Chapter 1

"Tag you're it!" Phoebe shouted, tagging her twin and running away. He giggled and chased her, running passed Barb who was decorating their new house in Metroburg.

"Be careful you too!" Hank called out, carrying a stack of boxes into their living room.

They ran upstairs into where their rooms were located, and up into an attic. The attic was wide and enormous and it appeared to look like a library. Phoebe immediately stopped, completely forgetting about their little game. "Tag!" He shouted, tagging her.

Before he could run away, Phoebe grabbed his wrist and ran away with him towards the bookshelves. "What are you doing?" He asked, running along with her.

"Look." She said, stopping in front of books.

But he was lost. However, he remembered that Phoebe was in love with books. But he never understood why, they were so lame to him. "Max! Look, it's a comic book on Mom and Dad's superhero life." Phoebe said, pointing up on the highest shelf. "Give me a boost." She demanded.

Without any hesitation or complaints, Max used his telekinesis to lift her up. "Oh my gosh! Why are you so heavy?" He questioned, struggling to steady her body. She was almost there but she kept moving passed it or underneath it.

"Keep it steady, Max!"

"I'm trying!" He snapped back. "Maybe if you'd help..." He muttered, but it was well heard.

Phoebe sighed, "Fine." And she used her telekinesis too, levitating herself. Phoebe didn't need her hand, she could easily do it just by focusing.

She reached her hands out and grabbed the shelf, then she pulled herself towards it. She simply grabbed the comic, however she quickly realized how high she was and she swiftly placed her feet on the bottom shelf and her hands were on the edge of the top shelf. Not only that but her back was in front of Max.

Phoebe was a lightweight 5 year old, and these shelves were strong and sturdy enough to handle her weight. "What are you doing, get down." Max stated, looking up at her.

"I can't!" She shouted, "It's too high." She said, looking down at him.

"Yes you can, Phoebe. I'm right here. I got you if you fall."

"Max, no! I can't! Get mom and dad!"

"Just jump!"

"No!" She yelled. "I'm _ I'm scared."

"Look, just fall back and I'll catch you. it's like those trust falls." Max said, sticking his arms out. Phoebe gave him one last petrified glance before closing her eyes and obeying. She fell back just like a trust fall.

However, when Phoebe fell back instead of landing perfectly in his arms. She landed on top of him and all of her weight dragged him down to the floor making a loud thud.

Hank and Barb immediately heard the ruckus, and they ran upstairs. "Max! Phoebe!" Barb called. But the only thing they heard was crying. They followed it until it led them into the attic where they seen Phoebe laying on top of Max and they both were crying.

Later On ...

Max and Phoebe sat at the table eating Oreo cookies and vanilla ice cream, just like their father, food made them feel better. "Sorry about your head, Max." Phoebe apologized.

"It's okay. I'm sorry my chin hit the back of your head." He replied, sniffing afterwards.

"It's okay."

They both continued eating their early desert while watching their parents move stuff around until it got late. After being told to floss and brush their teeth they were sent off to bed.

Their was 5 bedrooms. Their parents room, a workout room, a business room and Max and Phoebe's room which they shared.

They would spend the whole night talking, until they had fell asleep or their parents would come in and tell them a bedtime story to make them sleep faster. But tonight they were quite drained from the crying, so it was a breeze.

Phoebe and Max were at a playground, they were on their favorite ride which was the swings. They were giggling and laughing while the sun gazed down upon them."1!...2!..3!... Jump!" They yelled in unison, and they jumped off the swing landing into a garden of bright yellow sunflowers.They sat in the flowers giggling, "I'm gonna get some flowers for Mama." Phoebe told him. She got up and trailed off leaving her twin who was pulling pedals off the flowers.

She wanted to make Barb smile, as she picked the sunflowers she developed an idea to get her Dad some too. He did deserve some, and she didn't wanna leave him out. She spotted tulips even more farther away from Max, but she ran towards them.

Meanwhile Max returned to the swings, he pulled himself up on top of it, standing on it. Before he knew it, strong winds began to occur and clouds were forming above in the sky. He began to develop an uneasy intuition, "Phoebe!" He called gently. He didn't want to make a big thing, and she should be close. She said she was just getting sunflowers.

Phoebe didn't hear him, but what disrupt her peace was the darkening clouds in the sky. She was feeling something evil approaching,"Max!" She called. But nobody answered.

"Phoebe!" He called. But nobody answered. He got off the swing.Phoebe began running back to find Max, she was so scared and the darkness was growing within the sky.

"Max!" She called, seeing him in front of the swings. The twins immediately locked eyes and she ran towards him feeling so much relief and safety.As soon as they reunited they ran away feeling the black skies coming towards them, as if a hand was about to snatch one of them up and do whatever.

The flowers grown into crooked and creepy trees, and it scratched their flesh repeatedly. It was like claws trying to stop them and one of the branches did, Phoebe's long brown hair got caught into it.Max nearly noticed until she began screaming, "Max! Max! Help Me! I'm stuck!" She panicked.

He returned to Phoebe's rescue, seeing that her hair was completely tangled within it."This is gonna hurt..." He warned, then he began yanking and tearing her hair out of each thorn from the branch. He felt bad, seeing her wince and flinch.. he even seen a tear slide down her cheek.

The monster was close and they felt it... And they screamed in terror.

Both of their eyes opened, they seen that they were in bed, they seen the yellow night light was on and their best friend was right beside them. "Max." Phoebe said.


"I had a bad dream." She told him.

"Me too."

Alright, this will be Continued!