This idea has been haunting me for a while now, a little different version of season 1.

She works the nights by the water
She's gone astray so far away
From my father's daughter
She just wants a life for her baby
All on her own, no one will come
She's got to save him

She tells him, "Ooh, love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love.
I'm gonna give you all of my love.
Nobody matters like you."

She tells him, "Your life ain't gon' be nothing like my life.
You're gonna grow and have a good life.
I'm gonna do what I've got to do."

Clean Bandit feat Anne-Marie & Sean Paul – Rockabye


Louisiana, present day

Flynn Barden stood in front of the mirror in the small bathroom and stared at the fourth pregnancy test in her hand. Positive. Just like all the others. No, no, no… This couldn't be happening. She couldn't be pregnant. This had to be a nightmare. Slowly she looked up and saw her reflection in the mirror.

"How stupid are you?" she murmured.

Three months ago she made a huge mistake. She had been in Virginia, passing through a small town called Mystic Falls. Then she had heard the news. Her mother had died. And how had she handled that? By getting drunk in a local bar and waking up next morning naked in a strange man's bed. She had never felt so disgusted with herself and she had tried to sneak out before the man sleeping beside her would wake up. Unfortunately she hadn't succeeded.

The man had been careless to say the least; he hadn't even remembered her name. The worst part had been when he had asked how much he owed her. He had thought that she was a prostitute. That had been one of the most humiliating moments of her life and she had really needed to struggle to stop herself from bursting into tears. Somehow she had managed to keep herself together until she had made it back to her car. She had refused to take any cab money from the man; she had walked back to the bar. A walk of shame to say the least.

And now she was pregnant… Her hands started to shake before she threw up and sat down on the floor. She was 21-years-old, she had no home, no family, no steady job, no health insurance, nothing. Right now she was staying in a sleazy motel. How could she possibly have a baby? She had nothing to offer for a child, she could barely support herself. What was she going to do?

She could go back to Mystic Falls and… And what? Go to that man and tell him that she was pregnant with his child? Ask him some money? No. Definitely not. She never wanted to see that man again and hear his stupid accent. She was on her own, no one would help her. Slowly she touched her stomach. No, she wasn't on her own. There was someone else who needed her. She was going to be a mother. The thought was more than she could handle, every fiber of her being was saying that she couldn't do this. She could. She had to. For her child.

"It's alright," she murmured and stroked her stomach. "I'm going to take care of you, okay? I'll find a way."

It wasn't like she would be the first woman who would raise her child by herself. She could do this. She would build some kind of life for the two of them. Really, how difficult could it be?