Since I do not yet have For Honor I thought I'd attempt to fill the hole with a story. And since what I am going to use does not have an official name I will put a list. So, I suppose this is an alternate universe (AU). I hope you enjoy! – Crimson

The Lawbringer – William Raven

The Peacekeeper – Ava Hunter

The Orochi – Otake Keishi

William Raven walked on the muddied, wet path that led to the kingdom of Veryon. It was raining quite heavily. But that did not surprise William for it was the rainy season. After a long walk, he finally grew tired. He sat down on a stump of a tree. He opened a sack he brought with him. It was filled with little food and little water. He took a tiny sip of water and a nibble of bread. Not wanting to waste any more resources, he put them back in his sack and laid down to rest his head. The sky was filling with darkened clouds and the sun was nowhere to be seen. Instead replaced by the moon. Time was growing short so he decided he couldn't rest for any longer. He stood and continued down the path.

The sword clashed with the woodof the dummy. She had been training for hours. Only going to get some water. She didn't want to waste any time. She knew that peace had to come sooner than later. And that was what she wanted. Peace. Many told her that it was a fantasy, world peace. But, she was eager to prove them wrong.

"Lady Ava." It was an older man's voice that could be mistaken with no other. It was Darrien, their servant for years. She heard him but said nothing. Warranting him to say her name again, "Lady Ava."

This time he got a response, "What is it Darrien?" The words were said without care. Just as a response.

"Your Father wanted you." Darrien's words carried woe. Ava's father, Tyr Hunter, was brutal. Tyr did not care for his servants. Ava, his daughter, he cared for little more than them. They were all 'assets' as he once said.

"I do not wish to go." Ava said returning to her practice.

"But you know what will happen if you don't." Darrien told her. And she did know, beatings. She remembers the switch he used on her very vividly. She still had the scars from those times.

"I do." Ava told him, "But I do not wish to go."

"But, Ms. Ava." Darrien started, but did not finish knowing he couldn't persuade her. Instead of finishing he just sighed.

"Please tell Mr. Hunter that he can find me here if it is that desperate." She told him with little interest in the conversation.

"Yes, madam." He said and walked back inside.

Otake Keishi watched as the many men in armor walked down the trail. The man on the horse was his mission. He waited until the men walking were too far ahead to be able to do anything. And when that happened he took his chance. He leapt from the cover of the bush, tackled the man on the horse and into the cover of the bush in the other side. The man recovered quickly and unsheathed a dagger that was on his waist. Otake returned the favor. The man slashed at Otake's face. Otake put his hand up to his cheek and felt a little spill of crimson blood. Otake leapt towards the man with his knife, cutting deep into the man's side. He screamed and cursed at Otake whilst gripping his side. Otake's eyes (which were the only exposed part of his face) remained emotionless. Otake bowed and plunged the dagger into the forehead of the man. Otake removed the sword and ran his hand along the blade cleaning off the blood of his newest victim.

Hello everyone, this is just a short chapter for you to get to know a small about the characters. I hope you enjoyed. I might be putting some custom characters in so if you want you can send me PM's with your characters. Just include name, type, short backstory, etc. I will not be allowing any 'mage or wizardry' powers. So, sorry about that. Anyway, I'm not sure when this will be updated. Hopefully next week or this week.
