"Well in my opinion she is just the cutest, most fascinating thing ever!" Hanji gushed.

She clasped her hands together, squealing. Levi frowned; the general's hold on the girl's nape refused to loosen.

"An easy appearance shouldn't fool you! What if she's some find of abnormal titan, hmmm?"

"I just ran some tests on her; she shouldn't be of the sort."

"I'm doubtful. What should I do with it?"

"Why don't you show her around town? You could use a girlfriend!"

Levi's temple bulged. "I fucking do not!"

"Levi. A broom is not company."

Erwin entered the room. "What's seems to be the commotion here?"

Levi jerked his chin at black haired woman. "That."

"Is she a titan?"

"Well-no. But..."

"Then I don't see the problem here except for the nudity."

Levi sputtered. "Excuse me?!"

Erwin shrugged. "Now run along, you could use some vitamin D."

"Don't forget to bring her back!" Hanji called after them, "I wanna run some more tests on her."

Outside, Levi placed both his palms on either side of Mikasa's wheelchair. He leaned into her personal space until his nose brushed against hers. Mikasa scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Was he leaning in for a kiss?

"Don't think I'm doing this because I like you. You may have fooled Hanji and Erwin, but me, oh you will never lay one on me!" Levi swore, "and whatever innocent act you pulling off isn't going to work either. I have my eye you."

He sure sounds angry, Mikasa thought, dissing the idea of his preferred kiss. But oh, how sexy that accent sounded, and his deep voice melded together with it so perfectly than any other siren song, especially when furious. She sighed as she watched him go on and on.

"...And that's all I have to say. Oh yeah, and you stink," he finished, crossing his arms.

Levi glanced elsewhere, finally giving his mouth a rest. "I guess I should find you some clothes. Tch, move, and I'll personally cut off your arms and legs."

She stuck her tongue out at him when the guy wasn't looking. In the warm horizon the sun began to set. The sky bestowed a lovely sunset of light pastel colors. Mikasa hoped a tsunami would not outbreak because of her disappearance. She was supposed to be a sea queen after all. At least being captured by the humans wasn't turning out to be so bad. The giants were no where in sight. They had to have died.

Levi swung open the door. He tossed a satin dress over her shoulders. "Put that on."

Mikasa pushed the dress to the ground. The color left a sour taste in her mouth.

"Oi! Now I have to wash it again."

Levi growled at her smug expression. "I'll be right back."

Mikasa followed him in the wheelchair to the dressing room. She watched him pick out a white frilly gown and presented it to her.

"How about this one?"

She made a face.

"Hm. Me neither."

Levi placed the material back on it's hanger. As he busied himself in selecting another dress, Mikasa wheeled herself in front of a full body mirror. Her hair had grown longer in past few years. She fingered a damp lock, wishing to snip the strands of hair.

Levi showed her a pair of pants and flannel shirt. "This is all there is unless you want to go outside bare."

The girl's face lit up. She motioned for the clothes, happier with the selection. Levi tried, really tried, not to look at her while she dressed. Mikasa flashed him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, yeah, try not to get a your knickers in a knot."

At the expanding market Levi wheeled her around the semi crowded area. Many civilians turned their heads at the duo, more so to the mysterious stranger. Mikasa glanced around in awe. This appeared just like home yet better! Levi smirked slightly; the girl seemed to be having a field day. She pointed to a stand where a teddy bear sat on a shelf, then peered at Levi with fluttering eyes.

He grimaced in response. "You're dreaming if you think I'm getting you a souvenir."

Mikasa whined a light guttural sound deep in her throat. Her dainty fingers tugged his jacket sleeve in protest.

"I'm glad to see you're meeting new people," a familiar, annoying voice trilled.

Levi groaned as Jean stretched next to him. The young boy immediately blushed at the raven haired woman in the wheelchair.

"So who's the skirt?" Jean queried.

Levi shrugged. "All I know is that she's not from around here."

"Where is she from then?"

"Like hell if I know. Shouldn't you be cleaning something?"

"Oh yeah."

When Jean left Levi considered buying her the stupid teddy bear. "Spoiled brat."

He handed Mikasa the stuffed animal. She squeezed it tightly in her arms, a secretive smile plastered on her lips. Levi rolled his eyes.

"Let's go get some tea."

A waitress led them to a table near the ocean view at a seafood diner. Levi pointed at his chest. "Levi," he stated, then pointed at her as is asking her name too.

Mikasa caught on. A flicker of understanding danced across her black gems. "Mikasa," her light vocals presented proudly.

"At least we're getting somewhere," Levi murmured.

The waitress came back holding a dish of cocktails and tea. Levi sipped his green tea while stealing glances of this 'Mikasa' digging into the shrimp.

"She's very pretty," a waiter complimented when they were about the leave.

Levi clutched the handles of the wheelchair a bit more possessively.

"You know if we're going to make progress about why you're here, you're going to have to learn some good old English," Levi berated once at his beach house.

He helped Mikasa get accommodated in a guest room. Hanji would just have to wait another day. "No fishy business. The bathroom is over there."

Levi exited the suite to go prepare the study table for tomorrow whilst she fiddled with how the bathtub worked. Once in the polished porcelain, she switched on the a small pearly knob at the end. The cold water gushed everywhere on her form. Mikasa relaxed as she sank deeper in the tub. She gazed at the teddy bear by the windowsill.

She did not feel captive or like she was being held against her will. The word 'welcomed' felt more appropriate. Learning how to say it in English would have be a goal of hers so she could thank Levi later.

A loud strike of thunder forced her to jump out of her reverie. Mikasa sat up. So her ocean had decided to through a tantrum. She just hoped the damage wouldn't be as bad...