came with the battle. She had to be prepared for any given situation no matter what form it came in. The slightest mistake or lapse in judgement could lead to something much worse, it was always a possibility.

Sasha then lunged at Mikasa, gripping her knife low and holding it with two hands. Running at her, her brown eyes hard and sharp. Aiming for the leg, the place not many would expect. Her ponytail flowing behind her. She was ready to dodge out of the way, swipe Mikasa's face to disorientate and then dodge again. Maybe throw some kicks her way too. Mikasa saw her coming, dodging to grab her wrist tightly, preventing her attack. But was impressed by Sasha's logic, the usual students would be obvious, hit the upper body. Not many would try the lower limbs.

Sasha kicked her leg, aiming behind Mikasa's ankle to unsteady her balance, once again using her intuition. Showing she was more than the presumed oblivious girl who loved to eat food. Mikasa swerved, turning her body to regain her balance, swinging Sasha with her. Twisting her arm behind her back while she gripped the knife. Pressing Sasha down to kneel on one knee. Making sure Sasha was posed for a couple of minutes before releasing. Sasha slowly got to her knees, wringing her hands but smiling proudly. They would ache for a while but there would be no bruises, Mikasa hadn't held her tightly enough. "Woah Mika-chan that was so cool. You were so fast, I really thought I'd have you" she chuckled. She had thought about winding her to knock her off guard, but ultimately she had failed at that. But she would take her failures as lessons and learn better for her next combat class in the future.

Mikasa smiled, Sasha had really put her all into that fight. When she focused hard enough she really was a force to be reckoned with and she should be proud of that. "You can tell you were raised by hunters. You really use your intuition" she praised patting Sasha's head. She was a smart girl and she would go far in the classes. She just wished more people noticed that rather than her failures, she had so much to offer the world.

Connie stared in awe at the fight he had just observed, it all happened so fast. "Woah, is there anything Mikasa can't do" Connie gasped. She was top of all her classes, leaving them in the dirt. He felt really relieved to know she would be fighting alongside them. She would be a deadly enemy if she was on the wrong side, he didn't even want to think about that. She really was something, no wonder she was so popular around here.

Jean could only stare in awe, his heart filling with pride and love. Just when he thought she couldn't surprise him any more than she had when they were kids. He found his admiration growing to new levels. The look of determination in her eyes when facing an opponent, the desire to keep fighting and win. She had a strong passion in her heart and he could feel that. It showed in everything she did, glad he had been able to warm her heart as a child and help her find that part of herself again.

Marco saw the look in his eyes and grinned, Jean was so lovestruck it was hilarious. He had been hit by the love bug so badly, but he couldn't even say that he loved her. If they didn't confess their love soon, he would have to stand in as matchmaker. He wanted his best friend to be happy and he knew that he would never look at another girl the same way. She meant everything to him.

Jean stood in his fighting stance bravely, gripping the knife tightly. He would never hurt Mikasa, but if he wanted to pass he would have to give his all. He knew he would learn so much through her training, he trusted her with every fibre of his being. He saw the hesitation in Mikasa's eyes, the idea of hurting him was worrying her. She was aware of her own capabilities and yet carried a sense of empathy towards hurting people she loved. Her black eyes shining brightly with dedication, putting her heart and soul into her training. He had never felt so proud of Mikasa, she had come a long way from fighting bullies back when they were kids. He smiled at her reassuringly "Don't hold back Mikasa, don't worry. I can handle it, I know you won't hurt me" he stated proudly. She may have been the strongest girl in their class, but she was also a teenager with a troubled past and a strong desire to protect her friends. A gleam of surprise glinted in Mikasa's eyes, as well as a look of tenderness. He swore a small smile appeared on her lips, but it was hard to see from here. Maybe he had imagined it. Like a silent thank you to show her gratitude of understanding her feelings.

Jean took a deep breath, calming himself into rationality. Putting aside any hesitation, he wouldn't have that luxury when they were in the war. Trying to picture instead of the Mikasa but the boys that used to bully him when he was a kid. He gripped the knife tightly in his hand, watching her silently, waiting for any sign of weakness. He then ran at her silently, Mikasa expecting him to do the same as Sasha, aiming for the lower leg. Prepared to use the same techniques as she had before. Though she did hope some of them at least changed tactics to make things exciting. Jean instead dodged, swiping the blade past her face taking her by surprise. Feeling bad when he saw the light cut that appeared on her cheek. Mikasa gripped his wrist, prepared to twist his arm behind his back too. Jean then reached out to hit the back of her neck, catching her off guard. Jean yanked his arm free, swiping his leg, causing Mikasa to stumble, gripping her from behind and flipping her onto her back. Mikasa fell onto her back with an oof, a dust cloud forming as she hit the ground. Her ponytail flowing behind her on the ground, a look of surprise on her face. Not expecting Jean to beat her.

Jean stood over Mikasa silently, rather surprised that he had beaten her, aware she was top in the class. Aware she had been holding herself back. He blinked, staring at her for a while, before snapping out of it. "I… um… are you ok?" he babbled shyly. He hoped her head was ok, landing at that impact would have at least dizzied her in some way, maybe a light ache. I mean everyone got bruises but the thought of hurting her still upset him.

Mikasa smiled, then reached up to grab him and flip him onto his back quickly. Smirking down at him playfully, he had let his guard down but he had still done well. He was learning how to fight, how to become stronger, no longer a pushover "You've improved, you learn fast" she praised. He should feel proud of his personal growth, she hoped he told his mother of how well he was coming along. Everyone had their own pace of growing, everyone had their own techniques, he was still finding his own is all. He had more than proved his worth.

Jean blushed, she really was skilled, one second of brief hesitation and she had beaten him. He couldn't allow himself to fall for that in battle, it may cost him his life. "Still can't hold a candle to you" he mumbled as she helped him up. Brushing the dust off of himself, not wanting people to laugh at him for having prints anywhere and giving him some stupid nickname. God knows Eren had already called him horseface enough in the past. He knew how stupid the words were, but they still hurt.

Connie grinned "Geez, can't you guys stop flirting for five minutes" he teased. Why didn't they just confess already? It was clear they liked each other and they would make a sweet couple. Sasha pouted and yanked his ear, hoping it would make him quiet. They would tell each other their feelings when they were ready. These things couldn't be rushed after all. He huffed, rubbing his sore ear while glaring at Sasha. I mean it was so obvious how they felt, even Marco could see that.

"It's clear Mikasa will make it into the survey corps after the graduation, but I wonder what will happen to everyone else" Marco reflected. It was hard to believe it had been a year already, only two more to go. Their training was passing by so quickly, he remembered when he met Mikasa for the first time that day in the canteen. How happy she had been so see Jean again. Now all five of them were a team and a close net of friends, who knew that would happen? But life was unpredictable that way.

Sasha nodded in agreement "The titans will turn and run when they see Mikasa, she's a slayer queen" Sasha praised. Nobody could hold a candle to her talents, the only person capable of rivalling her around here was Annie Leonhart. She bested everyone in this place, she carried crates stacked on each other like they weighed nothing. Her stamina levels were inhuman and she never complained no matter what came her way. She was truly an amazing person, but she loved her soft heart more than anything.

As Mikasa helped Jean to his feet, she looked up him and down, making sure she hadn't hurt him too badly. She knew how badly he had been pushed around as a kid. Even now if anyone looked at him funny, she was prepared to beat them with no mercy. She would never forgive anyone who hurt Jean, he was precious to her. The same way anyone who hurt her uncle would know unspeakable pain. She would never restrain herself against people who sought to harm the people she loved. Jean saw the cut on her cheek, the red swelling and light blood appearing on her cheek. The bright red colour bright against her pale cheek. He reached out slowly to stroke his fingers against her wound. "Désolé, I was too rough with the blade" he apologized. She had told him not to hold back, that she wouldn't use her full strength on her friends, wanting to give them a fair fight. But still he felt guilty for hurting her in some way, as childish as that may have sounded. They were trainee soldiers after all.

Mikasa smiled, reaching up to take his hand, running her fingers lightly over his knuckles. Her gaze warm and gentle "Jean, I know you would never hurt me. Everyone gets injured somehow during training. Don't worry, it's just a little cut" she reassured him. She had seen worse before, she used to panic at the state her uncle would come back in when she was a child. She counted her blessings that she hadn't endured severe wounds yet, but was always aware it was a possibility. Trying hard not to worry those around her and keep a close eye on them in return. Knowing how upset they would be if something happened to her, as would she in the same situation.

"Don't worry I can help patch her up after the showers. There will be a first aid kit somewhere" Sasha perked up. A little cut was nothing, it would sting but it would heal fast. But she thought it was cute how Jean felt guilty. His frantic desire to keep her safe, to act as her knight in shining armour. She knew all too well he would refuse to leave her side and when they would have to part ways, they would worry about each other constantly until reunited. But she couldn't help but admire that level of devotion to one another.

Jean relaxed a little, he knew Sasha would never let anything happen to Mikasa. But he knew if Yeager saw the cut he would immediately get on his case. Yelling at him for being abusive or something like that. "Just… if Yeager says anything, don't let him harass either of you" he warned. He still didn't like that guy for how he acted around Mikasa, but given he had kept his distance as of late, he paid the guy no mind. He just hated how he spoke to her, like a jealous boyfriend or something, despite being total strangers. I mean, she hadn't spoken or seen him since she was a kid after all.

Mikasa softened, remembering how Eren believed Jean was manipulating her or fake. How jealous he was about their friendship and how she ignored him. But what did she have to say to Eren? He wasn't her friend, she had no bond with him in any way. She had moved on with her life. "I can handle myself, it's not your fight Jean. If he hurt you, Sasha or the others in any way. I can take care of him" she replied. She did not like to use violence, but she wouldn't hold back if someone harassed her friends.

Jean blushed but smiled, removing his hand but squeezing hers before release. "I'll see you at dinner" he then headed towards the barracks with Connie and Marco. But not before nodding in her direction as he departed. He just liked to know she was safe, after they were forced to separate for so long as kids, before joining the camps. He would cry every night into his pillow, longing for her companionship. Missing his only friend in the world, trying to be brave until he could see her again. Even now, being apart from her left him with a lingering feeling of loneliness.

Mikasa stood under the heat of the shower, the hot water stinging her cheek lightly but she brushed it aside. Her long black hair willowing down her back, sticking to her damp skin. Enjoying the scent of the soap, happy to get the dirt and sweat from her body. The echoing sound of her chattering classmates in the background, while she was just enjoying the silence of her own mind. She remembered the pale porcelain bathtub at her uncle's home, sitting in a tub of steaming hot water, immersing her body in the heat. The scent of oils and salts melted in, cleansing her skin and soothing her troubles into nothing. How she missed those times. She knew she had been trained for battle ever since she was young, but part of her selfishly wanted to take her friends and keep them locked away inside the walls. To live in peace without war or bloodshed.

Humanity was barely surviving the titans, they grew stronger every day, she knew this. She had read and heard enough of her uncle's reports on the matter, it was a large part of her life. But if they didn't fight back, the titans would only proceed to continue to harvest on humans. But part of her wanted to run away from her future, her fate, their responsibility. To simply have the normal life she had once had, living off the land in peace without a care in the world. Where Sasha could hunt and live off the land on a farm somewhere out of harm's way, Connie joking about while he worked on the fields. Marco working making bread and hunting with his friends, taking care of their stocks. Jean helping his friends, working hard at keeping trouble off the streets, keeping their home safe and sound. Living with his mother and enjoying a peaceful life.

Sasha had joined the military to send money to her village to look after her parents, due to the poor state they lived in. Though she had not been as poor as Eren, she was still not well off herself. Many people making fun of her for coming from a hunting village. Sasha may have had her simple moments and didn't always know how to fit in, but she was far from stupid despite what other trainees said behind her back. She was a good person and an optimist, secretly carrying a hobby for cooking too. Sometimes Mikasa had a feeling she and Hanji would get along very well.

Connie lived with his mother, coming from a similar background to Sasha in the country. He never spoke about his home life, only that his mother was a kind woman. Rarely showing his weakness and more of a jokester. But she never questioned him on it, he would tell them when he was ready. He was very open about expressing his opinion around others, sometimes showing off during training. However, he accepted his flaws as difficult as that was for him, but put his friends wellbeing above all.

Marco lived in the southern district like Jean but didn't come from the Trost area. He never spoke of his family or home life, but he was a generally optimistic person. Showing he had come from a loving family. He made sure to calm Jean down when he got too frustrated or impatient, stopping him from making bad decisions while riled up. He always reassured her when she was troubled or anxious. Acting like the big brother of the group and optimistic of their future together. A breath of fresh air when everyone felt their lowest.

Mikasa already knew enough about Jean and his mother, remembering her kind smile and warm nature. Reminding her so much of her own mother, how she had welcomed her into her home. The days she spent eating her homemade cookies with Jean in the sun. She hoped to meet her again someday soon. She knew Jean wrote to his mother a lot, but was often embarrassed about it, scared people would tease him for being soft. He loved her dearly, but the scars of his past tormentors would remain. But he had grown up a lot since then, and she was proud of the progress he had made.

"Mikasa? Are you ok? You're so quiet today?" Christa asked cautiously. She was glad she had made friends since joining the camps, but lately, something seemed to be troubling her. She hoped it was nothing too serious. She respected Mikasa's privacy, but sometimes her own guilt of not offering a helping hand ate away at her. Mikasa had always been a reserved person, so it was hard to read her moods. Wondering what was going on inside her mind.

Mikasa blinked, snapping out of her daze to stare at Christa blankly. She snapped back to reality slowly, brushing some of her bangs out of her face. "Gomen, I must have been spacing out" she mumbled. Sometimes she got so lost in the inner workings of her own mind, she found herself detaching from reality almost out of habit. Sometimes when she was busy having fun with her friends or when she was alone with Jean, time itself seemed to stop. Like she was in some kind of wonderful dream she never wanted to wake up from.

Sasha pointed at her face, a look of concern evident "How's that cut? Not too bad?" Sasha asked curiously. She knew the soap would clean it but it would sting like hell. But then a few scrapes and such were expected in that line of training, but it was better than the headache Eren would have by now. As her best friend she felt responsible for Mikasa, they told each other everything and always looked out for each other. She knew Mikasa felt the same way, even if she wasn't always vocal about it. They had a silent bond of platonic affection.

Mikasa touched her cheek tentatively the wound already crusting as the blood began to try to protect it with scabbing. If her uncle was here, he would scold her for not being careful. "A little, but it doesn't hurt much", she had suffered worse pains in her life than this. When Jean attacked her with the blade during training, she had been barely aware of it until she felt it bleed. Wincing when she was cut, but paying no attention and simply focusing on their fight.

Sasha smiled in relief, but she gazed at Mikasa's long hair. She hadn't noticed until now because of her constantly keeping it tied back, but it was longer than it looked. She had never seen hair so shiny and soft before, she was a little jealous. "You have such pretty hair Mikasa, so long too" she praised. She wished she could touch it but that would be rude.

Mikasa blushed, shyly fingering the ends. She had never had it cut aside from trimming the dead ends of her bangs and tips. Because she knew Jean loved her hair, making her proud of it. Wondering if she resembled her mother at all. "My… my mother was Asian. I know that is where it comes from, but that is all I know. I didn't learn much of my maternal heritage as a child and there were never any books about them either" she explained. She knew of the symbol her mother told her about, her mother reminding her of the importance of its legacy. However, in terms of their country and its background, she was very much in the dark.

Sasha gazed in awe, she never knew Mikasa was of mixed blood. She herself had often wondered about her own family heritage but her parents never had any way of finding information. But Mikasa did have very pale skin and the only member of their trainees with such pure black eyes. "That's amazing, your mum must have been so pretty. I wish my hair was as nice" she groaned. Mikasa had such shiny thick hair, while her own was just dull and fine. She had no idea how Mikasa kept it so healthy.

Mikasa pouted, then pinched Sasha's nose "You are just as pretty, don't you dare say otherwise" she huffed. She would never let Sasha put herself down, nor would she ever let anyone else make her feel inferior. Sasha had made wonderful qualities, she just hadn't realised them yet and most people in the camps were too oblivious to notice them for themselves. She had big brown eyes, lovely cheekbones, soft brown hair and a lovely figure.

Sasha flinched, throwing soap at her but smiled, feeling relieved that she and Mikasa had this conversation "Thank you for sharing that with me Mika-chan. I'm glad you trust me that much" she whispered gratefully. Reflecting on her past couldn't have been easy for her. But whenever she needed to vent or just wanted someone to listen, she would always be there.

Mikasa winced as Sasha placed antibacterial medicine on Mikasa's cut before finish it it with a band-aid over her cheek. It would sting again for some time but it would heal nicely now. Given the wound wasn't deep it wouldn't take long. Mikasa then began to bind the ribbon into her hair with its usual ponytail, humming to herself. Her uncle had always drilled it into her head to be careful, what would he say knowing she had cut her face? Probably scold her for being careless. "When I was a kid, we barely had any food. Hunting and scavenging was a method to gain food all year round. The winters could be really rough, so we had to make food last. Sometimes we would still go to bed half-starving. Given we have more supplies at the camps, I take all the food I can get. But, people just started making fun of me for stealing the last piece of bread or potato" Sasha trailed off quietly. The winter's could be harsh and most animals were in hibernation, so compared to the summers snaring animals would never be easy. And catching fish when the rivers were frozen was not an option either. So having a lasting supply of foods at the camps was a blessing.

Mikasa softened, allowing her ponytail to fall down her back quietly. She knew many of the trainees at the camps made fun of Sasha, even Eren. She couldn't help where she came from, nor that she was the odd one out. But she was a kind-hearted girl and truly helped Mikasa come out of her shell. Mikasa had few friends when she arrived in this place, yet now it felt like she had known Sasha forever. She took Sasha's hand and smiled at her warmly "When I was a little girl before I lived with my uncle. I lived in the forests too, in a little cottage outside the main town. We had a vegetable patch and everything. My favourite foods as a child were rabbit stew or pheasant" she whispered. She could remember helping her mother in the garden, a woven straw hat atop her head to prevent sunburn. Her father coming home from a long day with a days hunt in hand. The happier days.

Sasha smiled in understanding, knowing how hard this must be for her to talk about. She was a very brave person indeed. She doubted she would ever be able to smile after something like that. Her parents sounded like they had been good people, her mother very much a doting person and her father also a hunter. She cursed the people who had stolen Mikasa's parents from her, leaving her with these scars. She hated knowing Mikasa had carried this pain her whole life, but at least her uncle had been there to help her through it.

"My uncle took me in after they died. We lived in different places, mainly a castle. He was often busy though, doing paperwork or fighting titans. I never complained though, but I always cried when he came home. He would lay next to me at night when I had a bad dream, stroking my back until I fell asleep. He gave me a second chance at life. If not for him, I never would have met Jean or you guys" Mikasa hummed. Thinking on how her life could have gone so differently.

Sasha grinned, squeezing her hands for reassurance "Well, aside from sending tea packages we need to thank him for sending you here. If not for him, we never would have met" Sasha smiled. Thinking of a world where Mikasa wasn't her friend made her feel lonely. Her days of being an outsider drastically changed after creating her team with Mikasa and the others. Finally finding people who made her smile, warming her heart and sharing fond memories.

Mikasa sat silently at dinner, her face newly patched up, today's dinner was a little better. They had gotten a delivery of meat, so the stew had more than vegetable. Extra helpings of bread brought smiles to everyone's faces too. Sasha shovelled soup and bread into her mouth, her mouth drooling with excitement, silent tears spilling over. Showing her joy of the food that was filling her empty belly. Mikasa couldn't help but smile fondly.

"Sash, your gonna choke if you eat that fast" Connie warned. He knew she loved food but she needed to take it easy, there was more than enough for them. For once they had extra rations. Tempted to pull the bowl away from her until she calmed down and ate slowly, though he was glad Sasha had a healthy appetite, the speed in which she ate was worrying. Sasha huffed in response but started to slow down, not wanting to choke and worry everyone.

"How's the cheek Mikasa? Looks like Sasha did a good job" Marco asked in concern. Though it wasn't too bad, he knew it would still sting from time to time. Those wooden blades sure hurt. Given how often they were used before new ones were made, they could get stubbly and splinters were common. Though Mikasa had gotten off easy, many other students had suffered worse injuries against an opponent. Which was why so many had quit and decided to work in the fields instead of becoming a soldier.

"Stings, but it's a scrape" she smiled. She would live, she had endured worse injuries over her life. This one wouldn't kill her, they would endure worse than this in the war to come. She needed to be brave, she had a long way to go and people counting on her. She had been writing to her uncle about her life at the camps and her progress. He wrote back often, sending her letters of life back home and how Hanji was missing her. But praised her for doing well and how everyone awaited her return in the future.

"So, what are you guys going to do after graduation? I mean I know it's a year away and all. But it's something we gotta think about" Connie asked. When did time fly past so soon? Soon they would be thrown out into the real world, wearing their capes, armour, riding their horses and thinking strategic battle plans. I mean anyone who denied being scared was lying, the titans were a force to be reckoned with. You didn't have to have seen a titan in person to know the danger they posed. I mean everyone knew what they were getting into after signing up.

"I was thinking about nursing, to help in the medical field. But, given my family's history, survey core. Intuition is needed" Sasha cut in with a mouthful of bread. She knew her family would be proud and every little skill was helpful in the war. She could help patch up her friends, create medicine, etc. She was well equipped at horse riding, tracking, and hunting skills. She would do better on the field than she would guarding the walls.

"Whatever Sasha does, I follow. So I'm joining the survey corps too" Connie responded quickly. Best friends had to look out for each other and who else would keep her out of trouble when Mikasa wasn't around. But what about the others? He would never abandon his best friend, she was the first friend he ever made before joining Mikasa's group. He would always follow her, no matter he decision.

"I'm gonna join the core too, I don't know how good I'll be. But I'm gonna damn well try. Besides, I know you guys will have my back" Marco joined in. He had learned a lot in this place, aware of the leader Jean would become. He was a good judge of character, he knew Jean would do well, and his friends would look out for each other. He wanted to protect those in need from danger and keep his friends safe. War was not a pretty subject but they would get through it together.

"What about you Mikasa? I mean, your uncle is Captain, are you transferring to his squad? Or maybe you're more military police or garrison?" Sasha asked eagerly. With her skills, there was no doubt she would go far in the ranks. Mikasa shifted, this was a topic she had hoped to avoid for so long but it kept looming closer like a dark cloud before a storm. She just wanted to enjoy these happy days before they came to an end. Before she had to take up her swords and fight. The scent of gunpowder, blood and death lingering in the air, constantly on the battleground. Never knowing what a battle would bring.

She sighed heavily "My uncle wants me to join his team, his squad alongside Hanji, Petra and the others. He introduced me when I was young. But… I'd rather stay in my own squad. With you guys, I can always meet him my paying a visit" she explained. She loved her uncle and she always would. But she had other people she had to protect now too. She would not selfishly leave them behind. The others went silent with shock, it was no surprise with her skill her uncle would want her alongside him. But also to protect her and keep her close to him, given she was his only known living family. Though he didn't show it, he cared a great deal for her. Going against his wishes to remain among her friends in battle would worry him, but he would be aware she could handle herself. But what relative didn't worry about their family.

"MIKA!" Sasha whimpered, grabbing her tightly, enveloping her in her arms. Trying to hold back the tears of relief that Mikasa would be staying with them. If Mikasa separated and left them behind, she would be too lonely. She needed her best friend. For once she was glad she was disobeying her uncle if it meant they would be saying together. As much as she loved Connie, Marco and Jean, their group wouldn't be the same without Mikasa. She had become one of them now, they were better together.

Mikasa released a sigh as Sasha nuzzled against her tearfully, but allowed it. Sasha had become like a sister to her and leaving her behind was not an option. She cared for her greatly and she would fight alongside her in the future to come. "What about you Jean? You must have some plans after we leave this place" she asked curiously. As kids they had decided to join the military together in hopes of a reunion, but now they were in this together. The dream they shared was now coming into motion. But his choices were bound to change, it came with evolving as a person.

Jean hesitated, he had previously selfishly planned to join the military police. Knowing that the level of authority he would have would allow him to keep his mother safely within the inner walls. Though they were not looked upon fondly. Mikasa had been aware of this dream since he was a child. However, that would mean being separated from his friends, leaving Mikasa and the others behind. He didn't want that, not any more. "I… until now all I cared about was giving my mother a comfortable life, after all, she sacrificed for me. I thought by joining the military police I could give her that, after all, she gave up for me. But now… now I just want to do what's right, besides. I can't leave you guys" he joked. He was giving up his dream, giving his mother sanctuary within the inner walls, he had the skills for it. But, he wouldn't be happy knowing he would be leaving people he loved behind.

"WOOO! Team Jean is a go!" Connie beamed proudly. If Jean or Mikasa left it wouldn't be the same. They were better together, perhaps meeting each other had even been fate in the end. Jean groaned under his breath, but eventually, everyone cracked up laughing. They were a team and they always would be, protecting each other with all their might.

Eren's head was aching like hell, he had a swelling slightly from impact and the pain had lessened but it was becoming easier to tolerate. Thanks to some cold compress and herbal tea he was feeling a lot better. He had been tempted to lay down for a while but he knew some of his bunkmates may tease him for that, so he just wrote it off like it was nothing. However, as expected Armin was worrying about him. Trying to make him act cautiously until his injury was fully recovered. However, he was really getting fed up with how patronizing he was starting to sound.

"You know Eren, maybe Shadis was right. Not everyone has to be part of the Military, we could easily find somewhere to live elsewhere. I know how you feel about your mum but…" Armin trailed off. Eren hadn't spoken for weeks after the event, prone to breakdowns, randomly starting fights with people, even more sensitive to the smallest of triggers. He suffered insomnia from nightmares and his appetite was terrible, he was doing better nowadays. However, Armin always worried that he ran into things without thinking clearly.

Eren glared at him angrily, how could he even think of giving up so soon? They had come too far now to back out and run away from this. "NO, I won't let those monsters take over humanity! People are supposed to be free, not stupid mindless beasts in a cage. I'll kill them all, I swear it" he snapped. His mother had died for nothing, he would avenge her for the titan that had eaten her. She had been so kind and simply wanted to protect him, but like the spoiled brat he had been, he never truly appreciated her enough. More people lost their loved ones to war, starvation and the titans every day. It couldn't continue like that.

Armin whimpered, bowing his head as Eren snapped. He had never been the same since that day, he himself had lost his grandfather too. They were all each other had now. But sometimes, he worried about Eren's revenge obsession for his mother. He wondered about going to sit with Mikasa for headspace, he hated it when Eren was sulky like this. How he took out his temper on him all the time. "Eren, I know how awful it's been for you, I lost my grandpa too. We're both orphans. But could you get your head out of your ass for one second? There is more to surviving that fighting in a war, but sometimes I think your too blind to see that" he snapped.

Eren stiffened, a feeling of guilt hitting him in the chest. He had never meant to snap at Armin like that. It's just, he still hated himself for being so weak to be unable to save his mother. Watching her get snapped like a twig and eaten. He hated himself for running away. Sometimes he still had nightmares, the blood, thick in the air, his mother kicking and screaming, the titan's manic grin. No matter how much he tried to make it go away, it still lingered hot in his mind. "I.. sorry Armin… I shouldn't take this out on you" he grumbled.

Armin smiled, he knew how Eren's temper was. He knew he had to be better but he always messed up somehow, frustrated at his own incompetence. But he was too hard on himself. "I hear Annie Leonhart is pretty good. We could ask her and her friends for help. No trouble in asking" he suggested. Eren sighed but relented, it was better than nothing and he needed all the advice he could get. Its was the only hope he had of passing at this rate.

Sasha sat silently with Jean, grinning like a moron. She knew Jean was never the type of guy to give up an opportunity like the military police for nothing. She knew there had to be a pretty good reason for something like that. The Military police were taken pretty seriously but didn't have a good reputation. But they had a lot of influence indeed. With that position, he could have a cushy life for as long as he lived. But he was choosing to leave that life, the one he had worked so hard to achieve. He was going to join the scouting legion instead alongside them, and she could think of only one reason. She leaned towards him silently, keeping her voice quiet so Mikasa wouldn't hear. "Changing your mind about your future career, that wouldn't have anything to do with Mikasa would it?" she teased quietly. He knew how fond he was of her, more so of how he was the most attached to her out of anyone in their friendship group. She wasn't naive to the chemistry between them. Of course his feelings for her would cause him to divert from his original intentions. Not that she was mad, in fact she was really proud of him.

Jean felt his cheeks heat, hoping to god Mikasa couldn't hear any of this right now. Yes, he didn't want to leave her, knowing she was disobeying her uncle for him. Made him feel like an ass. He turned to glare silently at Sasha as a warning for her to shut up. He didn't need her teasing him right now, let alone spreading rumours that would lead to him being mocked. Yes, he had chosen to follow a path that allowed him to remain beside the girl he loved. He was already aware of how cheesy that was. Sasha grinned back, winking playfully. "Don't worry, I won't tell her. She's smart enough to figure it out herself. But you know, I'd tell her how you feel soon. Don't let a face-off with a titan make you realise that" she warned. She was more than willing to act as a matchmaker if it meant her friends could be happy. Soon their lives would become about survival and protecting the weak, their carefree days coming closer to an end. So he needed to act fast while he still had time.

Jean walked behind his friends for once as they headed back to the barracks, Sasha's words lingering in his mind on repeat. Why did she choose the weirdest times to say smart things that messed with him? Yes, he was in love with Mikasa and he had been ever since they were kids, She meant everything to him. He admired her strength, not her natural power as a soldier. No her inner strength as a woman, she had been through hell growing up. Yet she still carried her pure heart and the gentle smile he loved. Still the same person he had come to love. He wanted to protect her happiness a little longer, he didn't want to let her ponder on the future fate for too long. He wanted to let her live in this peaceful bliss a little longer before their frightening reality overtook their lives. Mikasa was a natural-born soldier, right now to her very genes. But she was also a girl, a human being who was capable of many emotions and weaknesses. Sometimes people forgot how fragile she could be. How anxious she had been whenever they had to part ways, how she would look like she wanted to cry when they had to say goodbye. That she was the first person to stand up for him against the bullies when he felt like he was all alone. Of how she had endured so much loss and loneliness, yet had found friendship with him.

"Jean? Are you ok? You seem rather out of sorts" Mikasa asked curiously. Was he feeling ok? He had been rather quiet all evening, aware Sasha had a private word with him at dinner. Was there something going on that she didn't know about? While she had always respected his privacy, she couldn't help but wonder if it was serious. Maybe he felt sad about giving up his dream about the Military Police, she knew how much that meant to him.

Jean jumped, not expecting her to appear out of nowhere like that. "Yeah… I guess… just contemplating our future" he mumbled. He had never really thought about how frightening this would all become. Soldiers were forced to leave the safety of the walls, heading out on missions with the possibility of being attacked every day. Counting the blessings of how they survived the titans. But they never truly came back the same person they had been before becoming soldiers. Losing their previous innocence day by day.

Mikasa smiled, reaching out to intertwine her hand with his own, trying to comfort him. "Yeah, it seems like only yesterday we arrived here. I can't believe it's been a year already. Soon we'll be leaving this place behind" she chuckled painfully. She would be standing in the same position as her uncle, possibly acting as a leader. Driving the troops to fight on, possibly losing friends. All manner of horrors and dangers awaited her. Like she was living her childhood all over again.

Jean knew she was scared, he could hear her voice shaking. She was frightened, aware of how strong the titans were. Until coming to the camps she had been raised in safety. But soon she would be forced to face them in person, all of their devastating power for her to fight. "Mikasa… you know… you… you never have to feel alone right? We… I… all of us.. we love you… so much" he babbled. They would never let her fight her own battles alone. Even if she was strong, they would protect her. She was their family, not just her friend. He knew how mushy that sounded, he had wanted to tell her he loved her. Wanted to tell her she was the most amazing girl he had ever met. That he had loved her from the day they met. But… somehow, he was still too scared.

Mikasa felt her cheeks heat, she knew all too well how much her friends treasured her. She loved them just as much in return, having found another family after leaving home. She would do anything to keep them safe. If anyone so much as laid a finger on them, they were on her shit list. She reached up to shyly finger her bow, she knew why Jean had chosen red and not just because of her scarf. "Jean… you… you do know what this ribbon means… in Japanese culture" she mumbled. The red string of fate, an invisible link to your soulmate. The person who was bound to be your lover for eternity. The person who would love you for all of your life. The person you were born to marry and love.

Jean blinked, truly he had chosen the ribbon because it matched her scarf. But he felt ashamed that he didn't know much about her heritage. But he hoped in the years to come he would eventually learn all about that. Though he did understand it was something important. Mikasa treasured it she never left anywhere without it. Truth be told when he chose it for her, he never thought she would like it as much as she did. He shook his head bashfully, averting his gaze. Mikasa bit her lip shyly "I… its called the red string of fate. M.. my uncle found a very old book in the archives for me through his connections. There… there is a legend, one about love. It says that all people have an invisible red string around their pinky connected to the person they are bound to marry someday. So… in away… me meeting you… and then you gave me this ribbon…" she trailed off nervously. She could feel herself shaking, her heart hammering in her chest. Thank god she wasn't wearing her scarf or she would be flapping it from the heat.

Jean went silent for a moment before his face flushed as red as her scarf. Realizing the impact of her words. Yes, she was not only confessing her mutual love but explaining the impact of the ribbon she wore. No wonder her uncle had acted so funny about not wanting grandkids, he would never be able to face her uncle without feeling embarrassed. He suddenly felt warm and couldn't look her in the eye, I mean, he and Mikasa weren't officially telling everyone. Their silent bond was something only they recognized. But… one day for them to be, yes that would make him very happy. He swallowed nervously, mustering up what little courage he could in this situation. "So…. does this mean… are we…" he stammered.

Mikasa looked up at him, her black eyes bright in the moonlight, a hopeful expression on her face. Jean had been her first love, and now her first boyfriend. She had waited patiently for the day she would finally see him again. But she hadn't expected to feel butterflies in her stomach like this, a nervous happiness that left her feeling awkward. "I… dating…. Yes. I think… this makes me your girlfriend" she mumbled. Hearing that word, saying it, she felt so very happy. She still felt like she was in a haze, wondering if this was really happening.

Jean couldn't help but smile like an idiot. He felt like a kid who had just been given a cookie. Back when he was a kid to come home and find his mum and made an omelette. God, he couldn't wait to tell her. She had always been so happy Jean had made a friend, let alone a female one who was so pretty and sweet. Often worrying about Jean being lonely. He knew that his friends would be over the moon for them. "So… we're a couple now. Should we tell them?" he chuckled softly. I mean, he was happy keeping it a secret for a little while longer.

Mikasa smiled, in the morning seemed like a better idea. She wanted to keep this secret a little longer, but they weren't exactly naive either. "We can let them figure it out for themselves, but if we need to. We can tell them". It would be more fun to see their expressions when they figured it out on their own. But she knew they would be happy for them. Sasha had been pestering her for ages about the way she looked at Jean when they were together.

Jean felt a surge of courage suddenly wash over him, I mean the moment felt right. This was something he had wanted for a long time. He had loved this girl for the past six years of his life. She was the epitome of his childhood sweetheart. "M… Mikasa can I… k.. kiss you?" he blurted out. There was a long silence as Mikasa looked up at him, her face darkening a brighter red. Her eyes so bright they looked like the stars themselves. But she nodded, a warm smile appearing on her face. She shyly tucked some of her bangs from her face. She slowly reached up to grab the collar of his shirt silently, confusing him. Before he could respond, Mikasa pulled him towards her, capturing his lips in her own soft perfect mouth. They were sweeter than he thought or was he imagining it. Like honey, or some sweet nectar he couldn't place. This felt like a dream-like he was on a cloud. The cool air tickled their cheeks, but neither barely noticed the drop in temperature. Too lost in the moment.

Mikasa slowly pulled away, still trembling but a feeling of unbridled girlish joy she had never felt before. Finally acting on her feelings and making a move on the boy she had feelings for since she was a child. She still gripped his shirt tightly for courage "I… I love you too…" she whispered. She felt like her legs may give out if she let go, suddenly filled with an urge to start laughing for no reason. She didn't know what to do with herself, all she knew was she couldn't stop smiling.

Jean was still in shock, a haze like state of the fact Mikasa had actually kissed him. The sensation still lingering on his lips. Soon he felt himself laughing under his breath, but he was so happy. Finally, the girl he had loved for so long was his. Of all the frightening things he would face in the future, this memory would be the happiest to date. Helping with whatever came his way in the upcoming weeks.

"Holy shit, he actually did it" Connie mumbled in shock, he was indeed impressed. All of the praise for Jean, he finally confessed to Mikasa. He finally told the girl he loved his feelings. He never thought it would happen. He felt like yelling at them to just make a move, confronting Jean on avoiding his feelings. He had earned his respect, given how awkward and terrifying confessing to your crush would be. Never knowing if it would end well and they felt the same, or terribly and they had feelings for someone else or didn't feel the same way about you. It seemed Jean had lucked out.

"Mika-chan and Jean…. They finally… I'm so happy" Sasha blubbered tearfully. She was so glad she gave Jean that pep talk, she knew all he needed was some incentive. Now they could finally be together like she wanted. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, blinded by happiness. She couldn't wait to finally congratulate them. She had been really worried Jean would write off her advice and simply sulk to himself.

Marco simply smiled with pride. Glad his best friend had finally mustered the courage to tell Mikasa how he felt. He must have been so scared, but soon things would progress naturally. They deserved to be happy, especially in this world, given the hellish future that awaited them.