WOW! It has been FOREVER since I updated anything, I am Extremely Sorry about that, I have just fallen really far into the Hetalia Fandom, and It's not letting me out, and I've dragged down all my friends to my level. So I was coming up with a bunch of Hetalia Ideas, and now I have a bunch of things want to post. Since I know I won't be able to write all of these ideas out, Please will some people adopt these? If you see an idea that you like please message me and let me know, and have a swing at them.

Disclaimer: I, Kitty Katrona do not own Hetalia, Harry Potter, or any of the things I reference.

First Idea.

Harry Potter is abandoned as a child by the Dursleys in Spain. Raised and adopted by a random Spanish family, not knowing his name, they name him Antonio, and gives them their surname, when he gets his Hogwarts letter, the British Magical's take him away from the family and wipe him from their memories. But Harry doesn't forget. On the train he befriends an Albino girl, and a bushy-haired brunette with green eyes, named Gillian "Scarlet" Malfoy, and Hermione Elizaveta Granger, they all get sorted into Gryffindor, and Ron gets on all three of their nerves. Meanwhile Spain, Hungary, and Prussia have been gone since the 50's. During fourth year, France goes to Hogwarts with his school, and gets a shock of his life.

"Oi, Amigo this is probably not the best idea..." The auburn haired Potter said to his Albino best friend. Who was creeping down the hall with the bucket full of slugs. "Keseseseseseses, Nonsense! The Awesome Me came up with this, it'll totally work!", Scarlet replied, sneaking around the halls towards the Great Hall. "Scarlet, dumping a bucket of slugs on Signore Bonnefoy because he looked at Hermie funny is probably not the best idea, or way to get her attentions."

Once they were in front of the doors to the Great Hall, Scarlet hid them both behind an alcove, and she levitated the bucket above the doors. Harry "Toni" Potter, sighed and sat down on the floor, and they didn't have to wait long, for Francis Bonnefoy soon came into view, and just as he heads into the Great Hall, completely oblivious to the coming horror for him. "Now!", and down goes the bucket. The Frenchman's screams were heard all throughout the castle, and by all the students from all schools, and by a certain Englishman who had come to see his brothers school. Also heard by everyone, was Toni and Scarlet's distinct laughs. "Keseseseseseseseses!/Fusososososososososo!"

Before France could react to hearing those distinct laughs after so long, Hermione appeared nearby and yelled while holding out her skillet, "Hadrian Antonio Potter! Gillian Scarlet Malfoy! Your in for it now!" "Gottverdammt! Run Toni!" "Meirda! Already on it Amigo!"

France could only watch as a young lady he had seen last night who looked a lot like Hungary, chased after the two who looked and sounded almost identical to his two best friends who had been gone for many years. He wiped the slugs off himself. And England who had come over to laugh at him cast a charm to clean him up and they looked at each other with identical looks of bewilderment. They both then shared similar looks of determination, and went to ask some very important questions about those three students.