

Rated M

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or the franchise, as it belongs to Steph Meyers


Chapter 1

They say that you have to face the consequences of your choices and actions. And unfortunately, that applies to me as well. I can honestly say that I have made a whole bunch of choices and actions that have hurt several people. And my most recent one has hurt someone that is very important to me.

Jacob Black is my best friend since childhood who I recently found out what a wolf Shifter. I really should have seen this coming, but I thought my life couldn't have gotten any weirder other than the Cullens who are vampires. I went through a rather ridiculous bout of depression when the Cullens left and my boyfriend Edward broke up with me. It was so bad my father Charlie even suggested sending me back to my mother Renee or even being admitted into a crazy house. I somehow convinced him I was fine, but I can tell he still worries about me.

Anyway I began spending time with Jacob and even though I still wasn't over Edward and was doing all sort of reckless things to see a figment of my imagination that was the vampire, I found myself falling for Jacob a bit. I had decided to go cliff diving just to see imagination-Edward once again and stupidly did it during a storm and the time of the tide. I nearly drowned and Jacob had to save me again. He took me back home and he smelled a vampire; I was scared it was Victoria, but I saw Carlisle's car and was so excited to know that one of the Cullen's had come back to see me. Jacob wasn't happy, but my own happiness outweighed the guilt I felt, and I rushed into my home to find Alice waiting. Alice had thought I tried to kill myself until I explained what I was doing, which led her to commenting that I smelled like wet dog; Jacob walked in not long after that. Alice and Jacob ended up trading insults, but she left me alone to speak with Jacob. In that moment Jacob and I almost kissed, and truthfully I wanted to, but our moment was interrupted by a phone call. Jacob had told the person that Charlie wasn't home because he was out planning a funereal. It turns out the caller was Edward and that he thought I was dead and Charlie was planning my funeral, though he was really helping to plan Harry's. Edward decided to go to the royal of all vampires, the Volturi, to end his life and when they refused he planned to expose himself so they would have to. Alice saw this and told me and I immediately ran off to Italy to stop Edward. Jacob tried to stop me from going but I still loved Edward and wasn't going to let him die. I could tell that I hurt Jacob deeply but I couldn't bring myself to care at the time.

Alice and I made it to Italy and I was able to stop Edward from exposing himself to the public in time, but we were then escorted into the Volterra throne room and that was where I met Aro, Caius, Marcus, and the rest of the Volturi guard. They were intrigued that they couldn't read my mind nor harm me, as well that I was willing to die to keep Edward alive. Aro then gave me the ultimatum for dying since I knew about vampires at all, or being turned into one to preserve their secret. I'm all for being turned into a vampire, but Edward is against it and I know that Jacob would be as well should he find out.

Currently I was on the plane back to Forks, Washington and sitting between Alice and Edward. Edward and I reconciled and we were once again back together, but I couldn't stop the feeling of guilt that built inside me from knowing Jacob would react badly. He's told me numerous times his feelings for me but I kept brushing them off like they were nothing because I couldn't let go of Edward. And now he was going to be hurt more than ever just from seeing me back with the man that caused me so much pain for several months due to his absence.

So yes, this recent action of mine definitely hurt Jacob and was going to hurt him more the moment he sees me with Edward or when I tell him that Edward and I are back together. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have feelings for Jacob as well, but I did. I just hope it doesn't come down to me having to choose between the two of them, but they were supernatural enemies and I was caught in the middle; go figure. As I laid my head on Edward's shoulder to sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that our return to Forks was going to be a disaster waiting to happen.